Manual de referência do GNU Guix

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GNU Guix

Esse documento descreve Guix versão 4538aa4, uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de pacotes funcional escrita para o sistema GNU.

Este manual também está disponível em inglês (veja GNU Guix Reference Manual), chinês simplificado (veja GNU Guix参考手册), francês (veja Manuel de référence de GNU Guix), alemão (veja Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guix), espanhol (veja Manual de referencia de GNU Guix) e russo (veja Руководство GNU Guix). Se você quiser traduzi-lo para seu idioma nativo, considere participar do Weblate (veja Traduzindo o Guix).


Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

1 Introdução

GNU Guix1 é uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de pacotes e distribuição do sistema GNU. O Guix facilita a instalação, a atualização ou a remoção de pacotes de software, a reversão para um conjunto de pacotes anterior, a compilação de pacotes a partir do código-fonte e geralmente ajuda na criação e manutenção de ambientes de software.

Você pode instalar o GNU Guix sobre um sistema GNU/Linux existente, onde ele complementa as ferramentas disponíveis sem interferência (veja Instalação) ou você pode usá-lo como uma distribuição de sistema operacional independente, Guix System2. Veja Distribuição GNU.

1.1 Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix

O Guix fornece uma interface de gerenciamento de pacotes de linha de comando (veja Gerenciamento de pacote), ferramentas para ajudar no desenvolvimento de software (veja Desenvolvimento), utilitários de linha de comando para uso mais avançado (veja Utilitários), bem como interfaces de programação Scheme (veja Interface de programação). O build daemon é responsável por compilar pacotes em nome dos usuários (veja Configurando o daemon) e por baixar binários pré-compilados de fontes autorizados (veja Substitutos).

Guix inclui definições de pacotes para muitos pacotes GNU e não-GNU, todos os quais respeitam a liberdade de computação do usuário. É extensível: os usuários podem escrever suas próprias definições de pacotes (veja Definindo pacotes) e disponibilizá-los como módulos de pacotes independentes (veja Módulos de pacote). Também é personalizável: os usuários podem derivar definições de pacotes especializados das existentes, incluindo da linha de comando (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

Nos bastidores, a Guix implementa a disciplina gerenciamento de pacotes funcional pioneira da Nix (veja Agradecimentos). No Guix, o processo de compilação e instalação de pacotes é visto como uma função, no sentido matemático. Essa função recebe entradas, como scripts de compilação, um compilador e bibliotecas, e retorna um pacote instalado. Como uma função pura, seu resultado depende apenas de suas entradas – por exemplo, não pode fazer referência a um software ou scripts que não foram explicitamente passados como entradas. Uma função de compilação sempre produz o mesmo resultado ao passar por um determinado conjunto de entradas. Não pode alterar o ambiente do sistema em execução de qualquer forma; por exemplo, ele não pode criar, modificar ou excluir arquivos fora de seus diretórios de compilação e instalação. Isto é conseguido através da execução de processos de compilação em ambientes isolados (ou containers), onde somente suas entradas explícitas são visíveis.

O resultado das funções de compilação do pacote é mantido (cached) no sistema de arquivos, em um diretório especial chamado armazém (veja O armazém). Cada pacote é instalado em um diretório próprio no armazém – por padrão, em /gnu/store. O nome do diretório contém um hash de todas as entradas usadas para compilar esse pacote; Assim, a alteração uma entrada gera um nome de diretório diferente.

Essa abordagem é a fundação para os principais recursos do Guix: suporte para atualização transacional de pacotes e reversão, instalação por usuário e coleta de lixo de pacotes (veja Recursos).

1.2 Distribuição GNU

O Guix vem com uma distribuição do sistema GNU que consiste inteiramente de software livre3. A distribuição pode ser instalada por conta própria (veja Instalação do sistema), mas também é possível instalar o Guix como um gerenciador de pacotes em cima de um sistema GNU/Linux instalado (veja Instalação). Quando precisamos distinguir entre os dois, nos referimos à distribuição independente como Guix System.

A distribuição fornece pacotes GNU principais, como GNU libc, GCC e Binutils, além de muitos aplicativos GNU e não GNU. A lista completa de pacotes disponíveis pode ser acessada online ou executando guix package (veja Invocando guix package):

guix package --list-available

Nosso objetivo é fornecer uma distribuição prática e 100% de software livre, baseada em Linux e outras variantes do GNU, com foco na promoção e forte integração de componentes do GNU e ênfase em programas e ferramentas que ajudam os usuários a exercer essa liberdade.

Os pacotes estão atualmente disponíveis nas seguintes plataformas:


Arquitetura Intel/AMD x86_64, kernel Linux-Libre.


Arquitetura Intel de 32 bits (IA32), kernel Linux-Libre.


Arquitetura ARMv7-A com hard float, Thumb-2 e NEON, usando a interface binária de aplicativos EABI hard-float (ABI) e o kernel Linux-Libre.


Processadores ARMv8-A little-endian de 64 bits, kernel Linux-Libre.


GNU/Hurd sobre a arquitetura Intel de 32 bits (IA32).

Esta configuração é experimental e está em desenvolvimento. A maneira mais fácil de você tentar é configurando uma instância de hurd-vm-service-type na sua máquina GNU/Linux (veja hurd-vm-service-type). Veja Contribuindo, sobre como ajudar!


GNU/Hurd on the x86_64 Intel/AMD 64-bit architecture.

This configuration is even more experimental and under heavy upstream development.

mips64el-linux (sem suporte)

processadores little-endian MIPS de 64 bits, especificamente a série Loongson, n32 ABI e kernel Linux-Libre. Esta configuração não é mais totalmente suportada; em particular, não há trabalho em andamento para garantir que esta arquitetura ainda funcione. Caso alguém decida que deseja reviver esta arquitetura, o código ainda estará disponível.

powerpc-linux (sem suporte)

processadores PowerPC big-endian de 32 bits, especificamente o PowerPC G4 com suporte AltiVec e kernel Linux-Libre. Esta configuração não é totalmente suportada e não há trabalho em andamento para garantir que esta arquitetura funcione.


processadores little-endian 64 bits Power ISA, kernel Linux-Libre. Isso inclui sistemas POWER9 como o placa-mãe RYF Talos II. Esta plataforma está disponível como uma "prévia de tecnologia": embora seja suportada, substitutos ainda não estão disponíveis na fazenda de construção (veja Substitutos), e alguns pacotes podem falhar na construção (veja Rastreando Bugs e Mudanças). Dito isso, a comunidade Guix está trabalhando ativamente para melhorar esse suporte, e agora é um ótimo momento para experimentá-lo e se envolver!


processadores little-endian RISC-V de 64 bits, especificamente RV64GC, e kernel Linux-Libre. Esta plataforma está disponível como uma "prévia de tecnologia": embora seja suportada, substitutos ainda não estão disponíveis na build farm (veja Substitutos), e alguns pacotes podem falhar na compilação (veja Rastreando Bugs e Mudanças). Dito isto, a comunidade Guix está trabalhando ativamente para melhorar este suporte, e agora é um ótimo momento para experimentá-lo e se envolver!

Com o Guix System, você declara todos os aspectos da configuração do sistema operacional, e o Guix cuida de instanciar a configuração de maneira transacional, reproduzível e sem estado (veja Configuração do sistema). O Guix System usa o kernel Linux-libre, o sistema de inicialização Shepherd (veja Introduction em The GNU Shepherd Manual), os conhecidos utilitários do GNU e cadeia de ferramentas, bem como o ambiente gráfico ou os serviços de sistema do sua escolha.

Guix System is available on all the above platforms except mips64el-linux, powerpc-linux, powerpc64le-linux and riscv64-linux.

Para obter informações sobre como portar para outras arquiteturas ou kernels, veja Portando para uma nova plataforma.

A construção desta distribuição é um esforço cooperativo e você está convidado a participar! Veja Contribuindo, para obter informações sobre como você pode ajudar.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

2 Instalação

Você pode instalar a ferramenta de gerenciamento de pacotes Guix sobre um sistema GNU/Linux ou GNU/Hurd existente4, conhecido como distro estrangeiro. Se, em vez disso, você quiser instalar a distribuição completa e autônoma do sistema GNU, Guix System, veja Instalação do sistema. Esta seção se preocupa apenas com a instalação do Guix em uma distro estrangeira.

Importante: Esta seção se aplica somente a sistemas sem Guix. Segui-la para instalações Guix existentes sobrescreverá arquivos importantes do sistema.

Quando instalado sobre uma distro alheia. GNU Guix complementa as ferramentas disponíveis sem interferência. Seus dados residem exclusivamente em dois diretórios, geralmente /gnu/store e /var/guix; outros arquivos no seu sistema, como /etc, são deixados intactos.

Uma vez instalado, o Guix pode ser atualizado executando guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull).

2.1 Instalação de binários

This section describes how to install Guix from a self-contained tarball providing binaries for Guix and for all its dependencies. This is often quicker than installing from source, described later (veja Compilando do git).

Importante: Esta seção se aplica somente a sistemas sem Guix. Segui-la para instalações Guix existentes sobrescreverá arquivos importantes do sistema.

Algumas distribuições GNU/Linux, como Debian, Ubuntu e openSUSE fornecem Guix por meio de seus próprios gerenciadores de pacotes. A versão do Guix pode ser mais antiga que 4538aa4, mas você pode atualizá-la depois executando ‘guix pull’.

Aconselhamos os administradores de sistema que instalam o Guix, tanto a partir do script de instalação quanto por meio do gerenciador de pacotes nativo de sua distribuição estrangeira, a também ler e seguir regularmente os avisos de segurança, conforme mostrado pelo guix pull.

Para Debian ou derivados como Ubuntu ou Trisquel, chame:

sudo apt install guix

Da mesma forma, no openSUSE:

sudo zypper install guix

Se você estiver executando o Parabola, depois de habilitar o repositório pcr (Parabola Community Repo), você pode instalar o Guix com:

sudo pacman -S guix

O projeto Guix também fornece um script de shell,, que automatiza o processo de instalação binária sem o uso de um gerenciador de pacotes de distro estrangeiro5. O uso de requer Bash, GnuPG, GNU tar, wget e Xz.

The script guides you through the following:

  • Baixando e extraindo o tarball binário
  • Setting up the build daemon
  • Disponibilizando o comando ‘guix’ para usuários não root
  • Configuring substitute servers

Como root, execute:

# cd /tmp
# wget
# chmod +x
# ./

O script para instalar o Guix também está empacotado no Parabola (no repositório pcr). Você pode instalá-lo e executá-lo com:

sudo pacman -S guix-installer

Nota: Por padrão, configurará o Guix para baixar binários de pacotes pré-construídos, chamados substitutes (veja Substitutos), das fazendas de construção do projeto. Se você escolher não permitir isso, o Guix construirá tudo a partir da fonte, tornando cada instalação e atualização muito cara. Veja Confiança em binários para uma discussão sobre por que você pode querer construir pacotes a partir da fonte.

Para usar substitutos de, ou um espelho, você deve autorizá-los. Por exemplo,

# guix archive --authorize < \
# guix archive --authorize < \

Quando terminar de instalar o Guix, veja Configuração de aplicativo para configurações extras que você pode precisar e Começando para seus primeiros passos!

Nota: O tarball da instalação binária pode ser (re)produzido e verificado simplesmente executando o seguinte comando na árvore de código-fonte do Guix:

make guix-binary.sistema.tar.xz

... que, por sua vez, executa:

guix pack -s sistema --localstatedir \
  --profile-name=current-guix guix

Veja Invocando guix pack, para mais informações sobre essa ferramenta útil.

Caso você queira desinstalar o Guix, execute o mesmo script com o sinalizador --uninstall:

./ --uninstall

Com --uninstall, o script exclui irreversivelmente todos os arquivos Guix, configuração e serviços.

2.2 Configurando o daemon

Durante a instalação, o build daemon que deve estar em execução para usar o Guix já foi configurado e você pode executar comandos guix no seu programa de terminal, veja Começando:

guix build hello

Se isso ocorrer sem erros, sinta-se à vontade para pular esta seção. Você deve continuar com a seção seguinte, Configuração de aplicativo.

No entanto, agora seria um bom momento para substituir versões desatualizadas do daemon, ajustá-lo, executar compilações em outras máquinas (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento) ou iniciá-lo manualmente em ambientes especiais como “chroots” (veja Acessando um sistema existente via chroot) ou WSL (não necessário para imagens WSL criadas com Guix, veja wsl2-image-type). Se você quiser saber mais ou otimizar seu sistema, vale a pena ler esta seção.

Operações como compilar um pacote ou executar o coletor de lixo são todas executadas por um processo especializado, o build daemon, em nome dos clientes. Apenas o daemon pode acessar o armazém e seu banco de dados associado. Assim, qualquer operação que manipule o armazém passa pelo daemon. Por exemplo, ferramentas de linha de comando como guix package e guix build se comunicam com o daemon (via chamadas de procedimento remoto) para instruir o que fazer.

As seções a seguir explicam como preparar o ambiente do daemon de compilação. Veja Substitutos para informações sobre como permitir que o daemon baixe binários pré-compilados.

2.2.1 Configuração do ambiente de compilação

Em uma configuração multiusuário padrão, o Guix e seu daemon – o programa guix-daemon – são instalados pelo administrador do sistema; /gnu/store é de propriedade de root e guix-daemon é executado como root. Usuários desprivilegiados podem usar ferramentas Guix para criar pacotes ou acessar o armazém, e o daemon fará isso em seu nome, garantindo que o armazém seja mantido em um estado consistente e permitindo que pacotes construídos sejam compartilhados entre os usuários.

Quando guix-daemon é executado como root, você pode não querer que os próprios processos de compilação de pacotes também sejam executados como root, por razões óbvias de segurança. Para evitar isso, um conjunto especial de usuários de compilação deve ser criado para uso pelos processos de construção iniciados pelo daemon. Esses usuários de compilação não precisam ter um shell e um diretório pessoal: eles serão usados apenas quando o daemon der um privilégio root nos processos de compilação. Ter vários desses usuários permite que o daemon ative processos de compilação distintos sob UIDs separados, o que garante que eles não interfiram uns com os outros - um recurso essencial, pois as compilações são consideradas funções puras (veja Introdução).

Em um sistema GNU/Linux, um conjunto de usuários de construção pode ser criado assim (usando a sintaxe Bash e os comandos shadow):

# groupadd --system guixbuild
# for i in $(seq -w 1 10);
    useradd -g guixbuild -G guixbuild           \
            -d /var/empty -s $(which nologin)   \
            -c "Guix build user $i" --system    \

O número de usuários de compilação determina quantos trabalhos de compilação podem ser executados em paralelo, conforme especificado pela opção --max-jobs (veja --max-jobs). Para usar guix system vm e comandos relacionados, você pode precisar adicionar os usuários de compilação ao grupo kvm para que eles possam acessar /dev/kvm, usando -G guixbuild,kvm em vez de -G guixbuild (veja Invoking guix system).

The guix-daemon program may then be run as root with the following command6:

# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild

Dessa forma, o daemon inicia os processos de compilação em um chroot, sob um dos usuários guixbuilder. No GNU/Linux, por padrão, o ambiente chroot contém nada além de:

  • um diretório /dev mínimo, criado principalmente independentemente do /dev do hospedeiro7;
  • o diretório /proc; mostra apenas os processos do contêiner desde que um espaço de nome PID separado é usado;
  • /etc/passwd com uma entrada para o usuário atual e uma entrada para o usuário nobody;
  • /etc/group com uma entrada para o grupo de usuários;
  • /etc/hosts com uma entrada que mapeia localhost para;
  • um diretório /tmp com permissão de escrita.

O chroot não contém um diretório /home, e a variável de ambiente HOME é definida como o inexistente /homeless-shelter. Isso ajuda a destacar usos inapropriados de HOME nos scripts de construção de pacotes.

Tudo isso geralmente é suficiente para garantir que os detalhes do ambiente não influenciem os processos de construção. Em alguns casos excepcionais em que mais controle é necessário — normalmente sobre a data, kernel ou CPU — você pode recorrer a uma máquina de construção virtual (veja máquinas de construção virtual).

Você pode influenciar o diretório onde o daemon armazena árvores de build via a variável de ambiente TMPDIR. No entanto, a árvore de build dentro do chroot é sempre chamada /tmp/guix-build-name.drv-0, onde name é o nome da derivação—por exemplo, coreutils-8.24. Dessa forma, o valor de TMPDIR não vaza dentro de ambientes de build, o que evita discrepâncias em casos em que os processos de build capturam o nome de sua árvore de build.

O daemon também respeita as variáveis de ambiente http_proxy e https_proxy para downloads HTTP e HTTPS que ele realiza, seja para derivações de saída fixa (veja Derivações) ou para substitutos (veja Substitutos).

Se você estiver instalando o Guix como um usuário sem privilégios, ainda é possível executar guix-daemon desde que você passe --disable-chroot. No entanto, os processos de construção não serão isolados uns dos outros, e nem do resto do sistema. Assim, os processos de construção podem interferir uns nos outros, e podem acessar programas, bibliotecas e outros arquivos disponíveis no sistema — tornando muito mais difícil visualizá-los como funções puras.

2.2.2 Usando o recurso de descarregamento

Quando desejado, o daemon de compilação pode offload compilações de derivação para outras máquinas executando Guix, usando o offload build hook8. Quando esse recurso é habilitado, uma lista de máquinas de compilação especificadas pelo usuário é lida de /etc/guix/machines.scm; toda vez que uma compilação é solicitada, por exemplo via guix build, o daemon tenta descarregá-la para uma das máquinas que satisfazem as restrições da derivação, em particular seus tipos de sistema — por exemplo, x86_64-linux. Uma única máquina pode ter vários tipos de sistema, seja porque sua arquitetura o suporta nativamente, via emulação (veja Transparent Emulation with QEMU), ou ambos. Os pré-requisitos ausentes para a compilação são copiados por SSH para a máquina de destino, que então prossegue com a compilação; em caso de sucesso, a(s) saída(s) da compilação são copiadas de volta para a máquina inicial. O recurso de offload vem com um agendador básico que tenta selecionar a melhor máquina. A melhor máquina é escolhida entre as máquinas disponíveis com base em critérios como:

  1. A disponibilidade de um slot de build. Uma máquina de build pode ter tantos slots de build (conexões) quanto o valor do campo parallel-builds do seu objeto build-machine.
  2. Sua velocidade relativa, conforme definida pelo campo speed do seu objeto build-machine.
  3. Sua carga. A carga normalizada da máquina deve ser menor que um valor limite, configurável por meio do campo overload-threshold de seu objeto build-machine.
  4. Disponibilidade de espaço em disco. Mais de 100 MiB devem estar disponíveis.

O arquivo /etc/guix/machines.scm geralmente se parece com isso:

(list (build-machine
        (name "")
        (systems (list "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"))
        (host-key "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza…")
        (user "bob")
        (speed 2.))     ;incredibly fast!

        (name "")
        (systems (list "aarch64-linux"))
        (host-key "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza…")
        (user "alice")

        ;; Lembre-se de que 'guix offload' é gerado por
        ;; 'guix-daemon' como root.
        (private-key "/root/.ssh/identity-for-guix")))

No exemplo acima, especificamos uma lista de duas máquinas de compilação, uma para as arquiteturas x86_64 e i686 e uma para a arquitetura aarch64.

De fato, esse arquivo é – não surpreendentemente! – um arquivo de Scheme que é avaliado quando o hook offload é iniciado. Seu valor de retorno deve ser uma lista de objetos de build-machine. Embora este exemplo mostre uma lista fixa de máquinas de compilação, pode-se imaginar, digamos, usando DNS-SD para retornar uma lista de possíveis máquinas de compilação descobertas na rede local (veja Guile-Avahi em Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs). O tipo de dados de build-machine está detalhado abaixo.

Tipo de dados: build-machine

Esse tipo de dados representa máquinas de compilação nas quais o daemon pode descarregar compilações. Os campos importantes são:


O nome de host da máquina remota.


O sistema digita os tipos que a máquina remota suporta, por exemplo, (list "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux").


The user account on the remote machine to use when connecting over SSH. Note that the SSH key pair must not be passphrase-protected, to allow non-interactive logins.


Essa deve ser a SSH chave pública do host da máquina no formato OpenSSH. Isso é usado para autenticar a máquina quando nos conectamos a ela. É uma string longa que se parece com isso:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC…mde+UhL

Se a máquina estiver executando o daemon OpenSSH, sshd, a chave do host poderá ser encontrada em um arquivo como /etc/ssh/

Se a máquina estiver executando o daemon SSH do GNU lsh, lshd, a chave do host estará em /etc/lsh/ ou em um arquivo semelhante. Ele pode ser convertido para o formato OpenSSH usando o lsh-export-key (veja Converting keys em LSH Manual):

$ lsh-export-key --openssh < /etc/lsh/

Vários campos opcionais podem ser especificados:

port (padrão: 22)

O número da porta para o servidor SSH na máquina.

private-key (padrão: ~root/.ssh/id_rsa)

O arquivo de chave privada SSH a ser usado ao conectar-se à máquina, no formato OpenSSH. Esta chave não deve ser protegida com uma senha.

Observe que o valor padrão é a chave privada da usuário root. Verifique se ele existe se você usar o padrão.

compression (padrão: ",zlib")
compression-level (padrão: 3)

Os métodos de compactação no nível SSH e o nível de compactação solicitado.

Observe que o descarregamento depende da compactação SSH para reduzir o uso da largura de banda ao transferir arquivos de e para máquinas de compilação.

daemon-socket (padrão: "/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket")

O nome do arquivo do soquete do domínio Unix guix-daemon está escutando nessa máquina.

overload-threshold (default: 0.8)

O limite de carga acima do qual uma máquina de offload potencial é desconsiderada pelo agendador de offload. O valor traduz aproximadamente o uso total do processador da máquina de build, variando de 0,0 (0%) a 1,0 (100%). Ele também pode ser desabilitado definindo overload-threshold para #f.

parallel-builds (padrão: 1)

O número de compilações que podem ser executadas paralelamente na máquina.

speed (padrão: 1.0)

Um “fator de velocidade relativo”. O agendador de descarregamento tenderá a preferir máquinas com um fator de velocidade mais alto.

features (padrão: '())

Uma lista de strgins que denotam recursos específicos suportados pela máquina. Um exemplo é "kvm" para máquinas que possuem os módulos KVM Linux e o suporte de hardware correspondente. As derivações podem solicitar recursos pelo nome e serão agendadas nas máquinas de compilação correspondentes.

Nota: No Guix System, em vez de gerenciar /etc/guix/machines.scm de forma independente, você pode escolher especificar máquinas de compilação diretamente na declaração operating-system, no campo build-machines de guix-configuration. Veja campo build-machines de guix-configuration.

O comando guix deve estar no caminho de pesquisa nas máquinas de compilação. Você pode verificar se este é o caso executando:

ssh build-machine guix repl --version

Há uma última coisa a fazer quando o machines.scm está em vigor. Como explicado acima, ao descarregar, os arquivos são transferidos entre os armazéns das máquinas. Para que isso funcione, primeiro você precisa gerar um par de chaves em cada máquina para permitir que o daemon exporte arquivos assinados de arquivos do armazém (veja Invocando guix archive):

# guix archive --generate-key

Nota: Este par de chaves não está relacionado ao par de chaves SSH mencionado anteriormente na descrição do tipo de dados build-machine.

Cada máquina de construção deve autorizar a chave da máquina principal para que ela aceite itens do armazém que recebe do mestre:

# guix archive --authorize < master-public-key.txt

Da mesma forma, a máquina principal deve autorizar a chave de cada máquina de compilação.

Todo esse barulho com as chaves está aqui para expressar relações de confiança mútua de pares entre a máquina mestre e as de compilação. Concretamente, quando o mestre recebe arquivos de uma máquina de compilação (e vice-versa), seu daemon de compilação pode garantir que eles sejam genuínos, não tenham sido violados e que sejam assinados por uma chave autorizada.

Para testar se sua configuração está operacional, execute este comando no nó principal:

# guix offload test

Isso tentará se conectar a cada uma das máquinas de compilação especificadas em /etc/guix/machines.scm, certificar-se de que o Guix esteja disponível em cada máquina, tentará exportar para a máquina e importar dela e relatará qualquer erro no processo.

Se você quiser testar um arquivo de máquina diferente, basta especificá-lo na linha de comando:

# guix offload test machines-qualif.scm

Por fim, você pode testar o subconjunto das máquinas cujo nome corresponde a uma expressão regular como esta:

# guix offload test machines.scm '\.gnu\.org$'

Para exibir o carregamento atual de todos os hosts de compilação, execute este comando no nó principal:

# guix offload status

2.2.3 Suporte a SELinux

O Guix inclui um arquivo de políticas do SELinux em etc/guix-daemon.cil que pode ser instalado em um sistema em que o SELinux está ativado, para rotular os arquivos do Guix e especificar o comportamento esperado do daemon. Como o Guix System não fornece uma política básica do SELinux, a política do daemon não pode ser usada no Guix System. Instalando a política do SELinux

Nota: O script de instalação binária se oferece para executar as etapas abaixo para você (veja Instalação de binários).

Para instalar a política, execute esse comando como root:

semodule -i /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/share/selinux/guix-daemon.cil

Então, como root, renomeie o sistema de arquivos, possivelmente depois de torná-lo gravável:

mount -o remount,rw /gnu/store
restorecon -R /gnu /var/guix

Neste ponto, você pode iniciar ou reiniciar guix-daemon; em uma distribuição que usa systemd como seu gerenciador de serviços, você pode fazer isso com:

systemctl restart guix-daemon

Depois que a política é instalada, o sistema de arquivos foi rotulado novamente e o daemon foi reiniciado, ele deve estar em execução no contexto guix_daemon_t. Você pode confirmar isso com o seguinte comando:

ps -Zax | grep guix-daemon

Monitore os arquivos de log do SELinux enquanto executa um comando como guix build hello para se convencer de que o SELinux permite todas as operações necessárias. Limitações

Esta política não é perfeita. Aqui está uma lista de limitações ou peculiaridades que devem ser consideradas ao implementar a política SELinux fornecida para o daemon Guix.

  1. guix_daemon_socket_t isn’t actually used. None of the socket operations involve contexts that have anything to do with guix_daemon_socket_t. It doesn’t hurt to have this unused label, but it would be preferable to define socket rules for only this label.
  2. guix gc não pode acessar links arbitrários para perfis. Por design, o rótulo do arquivo do destino de uma ligação simbólica é independente do rótulo do arquivo do próprio link. Embora todos os perfis em $localstatedir estejam rotulados, as ligações para esses perfis herdam o rótulo do diretório em que estão. Para as ligações no diretório pessoal do usuário, será user_home_t. Mas, para ligações do diretório pessoal do usuário root, ou /tmp, ou do diretório de trabalho do servidor HTTP etc., isso não funcionará. guix gc seria impedido de ler e seguir essas ligações.
  3. O recurso do daemon de escutar conexões TCP pode não funcionar mais. Isso pode exigir regras extras, porque o SELinux trata os soquetes de rede de maneira diferente dos arquivos.
  4. Atualmente, todos os arquivos com um nome correspondente à expressão regular /gnu/store/.+-(guix-.+|profile)/bin/guix-daemon recebem o rótulo guix_daemon_exec_t; isso significa que qualquer arquivo com esse nome em qualquer perfil poderá ser executado no domínio de guix_daemon_t. Isto não é o ideal. Um invasor pode criar um pacote que forneça esse executável e convencer um usuário a instalar e executá-lo, o que o eleva ao domínio de guix_daemon_t. Nesse ponto, o SELinux não poderia impedir o acesso a arquivos permitidos para processos nesse domínio.

    Você precisará renomear o diretório store após todas as atualizações para guix-daemon, como após executar guix pull. Supondo que o store esteja em /gnu, você pode fazer isso com restorecon -vR /gnu, ou por outros meios fornecidos pelo seu sistema operacional.

    Poderíamos gerar uma política muito mais restritiva no momento da instalação, para que apenas o nome do arquivo exato do executável guix-daemon atualmente instalado seja rotulado com guix_daemon_exec_t, em vez de usar um amplo expressão regular. A desvantagem é que o root precisaria instalar ou atualizar a política no momento da instalação sempre que o pacote Guix que fornece o executável guix-daemon em execução efetiva for atualizado.

2.3 Invocando guix-daemon

O programa guix-daemon implementa todas as funcionalidades para acessar o armazém. Isso inclui iniciar processos de compilação, executar o coletor de lixo, consultar a disponibilidade de um resultado da compilação etc. É normalmente executado como root, assim:

# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild

Este daemon também pode ser iniciado seguindo o protocolo de “ativação de soquete” do systemd (veja make-systemd-constructor em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

Para detalhes sobre como configurá-lo, veja Configurando o daemon.

Por padrão, guix-daemon inicia processos de compilação sob diferentes UIDs, obtidos do grupo de compilação especificado com --build-users-group. Além disso, cada processo de compilação é executado em um ambiente chroot que contém apenas o subconjunto do armazém do qual o processo de compilação depende, conforme especificado por sua derivação (veja derivação), mais um conjunto de diretórios de sistema específicos. Por padrão, o último contém /dev e /dev/pts. Além disso, no GNU/Linux, o ambiente de compilação é um container: além de ter sua própria árvore de sistema de arquivos, ele tem um espaço de nome de montagem separado, seu próprio espaço de nome PID, espaço de nome de rede, etc. Isso ajuda a obter compilações reproduzíveis (veja Recursos).

Quando o daemon executa uma compilação em nome do usuário, ele cria um diretório de compilação em /tmp ou no diretório especificado por sua variável de ambiente TMPDIR. Esse diretório é compartilhado com o contêiner durante a compilação, embora dentro do contêiner, a árvore de compilação seja sempre chamada de /tmp/guix-build-name.drv-0.

O diretório de compilação é excluído automaticamente após a conclusão, a menos que a compilação falhe e o cliente tenha especificado --keep-failed (veja --keep-failed).

O daemon escuta conexões e gera um subprocesso para cada sessão iniciada por um cliente (um dos subcomandos guix). O comando guix processes permite que você tenha uma visão geral da atividade no seu sistema visualizando cada uma das sessões e clientes ativos. Veja Invocando guix processes, para mais informações.

As seguintes opções de linha de comando são suportadas:


Obtém os usuários do grupo para executar os processos de compilação (veja usuários de compilação).


Não use substitutos para compilar produtos. Ou seja, sempre crie coisas localmente, em vez de permitir downloads de binários pré-compilados (veja Substitutos).

Quando o daemon é executado com --no-substitutes, os clientes ainda podem habilitar explicitamente a substituição por meio da chamada de procedimento remoto set-build-options (veja O armazém).


Consider urls the default whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs. When this option is omitted, ‘’ is used.

Isso significa que os substitutos podem ser baixados de urls, desde que assinados por uma assinatura confiável (veja Substitutos).

Veja Obtendo substitutos de outros servidores, para mais informações sobre como configurar o daemon para obter substitutos de outros servidores.


Não use compilações de offload para outras máquinas (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento). Ou seja, sempre compile as coisas localmente em vez de descarregar compilações para máquinas remotas.


Armazena em cache as compilações que falharam. Por padrão, apenas compilações bem-sucedidas são armazenadas em cache.

Quando essa opção é usada, o guix gc --list-failures pode ser usado para consultar o conjunto de itens do armazém marcados como com falha; O guix gc --clear-failures remove os itens do armazém do conjunto de falhas em cache. Veja Invocando guix gc.

-c n

Usa n núcleos de CPU para compilar cada derivação; 0 significa todos disponíveis.

O valor padrão é 0, mas pode ser substituído pelos clientes, como a opção --cores de guix build (veja Invocando guix build).

O efeito é definir a variável de ambiente NIX_BUILD_CORES no processo de compilação, que pode então usá-la para explorar o paralelismo interno — por exemplo, executando make -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES.

-M n

Permite no máximo n tarefas de compilação em paralelo. O valor padrão é 1. Definir como 0 significa que nenhuma compilação será executada localmente; em vez disso, o daemon descarregará as compilações (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento) ou simplesmente falhará.


Quando o processo de compilação ou substituição permanecer em silêncio por mais de segundos, encerra-o e relata uma falha de compilação.

The default value is 3600 (one hour).

O valor especificado aqui pode ser substituído pelos clientes (veja --max-silent-time).


Da mesma forma, quando o processo de compilação ou substituição durar mais que segundos, encerra-o e relata uma falha de compilação.

O valor padrão é 24 horas.

O valor especificado aqui pode ser substituído pelos clientes (veja --timeout).


Compila cada derivação n vezes seguidas e gera um erro se os resultados consecutivos da compilação não forem idênticos bit a bit. Observe que essa configuração pode ser substituída por clientes como guix build (veja Invocando guix build).

Quando usado em conjunto com --keep-failed, uma saída de comparação é mantida no armazém, sob /gnu/store/…-check. Isso facilita procurar por diferenças entre os dois resultados.


Produz uma saída de depuração.

Isso é útil para depurar problemas de inicialização do daemon, mas pode ser substituído pelos clientes, por exemplo, a opção --verbosity de guix build (veja Invocando guix build).


adiciona dir ao chroot de compilação.

Isso pode alterar o resultado dos processos de compilação – por exemplo, se eles usam dependências opcionais encontradas em dir quando estão disponíveis, e não o contrário. Por esse motivo, não é recomendável fazê-lo. Em vez disso, verifique se cada derivação declara todas as entradas necessárias.


Desabilita compilações em chroot.

O uso dessa opção não é recomendado, pois, novamente, isso permitiria que os processos de compilação obtivessem acesso a dependências não declaradas. Porém, é necessário quando o guix-daemon está sendo executado em uma conta de usuário sem privilégios.


Compacta logs de compilação de aconrdo com tipo, que pode ser um entre gzip, bzip2 e none.

A menos que --lose-logs seja usado, todos os logs de build são mantidos em localstatedir. Para economizar espaço, o daemon os compacta automaticamente com gzip por padrão.


Se deve descobrir servidores substitutos na rede local usando mDNS e DNS-SD.

Este recurso ainda é experimental. No entanto, aqui estão algumas considerações.

  1. Pode ser mais rápido/menos caro do que buscar em servidores remotos;
  2. Não há riscos de segurança, apenas substitutos genuínos serão usados (veja Autenticação de substituto);
  3. Um invasor anunciando guix publish na sua LAN não pode fornecer binários maliciosos, mas pode descobrir qual software você está instalando;
  4. Os servidores podem servir substitutos via HTTP, sem criptografia, para que qualquer pessoa na LAN possa ver qual software você está instalando.

Também é possível habilitar ou desabilitar a descoberta de servidor substituto em tempo de execução executando:

herd discover guix-daemon on
herd discover guix-daemon off

Desabilita “deduplicação” automática de arquivos no armazém.

Por padrão, os arquivos adicionados ao armazém são automaticamente “deduplicados”: se um arquivo recém-adicionado for idêntico a outro encontrado no armazém, o daemon tornará o novo arquivo um link físico para o outro arquivo. Isso pode reduzir notavelmente o uso do disco, às custas de um leve aumento na carga de entrada/saída no final de um processo de criação. Esta opção desativa essa otimização.


Diz se o coletor de lixo (GC) deve manter as saídas de derivações vivas.

Quando definido como yes, o GC manterá as saídas de qualquer derivação ativa disponível no armazém—os arquivos .drv. O padrão é no, o que significa que as saídas de derivação são mantidas somente se forem acessíveis a partir de uma raiz do GC. Veja Invocando guix gc, para mais informações sobre raízes do GC.


Diz se o coletor de lixo (GC) deve manter as derivações correspondentes às saídas vivas.

Quando definido como yes, como é o caso por padrão, o GC mantém derivações—ou seja, arquivos .drv—desde que pelo menos uma de suas saídas esteja ativa. Isso permite que os usuários acompanhem as origens dos itens em seu armazém. Defini-lo como no economiza um pouco de espaço em disco.

Dessa forma, definir --gc-keep-derivations como yes faz com que a vivacidade flua das saídas para as derivações, e definir --gc-keep-outputs como yes faz com que a vivacidade flua das derivações para as saídas. Quando ambos são definidos como yes, o efeito é manter todos os pré-requisitos de compilação (as fontes, o compilador, as bibliotecas e outras ferramentas de tempo de compilação) de objetos ativos no armazém, independentemente de esses pré-requisitos serem acessíveis a partir de uma raiz GC. Isso é conveniente para desenvolvedores, pois economiza reconstruções ou downloads.


Em sistemas baseados em Linux, personifique o Linux 2.6. Isso significa que a chamada de sistema uname do kernel relatará 2.6 como o número da versão.

Isso pode ser útil para criar programas que (geralmente de forma errada) dependem do número da versão do kernel.


Não mantenha logs de build. Por padrão, eles são mantidos em localstatedir/guix/log.


Assuma sistema como o tipo de sistema atual. Por padrão, é o par arquitetura/kernel encontrado no momento da configuração, como x86_64-linux.


Ouça conexões em endpoint. endpoint é interpretado como o nome do arquivo de um soquete de domínio Unix se ele começar com / (sinal de barra). Caso contrário, endpoint é interpretado como um nome de host ou nome de host e porta para ouvir. Aqui estão alguns exemplos:


Ouça conexões no soquete de domínio Unix /gnu/var/daemon, criando-o se necessário.


Ouça as conexões TCP na interface de rede correspondente a localhost, na porta 44146.


Ouça as conexões TCP na interface de rede correspondente ao, na porta 1234.

Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes, nesse caso guix-daemon aceita conexões em todos os endpoints especificados. Os usuários podem informar aos comandos do cliente a qual endpoint se conectar definindo a variável de ambiente GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET (veja GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET).

Nota: O protocolo daemon é unauthenticated and unencrypted. Usar --listen=host é adequado em redes locais, como clusters, onde apenas nós confiáveis podem se conectar ao daemon de compilação. Em outros casos em que o acesso remoto ao daemon é necessário, recomendamos usar soquetes de domínio Unix junto com SSH.

Quando --listen é omitido, guix-daemon escuta conexões no soquete de domínio Unix localizado em localstatedir/guix/daemon-socket/socket.

2.4 Configuração de aplicativo

Ao usar Guix sobre uma distribuição GNU/Linux que não seja um Guix System — uma chamada distro alheia — algumas etapas adicionais são necessárias para colocar tudo no seu lugar. Aqui estão algumas delas.

2.4.1 Localidades

Pacotes instalados via Guix não usarão os dados de localidade do sistema host. Em vez disso, você deve primeiro instalar um dos pacotes de localidade disponíveis com Guix e então definir a variável de ambiente GUIX_LOCPATH:

$ guix install glibc-locales
$ export GUIX_LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale

Observe que o pacote glibc-locales contém dados para todos os locais suportados pela GNU libc e pesa cerca de 930 MiB9. Se você precisar apenas de alguns locais, poderá definir seu pacote de locais personalizados por meio do procedimento make-glibc-utf8-locales do módulo (gnu packages base). O exemplo a seguir define um pacote contendo os vários locais UTF-8 canadenses conhecidos pela GNU libc, que pesa cerca de 14 MiB:

(use-modules (gnu packages base))

(define my-glibc-locales
   #:locales (list "en_CA" "fr_CA" "ik_CA" "iu_CA" "shs_CA")
   #:name "glibc-canadian-utf8-locales"))

A variável GUIX_LOCPATH desempenha um papel similar a LOCPATH (veja LOCPATH em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). Há duas diferenças importantes, no entanto:

  1. GUIX_LOCPATH é honrado apenas pela libc no Guix, e não pela libc fornecida por distros estrangeiras. Assim, usar GUIX_LOCPATH permite que você tenha certeza de que os programas da distro estrangeira não acabarão carregando dados de localidade incompatíveis.
  2. libc sufixa cada entrada de GUIX_LOCPATH com /X.Y, onde X.Y é a versão libc—por exemplo, 2.22. Isso significa que, caso seu perfil Guix contenha uma mistura de programas vinculados a diferentes versões libc, cada versão libc tentará carregar apenas dados de localidade no formato correto.

Isso é importante porque o formato de dados de localidade usado por diferentes versões da libc pode ser incompatível.

2.4.2 Name Service Switch

Ao usar o Guix em uma distro alheia, nós recomendamos fortemente que o sistema use o daemon de cache de serviço de nomes da biblioteca C do GNU, nscd, que deve ouvir no soquete /var/run/nscd/socket. Caso não faça isso, os aplicativos instalados com Guix podem falhar em procurar nomes de máquina e contas de usuário, ou até mesmo travar. Os próximos parágrafos explicam o porquê.

A biblioteca GNU C implementa um name service switch (NSS), que é um mecanismo extensível para “pesquisas de nomes” em geral: resolução de nomes de host, contas de usuários e muito mais (veja Name Service Switch em The GNU C Library Reference Manual).

Sendo extensível, o NSS suporta plugins, que fornecem novas implementações de pesquisa de nomes: por exemplo, o plugin nss-mdns permite a resolução de nomes de host .local, o plugin nis permite a pesquisa de contas de usuários usando o Network information service (NIS), e assim por diante. Esses "serviços de pesquisa” extras são configurados em todo o sistema em /etc/nsswitch.conf, e todos os programas em execução no sistema honram essas configurações (veja NSS Configuration File em The GNU C Reference Manual).

Quando eles realizam uma pesquisa de nome — por exemplo chamando a função getaddrinfo em C — os aplicativos primeiro tentam se conectar ao nscd; em caso de sucesso, o nscd realiza pesquisas de nome em seu nome. Se o nscd não estiver em execução, eles realizam a pesquisa de nome sozinhos, carregando os serviços de pesquisa de nome em seu próprio espaço de endereço e executando-o. Esses serviços de pesquisa de nome — os arquivos libnss_*.so — são dlopen’d, mas podem vir da biblioteca C do sistema host, em vez da biblioteca C à qual o aplicativo está vinculado (a biblioteca C vem do Guix).

E é aqui que está o problema: se seu aplicativo estiver vinculado à biblioteca C do Guix (por exemplo, glibc 2.24) e tentar carregar plugins NSS de outra biblioteca C (por exemplo, para glibc 2.22), ele provavelmente travará ou terá suas pesquisas de nome falhando inesperadamente.

Executar nscd no sistema, entre outras vantagens, elimina esse problema de incompatibilidade binária porque esses arquivos libnss_*.so são carregados no processo nscd, não nos próprios aplicativos.

Note that nscd is no longer provided on some GNU/Linux distros, such as Arch Linux (as of Dec. 2024). nsncd can be used as a drop-in-replacement. See the nsncd repository and this blog post for more information.

2.4.3 Fontes X11

A maioria dos aplicativos gráficos usa o Fontconfig para localizar e carregar fontes e executar renderização do lado do cliente X11. O pacote fontconfig no Guix procura fontes em $HOME/.guix-profile por padrão. Assim, para permitir que aplicativos gráficos instalados com o Guix exibam fontes, você precisa instalar fontes com o Guix também. Pacotes de fontes essenciais incluem font-ghostscript, font-dejavu e font-gnu-freefont.

Depois de instalar ou remover fontes, ou quando notar que um aplicativo não encontra fontes, talvez seja necessário instalar o Fontconfig e forçar uma atualização do cache de fontes executando:

guix install fontconfig
fc-cache -rv

Para exibir texto escrito em chinês, japonês ou coreano em aplicativos gráficos, considere instalar font-adobe-source-han-sans ou font-wqy-zenhei. O primeiro tem várias saídas, uma por família de idiomas (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas). Por exemplo, o comando a seguir instala fontes para idiomas chineses:

guix install font-adobe-source-han-sans:cn

Programas mais antigos como xterm não usam Fontconfig e, em vez disso, dependem da renderização de fontes do lado do servidor. Tais programas exigem a especificação de um nome completo de uma fonte usando XLFD (X Logical Font Description), como este:

-*-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-1

Para poder usar esses nomes completos para as fontes TrueType instaladas no seu perfil Guix, você precisa estender o caminho da fonte do servidor X:

xset +fp $(dirname $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts/truetype/fonts.dir))

Depois disso, você pode executar xlsfonts (do pacote xlsfonts) para garantir que suas fontes TrueType estejam listadas lá.

2.4.4 Certificados X.509

O pacote nss-certs fornece certificados X.509, que permitem que programas autentiquem servidores Web acessados por HTTPS.

Ao usar uma Guix em uma distro alheia, você pode instalar esse pacote e definir as variáveis de ambiente relevantes de forma que os pacotes saibam onde procurar por certificados. Veja Certificados X.509, para informações detalhadas.

2.4.5 Pacotes Emacs

Quando você instala pacotes do Emacs com o Guix, os arquivos Elisp são colocados no diretório share/emacs/site-lisp/ do perfil no qual eles são instalados. As bibliotecas Elisp são disponibilizadas para o Emacs por meio da variável de ambiente EMACSLOADPATH, que é definida ao instalar o próprio Emacs.

Além disso, as definições de autoload são avaliadas automaticamente na inicialização do Emacs, pelo procedimento específico do Guix guix-emacs-autoload-packages. Este procedimento pode ser invocado interativamente para que pacotes Emacs recém-instalados sejam descobertos, sem precisar reiniciar o Emacs. Se, por algum motivo, você quiser evitar o carregamento automático dos pacotes Emacs instalados com o Guix, você pode fazer isso executando o Emacs com a opção --no-site-file (veja Init File em The GNU Emacs Manual).

Nota: A maioria das variantes do Emacs agora são capazes de fazer compilação nativa. A abordagem adotada pelo Guix Emacs, no entanto, difere muito da abordagem adotada pelo upstream.

O Upstream Emacs compila pacotes just-in-time e normalmente coloca arquivos de objetos compartilhados em uma pasta especial dentro do seu user-emacs-directory. Esses objetos compartilhados dentro da referida pasta são organizados em uma hierarquia plana, e seus nomes de arquivo contêm dois hashes para verificar o nome do arquivo original e o conteúdo do código-fonte.

O Guix Emacs, por outro lado, prefere compilar pacotes antes do tempo. Objetos compartilhados retêm muito do nome do arquivo original e nenhum hashe é adicionado para verificar o nome do arquivo original ou o conteúdo do arquivo. Crucialmente, isso permite que o Guix Emacs e os pacotes construídos contra ele sejam enxertados (veja enxertos), mas, ao mesmo tempo, o Guix Emacs não tem a verificação baseada em hash do código-fonte embutido no Emacs upstream. Como esse esquema de nomenclatura é trivial de explorar, desabilitamos a compilação just-in-time.

Observe ainda que emacs-minimal—o Emacs padrão para construir pacotes—foi configurado sem compilação nativa. Para compilar nativamente seus pacotes emacs antes do tempo, use uma transformação como --with-input=emacs-minimal=emacs.

2.5 Atualizando o Guix

Para atualizar o Guix, execute:

guix pull

Veja Invocando guix pull, para maiores informações.

Em uma distribuição estrangeira, você pode atualizar o daemon de compilação executando:

sudo -i guix pull

seguido por (supondo que sua distribuição use a ferramenta de gerenciamento de serviço systemd):

systemctl restart guix-daemon.service

No sistema Guix, a atualização do daemon é obtida reconfigurando o sistema (veja guix system reconfigure).

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

3 Instalação do sistema

Esta seção explica como instalar o Guix System em uma máquina. Guix, como gerenciador de pacotes, também pode ser instalado sobre um sistema GNU/Linux em execução, veja Instalação.

3.1 Limitações

Consideramos que o Guix System está pronto para uma ampla gama de casos de uso de "desktop” e servidores. As garantias de confiabilidade que ele fornece – atualizações e reversões transacionais, reprodutibilidade – tornam-no uma base sólida.

Cada vez mais serviços de sistema são fornecidos (veja Serviços).

No entanto, antes de prosseguir com a instalação, esteja ciente de que alguns serviços dos quais você depende ainda podem estar faltando na versão 4538aa4.

Mais do que um aviso de isenção de responsabilidade, este é um convite para relatar problemas (e histórias de sucesso!) e se juntar a nós para melhorá-los. Veja Contribuindo, para mais informações.

3.2 Considerações de Hardware

GNU Guix se concentra em respeitar a liberdade computacional do usuário. Ele é construído em torno do kernel Linux-libre, o que significa que apenas o hardware para o qual existem drivers e firmware de software livre é suportado. Hoje em dia, uma ampla gama de hardware disponível no mercado é suportada no GNU/Linux-libre – de teclados a placas gráficas, scanners e controladores Ethernet. Infelizmente, ainda existem áreas onde os fornecedores de hardware negam aos usuários o controle sobre sua própria computação, e tal hardware não é suportado no Guix System.

Uma das principais áreas onde faltam drivers ou firmware gratuitos são os dispositivos WiFi. Os dispositivos WiFi que funcionam incluem aqueles que usam chips Atheros (AR9271 e AR7010), que corresponde ao driver ath9k Linux-libre, e aqueles que usam chips Broadcom/AirForce (BCM43xx com Wireless-Core Revisão 5), que corresponde a o driver livre Linux b43-open. Existe firmware livre para ambos e está disponível imediatamente no Guix System, como parte do %base-firmware (veja firmware).

O instalador avisa você antecipadamente se detectar dispositivos que não funcionam devido à falta de firmware ou drivers gratuitos.

A Free Software Foundation administra Respects Your Freedom (RYF), um programa de certificação para produtos de hardware que respeitem sua liberdade e privacidade e garantam que você tenha controle sobre seu dispositivo. Recomendamos que você verifique a lista de dispositivos certificados RYF.

Outro recurso útil é o site H-Node. Ele contém um catálogo de dispositivos de hardware com informações sobre seu suporte no GNU/Linux.

3.3 Instalação em um pendrive e em DVD

Uma imagem de instalação ISO-9660 que pode ser gravada em um pendrive ou gravada em um DVD pode ser baixada em ‘’, onde você pode substituir x86_64-linux por um dos seguintes:


para um sistema GNU/Linux em CPUs de 64 bits compatíveis com Intel/AMD;


para um sistema GNU/Linux de 32 bits em CPUs compatíveis com Intel.

Certifique-se de baixar o arquivo .sig associado e verificar a autenticidade da imagem em relação a ele, seguindo estas linhas:

$ wget
$ gpg --verify guix-system-install-4538aa4.x86_64-linux.iso.sig

Se esse comando falhar porque você não possui a chave pública requerida, execute este comando para importá-lo:

$ wget \
      -qO - | gpg --import -

e execute novamente o comando gpg --verify.

Observe que um aviso como "Esta chave não está certificada com uma assinatura confiável!” é normal.

Esta imagem contém as ferramentas necessárias para uma instalação. Ele deve ser copiado como está para um pendrive ou DVD grande o suficiente.

Copiando para um pendrive

Insira um pendrive de 1 GiB ou mais em sua máquina e determine o nome do dispositivo. Supondo que o pendrive seja conhecido como /dev/sdX, copie a imagem com:

dd if=guix-system-install-4538aa4.x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress

O acesso a /dev/sdX geralmente requer privilégios de root.

Gravando em um DVD

Insira um DVD virgem em sua máquina e determine o nome do dispositivo. Supondo que a unidade de DVD seja conhecida como /dev/srX, copie a imagem com:

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guix-system-install-4538aa4.x86_64-linux.iso

O acesso a /dev/srX geralmente requer privilégios de root.


Feito isso, você poderá reiniciar o sistema e inicializar a partir do pendrive ou DVD. O último geralmente requer que você entre no menu de inicialização do BIOS ou UEFI, onde você pode optar por inicializar a partir do pendrive. Para inicializar a partir do Libreboot, mude para o modo de comando pressionando a tecla c e digite search_grub usb.

Infelizmente, em algumas máquinas, o meio de instalação não pode ser inicializado corretamente e você só verá uma tela preta após a inicialização, mesmo depois de esperar dez minutos. Isto pode indicar que sua máquina não consegue executar o Sistema Guix; talvez você queira instalar o Guix em uma distribuição estrangeira (veja Instalação de binários). Mas não desista ainda; uma possível solução alternativa é pressionar a tecla e no menu de inicialização do GRUB e anexar nomodeset à linha de inicialização do Linux. Às vezes, o problema da tela preta também pode ser resolvido conectando um monitor diferente.

Veja Instalando Guix em uma Máquina Virtual, se, em vez disso, você quiser instalar o Guix System em uma máquina virtual (VM).

3.4 Preparando para instalação

Depois de inicializar, você pode usar o instalador gráfico guiado, o que facilita o início (veja Instalação gráfica guiada). Alternativamente, se você já está familiarizado com GNU/Linux e deseja mais controle do que o instalador gráfico oferece, você pode escolher o processo de instalação "manual” (veja Instalação manual).

O instalador gráfico está disponível em TTY1. Você pode obter shells root em TTYs 3 a 6 pressionando ctrl-alt-f3, ctrl-alt-f4, etc. TTY2 mostra esta documentação e você pode acessá-la com ctrl-alt -f2. A documentação pode ser navegada usando os comandos do leitor de informações (veja Stand-alone GNU Info). O sistema de instalação executa o daemon do mouse GPM, que permite selecionar texto com o botão esquerdo do mouse e colá-lo com o botão do meio.

Nota: A instalação requer acesso à Internet para que quaisquer dependências ausentes na configuração do sistema possam ser baixadas. Consulte a seção "Rede" abaixo.

3.5 Instalação gráfica guiada

O instalador gráfico é uma interface de usuário baseada em texto. Ele guiará você, com caixas de diálogo, pelas etapas necessárias para instalar o GNU Guix System.

As primeiras caixas de diálogo permitem que você configure o sistema conforme você o utiliza durante a instalação: você pode escolher o idioma, o layout do teclado e configurar a rede que será usada durante a instalação. A imagem abaixo mostra a caixa de diálogo de rede.

configuração de rede com o instalador

As etapas posteriores permitem particionar seu disco rígido, conforme mostrado na imagem abaixo, escolher se deseja ou não usar sistemas de arquivos criptografados, inserir o nome do host e a senha root e criar uma conta adicional, entre outras coisas.

particionando com o instalador

Observe que, a qualquer momento, o instalador permite sair da etapa de instalação atual e retomar uma etapa anterior, conforme imagem abaixo.

retomando o processo de instalação

Quando terminar, o instalador produz uma configuração do sistema operacional e a exibe (veja Usando o sistema de configuração). Nesse ponto você pode clicar em "OK” e a instalação continuará. Se tiver sucesso, você pode reiniciar no novo sistema e aproveitar. Veja Após a instalação do sistema, para saber o que vem a seguir!

3.6 Instalação manual

Esta seção descreve como você instalaria "manualmente” o GNU Guix System em sua máquina. Esta opção requer familiaridade com GNU/Linux, com o shell e com ferramentas de administração comuns. Se você acha que isso não é para você, considere usar o instalador gráfico guiado (veja Instalação gráfica guiada).

O sistema de instalação fornece shells root nos TTYs 3 a 6; pressione ctrl-alt-f3, ctrl-alt-f4 e assim por diante para alcançá-los. Inclui muitas ferramentas comuns necessárias para instalar o sistema, mas também é um sistema Guix completo. Isso significa que você pode instalar pacotes adicionais, caso precise, usando guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

3.6.1 Layout de teclado, rede e particionamento

Antes de instalar o sistema, você pode querer ajustar o layout do teclado, configurar a rede e particionar o disco rígido de destino. Esta seção irá guiá-lo através disso. Disposição do teclado

A imagem de instalação usa o layout de teclado qwerty dos EUA. Se quiser alterá-lo, você pode usar o comando loadkeys. Por exemplo, o comando a seguir seleciona o layout do teclado Dvorak:

loadkeys dvorak

Consulte os arquivos em /run/current-system/profile/share/keymaps para obter uma lista de layouts de teclado disponíveis. Execute man loadkeys para obter mais informações. Rede

Execute o seguinte comando para ver como são chamadas suas interfaces de rede:

ifconfig -a

… ou, usando o comando ip específico do GNU/Linux:

ip address

As interfaces com fio têm um nome que começa com ‘e’; por exemplo, a interface correspondente ao primeiro controlador Ethernet integrado é chamada ‘eno1’. As interfaces sem fio têm um nome que começa com ‘w’, como ‘w1p2s0’.

Conexão cabeada

Para configurar uma rede com fio execute o seguinte comando, substituindo interface pelo nome da interface com fio que você deseja usar.

ifconfig interface up

… ou, usando o comando ip específico do GNU/Linux:

ip link set interface up
Conexão sem fio

Para configurar a rede sem fio, você pode criar um arquivo de configuração para a ferramenta de configuração wpa_supplicant (sua localização não é importante) usando um dos editores de texto disponíveis, como nano:

nano wpa_supplicant.conf

Como exemplo, a sub-rotina a seguir pode ir para este arquivo e funcionará para muitas redes sem fio, desde que você forneça o SSID e a senha reais da rede à qual está se conectando:

  psk="the network's secret passphrase"

Inicie o serviço sem fio e execute-o em segundo plano com o seguinte comando (substitua interface pelo nome da interface de rede que deseja usar):

wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i interface -B

Execute man wpa_supplicant para obter mais informações.

Neste ponto, você precisa adquirir um endereço IP. Em uma rede onde os endereços IP são atribuídos automaticamente via DHCP, você pode executar:

dhclient -v interface

Tente executar ping em um servidor para ver se a rede está funcionando:

ping -c 3

Configurar o acesso à rede é quase sempre um requisito porque a imagem não contém todos os softwares e ferramentas que podem ser necessários.

Se você precisar de acesso HTTP e HTTPS para passar por um proxy, execute o seguinte comando:

herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon URL

onde URL é a URL do proxy, por exemplo

Se desejar, você pode continuar a instalação remotamente iniciando um servidor SSH:

herd start ssh-daemon

Certifique-se de definir uma senha com passwd ou configurar a autenticação de chave pública OpenSSH antes de efetuar login. Particionamento de disco

A menos que isso já tenha sido feito, o próximo passo é particionar e então formatar a(s) partição(ões) de destino.

A imagem de instalação inclui várias ferramentas de particionamento, incluindo Parted (veja Overview em GNU Parted User Manual), fdisk e cfdisk. Execute-a e configure seu disco com o layout de partição que você deseja:


Se o seu disco usa o formato GUID Partition Table (GPT) e você planeja instalar o GRUB baseado em BIOS (que é o padrão), certifique-se de que uma partição de inicialização do BIOS esteja disponível (veja BIOS installation em manual do GNU GRUB).

Se você preferir usar o GRUB baseado em EFI, uma partição de sistema EFI (ESP) FAT32 EFI System Partition é necessária. Essa partição pode ser montada em /boot/efi, por exemplo, e deve ter o sinalizador esp definido. Por exemplo, para parted:

parted /dev/sda set 1 esp on

Nota: Não tem certeza se deve usar o GRUB baseado em EFI ou BIOS? Se o diretório /sys/firmware/efi existir na imagem de instalação, então você provavelmente deve executar uma instalação EFI, usando grub-efi-bootloader. Caso contrário, você deve usar o GRUB baseado em BIOS, conhecido como grub-bootloader. Veja Configuração do carregador de inicialização, para mais informações sobre bootloaders.

Depois de terminar de particionar o disco rígido de destino, você precisa criar um sistema de arquivos na(s) partição(ões) relevante(s)10. Para o ESP, se você tiver um e presumindo que seja /dev/sda1, execute:

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1

Para o sistema de arquivos raiz, ext4 é o formato mais amplamente usado. Outros sistemas de arquivos, como Btrfs, suportam compressão, que é relatada como um bom complemento para a desduplicação de arquivos que o daemon executa independentemente do sistema de arquivos (veja deduplication).

De preferência, atribua um rótulo aos sistemas de arquivos para que você possa se referir a eles de forma fácil e confiável nas declarações file-system (veja Sistemas de arquivos). Isso normalmente é feito usando a opção -L de mkfs.ext4 e comandos relacionados. Então, assumindo que a partição raiz de destino esteja em /dev/sda2, um sistema de arquivos com o rótulo my-root pode ser criado com:

mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda2

Se você estiver planejando criptografar a partição raiz, você pode usar os utilitários Cryptsetup/LUKS para fazer isso (veja man cryptsetup para mais informações).

Supondo que você queira armazenar a partição raiz em /dev/sda2, a sequência de comandos para formatá-la como uma partição LUKS seria algo como isto:

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 my-partition
mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/mapper/my-partition

Feito isso, monte o sistema de arquivos de destino em /mnt com um comando como (novamente, assumindo que my-root é o rótulo do sistema de arquivos raiz):

mount LABEL=my-root /mnt

Monte também quaisquer outros sistemas de arquivos que você gostaria de usar no sistema de destino em relação a este caminho. Se você optou por /boot/efi como um ponto de montagem EFI, por exemplo, monte-o em /mnt/boot/efi agora para que ele seja encontrado por guix system init depois.

Por fim, se você planeja usar uma ou mais partições swap (veja Espaço de troca (swap)), certifique-se de inicializá-las com mkswap. Supondo que você tenha uma partição swap em /dev/sda3, você executaria:

mkswap /dev/sda3
swapon /dev/sda3

Alternativamente, você pode usar um arquivo de swap. Por exemplo, supondo que no novo sistema você queira usar o arquivo /swapfile como um arquivo de swap, você executaria 11:

# Este é 10 GiB de espaço de swap. Ajuste "count" para alterar o tamanho.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swapfile bs=1MiB count=10240
# Por segurança, torne o arquivo legível e gravável somente pelo root.
chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile
mkswap /mnt/swapfile
swapon /mnt/swapfile

Observe que se você criptografou a partição raiz e criou um arquivo de swap em seu sistema de arquivos, conforme descrito acima, a criptografia também protegerá o arquivo de swap, assim como qualquer outro arquivo naquele sistema de arquivos.

3.6.2 Prosseguindo com a instalação

Com as partições de destino prontas e a raiz de destino montada em /mnt, estamos prontos para começar. Primeiro, execute:

herd start cow-store /mnt

Isso torna /gnu/store copy-on-write, de modo que os pacotes adicionados a ele durante a fase de instalação são gravados no disco de destino em /mnt em vez de mantidos na memória. Isso é necessário porque a primeira fase do comando guix system init (veja abaixo) envolve downloads ou compilações para /gnu/store que, inicialmente, é um sistema de arquivos na memória.

Em seguida, você precisa editar um arquivo e fornecer a declaração do sistema operacional a ser instalado. Para isso, o sistema de instalação vem com três editores de texto. Recomendamos o GNU nano (veja GNU nano Manual), que suporta realce de sintaxe e correspondência de parênteses; outros editores incluem mg (um clone do Emacs) e nvi (um clone do editor original BSD vi). Recomendamos fortemente armazenar esse arquivo no sistema de arquivos raiz de destino, digamos, como /mnt/etc/config.scm. Se isso não for feito, você perderá seu arquivo de configuração depois de reinicializar o sistema recém-instalado.

Veja Usando o sistema de configuração, para uma visão geral do arquivo de configuração. As configurações de exemplo discutidas nessa seção estão disponíveis em /etc/configuration na imagem de instalação. Assim, para começar com uma configuração de sistema fornecendo um servidor de exibição gráfica (um sistema “desktop”), você pode executar algo como estas linhas:

# mkdir /mnt/etc
# cp /etc/configuration/desktop.scm /mnt/etc/config.scm
# nano /mnt/etc/config.scm

Você deve prestar atenção ao que seu arquivo de configuração contém e, em particular:

  • Certifique-se de que o formulário bootloader-configuration se refere aos alvos nos quais você deseja instalar o GRUB. Ele deve mencionar grub-bootloader se você estiver instalando o GRUB da maneira legada, ou grub-efi-bootloader para sistemas UEFI mais novos. Para sistemas legados, o campo targets contém os nomes dos dispositivos, como (list "/dev/sda"); para sistemas UEFI, ele nomeia os caminhos para partições EFI montadas, como (list "/boot/efi"); certifique-se de que os caminhos estejam montados no momento e que uma entrada file-system esteja especificada em sua configuração.
  • Certifique-se de que os rótulos do seu sistema de arquivos correspondam ao valor dos respectivos campos device na sua configuração file-system, supondo que sua configuração file-system use o procedimento file-system-label no seu campo device.
  • Se houver partições criptografadas ou RAID, certifique-se de adicionar um campo mapped-devices para descrevê-las (veja Dispositivos mapeados).

Depois de terminar de preparar o arquivo de configuração, o novo sistema deve ser inicializado (lembre-se de que o sistema de arquivos raiz de destino é montado em /mnt):

guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt

Isso copia todos os arquivos necessários e instala o GRUB em /dev/sdX, a menos que você passe a opção --no-bootloader. Para mais informações, veja Invoking guix system. Este comando pode disparar downloads ou compilações de pacotes ausentes, o que pode levar algum tempo.

Após a conclusão desse comando – e esperamos que com sucesso! – você pode executar o comando reboot e inicializar no novo sistema. A senha root no novo sistema está inicialmente vazia; as senhas de outros usuários precisam ser inicializadas executando o comando passwd como root, a menos que sua configuração especifique o contrário (veja senhas de contas de usuário). Veja Após a instalação do sistema, para o que vem a seguir!

3.7 Após a instalação do sistema

Success, you’ve now booted into Guix System! Login to the system using the non-root user that you created during installation. You can upgrade the system whenever you want by running:

guix pull
sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm

Isso cria uma nova geração sistema com os pacotes e serviços mais recentes.

Agora, veja Começando, junte-se a nós no #guix na rede IRC Libera.Chat ou no para compartilhar sua experiência!

3.8 Instalando Guix em uma Máquina Virtual

Se você deseja instalar o Guix System em uma máquina virtual (VM) ou em um servidor virtual privado (VPS) em vez de na sua máquina favorita, esta seção é para você.

Para inicializar uma VM QEMU para instalar o Guix System em uma imagem de disco, siga estas etapas:

  1. Primeiro, recupere e descompacte a imagem de instalação do sistema Guix conforme descrito anteriormente (veja Instalação em um pendrive e em DVD).
  2. Crie uma imagem de disco que irá conter o sistema instalado. Para criar uma imagem de disco formatada em qcow2, use o comando qemu-img:
    qemu-img create -f qcow2 guix-system.img 50G

    O arquivo resultante será muito menor que 50 GB (normalmente menos de 1 MB), mas aumentará à medida que o dispositivo de armazenamento virtualizado for preenchido.

  3. Boot the USB installation image in a VM:
    qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 -enable-kvm \
      -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci -boot menu=on,order=d \
      -drive file=guix-system.img \
      -drive media=cdrom,readonly=on,file=guix-system-install-4538aa4.sistema.iso

    -enable-kvm é opcional, mas melhora significativamente o desempenho, veja Usando o Guix em uma Máquina Virtual.

  4. Agora você está como root na VM, prossiga com o processo de instalação. Veja Preparando para instalação e siga as instruções.

Quando a instalação estiver concluída, você pode inicializar o sistema que está na sua imagem guix-system.img. Veja Usando o Guix em uma Máquina Virtual, para saber como fazer isso.

3.9 Compilando a imagem de instalação

A imagem de instalação descrita acima foi criada usando o comando guix system, especificamente:

guix system image -t iso9660 gnu/system/install.scm

Dê uma olhada em gnu/system/install.scm na árvore de origem e veja também Invoking guix system para mais informações sobre a imagem de instalação.

3.10 Construindo a imagem de instalação para placas ARM

Muitas placas ARM exigem uma variante específica do bootloader U-Boot.

Se você criar uma imagem de disco e o bootloader não estiver disponível de outra forma (em outra unidade de inicialização, etc.), é aconselhável criar uma imagem que inclua o bootloader, especificamente:

guix system image --system=armhf-linux -e '((@ (gnu system install) os-with-u-boot) (@ (gnu system install) installation-os) "A20-OLinuXino-Lime2")'

A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 é o nome do quadro. Se você especificar um quadro inválido, uma lista de quadros possíveis será mostrada.

4 Começando

Presumivelmente, você chegou a esta seção porque instalou o Guix sobre outra distribuição (veja Instalação) ou instalou o Guix System autônomo (veja Instalação do sistema). É hora de começar a usar o Guix e esta seção tem como objetivo ajudar você a fazer isso e dar uma ideia de como é.

Guix é sobre instalar software, então provavelmente a primeira coisa que você vai querer fazer é realmente procurar por software. Digamos que você esteja procurando por um editor de texto, você pode executar:

guix search text editor

Este comando mostra a você um número de pacotes correspondentes, cada vez mostrando o nome do pacote, versão, uma descrição e informações adicionais. Depois de descobrir qual você quer usar, digamos Emacs (ah ha!), você pode prosseguir e instalá-lo (execute este comando como um usuário regular, não precisa de privilégios de root!):

guix install emacs

Você instalou seu primeiro pacote, parabéns! O pacote agora está visível no seu perfil padrão, $HOME/.guix-profile—um perfil é um diretório que contém pacotes instalados. No processo, você provavelmente notou que o Guix baixou binários pré-compilados; ou, se você escolheu explicitamente não usar binários pré-compilados, então provavelmente o Guix ainda está compilando software (veja Substitutos, para mais informações).

A menos que você esteja usando o Guix System, o comando guix install deve ter mostrado esta dica:

dica: Considere definir as variáveis de ambiente necessárias executando:

     . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

Alternativamente, consulte `guix package --search-paths -p "$HOME/.guix-profile"'.

De fato, agora você deve informar ao seu shell onde emacs e outros programas instalados com Guix podem ser encontrados. Colar as duas linhas acima fará exatamente isso: adicionará $HOME/.guix-profile/bin—que é onde o pacote instalado está—à variável de ambiente PATH. Você pode colar essas duas linhas no seu shell para que elas entrem em vigor imediatamente, mas o mais importante é adicioná-las a ~/.bash_profile (ou arquivo equivalente se você não usar Bash) para que as variáveis de ambiente sejam definidas na próxima vez que você gerar um shell. Você só precisa fazer isso uma vez e outras variáveis de ambiente de caminhos de busca serão cuidadas de forma semelhante—por exemplo, se você eventualmente instalar python e bibliotecas Python, GUIX_PYTHONPATH será definido.

Você pode continuar instalando pacotes à vontade. Para listar os pacotes instalados, execute:

guix package --list-installed

Para remover um pacote, você executaria, sem surpresa, guix remove. Um recurso diferenciador é a capacidade de reverter qualquer operação que você fez—instalação, remoção, atualização—simplesmente digitando:

guix package --roll-back

Isso ocorre porque cada operação é, na verdade, uma transação que cria uma nova geração. Essas gerações e a diferença entre elas podem ser exibidas executando:

guix package --list-generations

Agora você conhece os conceitos básicos de gerenciamento de pacotes!

Indo além: Veja Gerenciamento de pacote, para mais informações sobre gerenciamento de pacotes. Você pode gostar do gerenciamento de pacotes declarativo com guix package --manifest, gerenciar perfis separados com --profile, excluir gerações antigas, coletar lixo e outros recursos interessantes que serão úteis à medida que você se familiarizar com o Guix. Se você for um desenvolvedor, veja Desenvolvimento para ferramentas adicionais. E se estiver curioso, veja Recursos, para dar uma olhada nos bastidores.

Você também pode gerenciar a configuração de todo o seu ambiente pessoal — seus "arquivos dot” de usuário, serviços e pacotes — usando o Guix Home. Veja Home Configuration, para saber mais sobre isso!

Depois de instalar um conjunto de pacotes, você vai querer atualizá-los periodicamente para a versão mais recente e melhor. Para fazer isso, você primeiro vai puxar a revisão mais recente do Guix e sua coleção de pacotes:

guix pull

O resultado final é um novo comando guix, em ~/.config/guix/current/bin. A menos que você esteja no Guix System, na primeira vez que você executar guix pull, certifique-se de seguir a dica que o comando imprime e, similar ao que vimos acima, cole estas duas linhas no seu terminal e .bash_profile:

. "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

Você também deve instruir seu shell a apontar para este novo guix:

hash guix

Neste ponto, você está executando um Guix novinho em folha. Você pode então prosseguir e realmente atualizar todos os pacotes que você instalou anteriormente:

guix upgrade

Ao executar este comando, você verá que os binários são baixados (ou talvez alguns pacotes são construídos) e, eventualmente, você acaba com os pacotes atualizados. Se um desses pacotes atualizados não for do seu agrado, lembre-se de que você sempre pode reverter!

Você pode exibir a revisão exata do Guix que está usando atualmente executando:

guix describe

As informações exibidas são tudo o que é necessário para reproduzir exatamente o mesmo Guix, seja em um momento diferente ou em uma máquina diferente.

Indo além: Veja Invocando guix pull, para mais informações. Veja Canais, sobre como especificar canais adicionais para extrair pacotes, como replicar Guix e muito mais. Você também pode achar time-machine útil (veja Invocando guix time-machine).

Se você instalou o Guix System, uma das primeiras coisas que você vai querer fazer é atualizar seu sistema. Depois de executar guix pull para obter o Guix mais recente, você pode atualizar o sistema assim:

sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm

Após a conclusão, o sistema executa as versões mais recentes de seus pacotes de software. Assim como para pacotes, você sempre pode reverter para uma geração anterior de todo o sistema. Veja Começando, para aprender como gerenciar seu sistema.

Agora você sabe o suficiente para começar!

Recursos: O restante deste manual fornece uma referência para todas as coisas do Guix. Aqui estão alguns recursos adicionais que você pode achar úteis:

  • Veja O Livro de Receitas do GNU Guix, para uma lista de receitas no estilo "como fazer" para uma variedade de aplicações.
  • O GNU Guix Reference Card lista em duas páginas a maioria dos comandos e opções que você precisará.
  • O site contém vídeos instrucionais que abordam tópicos como o uso diário do Guix, como obter ajuda e como se tornar um colaborador.
  • Veja Documentação, para aprender como acessar a documentação no seu computador.

Esperamos que você goste do Guix tanto quanto a comunidade gosta de criá-lo!

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

5 Gerenciamento de pacote

O propósito do GNU Guix é permitir que os usuários instalem, atualizem e removam facilmente pacotes de software, sem precisar saber sobre seus procedimentos de construção ou dependências. O Guix também vai além desse conjunto óbvio de recursos.

Este capítulo descreve os principais recursos do Guix, bem como as ferramentas de gerenciamento de pacotes que ele fornece. Junto com a interface de linha de comando descrita abaixo (veja guix package), você também pode usar a interface Emacs-Guix (veja The Emacs-Guix Reference Manual), após instalar o pacote emacs-guix (execute o comando M-x guix-help para começar com ele):

guix install emacs-guix

5.1 Recursos

Aqui presumimos que você já deu os primeiros passos com o Guix (veja Começando) e gostaria de ter uma visão geral do que está acontecendo nos bastidores.

Ao usar o Guix, cada pacote acaba no armazém de pacotes, em seu próprio diretório — algo que lembra /gnu/store/xxx-package-1.2, onde xxx é uma string base32.

Em vez de se referir a esses diretórios, os usuários têm seu próprio perfil, que aponta para os pacotes que eles realmente querem usar. Esses perfis são armazenados dentro do diretório pessoal de cada usuário, em $HOME/.guix-profile.

Por exemplo, alice instala o GCC 4.7.2. Como resultado, /home/alice/.guix-profile/bin/gcc aponta para /gnu/store/…-gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc. Agora, na mesma máquina, bob já tinha instalado o GCC 4.8.0. O perfil de bob simplesmente continua a apontar para /gnu/store/…-gcc-4.8.0/bin/gcc—ou seja, ambas as versões do GCC coexistem no mesmo sistema sem nenhuma interferência.

O comando guix package é a ferramenta central para gerenciar pacotes (veja Invocando guix package). Ele opera nos perfis por usuário e pode ser usado com privilégios normais de usuário.

O comando fornece as operações óbvias de instalação, remoção e atualização. Cada invocação é, na verdade, uma transação: ou a operação especificada é bem-sucedida ou nada acontece. Portanto, se o processo guix package for encerrado durante a transação, ou se ocorrer uma queda de energia durante a transação, o perfil do usuário permanecerá em seu estado anterior e continuará utilizável.

Além disso, qualquer transação de pacote pode ser revertida. Então, se, por exemplo, uma atualização instalar uma nova versão de um pacote que acabe tendo um bug sério, os usuários podem reverter para a instância anterior de seu perfil, que era conhecida por funcionar bem. Da mesma forma, a configuração global do sistema no Guix está sujeita a atualizações transacionais e roll-back (veja Começando).

Todos os pacotes no repositório de pacotes podem ser garbage-collected. O Guix pode determinar quais pacotes ainda são referenciados por perfis de usuário e remover aqueles que comprovadamente não são mais referenciados (veja Invocando guix gc). Os usuários também podem remover explicitamente gerações antigas de seus perfis para que os pacotes aos quais eles se referem possam ser coletados.

Guix adota uma abordagem puramente funcional para gerenciamento de pacotes, conforme descrito na introdução (veja Introdução). Cada nome de diretório de pacote /gnu/store contém um hash de todas as entradas que foram usadas para construir aquele pacote—compilador, bibliotecas, scripts de construção, etc. Essa correspondência direta permite que os usuários tenham certeza de que uma determinada instalação de pacote corresponde ao estado atual de sua distribuição. Também ajuda a maximizar a reprodutibilidade da construção: graças aos ambientes de construção isolados que são usados, uma determinada construção provavelmente produzirá arquivos de bits idênticos quando executada em máquinas diferentes (veja container).

Essa base permite que o Guix suporte transparent binary/source deployment. Quando um binário pré-construído para um item /gnu/store está disponível em uma fonte externa—um substituto, o Guix apenas o baixa e descompacta; caso contrário, ele constrói o pacote a partir da fonte, localmente (veja Substitutos). Como os resultados da construção são geralmente reproduzíveis bit a bit, os usuários não precisam confiar em servidores que fornecem substitutos: eles podem forçar uma construção local e desafiar os provedores (veja Invocando guix challenge).

O controle sobre o ambiente de construção é um recurso que também é útil para desenvolvedores. O comando guix shell permite que os desenvolvedores de um pacote configurem rapidamente o ambiente de desenvolvimento correto para seu pacote, sem ter que instalar manualmente as dependências do pacote em seu perfil (veja Invocando guix shell).

Todo o Guix e suas definições de pacote são controlados por versão, e guix pull permite que você "viaje no tempo” no histórico do próprio Guix (veja Invocando guix pull). Isso torna possível replicar uma instância do Guix em uma máquina diferente ou em um ponto posterior no tempo, o que por sua vez permite que você replique ambientes de software completos, enquanto retém o rastreamento de procedência preciso do software.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Gerenciamento de pacote   [Conteúdo][Índice]

5.2 Invocando guix package

O comando guix package é a ferramenta que permite aos usuários instalar, atualizar e remover pacotes, bem como reverter para configurações anteriores. Essas operações funcionam no perfil de um usuário—um diretório de pacotes instalados. Cada usuário tem um perfil padrão em $HOME/.guix-profile. O comando opera apenas no próprio perfil do usuário e funciona com privilégios de usuário normais (veja Recursos). Sua sintaxe é:

guix package opções

Principalmente, opções especifica as operações a serem executadas durante a transação. Após a conclusão, um novo perfil é criado, mas as gerações anteriores do perfil permanecem disponíveis, caso o usuário queira reverter.

Por exemplo, para remover lua e instalar guile e guile-cairo em uma única transação:

guix package -r lua -i guile guile-cairo

Para sua conveniência, também fornecemos os seguintes aliases:

  • guix search é um alias para guix package -s,
  • guix install é um alias para guix package -i,
  • guix remove é um alias para guix package -r,
  • guix upgrade é um alias para guix package -u,
  • e guix show é um alias para guix package --show=.

Esses aliases são menos expressivos que guix package e oferecem menos opções, então em alguns casos você provavelmente desejará usar guix package diretamente.

guix package também suporta uma abordagem declarativa em que o usuário especifica o conjunto exato de pacotes que estarão disponíveis e passa a ele via a opção --manifest (veja --manifest).

Para cada usuário, uma ligação simbólica para o perfil padrão do usuário é criado automaticamente em $HOME/.guix-profile. Esta ligação simbólico sempre aponta para a geração atual do perfil padrão do usuário. Assim, os usuários podem adicionar $HOME/.guix-profile/bin à sua variável de ambiente PATH e assim por diante. Se você não estiver usando o sistema Guix, considere adicionar as seguintes linhas ao seu ~/.bash_profile (veja Bash Startup Files em Manual de referência do GNU Bash) para que os shells recém-gerados obtenham todos as definições corretas de variáveis de ambiente:

GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.guix-profile" ; \
source "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

Em uma configuração multiusuário, os perfis de usuário são armazenados em um local registrado como raiz do coletor de lixo, para o qual $HOME/.guix-profile aponta (veja Invocando guix gc). Esse diretório geralmente é localstatedir/guix/profiles/per-user/usuário, onde localstatedir é o valor passado para configure como -- localstatedir e usuário é o nome do usuário. O diretório per-user é criado quando guix-daemon é iniciado, e o subdiretório usuário é criado por guix package.

As seguintes opções podem ser usadas:

-i pacote

Instale os pacotes especificados.

Cada pacote pode especificar um nome de pacote simples como guile, opcionalmente seguido por uma arroba e número de versão, como guile@3.0.7 ou simplesmente guile@3.0. Neste último caso, a versão mais recente prefixada por 3.0 é selecionada.

Se nenhum número de versão for especificado, a versão mais recente disponível será selecionada. Além disso, tal especificação pacote pode conter dois pontos, seguido pelo nome de uma das saídas do pacote, como em gcc:doc ou binutils@2.22:lib (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas).

Pacotes com um nome correspondente (e opcionalmente versão) são procurados entre os módulos de distribuição GNU (veja Módulos de pacote).

Alternativamente, um pacote pode especificar diretamente um nome de arquivo de armazém como /gnu/store/...-guile-3.0.7, conforme produzido por, por exemplo, guix build.

Às vezes, os pacotes têm propagated-inputs: são dependências que são instaladas automaticamente junto com o pacote necessário (veja propagated-inputs em package objetos, para obter informações sobre entradas propagadas em definições de pacote).

Um exemplo é a biblioteca GNU MPC: seus arquivos de cabeçalho C referem-se aos da biblioteca GNU MPFR, que por sua vez se refere aos da biblioteca GMP. Assim, ao instalar o MPC, as bibliotecas MPFR e GMP também são instaladas no perfil; a remoção do MPC também remove o MPFR e o GMP — a menos que eles também tenham sido explicitamente instalados pelo usuário.

Além disso, os pacotes às vezes dependem da definição de variáveis de ambiente para seus caminhos de pesquisa (veja a explicação de --search-paths abaixo). Quaisquer definições de variáveis ambientais ausentes ou possivelmente incorretas são relatadas aqui.

-e exp

Instale o pacote avaliado por exp.

exp deve ser uma expressão de Scheme avaliada como um objeto <package>. Esta opção é particularmente útil para desambiguar variantes de um pacote com o mesmo nome, com expressões como (@(gnu packages commencement) guile-final).

Observe que esta opção instala a primeira saída do pacote especificado, o que pode ser insuficiente quando for necessária uma saída específica de um pacote de múltiplas saídas.

-f arquivo

Instale o pacote avaliado pelo código em arquivo.

Por exemplo, arquivo pode conter uma definição como esta (veja Definindo pacotes):

(use-modules (guix)
             (guix build-system gnu)
             (guix licenses))

  (name "hello")
  (version "2.10")
  (source (origin
            (method url-fetch)
            (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
  (build-system gnu-build-system)
  (synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
  (description "Guess what GNU Hello prints!")
  (home-page "")
  (license gpl3+))

Os desenvolvedores podem achar útil incluir um arquivo guix.scm na raiz da árvore de origem do projeto que pode ser usado para testar instantâneos de desenvolvimento e criar ambientes de desenvolvimento reproduzíveis (veja Invocando guix shell).

O arquivo também pode conter uma representação JSON de uma ou mais definições de pacote. Executar guix package -f em hello.json com o seguinte conteúdo resultaria na instalação do pacote greeter após construir myhello:

    "name": "myhello",
    "version": "2.10",
    "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
    "build-system": "gnu",
    "arguments": {
      "tests?": false
    "home-page": "",
    "synopsis": "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package",
    "description": "GNU Hello prints a greeting.",
    "license": "GPL-3.0+",
    "native-inputs": ["gettext"]
    "name": "greeter",
    "version": "1.0",
    "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
    "build-system": "gnu",
    "arguments": {
      "test-target": "foo",
      "parallel-build?": false
    "home-page": "",
    "synopsis": "Greeter using GNU Hello",
    "description": "This is a wrapper around GNU Hello.",
    "license": "GPL-3.0+",
    "inputs": ["myhello", "hello"]
-r pacote

Remova os pacotes especificados.

Quanto a --install, cada pacote pode especificar um número de versão e/ou nome de saída além do nome do pacote. Por exemplo, ‘-r glibc:debug’ removeria a saída de glibc.

--upgrade[=regexp …]
-u [regexp …]

Atualize todos os pacotes instalados. Se um ou mais regexps forem especificados, atualize apenas os pacotes instalados cujo nome corresponda a um regexp. Veja também a opção --do-not-upgrade abaixo.

Note que isso atualiza o pacote para a versão mais recente dos pacotes encontrados na distribuição atualmente instalada. Para atualizar sua distribuição, você deve executar regularmente guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull).

Ao atualizar, as transformações de pacote que foram aplicadas originalmente ao criar o perfil são automaticamente reaplicadas (veja Opções de transformação de pacote). Por exemplo, suponha que você instalou o Emacs pela ponta do seu branch de desenvolvimento com:

guix install emacs-next --with-branch=emacs-next=master

Na próxima vez que você executar guix upgrade, o Guix puxará novamente a ponta do branch de desenvolvimento do Emacs e compilará emacs-next a partir desse checkout.

Observe que opções de transformação como --with-branch e --with-source dependem do estado externo; cabe a você garantir que elas funcionem conforme o esperado. Você também pode descartar transformações que se aplicam a um pacote executando:

guix install pacote
--do-not-upgrade[=regexp …]

Quando usado junto com a opção --upgrade, não atualize nenhum pacote cujo nome corresponda a um regexp. Por exemplo, para atualizar todos os pacotes no perfil atual, exceto aqueles que contêm a substring "emacs”:

$ guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade emacs
-m arquivo

Crie uma nova geração do perfil a partir do objeto manifest retornado pelo código Scheme em arquivo. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes, em cujo caso os manifestos são concatenados.

Isso permite que você declarando o conteúdo do perfil em vez de construí-lo por meio de uma sequência de --install e comandos similares. A vantagem é que arquivo pode ser colocado sob controle de versão, copiado para máquinas diferentes para reproduzir o mesmo perfil, e assim por diante.

arquivo deve retornar um objeto manifest, que é aproximadamente uma lista de pacotes:

(use-package-modules guile emacs)

 (list emacs
       ;; Usa uma saída de pacote específica.
       (list guile-2.0 "debug")))

Veja Escrevendo manifestos, para obter informações sobre como escrever um manifesto. Veja --export-manifest, para aprender como obter um arquivo de manifesto de um perfil existente.


Reverta para a geração anterior do perfil, ou seja, desfaça a última transação.

Quando combinado com opções como --install, a reversão ocorre antes de qualquer outra ação.

Ao reverter da primeira geração que realmente contém pacotes instalados, o perfil é feito para apontar para a geração zero, que não contém arquivos além de seus próprios metadados.

Após ter revertido, instalar, remover ou atualizar pacotes sobrescreve gerações futuras anteriores. Assim, o histórico das gerações em um perfil é sempre linear.

-S padrão

Mude para uma geração específica definida por padrão.

padrão pode ser um número de geração ou um número prefixado com "+” ou "-”. O último significa: mover para frente/para trás por um número especificado de gerações. Por exemplo, se você quiser retornar para a última geração após --roll-back, use --switch-generation=+1.

A diferença entre --roll-back e --switch-generation=-1 é que --switch-generation não fará uma geração zero, então se uma geração especificada não existir, a geração atual não será alterada.


Relata definições de variáveis de ambiente, na sintaxe Bash, que podem ser necessárias para usar o conjunto de pacotes instalados. Essas variáveis de ambiente são usadas para especificar caminhos de busca para arquivos usados por alguns dos pacotes instalados.

Por exemplo, o GCC precisa que as variáveis de ambiente CPATH e LIBRARY_PATH sejam definidas para que ele possa procurar cabeçalhos e bibliotecas no perfil do usuário (veja Environment Variables em Usando o GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)). Se o GCC e, digamos, a biblioteca C estiverem instalados no perfil, então --search-paths sugerirá definir essas variáveis como perfil/include e perfil/lib, respectivamente (veja Caminhos de pesquisa, para obter informações sobre especificações de caminho de pesquisa associadas a pacotes.)

O caso de uso típico é definir essas variáveis de ambiente no shell:

$ eval $(guix package --search-paths)

tipo pode ser um dos seguintes: exact, prefix ou suffix, o que significa que as definições de variáveis de ambiente retornadas serão configurações exatas ou prefixos ou sufixos do valor atual dessas variáveis. Quando omitido, tipo assume como padrão exact.

Esta opção também pode ser usada para calcular os caminhos de busca combinados de vários perfis. Considere este exemplo:

$ guix package -p foo -i guile
$ guix package -p bar -i guile-json
$ guix package -p foo -p bar --search-paths

O último comando acima relata sobre a variável GUILE_LOAD_PATH, embora, considerados individualmente, nem foo nem bar levariam a essa recomendação.

-p perfil

Use perfil em vez do perfil padrão do usuário.

perfil deve ser o nome de um arquivo que será criado após a conclusão. Concretamente, perfil será uma mera ligação simbólica ("symlink”) apontanda para o perfil real onde os pacotes estão instalados:

$ guix install hello -p ~/code/my-profile
$ ~/code/my-profile/bin/hello
Olá, mundo!

Tudo o que é preciso para se livrar do perfil é remover este link simbólico e seus irmãos que apontam para gerações específicas:

$ rm ~/code/my-profile ~/code/my-profile-*-link

Liste todos os perfis dos usuários:

$ guix package --list-profiles

Ao executar como root, liste todos os perfis de todos os usuários.


Permitir pacotes de colisão no novo perfil. Use por sua conta e risco!

Por padrão, guix package relata como um erro collisions no perfil. Colisões acontecem quando duas ou mais versões ou variantes diferentes de um determinado pacote acabam no perfil.


Use o bootstrap Guile para construir o perfil. Esta opção é útil somente para desenvolvedores de distribuição.

Além dessas ações, guix package suporta as seguintes opções para consultar o estado atual de um perfil ou a disponibilidade de pacotes:

-s regexp

Liste os pacotes disponíveis cujo nome, sinopse ou descrição correspondem a regexp (sem distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas), classificados por relevância. Imprima todos os metadados dos pacotes correspondentes no formato recutils (veja bancos de dados GNU recutils em manual GNU recutils).

Isso permite que campos específicos sejam extraídos usando o comando recsel, por exemplo:

$ guix package -s malloc | recsel -p name,version,relevance
name: jemalloc
version: 4.5.0
relevance: 6

name: glibc
version: 2.25
relevance: 1

name: libgc
version: 7.6.0
relevance: 1

Da mesma forma, para mostrar o nome de todos os pacotes disponíveis sob os termos da GNU LGPL versão 3:

$ guix package -s "" | recsel -p name -e 'license ~ "LGPL 3"'
name: elfutils

name: gmp

Também é possível refinar os resultados da pesquisa usando vários sinalizadores -s para guix package, ou vários argumentos para guix search. Por exemplo, o comando a seguir retorna uma lista de jogos de tabuleiro (desta vez usando o alias guix search):

$ guix search '\<board\>' game | recsel -p name
name: gnubg

Se omitissemos -s game, também teríamos pacotes de software que lidam com placas de circuito impresso; remover os colchetes angulares em torno de board adicionaria ainda mais pacotes relacionados a teclados.

E agora um exemplo mais elaborado. O comando a seguir procura bibliotecas criptográficas, filtra as bibliotecas Haskell, Perl, Python e Ruby e imprime o nome e a sinopse dos pacotes correspondentes:

$ guix search crypto library | \
    recsel -e '! (name ~ "^(ghc|perl|python|ruby)")' -p name,synopsis

Veja Selection Expressions em manual GNU recutils, para obter mais informações sobre expressões de seleção para recsel -e.


Exibe detalhes sobre pacote, retirados da lista de pacotes disponíveis, no formato recutils (veja GNU Recutils Databases em GNU Recutils Manual).

$ guix package --show=guile | recsel -p name,version
name: guile
version: 3.0.5

name: guile
version: 3.0.2

name: guile
version: 2.2.7

Você também pode especificar o nome completo de um pacote para obter detalhes apenas sobre uma versão específica dele (desta vez usando o alias guix show):

$ guix show guile@3.0.5 | recsel -p name,version
name: guile
version: 3.0.5
-I [regexp]

Lista os pacotes instalados mais recentemente no perfil especificado, com os pacotes instalados mais recentemente mostrados por último. Quando regexp for especificado, liste apenas os pacotes instalados cujo nome corresponda a regexp.

Para cada pacote instalado, imprima os seguintes itens, separados por tabulações: o nome do pacote, sua string de versão e a parte do pacote que está instalada (por exemplo, out para a saída predefinida, include para os seus cabeçalhos, etc.) e o caminho deste pacote no armazém.

-A [regexp]

Lista de pacotes atualmente disponíveis na distribuição para este sistema (veja Distribuição GNU). Quando regexp for especificado, liste apenas os pacotes disponíveis cujo nome corresponda a regexp.

Para cada pacote, imprima os seguintes itens separados por tabulações: seu nome, sua string de versão, as partes do pacote (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas) e o local de origem de sua definição.

-l [padrão]

Retorne uma lista de gerações junto com suas datas de criação; para cada geração, exiba os pacotes instalados, com os pacotes instalados mais recentemente mostrados por último. Observe que a geração zero nunca é mostrada.

Para cada pacote instalado, mostre os seguintes itens, separados por tabulações: o nome de um pacote, sua string de versão, a parte do pacote que está instalada (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas) e a localização deste pacote em o armazém.

Quando padrão é usado, o comando retorna apenas gerações correspondentes. Os padrões válidos incluem:

  • Inteiros e números inteiros separados por vírgula. Ambos os padrões denotam números de geração. Por exemplo, --list-generations=1 retorna o primeiro.

    E --list-generations=1,8,2 gera três gerações na ordem especificada. Não são permitidos espaços nem vírgulas finais.

  • Intervalos. --list-generations=2..9 mostra o gerações especificadas e tudo mais. Observe que o início de um intervalo deve ser menor que o seu final.

    Também é possível omitir o ponto final. Por exemplo, --list-generations=2.. retorna todas as gerações começando pela segunda.

  • Duração. Você também pode visitar os últimos N dias, semanas, ou meses passando um número inteiro junto com a primeira letra da duração. Por exemplo, --list-generations=20d lista gerações com até 20 dias.
-d [padrão]

Quando padrão for omitido, exclua todas as gerações, exceto a atual.

Este comando aceita os mesmos padrões de --list-Generations. Quando pattern for especificado, exclua as gerações correspondentes. Quando padrão especifica uma duração, as gerações mais antigas que a duração especificada correspondem. Por exemplo, --delete-generations=1m exclui gerações com mais de um mês.

Se a geração atual corresponder, ela será não excluída. Além disso, a geração zero nunca é excluída.

Observe que a exclusão de gerações impede a reversão para elas. Conseqüentemente, este comando deve ser usado com cuidado.


Escreva na saída padrão um manifesto adequado para --manifest correspondente ao(s) perfil(s) selecionado(s).

Esta opção destina-se a ajudá-lo a migrar do modo operacional "imperativo” — executando guix install, guix upgrade, etc.—para o modo declarativo que --manifest ofertas.

Observe que o manifesto resultante aproxima o que seu perfil realmente contém; por exemplo, dependendo de como seu perfil foi criado, ele pode se referir a pacotes ou versões de pacotes que não são exatamente o que você especificou.

Tenha em mente que um manifesto é puramente simbólico: ele contém apenas nomes de pacotes e possivelmente versões, e seu significado varia com o tempo. Se você quiser “fixar” canais nas revisões que foram usadas para construir o(s) perfil(es), veja --export-channels abaixo.


Escreva na saída padrão a lista de canais usados pelo(s) perfil(s) selecionado(s), em um formato adequado para guix pull --channels ou guix time-machine --channels (veja Canais) . .

Juntamente com --export-manifest, esta opção fornece informações que permitem replicar o perfil atual (veja Replicando Guix).

No entanto, observe que a saída deste comando aproxima o que foi realmente usado para construir este perfil. Em particular, um único perfil pode ter sido construído a partir de diversas revisões diferentes do mesmo canal. Nesse caso, --export-manifest escolhe a última e escreve a lista de outras revisões em um comentário. Se você realmente precisa escolher pacotes de análises de canais diferentes, você pode usar inferiores em seu manifesto para fazer isso (veja Inferiores).

Juntamente com --export-manifest, este é um bom ponto de partida se você estiver disposto a migrar do modelo "imperativo" para o modelo totalmente declarativo que consiste em um arquivo de manifesto junto com um arquivo de canais fixando o canal exato revisão(ões) que você deseja.

Finalmente, como guix package pode realmente iniciar processos de construção, ele suporta todas as opções de construção comuns (veja Opções de compilação comuns). Ele também oferece suporte a opções de transformação de pacotes, como --with-source, e as preserva em atualizações (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

5.3 Substitutos

Guix suporta implantação transparente de origem/binário, o que significa que ele pode construir coisas localmente ou baixar itens pré-construídos de um servidor, ou ambos. Chamamos esses itens pré-construídos de substitutos—eles são substitutos para resultados de construção local. Em muitos casos, baixar um substituto é muito mais rápido do que construir coisas localmente.

Substitutos podem ser qualquer coisa resultante de uma construção de derivação (veja Derivações). Claro, no caso comum, eles são binários de pacotes pré-construídos, mas tarballs de origem, por exemplo, que também resultam de construções de derivação, podem estar disponíveis como substitutos.

5.3.1 Official Substitute Servers e são ambos front-ends para farms de build oficiais que constroem pacotes do Guix continuamente para algumas arquiteturas e os disponibilizam como substitutos. Essas são a fonte padrão de substitutos; que podem ser substituídos passando a opção --substitute-urls para guix-daemon (veja guix-daemon --substitute-urls) ou para ferramentas de cliente como guix package (veja client --substitute-urls option).

URLs substitutos podem ser HTTP ou HTTPS. HTTPS é recomendado porque as comunicações são criptografadas; por outro lado, usar HTTP torna todas as comunicações visíveis para um bisbilhoteiro, que pode usar as informações coletadas para determinar, por exemplo, se seu sistema tem vulnerabilidades de segurança não corrigidas.

Substitutos das build farms oficiais são habilitados por padrão ao usar o Guix System (veja Distribuição GNU). No entanto, eles são desabilitados por padrão ao usar o Guix em uma distribuição estrangeira, a menos que você os tenha habilitado explicitamente por meio de uma das etapas de instalação recomendadas (veja Instalação). Os parágrafos a seguir descrevem como habilitar ou desabilitar substitutos para a build farm oficial; o mesmo procedimento também pode ser usado para habilitar substitutos para qualquer outro servidor substituto.

5.3.2 Autorização de servidor substituto

Para permitir que o Guix baixe substitutos de, ou um espelho, você deve adicionar a chave pública relevante à lista de controle de acesso (ACL) de importações de arquivo, usando o comando guix archive (veja Invocando guix archive). Fazer isso implica que você confia que o servidor substituto não será comprometido e servirá substitutos genuínos.

Nota: Se você estiver usando o Guix System, pode pular esta seção: O Guix System autoriza substitutos de e por padrão.

As chaves públicas para cada um dos servidores substitutos mantidos pelo projeto são instaladas junto com o Guix, em prefix/share/guix/, onde prefix é o prefixo de instalação do Guix. Se você instalou o Guix a partir da fonte, certifique-se de verificar a assinatura GPG de guix-4538aa4.tar.gz, que contém este arquivo de chave pública. Então, você pode executar algo como isto:

# guix archive --authorize < prefix/share/guix/
# guix archive --authorize < prefix/share/guix/

Uma vez que isso esteja pronto, a saída de um comando como guix build deve mudar de algo como:

$ guix build emacs --dry-run
A seguinte derivações seriam compiladas:

para algo como:

$ guix build emacs --dry-run
112.3 MB seriam baixados:

O texto mudou de "As seguintes derivações seriam construídas” para "112,3 MB seriam baixados”. Isso indica que os substitutos dos servidores substitutos configurados são utilizáveis e serão baixados, quando possível, para construções futuras.

O mecanismo de substituição pode ser desabilitado globalmente executando guix-daemon com --no-substitutes (veja Invocando guix-daemon). Ele também pode ser desabilitado temporariamente passando a opção --no-substitutes para guix package, guix build e outras ferramentas de linha de comando.

5.3.3 Obtendo substitutos de outros servidores

Guix pode procurar e buscar substitutos de vários servidores. Isso é útil quando você está usando pacotes de canais adicionais para os quais o servidor oficial não tem substitutos, mas outro servidor os fornece. Outra situação em que isso é útil é quando você prefere baixar do servidor substituto da sua organização, recorrendo ao servidor oficial apenas como um fallback ou descartando-o completamente.

Você pode dar ao Guix uma lista de URLs de servidores substitutos e ele irá verificá-los na ordem especificada. Você também precisa autorizar explicitamente as chaves públicas dos servidores substitutos para instruir o Guix a aceitar os substitutos que eles assinam.

No Guix System, isso é obtido modificando a configuração do serviço guix. Como o serviço guix faz parte das listas padrão de serviços, %base-services e %desktop-services, você pode usar modify-services para alterar sua configuração e adicionar as URLs e chaves substitutas que você deseja (veja modify-services).

Como exemplo, suponha que você queira buscar substitutos de e autorizar a chave de assinatura desse servidor, além do padrão e A configuração do sistema operacional resultante será algo como:

 ;; …
  ;; Suponha que estamos começando com '%desktop-services'. Substitua-o
  ;; pela lista de serviços que você está realmente usando.
  (modify-services %desktop-services
    (guix-service-type config =>
                        (inherit config)
                         (append (list "")
                         (append (list (local-file "./"))

Isso pressupõe que o arquivo contém a chave de assinatura de Com essa alteração em vigor no arquivo de configuração do seu sistema operacional (digamos /etc/config.scm), você pode reconfigurar e reiniciar o serviço guix-daemon ou reinicializar para que as alterações entrem em vigor:

$ sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm
$ sudo herd restart guix-daemon

Se você estiver executando o Guix em uma "distribuição estrangeira”, você deve seguir os seguintes passos para obter substitutos de servidores adicionais:

  1. Edite o arquivo de configuração de serviço para guix-daemon; ao usar systemd, normalmente é /etc/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service. Adicione a opção --substitute-urls na linha de comando guix-daemon e liste as URLs de interesse (veja guix-daemon --substitute-urls):
    … --substitute-urls=''
  2. Reinicie o daemon. Para systemd, é assim:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart guix-daemon.service
  3. Autorize a chave do novo servidor (veja Invocando guix archive):
    guix archive --authorize <

    Novamente, isso pressupõe que contém a chave pública que usa para assinar substitutos.

Agora você está pronto! Os substitutos serão preferencialmente retirados de, usando e então como opções de fallback. Claro que você pode listar quantos servidores substitutos quiser, com a ressalva de que a pesquisa de substitutos pode ser desacelerada se muitos servidores precisarem ser contatados.

Troubleshooting: Para diagnosticar problemas, você pode executar guix weather. Por exemplo, executando:

guix weather coreutils

não apenas informa qual dos servidores atualmente configurados tem substitutos para o pacote coreutils, mas também informa se um desses servidores não está autorizado. Veja Invocando guix weather, para mais informações.

Observe que também há situações em que é possível adicionar a URL de um servidor substituto sem autorizar sua chave. Veja Autenticação de substituto, para entender esse ponto.

5.3.4 Autenticação de substituto

Guix detecta e gera um erro ao tentar usar um substituto que foi adulterado. Da mesma forma, ele ignora substitutos que não são assinados, ou que não são assinados por uma das chaves listadas na ACL.

Há uma exceção, no entanto: se um servidor não autorizado fornecer substitutos que sejam bit-for-bit idênticos aos fornecidos por um servidor autorizado, então o servidor não autorizado se torna elegível para downloads. Por exemplo, suponha que escolhemos dois servidores substitutos com esta opção:


Se a ACL contiver apenas a chave para ‘’, e se ‘’ servir os substitutos exatamente os mesmos, então o Guix baixará os substitutos de ‘’ porque ele vem primeiro na lista e pode ser considerado um espelho de ‘’. Na prática, máquinas de construção independentes geralmente produzem os mesmos binários, graças às construções reproduzíveis em bits (veja abaixo).

Ao usar HTTPS, o certificado X.509 do servidor é não validado (em outras palavras, o servidor não é autenticado), ao contrário do que os clientes HTTPS, como navegadores da Web, geralmente fazem. Isso ocorre porque o Guix autentica as próprias informações substitutas, conforme explicado acima, que é o que nos importa (enquanto os certificados X.509 são sobre autenticação de ligações entre nomes de domínio e chaves públicas).

5.3.5 Configurações de proxy

Os substitutos são baixados por HTTP ou HTTPS. As variáveis de ambiente http_proxy e https_proxy podem ser definidas no ambiente de guix-daemon e são honradas para downloads de substitutos. Observe que o valor dessas variáveis de ambiente no ambiente onde guix build, guix package e outros comandos de cliente são executados não tem absolutamente nenhum efeito.

5.3.6 Falha na substituição

Mesmo quando um substituto para uma derivação estiver disponível, às vezes a tentativa de substituição falhará. Isso pode acontecer por vários motivos: o servidor substituto pode estar offline, o servidor substituto pode ter sido excluído recentemente, a conexão pode ter sido interrompida, etc.

Quando os substitutos estão habilitados e um substituto para uma derivação está disponível, mas a tentativa de substituição falha, o Guix tentará construir a derivação localmente dependendo se --fallback foi fornecido ou não (veja opção de compilação comum --fallback). Especificamente, se --fallback for omitido, nenhuma construção local será executada e a derivação será considerada como tendo falhado. No entanto, se --fallback for fornecido, o Guix tentará construir a derivação localmente, e o sucesso ou fracasso da derivação dependerá do sucesso ou fracasso da construção local. Observe que quando os substitutos estão desabilitados ou nenhum substituto está disponível para a derivação em questão, uma construção local sempre será executada, independentemente de --fallback ter sido fornecido ou não.

Para ter uma ideia de quantos substitutos estão disponíveis no momento, você pode tentar executar o comando guix weather (veja Invocando guix weather). Este comando fornece estatísticas sobre os substitutos fornecidos por um servidor.

5.3.7 Confiança em binários

Hoje, o controlo de cada indivíduo sobre a sua própria computação está à mercê de instituições, empresas e grupos com poder e determinação suficientes para subverter a infra-estrutura informática e explorar as suas fraquezas. Embora o uso de substitutos possa ser conveniente, encorajamos os usuários a também construírem por conta própria, ou até mesmo executarem seu próprio build farm, de modo que os servidores substitutos executados pelo projeto sejam um alvo menos interessante. Uma maneira de ajudar é publicando o software que você constrói usando guix publish para que outros tenham mais uma opção de servidor para baixar substitutos (veja Invocando guix publish).

Guix has the foundations to maximize build reproducibility (veja Recursos). In most cases, independent builds of a given package or derivation should yield bit-identical results. Thus, through a diverse set of independent package builds, we can strengthen the integrity of our systems. The guix challenge command aims to help users assess substitute servers, and to assist developers in finding out about non-deterministic package builds (veja Invocando guix challenge). Similarly, the --check option of guix build allows users to check whether previously-installed substitutes are genuine by rebuilding them locally (veja guix build --check). To force a full rebuild of a package (ignoring security updates via grafts (veja Atualizações de segurança), if any grafts exist—which is not always the case), use --check together with --no-grafts (veja --no-grafts). Because grafts are built as their own derivation, if the package you want to rebuild is subject to being grafted, merely using --check will only rebuild the grafting derivation, and not actually recompile the package.

No futuro, queremos que o Guix tenha suporte para publicação e recuperação de binários de/para outros usuários, de forma peer-to-peer. Se você gostaria de discutir este projeto, entre em contato conosco em

5.4 Pacotes com múltiplas saídas

Frequentemente, os pacotes definidos no Guix têm uma única saída — ou seja, o pacote fonte leva a exatamente um diretório no armazém. Ao executar guix install glibc, instala-se a saída padrão do pacote GNU libc; A saída padrão é chamada out, mas seu nome pode ser omitido conforme mostrado neste comando. Neste caso específico, a saída padrão de glibc contém todos os arquivos de cabeçalho C, bibliotecas compartilhadas, bibliotecas estáticas, documentação de informações e outros arquivos de suporte.

Às vezes é mais apropriado separar os vários tipos de arquivos produzidos a partir de um único pacote fonte em saídas separadas. Por exemplo, a biblioteca GLib C (usada pelo GTK+ e pacotes relacionados) instala mais de 20 MiB de documentação de referência como páginas HTML. Para economizar espaço para usuários que não precisam, a documentação vai para uma saída separada, chamada doc. Para instalar a saída principal do GLib, que contém tudo menos a documentação, seria executado:

guix install glib

O comando para instalar sua documentação é:

guix install glib:doc

Embora a sintaxe de dois pontos funcione para especificação de linha de comando de saídas de pacotes, ela não funcionará ao usar uma variável de pacote no código do Scheme. Por exemplo, para adicionar a documentação do glib aos pacotes instalados globalmente de um operating-system (veja operating-system Reference), uma lista de dois itens, sendo o primeiro a variável de pacote e o segundo o nome da saída a ser selecionada (uma string), devem ser usados:

(use-modules (gnu packages glib))
;; glib-with-documentation é o símbolo de Guile para o pacote glib
   (list (list glib-with-documentation "doc"))

Alguns pacotes instalam programas com diferentes "pegadas de dependência”. Por exemplo, o pacote WordNet instala ferramentas de linha de comando e interfaces gráficas de usuário (GUIs). Os primeiros dependem exclusivamente da biblioteca C, enquanto os últimos dependem apenas do Tcl/Tk e das bibliotecas X subjacentes. Nesse caso, deixamos as ferramentas de linha de comando na saída padrão, enquanto as GUIs ficam em uma saída separada. Isso permite que usuários que não precisam de GUIs economizem espaço. O comando guix size pode ajudar a descobrir tais situações (veja Invocando guix size). guix graph também pode ser útil (veja Invocando guix graph).

Existem vários desses pacotes de múltiplas saídas na distribuição GNU. Outros nomes de saída convencionais incluem lib para bibliotecas e possivelmente arquivos de cabeçalho, bin para programas independentes e debug para informações de depuração (veja Instalando arquivos de depuração). A saída de um pacote está listada na terceira coluna da saída de guix package --list-available (veja Invocando guix package).

5.5 Invocando guix locate

Há tantos softwares gratuitos por aí que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, você precisará procurar por pacotes. O comando guix search que vimos antes (veja Invocando guix package) permite pesquisar por palavras-chave:

guix search video editor

Às vezes, você deseja descobrir qual pacote fornece um determinado arquivo, e é aí que entra guix locate. Veja como você pode encontrar o comando ls:

$ guix locate ls
coreutils@9.1       /gnu/store/…-coreutils-9.1/bin/ls

É claro que o comando funciona para qualquer arquivo, não apenas para comandos:

$ guix locate unistr.h
icu4c@71.1          /gnu/store/…/include/unicode/unistr.h
libunistring@1.0    /gnu/store/…/include/unistr.h

Você também pode especificar padrões de globo com curingas. Por exemplo, aqui está como você procuraria pacotes que fornecem arquivos .service:

$ guix locate -g '*.service'
man-db@2.11.1        …/lib/systemd/system/man-db.service
wpa-supplicant@2.10  …/system-services/fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service

O comando guix locate depende de um banco de dados que mapeia nomes de arquivos para nomes de pacotes. Por padrão, ele cria automaticamente esse banco de dados, caso ele ainda não exista, percorrendo os pacotes disponíveis localmente, o que pode levar alguns minutos (dependendo do tamanho do seu armazém e da velocidade do seu dispositivo de armazenamento).

Nota: Por enquanto, guix locate constrói seu banco de dados baseado em conhecimento puramente local – o que significa que você não encontrará pacotes que nunca chegaram ao sue armazém. Eventualmente, ele suportará o download de um banco de dados pré-construído para que você possa encontrar mais pacotes.

Por padrão, guix locate primeiro tenta procurar um banco de dados de todo o sistema, geralmente em /var/cache/guix/locate; Se não existir ou for muito antigo, ele retornará ao banco de dados por usuário, por padrão em ~/.cache/guix/locate. Em um sistema multiusuário, os administradores podem querer atualizar periodicamente o banco de dados de todo o sistema para que todos os usuários possam se beneficiar dele, por exemplo, configurando package-database-service-type (veja package-database-service-type).

A sintaxe geral é:

guix locate [opções…] arquivo

... onde arquivo é o nome de um arquivo a ser pesquisado (especificamente, o "nome base" do arquivo: arquivos cujos diretórios pais são chamados arquivo não são correspondidos).

As opções disponíveis são as seguintes:


Interprete arquivo… como padrões de globo—padrões que podem incluir caracteres curinga, como ‘*.scm’ para denotar todos os arquivos que terminam em ‘.scm’.


Exibir estatísticas do banco de dados.


Atualize o banco de dados dos arquivos.

Por padrão, o banco de dados é atualizado automaticamente quando é muito antigo.


Limpe o banco de dados e preencha-o novamente.

Esta opção permite começar de novo, garantindo que os dados antigos sejam removidos do banco de dados, o que também evita ter um banco de dados em constante crescimento. Por padrão, guix locate faz isso automaticamente periodicamente, embora com pouca frequência.


Use arquivo como banco de dados, criando-o se necessário.

Por padrão, guix locate escolhe o banco de dados em ~/.cache/guix ou /var/cache/guix, o que for mais recente.

-m método

Use método para selecionar o conjunto de pacotes a serem indexados. Os valores possíveis são:


Este é o método padrão: ele funciona percorrendo perfis na máquina e gravando os pacotes que encontra – pacotes instalados por você ou por outros usuários da máquina, direta ou indiretamente. É rápido mas você pode perder outros pacotes disponíveis no armazém mas não referenciados por nenhum perfil.


Este é um método mais lento, porém mais exaustivo: verifica entre todos os pacotes existentes aqueles que estão disponíveis no armazém e os registra.

5.6 Invocando guix gc

Pacotes instalados mas não usados podem ser garbage-collected. O comando guix gc permite que os usuários executem explicitamente o coletor de lixo para recuperar espaço do diretório /gnu/store. É a maneira única de remover arquivos de /gnu/store — remover arquivos ou diretórios manualmente pode quebrá-los sem possibilidade de reparo!

O coletor de lixo possui um conjunto de raizes conhecidos: qualquer arquivo em /gnu/store acessível a partir de uma raiz é considerado live e não pode ser excluído; Qualquer outro arquivo é considerado dead e pode ser excluído. O conjunto de raízes do coletor de lixo (abreviadamente “Raízes GC”) inclui perfis de usuário padrão; por padrão, as ligações simbólicas em /var/guix/gcroots representam essas raízes do GC. Novas raízes de GC podem ser adicionadas com guix build --root, por exemplo (veja Invocando guix build). O comando guix gc --list-roots os lista.

Antes de executar guix gc --collect-garbage para liberar espaço, geralmente é útil remover gerações antigas dos perfis de usuário; dessa forma, compilações de pacotes antigos referenciadas por essas gerações podem ser recuperadas. Isso é conseguido executando guix package --delete-generations (veja Invocando guix package).

Nossa recomendação é executar uma coleta de lixo periodicamente ou quando houver pouco espaço em disco. Por exemplo, para garantir que pelo menos 5 GB estejam disponíveis no disco, basta executar:

guix gc -F 5G

É perfeitamente seguro executar como um trabalho periódico não interativo (veja Execução de trabalho agendado, para saber como configurar tal trabalho). Executar guix gc sem argumentos coletará o máximo de lixo possível, mas isso geralmente é inconveniente: você pode ter que reconstruir ou baixar novamente um software que está "morto" do ponto de vista do GC, mas que é necessário para construir outras peças de software - por exemplo, a cadeia de ferramentas do compilador.

O comando guix gc tem três modos de operação: pode ser usado para coletar o lixo de quaisquer arquivos mortos (o padrão), para excluir arquivos específicos (a opção --delete), para imprimir lixo- informações do coletor ou para consultas mais avançadas. As opções de coleta de lixo são as seguintes:

-C [min]

Colete lixo, ou seja, arquivos e subdiretórios /gnu/store inacessíveis. Esta é a operação padrão quando nenhuma opção é especificada.

Quando min for fornecido, pare quando min bytes forem coletados. min pode ser um número de bytes ou pode incluir uma unidade como sufixo, como MiB para mebibytes e GB para gigabytes (veja especificações de tamanho em GNU Coreutils).

Quando min for omitido, colete todo o lixo.

-F free

Colete o lixo até que o espaço free esteja disponível em /gnu/store, se possível; free denota espaço de armazenamento, como 500MiB, conforme descrito acima.

Quando free ou mais já estiver disponível em /gnu/store, não faça nada e saia imediatamente.

-d [duração]

Antes de iniciar o processo de coleta de lixo, exclua todas as gerações anteriores a duração, para todos os perfis de usuário e gerações do ambiente pessoal. Quando executado como root, isso se aplica a todos os perfis de todos os usuários.

Por exemplo, este comando exclui todas as gerações de todos os seus perfis com mais de 2 meses (exceto as gerações atuais) e depois libera espaço até que pelo menos 10 GiB estejam disponíveis:

guix gc -d 2m -F 10G

Tentativa de excluir todos os arquivos e diretórios de armazém especificados como argumentos. Isso falhará se alguns dos arquivos não estiverem no armazém ou se ainda estiverem ativos.


Listar itens de armazém correspondentes a falhas de compilação em cache.

Isso não imprime nada, a menos que o daemon tenha sido iniciado com --cache-failures (veja --cache-failures).


Listar as raízes do GC de propriedade do usuário; quando executado como root, listar todas as raízes do GC.


Listar itens de armazém em uso por processos em execução no momento. Esses itens de armazém são efetivamente considerados raízes GC: eles não podem ser excluídos.


Remova os itens de armazém especificados do cache de compilação com falha.

Novamente, essa opção só faz sentido quando o daemon é iniciado com --cache-failures. Caso contrário, não faz nada.


Exibe a lista de arquivos e diretórios mortos ainda presentes no armazém, ou seja, arquivos e diretórios que não podem mais ser acessados de nenhuma raiz.


Exibe a lista de arquivos e diretórios do armazém ativa.

Além disso, as referências entre arquivos de armazém existentes podem ser consultadas:


Listar as referências (respectivamente, os referenciadores) dos arquivos de armazém fornecidos como argumentos.


Liste os requisitos dos arquivos de armazém passados como argumentos. Os requisitos incluem os próprios arquivos de armazém, suas referências e as referências destes, recursivamente. Em outras palavras, a lista retornada é o fechamento transitivo dos arquivos de armazém.

Veja Invocando guix size, para uma ferramenta para criar o perfil do tamanho do fechamento de um elemento. Veja Invocando guix graph, para uma ferramenta para visualizar o grafo de referências.


Retorna a(s) derivação(ões) que levam aos itens de armazém fornecidos (veja Derivações).

Por exemplo, este comando:

guix gc --derivers $(guix package -I ^emacs$ | cut -f4)

retorna o(s) arquivo(s) .drv que levam ao pacote emacs instalado no seu perfil.

Note que pode haver zero arquivos .drv correspondentes, por exemplo porque esses arquivos foram coletados como lixo. Também pode haver mais de um .drv correspondente devido a derivações de saída fixa.

Por fim, as seguintes opções permitem que você verifique a integridade do armazém e controle o uso do disco.


Verifique a integridade do armazém.

Por padrão, certifique-se de que todos os itens de armazém marcados como válidos no banco de dados do daemon realmente existam em /gnu/store.

Quando fornecido, opções deve ser uma lista separada por vírgulas contendo um ou mais de contents e repair.

Ao passar --verify=contents, o daemon calcula o hash de conteúdo de cada item do armazém e o compara com seu hash no banco de dados. Incompatibilidades de hash são relatadas como corrupções de dados. Como ele percorre todos os arquivos no armazém, esse comando pode levar muito tempo, especialmente em sistemas com uma unidade de disco lenta.

Usar --verify=repair ou --verify=contents,repair faz com que o daemon tente reparar itens corrompidos do armazém buscando substitutos para eles (veja Substitutos). Como o reparo não é atômico e, portanto, potencialmente perigoso, ele está disponível apenas para o administrador do sistema. Uma alternativa leve, quando você sabe exatamente quais itens no armazém estão corrompidos, é guix build --repair (veja Invocando guix build).


Otimize o armazém vinculando fisicamente arquivos idênticos — isso é deduplication.

O daemon executa a desduplicação após cada importação bem-sucedida de build ou archive, a menos que tenha sido iniciado com --disable-deduplication (veja --disable-deduplication). Portanto, essa opção é útil principalmente quando o daemon estava em execução com --disable-deduplication.


Guix usa um banco de dados sqlite para manter o controle dos itens no armazém (veja O armazém). Com o tempo, é possível que o banco de dados cresça muito e se torne fragmentado. Como resultado, pode-se desejar limpar o espaço liberado e juntar as páginas parcialmente usadas no banco de dados deixadas para trás por pacotes removidos ou após executar o coletor de lixo. Executar sudo guix gc --vacuum-database bloqueará o banco de dados e VACUUM o store, desfragmentando o banco de dados e expurgando as páginas liberadas, desbloqueando o banco de dados quando terminar.

5.7 Invocando guix pull

Os pacotes são instalados ou atualizados para a versão mais recente disponível na distribuição atualmente disponível na sua máquina local. Para atualizar essa distribuição, junto com as ferramentas Guix, você deve executar guix pull: o comando baixa o código-fonte Guix mais recente e as descrições dos pacotes, e os implementa. O código-fonte é baixado de um repositório Git, por padrão o repositório oficial GNU Guix, embora isso possa ser personalizado. guix pull garante que o código que ele baixa é autêntico, verificando se os commits são assinados pelos desenvolvedores Guix.

Especificamente, guix pull baixa o código dos canais (veja Canais) especificados por um dos seguintes, nesta ordem:

  1. a opção --channels;
  2. o arquivo ~/.config/guix/channels.scm do usuário, a menos que -q seja passado;
  3. o arquivo /etc/guix/channels.scm de todo o sistema, a menos que -q seja passado (no sistema Guix, este arquivo pode ser declarado na configuração do sistema operacional, veja campo channels de guix-configuration);
  4. os canais padrão integrados especificados na variável %default-channels.

Após a conclusão, guix package usará pacotes e versões de pacotes desta cópia recém-recuperada do Guix. Não apenas isso, mas todos os comandos Guix e módulos Scheme também serão retirados dessa versão mais recente. Novos subcomandos guix adicionados pela atualização também se tornam disponíveis.

Qualquer usuário pode atualizar sua cópia do Guix usando guix pull, e o efeito é limitado ao usuário que executou guix pull. Por exemplo, quando o usuário root executa guix pull, isso não tem efeito na versão do Guix que o usuário alice vê, e vice-versa.

O resultado da execução de guix pull é um perfil disponível em ~/.config/guix/current contendo o Guix mais recente.

A opção --list-generations ou -l lista gerações anteriores produzidas por guix pull, juntamente com detalhes sobre sua procedência:

$ guix pull -l
Geração 1	10 jun 2018 00:18:18
  guix 65956ad
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: origin/master
    commit: 65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe

Geração 2	11 jun 2018 11:02:49
  guix e0cc7f6
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: origin/master
    commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d

Geração 3	13 jun 2018 23:31:07	(atual)
  guix 844cc1c
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: origin/master
    commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c

Veja guix describe, para outras maneiras de descrever o status atual do Guix.

Este perfil ~/.config/guix/current funciona exatamente como os perfis criados por guix package (veja Invocando guix package). Ou seja, você pode listar gerações, reverter para a geração anterior — ou seja, o Guix anterior — e assim por diante:

$ guix pull --roll-back
trocado da geração 3 para 2
$ guix pull --delete-generations=1
excluindo /var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link

Você também pode usar guix package (veja Invocando guix package) para gerenciar o perfil nomeando-o explicitamente:

$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --roll-back
trocado da geração 3 para 2
$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --delete-generations=1
excluindo /var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link

O comando guix pull geralmente é invocado sem argumentos, mas suporta as seguintes opções:


Baixe o código para o canal guix do url especificado, no commit fornecido (um ID de commit Git válido representado como uma string hexadecimal ou o nome de uma tag) ou ramo.

Essas opções são fornecidas para sua conveniência, mas você também pode especificar sua configuração no arquivo ~/.config/guix/channels.scm ou usando a opção --channels (veja abaixo).

-C arquivo

Leia a lista de canais de arquivo em vez de ~/.config/guix/channels.scm ou /etc/guix/channels.scm. arquivo deve conter código Scheme que avalia uma lista de objetos de canal. Veja Canais, para mais informações.


Inibir o carregamento dos arquivos de canal do usuário e do sistema, ~/.config/guix/channels.scm e /etc/guix/channels.scm.


Exibir notícias escritas por autores de canais para seus usuários para alterações feitas desde a geração anterior (veja Escrevendo Notícias de Canal). Quando --details é passado, exibir adicionalmente pacotes novos e atualizados.

Você pode visualizar essas informações de gerações anteriores com guix pull -l.

-l [padrão]

Liste todas as gerações de ~/.config/guix/current ou, se padrão for fornecido, o subconjunto de gerações que correspondem a padrão. A sintaxe de padrão é a mesma de guix package --list-generations (veja Invocando guix package).

Por padrão, isso imprime informações sobre os canais usados em cada revisão, bem como as entradas de notícias correspondentes. Se você passar --details, ele também imprimirá a lista de pacotes adicionados e atualizados em cada geração em comparação com a anterior.


Instrua --list-generations ou --news para exibir mais informações sobre as diferenças entre gerações subsequentes — veja acima.


Reverta para a geração anterior de ~/.config/guix/current—ou seja, desfaça a última transação.

-S padrão

Mude para uma geração específica definida por padrão.

padrão pode ser um número de geração ou um número prefixado com "+” ou "-”. O último significa: mover para frente/para trás por um número especificado de gerações. Por exemplo, se você quiser retornar para a última geração após --roll-back, use --switch-generation=+1.

-d [padrão]

Quando padrão for omitido, exclua todas as gerações, exceto a atual.

Este comando aceita os mesmos padrões de --list-Generations. Quando pattern for especificado, exclua as gerações correspondentes. Quando padrão especifica uma duração, as gerações mais antigas que a duração especificada correspondem. Por exemplo, --delete-generations=1m exclui gerações com mais de um mês.

Se a geração atual corresponder, ela não será excluída.

Observe que a exclusão de gerações impede a reversão para elas. Conseqüentemente, este comando deve ser usado com cuidado.

Veja Invocando guix describe, para uma maneira de exibir informações somente sobre a geração atual.

-p perfil

Use perfil em vez de ~/.config/guix/current.


Mostre quais commits de canal seriam usados e o que seria construído ou substituído, mas não faça isso de fato.


Permitir extrair revisões de canais mais antigas ou não relacionadas às que estão em uso atualmente.

Por padrão, guix pull protege contra os chamados "ataques de downgrade”, nos quais o repositório Git de um canal seria redefinido para uma revisão anterior ou não relacionada a si mesmo, potencialmente levando você a instalar versões mais antigas e conhecidas de pacotes de software.

Nota: Certifique-se de entender as implicações de segurança antes de usar --allow-downgrades.


Permitir extrair código de canal sem autenticá-lo.

Por padrão, guix pull autentica o código baixado de canais verificando se seus commits são assinados por desenvolvedores autorizados e gera um erro se esse não for o caso. Esta opção o instrui a não executar nenhuma verificação desse tipo.

Nota: Certifique-se de entender as implicações de segurança antes de usar --disable-authentication.


Do not validate the X.509 certificates of HTTPS servers.

When using this option, you have absolutely no guarantee that you are communicating with the authentic server responsible for the given URL. Unless the channel is authenticated, this makes you vulnerable to “man-in-the-middle” attacks.

-s sistema

Tente compilar para sistema—por exemplo, i686-linux—em vez do tipo de sistema do host de compilação.


Use o bootstrap Guile para construir o Guix mais recente. Esta opção é útil somente para desenvolvedores Guix.

O mecanismo dos canais permite que você instrua guix pull de qual repositório e branch extrair, bem como repositórios adicionais contendo módulos de pacote que devem ser implantados. Veja Canais, para mais informações.

Além disso, guix pull suporta todas as opções de compilação comuns (veja Opções de compilação comuns).

5.8 Invocando guix time-machine

O comando guix time-machine fornece acesso a outras revisões do Guix, por exemplo, para instalar versões mais antigas de pacotes ou para reproduzir uma computação em um ambiente idêntico. A revisão do Guix a ser usada é definida por um commit ou por um arquivo de descrição de canal criado por guix describe (veja Invocando guix describe).

Vamos supor que você queira viajar para aqueles dias de novembro de 2020, quando a versão 1.2.0 do Guix foi lançada e, uma vez lá, executar o guile daquela época:

guix time-machine --commit=v1.2.0 -- \
  environment -C --ad-hoc guile -- guile

O comando acima busca Guix 1.2.0 (e possivelmente outros canais especificados pelos seus arquivos de configuração channels.scm — veja abaixo) e executa seu comando guix environment para gerar um ambiente em um contêiner executando guile (guix environment foi desde então subsumido por guix shell; veja Invocando guix shell). É como dirigir um DeLorean12! A primeira invocação de guix time-machine pode ser cara: pode ser necessário baixar ou até mesmo construir um grande número de pacotes; o resultado é armazenado em cache e os comandos subsequentes direcionados ao mesmo commit são quase instantâneos.

Quanto ao guix pull, na ausência de quaisquer opções, o time-machine busca os últimos commits dos canais especificados em ~/.config/guix/channels.scm, /etc/guix/channels.scm, ou os canais padrão; a opção -q permite que você ignore esses arquivos de configuração. O comando:

guix time-machine -q -- build hello

construirá então o pacote hello conforme definido no branch principal do Guix, sem nenhum canal adicional, que é em geral uma revisão mais nova do Guix do que a que você instalou. A viagem no tempo funciona em ambas as direções!

Nota: O histórico do Guix é imutável e guix time-machine fornece exatamente o mesmo software que eles estão em uma revisão específica do Guix. Naturalmente, nenhuma correção de segurança é fornecida para versões antigas do Guix ou seus canais. Um uso descuidado do guix time-machine abre a porta para vulnerabilidades de segurança. Veja --allow-downgrades.

guix time-machine gera um erro ao tentar viajar para commits mais antigos que "v0.16.0" (commit ‘4a0b87f0’), datados de Dez. 2018. Este é um dos commits mais antigos que oferecem suporte ao mecanismo de canal que torna a "viagem no tempo" possível.

Nota: Embora seja tecnicamente possível viajar para um commit tão antigo, a facilidade para fazê-lo dependerá em grande parte da disponibilidade de substitutos binários. Ao viajar para um passado distante, alguns pacotes podem não ser mais facilmente construídos a partir da fonte. Um exemplo são as versões antigas do OpenSSL cujos testes falhavam após uma certa data. Esse problema em particular pode ser contornado executando uma máquina de construção virtual com seu relógio ajustado para a hora certa (veja Máquinas de Construção Virtual).

A sintaxe geral é:

guix time-machine opções… -- comando arg

onde comando e arg… são passados sem modificações para o comando guix da revisão especificada. As opções que definem esta revisão são as mesmas que para guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull):


Use o canal guix do url especificado, no commit fornecido (um ID de commit Git válido representado como uma string hexadecimal ou o nome de uma tag) ou ramo.

-C arquivo

Leia a lista de canais de arquivo. arquivo deve conter código Scheme que avalia uma lista de objetos de canal. Veja Canais para mais informações.


Inibir o carregamento dos arquivos de canal do usuário e do sistema, ~/.config/guix/channels.scm e /etc/guix/channels.scm.

Portanto, guix time-machine -q é equivalente ao seguinte comando Bash, usando a sintaxe "substituição de processo" (veja Process Substitution em Manual de referência do GNU Bash):

guix time-machine -C <(echo %default-channels) …

Observe que guix time-machine pode acionar compilações de canais e suas dependências, e elas são controladas pelas opções de compilação padrão (veja Opções de compilação comuns).

Se guix time-machine for executado sem nenhum comando, ele imprime o nome do arquivo do perfil que seria usado para executar o comando. Isso às vezes é útil se você precisa obter o nome do arquivo de armazém do perfil — por exemplo, quando você quer guix copy ele.

5.9 Inferiores

Nota: A funcionalidade descrita aqui é uma “prévia de tecnologia” da versão 4538aa4. Como tal, a interface está sujeita a alterações.

Às vezes, você pode precisar misturar pacotes da revisão do Guix que você está executando atualmente com pacotes disponíveis em uma revisão diferente do Guix. Os inferiores do Guix permite que você consiga isso compondo diferentes revisões do Guix de maneiras arbitrárias.

Tecnicamente, um “inferior” é essencialmente um processo Guix separado conectado ao seu processo Guix principal por meio de um REPL (veja Invocando guix repl). O módulo (guix inferior) permite que você crie inferiores e se comunique com eles. Ele também fornece uma interface de alto nível para navegar e manipular os pacotes que um inferior fornece—pacotes inferiores.

Quando combinados com canais (veja Canais), os inferiores fornecem uma maneira simples de interagir com uma revisão separada do Guix. Por exemplo, vamos supor que você queira instalar em seu perfil o pacote guile atual, junto com o guile-json como ele existia em uma revisão mais antiga do Guix—talvez porque o mais novo guile-json tenha uma API incompatível e você queira executar seu código contra a API antiga. Para fazer isso, você pode escrever um manifesto para uso por guix package --manifest (veja Escrevendo manifestos); nesse manifesto, você criaria um inferior para aquela revisão antiga do Guix que você se importa, e você procuraria o pacote guile-json no inferior:

(use-modules (guix inferior) (guix channels)
             (srfi srfi-1))   ;para 'first'

(define canais
  ;; Esta é a revisão antiga da qual queremos
  ;; extrair guile-json.
  (list (channel
         (name 'guix)
         (url "")

(define inferior
  ;; Um inferior representando a revisão acima.
  (inferior-for-channels canais))

;; Agora crie um manifesto com o pacote "guile" atual
;; e o antigo pacote "guile-json".
 (list (first (lookup-inferior-packages inferior "guile-json"))
       (specification->package "guile")))

Na primeira execução, guix package --manifest pode ter que construir o canal que você especificou antes de poder criar o inferior; execuções subsequentes serão muito mais rápidas porque a revisão do Guix será armazenada em cache.

O módulo (guix inferior) fornece os seguintes procedimentos para abrir um inferior:

Procedimento: inferior-for-channels canais [#:cache-directory] [#:ttl]

Retorna um inferior para canais, uma lista de canais. Use o cache em cache-directory, onde as entradas podem ser recuperadas após ttl segundos. Este procedimento abre uma nova conexão com o daemon de construção.

Como efeito colateral, esse procedimento pode criar ou substituir binários para canais, o que pode levar tempo.

Procedimento: open-inferior diretório [#:command "bin/guix"]

Abra o Guix inferior em diretório, executando o comando diretório/command repl ou equivalente. Retorne #f se o inferior não puder ser iniciado.

Os procedimentos listados abaixo permitem que você obtenha e manipule pacotes inferiores.

Procedimento: inferior-packages inferior

Retorna a lista de pacotes conhecidos por inferior.

Procedimento: lookup-inferior-packages inferior nome [versão]

Retorna a lista ordenada de pacotes inferiores que correspondem a nome em inferior, com os números de versão mais altos primeiro. Se versão for true, retorna apenas pacotes com um número de versão prefixado por versão.

Procedimento: inferior-package? obj

Retorna verdadeiro se obj for um pacote inferior.

Procedimento: inferior-package-name pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-version pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-synopsis pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-description pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-home-page pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-location pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-inputs pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-native-inputs pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-propagated-inputs pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-native-search-paths pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths pacote
Procedimento: inferior-package-search-paths pacote

Esses procedimentos são a contrapartida dos acessadores de registro de pacote (veja Referência do package). A maioria deles funciona consultando o inferior de onde pacote vem, então o inferior ainda deve estar ativo quando você chamar esses procedimentos.

Pacotes inferiores podem ser usados transparentemente como qualquer outro pacote ou objeto tipo arquivo em expressões-G (veja Expressões-G). Eles também são manipulados transparentemente pelo procedimento packages->manifest, que é comumente usado em manifestos (veja a opção --manifest de guix package). Assim, você pode inserir um pacote inferior praticamente em qualquer lugar em que inseriria um pacote regular: em manifestos, no campo packages da sua declaração operating-system e assim por diante.

5.10 Invocando guix describe

Frequentemente você pode querer responder perguntas como: “Qual revisão do Guix estou usando?” ou “Quais canais estou usando?” Essas são informações úteis em muitas situações: se você quiser replicar um ambiente em uma máquina ou conta de usuário diferente, se quiser relatar um bug ou determinar qual alteração nos canais que você está usando o causou, ou se quiser registrar o estado do seu sistema para fins de reprodutibilidade. O comando guix describe responde a essas perguntas.

Quando executado a partir de um guix obtido com guix pull, guix describe exibe o(s) canal(ais) dos quais foi criado, incluindo a URL do repositório e os IDs de confirmação (veja Canais):

$ guix describe
Geração 10	03 set 2018 17:32:44	(atual)
  guix e0fa68c
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: master
    commit: e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727

Se você estiver familiarizado com o sistema de controle de versão do Git, isso é similar em espírito a git describe; a saída também é similar à de guix pull --list-generations, mas limitada à geração atual (veja a opção --list-generations). Como o ID de commit do Git mostrado acima se refere inequivocamente a um snapshot do Guix, essa informação é tudo o que é preciso para descrever a revisão do Guix que você está usando e também para replicá-la.

Para facilitar a replicação do Guix, guix describe também pode ser solicitado a retornar uma lista de canais em vez da descrição legível acima:

$ guix describe -f channels
(list (channel
        (name 'guix)
        (url "")
              "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA")))))

Você pode salvar isso em um arquivo e alimentá-lo com guix pull -C em alguma outra máquina ou em um momento posterior, o que instanciará esta revisão exata do Guix (veja a opção -C). A partir daí, já que você consegue implementar a mesma revisão do Guix, você pode muito bem replicar um ambiente de software completo. Humildemente achamos isso incrível, e esperamos que você goste também!

Os detalhes das opções suportadas por guix describe são os seguintes:

-f formato

Produza saída no formato especificado, um dos seguintes:


produzir resultados legíveis por humanos;


produz uma lista de especificações de canal que podem ser passadas para guix pull -C ou instaladas como ~/.config/guix/channels.scm (veja Invocando guix pull);


como channels, mas omita o campo introduction; use-o para produzir uma especificação de canal adequada para a versão 1.1.0 do Guix ou anterior — o campo introduction tem a ver com autenticação de canal (veja Autenticação de canal) e não é suportado por essas versões mais antigas;


produzir uma lista de especificações de canal no formato JSON;


produzir uma lista de especificações de canais no formato Recutils.


Exibir formatos disponíveis para a opção --format.

-p perfil

Exibir informações sobre perfil.

5.11 Invocando guix archive

O comando guix archive permite que os usuários exportem arquivos do armazém para um único arquivamento e depois importem eles em uma máquina que execute o Guix. Em particular, ele permite que os arquivos do armazém sejam transferidos de uma máquina para o store em outra máquina.

Nota: Se você estiver procurando uma maneira de produzir arquivamentos em um formato adequado para outras ferramentas além do Guix, veja Invocando guix pack.

Para exportar arquivos de armazém como um arquivamento para saída padrão, execute:

guix archive --export opções especificações...

especificações pode ser nomes de arquivos de armazém ou especificações de pacotes, como para guix package (veja Invocando guix package). Por exemplo, o comando a seguir cria um arquivo contendo a saída gui do pacote git e a saída principal de emacs:

guix archive --export git:gui /gnu/store/...-emacs-24.3 > great.nar

Se os pacotes especificados ainda não foram construídos, guix archive os constrói automaticamente. O processo de construção pode ser controlado com as opções comuns de construção (veja Opções de compilação comuns).

Para transferir o pacote emacs para uma máquina conectada via SSH, execute:

guix archive --export -r emacs | ssh a-máquina guix archive --import

Da mesma forma, um perfil de usuário completo pode ser transferido de uma máquina para outra assim:

guix archive --export -r $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | \
  ssh a-máquina guix archive --import

No entanto, observe que, em ambos os exemplos, todos os emacs e o perfil, bem como todas as suas dependências são transferidos (devido a -r), independentemente do que já esteja disponível no armazém na máquina de destino. A opção --missing pode ajudar a descobrir quais itens estão faltando no armazém de destino. O comando guix copy simplifica e otimiza todo esse processo, então é provavelmente isso que você deve usar neste caso (veja Invocando guix copy).

Cada item do armazém é escrito no formato arquivamento normalizado ou nar (descrito abaixo), e a saída de guix archive --export (e entrada de guix archive --import) é uma embalagem nar.

O formato nar é comparável em espírito ao ‘tar’, mas com diferenças que o tornam mais apropriado para nossos propósitos. Primeiro, em vez de registrar todos os metadados Unix para cada arquivo, o formato nar menciona apenas o tipo de arquivo (regular, diretório ou ligação simbólica); permissões Unix e proprietário/grupo são descartados. Segundo, a ordem em que as entradas de diretório são armazenadas sempre segue a ordem dos nomes de arquivo de acordo com a ordem de agrupamento de localidade C. Isso torna a produção de arquivo totalmente determinística.

O formato da embalagem nar é essencialmente a concatenação de zero ou mais nars junto com metadados para cada item de armazém que ele contém: seu nome de arquivo, referências, derivação correspondente e uma assinatura digital.

Ao exportar, o daemon assina digitalmente o conteúdo do arquivamento, e essa assinatura digital é anexada. Ao importar, o daemon verifica a assinatura e rejeita a importação em caso de uma assinatura inválida ou se a chave de assinatura não for autorizada.

As principais opções são:


Exporte os arquivos de armazém ou pacotes especificados (veja abaixo). Grave o arquivo resultante na saída padrão.

Dependências não são incluídas na saída, a menos que --recursive seja passado.


Quando combinado com --export, isso instrui guix archive a incluir dependências dos itens fornecidos no arquivo. Assim, o arquivo resultante é autocontido: ele contém o fechamento dos itens exportados do armazém.


Leia um arquivo da entrada padrão e importe os arquivos listados nele para o armazém. Aborte se o arquivo tiver uma assinatura digital inválida ou se for assinado por uma chave pública que não esteja entre as chaves autorizadas (veja --authorize abaixo).


Leia uma lista de nomes de arquivos do armazém da entrada padrão, um por linha, e escreva na saída padrão o subconjunto desses arquivos que faltam no armazém.


Gere um novo par de chaves para o daemon. Este é um pré-requisito antes que os arquivos possam ser exportados com --export. Esta operação é geralmente instantânea, mas pode levar algum tempo se o pool de entropia do sistema precisar ser recarregado. No Guix System, guix-service-type cuida da geração deste par de chaves na primeira inicialização.

O par de chaves gerado é normalmente armazenado em /etc/guix, em (chave pública) e signing-key.sec (chave privada, que deve ser mantida em segredo). Quando parâmetros é omitido, uma chave ECDSA usando a curva Ed25519 é gerada ou, para versões do Libgcrypt anteriores a 1.6.0, é uma chave RSA de 4096 bits. Como alternativa, parâmetros pode especificar parâmetros genkey adequados para Libgcrypt (veja gcry_pk_genkey em Manual de referência do Libgcrypt).


Autorize importações assinadas pela chave pública passada na entrada padrão. A chave pública deve estar em “s-expression advanced format”—i.e., o mesmo formato do arquivo

A lista de chaves autorizadas é mantida no arquivo editável por humanos /etc/guix/acl. O arquivo contém “advanced-format s-expressions” e é estruturado como uma lista de controle de acesso no Simple Public-Key Infrastructure (SPKI).

-x diretório

Leia um arquivo de item único conforme servido por servidores substitutos (veja Substitutos) e extraia-o para diretório. Esta é uma operação de baixo nível necessária apenas em casos de uso muito restritos; veja abaixo.

Por exemplo, o comando a seguir extrai o substituto para o Emacs servido por para /tmp/emacs:

$ wget -O - \…-emacs-24.5 \
  | gunzip | guix archive -x /tmp/emacs

Arquivamentos de item único são diferentes de arquivamentos de itens múltiplos produzidos por guix archive --export; eles contêm um único item de armazém e não incorporam uma assinatura. Portanto, essa operação não faz nenhuma verificação de assinatura e sua saída deve ser considerada insegura.

O objetivo principal desta operação é facilitar a inspeção de conteúdos de arquivamento provenientes de servidores substitutos possivelmente não confiáveis (veja Invocando guix challenge).


Leia um arquivamento de item único servido por servidores substitutos (veja Substitutos) e exiba a lista de arquivos que ele contém, como neste exemplo:

$ wget -O - \…-emacs-26.3 \
  | lzip -d | guix archive -t

6 Canais

Guix e sua coleção de pacotes são atualizados executando guix pull. Por padrão, guix pull baixa e implementa o próprio Guix do repositório oficial GNU Guix. Isso pode ser personalizado fornecendo um arquivo especificando o conjunto de canais para extrair de (veja Invocando guix pull). Um canal especifica a URL e a ramificação de um repositório Git a ser implantado, e guix pull pode ser instruído a extrair de um ou mais canais. Em outras palavras, os canais podem ser usados para personalizar e estender o Guix, como veremos abaixo. O Guix é capaz de levar em conta preocupações de segurança e lidar com atualizações autenticadas.

6.1 Especificando canais adicionais

Você pode especificar canais adicionais para puxar. Para usar um canal, escreva ~/.config/guix/channels.scm para instruir guix pull para puxar dele além do(s) canal(ais) Guix padrão:

;; Adicione pacotes variantes aos fornecidos pelo Guix.
(cons (channel
        (name 'variant-packages)
        (url ""))

Note que o snippet acima é (como sempre!) código do Scheme; usamos cons para adicionar um canal à lista de canais aos quais a variável %default-channels está vinculada (veja cons and lists em GNU Guile Reference Manual). Com esse arquivo no lugar, guix pull compila não apenas o Guix, mas também os módulos do pacote do seu próprio repositório. O resultado em ~/.config/guix/current é a união do Guix com seus próprios módulos do pacote:

$ guix describe
Geração 19	27 ago 2018 16:20:48
  guix d894ab8
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: master
    commit: d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300
  variant-packages dd3df5e
    URL do repositório:
    ramo: master
    commit: dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb

A saída do guix describe acima mostra que agora estamos executando o geração 19 e que ele inclui o Guix e os pacotes do canal variant-packages (veja Invocando guix describe).

6.2 Usando um canal Guix personalizado

O canal chamado guix especifica onde o próprio Guix—suas ferramentas de linha de comando, bem como sua coleção de pacotes—deve ser baixado. Por exemplo, suponha que você queira atualizar de outra cópia do repositório Guix em, e especificamente o branch super-hacks, você pode escrever em ~/.config/guix/channels.scm esta especificação:

;; Diga ao 'guix pull' para usar outro repositório.
(list (channel
        (name 'guix)
        (url "")
        (branch "super-hacks")))

A partir daí, guix pull buscará o código do branch super-hacks do repositório em A preocupação com a autenticação é abordada abaixo (veja Autenticação de canal).

Note que você pode especificar um diretório local no campo url acima se o canal que você pretende usar residir em um sistema de arquivos local. No entanto, neste caso, guix verifica o diretório em busca de propriedade antes de qualquer processamento posterior. Isso significa que se o usuário não for o proprietário do diretório, mas quiser usá-lo como padrão, ele precisará defini-lo como um diretório seguro em seu arquivo de configuração global do git. Caso contrário, guix se recusará até mesmo a lê-lo. Supondo que seu diretório local de todo o sistema esteja em /src/guix.git, você criaria um arquivo de configuração do git em ~/.gitconfig com o seguinte conteúdo:

        directory = /src/guix.git

Isso também se aplica ao usuário root, a menos que seja chamado com sudo pelo proprietário do diretório.

6.3 Replicando Guix

O comando guix describe mostra precisamente quais commits foram usados para construir a instância do Guix que estamos usando (veja Invocando guix describe). Podemos replicar essa instância em outra máquina ou em um ponto diferente no tempo fornecendo uma especificação de canal “fixada” a esses commits que se parece com isso:

;; Implantar commits específicos dos meus canais de interesse.
(list (channel
       (name 'guix)
       (url "")
       (commit "6298c3ffd9654d3231a6f25390b056483e8f407c"))
       (name 'variant-packages)
       (url "")
       (commit "dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb")))

Para obter essa especificação de canal fixado, a maneira mais fácil é executar guix describe e salvar sua saída no formato channels em um arquivo, assim:

guix describe -f channels > channels.scm

O arquivo channels.scm resultante pode ser passado para a opção -C de guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull) ou guix time-machine (veja Invocando guix time-machine), como neste exemplo:

guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell python -- python3

Dado o arquivo channels.scm, o comando acima sempre buscará a exatamente a mesma instância Guix, então usará essa instância para executar exatamente o mesmo Python (veja Invocando guix shell). Em qualquer máquina, a qualquer momento, ele acaba executando exatamente os mesmos binários, bit por bit.

Os canais fixados abordam um problema semelhante a “arquivos de bloqueio” conforme implementado por algumas ferramentas de implantação — eles permitem que você fixe e reproduza um conjunto de pacotes. No caso do Guix, no entanto, você está efetivamente fixando o conjunto de pacotes inteiro conforme definido nos commits de canal fornecidos; na verdade, você está fixando todo o Guix, incluindo seus módulos principais e ferramentas de linha de comando. Você também está obtendo fortes garantias de que está, de fato, obtendo exatamente o mesmo software.

Isso lhe dá superpoderes, permitindo que você rastreie a procedência de artefatos binários com granularidade muito fina e reproduza ambientes de software à vontade — algum tipo de capacidade de “meta reprodutibilidade”, se preferir. Veja Inferiores, para outra maneira de aproveitar esses superpoderes.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Canais   [Conteúdo][Índice]

6.4 Customizing the System-Wide Guix

Se você estiver executando o Guix System ou construindo imagens de sistema com ele, talvez você queira personalizar o guix de todo o sistema que ele fornece—especificamente, /run/current-system/profile/bin/guix. Por exemplo, você pode querer fornecer canais adicionais ou fixar sua revisão.

Isso pode ser feito usando o procedimento guix-for-channels, que retorna um pacote para os canais fornecidos e o usa como parte da configuração do seu sistema operacional, como neste exemplo:

(use-modules (gnu packages package-management)
             (guix channels))

(define my-channels
  ;; Canais que devem estar disponíveis para
  ;; /run/current-system/profile/bin/guix.
   (list (channel
          (name 'guix-science)
          (url "")
          (branch "master")))

  ;; …
    ;; Change the package used by 'guix-service-type'.
    (modify-services %base-services
       config => (guix-configuration
                  (inherit config)
                  (channels my-channels)
                  (guix (guix-for-channels my-channels)))))))

O sistema operacional resultante terá os canais guix e guix-science visíveis por padrão. O campo channels de guix-configuration acima garante ainda mais que /etc/guix/channels.scm, que é usado por guix pull, especifica o mesmo conjunto de canais (veja campo channels de guix-configuration).

O módulo (gnu packages package-management) exporta o procedimento guix-for-channels, descrito abaixo.

Procedimento: guix-for-channels canais

Retorna um pacote correspondente a canais.

O resultado é um pacote “regular”, que pode ser usado em guix-configuration como mostrado acima ou em qualquer outro lugar que espere um pacote.

6.5 Autenticação de canal

Os comandos guix pull e guix time-machine autenticam o código recuperado dos canais: eles garantem que cada commit que é buscado seja assinado por um desenvolvedor autorizado. O objetivo é proteger contra modificações não autorizadas no canal que levariam os usuários a executar código malicioso.

Como usuário, você deve fornecer uma introdução de canal no seu arquivo de canais para que o Guix saiba como autenticar seu primeiro commit. Uma especificação de canal, incluindo sua introdução, parece algo como estas linhas:

  (name 'algum-canal)
  (url "")
     "CABB A931 C0FF EEC6 900D  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"))))

A especificação acima mostra o nome e a URL do canal. A chamada para make-channel-introduction acima especifica que a autenticação deste canal começa no commit 6f0d8cc…, que é assinado pela chave OpenPGP com impressão digital CABB A931….

Para o canal principal, chamado guix, você obtém automaticamente essas informações da sua instalação Guix. Para outros canais, inclua a introdução do canal fornecida pelos autores do canal no seu arquivo channels.scm. Certifique-se de recuperar a introdução do canal de uma fonte confiável, pois essa é a raiz da sua confiança.

Se você está curioso sobre a mecânica de autenticação, continue lendo!

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Canais   [Conteúdo][Índice]

6.6 Canais com substitutos

Ao executar guix pull, o Guix primeiro compilará as definições de cada pacote disponível. Esta é uma operação cara para a qual substitutos (veja Substitutos) podem estar disponíveis. O seguinte snippet em channels.scm garantirá que o guix pull use o commit mais recente com substitutos disponíveis para as definições de pacote: isso é feito consultando o servidor de integração contínua em

(use-modules (guix ci))

(list (channel-with-substitutes-available

Note que isso não significa que todos os pacotes que você instalará após executar guix pull terão substitutos disponíveis. Isso apenas garante que guix pull não tentará compilar definições de pacotes. Isso é particularmente útil ao usar máquinas com recursos limitados.

6.7 Criando um canal

Digamos que você tenha um monte de variantes de pacotes personalizados ou pacotes pessoais que você acha que faria pouco sentido contribuir para o projeto Guix, mas gostaria de ter esses pacotes disponíveis de forma transparente para você na linha de comando. Ao criar um canal, você pode usar e publicar tal coleção de pacotes. Isso envolve as seguintes etapas:

  1. Um canal fica em um repositório Git, então o primeiro passo, ao criar um canal, é criar seu repositório:
    mkdir meu-canal
    cd meu-canal
    git init
  2. O próximo passo é criar arquivos contendo módulos de pacote (veja Módulos de pacote), cada um dos quais conterá uma ou mais definições de pacote (veja Definindo pacotes). Um canal pode fornecer coisas além de pacotes, como sistemas de compilação ou serviços; estamos usando pacotes, pois é o caso de uso mais comum.

    Por exemplo, Alice pode querer fornecer um módulo chamado (alice packages greetings) que fornecerá suas implementações favoritas de “hello world”. Para fazer isso, Alice criará um diretório correspondente ao nome desse módulo.

    mkdir -p alice/packages
    $EDITOR alice/packages/greetings.scm
    git add alice/packages/greetings.scm

    Você pode nomear seus módulos de pacote como quiser; a principal restrição a ter em mente é evitar conflitos de nomes com outras coleções de pacotes, e é por isso que nossa hipotética Alice sabiamente escolheu o namespace (alice packages …).

    Observe que você também pode colocar módulos em um subdiretório do repositório; veja Módulos de pacote em um subdiretório, para mais informações sobre isso.

  3. Com este primeiro módulo em funcionamento, o próximo passo é testar os pacotes que ele fornece. Isso pode ser feito com guix build, que precisa ser informado para procurar módulos no checkout do Git. Por exemplo, supondo que (alice packages greetings) forneça um pacote chamado hi-from-alice, Alice executará este comando do checkout do Git:
    guix build -L. hi-from-alice

    ... onde -L. adiciona o diretório atual ao caminho de carregamento do Guile (veja Load Paths em Manual de referência do GNU Guile).

  4. Pode levar algumas iterações para Alice obter definições de pacote satisfatórias. Eventualmente, Alice fará commit deste arquivo:
    git commit

    Como autor de um canal, considere agrupar material de autenticação com seu canal para que os usuários possam autenticá-lo. Veja Autenticação de canal e Especificando autorizações de canal para obter informações sobre como fazer isso.

  5. Para usar o canal de Alice, qualquer pessoa pode adicioná-lo ao seu arquivo de canal (veja Especificando canais adicionais) e executar guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull):
    $EDITOR ~/.config/guix/channels.scm
    guix pull

    Guix agora se comportará como se o diretório raiz do repositório Git daquele canal tivesse sido adicionado permanentemente ao caminho de carregamento do Guile. Neste exemplo, (alice packages greetings) será encontrado automaticamente pelo comando guix.


Aviso: Antes de publicar seu canal, gostaríamos de compartilhar algumas palavras de cautela:

  • Antes de publicar um canal, considere contribuir com suas definições de pacote para o Guix propriamente dito (veja Contribuindo). O Guix como um projeto é aberto a software livre de todos os tipos, e os pacotes no Guix propriamente dito estão prontamente disponíveis para todos os usuários do Guix e se beneficiam do processo de garantia de qualidade do projeto.
  • Módulos de pacote e definições de pacote são códigos Scheme que usam várias interfaces de programação (APIs). Nós, desenvolvedores Guix, nunca mudamos APIs gratuitamente, mas também não nos comprometemos a congelar APIs. Quando você mantém definições de pacote fora do Guix, consideramos que o fardo da compatibilidade é seu.
  • Corolário: se você estiver usando um canal externo e esse canal quebrar, reporte o problema aos autores do canal, não ao projeto Guix.

Você foi avisado! Dito isso, acreditamos que canais externos são uma maneira prática de exercer sua liberdade para aumentar a coleção de pacotes do Guix e compartilhar suas melhorias, que são princípios básicos do software livre. Por favor, envie um e-mail para se você quiser discutir isso.

6.8 Módulos de pacote em um subdiretório

Como autor de canal, você pode querer manter seus módulos de canal em um subdiretório. Se seus módulos estiverem no subdiretório guix, você deve adicionar um arquivo de metadados .guix-channel que contenha:

  (version 0)
  (directory "guix"))

Os módulos devem estar abaixo do diretório especificado, pois o diretório directory altera o load-path do Guile. Por exemplo, se .guix-channel tiver (directory "base"), então um módulo definido como (define-module (gnu packages fun)) deve estar localizado em base/gnu/packages/fun.scm.

Fazer isso permite que apenas partes de um repositório sejam usadas como um canal, pois o Guix espera módulos Guile válidos ao puxar. Por exemplo, os arquivos de configuração de máquina guix deploy não são módulos Guile válidos, e tratá-los como tal faria com que guix pull falhasse.

6.9 Declarando dependências de canal

Os autores de canais podem decidir aumentar uma coleção de pacotes fornecida por outros canais. Eles podem declarar que seu canal é dependente de outros canais em um arquivo de metadados .guix-channel, que deve ser colocado na raiz do repositório do canal.

O arquivo de metadados deve conter uma expressão S simples como esta:

 (version 0)
   (name algum-coleção)
   (url "")

   ;; The 'introduction' bit below is optional: you would
   ;; provide it for dependencies that can be authenticated.
      (version 0)
      (commit "a8883b58dc82e167c96506cf05095f37c2c2c6cd")
      (signer "CABB A931 C0FF EEC6 900D  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"))))
   (name some-other-collection)
   (url "")
   (branch "testing"))))

No exemplo acima, este canal é declarado para depender de dois outros canais, que serão buscados automaticamente. Os módulos fornecidos pelo canal serão compilados em um ambiente onde os módulos de todos esses canais declarados estão disponíveis.

Por uma questão de confiabilidade e manutenibilidade, você deve evitar dependências em canais que você não controla e deve tentar manter o número de dependências no mínimo.

6.10 Especificando autorizações de canal

Como vimos acima, o Guix garante que o código-fonte que ele extrai dos canais vem de desenvolvedores autorizados. Como autor de um canal, você precisa especificar a lista de desenvolvedores autorizados no arquivo .guix-authorizations no repositório Git do canal. A regra de autenticação é simples: cada commit deve ser assinado por uma chave listada no arquivo .guix-authorizations de seu(s) commit(s) pai(s)13 O arquivo .guix-authorizations se parece com isso:

;; Exemplo de arquivo '.guix-authorizations'.

 (version 0)               ;current file format version

 (("AD17 A21E F8AE D8F1 CC02  DBD9 F8AE D8F1 765C 61E3"
   (name "alice"))
  ("2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29  12AF 68F4 EF7A 22FB B2D5"
   (name "bob"))
  ("CABB A931 C0FF EEC6 900D  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"
   (name "charlie"))))

Cada impressão digital é seguida por pares chave/valor opcionais, como no exemplo acima. Atualmente, esses pares chave/valor são ignorados.

Esta regra de autenticação cria um problema do tipo "ovo e galinha": como autenticamos o primeiro commit? Relacionado a isso: como lidamos com canais cujo histórico de repositório contém commits não assinados e não tem .guix-authorizations? E como bifurcamos canais existentes?

As introduções de canal respondem a essas perguntas descrevendo o primeiro commit de um canal que deve ser autenticado. Na primeira vez que um canal é buscado com guix pull ou guix time-machine, o comando procura o commit introdutório e verifica se ele está assinado pela chave OpenPGP especificada. A partir daí, ele autentica os commits de acordo com a regra acima. A autenticação falha se o commit de destino não for descendente nem ancestral do commit introdutório.

Além disso, seu canal deve fornecer todas as chaves OpenPGP que já foram mencionadas em .guix-authorizations, armazenadas como arquivos .key, que podem ser binários ou “ASCII-armored”. Por padrão, esses arquivos .key são pesquisados no branch chamado keyring, mas você pode especificar um nome de branch diferente em .guix-channel assim:

  (version 0)
  (keyring-reference "my-keyring-branch"))

Para resumir, como autor de um canal, há três coisas que você precisa fazer para permitir que os usuários autentiquem seu código:

  1. Exporte as chaves OpenPGP de contribuidores anteriores e atuais com gpg --export e armazene-as em arquivos .key, por padrão em uma ramificação chamada keyring (recomendamos torná-la uma ramificação órfã).
  2. Introduza um .guix-authorizations inicial no repositório do canal. Faça isso em um commit assinado (veja Confirmar acesso, para obter informações sobre como assinar commits do Git).
  3. Anuncie a introdução do canal, por exemplo, na página web do seu canal. A introdução do canal, como vimos acima, é o par commit/chave—i.e., o commit que introduziu .guix-authorizations, e a impressão digital do OpenPGP usada para assiná-lo.

Antes de enviar para seu repositório Git público, você pode executar guix git authenticate para verificar se você assinou todos os commits que está prestes a enviar com uma chave autorizada:

guix git authenticate commit signer

onde commit e signer são a introdução do seu canal. Veja Invocando guix git authenticate, para detalhes.

Publicar um canal assinado requer disciplina: qualquer erro, como um commit não assinado ou um commit assinado por uma chave não autorizada, impedirá que usuários puxem do seu canal — bem, esse é o ponto principal da autenticação! Preste atenção às mesclagens em particular: commits de mesclagem são considerados autênticos se e somente se forem assinados por uma chave presente no arquivo .guix-authorizations de ambos os ramos.

6.11 URL principal

Os autores do canal podem indicar a URL principal do repositório Git do canal no arquivo .guix-channel, assim:

  (version 0)
  (url ""))

Isso permite que guix pull determine se está puxando código de um espelho do canal; quando esse for o caso, ele avisa o usuário que o espelho pode estar obsoleto e exibe a URL primária. Dessa forma, os usuários não podem ser enganados para buscar código de um espelho obsoleto que não recebe atualizações de segurança.

Esse recurso só faz sentido para repositórios autenticados, como o canal oficial guix, para o qual guix pull garante que o código que ele recupera é autêntico.

Anterior: , Acima: Canais   [Conteúdo][Índice]

6.12 Escrevendo notícias do canal

Os autores do canal podem ocasionalmente querer comunicar aos seus usuários informações sobre mudanças importantes no canal. Você enviaria um e-mail para todos eles, mas isso não é conveniente.

Em vez disso, os canais podem fornecer um arquivo de notícias; quando os usuários do canal executam guix pull, esse arquivo de notícias é lido automaticamente e guix pull --news pode exibir os anúncios que correspondem aos novos commits que foram extraídos, se houver.

Para fazer isso, os autores do canal devem primeiro declarar o nome do arquivo de notícias em seu arquivo .guix-channel:

  (version 0)
  (news-file "etc/news.txt"))

O arquivo de notícias em si, etc/news.txt neste exemplo, deve ser parecido com isto:

  (version 0)
  (entry (tag "the-bug-fix")
         (title (en "Fixed terrible bug")
                (fr "Oh la la"))
         (body (en "@emph{Good news}!  It's fixed!")
               (eo "Certe ĝi pli bone funkcias nun!")))
  (entry (commit "bdcabe815cd28144a2d2b4bc3c5057b051fa9906")
         (title (en "Added a great package")
                (ca "Què vol dir guix?"))
         (body (en "Don't miss the @code{hello} package!"))))

Enquanto o arquivo de notícias estiver usando a sintaxe Scheme, evite nomeá-lo com uma extensão .scm ou então ele será pego ao construir o canal e gerará um erro, pois não é um módulo válido. Como alternativa, você pode mover o módulo do canal para um subdiretório e armazenar o arquivo de notícias em outro diretório.

O arquivo consiste em uma lista de entradas de notícias. Cada entrada é associada a um commit ou tag: ela descreve as alterações feitas neste commit, possivelmente em commits anteriores também. Os usuários veem as entradas somente na primeira vez que obtêm o commit ao qual a entrada se refere.

O campo title deve ser um resumo de uma linha, enquanto body pode ser arbitrariamente longo, e ambos podem conter marcação Texinfo (veja Overview em GNU Texinfo). Tanto o título quanto o corpo são uma lista de tuplas de tag/mensagem de idioma, o que permite que guix pull exiba notícias no idioma que corresponde à localidade do usuário.

Se você quiser traduzir notícias usando um fluxo de trabalho baseado em gettext, você pode extrair strings traduzíveis com xgettext (veja xgettext Invocation em GNU Gettext Utilities). Por exemplo, supondo que você escreva entradas de notícias em inglês primeiro, o comando abaixo cria um arquivo PO contendo as strings a serem traduzidas:

xgettext -o news.po -l scheme -ken etc/news.txt

Para resumir, sim, você pode usar seu canal como um blog. Mas cuidado, isso é não é bem o que seus usuários podem esperar.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

7 Desenvolvimento

Se você é um desenvolvedor de software, o Guix fornece ferramentas que você achará úteis, independentemente da linguagem em que estiver desenvolvendo. É sobre isso que este capítulo trata.

O comando guix shell fornece uma maneira conveniente de configurar ambientes de software únicos, seja para fins de desenvolvimento ou para executar um comando sem instalá-lo em seu perfil. O comando guix pack permite que você crie embalagens de aplicativos que podem ser facilmente distribuídas para usuários que não executam o Guix.

7.1 Invocando guix shell

O propósito do guix shell é facilitar a criação de ambientes de software únicos, sem alterar o perfil. Ele é normalmente usado para criar ambientes de desenvolvimento; também é uma maneira conveniente de executar aplicativos sem “poluir” seu perfil.

Nota: O comando guix shell foi introduzido recentemente para substituir guix environment (veja Invocando guix environment). Se você estiver familiarizado com guix environment, notará que ele é semelhante, mas também—esperamos!—mais conveniente.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix shell [opções] [pacote…]

Às vezes, uma sessão de shell interativa não é desejada. Um comando arbitrário pode ser invocado colocando o token -- para separar o comando do resto dos argumentos.

O exemplo a seguir cria um ambiente contendo Python e NumPy, compilando ou baixando qualquer pacote ausente e executa o comando python3 nesse ambiente:

guix shell python python-numpy -- python3

Note que é necessário incluir o pacote principal python neste comando, mesmo que ele já esteja instalado em seu ambiente. Isso é para que o ambiente shell saiba definir PYTHONPATH e outras variáveis relacionadas. O ambiente shell não pode verificar o ambiente instalado anteriormente, porque então seria não determinístico. Isso é verdade para a maioria das bibliotecas: seu pacote de linguagem correspondente deve ser incluído na invocação do shell.

Nota: guix shell também pode ser usado como um interpretador de script, também conhecido como shebang. Aqui está um exemplo de script Python autocontido fazendo uso desse recurso:

#!/usr/bin/env -S guix shell python python-numpy -- python3
import numpy
print("This is numpy", numpy.version.version)

Você pode passar qualquer opção guix shell, mas há uma ressalva: o kernel Linux tem um limite de 127 bytes no comprimento do shebang.

Ambientes de desenvolvimento podem ser criados como no exemplo abaixo, que gera um shell interativo contendo todas as dependências e variáveis de ambiente necessárias para trabalhar no Inkscape:

guix shell --development inkscape

Sair do shell coloca o usuário de volta no ambiente original antes de guix shell ser invocado. A próxima coleta de lixo (veja Invocando guix gc) pode limpar pacotes que foram instalados no ambiente e que não são mais usados fora dele.

Como uma conveniência adicional, guix shell tentará fazer o que você quer dizer quando for invocado interativamente sem nenhum outro argumento, como em:

guix shell

Se encontrar um manifest.scm no diretório de trabalho atual ou em qualquer um dos seus pais, ele usa esse manifesto como se tivesse sido fornecido via --manifest. Da mesma forma, se encontrar um guix.scm nos mesmos diretórios, ele o usa para construir um perfil de desenvolvimento como se --development e --file estivessem presentes. Em ambos os casos, o arquivo só será carregado se o diretório em que ele reside estiver listado em ~/.config/guix/shell-authorized-directories. Isso fornece uma maneira fácil de definir, compartilhar e entrar em ambientes de desenvolvimento.

Por padrão, a sessão ou comando do shell é executado em um ambiente aumentado, onde os novos pacotes são adicionados às variáveis de ambiente do caminho de pesquisa, como PATH. Em vez disso, você pode escolher criar um ambiente isolado contendo apenas os pacotes solicitados. Passar a opção --pure limpa as definições de variáveis de ambiente encontradas no ambiente pai14; passar --container vai um passo além ao gerar um contêiner isolado do resto do sistema:

guix shell --container emacs gcc-toolchain

O comando acima gera um shell interativo em um contêiner onde nada além de emacs, gcc-toolchain e suas dependências estão disponíveis. O contêiner não tem acesso à rede e não compartilha nenhum arquivo além do diretório de trabalho atual com o ambiente ao redor. Isso é útil para evitar acesso a recursos de todo o sistema, como /usr/bin em distros estrangeiras.

Esta opção --container também pode ser útil se você deseja executar um aplicativo sensível à segurança, como um navegador da web, em um ambiente isolado. Por exemplo, o comando abaixo inicia o Ungoogled-Chromium em um ambiente isolado, que:

  • compartilha o acesso à rede com o host
  • herda as variáveis de ambiente do host DISPLAY e XAUTHORITY
  • tem acesso aos registros de autenticação do host do XAUTHORITY file
  • não tem informações sobre o diretório atual do host
guix shell --container --network --no-cwd ungoogled-chromium \
  --preserve='^XAUTHORITY$' --expose="${XAUTHORITY}" \
  --preserve='^DISPLAY$' -- chromium

guix shell define a variável GUIX_ENVIRONMENT no shell que ele gera; seu valor é o nome do arquivo do perfil deste ambiente. Isso permite que os usuários, digamos, definam um prompt específico para ambientes de desenvolvimento em seu .bashrc (veja Bash Startup Files em Manual de referência do GNU Bash):

    export PS1="\u@\h \w [dev]\$ "

... ou para navegar pelo perfil:


As opções disponíveis estão resumidas abaixo.


Configure o ambiente e verifique se o shell sobrecarregaria as variáveis de ambiente. É uma boa ideia usar esta opção na primeira vez que você executar guix shell para uma sessão interativa para garantir que sua configuração esteja correta.

Por exemplo, se o shell modificar a variável de ambiente PATH, informe isso, pois você obterá um ambiente diferente do que solicitou.

Tais problemas geralmente indicam que os arquivos de inicialização do shell estão modificando inesperadamente essas variáveis de ambiente. Por exemplo, se você estiver usando Bash, certifique-se de que as variáveis de ambiente estejam definidas ou modificadas em ~/.bash_profile e não em ~/.bashrc—o primeiro é originado apenas por shells de login. Veja Bash Startup Files em Manual de referência do GNU Bash, para detalhes sobre os arquivos de inicialização do Bash.


Faça com que guix shell inclua no ambiente as dependências do pacote a seguir em vez do pacote em si. Isso pode ser combinado com outros pacotes. Por exemplo, o comando abaixo inicia um shell interativo contendo as dependências de tempo de compilação do GNU Guile, além do Autoconf, Automake e Libtool:

guix shell -D guile autoconf automake libtool
-e expr

Crie um ambiente para o pacote ou lista de pacotes que expr avalia.

Por exemplo, executando:

guix shell -D -e '(@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'

inicia um shell com o ambiente para esta variante específica do pacote PETSc.


guix shell -e '(@ (gnu) %base-packages)'

inicia um shell com todos os pacotes do sistema base disponíveis.

Os comandos acima usam apenas a saída padrão dos pacotes fornecidos. Para selecionar outras saídas, duas tuplas de elementos podem ser especificadas:

guix shell -e '(list (@ (gnu packages bash) bash) "include")'

Veja package->development-manifest, para obter informações sobre como escrever um manifesto para o ambiente de desenvolvimento de um pacote.

-f arquivo

Crie um ambiente contendo o pacote ou lista de pacotes que o código dentro de arquivo avalia.

Por exemplo, arquivo pode conter uma definição como esta (veja Definindo pacotes):

(use-modules (guix)
             (gnu packages gdb)
             (gnu packages autotools)
             (gnu packages texinfo))

;; Augment the package definition of GDB with the build tools
;; needed when developing GDB (and which are not needed when
;; simply installing it.)
  (inherit gdb)
  (native-inputs (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs gdb)
                   (prepend autoconf-2.69 automake texinfo))))

Com o arquivo acima, você pode entrar em um ambiente de desenvolvimento para o GDB executando:

guix shell -D -f gdb-devel.scm
-m arquivo

Crie um ambiente para os pacotes contidos no objeto manifest retornado pelo código Scheme em arquivo. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes, nesse caso os manifestos são concatenados.

Isso é semelhante à opção de mesmo nome em guix package (veja --manifest) e usa os mesmos arquivos de manifesto.

Veja Escrevendo manifestos, para informações sobre como escrever um manifesto. Veja --export-manifest abaixo sobre como obter um primeiro manifesto.


Grave na saída padrão um manifesto adequado para --manifest correspondente às opções de linha de comando fornecidas.

Esta é uma maneira de “converter” argumentos de linha de comando em um manifesto. Por exemplo, imagine que você está cansado de digitar linhas longas e gostaria de obter um manifesto equivalente a esta linha de comando:

guix shell -D guile git emacs emacs-geiser emacs-geiser-guile

Basta adicionar --export-manifest à linha de comando acima:

guix shell --export-manifest \
  -D guile git emacs emacs-geiser emacs-geiser-guile

... and you get a manifest along these lines:

  (list (specifications->manifest
          (list "git"
          (specification->package "guile"))))

Você pode armazená-lo em um arquivo, digamos manifest.scm, e de lá passá-lo para guix shell ou praticamente qualquer comando guix:

guix shell -m manifest.scm

Voilà, você converteu uma longa linha de comando em um manifesto! Esse processo de conversão honra opções de transformação de pacote (veja Opções de transformação de pacote), então deve ser sem perdas.

-p perfil

Crie um ambiente contendo os pacotes instalados em perfil. Use guix package (veja Invocando guix package) para criar e gerenciar perfis.


Desconfigura variáveis de ambiente existentes ao construir o novo ambiente, exceto aquelas especificadas com --preserve (veja abaixo). Isso tem o efeito de criar um ambiente no qual os caminhos de pesquisa contêm apenas entradas de pacote.

-E regexp

Quando usado junto com --pure, preserva as variáveis de ambiente que correspondem a regexp—em outras palavras, coloca-as em uma “lista branca” de variáveis de ambiente que devem ser preservadas. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes.

guix shell --pure --preserve=^SLURM openmpi … \
  -- mpirun …

Este exemplo executa mpirun em um contexto onde as únicas variáveis de ambiente definidas são PATH, variáveis de ambiente cujo nome começa com ‘SLURM’, bem como as variáveis “preciosas” usuais (HOME, USER, etc.).


Exiba as definições de variáveis de ambiente que compõem o ambiente.

-s sistema

Tente construir para sistema—por exemplo, i686-linux.


Execute comando dentro de um contêiner isolado. O diretório de trabalho atual fora do contêiner é mapeado dentro do contêiner. Além disso, a menos que substituído por --user, um diretório pessoal (home) fictício é criado que corresponde ao diretório pessoal do usuário atual, e /etc/passwd é configurado adequadamente.

O processo gerado é executado como o usuário atual fora do contêiner. Dentro do contêiner, ele tem o mesmo UID e GID que o usuário atual, a menos que --user seja passado (veja abaixo).


Para contêineres, compartilhe o namespace de rede com o sistema host. Os contêineres criados sem esse sinalizador têm acesso somente ao dispositivo de loopback.


Para contêineres, vincule o perfil do ambiente a ~/.guix-profile dentro do contêiner e defina GUIX_ENVIRONMENT para isso. Isso é equivalente a tornar ~/.guix-profile uma ligação simbólica para o perfil real dentro do contêiner. A vinculação falhará e abortará o ambiente se o diretório já existir, o que certamente será o caso se guix shell foi invocado no diretório pessoal do usuário.

Certos pacotes são configurados para procurar em ~/.guix-profile por arquivos de configuração e dados;15 --link-profile permite que esses programas se comportem conforme o esperado no ambiente.

-u usuário

Para contêineres, use o nome de usuário usuário no lugar do usuário atual. A entrada /etc/passwd gerada dentro do contêiner conterá o nome usuário, o diretório pessoal será /home/usuário e nenhum dado GECOS do usuário será copiado. Além disso, o UID e o GID dentro do contêiner são 1000. usuário não precisa existir no sistema.

Além disso, qualquer caminho compartilhado ou exposto (veja --share e --expose respectivamente) cujo destino esteja dentro do pessoal do usuário atual será remapeado em relação a /home/USUÁRIO; isso inclui o mapeamento automático do diretório de trabalho atual.

# will expose paths as /home/foo/wd, /home/foo/test, and /home/foo/target
cd $HOME/wd
guix shell --container --user=foo \
     --expose=$HOME/test \

Embora isso limite o vazamento da identidade do usuário por meio de caminhos iniciais e de cada um dos campos do usuário, esse é apenas um componente útil de uma solução mais ampla de privacidade/anonimato — não uma solução em si.


Para contêineres, o comportamento padrão é compartilhar o diretório de trabalho atual com o contêiner isolado e mudar imediatamente para esse diretório dentro do contêiner. Se isso for indesejável, --no-cwd fará com que o diretório de trabalho atual não seja compartilhado automaticamente e mudará para o diretório pessoal do usuário dentro do contêiner. Veja também --user.


Para contêineres, --expose (resp. --share) expõe o sistema de arquivos fonte do sistema host como o sistema de arquivos somente leitura (resp. gravável) alvo dentro do contêiner. Se alvo não for especificado, fonte será usado como o ponto de montagem de destino no contêiner.

O exemplo abaixo gera um Guile REPL em um contêiner no qual o diretório pessoal do usuário é acessível somente para leitura por meio do diretório /exchange:

guix shell --container --expose=$HOME=/exchange guile -- guile
-S spec

Para contêineres, crie as ligações simbólicas especificadas por spec, conforme documentado em pack-symlink-option.


Quando usado com --container, emule uma configuração do FHS) dentro do contêiner, fornecendo /bin, /lib e outros diretórios e arquivos especificados pelo FHS.

Como Guix desvia da especificação FHS, esta opção configura o contêiner para imitar mais de perto o de outras distribuições GNU/Linux. Isto é útil para reproduzir outros ambientes de desenvolvimento, testar e usar programas que esperam que a especificação FHS seja seguida. Com esta opção, o contêiner incluirá uma versão do glibc que lerá /etc/ dentro do contêiner para o cache da biblioteca compartilhada (ao contrário do glibc no uso regular do Guix) e configurará os diretórios FHS esperados: /bin, /etc, /lib e /usr do perfil do contêiner.


Quando usado com --container, forneça Guix dentro do contêiner e organize para que ele possa interagir com o daemon de construção que roda fora do contêiner. Isso é útil se você quiser, dentro do seu contêiner isolado, criar outros contêineres, como nesta sessão de exemplo:

$ guix shell -CW coreutils
[env]$ guix shell -C guile -- guile -c '(display "olá!\n")'
[env]$ exit

A sessão acima inicia um contêiner com programas coreutils disponíveis em PATH. A partir daí, geramos guix shell para criar um contêiner aninhado que fornece nada além de Guile.

Outro exemplo é avaliar um arquivo guix.scm que não é confiável, conforme mostrado aqui:

guix shell -CW -- guix build -f guix.scm

O comando guix build executado acima só pode acessar o diretório atual.

Nos bastidores, a opção -W faz várias coisas:

  • mapeia o socket do daemon (por padrão, /var/guix/daemon-socket/socket) dentro do contêiner;
  • mapeia todo o armazém (por padrão /gnu/store) dentro do contêiner de forma que os itens do armazém disponibilizados por invocações aninhadas guix sejam visíveis;
  • adiciona o comando guix usado atualmente ao perfil no contêiner, de modo que guix describe retorne o mesmo estado dentro e fora do contêiner;
  • compartilha o cache (por padrão ~/.cache/guix) com o host, para acelerar operações como guix time-machine e guix shell.

Na maioria dos casos, guix shell armazena em cache o ambiente para que os usos subsequentes sejam instantâneos. As entradas de cache menos usadas recentemente são removidas periodicamente. O cache também é invalidado, ao usar --file ou --manifest, sempre que o arquivo correspondente for modificado.

O --rebuild-cache força o ambiente em cache a ser atualizado. Isso é útil ao usar --file ou --manifest e o arquivo guix.scm ou manifest.scm tem dependências externas, ou se seu comportamento depende, digamos, de variáveis de ambiente.

-r arquivo

Crie arquivo como uma ligação simbólica para o perfil deste ambiente e registre-a como raiz do coletor de lixo.

Isso é útil se você deseja proteger seu ambiente da coleta de lixo, para torná-lo “persistente”.

Quando esta opção é omitida, guix shell armazena em cache os perfis para que os usos subsequentes do mesmo ambiente sejam instantâneos — isso é comparável ao uso de --root, exceto que guix shell cuida da remoção periódica das raízes do coletor de lixo menos usadas recentemente.

Em alguns casos, guix shell não armazena perfis em cache—por exemplo, se opções de transformação como --with-latest forem usadas. Nesses casos, o ambiente é protegido da coleta de lixo somente durante a sessão guix shell. Isso significa que na próxima vez que você recriar o mesmo ambiente, poderá ter que reconstruir ou baixar novamente os pacotes.

Veja Invocando guix pack, para mais sobre as raízes do coletor de lixo.

guix shell também suporta todas as opções de compilação comuns que guix build suporta (veja Opções de compilação comuns), bem como opções de transformação de pacotes (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

7.2 Invocando guix environment

O objetivo do guix environment é auxiliar na criação de ambientes de desenvolvimento.

Aviso de descontinuação: O comando guix environment foi descontinuado em favor do guix shell, que executa funções semelhantes, mas é mais conveniente de usar. Veja Invocando guix shell.

Sendo obsoleto, o guix environment está programado para remoção futura, mas o projeto Guix está comprometido em mantê-lo até 1º de maio de 2023. Entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail se quiser discutir o assunto.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix environment opções pacote

O exemplo a seguir gera uma nova configuração de shell para o desenvolvimento do GNU Guile:

guix environment guile

Se as dependências necessárias ainda não foram construídas, guix environment as constrói automaticamente. O ambiente do novo shell é uma versão aumentada do ambiente em que guix environment foi executado. Ele contém os caminhos de pesquisa necessários para construir o pacote fornecido adicionado às variáveis de ambiente existentes. Para criar um ambiente “puro”, no qual as variáveis de ambiente originais foram desconfiguradas, use a opção --pure16.

Sair de um ambiente Guix é o mesmo que sair do shell, e colocará o usuário de volta no ambiente antigo antes de guix environment ser invocado. A próxima coleta de lixo (veja Invocando guix gc) limpará os pacotes que foram instalados de dentro do ambiente e não são mais usados fora dele.

guix environment define a variável GUIX_ENVIRONMENT no shell que ele gera; seu valor é o nome do arquivo do perfil deste ambiente. Isso permite que os usuários, digamos, definam um prompt específico para ambientes de desenvolvimento em seu .bashrc (veja Bash Startup Files em Manual de referência do GNU Bash):

    export PS1="\u@\h \w [dev]\$ "

... ou para navegar pelo perfil:


Além disso, mais de um pacote pode ser especificado, em cujo caso a união das entradas para os pacotes fornecidos é usada. Por exemplo, o comando abaixo gera um shell onde todas as dependências do Guile e do Emacs estão disponíveis:

guix environment guile emacs

Às vezes, uma sessão de shell interativa não é desejada. Um comando arbitrário pode ser invocado colocando o token -- para separar o comando do resto dos argumentos:

guix environment guile -- make -j4

Em outras situações, é mais conveniente especificar a lista de pacotes necessários no ambiente. Por exemplo, o comando a seguir executa python de um ambiente contendo Python 3 e NumPy:

guix environment --ad-hoc python-numpy python -- python3

Além disso, pode-se querer as dependências de um pacote e também alguns pacotes adicionais que não são dependências de tempo de construção ou tempo de execução, mas são úteis ao desenvolver, no entanto. Por causa disso, o sinalizador --ad-hoc é posicional. Pacotes que aparecem antes de --ad-hoc são interpretados como pacotes cujas dependências serão adicionadas ao ambiente. Pacotes que aparecem depois são interpretados como pacotes que serão adicionados ao ambiente diretamente. Por exemplo, o comando a seguir cria um ambiente de desenvolvimento Guix que inclui adicionalmente Git e strace:

guix environment --pure guix --ad-hoc git strace

Às vezes, é desejável isolar o ambiente o máximo possível, para máxima pureza e reprodutibilidade. Em particular, ao usar Guix em uma distribuição host que não seja Guix System, é desejável impedir o acesso a /usr/bin e outros recursos de todo o sistema do ambiente de desenvolvimento. Por exemplo, o comando a seguir gera um Guile REPL em um “contêiner” onde apenas o armazém e o diretório de trabalho atual são montados:

guix environment --ad-hoc --container guile -- guile

Nota: A opção --container requer Linux-libre 3.19 ou mais recente.

Outro caso de uso típico para contêineres é executar aplicativos sensíveis à segurança, como um navegador da web. Para executar o Eolie, precisamos expor e compartilhar alguns arquivos e diretórios; incluímos nss-certs e expomos /etc/ssl/certs/ para autenticação HTTPS; finalmente, preservamos a variável de ambiente DISPLAY, pois os aplicativos gráficos em contêiner não serão exibidos sem ela.

guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --container --network \
  --expose=/etc/machine-id \
  --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
  --share=$HOME/.local/share/eolie/=$HOME/.local/share/eolie/ \
  --ad-hoc eolie nss-certs dbus --  eolie

As opções disponíveis estão resumidas abaixo.


Configure o ambiente e verifique se o shell sobrecarregaria as variáveis de ambiente. Veja --check, para mais informações.

-r arquivo

Crie arquivo como uma ligação simbólica para o perfil deste ambiente e registre-a como raiz do coletor de lixo.

Isso é útil se você deseja proteger seu ambiente da coleta de lixo, para torná-lo “persistente”.

Quando esta opção pe omitida, o ambiente é protegido da coleta de lixo apenas pela duração da sessão do guix environment. Isso significa que na próxima vez que você recriar o mesmo ambiente, você tpoderia ter que reconstruir ou refazer o download dos pacotes. Veja Invocando guix gc, para mais sobre GC roots.

-e expr

Crie um ambiente para o pacote ou lista de pacotes que expr avalia.

Por exemplo, executando:

guix environment -e '(@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'

inicia um shell com o ambiente para esta variante específica do pacote PETSc.


guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(@ (gnu) %base-packages)'

inicia um shell com todos os pacotes do sistema base disponíveis.

Os comandos acima usam apenas a saída padrão dos pacotes fornecidos. Para selecionar outras saídas, duas tuplas de elementos podem ser especificadas:

guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(list (@ (gnu packages bash) bash) "include")'
-l arquivo

Crie um ambiente para o pacote ou lista de pacotes que o código dentro de arquivo avalia.

Por exemplo, arquivo pode conter uma definição como esta (veja Definindo pacotes):

(use-modules (guix)
             (gnu packages gdb)
             (gnu packages autotools)
             (gnu packages texinfo))

;; Augment the package definition of GDB with the build tools
;; needed when developing GDB (and which are not needed when
;; simply installing it.)
  (inherit gdb)
  (native-inputs (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs gdb)
                   (prepend autoconf-2.69 automake texinfo))))
-m arquivo

Crie um ambiente para os pacotes contidos no objeto manifest retornado pelo código Scheme em arquivo. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes, nesse caso os manifestos são concatenados.

Isso é semelhante à opção de mesmo nome em guix package (veja --manifest) e usa os mesmos arquivos de manifesto.

Veja guix shell --export-manifest, para obter informações sobre como “converter” opções de linha de comando em um manifesto.


Inclui todos os pacotes especificados no ambiente resultante, como se um pacote ad hoc fosse definido com eles como entradas. Esta opção é útil para criar rapidamente um ambiente sem ter que escrever uma expressão de pacote para conter as entradas desejadas.

Por exemplo, o comando:

guix environment --ad-hoc guile guile-sdl -- guile

executa guile em um ambiente onde Guile e Guile-SDL estão disponíveis.

Observe que este exemplo solicita implicitamente a saída padrão de guile e guile-sdl, mas é possível solicitar uma saída específica — por exemplo, glib:bin solicita a saída bin de glib (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas).

Esta opção pode ser composta com o comportamento padrão de guix environment. Pacotes que aparecem antes de --ad-hoc são interpretados como pacotes cujas dependências serão adicionadas ao ambiente, o comportamento padrão. Pacotes que aparecem depois são interpretados como pacotes que serão adicionados ao ambiente diretamente.

-p perfil

Crie um ambiente contendo os pacotes instalados em perfil. Use guix package (veja Invocando guix package) para criar e gerenciar perfis.


Desconfigura variáveis de ambiente existentes ao construir o novo ambiente, exceto aquelas especificadas com --preserve (veja abaixo). Isso tem o efeito de criar um ambiente no qual os caminhos de pesquisa contêm apenas entradas de pacote.

-E regexp

Quando usado junto com --pure, preserva as variáveis de ambiente que correspondem a regexp—em outras palavras, coloca-as em uma “lista branca” de variáveis de ambiente que devem ser preservadas. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes.

guix environment --pure --preserve=^SLURM --ad-hoc openmpi … \
  -- mpirun …

Este exemplo executa mpirun em um contexto onde as únicas variáveis de ambiente definidas são PATH, variáveis de ambiente cujo nome começa com ‘SLURM’, bem como as variáveis “preciosas” usuais (HOME, USER, etc.).


Exiba as definições de variáveis de ambiente que compõem o ambiente.

-s sistema

Tente construir para sistema—por exemplo, i686-linux.


Execute comando dentro de um contêiner isolado. O diretório de trabalho atual fora do contêiner é mapeado dentro do contêiner. Além disso, a menos que substituído por --user, um diretório pessoal (home) fictício é criado que corresponde ao diretório pessoal do usuário atual, e /etc/passwd é configurado adequadamente.

O processo gerado é executado como o usuário atual fora do contêiner. Dentro do contêiner, ele tem o mesmo UID e GID que o usuário atual, a menos que --user seja passado (veja abaixo).


Para contêineres, compartilhe o namespace de rede com o sistema host. Os contêineres criados sem esse sinalizador têm acesso somente ao dispositivo de loopback.


Para contêineres, vincule o perfil do ambiente a ~/.guix-profile dentro do contêiner e defina GUIX_ENVIRONMENT para isso. Isso é equivalente a tornar ~/.guix-profile uma ligação simbólica para o perfil real dentro do contêiner. A vinculação falhará e abortará o ambiente se o diretório já existir, o que certamente será o caso se guix environment foi invocado no diretório pessoal do usuário.

Certos pacotes são configurados para procurar em ~/.guix-profile por arquivos de configuração e dados;17 --link-profile permite que esses programas se comportem conforme o esperado no ambiente.

-u usuário

Para contêineres, use o nome de usuário usuário no lugar do usuário atual. A entrada /etc/passwd gerada dentro do contêiner conterá o nome usuário, o diretório pessoal será /home/usuário e nenhum dado GECOS do usuário será copiado. Além disso, o UID e o GID dentro do contêiner são 1000. usuário não precisa existir no sistema.

Além disso, qualquer caminho compartilhado ou exposto (veja --share e --expose respectivamente) cujo destino esteja dentro do pessoal do usuário atual será remapeado em relação a /home/USUÁRIO; isso inclui o mapeamento automático do diretório de trabalho atual.

# will expose paths as /home/foo/wd, /home/foo/test, and /home/foo/target
cd $HOME/wd
guix environment --container --user=foo \
     --expose=$HOME/test \

Embora isso limite o vazamento da identidade do usuário por meio de caminhos iniciais e de cada um dos campos do usuário, esse é apenas um componente útil de uma solução mais ampla de privacidade/anonimato — não uma solução em si.


Para contêineres, o comportamento padrão é compartilhar o diretório de trabalho atual com o contêiner isolado e mudar imediatamente para esse diretório dentro do contêiner. Se isso for indesejável, --no-cwd fará com que o diretório de trabalho atual não seja compartilhado automaticamente e mudará para o diretório pessoal do usuário dentro do contêiner. Veja também --user.


Para contêineres, --expose (resp. --share) expõe o sistema de arquivos fonte do sistema host como o sistema de arquivos somente leitura (resp. gravável) alvo dentro do contêiner. Se alvo não for especificado, fonte será usado como o ponto de montagem de destino no contêiner.

O exemplo abaixo gera um Guile REPL em um contêiner no qual o diretório pessoal do usuário é acessível somente para leitura por meio do diretório /exchange:

guix environment --container --expose=$HOME=/exchange --ad-hoc guile -- guile

Para contêineres, emule uma configuração Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) dentro do contêiner, veja a especificação oficial. Como o Guix se desvia da especificação FHS, esta opção configura o contêiner para imitar mais de perto o de outras distribuições GNU/Linux. Isto é útil para reproduzir outros ambientes de desenvolvimento, testar e usar programas que esperam que a especificação FHS seja seguida. Com esta opção, o contêiner incluirá uma versão de glibc que lerá /etc/ dentro do contêiner para o cache da biblioteca compartilhada (ao contrário de glibc no uso regular do Guix) e configurará os diretórios FHS esperados: /bin, /etc, /lib e /usr do perfil do contêiner.

guix environment também oferece suporte a todas as opções de compilação comuns que guix build oferece suporte (veja Opções de compilação comuns), bem como opções de transformação de pacotes (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

7.3 Invocando guix pack

Ocasionalmente você quer passar software para pessoas que não têm (ainda!) a sorte de usar Guix. Você diria para elas executarem guix package -i algo, mas isso não é possível neste caso. É aqui que guix pack entra.

Nota: Se você estiver procurando maneiras de trocar binários entre máquinas que já executam Guix, veja Invocando guix copy, Invocando guix publish e Invocando guix archive.

O comando guix pack cria uma embalagem de software encapsulado: ele cria um tarball ou algum outro arquivo contendo os binários do software em que você está interessado e todas as suas dependências. O arquivo resultante pode ser usado em qualquer máquina que não tenha Guix, e as pessoas podem executar exatamente os mesmos binários que você tem com Guix. A embalagem em si é criada de forma reproduzível em bits, para que qualquer um possa verificar se ela realmente contém os resultados da compilação que você pretende enviar.

Por exemplo, para criar uma embalagem contenda Guile, Emacs, Geiser e todas as suas dependências, você pode executar:

$ guix pack guile emacs emacs-geiser

O resultado aqui é um tarball contendo um diretório /gnu/store com todos os pacotes relevantes. O tarball resultante contém um perfil com os três pacotes de interesse; o perfil é o mesmo que seria criado por guix package -i. É esse mecanismo que é usado para criar o próprio tarball binário autônomo do Guix (veja Instalação de binários).

Usuários desta embalagem teriam que executar /gnu/store/…-profile/bin/guile para executar o Guile, o que você pode achar inconveniente. Para contornar isso, você pode criar, digamos, uma ligação simbólica /opt/gnu/bin para o perfil:

guix pack -S /opt/gnu/bin=bin guile emacs emacs-geiser

Dessa forma, os usuários podem digitar /opt/gnu/bin/guile e aproveitar.

E se o destinatário do sua embalagem não tiver privilégios de root na máquina dele e, portanto, não puder descompactá-lo no sistema de arquivos raiz? Nesse caso, você vai querer usar a opção --relocatable (veja abaixo). Essa opção produz binários relocáveis, o que significa que eles podem ser colocados em qualquer lugar na hierarquia do sistema de arquivos: no exemplo acima, os usuários podem descompactar seu tarball no diretório pessoal deles e executar diretamente ./opt/gnu/bin/guile.

Como alternativa, você pode produzir uma embalagem no formato de imagem do Docker usando o seguinte comando:

guix pack -f docker -S /bin=bin guile guile-readline

O resultado é um tarball que pode ser passado para o comando docker load, seguido por docker run:

docker load < arquivo
docker run -ti guile-guile-readline /bin/guile

onde arquivo é a imagem retornada por guix pack, e guile-guile-readline é sua “image tag”. Veja documentação do Docker para mais informações.

Outra opção é produzir uma imagem SquashFS com o seguinte comando:

guix pack -f squashfs bash guile emacs emacs-geiser

O resultado é uma imagem do sistema de arquivos SquashFS que pode ser montada ou usada diretamente como uma imagem de contêiner do sistema de arquivos com o ambiente de execução do contêiner Singularity, usando comandos como singularity shell ou singularity exec.

Outro formato internamente baseado em SquashFS é o AppImage. Um arquivo de AppImage pode ser criado e executado sem qualquer provilégio especial:

file=$(guix pack -f appimage --entry-point=bin/guile guile)
$file --help

Várias opções de linha de comando permitem que você personalize sua embalagem:

-f formato

Produza uma embalagem no formato fornecido.

Os formatos disponíveis são:


Este é o formato padrão. Ele produz um tarball contendo todos os binários e ligações simbólicas especificados.


Isso produz um tarball que segue o Docker Image Specification. Por padrão, o “nome do repositório” como aparece na saída do comando docker images é computado a partir de nomes de pacotes passados na linha de comando ou no arquivo manifesto. Como alternativa, o “nome do repositório” também pode ser configurado por meio da opção --image-tag. Consulte --help-docker-format para obter mais informações sobre essas opções avançadas.


Isso produz uma imagem SquashFS contendo todos os binários e ligações simbólicas especificados, bem como pontos de montagem vazios para sistemas de arquivos virtuais como procfs.

Nota: Singularity requer que você forneça /bin/sh na imagem. Por esse motivo, guix pack -f squashfs sempre implica -S /bin=bin. Portanto, sua invocação guix pack deve sempre começar com algo como:

guix pack -f squashfs bash …

Se você esquecer o pacote bash (ou similar), singularity run e singularity exec falharão com uma mensagem inútil “nenhum arquivo ou diretório”.


Isso produz um arquivo Debian (um pacote com a extensão de arquivo ‘.deb’) contendo todos os binários e ligações simbólicas especificados, que podem ser instalados em cima de qualquer distribuição GNU(/Linux) baseada em dpkg. Opções avançadas podem ser reveladas por meio da opção --help-deb-format. Elas permitem incorporar arquivos de controle para um controle mais refinado, como ativar gatilhos específicos ou fornecer um script de configuração do mantenedor para executar código de configuração arbitrário na instalação.

guix pack -f deb -C xz -S /usr/bin/hello=bin/hello hello

Nota: Como os arquivos produzidos com guix pack contêm uma coleção de itens de armazém e como cada pacote dpkg não deve ter arquivos conflitantes, na prática isso significa que você provavelmente não conseguirá instalar mais de um desses arquivos em um dado sistema. Você pode, no entanto, empacotar quantos pacotes Guix quiser em um desses arquivos.

Aviso: dpkg assumirá a propriedade de quaisquer arquivos contidos no pacote que ele não saiba. Não é sensato instalar arquivos ‘.deb’ produzidos pelo Guix em um sistema onde /gnu/store é compartilhado por outro software, como uma instalação do Guix ou outras embalagens não deb.


Isso produz um arquivo RPM (um pacote com a extensão de arquivo ‘.rpm’) contendo todos os binários e ligações simbólicas especificados, que podem ser instalados em cima de qualquer distribuição GNU/Linux baseada em RPM. O formato RPM incorpora somas de verificação para cada arquivo que ele contém, que o comando rpm usa para validar a integridade do arquivo.

Opções avançadas relacionadas a RPM são reveladas por meio da opção --help-rpm-format. Essas opções permitem incorporar scripts de mantenedor que podem ser executados antes ou depois da instalação do arquivo RPM, por exemplo.

O formato RPM suporta pacotes relocáveis por meio da opção --prefix do comando rpm, o que pode ser útil para instalar um pacote RPM em um prefixo específico.

guix pack -f rpm -R -C xz -S /usr/bin/hello=bin/hello hello
sudo rpm --install --prefix=/opt /gnu/store/...-hello.rpm

Nota: Ao contrário dos pacotes Debian, arquivos conflitantes, mas idênticos em pacotes RPM podem ser instalados simultaneamente, o que significa que vários pacotes RPM produzidos pelo guix pack geralmente podem ser instalados lado a lado sem nenhum problema.

Aviso: rpm assume a propriedade de quaisquer arquivos contidos no pacote, o que significa que ele removerá /gnu/store ao desinstalar um pacote RPM gerado pelo Guix, a menos que o pacote RPM tenha sido instalado com a opção --prefix do comando rpm. Não é sensato instalar pacotes ‘.rpm’ produzidos pelo Guix em um sistema onde /gnu/store é compartilhado por outro software, como uma instalação do Guix ou outras embalagens não rpm.


Isto produz um arquivo AppImage com a extensão ‘.AppImage’. Um AppImage é um volume SquashFS prefixado com uma execução que monta o sistema de arquivo SquashFS e executa o binário criado com o --entry-point. Isso resulta num arquivo auto-contido que agrupa o software e todos os requisitos num único arquivo. Quando o mesmo é executado, ele roda o software empacotado.

guix pack -f appimage --entry-point=bin/vlc vlc

A execução usada pelos AppImages invoca o comando fusermount3 para montar a imagem rapidamente. Se o comando está indiponível, o AppImage falha em executar, mas ele ainda pode ser iniciado com a opção --appimage-extract-and-run.

Aviso: Ao construir um AppImage, sempre passe a opção --relocatable (ou -R, ou a -RR) para ter certeza que a imagem pode ser usada em sistemas onde o Guix não está instalado. Um aviso é impresso quando esta opção não é usada.

guix pack -f appimage --entry-point=bin/hello --relocatable hello

Nota: The resulting AppImage does not conform to the complete standard as it currently does not contain a .DirIcon file. This does not impact functionality of the AppImage itself, but possibly that of software used to manage AppImages.

Nota: As the generated AppImage packages the complete dependency graph, it will be larger than comparable AppImage files found online, which depend on host system libraries.


Produza binários relocáveis—ou seja, binários que podem ser colocados em qualquer lugar na hierarquia do sistema de arquivos e executados a partir daí.

Quando essa opção é passada uma vez, os binários resultantes requerem suporte para user namespaces no kernel Linux; quando passada duas vezes18, binários relocáveis recorrem a outras técnicas se os namespaces de usuário não estiverem disponíveis, e essencialmente funcionam em qualquer lugar—veja abaixo as implicações.

Por exemplo, se você criar uma embalagem contendo Bash com:

guix pack -RR -S /mybin=bin bash

... você pode copiar essa embalagem para uma máquina que não tenha Guix e, a partir do seu diretório pessoal, como um usuário normal, executar:

tar xf pack.tar.gz

Nesse shell, se você digitar ls /gnu/store, você notará que /gnu/store aparece e contém todas as dependências de bash, mesmo que a máquina realmente não tenha /gnu/store completamente! Essa é provavelmente a maneira mais simples de implementar software construído pelo Guix em uma máquina não Guix.

Nota: Por padrão, binários relocáveis dependem do recurso user namespace do kernel Linux, que permite que usuários sem privilégios montem ou alterem a raiz (chroot). Versões antigas do Linux não o suportavam, e algumas distribuições GNU/Linux o desativam.

Para produzir binários relocáveis que funcionam mesmo na ausência de namespaces de usuário, passe --relocatable ou -R duas vezes. Nesse caso, os binários tentarão o suporte a namespaces de usuário e retornarão a outro mecanismo de execução se os namespaces de usuário não forem suportados. Os seguintes mecanismos de execução são suportados:


Experimente usar namespaces de usuário e retorne ao PRoot se eles não forem suportados (veja abaixo).


Experimente usar namespaces de usuário e retorne ao Fakechroot se eles não forem suportados (veja abaixo).


Execute o programa por meio de namespaces de usuário e aborte se eles não forem suportados.


Execute através do PRoot. O programa PRoot fornece o suporte necessário para virtualização do sistema de arquivos. Ele consegue isso usando a chamada de sistema ptrace no programa em execução. Essa abordagem tem a vantagem de funcionar sem exigir suporte especial do kernel, mas incorre em sobrecarga de tempo de execução toda vez que uma chamada de sistema é feita.


Execute através do Fakechroot. Fakechroot virtualiza acessos ao sistema de arquivos interceptando chamadas para funções da biblioteca C, como open, stat, exec e assim por diante. Ao contrário do PRoot, ele incorre em muito pouca sobrecarga. No entanto, nem sempre funciona: por exemplo, alguns acessos ao sistema de arquivos feitos de dentro da biblioteca C não são interceptados, e acessos ao sistema de arquivos feitos via syscalls diretas também não são interceptados, levando a um comportamento errático.

Ao executar um programa encapsulado, você pode solicitar explicitamente um dos mecanismos de execução listados acima, definindo a variável de ambiente GUIX_EXECUTION_ENGINE adequadamente.


Use comando como o ponto de entrada da embalagem resultante, se o formato da embalagem for compatível — atualmente, docker, appimage e squashfs (Singularity) o são. comando deve ser relativo ao perfil contido na embalagem.

O ponto de entrada especifica o comando que ferramentas como docker run ou singularity run iniciam automaticamente por padrão. Por exemplo, você pode fazer:

guix pack -f docker --entry-point=bin/guile guile

A embalagem resultante pode ser facilmente carregado e docker run sem argumentos extras irá gerar bin/guile:

docker load -i pack.tar.gz
docker run image-id
-A comando

Use comando como um argumento para o ponto de entrada da embalagem resultante. Esta opção é válida somente em conjunto com --entry-point e pode aparecer várias vezes na linha de comando.

guix pack -f docker --entry-point=bin/guile --entry-point-argument="--help" guile

Especifica o número máximo de camadas de imagem do Docker permitidas ao criar uma imagem.

guix pack -f docker --max-layers=100 guile

Esta opção permite que você limite o número de camadas em uma imagem Docker. As imagens Docker são compostas de várias camadas, e cada camada adiciona ao tamanho geral e à complexidade da imagem. Ao definir um número máximo de camadas, você pode controlar os seguintes efeitos:

  • Uso do disco: Aumentar o número de camadas pode ajudar a otimizar o espaço em disco necessário para armazenar várias imagens criadas com um grafo de pacote semelhante.
  • Puxar: Ao transferir imagens entre diferentes nós ou sistemas, ter mais camadas pode reduzir o tempo necessário para puxar a imagem.
-e expr

Considere o pacote que expr avalia.

Isso tem o mesmo propósito que a opção de mesmo nome em guix build (veja --expression em guix build).


Build a pack containing the package or other object the code within file evaluates to.

This has the same purpose as the same-named option in guix build (veja --file in guix build), but it has no shorthand, because -f already means --format.

-m arquivo

Use os pacotes contidos no objeto manifesto retornado pelo código Scheme em arquivo. Esta opção pode ser repetida várias vezes, nesse caso os manifestos são concatenados.

Isto tem um propósito similar à opção de mesmo nome em guix package (veja --manifest) e usa os mesmos arquivos de manifesto. Ele permite que você defina uma coleção de pacotes uma vez e use-a tanto para criar perfis quanto para criar arquivos para uso em máquinas que não tenham o Guix instalado. Note que você pode especificar ou um arquivo de manifesto ou uma lista de pacotes, mas não ambos.

Veja Escrevendo manifestos, para obter informações sobre como escrever um manifesto. Veja guix shell --export-manifest, para obter informações sobre como “converter” opções de linha de comando em um manifesto.

-s sistema

Tente compilar para sistema—por exemplo, i686-linux—em vez do tipo de sistema do host de compilação.


Construção cruzada para tripleto, que deve ser um tripleto GNU válido, como "aarch64-linux-gnu" (veja (Autoconf)autoconf).

-C ferramenta

Compacte o tarball resultante usando ferramenta—um dos seguintes: gzip, zstd, bzip2, xz, lzip ou none para nenhuma compactação.

-S spec

Adicione os symlinks especificados por spec à embalagem. Esta opção pode aparecer várias vezes.

spec tem o formato fonte=alvo, onde fonte é a ligação simbólica que será criado e alvo é o destino da ligação simbólica.

Por exemplo, -S /opt/gnu/bin=bin cria uma ligação simbólica /opt/gnu/bin apontanda para o subdiretório bin do perfil.


Salvar informações de procedência para os pacotes passados na linha de comando. As informações de procedência incluem a URL e o commit dos canais em uso (veja Canais).

As informações de procedência são salvas no arquivo /gnu/store/…-profile/manifest na embalagem, junto com os metadados usuais do pacote — o nome e a versão de cada pacote, suas entradas propagadas e assim por diante. São informações úteis para o destinatário da embalagem, que então sabe como a embalagem foi (supostamente) obtida.

Esta opção não é habilitada por padrão porque, assim como os timestamps, as informações de proveniência não contribuem em nada para o processo de construção. Em outras palavras, há uma infinidade de URLs de canais e IDs de commit que podem levar à mesma embalagem. Gravar esses metadados “silenciosos” na saída, portanto, potencialmente quebra a propriedade de reprodutibilidade bit a bit de origem para binário.

-r arquivo

Crie arquivo como uma ligação simbólica para a embalagem resultante e registre-a como uma raiz do coletor de lixo.


Inclua o “diretório de estado local”, /var/guix, na embalagem resultante, e principalmente o perfil /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/nome — por padrão, nome é guix-profile, que corresponde a ~root/.guix-profile.

/var/guix contém o banco de dados do armazém (veja O armazém), bem como as raízes do coletor de lixo (veja Invocando guix gc). Fornecê-lo na embalagem significa que o armazém está “completo” e gerenciável pelo Guix; não fornecê-lo na embalagem significa que o armazém está “morto”: itens não podem ser adicionados a ele ou removidos dele após a extração da embalagem.

Um caso de uso para isso é o tarball binário independente do Guix (veja Instalação de binários).


Exiba o nome da derivação que constrói a embalagem.


Use os binários bootstrap para construir a embalagem. Esta opção é útil somente para desenvolvedores do Guix.

Além disso, guix pack suporta todas as opções de compilação comuns (veja Opções de compilação comuns) e todas as opções de transformação de pacote (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

7.4 A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC

Se você precisa de uma cadeia de ferramentas completa para compilar e vincular código-fonte C ou C++, use o pacote gcc-toolchain. Este pacote fornece uma cadeia de ferramentas GCC completa para desenvolvimento C/C++, incluindo o próprio GCC, a GNU C Library (cabeçalhos e binários, além de símbolos de depuração na saída debug), Binutils e um wrapper de vinculador.

O propósito do wrapper é inspecionar os switches -L e -l passados para o vinculador, adicionar argumentos -rpath correspondentes e invocar o vinculador real com esse novo conjunto de argumentos. Você pode instruir o wrapper a se recusar a vincular bibliotecas que não estejam no store definindo a variável de ambiente GUIX_LD_WRAPPER_ALLOW_IMPURITIES como no.

O pacote gfortran-toolchain fornece uma cadeia de ferramentas GCC completa para desenvolvimento Fortran. Para outras linguagens, use ‘guix search gcc toolchain’ (veja Invoking guix package).

7.5 Invocando guix git authenticate

O comando guix git authenticate autentica um checkout do Git seguindo a mesma regra dos canais (veja autenticação dos canais). Ou seja, a partir de um commit determinado, ele garante que todos os commits subsequentes sejam assinados por uma chave OpenPGP cuja impressão digital apareça no arquivo .guix-authorizations de seus commits pais.

Você achará esse comando útil se mantiver um canal. Mas, na verdade, esse mecanismo de autenticação é útil em um contexto mais amplo, então você pode querer usá-lo para repositórios Git que não tenham nada a ver com Guix.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix git authenticate commit signer [options…]

By default, this command authenticates the Git checkout in the current directory; it outputs nothing and exits with exit code zero on success and non-zero on failure. commit above denotes the first commit where authentication takes place, and signer is the OpenPGP fingerprint of public key used to sign commit. Together, they form a channel introduction (veja channel introduction). On your first successful run, the introduction is recorded in the .git/config file of your checkout, allowing you to omit them from subsequent invocations:

guix git authenticate [opções…]

Caso você tenha ramos que exijam introduções diferentes, você pode especificá-las diretamente em .git/config. Por exemplo, se o ramo chamado personal-fork tiver uma introdução diferente de outros ramos, você pode estender .git/config ao longo destas linhas:

[guix "authentication-personal-fork"]
	introduction-commit = cabba936fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea3900d
	introduction-signer = C0FF EECA BBA9 E6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA
	keyring = keyring

A primeira execução também tenta instalar ganchos pré-push e pós-mesclagem, de modo que guix git authenticate seja invocado assim que você executar git push, git pull e comandos relacionados; no entanto, ele não substitui ganchos preexistentes.

As opções de linha de comando descritas abaixo permitem que você ajuste o processo.

-r diretório

Abra o repositório Git em diretório em vez do diretório atual.

-k referência

Carregue o chaveiro OpenPGP de referência, a referência de uma ramificação como origin/keyring ou my-keyring. A ramificação deve conter chaves públicas OpenPGP em arquivos .key, em formato binário ou “ASCII-armored”. Por padrão, o chaveiro é carregado da ramificação chamada keyring.


Autentique revisões até commit.


Exibir estatísticas de assinatura de confirmação após a conclusão.


Os commits autenticados anteriormente são armazenados em cache em um arquivo em ~/.cache/guix/authentication. Esta opção força o cache a ser armazenado no arquivo chave naquele diretório.


Por padrão, qualquer commit cujo(s) commit(s) pai(s) não tenha(m) o arquivo .guix-authorizations é considerado não autêntico. Em contraste, esta opção considera as autorizações em arquivo para qualquer commit que não tenha .guix-authorizations. O formato de arquivo é o mesmo que o de .guix-authorizations (veja formato .guix-authorizations).

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

8 Interface de programação

O GNU Guix fornece várias interfaces de programação Scheme (APIs) para definir, construir e consultar pacotes. A primeira interface permite que os usuários escrevam definições de pacotes de alto nível. Essas definições se referem a conceitos de empacotamento familiares, como o nome e a versão de um pacote, seu sistema de construção e suas dependências. Essas definições podem então ser transformadas em ações de construção concretas.

As ações de build são executadas pelo daemon Guix, em nome dos usuários. Em uma configuração padrão, o daemon tem acesso de gravação ao armazém—o diretório /gnu/store—enquanto os usuários não têm. A configuração recomendada também faz com que o daemon execute builds em chroots, sob usuários de compilação específicos, para minimizar a interferência com o resto do sistema.

APIs de nível inferior estão disponíveis para interagir com o daemon e o armazém. Para instruir o daemon a executar uma ação de compilação, os usuários na verdade fornecem a ele uma derivação. Uma derivação é uma representação de baixo nível das ações de compilação a serem tomadas e do ambiente no qual elas devem ocorrer — derivações são para definições de pacotes o que assembly é para programas C. O termo “derivação” vem do fato de que os resultados de compilação derivam deles.

Este capítulo descreve todas essas APIs, começando pelas definições de pacotes de alto nível. Veja Estrutura da árvore de origem, para uma visão geral mais geral do código-fonte.

8.1 Módulos de pacote

Do ponto de vista da programação, as definições de pacotes da distribuição GNU são fornecidas pelos módulos Guile no namespace (gnu packages …)19 (veja módulos Guile em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile). Por exemplo, o módulo (gnu packages emacs) exporta uma variável chamada emacs, que é vinculada a um objeto <package> (veja Definindo pacotes).

O namespace do módulo (gnu packages …) é automaticamente escaneado em busca de pacotes pelas ferramentas de linha de comando. Por exemplo, ao executar guix install emacs, todos os módulos (gnu packages …) são escaneados até que um que exporte um objeto de pacote cujo nome é emacs seja encontrado. Esse recurso de busca de pacotes é implementado no módulo (gnu packages).

Os usuários podem armazenar definições de pacotes em módulos com nomes diferentes — por exemplo, (my-packages emacs)20. Há duas maneiras de tornar essas definições de pacotes visíveis para as interfaces do usuário:

  1. Ao adicionar o diretório que contém os módulos do seu pacote ao caminho de pesquisa com o sinalizador -L do guix package e outros comandos (veja Opções de compilação comuns), ou definindo a variável de ambiente GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH descrita abaixo.
  2. Ao definir um canal e configurando guix pull para que ele puxe dele. Um canal é essencialmente um repositório Git contendo módulos de pacote. Veja Canais, para mais informações sobre como definir e usar canais.

GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH funciona de forma semelhante a outras variáveis de caminho de pesquisa:

Variável de ambiente: GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH

Esta é uma lista de diretórios separados por dois pontos para procurar módulos de pacotes adicionais. Os diretórios listados nesta variável têm precedência sobre os próprios módulos da distribuição.

A distribuição é totalmente bootstrapped e auto-contida: cada pacote é construído com base somente em outros pacotes na distribuição. A raiz deste grafo de dependência é um pequeno conjunto dos binários bootstrap, fornecido pelo módulo (gnu packages bootstrap). Para mais informações sobre bootstrapping, veja Inicializando.

8.2 Definindo pacotes

A interface de alto nível para definições de pacotes é implementada nos módulos (guix packages) e (guix build-system). Como exemplo, a definição de pacote, ou receita, para o pacote GNU Hello se parece com isto:

(define-module (gnu packages hello)
  #:use-module (guix packages)
  #:use-module (guix download)
  #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
  #:use-module (guix licenses)
  #:use-module (gnu packages gawk))

(define-public hello
    (name "hello")
    (version "2.10")
    (source (origin
              (method url-fetch)
              (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
    (build-system gnu-build-system)
    (arguments '(#:configure-flags '("--enable-silent-rules")))
    (inputs (list gawk))
    (synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
    (description "Guess what GNU Hello prints!")
    (home-page "")
    (license gpl3+)))

Sem ser um especialista em Scheme, o leitor pode ter adivinhado o significado dos vários campos aqui. Esta expressão vincula a variável hello a um objeto <package>, que é essencialmente um registro (veja Scheme records em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile). Este objeto de pacote pode ser inspecionado usando procedimentos encontrados no módulo (guix packages); por exemplo, (package-name hello) retorna—surpresa!—"hello".

Com sorte, você poderá importar parte ou toda a definição do pacote de seu interesse de outro repositório, usando o comando guix import (veja Invoking guix import).

No exemplo acima, hello é definido em um módulo próprio, (gnu packages hello). Tecnicamente, isso não é estritamente necessário, mas é conveniente fazê-lo: todos os pacotes definidos em módulos sob (gnu packages …) são automaticamente conhecidos pelas ferramentas de linha de comando (veja Módulos de pacote).

Há alguns pontos que vale a pena observar na definição do pacote acima:

  • O campo source do pacote é um objeto <origin> (veja Referência do origin, para a referência completa). Aqui, o método url-fetch de (guix download) é usado, o que significa que a fonte é um arquivo a ser baixado por FTP ou HTTP.

    O prefixo mirror://gnu instrui url-fetch a usar um dos espelhos GNU definidos em (guix download).

    O campo sha256 especifica o hash SHA256 esperado do arquivo que está sendo baixado. É obrigatório e permite que o Guix verifique a integridade do arquivo. O formulário (base32 …) introduz a representação base32 do hash. Você pode obter essas informações com guix download (veja Invocando guix download) e guix hash (veja Invocando guix hash).

    Quando necessário, o formulário origin também pode ter um campo patches listando os remendos a serem aplicados e um campo snippet fornecendo uma expressão Scheme para modificar o código-fonte.

  • O campo build-system especifica o procedimento para construir o pacote (veja Sistemas de compilação). Aqui, gnu-build-system representa o familiar GNU Build System, onde os pacotes podem ser configurados, construídos e instalados com a sequência de comando usual ./configure && make && make check && make install.

    Ao começar a empacotar software não trivial, você pode precisar de ferramentas para manipular essas fases de compilação, manipular arquivos e assim por diante. Veja Construir utilitários, para mais informações sobre isso.

  • O campo arguments especifica opções para o sistema de compilação (veja Sistemas de compilação). Aqui, ele é interpretado por gnu-build-system como uma solicitação executada configure com o sinalizador --enable-silent-rules.

    E quanto a esses caracteres de citação (')? Eles são sintaxe Scheme para introduzir uma lista literal; ' é sinônimo de quote. Às vezes, você também verá ` (uma crase, sinônimo de quasiquote) e , (uma vírgula, sinônimo de unquote). Veja quoting em Manual de referência do GNU Guile, para detalhes. Aqui, o valor do campo arguments é uma lista de argumentos passados para o sistema de construção mais adiante, como com apply (veja apply em Manual de referência do GNU Guile).

    A sequência hash-dois-pontos (#:) define um palavra-chave em Scheme (veja Keywords em Manual de referência do GNU Guile) e #:configure-flags é uma palavra-chave usada para passar um argumento de palavra-chave para o sistema de compilação (veja Coding With Keywords em Manual de referência do GNU Guile).

  • O campo inputs especifica entradas para o processo de construção—i.e., dependências de tempo de construção ou tempo de execução do pacote. Aqui, adicionamos uma entrada, uma referência à variável gawk; gawk é ele próprio vinculado a um objeto <package>.

    Note que GCC, Coreutils, Bash e outras ferramentas essenciais não precisam ser especificadas como entradas aqui. Em vez disso, gnu-build-system cuida de garantir que elas estejam presentes (veja Sistemas de compilação).

    No entanto, quaisquer outras dependências precisam ser especificadas no campo inputs. Qualquer dependência não especificada aqui simplesmente ficará indisponível para o processo de build, possivelmente levando a uma falha de build.

Veja Referência do package, para uma descrição completa dos campos possíveis.

Indo além: Intimidado pela linguagem Scheme ou curioso sobre ela? O Livro de receitas tem uma seção curta para começar que recapitula algumas das coisas mostradas acima e explica os fundamentos. Veja Um curso intensivo de Scheme em Livro de receitas do GNU Guix, para mais informações.

Uma vez que uma definição de pacote esteja pronta, o pacote pode ser realmente construído usando a ferramenta de linha de comando guix build (veja Invocando guix build), solucionando problemas de quaisquer falhas de construção que você encontrar (veja Depurando falhas de compilação). Você pode facilmente voltar para a definição do pacote usando o comando guix edit (veja Invocando guix edit). Veja Diretrizes de empacotamento, para mais informações sobre como testar definições de pacote, e Invocando guix lint, para informações sobre como verificar uma definição para conformidade de estilo. Por fim, veja Canais, para obter informações sobre como estender a distribuição adicionando suas próprias definições de pacote em um “canal”.

Por fim, a atualização da definição do pacote para uma nova versão upstream pode ser parcialmente automatizada pelo comando guix refresh (veja Invocando guix refresh).

Nos bastidores, uma derivação correspondente ao objeto <package> é primeiro computada pelo procedimento package-derivation. Essa derivação é armazenada em um arquivo .drv em /gnu/store. As ações de construção que ele prescreve podem então ser realizadas usando o procedimento build-derivations (veja O armazém).

Procedimento: package-derivation armazém pacote [sistema]

Retorne o objeto <derivation> de pacote para sistema (veja Derivações).

pacote deve ser um objeto <package> válido e sistema deve ser uma string que indique o tipo de sistema de destino — por exemplo, "x86_64-linux" para um sistema GNU baseado em Linux x86_64. armazém deve ser uma conexão com o daemon, que opera no armazém (veja O armazém).

Da mesma forma, é possível calcular uma derivação que crie um pacote para algum outro sistema:

Procedimento: package-cross-derivation armazém pacote alvo [sistema]

Retorne o objeto <derivation> de pacote criado de sistema para alvo.

alvo deve ser um tripleto GNU válido que indique o hardware e o sistema operacional de destino, como "aarch64-linux-gnu" (veja Specifying Target Triplets em Autoconf).

Depois de ter as definições dos pacotes, você pode definir facilmente variantes desses pacotes. Veja Definindo variantes de pacote, para mais informações sobre isso.

8.2.1 Referência do package

Esta seção resume todas as opções disponíveis nas declarações package (veja Definindo pacotes).

Tipo de dados: package

Este é o tipo de dado que representa uma receita de pacote.


The name of the package, as a string.


The version of the package, as a string. Veja Números de versão, for guidelines.


Um objeto que diz como o código-fonte do pacote deve ser adquirido. Na maioria das vezes, este é um objeto origin, que denota um arquivo obtido da Internet (veja Referência do origin). Também pode ser qualquer outro objeto “tipo arquivo”, como um local-file, que denota um arquivo do sistema de arquivos local (veja local-file).


O sistema de compilação que deve ser usado para compilar o pacote (veja Sistemas de compilação).

arguments (padrão: '())

Os argumentos que devem ser passados para o sistema de compilação (veja Sistemas de compilação). Esta é uma lista, normalmente contendo pares sequenciais de palavra-chave-valor, como neste exemplo:

  (name "example")
  ;; several fields omitted
    (list #:tests? #f                     ;skip tests
          #:make-flags #~'("VERBOSE=1")   ;pass flags to 'make'
          #:configure-flags #~'("--enable-frobbing"))))

O conjunto exato de palavras-chave suportadas depende do sistema de compilação (veja Sistemas de compilação), mas você verá que quase todas elas honram #:configure-flags, #:make-flags, #:tests? e #:phases. A palavra-chave #:phases em particular permite que você modifique o conjunto de fases de compilação para seu pacote (veja Fases de construção).

O REPL tem comandos dedicados para inspecionar interativamente os valores de alguns desses argumentos, como um auxílio de depuração conveniente (veja Usando Guix interativamente).

Nota de compatibilidade: Até a versão 1.3.0, o campo arguments normalmente usaria quote (') ou quasiquote (`) e nenhuma expressão G, assim:

  ;; several fields omitted
  (arguments   ;old-style quoted arguments
   '(#:tests? #f
     #:configure-flags '("--enable-frobbing"))))

Para converter esse estilo para o mostrado acima, você pode executar guix style -S arguments pacote (veja Invoking guix style).

inputs (padrão: '())
native-inputs (padrão: '())
propagated-inputs (padrão: '())

Esses campos listam dependências do pacote. Cada elemento dessas listas é um pacote, origem ou outro “objeto tipo arquivo” (veja Expressões-G); para especificar a saída desse objeto tipo arquivo que deve ser usado, passe uma lista de dois elementos onde o segundo elemento é a saída (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas, para mais informações sobre saídas de pacotes). Por exemplo, a lista abaixo especifica três entradas:

(list libffi libunistring
      `(,glib "bin"))      ;a saída "bin" de GLib

No exemplo acima, a saída "out" de libffi e libunistring é usada.

Nota de compatibilidade: Até a versão 1.3.0, as listas de entrada eram uma lista de tuplas, onde cada tupla tem um rótulo para a entrada (uma string) como seu primeiro elemento, um pacote, origem ou derivação como seu segundo elemento e, opcionalmente, o nome da saída que deve ser usada, cujo padrão é "out". Por exemplo, a lista abaixo é equivalente à acima, mas usando o antigo estilo de entrada:

;; Estilo de entrada antigo (obsoleto).
`(("libffi" ,libffi)
  ("libunistring" ,libunistring)
  ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin"))  ;a saída "bin" do GLib

Este estilo agora está obsoleto; ele ainda é suportado, mas o suporte será removido em uma versão futura. Ele não deve ser usado para novas definições de pacote. Veja Invoking guix style, sobre como migrar para o novo estilo.

A distinção entre native-inputs e inputs é necessária ao considerar a compilação cruzada. Ao compilar cruzadamente, as dependências listadas em inputs são construídas para a arquitetura target (alvo); inversamente, as dependências listadas em native-inputs são construídas para a arquitetura da máquina build.

native-inputs é normalmente usado para listar ferramentas necessárias no momento da compilação, mas não no momento da execução, como Autoconf, Automake, pkg-config, Gettext ou Bison. guix lint pode relatar prováveis erros nesta área (veja Invocando guix lint).

Por fim, propagated-inputs é semelhante a inputs, mas os pacotes especificados serão instalados automaticamente nos perfis (veja a função dos perfis no Guix) junto com o pacote ao qual pertencem (veja guix package, para obter informações sobre como guix package lida com entradas propagadas).

Por exemplo, isso é necessário ao empacotar uma biblioteca C/C++ que precisa de cabeçalhos de outra biblioteca para compilar, ou quando um arquivo pkg-config faz referência a outro por meio de seu campo Requires.

Outro exemplo em que propagated-inputs é útil é para linguagens que não têm um recurso para registrar o caminho de pesquisa em tempo de execução semelhante ao RUNPATH de arquivos ELF; isso inclui Guile, Python, Perl e mais. Ao empacotar bibliotecas escritas nessas linguagens, garanta que elas possam encontrar o código da biblioteca do qual dependem em tempo de execução listando as dependências em tempo de execução em propagated-inputs em vez de inputs.

outputs (padrão: '("out"))

A lista de nomes de saída do pacote. Veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas, para usos típicos de saídas adicionais.

native-search-paths (padrão: '())
search-paths (padrão: '())

Uma lista de objetos search-path-specification descrevendo variáveis de ambiente do caminho de pesquisa respeitadas pelo pacote. Veja Caminhos de pesquisa, para mais informações sobre especificações do caminho de pesquisa.

Quanto às entradas, a distinção entre native-search-paths e search-paths só importa quando há compilação cruzada. Em um contexto de compilação cruzada, native-search-paths se aplica exclusivamente a entradas nativas, enquanto search-paths se aplica somente a entradas de host.

Pacotes como compiladores cruzados se importam com entradas de destino — por exemplo, nosso compilador cruzado GCC (modificado) tem CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH em search-paths, o que permite que ele escolha arquivos .h para o sistema de destino e não aqueles de entradas nativas. Para a maioria dos pacotes, porém, apenas native-search-paths faz sentido.

replacement (padrão: #f)

Deve ser #f ou um objeto de pacote que será usado como um substituição para este pacote. Veja enxertos, para detalhes.


Uma descrição de uma linha do pacote.


Uma descrição mais elaborada do pacote, como uma string na sintaxe Texinfo.


A licença do pacote; um valor de (guix licenses), ou uma lista de tais valores.


A URL para a página inicial do pacote, como uma string.

supported-systems (padrão: %supported-systems)

A lista de sistemas suportados pelo pacote, como strings do formato arquitetura-kernel, por exemplo "x86_64-linux".

location (padrão: localização de origem do formulário package)

O local de origem do pacote. É útil sobrescrever isso ao herdar de outro pacote, em cujo caso esse campo não é corrigido automaticamente.

Macro: this-package

Quando usado no escopo lexical de uma definição de campo de pacote, esse identificador é resolvido para o pacote que está sendo definido.

O exemplo abaixo mostra como adicionar um pacote como uma entrada nativa de si mesmo durante a compilação cruzada:

  (name "guile")
  ;; ...

  ;; Quando compilado de forma cruzada, Guile, por exemplo, depende de
  ;; uma versão nativa de si mesmo. Adicione aqui.
  (native-inputs (if (%current-target-system)
                     (list this-package)

É um erro fazer referência a this-package fora de uma definição de pacote.

Os seguintes procedimentos auxiliares são fornecidos para ajudar a lidar com entradas de pacotes.

Procedimento: lookup-package-input pacote nome
Procedimento: lookup-package-native-input pacote nome
Procedimento: lookup-package-propagated-input pacote nome
Procedimento: lookup-package-direct-input pacote nome

Procure nome entre as entradas de pacote (ou entradas nativas, propagadas ou diretas). Retorne-o se encontrado, #f caso contrário.

name is the name of a package or the file name of an origin depended on. Here’s how you might use it:

(use-modules (guix packages) (gnu packages base))

(lookup-package-direct-input coreutils "gmp")
 #<package gmp@6.2.1 …>

Neste exemplo, obtemos o pacote gmp que está entre as entradas diretas de coreutils.

When looking up an origin, use the name that appears in the origin’s file-name field or its default file name—e.g., "foo-1.2.tar.gz".

Às vezes, você vai querer obter a lista de entradas necessárias para desenvolver um pacote—todas as entradas que são visíveis quando o pacote é compilado. É isso que o procedimento package-development-inputs retorna.

Procedimento: package-development-inputs pacote [sistema] [#:target #f]

Retorna a lista de entradas necessárias para pacote para fins de desenvolvimento em sistema. Quando target é verdadeiro, retorna as entradas necessárias para compilar cruzadamente pacote de sistema para o alvo target, onde target é um tripleto como "aarch64-linux-gnu".

Note que o resultado inclui entradas explícitas e entradas implícitas—entradas adicionadas automaticamente pelo sistema de construção (veja Sistemas de compilação). Vamos pegar o pacote hello para ilustrar isso:

(use-modules (gnu packages base) (guix packages))

 #<package hello@2.10 gnu/packages/base.scm:79 7f585d4f6790>

(package-direct-inputs hello)

(package-development-inputs hello)
 (("source" ) ("tar" #<package tar@1.32 …>) )

Neste exemplo, package-direct-inputs retorna a lista vazia, porque hello tem zero dependências explícitas. Por outro lado, package-development-inputs inclui entradas adicionadas implicitamente por gnu-build-system que são necessárias para construir hello: tar, gzip, GCC, libc, Bash e mais. Para visualizá-lo, guix graph hello mostraria entradas explícitas, enquanto guix graph -t bag hello incluiria entradas implícitas (veja Invocando guix graph).

Como os pacotes são objetos Scheme regulares que capturam um grafo de dependência completo e procedimentos de construção associados, geralmente é útil escrever procedimentos que pegam um pacote e retornam uma versão modificada dele de acordo com alguns parâmetros. Abaixo estão alguns exemplos.

Procedimento: package-with-c-toolchain pacote cadeia

Retorna uma variante de pacote que usa cadeia de ferramentas em vez da cadeia de ferramentas padrão GNU C/C++. cadeia deve ser uma lista de entradas (tuplas de rótulo/pacote) que fornecem funcionalidade equivalente, como o pacote gcc-toolchain.

O exemplo abaixo retorna uma variante do pacote hello criado com GCC 10.x e o restante da cadeia de ferramentas GNU (Binutils e a Biblioteca C GNU) em vez da cadeia de ferramentas padrão:

(let ((toolchain (specification->package "gcc-toolchain@10")))
  (package-with-c-toolchain hello `(("toolchain" ,toolchain))))

A cadeia de ferramentas de construção é parte das entradas implícitas dos pacotes—geralmente não é listada como parte dos vários campos “entradas” e, em vez disso, é puxada pelo sistema de construção. Consequentemente, esse procedimento funciona alterando o sistema de construção de pacote para que ele puxe cadeia de ferramentas em vez dos padrões. Veja Sistemas de compilação, para mais informações sobre sistemas de construção.

8.2.2 Referência do origin

Esta seção documenta origens. Uma declaração origin especifica dados que devem ser “produzidos”—baixados, normalmente—e cujo hash de conteúdo é conhecido com antecedência. Origens são usados principalmente para representar o código-fonte de pacotes (veja Definindo pacotes). Por esse motivo, o formulário origin permite que você declare remendos para aplicar ao código-fonte original, bem como trechos de código para modificá-lo.

Tipo de dados: origin

Este é o tipo de dado que representa a origem do código-fonte.


Um objeto contendo o URI da fonte. O tipo de objeto depende do method (veja abaixo). Por exemplo, ao usar o método url-fetch de (guix download), os valores válidos de uri são: uma URL representada como uma string, ou uma lista delas.


Um procedimento monádico que manipula o URI fornecido. O procedimento deve aceitar pelo menos três argumentos: o valor do campo uri e o algoritmo de hash e o valor de hash especificados pelo campo hash. Ele deve retornar um item do armazém ou uma derivação na mônada do armazém (veja A mônada do armazém); a maioria dos métodos retorna uma derivação de saída fixa (veja Derivações).

Os métodos comumente usados incluem url-fetch, que busca dados de uma URL, e git-fetch, que busca dados de um repositório Git (veja abaixo).


Um bytevector contendo o hash SHA-256 da fonte. Isso é equivalente a fornecer um objeto SHA256 content-hash no campo hash descrito abaixo.


O objeto content-hash da fonte — veja abaixo como usar content-hash.

You can obtain this information using guix download (veja Invocando guix download) or guix hash (veja Invocando guix hash).

file-name (padrão: #f)

O nome do arquivo sob o qual o código-fonte deve ser salvo. Quando for #f, um valor padrão sensato será usado na maioria dos casos. Caso a fonte seja obtida de uma URL, o nome do arquivo da URL será usado. Para checkouts de controle de versão, é recomendado fornecer o nome do arquivo explicitamente porque o padrão não é muito descritivo.

patches (padrão: '())

Uma lista de nomes de arquivos, origens ou objetos tipo arquivo (veja objetos tipo arquivo) apontando para remendos a serem aplicados à origem.

Esta lista de remendos deve ser incondicional. Em particular, não pode depender do valor de %current-system ou %current-target-system.

snippet (padrão: #f)

Uma expressão G (veja Expressões-G) ou expressão S que será executada no diretório de origem. Esta é uma maneira conveniente de modificar a origem, às vezes mais conveniente do que um patch.

patch-flags (padrão: '("-p1"))

Uma lista de sinalizadores de linha de comando que devem ser passados para o comando patch.

patch-inputs (padrão: #f)

Pacotes de entrada ou derivações para o processo de patching. Quando este é #f, o conjunto usual de entradas necessárias para patching é fornecido, como GNU Patch.

modules (padrão: '())

Uma lista de módulos Guile que devem ser carregados durante o processo de aplicação de remendos e durante a execução do código no campo snippet.

patch-guile (padrão: #f)

O pacote Guile que deve ser usado no processo de patching. Quando este é #f, um padrão sensato é usado.

Tipo de dados: content-hash valor [algoritmo]

Construa um objeto hash de conteúdo para o algoritmo fornecido, e com valor como seu valor hash. Quando algoritmo é omitido, presuma que é sha256.

valor pode ser uma string literal, nesse caso ela é decodificada em base32, ou pode ser um bytevector.

Os seguintes formulários são todos equivalentes:

(content-hash "05zxkyz9bv3j9h0xyid1rhvh3klhsmrpkf3bcs6frvlgyr2gwilj")
(content-hash "05zxkyz9bv3j9h0xyid1rhvh3klhsmrpkf3bcs6frvlgyr2gwilj"
(content-hash (base32
(content-hash (base64 "kkb+RPaP7uyMZmu4eXPVkM4BN8yhRd8BTHLslb6f/Rc=")

Tecnicamente, content-hash é atualmente implementado como uma macro. Ele realiza verificações de sanidade no momento da expansão da macro, quando possível, como garantir que valor tenha o tamanho certo para algoritmo.

Como vimos acima, como exatamente os dados aos quais uma origem se refere são recuperados é determinado pelo seu campo method. O módulo (guix download) fornece o método mais comum, url-fetch, descrito abaixo.

Procedimento: url-fetch url hash-algo hash [nome] [#:executable?? #f]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca dados de url (uma string, ou uma lista de strings denotando URLs alternativas), que deve ter hash hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Por padrão, o nome do arquivo é o nome base de URL; opcionalmente, nome pode especificar um nome de arquivo diferente. Quando executable? é verdadeiro, torna o arquivo baixado executável.

Quando uma das URLs começa com mirror://, sua parte host é interpretada como o nome de um esquema de espelho, obtido de %mirror-file.

Como alternativa, quando a URL começa com file://, retorne o nome do arquivo correspondente no armazém.

Da mesma forma, o módulo (guix git-download) define o método de origem git-fetch, que busca dados de um repositório de controle de versão Git, e o tipo de dados git-reference para descrever o repositório e a revisão a serem buscados.

Procedimento: git-fetch ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca ref, um objeto <git-reference>. Espera-se que a saída tenha hash recursivo hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Use nome como o nome do arquivo, ou um nome genérico se #f.

Procedimento: git-fetch/lfs ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Esta é uma variante do procedimento git-fetch que suporta a extensão Git LFS (Large File Storage). Isso pode ser útil para extrair alguns dados de teste binários para executar o conjunto de testes de um pacote, por exemplo.

Tipo de dados: git-reference

Este tipo de dado representa uma referência Git para git-fetch a recuperar.


A URL do repositório Git a ser clonado.


Esta string denota o commit a ser buscado (uma string hexadecimal) ou a tag a ser buscada. Você também pode usar um ID de commit “curto” ou um identificador de estilo git describe como v1.0.1-10-g58d7909c97.

recursive? (padrão: #f)

Este booleano indica se os submódulos do Git devem ser buscados recursivamente.

O exemplo abaixo denota a tag v2.10 do repositório GNU Hello:

  (url "")
  (commit "v2.10"))

Isso é equivalente à referência abaixo, que nomeia explicitamente o commit:

  (url "")
  (commit "dc7dc56a00e48fe6f231a58f6537139fe2908fb9"))

Para repositórios Mercurial, o módulo (guix hg-download) define o método de origem hg-fetch e o tipo de dados hg-reference para suporte ao sistema de controle de versão Mercurial.

Procedimento: hg-fetch ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca ref, um objeto <hg-reference>. Espera-se que a saída tenha hash recursivo hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Use nome como o nome do arquivo, ou um nome genérico se #f.

Tipo de dados: hg-reference

Este tipo de dado representa uma referência Mercurial para hg-fetch a recuperar.


A URL do repositório Mercurial a ser clonado.


Esta sequência de caracteres indica a revisão a ser buscado.

Para repositórios Subversion, o módulo (guix svn-download) define o método de origem svn-fetch e o tipo de dados svn-reference para suporte ao sistema de controle de versão Subversion.

Procedimento: svn-fetch ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca ref, um objeto <svn-reference>. Espera-se que a saída tenha hash recursivo hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Use nome como o nome do arquivo, ou um nome genérico se #f.

Tipo de dados: svn-reference

Este tipo de dado representa uma referência Subversion para svn-fetch a recuperar.


A URL do repositório Subversion a ser clonado.


Esta sequência de caracteres denota a revisão a ser buscada especificada como um número.

recursive? (padrão: #f)

Este booleano indica se deve-se buscar recursivamente “externals” do Subversion.

user-name (padrão: #f)

O nome de uma conta que tem acesso de leitura ao repositório, se o repositório não for público.

password (padrão: #f)

Senha para acessar o repositório Subversion, se necessário.

Para repositórios Bazaar, o módulo (guix bzr-download) define o método de origem bzr-fetch e o tipo de dados bzr-reference para suporte ao sistema de controle de versão Bazaar.

Procedimento: bzr-fetch ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca ref, um objeto <bzr-reference>. Espera-se que a saída tenha hash recursivo hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Use nome como o nome do arquivo, ou um nome genérico se #f.

Tipo de dados: bzr-reference

Este tipo de dado representa uma referência Bazaar para bzr-fetch a recuperar.


A URL do repositório Bazaar a ser clonado.


Esta sequência de caracteres denota a revisão a ser buscada especificada como um número.

Para repositórios CVS, o módulo (guix cvs-download) define o método de origem cvs-fetch e o tipo de dados cvs-reference para suporte ao Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

Procedimento: cvs-fetch ref hash-algo hash [nome]

Retorna uma derivação de saída fixa que busca ref, um objeto <cvs-reference>. Espera-se que a saída tenha hash recursivo hash do tipo hash-algo (um símbolo). Use nome como o nome do arquivo, ou um nome genérico se #f.

Tipo de dados: cvs-reference

Este tipo de dado representa uma referência CVS para cvs-fetch a recuperar.


O diretório raiz do CVS.


Módulo a ser buscado.


Revisão para buscar.

O exemplo abaixo denota uma versão do gnu-standards para buscar:

  (root-directory "")
  (module "gnustandards")
  (revision "2020-11-25"))

8.3 Definindo variantes de pacote

Uma das coisas boas com o Guix é que, dada uma definição de pacote, você pode facilmente derivar variantes desse pacote—para uma versão upstream diferente, com dependências diferentes, opções de compilação diferentes e assim por diante. Alguns desses pacotes personalizados podem ser definidos diretamente da linha de comando (veja Opções de transformação de pacote). Esta seção descreve como definir variantes de pacotes no código. Isso pode ser útil em “manifestos” (veja Escrevendo manifestos) e em sua própria coleção de pacotes (veja Criando um canal), entre outros!

Conforme discutido anteriormente, os pacotes são objetos de primeira classe na linguagem Scheme. O módulo (guix packages) fornece a construção package para definir novos objetos de pacote (veja Referência do package). A maneira mais fácil de definir uma variante de pacote é usando a palavra-chave inherit junto com package. Isso permite que você herde de uma definição de pacote enquanto substitui os campos que deseja.

Por exemplo, dada a variável hello, que contém uma definição para a versão atual do GNU Hello, veja como você definiria uma variante para a versão 2.2 (lançada em 2006, é vintage!):

(use-modules (gnu packages base))    ;para 'hello'

(define hello-2.2
    (inherit hello)
    (version "2.2")
    (source (origin
              (method url-fetch)
              (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version

O exemplo acima corresponde ao que as opções de transformação de pacote --with-version ou --with-source fazem. Essencialmente, hello-2.2 preserva todos os campos de hello, exceto version e source, que ele substitui. Observe que a variável hello original ainda está lá, no módulo (gnu packages base), inalterada. Quando você define um pacote personalizado como este, você está realmente adicionando uma nova definição de pacote; a original permanece disponível.

Você pode também definir variantes com um conjunto diferente de dependências do que o pacote original. Por exemplo, o pacote padrão gdb depende de guile, mas como essa é uma dependência opcional, você pode definir uma variante que remova essa dependência assim:

(use-modules (gnu packages gdb))   ;para 'gdb'

(define gdb-sans-guile
    (inherit gdb)
    (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs gdb)
              (delete "guile")))))

O formulário modify-inputs acima remove o pacote "guile" do campo inputs de gdb. A macro modify-inputs é um auxiliar que pode ser útil sempre que você quiser remover, adicionar ou substituir entradas de pacote.

Macro: modify-inputs entradas cláusulas

Modifique as entradas do pacote fornecido, conforme retornado por package-inputs & co., de acordo com as cláusulas fornecidas. Cada cláusula deve ter uma das seguintes formas:

(delete nome…)

Exclua dos pacotes de entrada os nomes (strings) fornecidos.

(prepend pacote…)

Adicione pacotes à frente da lista de entrada.

(append pacote…)

Adicione pacotes ao final da lista de entrada.

(replace nome substituição)

Substitua o pacote chamado nome por substituição.

O exemplo abaixo remove as entradas GMP e ACL do Coreutils e adiciona libcap à frente da lista de entradas:

(modify-inputs (package-inputs coreutils)
  (delete "gmp" "acl")
  (prepend libcap))

O exemplo abaixo substitui o pacote guile das entradas de guile-redis por guile-2.2:

(modify-inputs (package-inputs guile-redis)
  (replace "guile" guile-2.2))

The last type of clause is append, to add inputs at the back of the list.

Em alguns casos, você pode achar útil escrever funções (“procedimentos”, no jargão do Scheme) que retornam um pacote com base em alguns parâmetros. Por exemplo, considere a biblioteca luasocket para a linguagem de programação Lua. Queremos criar pacotes luasocket para as principais versões do Lua. Uma maneira de fazer isso é definir um procedimento que pega um pacote Lua e retorna um pacote luasocket que depende dele:

(define (make-lua-socket name lua)
  ;; Return a luasocket package built with LUA.
    (name name)
    (version "3.0")
    ;; several fields omitted
    (inputs (list lua))
    (synopsis "Socket library for Lua")))

(define-public lua5.1-socket
  (make-lua-socket "lua5.1-socket" lua-5.1))

(define-public lua5.2-socket
  (make-lua-socket "lua5.2-socket" lua-5.2))

Aqui definimos os pacotes lua5.1-socket e lua5.2-socket chamando make-lua-socket com argumentos diferentes. Veja Procedures em GNU Guile Reference Manual, para mais informações sobre procedimentos. Ter definições públicas de nível superior para esses dois pacotes significa que eles podem ser referenciados a partir da linha de comando (veja Módulos de pacote).

Essas são variantes de pacote bem simples. Como uma conveniência, o módulo (guix transformations) fornece uma interface de alto nível que mapeia diretamente para as opções de transformação de pacote mais sofisticadas (veja Opções de transformação de pacote):

Procedimento: options->transformation opções

Retorna um procedimento que, quando passado um objeto para construção (pacote, derivação, etc.), aplica as transformações especificadas por opções e retorna os objetos resultantes. opções deve ser uma lista de pares símbolo/string como:

((with-branch . "guile-gcrypt=master")
 (without-tests . "libgcrypt"))

Cada símbolo nomeia uma transformação e a string correspondente é um argumento para essa transformação.

Por exemplo, um manifesto equivalente a este comando:

guix build guix \
  --with-branch=guile-gcrypt=master \

... ficaria assim:

(use-modules (guix transformations))

(define transform
  ;; The package transformation procedure.
   '((with-branch . "guile-gcrypt=master")
     (with-debug-info . "zlib"))))

 (list (transform (specification->package "guix"))))

O procedimento options->transformation é conveniente, mas talvez também não seja tão flexível quanto você gostaria. Como ele é implementado? O leitor astuto provavelmente notou que a maioria das opções de transformação de pacotes vai além das mudanças superficiais mostradas nos primeiros exemplos desta seção: elas envolvem reescrita de entrada, por meio da qual o grafo de dependência de um pacote é reescrito pela substituição de entradas específicas por outras.

A reescrita do grafo de dependência, para fins de troca de pacotes no grafo, é o que o procedimento package-input-rewriting em (guix packages) implementa.

Procedimento: package-input-rewriting substituições [nome-da-reescrita] [#:deep? #t] [#:recursive? #f]

Retorna um procedimento que, quando recebe um pacote, substitui suas dependências diretas e indiretas, incluindo entradas implícitas quando deep? é verdadeiro, de acordo com substituições. substituições é uma lista de pares de pacotes; o primeiro elemento de cada par é o pacote a ser substituído, e o segundo é a substituição.

When recursive? is true, apply replacements to the right-hand sides of replacements as well, recursively.

Opcionalmente, nome-da-reescrita é um procedimento de um argumento que recebe o nome de um pacote e retorna seu novo nome após a reescrita.

Considere este exemplo:

(define libressl-instead-of-openssl
  ;; This is a procedure to replace OPENSSL by LIBRESSL,
  ;; recursively.
  (package-input-rewriting `((,openssl . ,libressl))))

(define git-with-libressl
  (libressl-instead-of-openssl git))

Aqui, primeiro definimos um procedimento de reescrita que substitui openssl por libressl. Então, o usamos para definir uma variante do pacote git que usa libressl em vez de openssl. É exatamente isso que a opção de linha de comando --with-input faz (veja --with-input).

A seguinte variante de package-input-rewriting pode corresponder a pacotes a serem substituídos por nome em vez de identidade.

Procedimento: package-input-rewriting/spec substituições [#:deep? #t] [#:replace-hidden? #t]

Retorna um procedimento que, dado um pacote, aplica as substituições fornecidas a todo o grafo do pacote, incluindo entradas implícitas, a menos que deep? seja falso.

replacements is a list of spec/procedures pair; each spec is a package specification such as "gcc" or "guile@2", and each procedure takes a matching package and returns a replacement for that package. Matching packages that have the hidden? property set are not replaced unless replace-hidden? is set to true.

O exemplo acima poderia ser reescrito desta forma:

(define libressl-instead-of-openssl
  ;; Substitua todos os pacotes chamados "openssl" por LibreSSL.
  (package-input-rewriting/spec `(("openssl" . ,(const libressl)))))

A principal diferença aqui é que, dessa vez, os pacotes são correspondidos por spec e não por identidade. Em outras palavras, qualquer pacote no grafo que seja chamado openssl será substituído.

Um procedimento mais genérico para reescrever um grafo de dependência de pacote é package-mapping: ele suporta alterações arbitrárias em nós no grafo.

Procedimento: package-mapping proc [cortar?] [#:deep? #f]

Retorna um procedimento que, dado um pacote, aplica proc a todos os pacotes dependentes e retorna o pacote resultante. O procedimento para a recursão quando cortar? retorna true para um determinado pacote. Quando deep? é true, proc é aplicado a entradas implícitas também.

Dicas: Entender como uma variante realmente se parece pode ser difícil quando se começa a combinar as ferramentas mostradas acima. Há várias maneiras de inspecionar um pacote antes de tentar construí-lo que podem ser úteis:

  • Você pode inspecionar o pacote interativamente no REPL, por exemplo, para visualizar suas entradas, o código de suas fases de construção ou seus sinalizadores de configuração (veja Usando Guix interativamente).
  • Ao reescrever dependências, guix graph geralmente pode ajudar a visualizar as alterações feitas (veja Invocando guix graph).

8.4 Escrevendo manifestos

Os comandos guix permitem que você especifique listas de pacotes na linha de comando. Isso é conveniente, mas conforme a linha de comando se torna mais longa e menos trivial, rapidamente se torna mais conveniente ter essa lista de pacotes no que chamamos de manifesto. Um manifesto é algum tipo de “lista de materiais” que define um conjunto de pacotes. Você normalmente criaria um trecho de código que constrói o manifesto, o armazenaria em um arquivo, digamos manifest.scm, e então passaria esse arquivo para a opção -m (ou --manifest) que muitos comandos guix suportam. Por exemplo, aqui está como um manifesto para um conjunto de pacotes simples pode se parecer:

;; Manifesto para três pacotes.
(specifications->manifest '("gcc-toolchain" "make" "git"))

Depois de ter esse manifesto, você pode passá-lo, por exemplo, para guix package para instalar apenas esses três pacotes no seu perfil (veja -m opção de guix package):

guix package -m manifest.scm

... ou você pode passá-lo para guix shell (veja -m opção de guix shell) para gerar um ambiente efêmero:

guix shell -m manifest.scm

... ou você pode passá-lo para guix pack praticamente da mesma forma (veja -m opção de guix pack). Você pode armazenar o manifesto sob controle de versão, compartilhá-lo com outros para que eles possam facilmente configurar, etc.

Mas como você escreve seu primeiro manifesto? Para começar, talvez você queira escrever um manifesto que espelhe o que você já tem em um perfil. Em vez de começar do zero, guix package pode gerar um manifesto para você (veja guix package --export-manifest):

# Escreva em 'manifest.scm' um manifesto correspondente ao
# perfil padrão, ~/.guix-profile.
guix package --export-manifest > manifest.scm

Ou talvez você queira “traduzir” argumentos de linha de comando em um manifesto. Nesse caso, guix shell pode ajudar (veja guix shell --export-manifest):

# Write a manifest for the packages specified on the command line.
guix shell --export-manifest gcc-toolchain make git > manifest.scm

Em ambos os casos, a opção --export-manifest tenta arduamente gerar um manifesto fiel; em particular, ela leva em consideração as opções de transformação de pacotes (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

Nota: Manifestos são simbólicos: eles se referem a pacotes dos canais atualmente em uso (veja Canais). No exemplo acima, gcc-toolchain pode se referir à versão 14 hoje, mas pode se referir à versão 16 daqui a dois anos.

Se você quiser “fixar” seu ambiente de software em versões e variantes de pacotes específicos, precisará de uma informação adicional: a lista de revisões de canal em uso, conforme retornado por guix describe. Veja Replicando Guix, para mais informações.

Depois de obter seu primeiro manifesto, talvez você queira personalizá-lo. Como seu manifesto é código, agora você tem acesso a todas as interfaces de programação Guix!

Vamos supor que você queira um manifesto para implantar uma variante personalizada do GDB, o GNU Debugger, que não depende do Guile, junto com outro pacote. Com base no exemplo visto na seção anterior (veja Definindo variantes de pacote), você pode escrever um manifesto seguindo estas linhas:

(use-modules (guix packages)
             (gnu packages gdb)               ;para 'gdb'
             (gnu packages version-control))  ;para 'git'

;; Define a variant of GDB without a dependency on Guile.
(define gdb-sans-guile
    (inherit gdb)
    (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs gdb)
              (delete "guile")))))

;; Return a manifest containing that one package plus Git.
(packages->manifest (list gdb-sans-guile git))

Observe que neste exemplo, o manifesto se refere diretamente às variáveis gdb e git, que são vinculadas a um objeto package (veja Referência do package), em vez de chamar specifications->manifest para procurar pacotes por nome, como fizemos antes. O formulário use-modules no topo nos permite acessar a interface do pacote principal (veja Definindo pacotes) e os módulos que definem gdb e git (veja Módulos de pacote). Sem problemas, estamos entrelaçando tudo isso — as possibilidades são infinitas, libere sua criatividade!

O tipo de dados para manifestos, bem como procedimentos de suporte, são definidos no módulo (guix profiles), que está automaticamente disponível para o código passado para -m. A referência segue.

Tipo de dados: manifest

Data type representing a manifest.

Atualmente possui um campo:


Esta deve ser uma lista de registros manifest-entry — veja abaixo.

Tipo de dados: manifest-entry

Tipo de dado que representa uma entrada de manifesto. Uma entrada de manifesto contém metadados essenciais: uma string de nome e versão, o objeto (geralmente um pacote) para essa entrada, a saída desejada (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas) e uma série de informações opcionais detalhadas abaixo.

Na maioria das vezes, você não construirá uma entrada de manifesto diretamente; em vez disso, você passará um pacote para package->manifest-entry, descrito abaixo. Em alguns casos incomuns, no entanto, você pode querer criar entradas de manifesto para coisas que são não pacotes, como neste exemplo:

;; Manually build a single manifest entry for a non-package object.
(let ((hello (program-file "hello" #~(display "Hi!"))))
    (name "foo")
    (version "42")
     (computed-file "hello-directory"
                     #~(let ((bin (string-append #$output "/bin")))
                         (mkdir #$output) (mkdir bin)
                          (symlink #$hello
                                   (string-append bin "/hello")))))))

The available fields are the following:


Nome e sequência de versão para esta entrada.


Um pacote ou outro objeto tipo arquivo (veja objetos tipo arquivo).

output (padrão: "out")

Saída de item a ser usada, caso item tenha múltiplas saídas (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas).

dependencies (padrão: '())

Lista de entradas de manifesto das quais esta entrada depende. Ao construir um perfil, dependências são adicionadas ao perfil.

Normalmente, as entradas propagadas de um pacote (veja propagated-inputs) acabam tendo uma entrada de manifesto correspondente entre as dependências da própria entrada de manifesto do pacote.

search-paths (padrão: '())

A lista de especificações de caminhos de pesquisa respeitadas por esta entrada (veja Caminhos de pesquisa).

properties (padrão: '())

Lista de pares de símbolo/valor. Ao construir um perfil, essas propriedades são serializadas.

Isso pode ser usado para adicionar metadados adicionais, por exemplo, as transformações aplicadas a um pacote (veja Opções de transformação de pacote).

parent (padrão: (delay #f))

Uma promessa apontando para a entrada do manifesto “pai”.

This is used as a hint to provide context when reporting an error related to a manifest entry coming from a dependencies field.

Procedure: concatenate-manifests lst

Concatenate the manifests listed in lst and return the resulting manifest.

Procedure: package->manifest-entry package [output] [#:properties]

Return a manifest entry for the output of package package, where output defaults to "out", and with the given properties. By default properties is the empty list or, if one or more package transformations were applied to package, it is an association list representing those transformations, suitable as an argument to options->transformation (veja options->transformation).

The code snippet below builds a manifest with an entry for the default output and the send-email output of the git package:

(use-modules (gnu packages version-control))

(manifest (list (package->manifest-entry git)
                (package->manifest-entry git "send-email")))
Procedure: packages->manifest packages

Return a list of manifest entries, one for each item listed in packages. Elements of packages can be either package objects or package/string tuples denoting a specific output of a package.

Using this procedure, the manifest above may be rewritten more concisely:

(use-modules (gnu packages version-control))

(packages->manifest (list git `(,git "send-email")))
Procedure: package->development-manifest package [system] [#:target]

Return a manifest for the development inputs of package for system, optionally when cross-compiling to target. Development inputs include both explicit and implicit inputs of package.

Like the -D option of guix shell (veja guix shell -D), the resulting manifest describes the environment in which one can develop package. For example, suppose you’re willing to set up a development environment for Inkscape, with the addition of Git for version control; you can describe that “bill of materials” with the following manifest:

(use-modules (gnu packages inkscape)          ;for 'inkscape'
             (gnu packages version-control))  ;for 'git'

 (list (package->development-manifest inkscape)
       (packages->manifest (list git))))

In this example, the development manifest that package->development-manifest returns includes the compiler (GCC), the many supporting libraries (Boost, GLib, GTK, etc.), and a couple of additional development tools—these are the dependencies guix show inkscape lists.

Last, the (gnu packages) module provides higher-level facilities to build manifests. In particular, it lets you look up packages by name—see below.

Procedure: specifications->manifest specs

Given specs, a list of specifications such as "emacs@25.2" or "guile:debug", return a manifest. Specs have the format that command-line tools such as guix install and guix package understand (veja Invocando guix package).

As an example, it lets you rewrite the Git manifest that we saw earlier like this:

(specifications->manifest '("git" "git:send-email"))

Notice that we do not need to worry about use-modules, importing the right set of modules, and referring to the right variables. Instead, we directly refer to packages in the same way as on the command line, which can often be more convenient.

8.5 Sistemas de compilação

Each package definition specifies a build system and arguments for that build system (veja Definindo pacotes). This build-system field represents the build procedure of the package, as well as implicit dependencies of that build procedure.

Build systems are <build-system> objects. The interface to create and manipulate them is provided by the (guix build-system) module, and actual build systems are exported by specific modules.

Under the hood, build systems first compile package objects to bags. A bag is like a package, but with less ornamentation—in other words, a bag is a lower-level representation of a package, which includes all the inputs of that package, including some that were implicitly added by the build system. This intermediate representation is then compiled to a derivation (veja Derivações). The package-with-c-toolchain is an example of a way to change the implicit inputs that a package’s build system pulls in (veja package-with-c-toolchain).

Build systems accept an optional list of arguments. In package definitions, these are passed via the arguments field (veja Definindo pacotes). They are typically keyword arguments (veja keyword arguments in Guile em GNU Guile Reference Manual). The value of these arguments is usually evaluated in the build stratum—i.e., by a Guile process launched by the daemon (veja Derivações).

O principal sistema de compilação é o gnu-build-system, que implementa o processo padrão de compilação para o GNU e muitos outros pacotes. É providenciado pelo módulo (guix build-system gnu).

Variável: gnu-build-system

gnu-build-system represents the GNU Build System, and variants thereof (veja configuration and makefile conventions em GNU Coding Standards).

In a nutshell, packages using it are configured, built, and installed with the usual ./configure && make && make check && make install command sequence. In practice, a few additional steps are often needed. All these steps are split up in separate phases. Veja Fases de construção, for more info on build phases and ways to customize them.

In addition, this build system ensures that the “standard” environment for GNU packages is available. This includes tools such as GCC, libc, Coreutils, Bash, Make, Diffutils, grep, and sed (see the (guix build-system gnu) module for a complete list). We call these the implicit inputs of a package, because package definitions do not have to mention them.

Esta sistema de compilação suporta um número de palavras-chave como argumentos, os quais podems er passados via o campo arguments de um pacote. Veja alguns dos principais parâmetros:


This argument specifies build-side code that evaluates to an alist of build phases. Veja Fases de construção, for more information.


This is a list of flags (strings) passed to the configure script. Veja Definindo pacotes, for an example.


This list of strings contains flags passed as arguments to make invocations in the build, check, and install phases.


This Boolean, #f by default, indicates whether to run builds in a build directory separate from the source tree.

When it is true, the configure phase creates a separate build directory, changes to that directory, and runs the configure script from there. This is useful for packages that require it, such as glibc.


This Boolean, #t by default, indicates whether the check phase should run the package’s test suite.


This string, "check" by default, gives the name of the makefile target used by the check phase.


These Boolean values specify whether to build, respectively run the test suite, in parallel, with the -j flag of make. When they are true, make is passed -jn, where n is the number specified as the --cores option of guix-daemon or that of the guix client command (veja --cores).


This Boolean, #t by default, determines whether to “validate” the RUNPATH of ELF binaries (.so shared libraries as well as executables) previously installed by the install phase. Veja the validate-runpath phase, for details.


This Boolean, #t by default, tells whether the package outputs should be substitutable—i.e., whether users should be able to obtain substitutes for them instead of building locally (veja Substitutos).


When true, these arguments must be a list of dependencies that must not appear among the references of the build results. If, upon build completion, some of these references are retained, the build process fails.

This is useful to ensure that a package does not erroneously keep a reference to some of it build-time inputs, in cases where doing so would, for example, unnecessarily increase its size (veja Invocando guix size).

Vários outros sistemas de compilação suportam tais argumentos em palavras-chave.

Other <build-system> objects are defined to support other conventions and tools used by free software packages. They inherit most of gnu-build-system, and differ mainly in the set of inputs implicitly added to the build process, and in the list of phases executed. Some of these build systems are listed below.

Variável: agda-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system agda). It implements a build procedure for Agda libraries.

It adds agda to the set of inputs. A different Agda can be specified with the #:agda key.

The #:plan key is a list of cons cells (regexp . parameters), where regexp is a regexp that should match the .agda files to build, and parameters is an optional list of parameters that will be passed to agda when type-checking it.

When the library uses Haskell to generate a file containing all imports, the convenience #:gnu-and-haskell? can be set to #t to add ghc and the standard inputs of gnu-build-system to the input list. You will still need to manually add a phase or tweak the 'build phase, as in the definition of agda-stdlib.

Variável: ant-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system ant). It implements the build procedure for Java packages that can be built with Ant build tool.

It adds both ant and the Java Development Kit (JDK) as provided by the icedtea package to the set of inputs. Different packages can be specified with the #:ant and #:jdk parameters, respectively.

When the original package does not provide a suitable Ant build file, the parameter #:jar-name can be used to generate a minimal Ant build file build.xml with tasks to build the specified jar archive. In this case the parameter #:source-dir can be used to specify the source sub-directory, defaulting to “src”.

The #:main-class parameter can be used with the minimal ant buildfile to specify the main class of the resulting jar. This makes the jar file executable. The #:test-include parameter can be used to specify the list of junit tests to run. It defaults to (list "**/*"). The #:test-exclude can be used to disable some tests. It defaults to (list "**/Abstract*.java"), because abstract classes cannot be run as tests.

The parameter #:build-target can be used to specify the Ant task that should be run during the build phase. By default the “jar” task will be run.

Variável: android-ndk-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system android-ndk). It implements a build procedure for Android NDK (native development kit) packages using a Guix-specific build process.

O sistema de compilação presume que os pacotes instalam seu prório arquivo (header) de interface pública no subdiretório include da saída out bem como suas próprias bibliotecas no subdirectório lib da saída out.

Também é presumido que a união de todas as dependências de um pacote não possuem arquivos conflitantes.

For the time being, cross-compilation is not supported - so right now the libraries and header files are assumed to be host tools.

Variável: asdf-build-system/source
Variável: asdf-build-system/sbcl
Variável: asdf-build-system/ecl

These variables, exported by (guix build-system asdf), implement build procedures for Common Lisp packages using “ASDF”. ASDF is a system definition facility for Common Lisp programs and libraries.

The asdf-build-system/source system installs the packages in source form, and can be loaded using any common lisp implementation, via ASDF. The others, such as asdf-build-system/sbcl, install binary systems in the format which a particular implementation understands. These build systems can also be used to produce executable programs, or lisp images which contain a set of packages pre-loaded.

The build system uses naming conventions. For binary packages, the package name should be prefixed with the lisp implementation, such as sbcl- for asdf-build-system/sbcl.

Additionally, the corresponding source package should be labeled using the same convention as Python packages (veja Módulos Python), using the cl- prefix.

In order to create executable programs and images, the build-side procedures build-program and build-image can be used. They should be called in a build phase after the create-asdf-configuration phase, so that the system which was just built can be used within the resulting image. build-program requires a list of Common Lisp expressions to be passed as the #:entry-program argument.

By default, all the .asd files present in the sources are read to find system definitions. The #:asd-files parameter can be used to specify the list of .asd files to read. Furthermore, if the package defines a system for its tests in a separate file, it will be loaded before the tests are run if it is specified by the #:test-asd-file parameter. If it is not set, the files <system>-tests.asd, <system>-test.asd, tests.asd, and test.asd will be tried if they exist.

If for some reason the package must be named in a different way than the naming conventions suggest, or if several systems must be compiled, the #:asd-systems parameter can be used to specify the list of system names.

Variável: cargo-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system cargo). It supports builds of packages using Cargo, the build tool of the Rust programming language.

It adds rustc and cargo to the set of inputs. A different Rust package can be specified with the #:rust parameter.

Regular cargo dependencies should be added to the package definition similarly to other packages; those needed only at build time to native-inputs, others to inputs. If you need to add source-only crates then you should add them to via the #:cargo-inputs parameter as a list of name and spec pairs, where the spec can be a package or a source definition. Note that the spec must evaluate to a path to a gzipped tarball which includes a Cargo.toml file at its root, or it will be ignored. Similarly, cargo dev-dependencies should be added to the package definition via the #:cargo-development-inputs parameter.

In its configure phase, this build system will make any source inputs specified in the #:cargo-inputs and #:cargo-development-inputs parameters available to cargo. It will also remove an included Cargo.lock file to be recreated by cargo during the build phase. The package phase will run cargo package to create a source crate for future use. The install phase installs the binaries defined by the crate. Unless install-source? #f is defined it will also install a source crate repository of itself and unpacked sources, to ease in future hacking on rust packages.

Variável: chicken-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system chicken). It builds CHICKEN Scheme modules, also called “eggs” or “extensions”. CHICKEN generates C source code, which then gets compiled by a C compiler, in this case GCC.

This build system adds chicken to the package inputs, as well as the packages of gnu-build-system.

The build system can’t (yet) deduce the egg’s name automatically, so just like with go-build-system and its #:import-path, you should define #:egg-name in the package’s arguments field.

For example, if you are packaging the srfi-1 egg:

(arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-1"))

Egg dependencies must be defined in propagated-inputs, not inputs because CHICKEN doesn’t embed absolute references in compiled eggs. Test dependencies should go to native-inputs, as usual.

Variável: copy-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system copy). It supports builds of simple packages that don’t require much compiling, mostly just moving files around.

It adds much of the gnu-build-system packages to the set of inputs. Because of this, the copy-build-system does not require all the boilerplate code often needed for the trivial-build-system.

To further simplify the file installation process, an #:install-plan argument is exposed to let the packager specify which files go where. The install plan is a list of (source target [filters]). filters are optional.

  • When source matches a file or directory without trailing slash, install it to target.
    • If target has a trailing slash, install source basename beneath target.
    • Otherwise install source as target.
  • When source is a directory with a trailing slash, or when filters are used, the trailing slash of target is implied with the same meaning as above.
    • Without filters, install the full source content to target.
    • With filters among #:include, #:include-regexp, #:exclude, #:exclude-regexp, only select files are installed depending on the filters. Each filters is specified by a list of strings.
      • With #:include, install all the files which the path suffix matches at least one of the elements in the given list.
      • With #:include-regexp, install all the files which the subpaths match at least one of the regular expressions in the given list.
      • The #:exclude and #:exclude-regexp filters are the complement of their inclusion counterpart. Without #:include flags, install all files but those matching the exclusion filters. If both inclusions and exclusions are specified, the exclusions are done on top of the inclusions.
    • When a package has multiple outputs, the #:output argument can be used to specify which output label the files should be installed to.

    In all cases, the paths relative to source are preserved within target.


  • ("foo/bar" "share/my-app/"): Install bar to share/my-app/bar.
  • ("foo/bar" "share/my-app/baz"): Install bar to share/my-app/baz.
  • ("foo/" "share/my-app"): Install the content of foo inside share/my-app, e.g., install foo/sub/file to share/my-app/sub/file.
  • ("foo/" "share/my-app" #:include ("sub/file")): Install only foo/sub/file to share/my-app/sub/file.
  • ("foo/sub" "share/my-app" #:include ("file")): Install foo/sub/file to share/my-app/file.
  • ("foo/doc" "share/my-app/doc" #:output "doc"): Install "foo/doc" to "share/my-app/doc" within the "doc" output.
Variável: vim-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system vim). It is an extension of the copy-build-system, installing Vim and Neovim plugins into locations where these two text editors know to find their plugins, using their packpaths.

Packages which are prefixed with vim- will be installed in Vim’s packpath, while those prefixed with neovim- will be installed in Neovim’s packpath. If there is a doc directory with the plugin then helptags will be generated automatically.

There are a couple of keywords added with the vim-build-system:

  • With plugin-name it is possible to set the name of the plugin. While by default this is set to the name and version of the package, it is often more helpful to set this to name which the upstream author calls their plugin. This is the name used for :packadd from inside Vim.
  • With install-plan it is possible to augment the built-in install-plan of the vim-build-system. This is particularly helpful if you have files which should be installed in other locations. For more information about using the install-plan, see the copy-build-system (veja copy-build-system).
  • With #:vim it is possible to add this package to Vim’s packpath, in addition to if it is added automatically because of the vim- prefix in the package’s name.
  • With #:neovim it is possible to add this package to Neovim’s packpath, in addition to if it is added automatically because of the neovim- prefix in the package’s name.
  • With #:mode it is possible to adjust the path which the plugin is installed into. By default the plugin is installed into start and other options are available, including opt. Adding a plugin into opt will mean you will need to run, for example, :packadd foo to load the foo plugin from inside of Vim.
Variável: clojure-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system clojure). It implements a simple build procedure for Clojure packages using plain old compile in Clojure. Cross-compilation is not supported yet.

It adds clojure, icedtea and zip to the set of inputs. Different packages can be specified with the #:clojure, #:jdk and #:zip parameters, respectively.

A list of source directories, test directories and jar names can be specified with the #:source-dirs, #:test-dirs and #:jar-names parameters, respectively. Compile directory and main class can be specified with the #:compile-dir and #:main-class parameters, respectively. Other parameters are documented below.

This build system is an extension of ant-build-system, but with the following phases changed:


This phase calls compile in Clojure to compile source files and runs jar to create jars from both source files and compiled files according to the include list and exclude list specified in #:aot-include and #:aot-exclude, respectively. The exclude list has priority over the include list. These lists consist of symbols representing Clojure libraries or the special keyword #:all representing all Clojure libraries found under the source directories. The parameter #:omit-source? decides if source should be included into the jars.


This phase runs tests according to the include list and exclude list specified in #:test-include and #:test-exclude, respectively. Their meanings are analogous to that of #:aot-include and #:aot-exclude, except that the special keyword #:all now stands for all Clojure libraries found under the test directories. The parameter #:tests? decides if tests should be run.


This phase installs all jars built previously.

Apart from the above, this build system also contains an additional phase:


This phase installs all top-level files with base name matching %doc-regex. A different regex can be specified with the #:doc-regex parameter. All files (recursively) inside the documentation directories specified in #:doc-dirs are installed as well.

Variável: cmake-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system cmake). It implements the build procedure for packages using the CMake build tool.

It automatically adds the cmake package to the set of inputs. Which package is used can be specified with the #:cmake parameter.

The #:configure-flags parameter is taken as a list of flags passed to the cmake command. The #:build-type parameter specifies in abstract terms the flags passed to the compiler; it defaults to "RelWithDebInfo" (short for “release mode with debugging information”), which roughly means that code is compiled with -O2 -g, as is the case for Autoconf-based packages by default.

Variável: composer-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system composer). It implements the build procedure for packages using Composer, the PHP package manager.

It automatically adds the php package to the set of inputs. Which package is used can be specified with the #:php parameter.

The #:test-target parameter is used to control which script is run for the tests. By default, the test script is run if it exists. If the script does not exist, the build system will run phpunit from the source directory, assuming there is a phpunit.xml file.

Variável: dune-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system dune). It supports builds of packages using Dune, a build tool for the OCaml programming language. It is implemented as an extension of the ocaml-build-system which is described below. As such, the #:ocaml and #:findlib parameters can be passed to this build system.

It automatically adds the dune package to the set of inputs. Which package is used can be specified with the #:dune parameter.

There is no configure phase because dune packages typically don’t need to be configured. The #:build-flags parameter is taken as a list of flags passed to the dune command during the build.

The #:jbuild? parameter can be passed to use the jbuild command instead of the more recent dune command while building a package. Its default value is #f.

The #:package parameter can be passed to specify a package name, which is useful when a package contains multiple packages and you want to build only one of them. This is equivalent to passing the -p argument to dune.

Variável: elm-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system elm). It implements a build procedure for Elm packages similar to ‘elm install’.

The build system adds an Elm compiler package to the set of inputs. The default compiler package (currently elm-sans-reactor) can be overridden using the #:elm argument. Additionally, Elm packages needed by the build system itself are added as implicit inputs if they are not already present: to suppress this behavior, use the #:implicit-elm-package-inputs? argument, which is primarily useful for bootstrapping.

The "dependencies" and "test-dependencies" in an Elm package’s elm.json file correspond to propagated-inputs and inputs, respectively.

Elm requires a particular structure for package names: veja Pacotes Elm for more details, including utilities provided by (guix build-system elm).

There are currently a few noteworthy limitations to elm-build-system:

  • The build system is focused on packages in the Elm sense of the word: Elm projects which declare { "type": "package" } in their elm.json files. Using elm-build-system to build Elm applications (which declare { "type": "application" }) is possible, but requires ad-hoc modifications to the build phases. For examples, see the definitions of the elm-todomvc example application and the elm package itself (because the front-end for the ‘elm reactor’ command is an Elm application).
  • Elm supports multiple versions of a package coexisting simultaneously under ELM_HOME, but this does not yet work well with elm-build-system. This limitation primarily affects Elm applications, because they specify exact versions for their dependencies, whereas Elm packages specify supported version ranges. As a workaround, the example applications mentioned above use the patch-application-dependencies procedure provided by (guix build elm-build-system) to rewrite their elm.json files to refer to the package versions actually present in the build environment. Alternatively, Guix package transformations (veja Definindo variantes de pacote) could be used to rewrite an application’s entire dependency graph.
  • We are not yet able to run tests for Elm projects because neither elm-test-rs nor the Node.js-based elm-test runner has been packaged for Guix yet.
Variável: go-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system go). It implements a build procedure for Go packages using the standard Go build mechanisms.

The user is expected to provide a value for the key #:import-path and, in some cases, #:unpack-path. The import path corresponds to the file system path expected by the package’s build scripts and any referring packages, and provides a unique way to refer to a Go package. It is typically based on a combination of the package source code’s remote URI and file system hierarchy structure. In some cases, you will need to unpack the package’s source code to a different directory structure than the one indicated by the import path, and #:unpack-path should be used in such cases.

Packages that provide Go libraries should install their source code into the built output. The key #:install-source?, which defaults to #t, controls whether or not the source code is installed. It can be set to #f for packages that only provide executable files.

Packages can be cross-built, and if a specific architecture or operating system is desired then the keywords #:goarch and #:goos can be used to force the package to be built for that architecture and operating system. The combinations known to Go can be found in their documentation.

The key #:go can be used to specify the Go compiler package with which to build the package.

The phase check provides a wrapper for go test which builds a test binary (or multiple binaries), vets the code and then runs the test binary. Build, test and test binary flags can be provided as #:test-flags parameter, default is '(). See go help test and go help testflag for more details.

The key #:embed-files, default is '(), provides a list of future embedded files or regexps matching files. They will be copied to build directory after unpack phase. See for more details.

Variável: glib-or-gtk-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system glib-or-gtk). It is intended for use with packages making use of GLib or GTK+.

This build system adds the following two phases to the ones defined by gnu-build-system:


The phase glib-or-gtk-wrap ensures that programs in bin/ are able to find GLib “schemas” and GTK+ modules. This is achieved by wrapping the programs in launch scripts that appropriately set the XDG_DATA_DIRS and GTK_PATH environment variables.

It is possible to exclude specific package outputs from that wrapping process by listing their names in the #:glib-or-gtk-wrap-excluded-outputs parameter. This is useful when an output is known not to contain any GLib or GTK+ binaries, and where wrapping would gratuitously add a dependency of that output on GLib and GTK+.


The phase glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas makes sure that all GSettings schemas of GLib are compiled. Compilation is performed by the glib-compile-schemas program. It is provided by the package glib:bin which is automatically imported by the build system. The glib package providing glib-compile-schemas can be specified with the #:glib parameter.

Both phases are executed after the install phase.

Variável: guile-build-system

This build system is for Guile packages that consist exclusively of Scheme code and that are so lean that they don’t even have a makefile, let alone a configure script. It compiles Scheme code using guild compile (veja Compilation em GNU Guile Reference Manual) and installs the .scm and .go files in the right place. It also installs documentation.

This build system supports cross-compilation by using the --target option of ‘guild compile’.

Packages built with guile-build-system must provide a Guile package in their native-inputs field.

Variável: julia-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system julia). It implements the build procedure used by julia packages, which essentially is similar to running ‘julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(package)'’ in an environment where JULIA_LOAD_PATH contains the paths to all Julia package inputs. Tests are run by calling /test/runtests.jl.

The Julia package name and uuid is read from the file Project.toml. These values can be overridden by passing the argument #:julia-package-name (which must be correctly capitalized) or #:julia-package-uuid.

Julia packages usually manage their binary dependencies via JLLWrappers.jl, a Julia package that creates a module (named after the wrapped library followed by _jll.jl.

To add the binary path _jll.jl packages, you need to patch the files under src/wrappers/, replacing the call to the macro JLLWrappers.@generate_wrapper_header, adding as a second argument containing the store path the binary.

As an example, in the MbedTLS Julia package, we add a build phase (veja Fases de construção) to insert the absolute file name of the wrapped MbedTLS package:

(add-after 'unpack 'override-binary-path
  (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
    (for-each (lambda (wrapper)
                (substitute* wrapper
                    "generate_wrapper_header(\"MbedTLS\", \""
                    (assoc-ref inputs "mbedtls") "\")\n"))))
              ;; There's a Julia file for each platform, override them all.
              (find-files "src/wrappers/" "\\.jl$"))))

Some older packages that aren’t using Project.toml yet, will require this file to be created, too. It is internally done if the arguments #:julia-package-name and #:julia-package-uuid are provided.

Variável: maven-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system maven). It implements a build procedure for Maven packages. Maven is a dependency and lifecycle management tool for Java. A user of Maven specifies dependencies and plugins in a pom.xml file that Maven reads. When Maven does not have one of the dependencies or plugins in its repository, it will download them and use them to build the package.

The maven build system ensures that maven will not try to download any dependency by running in offline mode. Maven will fail if a dependency is missing. Before running Maven, the pom.xml (and subprojects) are modified to specify the version of dependencies and plugins that match the versions available in the guix build environment. Dependencies and plugins must be installed in the fake maven repository at lib/m2, and are symlinked into a proper repository before maven is run. Maven is instructed to use that repository for the build and installs built artifacts there. Changed files are copied to the lib/m2 directory of the package output.

You can specify a pom.xml file with the #:pom-file argument, or let the build system use the default pom.xml file in the sources.

In case you need to specify a dependency’s version manually, you can use the #:local-packages argument. It takes an association list where the key is the groupId of the package and its value is an association list where the key is the artifactId of the package and its value is the version you want to override in the pom.xml.

Some packages use dependencies or plugins that are not useful at runtime nor at build time in Guix. You can alter the pom.xml file to remove them using the #:exclude argument. Its value is an association list where the key is the groupId of the plugin or dependency you want to remove, and the value is a list of artifactId you want to remove.

You can override the default jdk and maven packages with the corresponding argument, #:jdk and #:maven.

The #:maven-plugins argument is a list of maven plugins used during the build, with the same format as the inputs fields of the package declaration. Its default value is (default-maven-plugins) which is also exported.

Variável: minetest-mod-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system minetest). It implements a build procedure for Minetest mods, which consists of copying Lua code, images and other resources to the location Minetest searches for mods. The build system also minimises PNG images and verifies that Minetest can load the mod without errors.

Variável: minify-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system minify). It implements a minification procedure for simple JavaScript packages.

It adds uglify-js to the set of inputs and uses it to compress all JavaScript files in the src directory. A different minifier package can be specified with the #:uglify-js parameter, but it is expected that the package writes the minified code to the standard output.

When the input JavaScript files are not all located in the src directory, the parameter #:javascript-files can be used to specify a list of file names to feed to the minifier.

Variável: mozilla-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system mozilla). It sets the --target and --host configuration flags to what software developed by Mozilla expects – due to historical reasons, Mozilla software expects --host to be the system that is cross-compiled from and --target to be the system that is cross-compiled to, contrary to the standard Autotools conventions.

Variável: ocaml-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system ocaml). It implements a build procedure for OCaml packages, which consists of choosing the correct set of commands to run for each package. OCaml packages can expect many different commands to be run. This build system will try some of them.

When the package has a file present at the top-level, it will run ocaml -configure, ocaml -build and ocaml -install. The build system will assume that this file was generated by OASIS and will take care of setting the prefix and enabling tests if they are not disabled. You can pass configure and build flags with the #:configure-flags and #:build-flags. The #:test-flags key can be passed to change the set of flags used to enable tests. The #:use-make? key can be used to bypass this system in the build and install phases.

When the package has a configure file, it is assumed that it is a hand-made configure script that requires a different argument format than in the gnu-build-system. You can add more flags with the #:configure-flags key.

When the package has a Makefile file (or #:use-make? is #t), it will be used and more flags can be passed to the build and install phases with the #:make-flags key.

Finally, some packages do not have these files and use a somewhat standard location for its build system. In that case, the build system will run ocaml pkg/ or ocaml pkg/ and take care of providing the path to the required findlib module. Additional flags can be passed via the #:build-flags key. Install is taken care of by opam-installer. In this case, the opam package must be added to the native-inputs field of the package definition.

Note that most OCaml packages assume they will be installed in the same directory as OCaml, which is not what we want in guix. In particular, they will install .so files in their module’s directory, which is usually fine because it is in the OCaml compiler directory. In guix though, these libraries cannot be found and we use CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This variable points to lib/ocaml/site-lib/stubslibs and this is where .so libraries should be installed.

Variável: python-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system python). It implements the more or less standard build procedure used by Python packages, which consists in running python build and then python install --prefix=/gnu/store/….

For packages that install stand-alone Python programs under bin/, it takes care of wrapping these programs so that their GUIX_PYTHONPATH environment variable points to all the Python libraries they depend on.

Which Python package is used to perform the build can be specified with the #:python parameter. This is a useful way to force a package to be built for a specific version of the Python interpreter, which might be necessary if the package is only compatible with a single interpreter version.

By default guix calls under control of setuptools, much like pip does. Some packages are not compatible with setuptools (and pip), thus you can disable this by setting the #:use-setuptools? parameter to #f.

If a "python" output is available, the package is installed into it instead of the default "out" output. This is useful for packages that include a Python package as only a part of the software, and thus want to combine the phases of python-build-system with another build system. Python bindings are a common usecase.

Variável: pyproject-build-system

This is a variable exported by guix build-system pyproject. It is based on python-build-system, and adds support for pyproject.toml and PEP 517. It also supports a variety of build backends and test frameworks.

The API is slightly different from python-build-system:

  • #:use-setuptools? and #:test-target is removed.
  • #:configure-flags is changed. Instead of a list this option must be a JSON object, whose interpretation depends on the build backend. For instance the example from PEP 517 should be written as '(@ ("CC" "gcc") ("--global-option" ("--some-global-option")) ("--build-option" ("--build-option1" "--build-option2")))
  • #:backend-path is added. It defaults to #false, but when set to a list it will be appended to Python’s search path and overrides the definition in pyproject.toml.
  • #:build-backend is added. It defaults to #false and will try to guess the appropriate backend based on pyproject.toml.
  • #:test-backend is added. It defaults to #false and will guess an appropriate test backend based on what is available in package inputs.
  • #:test-flags is added. The default is '(). These flags are passed as arguments to the test command. Note that flags for verbose output is always enabled on supported backends.

It is considered “experimental” in that the implementation details are not set in stone yet, however users are encouraged to try it for new Python projects (even those using The API is subject to change, but any breaking changes in the Guix channel will be dealt with.

Eventually this build system will be deprecated and merged back into python-build-system, probably some time in 2024.

Variável: perl-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system perl). It implements the standard build procedure for Perl packages, which either consists in running perl Build.PL --prefix=/gnu/store/…, followed by Build and Build install; or in running perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/gnu/store/…, followed by make and make install, depending on which of Build.PL or Makefile.PL is present in the package distribution. Preference is given to the former if both Build.PL and Makefile.PL exist in the package distribution. This preference can be reversed by specifying #t for the #:make-maker? parameter.

The initial perl Makefile.PL or perl Build.PL invocation passes flags specified by the #:make-maker-flags or #:module-build-flags parameter, respectively.

Which Perl package is used can be specified with #:perl.

Variável: renpy-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system renpy). It implements the more or less standard build procedure used by Ren’py games, which consists of loading #:game once, thereby creating bytecode for it.

It further creates a wrapper script in bin/ and a desktop entry in share/applications, both of which can be used to launch the game.

Which Ren’py package is used can be specified with #:renpy. Games can also be installed in outputs other than “out” by using #:output.

Variável: qt-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system qt). It is intended for use with applications using Qt or KDE.

This build system adds the following two phases to the ones defined by cmake-build-system:


The phase check-setup prepares the environment for running the checks as commonly used by Qt test programs. For now this only sets some environment variables: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen, DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=0 and CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1.

This phase is added before the check phase. It’s a separate phase to ease adjusting if necessary.


The phase qt-wrap searches for Qt5 plugin paths, QML paths and some XDG in the inputs and output. In case some path is found, all programs in the output’s bin/, sbin/, libexec/ and lib/libexec/ directories are wrapped in scripts defining the necessary environment variables.

It is possible to exclude specific package outputs from that wrapping process by listing their names in the #:qt-wrap-excluded-outputs parameter. This is useful when an output is known not to contain any Qt binaries, and where wrapping would gratuitously add a dependency of that output on Qt, KDE, or such.

This phase is added after the install phase.

Variável: r-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system r). It implements the build procedure used by R packages, which essentially is little more than running ‘R CMD INSTALL --library=/gnu/store/…’ in an environment where R_LIBS_SITE contains the paths to all R package inputs. Tests are run after installation using the R function tools::testInstalledPackage.

Variável: rakudo-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system rakudo). It implements the build procedure used by Rakudo for Perl6 packages. It installs the package to /gnu/store/…/NAME-VERSION/share/perl6 and installs the binaries, library files and the resources, as well as wrap the files under the bin/ directory. Tests can be skipped by passing #f to the tests? parameter.

Which rakudo package is used can be specified with rakudo. Which perl6-tap-harness package used for the tests can be specified with #:prove6 or removed by passing #f to the with-prove6? parameter. Which perl6-zef package used for tests and installing can be specified with #:zef or removed by passing #f to the with-zef? parameter.

Variável: rebar-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system rebar). It implements a build procedure around rebar3, a build system for programs written in the Erlang language.

It adds both rebar3 and the erlang to the set of inputs. Different packages can be specified with the #:rebar and #:erlang parameters, respectively.

This build system is based on gnu-build-system, but with the following phases changed:


This phase, after unpacking the source like the gnu-build-system does, checks for a file contents.tar.gz at the top-level of the source. If this file exists, it will be unpacked, too. This eases handling of package hosted at, the Erlang and Elixir package repository.


There are no bootstrap and configure phase because erlang packages typically don’t need to be configured.


This phase runs rebar3 compile with the flags listed in #:rebar-flags.


Unless #:tests? #f is passed, this phase runs rebar3 eunit, or some other target specified with #:test-target, with the flags listed in #:rebar-flags,


This installs the files created in the default profile, or some other profile specified with #:install-profile.

Variável: texlive-build-system

Esta variável é exportada pelo (guix build-system texlive). É usado para compilar os pacotes TeX no modo de lote com um moter especificado. O sistema de compilação configura a variável TEXINPUTS para encontrar todos os arquivos de fonte TeX na entrada.

By default it tries to run luatex on all .ins files, and if it fails to find any, on all .dtx files. A different engine and format can be specified with, respectively, the #:tex-engine and #:tex-format arguments. Different build targets can be specified with the #:build-targets argument, which expects a list of file names.

It also generates font metrics (i.e., .tfm files) out of Metafont files whenever possible. Likewise, it can also create TeX formats (i.e., .fmt files) listed in the #:create-formats argument, and generate a symbolic link from bin/ directory to any script located in texmf-dist/scripts/, provided its file name is listed in #:link-scripts argument.

The build system adds texlive-bin from (gnu packages tex) to the native inputs. It can be overridden with the #:texlive-bin argument.

The package texlive-latex-bin, from the same module, contains most of the tools for building TeX Live packages; for convenience, it is also added by default to the native inputs. However, this can be troublesome when building a dependency of texlive-latex-bin itself. In this particular situation, the #:texlive-latex-bin? argument should be set to #f.

Variável: ruby-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system ruby). It implements the RubyGems build procedure used by Ruby packages, which involves running gem build followed by gem install.

The source field of a package that uses this build system typically references a gem archive, since this is the format that Ruby developers use when releasing their software. The build system unpacks the gem archive, potentially patches the source, runs the test suite, repackages the gem, and installs it. Additionally, directories and tarballs may be referenced to allow building unreleased gems from Git or a traditional source release tarball.

Which Ruby package is used can be specified with the #:ruby parameter. A list of additional flags to be passed to the gem command can be specified with the #:gem-flags parameter.

Variável: waf-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system waf). It implements a build procedure around the waf script. The common phases—configure, build, and install—are implemented by passing their names as arguments to the waf script.

The waf script is executed by the Python interpreter. Which Python package is used to run the script can be specified with the #:python parameter.

Variável: zig-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system zig). It implements the build procedures for the Zig build system (zig build command).

Selecting this build system adds zig to the package inputs, in addition to the packages of gnu-build-system.

This build system by default installs package source to output. This behavior can be disabled by setting #:install-source? parameter to #f.

For packages that don’t install anything and don’t come with a test suite (likely library packages to be used by other Zig packages), you can set #:skip-build? parameter to #t, which skips build and check phases.

The configure phase sets up environment for zig build. You need to add custom phases after it if you want to invoke zig.

The #:zig-build-flags parameter is a list of flags that are passed to zig build in build phase. The #:zig-test-flags parameter is a list of flags that are passed to zig build test in check phase. The default compiler package can be overridden with the #:zig parameter.

The optional #:zig-release-type parameter declares the type of release. Possible values are: "safe", "fast", or "small". The default value is #f, which causes the release flag to be omitted from the zig command and results in a "debug" build.

Variável: scons-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system scons). It implements the build procedure used by the SCons software construction tool. This build system runs scons to build the package, scons test to run tests, and then scons install to install the package.

Additional flags to be passed to scons can be specified with the #:scons-flags parameter. The default build and install targets can be overridden with #:build-targets and #:install-targets respectively. The version of Python used to run SCons can be specified by selecting the appropriate SCons package with the #:scons parameter.

Variável: haskell-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system haskell). It implements the Cabal build procedure used by Haskell packages, which involves running runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix=/gnu/store/… and runhaskell Setup.hs build. Instead of installing the package by running runhaskell Setup.hs install, to avoid trying to register libraries in the read-only compiler store directory, the build system uses runhaskell Setup.hs copy, followed by runhaskell Setup.hs register. In addition, the build system generates the package documentation by running runhaskell Setup.hs haddock, unless #:haddock? #f is passed. Optional Haddock parameters can be passed with the help of the #:haddock-flags parameter. If the file Setup.hs is not found, the build system looks for Setup.lhs instead.

Which Haskell compiler is used can be specified with the #:haskell parameter which defaults to ghc.

Variável: dub-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system dub). It implements the Dub build procedure used by D packages, which involves running dub build and dub run. Installation is done by copying the files manually.

Which D compiler is used can be specified with the #:ldc parameter which defaults to ldc.

Variável: emacs-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system emacs). It implements an installation procedure similar to the packaging system of Emacs itself (veja Packages em The GNU Emacs Manual).

It first creates the package-autoloads.el file, then it byte compiles all Emacs Lisp files. Differently from the Emacs packaging system, the Info documentation files are moved to the standard documentation directory and the dir file is deleted. The Elisp package files are installed directly under share/emacs/site-lisp.

Variável: font-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system font). It implements an installation procedure for font packages where upstream provides pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc. font files that merely need to be copied into place. It copies font files to standard locations in the output directory.

Variável: meson-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system meson). It implements the build procedure for packages that use Meson as their build system.

It adds both Meson and Ninja to the set of inputs, and they can be changed with the parameters #:meson and #:ninja if needed.

This build system is an extension of gnu-build-system, but with the following phases changed to some specific for Meson:


The phase runs meson with the flags specified in #:configure-flags. The flag --buildtype is always set to debugoptimized unless something else is specified in #:build-type.


The phase runs ninja to build the package in parallel by default, but this can be changed with #:parallel-build?.


The phase runs ‘meson test’ with a base set of options that cannot be overridden. This base set of options can be extended via the #:test-options argument, for example to select or skip a specific test suite.


The phase runs ninja install and can not be changed.

Apart from that, the build system also adds the following phases:


This phase ensures that all binaries can find the libraries they need. It searches for required libraries in subdirectories of the package being built, and adds those to RUNPATH where needed. It also removes references to libraries left over from the build phase by meson, such as test dependencies, that aren’t actually required for the program to run.


This phase is the phase provided by glib-or-gtk-build-system, and it is not enabled by default. It can be enabled with #:glib-or-gtk?.


This phase is the phase provided by glib-or-gtk-build-system, and it is not enabled by default. It can be enabled with #:glib-or-gtk?.

Variável: linux-module-build-system

linux-module-build-system allows building Linux kernel modules.

This build system is an extension of gnu-build-system, but with the following phases changed:


This phase configures the environment so that the Linux kernel’s Makefile can be used to build the external kernel module.


This phase uses the Linux kernel’s Makefile in order to build the external kernel module.


This phase uses the Linux kernel’s Makefile in order to install the external kernel module.

It is possible and useful to specify the Linux kernel to use for building the module (in the arguments form of a package using the linux-module-build-system, use the key #:linux to specify it).

Variável: node-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system node). It implements the build procedure used by Node.js, which implements an approximation of the npm install command, followed by an npm test command.

Which Node.js package is used to interpret the npm commands can be specified with the #:node parameter which defaults to node.

Variável: tree-sitter-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system tree-sitter). It implements procedures to compile grammars for the Tree-sitter parsing library. It essentially runs tree-sitter generate to translate grammar.js grammars to JSON and then to C. Which it then compiles to native code.

Tree-sitter packages may support multiple grammars, so this build system supports a #:grammar-directories keyword to specify a list of locations where a grammar.js file may be found.

Grammars sometimes depend on each other, such as C++ depending on C and TypeScript depending on JavaScript. You may use inputs to declare such dependencies.

Lastly, for packages that do not need anything as sophisticated, a “trivial” build system is provided. It is trivial in the sense that it provides basically no support: it does not pull any implicit inputs, and does not have a notion of build phases.

Variável: trivial-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system trivial).

This build system requires a #:builder argument. This argument must be a Scheme expression that builds the package output(s)—as with build-expression->derivation (veja build-expression->derivation).

Variável: channel-build-system

This variable is exported by (guix build-system channel).

This build system is meant primarily for internal use. A package using this build system must have a channel specification as its source field (veja Canais); alternatively, its source can be a directory name, in which case an additional #:commit argument must be supplied to specify the commit being built (a hexadecimal string).

Optionally, a #:channels argument specifying additional channels can be provided.

The resulting package is a Guix instance of the given channel(s), similar to how guix time-machine would build it.

8.6 Fases de construção

Almost all package build systems implement a notion build phases: a sequence of actions that the build system executes, when you build the package, leading to the installed byproducts in the store. A notable exception is the “bare-bones” trivial-build-system (veja Sistemas de compilação).

As discussed in the previous section, those build systems provide a standard list of phases. For gnu-build-system, the main build phases are the following:


Define search path environment variables for all the input packages, including PATH (veja Caminhos de pesquisa).


Unpack the source tarball, and change the current directory to the extracted source tree. If the source is actually a directory, copy it to the build tree, and enter that directory.


Patch shebangs encountered in source files so they refer to the right store file names. For instance, this changes #!/bin/sh to #!/gnu/store/…-bash-4.3/bin/sh.


Run the configure script with a number of default options, such as --prefix=/gnu/store/…, as well as the options specified by the #:configure-flags argument.


Run make with the list of flags specified with #:make-flags. If the #:parallel-build? argument is true (the default), build with make -j.


Run make check, or some other target specified with #:test-target, unless #:tests? #f is passed. If the #:parallel-tests? argument is true (the default), run make check -j.


Run make install with the flags listed in #:make-flags.


Patch shebangs on the installed executable files.


Strip debugging symbols from ELF files (unless #:strip-binaries? is false), copying them to the debug output when available (veja Instalando arquivos de depuração).


Validate the RUNPATH of ELF binaries, unless #:validate-runpath? is false (veja Sistemas de compilação).

This validation step consists in making sure that all the shared libraries needed by an ELF binary, which are listed as DT_NEEDED entries in its PT_DYNAMIC segment, appear in the DT_RUNPATH entry of that binary. In other words, it ensures that running or using those binaries will not result in a “file not found” error at run time. Veja -rpath em The GNU Linker, for more information on RUNPATH.

Other build systems have similar phases, with some variations. For example, cmake-build-system has same-named phases but its configure phases runs cmake instead of ./configure. Others, such as python-build-system, have a wholly different list of standard phases. All this code runs on the build side: it is evaluated when you actually build the package, in a dedicated build process spawned by the build daemon (veja Invocando guix-daemon).

Build phases are represented as association lists or “alists” (veja Association Lists em GNU Guile Reference Manual) where each key is a symbol for the name of the phase and the associated value is a procedure that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments. By convention, those procedures receive information about the build in the form of keyword parameters, which they can use or ignore.

For example, here is how (guix build gnu-build-system) defines %standard-phases, the variable holding its alist of build phases21:

;; The build phases of 'gnu-build-system'.

(define* (unpack #:key source #:allow-other-keys)
  ;; Extract the source tarball.
  (invoke "tar" "xvf" source))

(define* (configure #:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
  ;; Run the 'configure' script.  Install to output "out".
  (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
    (invoke "./configure"
            (string-append "--prefix=" out))))

(define* (build #:allow-other-keys)
  ;; Compile.
  (invoke "make"))

(define* (check #:key (test-target "check") (tests? #true)
  ;; Run the test suite.
  (if tests?
      (invoke "make" test-target)
      (display "test suite not run\n")))

(define* (install #:allow-other-keys)
  ;; Install files to the prefix 'configure' specified.
  (invoke "make" "install"))

(define %standard-phases
  ;; The list of standard phases (quite a few are omitted
  ;; for brevity).  Each element is a symbol/procedure pair.
  (list (cons 'unpack unpack)
        (cons 'configure configure)
        (cons 'build build)
        (cons 'check check)
        (cons 'install install)))

This shows how %standard-phases is defined as a list of symbol/procedure pairs (veja Pairs em GNU Guile Reference Manual). The first pair associates the unpack procedure with the unpack symbol—a name; the second pair defines the configure phase similarly, and so on. When building a package that uses gnu-build-system with its default list of phases, those phases are executed sequentially. You can see the name of each phase started and completed in the build log of packages that you build.

Let’s now look at the procedures themselves. Each one is defined with define*: #:key lists keyword parameters the procedure accepts, possibly with a default value, and #:allow-other-keys specifies that other keyword parameters are ignored (veja Optional Arguments em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

The unpack procedure honors the source parameter, which the build system uses to pass the file name of the source tarball (or version control checkout), and it ignores other parameters. The configure phase only cares about the outputs parameter, an alist mapping package output names to their store file name (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas). It extracts the file name of for out, the default output, and passes it to ./configure as the installation prefix, meaning that make install will eventually copy all the files in that directory (veja configuration and makefile conventions em GNU Coding Standards). build and install ignore all their arguments. check honors the test-target argument, which specifies the name of the Makefile target to run tests; it prints a message and skips tests when tests? is false.

The list of phases used for a particular package can be changed with the #:phases parameter of the build system. Changing the set of build phases boils down to building a new alist of phases based on the %standard-phases alist described above. This can be done with standard alist procedures such as alist-delete (veja SRFI-1 Association Lists em GNU Guile Reference Manual); however, it is more convenient to do so with modify-phases (veja modify-phases).

Here is an example of a package definition that removes the configure phase of %standard-phases and inserts a new phase before the build phase, called set-prefix-in-makefile:

(define-public example
    (name "example")
    ;; other fields omitted
    (build-system gnu-build-system)
      #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
          (delete 'configure)
          (add-before 'build 'set-prefix-in-makefile
            (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
              ;; Modify the makefile so that its
              ;; 'PREFIX' variable points to #$output and
              ;; 'XMLLINT' points to the correct path.
              (substitute* "Makefile"
                (("PREFIX =.*")
                 (string-append "PREFIX = " #$output "\n"))
                (("XMLLINT =.*")
                 (string-append "XMLLINT = "
                                (search-input-file inputs "/bin/xmllint")

The new phase that is inserted is written as an anonymous procedure, introduced with lambda*; it looks for the xmllint executable under a /bin directory among the package’s inputs (veja Referência do package). It also honors the outputs parameter we have seen before. Veja Construir utilitários, for more about the helpers used by this phase, and for more examples of modify-phases.

Tip: You can inspect the code associated with a package’s #:phases argument interactively, at the REPL (veja Usando Guix interativamente).

Keep in mind that build phases are code evaluated at the time the package is actually built. This explains why the whole modify-phases expression above is quoted (it comes after the #~ or hash-tilde): it is staged for later execution. Veja Expressões-G, for an explanation of code staging and the code strata involved.

8.7 Construir utilitários

As soon as you start writing non-trivial package definitions (veja Definindo pacotes) or other build actions (veja Expressões-G), you will likely start looking for helpers for “shell-like” actions—creating directories, copying and deleting files recursively, manipulating build phases, and so on. The (guix build utils) module provides such utility procedures.

Most build systems load (guix build utils) (veja Sistemas de compilação). Thus, when writing custom build phases for your package definitions, you can usually assume those procedures are in scope.

When writing G-expressions, you can import (guix build utils) on the “build side” using with-imported-modules and then put it in scope with the use-modules form (veja Using Guile Modules em GNU Guile Reference Manual):

(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))  ;import it
  (computed-file "empty-tree"
                     ;; Put it in scope.
                     (use-modules (guix build utils))

                     ;; Happily use its 'mkdir-p' procedure.
                     (mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/a/b/c")))))

The remainder of this section is the reference for most of the utility procedures provided by (guix build utils).

8.7.1 Dealing with Store File Names

This section documents procedures that deal with store file names.

Procedure: %store-directory

Return the directory name of the store.

Procedure: store-file-name? file

Return true if file is in the store.

Procedure: strip-store-file-name file

Strip the /gnu/store and hash from file, a store file name. The result is typically a "package-version" string.

Procedure: package-name->name+version name

Given name, a package name like "foo-0.9.1b", return two values: "foo" and "0.9.1b". When the version part is unavailable, name and #f are returned. The first hyphen followed by a digit is considered to introduce the version part.

8.7.2 File Types

The procedures below deal with files and file types.

Procedure: directory-exists? dir

Return #t if dir exists and is a directory.

Procedure: executable-file? file

Return #t if file exists and is executable.

Return #t if file is a symbolic link (aka. a “symlink”).

Procedure: elf-file? file
Procedure: ar-file? file
Procedure: gzip-file? file

Return #t if file is, respectively, an ELF file, an ar archive (such as a .a static library), or a gzip file.

Procedure: reset-gzip-timestamp file [#:keep-mtime? #t]

If file is a gzip file, reset its embedded timestamp (as with gzip --no-name) and return true. Otherwise return #f. When keep-mtime? is true, preserve file’s modification time.

8.7.3 File Manipulation

The following procedures and macros help create, modify, and delete files. They provide functionality comparable to common shell utilities such as mkdir -p, cp -r, rm -r, and sed. They complement Guile’s extensive, but low-level, file system interface (veja POSIX em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Macro: with-directory-excursion directory body …

Run body with directory as the process’s current directory.

Essentially, this macro changes the current directory to directory before evaluating body, using chdir (veja Processes em GNU Guile Reference Manual). It changes back to the initial directory when the dynamic extent of body is left, be it via normal procedure return or via a non-local exit such as an exception.

Procedure: mkdir-p dir

Create directory dir and all its ancestors.

Procedure: install-file file directory

Create directory if it does not exist and copy file in there under the same name.

Procedure: make-file-writable file

Make file writable for its owner.

Procedure: copy-recursively source destination [#:log (current-output-port)] [#:follow-symlinks? #f]  [#:copy-file

copy-file] [#:keep-mtime? #f] [#:keep-permissions? #t]  [#:select? (const #t)] Copy source directory to destination. Follow symlinks if follow-symlinks? is true; otherwise, just preserve them. Call copy-file to copy regular files. Call select?, taking two arguments, file and stat, for each entry in source, where file is the entry’s absolute file name and stat is the result of lstat (or stat if follow-symlinks? is true); exclude entries for which select? does not return true. When keep-mtime? is true, keep the modification time of the files in source on those of destination. When keep-permissions? is true, preserve file permissions. Write verbose output to the log port.

Procedure: delete-file-recursively dir [#:follow-mounts? #f]

Delete dir recursively, like rm -rf, without following symlinks. Don’t follow mount points either, unless follow-mounts? is true. Report but ignore errors.

Macro: substitute* file ((regexp match-var…) body…) … Substitute regexp in

file by the string returned by body. body is evaluated with each match-var bound to the corresponding positional regexp sub-expression. For example:

(substitute* file
   "good morning\n")
  (("foo([a-z]+)bar(.*)$" all letters end)
   (string-append "baz" letters end)))

Here, anytime a line of file contains hello, it is replaced by good morning. Anytime a line of file matches the second regexp, all is bound to the complete match, letters is bound to the first sub-expression, and end is bound to the last one.

When one of the match-var is _, no variable is bound to the corresponding match substring.

Alternatively, file may be a list of file names, in which case they are all subject to the substitutions.

Be careful about using $ to match the end of a line; by itself it won’t match the terminating newline of a line. For example, to match a whole line ending with a backslash, one needs a regex like "(.*)\\\\\n$".

8.7.5 Program Invocation

You’ll find handy procedures to spawn processes in this module, essentially convenient wrappers around Guile’s system* (veja system* em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Procedure: invoke program args…

Invoke program with the given args. Raise an &invoke-error exception if the exit code is non-zero; otherwise return #t.

The advantage compared to system* is that you do not need to check the return value. This reduces boilerplate in shell-script-like snippets for instance in package build phases.

Procedure: invoke-error? c

Return true if c is an &invoke-error condition.

Procedure: invoke-error-program c
Procedure: invoke-error-arguments c
Procedure: invoke-error-exit-status c
Procedure: invoke-error-term-signal c
Procedure: invoke-error-stop-signal c

Access specific fields of c, an &invoke-error condition.

Procedure: report-invoke-error c [port]

Report to port (by default the current error port) about c, an &invoke-error condition, in a human-friendly way.

Typical usage would look like this:

(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;for 'guard'
             (guix build utils))

(guard (c ((invoke-error? c)
           (report-invoke-error c)))
  (invoke "date" "--imaginary-option"))

-| command "date" "--imaginary-option" failed with status 1
Procedure: invoke/quiet program args…

Invoke program with args and capture program’s standard output and standard error. If program succeeds, print nothing and return the unspecified value; otherwise, raise a &message error condition that includes the status code and the output of program.

Here’s an example:

(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;for 'guard'
             (srfi srfi-35) ;for 'message-condition?'
             (guix build utils))

(guard (c ((message-condition? c)
           (display (condition-message c))))
  (invoke/quiet "date")  ;all is fine
  (invoke/quiet "date" "--imaginary-option"))

-| 'date --imaginary-option' exited with status 1; output follows:

    date: unrecognized option '--imaginary-option'
    Try 'date --help' for more information.

8.7.6 Fases de construção

The (guix build utils) also contains tools to manipulate build phases as used by build systems (veja Sistemas de compilação). Build phases are represented as association lists or “alists” (veja Association Lists em GNU Guile Reference Manual) where each key is a symbol naming the phase and the associated value is a procedure (veja Fases de construção).

Guile core and the (srfi srfi-1) module both provide tools to manipulate alists. The (guix build utils) module complements those with tools written with build phases in mind.

Macro: modify-phases phases clause…

Modify phases sequentially as per each clause, which may have one of the following forms:

(delete old-phase-name)
(replace old-phase-name new-phase)
(add-before old-phase-name new-phase-name new-phase)
(add-after old-phase-name new-phase-name new-phase)

Where every phase-name above is an expression evaluating to a symbol, and new-phase an expression evaluating to a procedure.

The example below is taken from the definition of the grep package. It adds a phase to run after the install phase, called fix-egrep-and-fgrep. That phase is a procedure (lambda* is for anonymous procedures) that takes a #:outputs keyword argument and ignores extra keyword arguments (veja Optional Arguments em GNU Guile Reference Manual, for more on lambda* and optional and keyword arguments.) The phase uses substitute* to modify the installed egrep and fgrep scripts so that they refer to grep by its absolute file name:

(modify-phases %standard-phases
  (add-after 'install 'fix-egrep-and-fgrep
    ;; Patch 'egrep' and 'fgrep' to execute 'grep' via its
    ;; absolute file name instead of searching for it in $PATH.
    (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
      (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
             (bin (string-append out "/bin")))
        (substitute* (list (string-append bin "/egrep")
                           (string-append bin "/fgrep"))
          (("^exec grep")
           (string-append "exec " bin "/grep")))))))

In the example below, phases are modified in two ways: the standard configure phase is deleted, presumably because the package does not have a configure script or anything similar, and the default install phase is replaced by one that manually copies the executable files to be installed:

(modify-phases %standard-phases
  (delete 'configure)      ;no 'configure' script
  (replace 'install
    (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
      ;; The package's Makefile doesn't provide an "install"
      ;; rule so do it by ourselves.
      (let ((bin (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
        (install-file "footswitch" bin)
        (install-file "scythe" bin)))))

8.7.7 Wrappers

It is not unusual for a command to require certain environment variables to be set for proper functioning, typically search paths (veja Caminhos de pesquisa). Failing to do that, the command might fail to find files or other commands it relies on, or it might pick the “wrong” ones—depending on the environment in which it runs. Examples include:

  • a shell script that assumes all the commands it uses are in PATH;
  • a Guile program that assumes all its modules are in GUILE_LOAD_PATH and GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH;
  • a Qt application that expects to find certain plugins in QT_PLUGIN_PATH.

For a package writer, the goal is to make sure commands always work the same rather than depend on some external settings. One way to achieve that is to wrap commands in a thin script that sets those environment variables, thereby ensuring that those run-time dependencies are always found. The wrapper would be used to set PATH, GUILE_LOAD_PATH, or QT_PLUGIN_PATH in the examples above.

To ease that task, the (guix build utils) module provides a couple of helpers to wrap commands.

Procedure: wrap-program program [#:sh sh] [#:rest variables]

Make a wrapper for program. variables should look like this:

'(variable delimiter position list-of-directories)

where delimiter is optional. : will be used if delimiter is not given.

For example, this call:

(wrap-program "foo"
              '("PATH" ":" = ("/gnu/.../bar/bin"))
              '("CERT_PATH" suffix ("/gnu/.../baz/certs"

will copy foo to .foo-real and create the file foo with the following contents:

export PATH="/gnu/.../bar/bin"
export CERT_PATH="$CERT_PATH${CERT_PATH:+:}/gnu/.../baz/certs:/qux/certs"
exec -a $0 location/of/.foo-real "$@"

If program has previously been wrapped by wrap-program, the wrapper is extended with definitions for variables. If it is not, sh will be used as the interpreter.

Procedure: wrap-script program [#:guile guile] [#:rest variables]

Wrap the script program such that variables are set first. The format of variables is the same as in the wrap-program procedure. This procedure differs from wrap-program in that it does not create a separate shell script. Instead, program is modified directly by prepending a Guile script, which is interpreted as a comment in the script’s language.

Special encoding comments as supported by Python are recreated on the second line.

Note that this procedure can only be used once per file as Guile scripts are not supported.

8.8 Caminhos de pesquisa

Many programs and libraries look for input data in a search path, a list of directories: shells like Bash look for executables in the command search path, a C compiler looks for .h files in its header search path, the Python interpreter looks for .py files in its search path, the spell checker has a search path for dictionaries, and so on.

Search paths can usually be defined or overridden via environment variables (veja Environment Variables em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). For example, the search paths mentioned above can be changed by defining the PATH, C_INCLUDE_PATH, PYTHONPATH (or GUIX_PYTHONPATH), and DICPATH environment variables—you know, all these something-PATH variables that you need to get right or things “won’t be found”.

You may have noticed from the command line that Guix “knows” which search path environment variables should be defined, and how. When you install packages in your default profile, the file ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile is created, which you can “source” from the shell to set those variables. Likewise, if you ask guix shell to create an environment containing Python and NumPy, a Python library, and if you pass it the --search-paths option, it will tell you about PATH and GUIX_PYTHONPATH (veja Invocando guix shell):

$ guix shell python python-numpy --pure --search-paths
export PATH="/gnu/store/…-profile/bin"
export GUIX_PYTHONPATH="/gnu/store/…-profile/lib/python3.9/site-packages"

When you omit --search-paths, it defines these environment variables right away, such that Python can readily find NumPy:

$ guix shell python python-numpy -- python3
Python 3.9.6 (default, Jan  1 1970, 00:00:01)
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.version.version

For this to work, the definition of the python package declares the search path it cares about and its associated environment variable, GUIX_PYTHONPATH. It looks like this:

  (name "python")
  (version "3.9.9")
  ;; some fields omitted...
   (list (search-path-specification
          (variable "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")
          (files (list "lib/python/3.9/site-packages"))))))

What this native-search-paths field says is that, when the python package is used, the GUIX_PYTHONPATH environment variable must be defined to include all the lib/python/3.9/site-packages sub-directories encountered in its environment. (The native- bit means that, if we are in a cross-compilation environment, only native inputs may be added to the search path; veja search-paths.) In the NumPy example above, the profile where python appears contains exactly one such sub-directory, and GUIX_PYTHONPATH is set to that. When there are several lib/python/3.9/site-packages—this is the case in package build environments—they are all added to GUIX_PYTHONPATH, separated by colons (:).

Nota: Notice that GUIX_PYTHONPATH is specified as part of the definition of the python package, and not as part of that of python-numpy. This is because this environment variable “belongs” to Python, not NumPy: Python actually reads the value of that variable and honors it.

Corollary: if you create a profile that does not contain python, GUIX_PYTHONPATH will not be defined, even if it contains packages that provide .py files:

$ guix shell python-numpy --search-paths --pure
export PATH="/gnu/store/…-profile/bin"

This makes a lot of sense if we look at this profile in isolation: no software in this profile would read GUIX_PYTHONPATH.

Of course, there are many variations on that theme: some packages honor more than one search path, some use separators other than colon, some accumulate several directories in their search path, and so on. A more complex example is the search path of libxml2: the value of the XML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable is space-separated, it must contain a list of catalog.xml files (not directories), which are to be found in xml sub-directories—nothing less. The search path specification looks like this:

 (variable "XML_CATALOG_FILES")
 (separator " ")
 (files '("xml"))
 (file-pattern "^catalog\\.xml$")
 (file-type 'regular))

Worry not, search path specifications are usually not this tricky.

The (guix search-paths) module defines the data type of search path specifications and a number of helper procedures. Below is the reference of search path specifications.

Tipo de dados: search-path-specification

The data type for search path specifications.


The name of the environment variable for this search path (a string).


The list of sub-directories (strings) that should be added to the search path.

separator (default: ":")

The string used to separate search path components.

As a special case, a separator value of #f specifies a “single-component search path”—in other words, a search path that cannot contain more than one element. This is useful in some cases, such as the SSL_CERT_DIR variable (honored by OpenSSL, cURL, and a few other packages) or the ASPELL_DICT_DIR variable (honored by the GNU Aspell spell checker), both of which must point to a single directory.

file-type (default: 'directory)

The type of file being matched—'directory or 'regular, though it can be any symbol returned by stat:type (veja stat em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

In the XML_CATALOG_FILES example above, we would match regular files; in the Python example, we would match directories.

file-pattern (default: #f)

This must be either #f or a regular expression specifying files to be matched within the sub-directories specified by the files field.

Again, the XML_CATALOG_FILES example shows a situation where this is needed.

Some search paths are not tied by a single package but to many packages. To reduce duplications, some of them are pre-defined in (guix search-paths).


These two search paths indicate where the TR9401 catalog22 or XML catalog files can be found.

Variável: $SSL_CERT_DIR
Variável: $SSL_CERT_FILE

These two search paths indicate where X.509 certificates can be found (veja Certificados X.509).

These pre-defined search paths can be used as in the following example:

  (name "curl")
  ;; some fields omitted ...
  (native-search-paths (list $SSL_CERT_DIR $SSL_CERT_FILE)))

How do you turn search path specifications on one hand and a bunch of directories on the other hand in a set of environment variable definitions? That’s the job of evaluate-search-paths.

Procedure: evaluate-search-paths search-paths directories [getenv]

Evaluate search-paths, a list of search-path specifications, for directories, a list of directory names, and return a list of specification/value pairs. Use getenv to determine the current settings and report only settings not already effective.

The (guix profiles) provides a higher-level helper procedure, load-profile, that sets the environment variables of a profile.

8.9 O armazém

Conceptually, the store is the place where derivations that have been built successfully are stored—by default, /gnu/store. Sub-directories in the store are referred to as store items or sometimes store paths. The store has an associated database that contains information such as the store paths referred to by each store path, and the list of valid store items—results of successful builds. This database resides in localstatedir/guix/db, where localstatedir is the state directory specified via --localstatedir at configure time, usually /var.

The store is always accessed by the daemon on behalf of its clients (veja Invocando guix-daemon). To manipulate the store, clients connect to the daemon over a Unix-domain socket, send requests to it, and read the result—these are remote procedure calls, or RPCs.

Nota: Users must never modify files under /gnu/store directly. This would lead to inconsistencies and break the immutability assumptions of Guix’s functional model (veja Introdução).

Veja guix gc --verify, for information on how to check the integrity of the store and attempt recovery from accidental modifications.

The (guix store) module provides procedures to connect to the daemon, and to perform RPCs. These are described below. By default, open-connection, and thus all the guix commands, connect to the local daemon or to the URI specified by the GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET environment variable.

Environment Variable: GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET

When set, the value of this variable should be a file name or a URI designating the daemon endpoint. When it is a file name, it denotes a Unix-domain socket to connect to. In addition to file names, the supported URI schemes are:


These are for Unix-domain sockets. file:///var/guix/daemon-socket/socket is equivalent to /var/guix/daemon-socket/socket.


These URIs denote connections over TCP/IP, without encryption nor authentication of the remote host. The URI must specify the host name and optionally a port number (by default port 44146 is used):


This setup is suitable on local networks, such as clusters, where only trusted nodes may connect to the build daemon at

The --listen option of guix-daemon can be used to instruct it to listen for TCP connections (veja --listen).


These URIs allow you to connect to a remote daemon over SSH. This feature requires Guile-SSH (veja Requisitos) and a working guile binary in PATH on the destination machine. It supports public key and GSSAPI authentication. A typical URL might look like this:


As for guix copy, the usual OpenSSH client configuration files are honored (veja Invocando guix copy).

Additional URI schemes may be supported in the future.

Nota: The ability to connect to remote build daemons is considered experimental as of 4538aa4. Please get in touch with us to share any problems or suggestions you may have (veja Contribuindo).

Procedure: open-connection [uri] [#:reserve-space? #t]

Connect to the daemon over the Unix-domain socket at uri (a string). When reserve-space? is true, instruct it to reserve a little bit of extra space on the file system so that the garbage collector can still operate should the disk become full. Return a server object.

file defaults to %default-socket-path, which is the normal location given the options that were passed to configure.

Procedure: close-connection server

Close the connection to server.

Variável: current-build-output-port

This variable is bound to a SRFI-39 parameter, which refers to the port where build and error logs sent by the daemon should be written.

Procedures that make RPCs all take a server object as their first argument.

Procedure: valid-path? server path

Return #t when path designates a valid store item and #f otherwise (an invalid item may exist on disk but still be invalid, for instance because it is the result of an aborted or failed build).

A &store-protocol-error condition is raised if path is not prefixed by the store directory (/gnu/store).

Procedure: add-text-to-store server name text [references]

Add text under file name in the store, and return its store path. references is the list of store paths referred to by the resulting store path.

Procedure: build-derivations store derivations [mode]

Build derivations, a list of <derivation> objects, .drv file names, or derivation/output pairs, using the specified mode(build-mode normal) by default.

Note that the (guix monads) module provides a monad as well as monadic versions of the above procedures, with the goal of making it more convenient to work with code that accesses the store (veja A mônada do armazém).

This section is currently incomplete.

8.10 Derivações

Low-level build actions and the environment in which they are performed are represented by derivations. A derivation contains the following pieces of information:

  • The outputs of the derivation—derivations produce at least one file or directory in the store, but may produce more.
  • The inputs of the derivation—i.e., its build-time dependencies—which may be other derivations or plain files in the store (patches, build scripts, etc.).
  • The system type targeted by the derivation—e.g., x86_64-linux.
  • The file name of a build script in the store, along with the arguments to be passed.
  • A list of environment variables to be defined.

Derivations allow clients of the daemon to communicate build actions to the store. They exist in two forms: as an in-memory representation, both on the client- and daemon-side, and as files in the store whose name end in .drv—these files are referred to as derivation paths. Derivations paths can be passed to the build-derivations procedure to perform the build actions they prescribe (veja O armazém).

Operations such as file downloads and version-control checkouts for which the expected content hash is known in advance are modeled as fixed-output derivations. Unlike regular derivations, the outputs of a fixed-output derivation are independent of its inputs—e.g., a source code download produces the same result regardless of the download method and tools being used.

The outputs of derivations—i.e., the build results—have a set of references, as reported by the references RPC or the guix gc --references command (veja Invocando guix gc). References are the set of run-time dependencies of the build results. References are a subset of the inputs of the derivation; this subset is automatically computed by the build daemon by scanning all the files in the outputs.

The (guix derivations) module provides a representation of derivations as Scheme objects, along with procedures to create and otherwise manipulate derivations. The lowest-level primitive to create a derivation is the derivation procedure:

Procedure: derivation store name builder args [#:outputs '("out")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f]  [#:recursive? #f]

[#:inputs ’()] [#:env-vars ’()]  [#:system (%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f]  [#:allowed-references #f] [#:disallowed-references #f]  [#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f]  [#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties ’()] Build a derivation with the given arguments, and return the resulting <derivation> object.

When hash and hash-algo are given, a fixed-output derivation is created—i.e., one whose result is known in advance, such as a file download. If, in addition, recursive? is true, then that fixed output may be an executable file or a directory and hash must be the hash of an archive containing this output.

When references-graphs is true, it must be a list of file name/store path pairs. In that case, the reference graph of each store path is exported in the build environment in the corresponding file, in a simple text format.

When allowed-references is true, it must be a list of store items or outputs that the derivation’s output may refer to. Likewise, disallowed-references, if true, must be a list of things the outputs may not refer to.

When leaked-env-vars is true, it must be a list of strings denoting environment variables that are allowed to “leak” from the daemon’s environment to the build environment. This is only applicable to fixed-output derivations—i.e., when hash is true. The main use is to allow variables such as http_proxy to be passed to derivations that download files.

When local-build? is true, declare that the derivation is not a good candidate for offloading and should rather be built locally (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento). This is the case for small derivations where the costs of data transfers would outweigh the benefits.

When substitutable? is false, declare that substitutes of the derivation’s output should not be used (veja Substitutos). This is useful, for instance, when building packages that capture details of the host CPU instruction set.

properties must be an association list describing “properties” of the derivation. It is kept as-is, uninterpreted, in the derivation.

Here’s an example with a shell script as its builder, assuming store is an open connection to the daemon, and bash points to a Bash executable in the store:

(use-modules (guix utils)
             (guix store)
             (guix derivations))

(let ((builder   ; add the Bash script to the store
        (add-text-to-store store ""
                           "echo hello world > $out\n" '())))
  (derivation store "foo"
              bash `("-e" ,builder)
              #:inputs `((,bash) (,builder))
              #:env-vars '(("HOME" . "/homeless"))))
 #<derivation /gnu/store/…-foo.drv => /gnu/store/…-foo>

As can be guessed, this primitive is cumbersome to use directly. A better approach is to write build scripts in Scheme, of course! The best course of action for that is to write the build code as a “G-expression”, and to pass it to gexp->derivation. For more information, veja Expressões-G.

Once upon a time, gexp->derivation did not exist and constructing derivations with build code written in Scheme was achieved with build-expression->derivation, documented below. This procedure is now deprecated in favor of the much nicer gexp->derivation.

Procedure: build-expression->derivation store name exp [#:system (%current-system)] [#:inputs '()]  [#:outputs '("out")] [#:hash

#f] [#:hash-algo #f]  [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars ’()] [#:modules ’()]  [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f]  [#:disallowed-references #f]  [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation that executes Scheme expression exp as a builder for derivation name. inputs must be a list of (name drv-path sub-drv) tuples; when sub-drv is omitted, "out" is assumed. modules is a list of names of Guile modules from the current search path to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in the load path during the execution of exp—e.g., ((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system)).

exp is evaluated in an environment where %outputs is bound to a list of output/path pairs, and where %build-inputs is bound to a list of string/output-path pairs made from inputs. Optionally, env-vars is a list of string pairs specifying the name and value of environment variables visible to the builder. The builder terminates by passing the result of exp to exit; thus, when exp returns #f, the build is considered to have failed.

exp is built using guile-for-build (a derivation). When guile-for-build is omitted or is #f, the value of the %guile-for-build fluid is used instead.

See the derivation procedure for the meaning of references-graphs, allowed-references, disallowed-references, local-build?, and substitutable?.

Here’s an example of a single-output derivation that creates a directory containing one file:

(let ((builder '(let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
                  (mkdir out)    ; create /gnu/store/…-goo
                  (call-with-output-file (string-append out "/test")
                    (lambda (p)
                      (display '(hello guix) p))))))
  (build-expression->derivation store "goo" builder))

 #<derivation /gnu/store/…-goo.drv => …>

8.11 A mônada do armazém

The procedures that operate on the store described in the previous sections all take an open connection to the build daemon as their first argument. Although the underlying model is functional, they either have side effects or depend on the current state of the store.

The former is inconvenient: the connection to the build daemon has to be carried around in all those functions, making it impossible to compose functions that do not take that parameter with functions that do. The latter can be problematic: since store operations have side effects and/or depend on external state, they have to be properly sequenced.

This is where the (guix monads) module comes in. This module provides a framework for working with monads, and a particularly useful monad for our uses, the store monad. Monads are a construct that allows two things: associating “context” with values (in our case, the context is the store), and building sequences of computations (here computations include accesses to the store). Values in a monad—values that carry this additional context—are called monadic values; procedures that return such values are called monadic procedures.

Consider this “normal” procedure:

(define (sh-symlink store)
  ;; Return a derivation that symlinks the 'bash' executable.
  (let* ((drv (package-derivation store bash))
         (out (derivation->output-path drv))
         (sh  (string-append out "/bin/bash")))
    (build-expression->derivation store "sh"
                                  `(symlink ,sh %output))))

Using (guix monads) and (guix gexp), it may be rewritten as a monadic function:

(define (sh-symlink)
  ;; Same, but return a monadic value.
  (mlet %store-monad ((drv (package->derivation bash)))
    (gexp->derivation "sh"
                      #~(symlink (string-append #$drv "/bin/bash")

There are several things to note in the second version: the store parameter is now implicit and is “threaded” in the calls to the package->derivation and gexp->derivation monadic procedures, and the monadic value returned by package->derivation is bound using mlet instead of plain let.

As it turns out, the call to package->derivation can even be omitted since it will take place implicitly, as we will see later (veja Expressões-G):

(define (sh-symlink)
  (gexp->derivation "sh"
                    #~(symlink (string-append #$bash "/bin/bash")

Calling the monadic sh-symlink has no effect. As someone once said, “you exit a monad like you exit a building on fire: by running”. So, to exit the monad and get the desired effect, one must use run-with-store:

(run-with-store (open-connection) (sh-symlink))

Note that the (guix monad-repl) module extends the Guile REPL with new “commands” to make it easier to deal with monadic procedures: run-in-store, and enter-store-monad (veja Usando Guix interativamente). The former is used to “run” a single monadic value through the store:

scheme@(guile-user)> ,run-in-store (package->derivation hello)
$1 = #<derivation /gnu/store/…-hello-2.9.drv => …>

The latter enters a recursive REPL, where all the return values are automatically run through the store:

scheme@(guile-user)> ,enter-store-monad
store-monad@(guile-user) [1]> (package->derivation hello)
$2 = #<derivation /gnu/store/…-hello-2.9.drv => …>
store-monad@(guile-user) [1]> (text-file "foo" "Hello!")
$3 = "/gnu/store/…-foo"
store-monad@(guile-user) [1]> ,q

Note that non-monadic values cannot be returned in the store-monad REPL.

Other meta-commands are available at the REPL, such as ,build to build a file-like object (veja Usando Guix interativamente).

The main syntactic forms to deal with monads in general are provided by the (guix monads) module and are described below.

Macro: with-monad monad body …

Evaluate any >>= or return forms in body as being in monad.

Macro: return val

Return a monadic value that encapsulates val.

Macro: >>= mval mproc …

Bind monadic value mval, passing its “contents” to monadic procedures mproc23. There can be one mproc or several of them, as in this example:

    (with-monad %state-monad
      (>>= (return 1)
           (lambda (x) (return (+ 1 x)))
           (lambda (x) (return (* 2 x)))))

Macro: mlet monad ((var mval) …) body …
Macro: mlet* monad ((var mval) …) body …

Bind the variables var to the monadic values mval in body, which is a sequence of expressions. As with the bind operator, this can be thought of as “unpacking” the raw, non-monadic value “contained” in mval and making var refer to that raw, non-monadic value within the scope of the body. The form (var -> val) binds var to the “normal” value val, as per let. The binding operations occur in sequence from left to right. The last expression of body must be a monadic expression, and its result will become the result of the mlet or mlet* when run in the monad.

mlet* is to mlet what let* is to let (veja Local Bindings em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Macro: mbegin monad mexp …

Bind mexp and the following monadic expressions in sequence, returning the result of the last expression. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression.

This is akin to mlet, except that the return values of the monadic expressions are ignored. In that sense, it is analogous to begin, but applied to monadic expressions.

Macro: mwhen condition mexp0 mexp* …

When condition is true, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions mexp0..mexp* as in an mbegin. When condition is false, return *unspecified* in the current monad. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression.

Macro: munless condition mexp0 mexp* …

When condition is false, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions mexp0..mexp* as in an mbegin. When condition is true, return *unspecified* in the current monad. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression.

The (guix monads) module provides the state monad, which allows an additional value—the state—to be threaded through monadic procedure calls.

Variável: %state-monad

The state monad. Procedures in the state monad can access and change the state that is threaded.

Consider the example below. The square procedure returns a value in the state monad. It returns the square of its argument, but also increments the current state value:

(define (square x)
  (mlet %state-monad ((count (current-state)))
    (mbegin %state-monad
      (set-current-state (+ 1 count))
      (return (* x x)))))

(run-with-state (sequence %state-monad (map square (iota 3))) 0)
 (0 1 4)

When “run” through %state-monad, we obtain that additional state value, which is the number of square calls.

Monadic Procedure: current-state

Return the current state as a monadic value.

Monadic Procedure: set-current-state value

Set the current state to value and return the previous state as a monadic value.

Monadic Procedure: state-push value

Push value to the current state, which is assumed to be a list, and return the previous state as a monadic value.

Monadic Procedure: state-pop

Pop a value from the current state and return it as a monadic value. The state is assumed to be a list.

Procedure: run-with-state mval [state]

Run monadic value mval starting with state as the initial state. Return two values: the resulting value, and the resulting state.

The main interface to the store monad, provided by the (guix store) module, is as follows.

Variável: %store-monad

The store monad—an alias for %state-monad.

Values in the store monad encapsulate accesses to the store. When its effect is needed, a value of the store monad must be “evaluated” by passing it to the run-with-store procedure (see below).

Procedure: run-with-store store mval [#:guile-for-build] [#:system (%current-system)] Run mval, a monadic

value in the store monad, in store, an open store connection.

Monadic Procedure: text-file name text [references]

Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file containing text, a string. references is a list of store items that the resulting text file refers to; it defaults to the empty list.

Monadic Procedure: binary-file name data [references]

Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file containing data, a bytevector. references is a list of store items that the resulting binary file refers to; it defaults to the empty list.

Monadic Procedure: interned-file file [name] [#:recursive? #t] [#:select? (const #t)] Return the name of file once

interned in the store. Use name as its store name, or the basename of file if name is omitted.

When recursive? is true, the contents of file are added recursively; if file designates a flat file and recursive? is true, its contents are added, and its permission bits are kept.

When recursive? is true, call (select? file stat) for each directory entry, where file is the entry’s absolute file name and stat is the result of lstat; exclude entries for which select? does not return true.

The example below adds a file to the store, under two different names:

(run-with-store (open-connection)
  (mlet %store-monad ((a (interned-file "README"))
                      (b (interned-file "README" "LEGU-MIN")))
    (return (list a b))))

 ("/gnu/store/rwm…-README" "/gnu/store/44i…-LEGU-MIN")

The (guix packages) module exports the following package-related monadic procedures:

Monadic Procedure: package-file package [file] [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f]  [#:output "out"] Return as a

monadic value in the absolute file name of file within the output directory of package. When file is omitted, return the name of the output directory of package. When target is true, use it as a cross-compilation target triplet.

Note that this procedure does not build package. Thus, the result might or might not designate an existing file. We recommend not using this procedure unless you know what you are doing.

Monadic Procedure: package->derivation package [system]
Monadic Procedure: package->cross-derivation package target [system] Monadic version of package-derivation and

package-cross-derivation (veja Definindo pacotes).

8.12 Expressões-G

So we have “derivations”, which represent a sequence of build actions to be performed to produce an item in the store (veja Derivações). These build actions are performed when asking the daemon to actually build the derivations; they are run by the daemon in a container (veja Invocando guix-daemon).

It should come as no surprise that we like to write these build actions in Scheme. When we do that, we end up with two strata of Scheme code24: the “host code”—code that defines packages, talks to the daemon, etc.—and the “build code”—code that actually performs build actions, such as making directories, invoking make, and so on (veja Fases de construção).

To describe a derivation and its build actions, one typically needs to embed build code inside host code. It boils down to manipulating build code as data, and the homoiconicity of Scheme—code has a direct representation as data—comes in handy for that. But we need more than the normal quasiquote mechanism in Scheme to construct build expressions.

The (guix gexp) module implements G-expressions, a form of S-expressions adapted to build expressions. G-expressions, or gexps, consist essentially of three syntactic forms: gexp, ungexp, and ungexp-splicing (or simply: #~, #$, and #$@), which are comparable to quasiquote, unquote, and unquote-splicing, respectively (veja quasiquote em GNU Guile Reference Manual). However, there are major differences:

  • Gexps are meant to be written to a file and run or manipulated by other processes.
  • When a high-level object such as a package or derivation is unquoted inside a gexp, the result is as if its output file name had been introduced.
  • Gexps carry information about the packages or derivations they refer to, and these dependencies are automatically added as inputs to the build processes that use them.

This mechanism is not limited to package and derivation objects: compilers able to “lower” other high-level objects to derivations or files in the store can be defined, such that these objects can also be inserted into gexps. For example, a useful type of high-level objects that can be inserted in a gexp is “file-like objects”, which make it easy to add files to the store and to refer to them in derivations and such (see local-file and plain-file below).

To illustrate the idea, here is an example of a gexp:

(define build-exp
      (mkdir #$output)
      (chdir #$output)
      (symlink (string-append #$coreutils "/bin/ls")

This gexp can be passed to gexp->derivation; we obtain a derivation that builds a directory containing exactly one symlink to /gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22/bin/ls:

(gexp->derivation "the-thing" build-exp)

As one would expect, the "/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22" string is substituted to the reference to the coreutils package in the actual build code, and coreutils is automatically made an input to the derivation. Likewise, #$output (equivalent to (ungexp output)) is replaced by a string containing the directory name of the output of the derivation.

In a cross-compilation context, it is useful to distinguish between references to the native build of a package—that can run on the host—versus references to cross builds of a package. To that end, the #+ plays the same role as #$, but is a reference to a native package build:

(gexp->derivation "vi"
       (mkdir #$output)
       (mkdir (string-append #$output "/bin"))
       (system* (string-append #+coreutils "/bin/ln")
                (string-append #$emacs "/bin/emacs")
                (string-append #$output "/bin/vi")))
   #:target "aarch64-linux-gnu")

In the example above, the native build of coreutils is used, so that ln can actually run on the host; but then the cross-compiled build of emacs is referenced.

Another gexp feature is imported modules: sometimes you want to be able to use certain Guile modules from the “host environment” in the gexp, so those modules should be imported in the “build environment”. The with-imported-modules form allows you to express that:

(let ((build (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
                   (use-modules (guix build utils))
                   (mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/bin"))))))
  (gexp->derivation "empty-dir"
                        (display "success!\n")

In this example, the (guix build utils) module is automatically pulled into the isolated build environment of our gexp, such that (use-modules (guix build utils)) works as expected.

Usually you want the closure of the module to be imported—i.e., the module itself and all the modules it depends on—rather than just the module; failing to do that, attempts to use the module will fail because of missing dependent modules. The source-module-closure procedure computes the closure of a module by looking at its source file headers, which comes in handy in this case:

(use-modules (guix modules))   ;for 'source-module-closure'

(with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
                         '((guix build utils)
                           (gnu build image)))
  (gexp->derivation "something-with-vms"
                        (use-modules (guix build utils)
                                     (gnu build image))

In the same vein, sometimes you want to import not just pure-Scheme modules, but also “extensions” such as Guile bindings to C libraries or other “full-blown” packages. Say you need the guile-json package available on the build side, here’s how you would do it:

(use-modules (gnu packages guile))  ;for 'guile-json'

(with-extensions (list guile-json)
  (gexp->derivation "something-with-json"
                        (use-modules (json))

The syntactic form to construct gexps is summarized below.

Macro: #~exp
Macro: (gexp exp)

Return a G-expression containing exp. exp may contain one or more of the following forms:

(ungexp obj)

Introduce a reference to obj. obj may have one of the supported types, for example a package or a derivation, in which case the ungexp form is replaced by its output file name—e.g., "/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22.

If obj is a list, it is traversed and references to supported objects are substituted similarly.

If obj is another gexp, its contents are inserted and its dependencies are added to those of the containing gexp.

If obj is another kind of object, it is inserted as is.

(ungexp obj saída)

This is like the form above, but referring explicitly to the output of obj—this is useful when obj produces multiple outputs (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas).

Sometimes a gexp unconditionally refers to the "out" output, but the user of that gexp would still like to insert a reference to another output. The gexp-input procedure aims to address that. Veja gexp-input.

(ungexp-native obj)
(ungexp-native obj output)

Same as ungexp, but produces a reference to the native build of obj when used in a cross compilation context.

(ungexp output [saída])

Insert a reference to derivation output output, or to the main output when output is omitted.

This only makes sense for gexps passed to gexp->derivation.

(ungexp-splicing lst)

Like the above, but splices the contents of lst inside the containing list.

(ungexp-native-splicing lst)

Like the above, but refers to native builds of the objects listed in lst.

G-expressions created by gexp or #~ are run-time objects of the gexp? type (see below).

Macro: with-imported-modules modules body…

Mark the gexps defined in body… as requiring modules in their execution environment.

Each item in modules can be the name of a module, such as (guix build utils), or it can be a module name, followed by an arrow, followed by a file-like object:

`((guix build utils)
  (guix gcrypt)
  ((guix config) => ,(scheme-file "config.scm"
                                  #~(define-module ))))

In the example above, the first two modules are taken from the search path, and the last one is created from the given file-like object.

This form has lexical scope: it has an effect on the gexps directly defined in body…, but not on those defined, say, in procedures called from body….

Macro: with-extensions extensions body…

Mark the gexps defined in body… as requiring extensions in their build and execution environment. extensions is typically a list of package objects such as those defined in the (gnu packages guile) module.

Concretely, the packages listed in extensions are added to the load path while compiling imported modules in body…; they are also added to the load path of the gexp returned by body….

Procedure: gexp? obj

Return #t if obj is a G-expression.

G-expressions are meant to be written to disk, either as code building some derivation, or as plain files in the store. The monadic procedures below allow you to do that (veja A mônada do armazém, for more information about monads).

Monadic Procedure: gexp->derivation name exp [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] [#:graft? #t]  [#:hash #f]

[#:hash-algo #f]  [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars ’()] [#:modules ’()]  [#:module-path %load-path]  [#:effective-version "2.2"]  [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f]  [#:disallowed-references #f]  [#:leaked-env-vars #f]  [#:script-name (string-append name "-builder")]  [#:deprecation-warnings #f]  [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t]  [#:properties ’()] [#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation name that runs exp (a gexp) with guile-for-build (a derivation) on system; exp is stored in a file called script-name. When target is true, it is used as the cross-compilation target triplet for packages referred to by exp.

modules is deprecated in favor of with-imported-modules. Its meaning is to make modules available in the evaluation context of exp; modules is a list of names of Guile modules searched in module-path to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in the load path during the execution of exp—e.g., ((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system)).

effective-version determines the string to use when adding extensions of exp (see with-extensions) to the search path—e.g., "2.2".

graft? determines whether packages referred to by exp should be grafted when applicable.

When references-graphs is true, it must be a list of tuples of one of the following forms:

(file-name obj)
(file-name obj output)
(file-name gexp-input)
(file-name store-item)

The right-hand-side of each element of references-graphs is automatically made an input of the build process of exp. In the build environment, each file-name contains the reference graph of the corresponding item, in a simple text format.

allowed-references must be either #f or a list of output names and packages. In the latter case, the list denotes store items that the result is allowed to refer to. Any reference to another store item will lead to a build error. Similarly for disallowed-references, which can list items that must not be referenced by the outputs.

deprecation-warnings determines whether to show deprecation warnings while compiling modules. It can be #f, #t, or 'detailed.

The other arguments are as for derivation (veja Derivações).

The local-file, plain-file, computed-file, program-file, and scheme-file procedures below return file-like objects. That is, when unquoted in a G-expression, these objects lead to a file in the store. Consider this G-expression:

#~(system* #$(file-append glibc "/sbin/nscd") "-f"
           #$(local-file "/tmp/my-nscd.conf"))

The effect here is to “intern” /tmp/my-nscd.conf by copying it to the store. Once expanded, for instance via gexp->derivation, the G-expression refers to that copy under /gnu/store; thus, modifying or removing the file in /tmp does not have any effect on what the G-expression does. plain-file can be used similarly; it differs in that the file content is directly passed as a string.

Procedure: local-file file [name] [#:recursive? #f] [#:select? (const #t)]

Return an object representing local file file to add to the store; this object can be used in a gexp. If file is a literal string denoting a relative file name, it is looked up relative to the source file where it appears; if file is not a literal string, it is looked up relative to the current working directory at run time. file will be added to the store under name–by default the base name of file.

When recursive? is true, the contents of file are added recursively; if file designates a flat file and recursive? is true, its contents are added, and its permission bits are kept.

When recursive? is true, call (select? file stat) for each directory entry, where file is the entry’s absolute file name and stat is the result of lstat; exclude entries for which select? does not return true.

file can be wrapped in the assume-valid-file-name syntactic keyword. When this is done, there will not be a warning when local-file is used with a non-literal path. The path is still looked up relative to the current working directory at run time. Wrapping is done like this:

(define alice-key-file-path "")
;; ...
(local-file (assume-valid-file-name alice-key-file-path))

file can be wrapped in the assume-source-relative-file-name syntactic keyword. When this is done, the file name will be looked up relative to the source file where it appears even when it is not a string literal.

This is the declarative counterpart of the interned-file monadic procedure (veja interned-file).

Procedure: plain-file name content

Return an object representing a text file called name with the given content (a string or a bytevector) to be added to the store.

This is the declarative counterpart of text-file.

Procedure: computed-file name gexp [#:local-build? #t] [#:options '()]

Return an object representing the store item name, a file or directory computed by gexp. When local-build? is true (the default), the derivation is built locally. options is a list of additional arguments to pass to gexp->derivation.

This is the declarative counterpart of gexp->derivation.

Monadic Procedure: gexp->script name exp [#:guile (default-guile)] [#:module-path %load-path]  [#:system

(%current-system)] [#:target #f] Return an executable script name that runs exp using guile, with exp’s imported modules in its search path. Look up exp’s modules in module-path.

The example below builds a script that simply invokes the ls command:

(use-modules (guix gexp) (gnu packages base))

(gexp->script "list-files"
              #~(execl #$(file-append coreutils "/bin/ls")

When “running” it through the store (veja run-with-store), we obtain a derivation that produces an executable file /gnu/store/…-list-files along these lines:

#!/gnu/store/…-guile-2.0.11/bin/guile -ds
(execl "/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22"/bin/ls" "ls")
Procedure: program-file name exp [#:guile #f] [#:module-path %load-path]

Return an object representing the executable store item name that runs gexp. guile is the Guile package used to execute that script. Imported modules of gexp are looked up in module-path.

This is the declarative counterpart of gexp->script.

Monadic Procedure: gexp->file name exp [#:set-load-path? #t] [#:module-path %load-path]  [#:splice? #f]  [#:guile

(default-guile)] Return a derivation that builds a file name containing exp. When splice? is true, exp is considered to be a list of expressions that will be spliced in the resulting file.

When set-load-path? is true, emit code in the resulting file to set %load-path and %load-compiled-path to honor exp’s imported modules. Look up exp’s modules in module-path.

The resulting file holds references to all the dependencies of exp or a subset thereof.

Procedure: scheme-file name exp [#:splice? #f] [#:guile #f] [#:set-load-path? #t] Return an object representing the Scheme

file name that contains exp. guile is the Guile package used to produce that file.

This is the declarative counterpart of gexp->file.

Monadic Procedure: text-file* name text

Return as a monadic value a derivation that builds a text file containing all of text. text may list, in addition to strings, objects of any type that can be used in a gexp: packages, derivations, local file objects, etc. The resulting store file holds references to all these.

This variant should be preferred over text-file anytime the file to create will reference items from the store. This is typically the case when building a configuration file that embeds store file names, like this:

(define (
  ;; Return the name of a shell script in the store that
  ;; initializes the 'PATH' environment variable.
  (text-file* ""
              "export PATH=" coreutils "/bin:"
              grep "/bin:" sed "/bin\n"))

In this example, the resulting /gnu/store/… file will reference coreutils, grep, and sed, thereby preventing them from being garbage-collected during its lifetime.

Procedure: mixed-text-file name text …

Return an object representing store file name containing text. text is a sequence of strings and file-like objects, as in:

(mixed-text-file "profile"
                 "export PATH=" coreutils "/bin:" grep "/bin")

This is the declarative counterpart of text-file*.

Procedure: file-union name files

Return a <computed-file> that builds a directory containing all of files. Each item in files must be a two-element list where the first element is the file name to use in the new directory, and the second element is a gexp denoting the target file. Here’s an example:

(file-union "etc"
            `(("hosts" ,(plain-file "hosts"
                                    " localhost"))
              ("bashrc" ,(plain-file "bashrc"
                                     "alias ls='ls --color=auto'"))))

This yields an etc directory containing these two files.

Procedure: directory-union name things

Return a directory that is the union of things, where things is a list of file-like objects denoting directories. For example:

(directory-union "guile+emacs" (list guile emacs))

yields a directory that is the union of the guile and emacs packages.

Procedure: file-append obj suffix …

Return a file-like object that expands to the concatenation of obj and suffix, where obj is a lowerable object and each suffix is a string.

As an example, consider this gexp:

(gexp->script "run-uname"
              #~(system* #$(file-append coreutils

The same effect could be achieved with:

(gexp->script "run-uname"
              #~(system* (string-append #$coreutils

There is one difference though: in the file-append case, the resulting script contains the absolute file name as a string, whereas in the second case, the resulting script contains a (string-append …) expression to construct the file name at run time.

Macro: let-system system body…
Macro: let-system (system target) body…

Bind system to the currently targeted system—e.g., "x86_64-linux"—within body.

In the second case, additionally bind target to the current cross-compilation target—a GNU triplet such as "arm-linux-gnueabihf"—or #f if we are not cross-compiling.

let-system is useful in the occasional case where the object spliced into the gexp depends on the target system, as in this example:

   #+(let-system system
       (cond ((string-prefix? "armhf-" system)
              (file-append qemu "/bin/qemu-system-arm"))
             ((string-prefix? "x86_64-" system)
              (file-append qemu "/bin/qemu-system-x86_64"))
              (error "dunno!"))))
   "-net" "user" #$image)
Macro: with-parameters ((parameter value) …) exp

This macro is similar to the parameterize form for dynamically-bound parameters (veja Parameters em GNU Guile Reference Manual). The key difference is that it takes effect when the file-like object returned by exp is lowered to a derivation or store item.

A typical use of with-parameters is to force the system in effect for a given object:

(with-parameters ((%current-system "i686-linux"))

The example above returns an object that corresponds to the i686 build of Coreutils, regardless of the current value of %current-system.

Procedure: gexp-input obj [output] [#:native? #f]

Return a gexp input record for the given output of file-like object obj, with #:native? determining whether this is a native reference (as with ungexp-native) or not.

This procedure is helpful when you want to pass a reference to a specific output of an object to some procedure that may not know about that output. For example, assume you have this procedure, which takes one file-like object:

(define (make-symlink target)
  (computed-file "the-symlink"
                 #~(symlink #$target #$output)))

Here make-symlink can only ever refer to the default output of target—the "out" output (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas). To have it refer to, say, the "lib" output of the hwloc package, you can call it like so:

(make-symlink (gexp-input hwloc "lib"))

You can also compose it like any other file-like object:

  (file-append (gexp-input hwloc "lib") "/lib/"))

Of course, in addition to gexps embedded in “host” code, there are also modules containing build tools. To make it clear that they are meant to be used in the build stratum, these modules are kept in the (guix build …) name space.

Internally, high-level objects are lowered, using their compiler, to either derivations or store items. For instance, lowering a package yields a derivation, and lowering a plain-file yields a store item. This is achieved using the lower-object monadic procedure.

Monadic Procedure: lower-object obj [system] [#:target #f] Return as a value in %store-monad the derivation or

store item corresponding to obj for system, cross-compiling for target if target is true. obj must be an object that has an associated gexp compiler, such as a <package>.

Procedure: gexp->approximate-sexp gexp

Sometimes, it may be useful to convert a G-exp into a S-exp. For example, some linters (veja Invocando guix lint) peek into the build phases of a package to detect potential problems. This conversion can be achieved with this procedure. However, some information can be lost in the process. More specifically, lowerable objects will be silently replaced with some arbitrary object – currently the list (*approximate*), but this may change.

8.13 Invocando guix repl

The guix repl command makes it easier to program Guix in Guile by launching a Guile read-eval-print loop (REPL) for interactive programming (veja Using Guile Interactively em GNU Guile Reference Manual), or by running Guile scripts (veja Running Guile Scripts em GNU Guile Reference Manual). Compared to just launching the guile command, guix repl guarantees that all the Guix modules and all its dependencies are available in the search path.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix repl options [file args]

When a file argument is provided, file is executed as a Guile scripts:

guix repl my-script.scm

To pass arguments to the script, use -- to prevent them from being interpreted as arguments to guix repl itself:

guix repl -- my-script.scm --input=foo.txt

To make a script executable directly from the shell, using the guix executable that is on the user’s search path, add the following two lines at the top of the script:

#!/usr/bin/env -S guix repl --

To make a script that launches an interactive REPL directly from the shell, use the --interactive flag:

#!/usr/bin/env -S guix repl --interactive

Without a file name argument, a Guile REPL is started, allowing for interactive use (veja Usando Guix interativamente):

$ guix repl
scheme@(guile-user)> ,use (gnu packages base)
scheme@(guile-user)> coreutils
$1 = #<package coreutils@8.29 gnu/packages/base.scm:327 3e28300>

In addition, guix repl implements a simple machine-readable REPL protocol for use by (guix inferior), a facility to interact with inferiors, separate processes running a potentially different revision of Guix.

As opções disponíveis são as seguintes:


Display the TYPE options for guix repl --type=TYPE and exit.

-t tipo

Start a REPL of the given TYPE, which can be one of the following:


This is default, and it spawns a standard full-featured Guile REPL.


Spawn a REPL that uses the machine-readable protocol. This is the protocol that the (guix inferior) module speaks.


By default, guix repl reads from standard input and writes to standard output. When this option is passed, it will instead listen for connections on endpoint. Here are examples of valid options:


Accept connections on localhost on port 37146.


Accept connections on the Unix-domain socket /tmp/socket.


Launch the interactive REPL after file is executed.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the script or REPL.


Inhibit loading of the ~/.guile file. By default, that configuration file is loaded when spawning a guile REPL.

8.14 Usando Guix interativamente

The guix repl command gives you access to a warm and friendly read-eval-print loop (REPL) (veja Invocando guix repl). If you’re getting into Guix programming—defining your own packages, writing manifests, defining services for Guix System or Guix Home, etc.—you will surely find it convenient to toy with ideas at the REPL.

If you use Emacs, the most convenient way to do that is with Geiser (veja A configuração perfeita), but you do not have to use Emacs to enjoy the REPL. When using guix repl or guile in the terminal, we recommend using Readline for completion and Colorized to get colorful output. To do that, you can run:

guix install guile guile-readline guile-colorized

... and then create a .guile file in your home directory containing this:

(use-modules (ice-9 readline) (ice-9 colorized))


The REPL lets you evaluate Scheme code; you type a Scheme expression at the prompt, and the REPL prints what it evaluates to:

$ guix repl
scheme@(guix-user)> (+ 2 3)
$1 = 5
scheme@(guix-user)> (string-append "a" "b")
$2 = "ab"

It becomes interesting when you start fiddling with Guix at the REPL. The first thing you’ll want to do is to “import” the (guix) module, which gives access to the main part of the programming interface, and perhaps a bunch of useful Guix modules. You could type (use-modules (guix)), which is valid Scheme code to import a module (veja Using Guile Modules em GNU Guile Reference Manual), but the REPL provides the use command as a shorthand notation (veja REPL Commands em GNU Guile Reference Manual):

scheme@(guix-user)> ,use (guix)
scheme@(guix-user)> ,use (gnu packages base)

Notice that REPL commands are introduced by a leading comma. A REPL command like use is not valid Scheme code; it’s interpreted specially by the REPL.

Guix extends the Guile REPL with additional commands for convenience. Among those, the build command comes in handy: it ensures that the given file-like object is built, building it if needed, and returns its output file name(s). In the example below, we build the coreutils and grep packages, as well as a “computed file” (veja computed-file), and we use the scandir procedure to list the files in Grep’s /bin directory:

scheme@(guix-user)> ,build coreutils
$1 = "/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.32-debug"
$2 = "/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.32"
scheme@(guix-user)> ,build grep
$3 = "/gnu/store/…-grep-3.6"
scheme@(guix-user)> ,build (computed-file "x" #~(mkdir #$output))
building /gnu/store/…-x.drv...
$4 = "/gnu/store/…-x"
scheme@(guix-user)> ,use(ice-9 ftw)
scheme@(guix-user)> (scandir (string-append $3 "/bin"))
$5 = ("." ".." "egrep" "fgrep" "grep")

As a packager, you may be willing to inspect the build phases or flags of a given package; this is particularly useful when relying a lot on inheritance to define package variants (veja Definindo variantes de pacote) or when package arguments are a result of some computation, both of which can make it harder to foresee what ends up in the package arguments. Additional commands let you inspect those package arguments:

scheme@(guix-user)> ,phases grep
$1 = (modify-phases %standard-phases
       (add-after 'install 'fix-egrep-and-fgrep
         (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
           (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
                  (bin (string-append out "/bin")))
             (substitute* (list (string-append bin "/egrep")
                                (string-append bin "/fgrep"))
               (("^exec grep")
                (string-append "exec " bin "/grep")))))))
scheme@(guix-user)> ,configure-flags findutils
$2 = (list "--localstatedir=/var")
scheme@(guix-user)> ,make-flags binutils
$3 = '("MAKEINFO=true")

At a lower-level, a useful command is lower: it takes a file-like object and “lowers” it into a derivation (veja Derivações) or a store file:

scheme@(guix-user)> ,lower grep
$6 = #<derivation /gnu/store/…-grep-3.6.drv => /gnu/store/…-grep-3.6 7f0e639115f0>
scheme@(guix-user)> ,lower (plain-file "x" "Hello!")
$7 = "/gnu/store/…-x"

The full list of REPL commands can be seen by typing ,help guix and is given below for reference.

REPL command: build object

Lower object and build it if it’s not already built, returning its output file name(s).

REPL command: lower object

Lower object into a derivation or store file name and return it.

REPL command: verbosity level

Change build verbosity to level.

This is similar to the --verbosity command-line option (veja Opções de compilação comuns): level 0 means total silence, level 1 shows build events only, and higher levels print build logs.

REPL command: phases package
REPL command: configure-flags package
REPL command: make-flags package

These REPL commands return the value of one element of the arguments field of package (veja Referência do package): the first one show the staged code associated with #:phases (veja Fases de construção), the second shows the code for #:configure-flags, and ,make-flags returns the code for #:make-flags.

REPL command: run-in-store exp

Run exp, a monadic expression, through the store monad. Veja A mônada do armazém, for more information.

REPL command: enter-store-monad

Enter a new REPL to evaluate monadic expressions (veja A mônada do armazém). You can quit this “inner” REPL by typing ,q.

9 Utilitários

This section describes Guix command-line utilities. Some of them are primarily targeted at developers and users who write new package definitions, while others are more generally useful. They complement the Scheme programming interface of Guix in a convenient way.

9.1 Invocando guix build

The guix build command builds packages or derivations and their dependencies, and prints the resulting store paths. Note that it does not modify the user’s profile—this is the job of the guix package command (veja Invocando guix package). Thus, it is mainly useful for distribution developers.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix build options package-or-derivation

As an example, the following command builds the latest versions of Emacs and of Guile, displays their build logs, and finally displays the resulting directories:

guix build emacs guile

Similarly, the following command builds all the available packages:

guix build --quiet --keep-going \
  $(guix package -A | awk '{ print $1 "@" $2 }')

package-or-derivation may be either the name of a package found in the software distribution such as coreutils or coreutils@8.20, or a derivation such as /gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.19.drv. In the former case, a package with the corresponding name (and optionally version) is searched for among the GNU distribution modules (veja Módulos de pacote).

Alternatively, the --expression option may be used to specify a Scheme expression that evaluates to a package; this is useful when disambiguating among several same-named packages or package variants is needed.

There may be zero or more options. The available options are described in the subsections below.

9.1.1 Opções de compilação comuns

A number of options that control the build process are common to guix build and other commands that can spawn builds, such as guix package or guix archive. These are the following:

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools.


Keep the build tree of failed builds. Thus, if a build fails, its build tree is kept under /tmp, in a directory whose name is shown at the end of the build log. This is useful when debugging build issues. Veja Depurando falhas de compilação, for tips and tricks on how to debug build issues.

This option implies --no-offload, and it has no effect when connecting to a remote daemon with a guix:// URI (veja the GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET variable).


Keep going when some of the derivations fail to build; return only once all the builds have either completed or failed.

The default behavior is to stop as soon as one of the specified derivations has failed.


Do not build the derivations.


When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages locally (veja Falha na substituição).


Consider urls the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs, overriding the default list of URLs of guix-daemon (veja guix-daemon URLs).

This means that substitutes may be downloaded from urls, provided they are signed by a key authorized by the system administrator (veja Substitutos).

When urls is the empty string, substitutes are effectively disabled.


Não use substitutos para compilar produtos. Ou seja, sempre crie coisas localmente, em vez de permitir downloads de binários pré-compilados (veja Substitutos).


Do not “graft” packages. In practice, this means that package updates available as grafts are not applied. Veja Atualizações de segurança, for more information on grafts.


Build each derivation n times in a row, and raise an error if consecutive build results are not bit-for-bit identical.

This is a useful way to detect non-deterministic builds processes. Non-deterministic build processes are a problem because they make it practically impossible for users to verify whether third-party binaries are genuine. Veja Invocando guix challenge, for more.

Quando usado em conjunto com --keep-failed, uma saída de comparação é mantida no armazém, sob /gnu/store/…-check. Isso facilita procurar por diferenças entre os dois resultados.


Não use compilações de offload para outras máquinas (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento). Ou seja, sempre compile as coisas localmente em vez de descarregar compilações para máquinas remotas.


Quando o processo de compilação ou substituição permanecer em silêncio por mais de segundos, encerra-o e relata uma falha de compilação.

By default, the daemon’s setting is honored (veja --max-silent-time).


Da mesma forma, quando o processo de compilação ou substituição durar mais que segundos, encerra-o e relata uma falha de compilação.

By default, the daemon’s setting is honored (veja --timeout).

-v level

Use the given verbosity level, an integer. Choosing 0 means that no output is produced, 1 is for quiet output; 2 is similar to 1 but it additionally displays download URLs; 3 shows all the build log output on standard error.

-c n

Allow the use of up to n CPU cores for the build. The special value 0 means to use as many CPU cores as available.

-M n

Allow at most n build jobs in parallel. Veja --max-jobs, for details about this option and the equivalent guix-daemon option.


Produce debugging output coming from the build daemon. level must be an integer between 0 and 5; higher means more verbose output. Setting a level of 4 or more may be helpful when debugging setup issues with the build daemon.

Behind the scenes, guix build is essentially an interface to the package-derivation procedure of the (guix packages) module, and to the build-derivations procedure of the (guix derivations) module.

In addition to options explicitly passed on the command line, guix build and other guix commands that support building honor the GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable.

Environment Variable: GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS

Users can define this variable to a list of command line options that will automatically be used by guix build and other guix commands that can perform builds, as in the example below:

$ export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS="--no-substitutes -c 2 -L /foo/bar"

These options are parsed independently, and the result is appended to the parsed command-line options.

9.1.2 Opções de transformação de pacote

Another set of command-line options supported by guix build and also guix package are package transformation options. These are options that make it possible to define package variants—for instance, packages built from different source code. This is a convenient way to create customized packages on the fly without having to type in the definitions of package variants (veja Definindo pacotes).

Package transformation options are preserved across upgrades: guix upgrade attempts to apply transformation options initially used when creating the profile to the upgraded packages.

The available options are listed below. Most commands support them and also support a --help-transform option that lists all the available options and a synopsis (these options are not shown in the --help output for brevity).


Use versions of the packages marked as “tunable” optimized for cpu. When cpu is native, or when it is omitted, tune for the CPU on which the guix command is running.

Valid cpu names are those recognized by the underlying compiler, by default the GNU Compiler Collection. On x86_64 processors, this includes CPU names such as nehalem, haswell, and skylake (veja -march em Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)).

As new generations of CPUs come out, they augment the standard instruction set architecture (ISA) with additional instructions, in particular instructions for single-instruction/multiple-data (SIMD) parallel processing. For example, while Core2 and Skylake CPUs both implement the x86_64 ISA, only the latter supports AVX2 SIMD instructions.

The primary gain one can expect from --tune is for programs that can make use of those SIMD capabilities and that do not already have a mechanism to select the right optimized code at run time. Packages that have the tunable? property set are considered tunable packages by the --tune option; a package definition with the property set looks like this:

  (name "hello-simd")
  ;; ...

  ;; This package may benefit from SIMD extensions so
  ;; mark it as "tunable".
  (properties '((tunable? . #t))))

Other packages are not considered tunable. This allows Guix to use generic binaries in the cases where tuning for a specific CPU is unlikely to provide any gain.

Tuned packages are built with -march=CPU; under the hood, the -march option is passed to the actual wrapper by a compiler wrapper. Since the build machine may not be able to run code for the target CPU micro-architecture, the test suite is not run when building a tuned package.

To reduce rebuilds to the minimum, tuned packages are grafted onto packages that depend on them (veja grafts). Thus, using --no-grafts cancels the effect of --tune.

We call this technique package multi-versioning: several variants of tunable packages may be built, one for each CPU variant. It is the coarse-grain counterpart of function multi-versioning as implemented by the GNU tool chain (veja Function Multiversioning em Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)).


Use source as the source of package, and version as its version number. source must be a file name or a URL, as for guix download (veja Invocando guix download).

When package is omitted, it is taken to be the package name specified on the command line that matches the base of source—e.g., if source is /src/guile-2.0.10.tar.gz, the corresponding package is guile.

Likewise, when version is omitted, the version string is inferred from source; in the previous example, it is 2.0.10.

This option allows users to try out versions of packages other than the one provided by the distribution. The example below downloads ed-1.7.tar.gz from a GNU mirror and uses that as the source for the ed package:

guix build ed --with-source=mirror://gnu/ed/ed-1.4.tar.gz

As a developer, --with-source makes it easy to test release candidates, and even to test their impact on packages that depend on them:

guix build elogind --with-source=…/shepherd-0.9.0rc1.tar.gz

… or to build from a checkout in a pristine environment:

$ git clone git://
$ guix build guix --with-source=guix@1.0=./guix

Replace dependency on package by a dependency on replacement. package must be a package name, and replacement must be a package specification such as guile or guile@1.8.

For instance, the following command builds Guix, but replaces its dependency on the current stable version of Guile with a dependency on the legacy version of Guile, guile@2.2:

guix build --with-input=guile=guile@2.2 guix

This is a recursive, deep replacement. So in this example, both guix and its dependency guile-json (which also depends on guile) get rebuilt against guile@2.2.

This is implemented using the package-input-rewriting/spec Scheme procedure (veja package-input-rewriting/spec).


This is similar to --with-input but with an important difference: instead of rebuilding the whole dependency chain, replacement is built and then grafted onto the binaries that were initially referring to package. Veja Atualizações de segurança, for more information on grafts.

For example, the command below grafts version 3.5.4 of GnuTLS onto Wget and all its dependencies, replacing references to the version of GnuTLS they currently refer to:

guix build --with-graft=gnutls=gnutls@3.5.4 wget

This has the advantage of being much faster than rebuilding everything. But there is a caveat: it works if and only if package and replacement are strictly compatible—for example, if they provide a library, the application binary interface (ABI) of those libraries must be compatible. If replacement is somehow incompatible with package, then the resulting package may be unusable. Use with care!


Build package in a way that preserves its debugging info and graft it onto packages that depend on it. This is useful if package does not already provide debugging info as a debug output (veja Instalando arquivos de depuração).

For example, suppose you’re experiencing a crash in Inkscape and would like to see what’s up in GLib, a library deep down in Inkscape’s dependency graph. GLib lacks a debug output, so debugging is tough. Fortunately, you rebuild GLib with debugging info and tack it on Inkscape:

guix install inkscape --with-debug-info=glib

Only GLib needs to be recompiled so this takes a reasonable amount of time. Veja Instalando arquivos de depuração, for more info.

Nota: Under the hood, this option works by passing the ‘#:strip-binaries? #f’ to the build system of the package of interest (veja Sistemas de compilação). Most build systems support that option but some do not. In that case, an error is raised.

Likewise, if a C/C++ package is built without -g (which is rarely the case), debugging info will remain unavailable even when #:strip-binaries? is false.


This option changes the compilation of package and everything that depends on it so that they get built with toolchain instead of the default GNU tool chain for C/C++.

Considere este exemplo:

guix build octave-cli \
  --with-c-toolchain=fftw=gcc-toolchain@10 \

The command above builds a variant of the fftw and fftwf packages using version 10 of gcc-toolchain instead of the default tool chain, and then builds a variant of the GNU Octave command-line interface using them. GNU Octave itself is also built with gcc-toolchain@10.

This other example builds the Hardware Locality (hwloc) library and its dependents up to intel-mpi-benchmarks with the Clang C compiler:

guix build --with-c-toolchain=hwloc=clang-toolchain \

Nota: There can be application binary interface (ABI) incompatibilities among tool chains. This is particularly true of the C++ standard library and run-time support libraries such as that of OpenMP. By rebuilding all dependents with the same tool chain, --with-c-toolchain minimizes the risks of incompatibility but cannot entirely eliminate them. Choose package wisely.


Build package from the latest commit of the master branch of the Git repository at url. Git sub-modules of the repository are fetched, recursively.

For example, the following command builds the NumPy Python library against the latest commit of the master branch of Python itself:

guix build python-numpy \

This option can also be combined with --with-branch or --with-commit (see below).

Obviously, since it uses the latest commit of the given branch, the result of such a command varies over time. Nevertheless it is a convenient way to rebuild entire software stacks against the latest commit of one or more packages. This is particularly useful in the context of continuous integration (CI).

Checkouts are kept in a cache under ~/.cache/guix/checkouts to speed up consecutive accesses to the same repository. You may want to clean it up once in a while to save disk space.


Build package from the latest commit of branch. If the source field of package is an origin with the git-fetch method (veja Referência do origin) or a git-checkout object, the repository URL is taken from that source. Otherwise you have to use --with-git-url to specify the URL of the Git repository.

For instance, the following command builds guile-sqlite3 from the latest commit of its master branch, and then builds guix (which depends on it) and cuirass (which depends on guix) against this specific guile-sqlite3 build:

guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass

This is similar to --with-branch, except that it builds from commit rather than the tip of a branch. commit must be a valid Git commit SHA1 identifier, a tag, or a git describe style identifier such as 1.0-3-gabc123.


Add file to the list of patches applied to package, where package is a spec such as python@3.8 or glibc. file must contain a patch; it is applied with the flags specified in the origin of package (veja Referência do origin), which by default includes -p1 (veja patch Directories em Comparing and Merging Files).

As an example, the command below rebuilds Coreutils with the GNU C Library (glibc) patched with the given patch:

guix build coreutils --with-patch=glibc=./glibc-frob.patch

In this example, glibc itself as well as everything that leads to Coreutils in the dependency graph is rebuilt.


Append flag to the configure flags of package, where package is a spec such as guile@3.0 or glibc. The build system of package must support the #:configure-flags argument.

For example, the command below builds GNU Hello with the configure flag --disable-nls:

guix build hello --with-configure-flag=hello=--disable-nls

The following command passes an extra flag to cmake as it builds lapack:

guix build lapack \

Nota: Under the hood, this option works by passing the ‘#:configure-flags’ argument to the build system of the package of interest (veja Sistemas de compilação). Most build systems support that option but some do not. In that case, an error is raised.


So you like living on the bleeding edge? The --with-latest option is for you! It replaces occurrences of package in the dependency graph with its latest upstream version, as reported by guix refresh (veja Invocando guix refresh).

It does so by determining the latest upstream release of package (if possible), downloading it, and authenticating it if it comes with an OpenPGP signature.

As an example, the command below builds Guix against the latest version of Guile-JSON:

guix build guix --with-latest=guile-json

The --with-version works similarly except that it lets you specify that you want precisely version, assuming that version exists upstream. For example, to spawn a development environment with SciPy built against version 1.22.4 of NumPy (skipping its test suite because hey, we’re not gonna wait this long), you would run:

guix shell python python-scipy --with-version=python-numpy=1.22.4

Aviso: Because they depend on source code published at a given point in time on upstream servers, deployments made with --with-latest and --with-version may be non-reproducible: source might disappear or be modified in place on the servers.

To deploy old software versions without compromising on reproducibility, veja guix time-machine.

There are limitations. First, in cases where the tool cannot or does not know how to authenticate source code, you are at risk of running malicious code; a warning is emitted in this case. Second, this option simply changes the source used in the existing package definitions, which is not always sufficient: there might be additional dependencies that need to be added, patches to apply, and more generally the quality assurance work that Guix developers normally do will be missing.

You’ve been warned! When those limitations are acceptable, it’s a snappy way to stay on top. We encourage you to submit patches updating the actual package definitions once you have successfully tested an upgrade with --with-latest (veja Contribuindo).


Build package without running its tests. This can be useful in situations where you want to skip the lengthy test suite of a intermediate package, or if a package’s test suite fails in a non-deterministic fashion. It should be used with care because running the test suite is a good way to ensure a package is working as intended.

Turning off tests leads to a different store item. Consequently, when using this option, anything that depends on package must be rebuilt, as in this example:

guix install --without-tests=python python-notebook

The command above installs python-notebook on top of python built without running its test suite. To do so, it also rebuilds everything that depends on python, including python-notebook itself.

Internally, --without-tests relies on changing the #:tests? option of a package’s check phase (veja Sistemas de compilação). Note that some packages use a customized check phase that does not respect a #:tests? #f setting. Therefore, --without-tests has no effect on these packages.

Wondering how to achieve the same effect using Scheme code, for example in your manifest, or how to write your own package transformation? Veja Definindo variantes de pacote, for an overview of the programming interfaces available.

9.1.3 Opções de compilação adicional

The command-line options presented below are specific to guix build.


Build quietly, without displaying the build log; this is equivalent to --verbosity=0. Upon completion, the build log is kept in /var (or similar) and can always be retrieved using the --log-file option.

-f arquivo

Build the package, derivation, or other file-like object that the code within file evaluates to (veja file-like objects).

As an example, file might contain a package definition like this (veja Definindo pacotes):

(use-modules (guix)
             (guix build-system gnu)
             (guix licenses))

  (name "hello")
  (version "2.10")
  (source (origin
            (method url-fetch)
            (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
  (build-system gnu-build-system)
  (synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
  (description "Guess what GNU Hello prints!")
  (home-page "")
  (license gpl3+))

The file may also contain a JSON representation of one or more package definitions. Running guix build -f on hello.json with the following contents would result in building the packages myhello and greeter:

    "name": "myhello",
    "version": "2.10",
    "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
    "build-system": "gnu",
    "arguments": {
      "tests?": false
    "home-page": "",
    "synopsis": "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package",
    "description": "GNU Hello prints a greeting.",
    "license": "GPL-3.0+",
    "native-inputs": ["gettext"]
    "name": "greeter",
    "version": "1.0",
    "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
    "build-system": "gnu",
    "arguments": {
      "test-target": "foo",
      "parallel-build?": false
    "home-page": "",
    "synopsis": "Greeter using GNU Hello",
    "description": "This is a wrapper around GNU Hello.",
    "license": "GPL-3.0+",
    "inputs": ["myhello", "hello"]
-m manifest

Build all packages listed in the given manifest (veja --manifest).

-e expr

Build the package or derivation expr evaluates to.

For example, expr may be (@ (gnu packages guile) guile-1.8), which unambiguously designates this specific variant of version 1.8 of Guile.

Alternatively, expr may be a G-expression, in which case it is used as a build program passed to gexp->derivation (veja Expressões-G).

Lastly, expr may refer to a zero-argument monadic procedure (veja A mônada do armazém). The procedure must return a derivation as a monadic value, which is then passed through run-with-store.


Build the “development environment” (build dependencies) of the following package.

For example, the following command builds the inputs of hello, but not hello itself, and also builds guile:

guix build -D hello guile

Notice that -D (or --development) only applies to the immediately following package on the command line. Under the hood, it uses package->development-manifest (veja package->development-manifest).

Nota: The effect of combining --development with --target (for cross-compilation) may not be what you expect: it will cross-compile all the dependencies of the given package when it is built natively.

-P [depth]

Build the dependents of the following package. By default, build all the direct and indirect dependents; when depth is provided, limit to dependents at that distance: 1 for direct dependents, 2 for dependents of dependents, and so on.

For example, the command below builds all the dependents of libgit2:

guix build --dependents libgit2

To build all the packages that directly depend on NumPy, run:

guix build -P1 python-numpy

The list of dependents is computed in the same way as with guix refresh --list-dependent (veja Invocando guix refresh).


Build the source derivations of the packages, rather than the packages themselves.

For instance, guix build -S gcc returns something like /gnu/store/…-gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2, which is the GCC source tarball.

The returned source tarball is the result of applying any patches and code snippets specified in the package origin (veja Definindo pacotes).

As with other derivations, the result of building a source derivation can be verified using the --check option (veja build-check). This is useful to validate that a (potentially already built or substituted, thus cached) package source matches against its declared hash.

Note that guix build -S compiles the sources only of the specified packages. They do not include the sources of statically linked dependencies and by themselves are insufficient for reproducing the packages.


Fetch and return the source of package-or-derivation and all their dependencies, recursively. This is a handy way to obtain a local copy of all the source code needed to build packages, allowing you to eventually build them even without network access. It is an extension of the --source option and can accept one of the following optional argument values:


This value causes the --sources option to behave in the same way as the --source option.


Build the source derivations of all packages, including any source that might be listed as inputs. This is the default value.

$ guix build --sources tzdata
The following derivations will be built:

Build the source derivations of all packages, as well of all transitive inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g. to prefetch package source for later offline building.

$ guix build --sources=transitive tzdata
The following derivations will be built:
-s sistema

Attempt to build for system—e.g., i686-linux—instead of the system type of the build host. The guix build command allows you to repeat this option several times, in which case it builds for all the specified systems; other commands ignore extraneous -s options.

Nota: The --system flag is for native compilation and must not be confused with cross-compilation. See --target below for information on cross-compilation.

An example use of this is on Linux-based systems, which can emulate different personalities. For instance, passing --system=i686-linux on an x86_64-linux system or --system=armhf-linux on an aarch64-linux system allows you to build packages in a complete 32-bit environment.

Nota: Building for an armhf-linux system is unconditionally enabled on aarch64-linux machines, although certain aarch64 chipsets do not allow for this functionality, notably the ThunderX.

Similarly, when transparent emulation with QEMU and binfmt_misc is enabled (veja qemu-binfmt-service-type), you can build for any system for which a QEMU binfmt_misc handler is installed.

Builds for a system other than that of the machine you are using can also be offloaded to a remote machine of the right architecture. Veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento, for more information on offloading.


Cross-build for triplet, which must be a valid GNU triplet, such as "aarch64-linux-gnu" (veja GNU configuration triplets em Autoconf).


List all the supported systems, that can be passed as an argument to --system.


List all the supported targets, that can be passed as an argument to --target.


Rebuild package-or-derivation, which are already available in the store, and raise an error if the build results are not bit-for-bit identical.

This mechanism allows you to check whether previously installed substitutes are genuine (veja Substitutos), or whether the build result of a package is deterministic. Veja Invocando guix challenge, for more background information and tools.

Quando usado em conjunto com --keep-failed, uma saída de comparação é mantida no armazém, sob /gnu/store/…-check. Isso facilita procurar por diferenças entre os dois resultados.


Attempt to repair the specified store items, if they are corrupt, by re-downloading or rebuilding them.

This operation is not atomic and thus restricted to root.


Return the derivation paths, not the output paths, of the given packages.

-r arquivo

Make file a symlink to the result, and register it as a garbage collector root.

Consequently, the results of this guix build invocation are protected from garbage collection until file is removed. When that option is omitted, build results are eligible for garbage collection as soon as the build completes. Veja Invocando guix gc, for more on GC roots.


Return the build log file names or URLs for the given package-or-derivation, or raise an error if build logs are missing.

This works regardless of how packages or derivations are specified. For instance, the following invocations are equivalent:

guix build --log-file $(guix build -d guile)
guix build --log-file $(guix build guile)
guix build --log-file guile
guix build --log-file -e '(@ (gnu packages guile) guile-2.0)'

If a log is unavailable locally, and unless --no-substitutes is passed, the command looks for a corresponding log on one of the substitute servers.

So for instance, imagine you want to see the build log of GDB on aarch64, but you are actually on an x86_64 machine:

$ guix build --log-file gdb -s aarch64-linux…-gdb-7.10

You can freely access a huge library of build logs!

9.1.4 Depurando falhas de compilação

When defining a new package (veja Definindo pacotes), you will probably find yourself spending some time debugging and tweaking the build until it succeeds. To do that, you need to operate the build commands yourself in an environment as close as possible to the one the build daemon uses.

To that end, the first thing to do is to use the --keep-failed or -K option of guix build, which will keep the failed build tree in /tmp or whatever directory you specified as TMPDIR (veja --keep-failed).

From there on, you can cd to the failed build tree and source the environment-variables file, which contains all the environment variable definitions that were in place when the build failed. So let’s say you’re debugging a build failure in package foo; a typical session would look like this:

$ guix build foo -K
… build fails
$ cd /tmp/guix-build-foo.drv-0
$ source ./environment-variables
$ cd foo-1.2

Now, you can invoke commands as if you were the daemon (almost) and troubleshoot your build process.

Sometimes it happens that, for example, a package’s tests pass when you run them manually but they fail when the daemon runs them. This can happen because the daemon runs builds in containers where, unlike in our environment above, network access is missing, /bin/sh does not exist, etc. (veja Configuração do ambiente de compilação).

In such cases, you may need to inspect the build process from within a container similar to the one the build daemon creates:

$ guix build -K foo
$ cd /tmp/guix-build-foo.drv-0
$ guix shell --no-grafts -C -D foo strace gdb
[env]# source ./environment-variables
[env]# cd foo-1.2

Here, guix shell -C creates a container and spawns a new shell in it (veja Invocando guix shell). The strace gdb part adds the strace and gdb commands to the container, which you may find handy while debugging. The --no-grafts option makes sure we get the exact same environment, with ungrafted packages (veja Atualizações de segurança, for more info on grafts).

To get closer to a container like that used by the build daemon, we can remove /bin/sh:

[env]# rm /bin/sh

(Don’t worry, this is harmless: this is all happening in the throw-away container created by guix shell.)

The strace command is probably not in the search path, but we can run:

[env]# $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin/strace -f -o log make check

In this way, not only you will have reproduced the environment variables the daemon uses, you will also be running the build process in a container similar to the one the daemon uses.

9.2 Invocando guix edit

So many packages, so many source files! The guix edit command facilitates the life of users and packagers by pointing their editor at the source file containing the definition of the specified packages. For instance:

guix edit gcc@4.9 vim

launches the program specified in the VISUAL or in the EDITOR environment variable to view the recipe of GCC 4.9.3 and that of Vim.

If you are using a Guix Git checkout (veja Compilando do git), or have created your own packages on GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH (veja Módulos de pacote), you will be able to edit the package recipes. In other cases, you will be able to examine the read-only recipes for packages currently in the store.

Instead of GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH, the command-line option --load-path=directory (or in short -L directory) allows you to add directory to the front of the package module search path and so make your own packages visible.

9.3 Invocando guix download

When writing a package definition, developers typically need to download a source tarball, compute its SHA256 hash, and write that hash in the package definition (veja Definindo pacotes). The guix download tool helps with this task: it downloads a file from the given URI, adds it to the store, and prints both its file name in the store and its SHA256 hash.

The fact that the downloaded file is added to the store saves bandwidth: when the developer eventually tries to build the newly defined package with guix build, the source tarball will not have to be downloaded again because it is already in the store. It is also a convenient way to temporarily stash files, which may be deleted eventually (veja Invocando guix gc).

The guix download command supports the same URIs as used in package definitions. In particular, it supports mirror:// URIs. https URIs (HTTP over TLS) are supported provided the Guile bindings for GnuTLS are available in the user’s environment; when they are not available, an error is raised. Veja how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile em GnuTLS-Guile, for more information.

guix download verifies HTTPS server certificates by loading the certificates of X.509 authorities from the directory pointed to by the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable (veja Certificados X.509), unless --no-check-certificate is used.

Alternatively, guix download can also retrieve a Git repository, possibly a specific commit, tag, or branch.

The following options are available:

-H algorithm

Compute a hash using the specified algorithm. Veja Invocando guix hash, for more information.

-f fmt

Write the hash in the format specified by fmt. For more information on the valid values for fmt, veja Invocando guix hash.


Do not validate the X.509 certificates of HTTPS servers.

When using this option, you have absolutely no guarantee that you are communicating with the authentic server responsible for the given URL, which makes you vulnerable to “man-in-the-middle” attacks.

-o arquivo

Save the downloaded file to file instead of adding it to the store.


Checkout the Git repository at the latest commit on the default branch.


Checkout the Git repository at commit-or-tag.

commit-or-tag can be either a tag or a commit defined in the Git repository.


Checkout the Git repository at branch.

The repository will be checked out at the latest commit of branch, which must be a valid branch of the Git repository.


Recursively clone the Git repository.

9.4 Invocando guix hash

The guix hash command computes the hash of a file. It is primarily a convenience tool for anyone contributing to the distribution: it computes the cryptographic hash of one or more files, which can be used in the definition of a package (veja Definindo pacotes).

A sintaxe geral é:

guix hash option file ...

When file is - (a hyphen), guix hash computes the hash of data read from standard input. guix hash has the following options:

-H algorithm

Compute a hash using the specified algorithm, sha256 by default.

algorithm must be the name of a cryptographic hash algorithm supported by Libgcrypt via Guile-Gcrypt—e.g., sha512 or sha3-256 (veja Hash Functions em Guile-Gcrypt Reference Manual).

-f fmt

Write the hash in the format specified by fmt.

Supported formats: base64, nix-base32, base32, base16 (hex and hexadecimal can be used as well).

If the --format option is not specified, guix hash will output the hash in nix-base32. This representation is used in the definitions of packages.


The --recursive option is deprecated in favor of --serializer=nar (see below); -r remains accepted as a convenient shorthand.

-S type

Compute the hash on file using type serialization.

type may be one of the following:


This is the default: it computes the hash of a file’s contents.


Compute the hash of a “normalized archive” (or “nar”) containing file, including its children if it is a directory. Some of the metadata of file is part of the archive; for instance, when file is a regular file, the hash is different depending on whether file is executable or not. Metadata such as time stamps have no impact on the hash (veja Invocando guix archive, for more info on the nar format).


Compute the hash of the file or directory as a Git “tree”, following the same method as the Git version control system.


When combined with --recursive, exclude version control system directories (.bzr, .git, .hg, etc.).

As an example, here is how you would compute the hash of a Git checkout, which is useful when using the git-fetch method (veja Referência do origin):

$ git clone
$ cd foo
$ guix hash -x --serializer=nar .

9.5 Invoking guix import

The guix import command is useful for people who would like to add a package to the distribution with as little work as possible—a legitimate demand. The command knows of a few repositories from which it can “import” package metadata. The result is a package definition, or a template thereof, in the format we know (veja Definindo pacotes).

A sintaxe geral é:

guix import [global-options…] importer package [options…]

importer specifies the source from which to import package metadata, and options specifies a package identifier and other options specific to importer. guix import itself has the following global-options:

-i file

Insert the package definition(s) that the importer generated into the specified file, either in alphabetical order among existing package definitions, or at the end of the file otherwise.

Some of the importers rely on the ability to run the gpgv command. For these, GnuPG must be installed and in $PATH; run guix install gnupg if needed.

Currently, the available “importers” are:


Import metadata for the given GNU package. This provides a template for the latest version of that GNU package, including the hash of its source tarball, and its canonical synopsis and description.

Additional information such as the package dependencies and its license needs to be figured out manually.

For example, the following command returns a package definition for GNU Hello:

guix import gnu hello

Specific command-line options are:


As for guix refresh, specify the policy to handle missing OpenPGP keys when verifying the package signature. Veja --key-download.


Import metadata from the Python Package Index. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at and usually includes all the relevant information, including package dependencies. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to install the unzip utility, so that the importer can unzip Python wheels and gather data from them.

The command below imports metadata for the latest version of the itsdangerous Python package:

guix import pypi itsdangerous

You can also ask for a specific version:

guix import pypi itsdangerous@1.1.0

Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from RubyGems. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at and includes most relevant information, including runtime dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The metadata doesn’t distinguish between synopses and descriptions, so the same string is used for both fields. Additionally, the details of non-Ruby dependencies required to build native extensions is unavailable and left as an exercise to the packager.

The command below imports metadata for the rails Ruby package:

guix import gem rails

You can also ask for a specific version:

guix import gem rails@7.0.4

Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from ContentDB. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted metadata provided through ContentDB’s API and includes most relevant information, including dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The license information is often incomplete. The commit hash is sometimes missing. The descriptions are in the Markdown format, but Guix uses Texinfo instead. Texture packs and subgames are unsupported.

The command below imports metadata for the Mesecons mod by Jeija:

guix import minetest Jeija/mesecons

The author name can also be left out:

guix import minetest mesecons

Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from MetaCPAN. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted metadata provided through MetaCPAN’s API and includes most relevant information, such as module dependencies. License information should be checked closely. If Perl is available in the store, then the corelist utility will be used to filter core modules out of the list of dependencies.

The command below imports metadata for the Acme::Boolean Perl module:

guix import cpan Acme::Boolean

Like many other importers, the cpan importer supports recursive imports:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from CRAN, the central repository for the GNU R statistical and graphical environment.

Information is extracted from the DESCRIPTION file of the package.

The command below imports metadata for the Cairo R package:

guix import cran Cairo

You can also ask for a specific version:

guix import cran rasterVis@0.50.3

When --recursive is added, the importer will traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.

When --style=specification is added, the importer will generate package definitions whose inputs are package specifications instead of references to package variables. This is useful when generated package definitions are to be appended to existing user modules, as the list of used package modules need not be changed. The default is --style=variable.

When --prefix=license: is added, the importer will prefix license atoms with license:, allowing a prefixed import of (guix licenses).

When --archive=bioconductor is added, metadata is imported from Bioconductor, a repository of R packages for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data in bioinformatics.

Information is extracted from the DESCRIPTION file contained in the package archive.

The command below imports metadata for the GenomicRanges R package:

guix import cran --archive=bioconductor GenomicRanges

Finally, you can also import R packages that have not yet been published on CRAN or Bioconductor as long as they are in a git repository. Use --archive=git followed by the URL of the git repository:

guix import cran --archive=git

Import TeX package information from the TeX Live package database for TeX packages that are part of the TeX Live distribution.

Information about the package is obtained from the TeX Live package database, a plain text file that is included in the texlive-scripts package. The source code is downloaded from possibly multiple locations in the SVN repository of the Tex Live project. Note that therefore SVN must be installed and in $PATH; run guix install subversion if needed.

The command below imports metadata for the fontspec TeX package:

guix import texlive fontspec

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import package metadata from a local JSON file. Consider the following example package definition in JSON format:

  "name": "hello",
  "version": "2.10",
  "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
  "build-system": "gnu",
  "home-page": "",
  "synopsis": "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package",
  "description": "GNU Hello prints a greeting.",
  "license": "GPL-3.0+",
  "native-inputs": ["gettext"]

The field names are the same as for the <package> record (Veja Definindo pacotes). References to other packages are provided as JSON lists of quoted package specification strings such as guile or guile@2.0.

The importer also supports a more explicit source definition using the common fields for <origin> records:

  "source": {
    "method": "url-fetch",
    "uri": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
    "sha256": {
      "base32": "0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i"

The command below reads metadata from the JSON file hello.json and outputs a package expression:

guix import json hello.json

Import metadata from the Haskell community’s central package archive Hackage. Information is taken from Cabal files and includes all the relevant information, including package dependencies.

Specific command-line options are:


Read a Cabal file from standard input.


Do not include dependencies required only by the test suites.

-e alist

alist is a Scheme alist defining the environment in which the Cabal conditionals are evaluated. The accepted keys are: os, arch, impl and a string representing the name of a flag. The value associated with a flag has to be either the symbol true or false. The value associated with other keys has to conform to the Cabal file format definition. The default value associated with the keys os, arch and impl is ‘linux’, ‘x86_64’ and ‘ghc’, respectively.


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.

The command below imports metadata for the latest version of the HTTP Haskell package without including test dependencies and specifying the value of the flag ‘network-uri’ as false:

guix import hackage -t -e "'((\"network-uri\" . false))" HTTP

A specific package version may optionally be specified by following the package name by an at-sign and a version number as in the following example:

guix import hackage mtl@

The stackage importer is a wrapper around the hackage one. It takes a package name, looks up the package version included in a long-term support (LTS) Stackage release and uses the hackage importer to retrieve its metadata. Note that it is up to you to select an LTS release compatible with the GHC compiler used by Guix.

Specific command-line options are:


Do not include dependencies required only by the test suites.

-l versão

version is the desired LTS release version. If omitted the latest release is used.


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.

The command below imports metadata for the HTTP Haskell package included in the LTS Stackage release version 7.18:

guix import stackage --lts-version=7.18 HTTP

Import metadata from an Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA) package repository (veja Packages em The GNU Emacs Manual).

Specific command-line options are:

-a repo

repo identifies the archive repository from which to retrieve the information. Currently the supported repositories and their identifiers are:

  • - GNU, selected by the gnu identifier. This is the default.

    Packages from are signed with one of the keys contained in the GnuPG keyring at share/emacs/25.1/etc/package-keyring.gpg (or similar) in the emacs package (veja ELPA package signatures em The GNU Emacs Manual).

  • - NonGNU, selected by the nongnu identifier.
  • - MELPA-Stable, selected by the melpa-stable identifier.
  • - MELPA, selected by the melpa identifier.

Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from the Rust package repository, as in this example:

guix import crate blake2-rfc

The crate importer also allows you to specify a version string:

guix import crate constant-time-eq@0.1.0

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


If --recursive-dev-dependencies is specified, also the recursively imported packages contain their development dependencies, which are recursively imported as well.


If no non-yanked version of a crate is available, use the latest yanked version instead instead of aborting.


If a crate dependency is not (yet) packaged, make the corresponding input in #:cargo-inputs or #:cargo-development-inputs into a comment.


Import metadata from the Elm package repository, as in this example:

guix import elm elm-explorations/webgl

The Elm importer also allows you to specify a version string:

guix import elm elm-explorations/webgl@1.1.3

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from the npm Registry, as in this example:

guix import npm-binary buffer-crc32

The npm-binary importer also allows you to specify a version string:

guix import npm-binary buffer-crc32@1.0.0

Nota: Generated package expressions skip the build step of the node-build-system. As such, generated package expressions often refer to transpiled or generated files, instead of being built from source.

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from the OPAM package repository used by the OCaml community.

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from the Composer package archive used by the PHP community, as in this example:

guix import composer phpunit/phpunit

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


By default, packages are searched in the official OPAM repository. This option, which can be used more than once, lets you add other repositories which will be searched for packages. It accepts as valid arguments:

  • the name of a known repository - can be one of opam, coq (equivalent to coq-released), coq-core-dev, coq-extra-dev or grew.
  • the URL of a repository as expected by the opam repository add command (for instance, the URL equivalent of the above opam name would be
  • the path to a local copy of a repository (a directory containing a packages/ sub-directory).

Repositories are assumed to be passed to this option by order of preference. The additional repositories will not replace the default opam repository, which is always kept as a fallback.

Also, please note that versions are not compared across repositories. The first repository (from left to right) that has at least one version of a given package will prevail over any others, and the version imported will be the latest one found in this repository only.


Import metadata for a Go module using

guix import go

It is possible to use a package specification with a @VERSION suffix to import a specific version.

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


When using this option, the importer preserves the exact versions of the Go modules dependencies instead of using their latest available versions. This can be useful when attempting to import packages that recursively depend on former versions of themselves to build. When using this mode, the symbol of the package is made by appending the version to its name, so that multiple versions of the same package can coexist.


Import metadata for CHICKEN eggs. The information is taken from PACKAGE.egg files found in the eggs-5-all Git repository. However, it does not provide all the information that we need, there is no “description” field, and the licenses used are not always precise (BSD is often used instead of BSD-N).

guix import egg sourcehut

You can also ask for a specific version:

guix import egg arrays@1.0

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.


Import metadata from the Erlang and Elixir package repository, as in this example:

guix import hexpm stun

The importer tries to determine the build system used by the package.

The hexpm importer also allows you to specify a version string:

guix import hexpm cf@0.3.0

Additional options include:


Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.

The structure of the guix import code is modular. It would be useful to have more importers for other package formats, and your help is welcome here (veja Contribuindo).

9.6 Invocando guix refresh

The primary audience of the guix refresh command is packagers. As a user, you may be interested in the --with-latest option, which can bring you package update superpowers built upon guix refresh (veja --with-latest). By default, guix refresh reports any packages provided by the distribution that are outdated compared to the latest upstream version, like this:

$ guix refresh
gnu/packages/gettext.scm:29:13: gettext would be upgraded from to
gnu/packages/glib.scm:77:12: glib would be upgraded from 2.34.3 to 2.37.0

Alternatively, one can specify packages to consider, in which case a warning is emitted for packages that lack an updater:

$ guix refresh coreutils guile guile-ssh
gnu/packages/ssh.scm:205:2: warning: no updater for guile-ssh
gnu/packages/guile.scm:136:12: guile would be upgraded from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13

guix refresh browses the upstream repository of each package and determines the highest version number of the releases therein. The command knows how to update specific types of packages: GNU packages, ELPA packages, etc.—see the documentation for --type below. There are many packages, though, for which it lacks a method to determine whether a new upstream release is available. However, the mechanism is extensible, so feel free to get in touch with us to add a new method!


Consider the packages specified, and all the packages upon which they depend.

$ guix refresh --recursive coreutils
gnu/packages/acl.scm:40:13: acl would be upgraded from 2.2.53 to 2.3.1
gnu/packages/m4.scm:30:12: 1.4.18 is already the latest version of m4
gnu/packages/xml.scm:68:2: warning: no updater for expat
gnu/packages/multiprecision.scm:40:12: 6.1.2 is already the latest version of gmp

If for some reason you don’t want to update to the latest version, you can update to a specific version by appending an equal sign and the desired version number to the package specification. Note that not all updaters support this; an error is reported when an updater cannot refresh to the specified version.

$ guix refresh trytond-party
gnu/packages/guile.scm:392:2: guile would be upgraded from 3.0.3 to 3.0.5
$ guix refresh -u guile=3.0.4
gnu/packages/guile.scm:392:2: guile: updating from version 3.0.3 to version 3.0.4...
$ guix refresh -u guile@2.0=2.0.12
gnu/packages/guile.scm:147:2: guile: updating from version 2.0.10 to version 2.0.12...

In some specific cases, you may have many packages specified via a manifest or a module selection which should all be updated together; for these cases, the --target-version option can be provided to have them all refreshed to the same version, as shown in the examples below:

$ guix refresh qtbase qtdeclarative --target-version=6.5.2
gnu/packages/qt.scm:1248:13: qtdeclarative would be upgraded from 6.3.2 to 6.5.2
gnu/packages/qt.scm:584:2: qtbase would be upgraded from 6.3.2 to 6.5.2
$ guix refresh --manifest=qt5-manifest.scm --target-version=5.15.10
gnu/packages/qt.scm:1173:13: qtxmlpatterns would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10
gnu/packages/qt.scm:1202:13: qtdeclarative would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10
gnu/packages/qt.scm:1762:13: qtserialbus would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10
gnu/packages/qt.scm:2070:13: qtquickcontrols2 would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10

The --target-version option accepts partial version prefixes, which can be useful to update to the latest major or major-minor prefixed version:

$ guix refresh qtbase@5 qtdeclarative@5 --target-version=5
gnu/packages/qt.scm:1472:13: qtdeclarative would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10
gnu/packages/qt.scm:452:13: qtbase would be upgraded from 5.15.8 to 5.15.10

Sometimes the upstream name differs from the package name used in Guix, and guix refresh needs a little help. Most updaters honor the upstream-name property in package definitions, which can be used to that effect:

(define-public network-manager
    (name "network-manager")
    ;; …
    (properties '((upstream-name . "NetworkManager")))))

When passed --update, it modifies distribution source files to update the version numbers and source code hashes of those package definitions, as well as possibly their inputs (veja Definindo pacotes). This is achieved by downloading each package’s latest source tarball and its associated OpenPGP signature, authenticating the downloaded tarball against its signature using gpgv, and finally computing its hash—note that GnuPG must be installed and in $PATH; run guix install gnupg if needed.

When the public key used to sign the tarball is missing from the user’s keyring, an attempt is made to automatically retrieve it from a public key server; when this is successful, the key is added to the user’s keyring; otherwise, guix refresh reports an error.

The following options are supported:

-e expr

Considere o pacote que expr avalia.

This is useful to precisely refer to a package, as in this example:

guix refresh -l -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) glibc-final)'

This command lists the dependents of the “final” libc (essentially all the packages).


Update distribution source files (package definitions) in place. This is usually run from a checkout of the Guix source tree (veja Executando guix antes dele ser instalado):

./pre-inst-env guix refresh -s non-core -u

Veja Definindo pacotes, for more information on package definitions. You can also run it on packages from a third-party channel:

guix refresh -L /path/to/channel -u package

Veja Criando um canal, on how to create a channel.

This command updates the version and source code hash of the package. Depending on the updater being used, it can also update the various ‘inputs’ fields of the package. In some cases, the updater might get inputs wrong—it might not know about an extra input that’s necessary, or it might add an input that should be avoided.

To address that, packagers can add properties stating inputs that should be added to those found by the updater or inputs that should be ignored: the updater-extra-inputs and updater-ignored-inputs properties pertain to “regular” inputs, and there are equivalent properties for ‘native’ and ‘propagated’ inputs. In the example below, we tell the updater that we need ‘openmpi’ as an additional input:

(define-public python-mpi4py
    (name "python-mpi4py")
    ;; …
    (inputs (list openmpi))
     '((updater-extra-inputs . ("openmpi"))))))

That way, guix refresh -u python-mpi4py will leave the ‘openmpi’ input, even if it is not among the inputs it would normally add.

-s subset

Select all the packages in subset, one of core, non-core or module:name.

The core subset refers to all the packages at the core of the distribution—i.e., packages that are used to build “everything else”. This includes GCC, libc, Binutils, Bash, etc. Usually, changing one of these packages in the distribution entails a rebuild of all the others. Thus, such updates are an inconvenience to users in terms of build time or bandwidth used to achieve the upgrade.

The non-core subset refers to the remaining packages. It is typically useful in cases where an update of the core packages would be inconvenient.

The module:name subset refers to all the packages in a specified guile module. The module can be specified as module:guile or module:(gnu packages guile), the former is a shorthand for the later.

-m arquivo

Select all the packages from the manifest in file. This is useful to check if any packages of the user manifest can be updated.

-t updater

Select only packages handled by updater (may be a comma-separated list of updaters). Currently, updater may be one of:


the updater for GNU packages;


the updater for packages hosted at Savannah;


the updater for packages hosted at SourceForge;


the updater for GNOME packages;


the updater for KDE packages;


the updater for packages;

the updater for packages hosted on;


the updater for Egg packages;


the updater for ELPA packages;


the updater for CRAN packages;


the updater for Bioconductor R packages;


the updater for CPAN packages;


the updater for PyPI packages.


the updater for RubyGems packages.


the updater for GitHub packages.


the updater for Hackage packages.


the updater for Stackage packages.


the updater for Crates packages.


the updater for Launchpad packages.


a generic updater that crawls the HTML page where the source tarball of the package is hosted, when applicable, or the HTML page specified by the release-monitoring-url property of the package.


a generic updater for packages hosted on Git repositories. It tries to be smart about parsing Git tag names, but if it is not able to parse the tag name and compare tags correctly, users can define the following properties for a package.

  • release-tag-prefix: a regular expression for matching a prefix of the tag name.
  • release-tag-suffix: a regular expression for matching a suffix of the tag name.
  • release-tag-version-delimiter: a string used as the delimiter in the tag name for separating the numbers of the version.
  • accept-pre-releases: by default, the updater will ignore pre-releases; to make it also look for pre-releases, set the this property to #t.
  (name "foo")
  ;; ...
    '((release-tag-prefix . "^release0-")
      (release-tag-suffix . "[a-z]?$")
      (release-tag-version-delimiter . ":"))))

For instance, the following command only checks for updates of Emacs packages hosted at and for updates of CRAN packages:

$ guix refresh --type=elpa,cran
gnu/packages/statistics.scm:819:13: r-testthat would be upgraded from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
gnu/packages/emacs.scm:856:13: emacs-auctex would be upgraded from 11.88.6 to 11.88.9

List available updaters and exit (see --type above).

For each updater, display the fraction of packages it covers; at the end, display the fraction of packages covered by all these updaters.

In addition, guix refresh can be passed one or more package names, as in this example:

$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u emacs idutils gcc@4.8

The command above specifically updates the emacs and idutils packages. The --select option would have no effect in this case. You might also want to update definitions that correspond to the packages installed in your profile:

$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u \
       $(guix package --list-installed | cut -f1)

When considering whether to upgrade a package, it is sometimes convenient to know which packages would be affected by the upgrade and should be checked for compatibility. For this the following option may be used when passing guix refresh one or more package names:


List top-level dependent packages that would need to be rebuilt as a result of upgrading one or more packages.

Veja the reverse-package type of guix graph, for information on how to visualize the list of dependents of a package.

Veja guix build --dependents, for a convenient way to build all the dependents of a package.

Be aware that the --list-dependent option only approximates the rebuilds that would be required as a result of an upgrade. More rebuilds might be required under some circumstances.

$ guix refresh --list-dependent flex
Building the following 120 packages would ensure 213 dependent packages are rebuilt:
hop@2.4.0 emacs-geiser@0.13 notmuch@0.18 mu@ cflow@1.4 idutils@4.6 …

The command above lists a set of packages that could be built to check for compatibility with an upgraded flex package.


List all the packages which one or more packages depend upon.

$ guix refresh --list-transitive flex
flex@2.6.4 depends on the following 25 packages: perl@5.28.0 help2man@1.47.6
bison@3.0.5 indent@2.2.10 tar@1.30 gzip@1.9 bzip2@1.0.6 xz@5.2.4 file@5.33 …

The command above lists a set of packages which, when changed, would cause flex to be rebuilt.

The following options can be used to customize GnuPG operation:


Use command as the GnuPG 2.x command. command is searched for in $PATH.


Use file as the keyring for upstream keys. file must be in the keybox format. Keybox files usually have a name ending in .kbx and the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) can manipulate these files (veja kbxutil em Using the GNU Privacy Guard, for information on a tool to manipulate keybox files).

When this option is omitted, guix refresh uses ~/.config/guix/upstream/trustedkeys.kbx as the keyring for upstream signing keys. OpenPGP signatures are checked against keys from this keyring; missing keys are downloaded to this keyring as well (see --key-download below).

You can export keys from your default GPG keyring into a keybox file using commands like this one:

gpg --export | kbxutil --import-openpgp >> mykeyring.kbx

Likewise, you can fetch keys to a specific keybox file like this:

gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring mykeyring.kbx \
  --recv-keys 3CE464558A84FDC69DB40CFB090B11993D9AEBB5

Veja --keyring em Using the GNU Privacy Guard, for more information on GPG’s --keyring option.


Handle missing OpenPGP keys according to policy, which may be one of:


Always download missing OpenPGP keys from the key server, and add them to the user’s GnuPG keyring.


Never try to download missing OpenPGP keys. Instead just bail out.


When a package signed with an unknown OpenPGP key is encountered, ask the user whether to download it or not.


Automatically selects the interactive policy when the standard input is connected to a pseudo terminal (TTY), else always. This is the default behavior.


Use host as the OpenPGP key server when importing a public key.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools.

The github updater uses the GitHub API to query for new releases. When used repeatedly e.g. when refreshing all packages, GitHub will eventually refuse to answer any further API requests. By default 60 API requests per hour are allowed, and a full refresh on all GitHub packages in Guix requires more than this. Authentication with GitHub through the use of an API token alleviates these limits. To use an API token, set the environment variable GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN to a token procured from or otherwise.

9.7 Invoking guix style

The guix style command helps users and packagers alike style their package definitions and configuration files according to the latest fashionable trends. It can either reformat whole files, with the --whole-file option, or apply specific styling rules to individual package definitions. The command currently provides the following styling rules:

  • formatting package definitions according to the project’s conventions (veja Formatação de código);
  • rewriting package inputs to the “new style”, as explained below.

The way package inputs are written is going through a transition (veja Referência do package, for more on package inputs). Until version 1.3.0, package inputs were written using the “old style”, where each input was given an explicit label, most of the time the package name:

  ;; …
  ;; The "old style" (deprecated).
  (inputs `(("libunistring" ,libunistring)
            ("libffi" ,libffi))))

Today, the old style is deprecated and the preferred style looks like this:

  ;; …
  ;; The "new style".
  (inputs (list libunistring libffi)))

Likewise, uses of alist-delete and friends to manipulate inputs is now deprecated in favor of modify-inputs (veja Definindo variantes de pacote, for more info on modify-inputs).

In the vast majority of cases, this is a purely mechanical change on the surface syntax that does not even incur a package rebuild. Running guix style -S inputs can do that for you, whether you’re working on packages in Guix proper or in an external channel.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix style [options] package

This causes guix style to analyze and rewrite the definition of package… or, when package is omitted, of all the packages. The --styling or -S option allows you to select the style rule, the default rule being format—see below.

To reformat entire source files, the syntax is:

guix style --whole-file file

The available options are listed below.


Show source file locations that would be edited but do not modify them.


Reformat the given files in their entirety. In that case, subsequent arguments are interpreted as file names (rather than package names), and the --styling option has no effect.

As an example, here is how you might reformat your operating system configuration (you need write permissions for the file):

guix style -f /etc/config.scm

Place the top-level package definitions in the given files in alphabetical order. Package definitions with matching names are placed with versions in descending order. This option only has an effect in combination with --whole-file.

-S rule

Apply rule, one of the following styling rules:


Format the given package definition(s)—this is the default styling rule. For example, a packager running Guix on a checkout (veja Executando guix antes dele ser instalado) might want to reformat the definition of the Coreutils package like so:

./pre-inst-env guix style coreutils

Rewrite package inputs to the “new style”, as described above. This is how you would rewrite inputs of package whatnot in your own channel:

guix style -L ~/my/channel -S inputs whatnot

Rewriting is done in a conservative way: preserving comments and bailing out if it cannot make sense of the code that appears in an inputs field. The --input-simplification option described below provides fine-grain control over when inputs should be simplified.


Rewrite package arguments to use G-expressions (veja Expressões-G). For example, consider this package definition:

(define-public my-package
    ;; …
    (arguments      ;old-style quoted arguments
     '(#:make-flags '("V=1")
       #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
                  (delete 'build))))))

Running guix style -S arguments on this package would rewrite its arguments field like to:

(define-public my-package
    ;; …
      (list #:make-flags #~'("V=1")
            #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
                         (delete 'build))))))

Note that changes made by the arguments rule do not entail a rebuild of the affected packages. Furthermore, if a package definition happens to be using G-expressions already, guix style leaves it unchanged.


List and describe the available styling rules and exit.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

-e expr

Style the package expr evaluates to.

Por exemplo, executando:

guix style -e '(@ (gnu packages gcc) gcc-5)'

styles the gcc-5 package definition.


When using the inputs styling rule, with ‘-S inputs’, this option specifies the package input simplification policy for cases where an input label does not match the corresponding package name. policy may be one of the following:


Simplify inputs only when the change is “silent”, meaning that the package does not need to be rebuilt (its derivation is unchanged).


Simplify inputs only when that is “safe” to do: the package might need to be rebuilt, but the change is known to have no observable effect.


Simplify inputs even when input labels do not match package names, and even if that might have an observable effect.

The default is silent, meaning that input simplifications do not trigger any package rebuild.

9.8 Invocando guix lint

The guix lint command is meant to help package developers avoid common errors and use a consistent style. It runs a number of checks on a given set of packages in order to find common mistakes in their definitions. Available checkers include (see --list-checkers for a complete list):


Validate certain typographical and stylistic rules about package descriptions and synopses.


Identify inputs that should most likely be native inputs.


Probe home-page and source URLs and report those that are invalid. Suggest a mirror:// URL when applicable. If the source URL redirects to a GitHub URL, recommend usage of the GitHub URL. Check that the source file name is meaningful, e.g. is not just a version number or “git-checkout”, without a declared file-name (veja Referência do origin).


Parse the source URL to determine if a tarball from GitHub is autogenerated or if it is a release tarball. Unfortunately GitHub’s autogenerated tarballs are sometimes regenerated.


Check that the derivation of the given packages can be successfully computed for all the supported systems (veja Derivações).


Check whether installing the given packages in a profile would lead to collisions. Collisions occur when several packages with the same name but a different version or a different store file name are propagated. Veja propagated-inputs, for more information on propagated inputs.


Checks whether the package’s source code is archived at Software Heritage.

When the source code that is not archived comes from a version-control system (VCS)—e.g., it’s obtained with git-fetch, send Software Heritage a “save” request so that it eventually archives it. This ensures that the source will remain available in the long term, and that Guix can fall back to Software Heritage should the source code disappear from its original host. The status of recent “save” requests can be viewed on-line.

When source code is a tarball obtained with url-fetch, simply print a message when it is not archived. As of this writing, Software Heritage does not allow requests to save arbitrary tarballs; we are working on ways to ensure that non-VCS source code is also archived.

Software Heritage limits the request rate per IP address. When the limit is reached, guix lint prints a message and the archival checker stops doing anything until that limit has been reset.


Report known vulnerabilities found in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) databases of the current and past year published by the US NIST.

To view information about a particular vulnerability, visit pages such as:


where CVE-YYYY-ABCD is the CVE identifier—e.g., CVE-2015-7554.

Package developers can specify in package recipes the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) name and version of the package when they differ from the name or version that Guix uses, as in this example:

  (name "grub")
  ;; …
  ;; CPE calls this package "grub2".
  (properties '((cpe-name . "grub2")
                (cpe-version . "2.3"))))

Some entries in the CVE database do not specify which version of a package they apply to, and would thus “stick around” forever. Package developers who found CVE alerts and verified they can be ignored can declare them as in this example:

  (name "t1lib")
  ;; …
  ;; These CVEs no longer apply and can be safely ignored.
  (properties `((lint-hidden-cve . ("CVE-2011-0433"

Warn about obvious source code formatting issues: trailing white space, use of tabulations, etc.


Report old-style input labels that do not match the name of the corresponding package. This aims to help migrate from the “old input style”. Veja Referência do package, for more information on package inputs and input styles. Veja Invoking guix style, on how to migrate to the new style.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix lint opções pacote

If no package is given on the command line, then all packages are checked. The options may be zero or more of the following:


List and describe all the available checkers that will be run on packages and exit.


Only enable the checkers specified in a comma-separated list using the names returned by --list-checkers.


Only disable the checkers specified in a comma-separated list using the names returned by --list-checkers.

-e expr

Considere o pacote que expr avalia.

This is useful to unambiguously designate packages, as in this example:

guix lint -c archival -e '(@ (gnu packages guile) guile-3.0)'

Only enable the checkers that do not depend on Internet access.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools.

9.9 Invocando guix size

The guix size command helps package developers profile the disk usage of packages. It is easy to overlook the impact of an additional dependency added to a package, or the impact of using a single output for a package that could easily be split (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas). Such are the typical issues that guix size can highlight.

The command can be passed one or more package specifications such as gcc@4.8 or guile:debug, or a file name in the store. Consider this example:

$ guix size coreutils
store item                               total    self
/gnu/store/…-gcc-5.5.0-lib           60.4    30.1  38.1%
/gnu/store/…-glibc-2.27              30.3    28.8  36.6%
/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.28          78.9    15.0  19.0%
/gnu/store/…-gmp-6.1.2               63.1     2.7   3.4%
/gnu/store/…-bash-static-4.4.12       1.5     1.5   1.9%
/gnu/store/…-acl-2.2.52              61.1     0.4   0.5%
/gnu/store/…-attr-2.4.47             60.6     0.2   0.3%
/gnu/store/…-libcap-2.25             60.5     0.2   0.2%
total: 78.9 MiB

The store items listed here constitute the transitive closure of Coreutils—i.e., Coreutils and all its dependencies, recursively—as would be returned by:

$ guix gc -R /gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.23

Here the output shows three columns next to store items. The first column, labeled “total”, shows the size in mebibytes (MiB) of the closure of the store item—that is, its own size plus the size of all its dependencies. The next column, labeled “self”, shows the size of the item itself. The last column shows the ratio of the size of the item itself to the space occupied by all the items listed here.

In this example, we see that the closure of Coreutils weighs in at 79 MiB, most of which is taken by libc and GCC’s run-time support libraries. (That libc and GCC’s libraries represent a large fraction of the closure is not a problem per se because they are always available on the system anyway.)

Since the command also accepts store file names, assessing the size of a build result is straightforward:

guix size $(guix system build config.scm)

When the package(s) passed to guix size are available in the store25, guix size queries the daemon to determine its dependencies, and measures its size in the store, similar to du -ms --apparent-size (veja du invocation em GNU Coreutils).

When the given packages are not in the store, guix size reports information based on the available substitutes (veja Substitutos). This makes it possible to profile the disk usage of store items that are not even on disk, only available remotely.

You can also specify several package names:

$ guix size coreutils grep sed bash
store item                               total    self
/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.24          77.8    13.8  13.4%
/gnu/store/…-grep-2.22               73.1     0.8   0.8%
/gnu/store/…-bash-4.3.42             72.3     4.7   4.6%
/gnu/store/…-readline-6.3            67.6     1.2   1.2%
total: 102.3 MiB

In this example we see that the combination of the four packages takes 102.3 MiB in total, which is much less than the sum of each closure since they have a lot of dependencies in common.

When looking at the profile returned by guix size, you may find yourself wondering why a given package shows up in the profile at all. To understand it, you can use guix graph --path -t references to display the shortest path between the two packages (veja Invocando guix graph).

The available options are:


Use substitute information from urls. Veja the same option for guix build.


Sort lines according to key, one of the following options:


the size of each item (the default);


the total size of the item’s closure.


Write a graphical map of disk usage in PNG format to file.

For the example above, the map looks like this:

map of Coreutils disk usage produced
by guix size

This option requires that Guile-Charting be installed and visible in Guile’s module search path. When that is not the case, guix size fails as it tries to load it.

-s sistema

Consider packages for system—e.g., x86_64-linux.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools.

9.10 Invocando guix graph

Packages and their dependencies form a graph, specifically a directed acyclic graph (DAG). It can quickly become difficult to have a mental model of the package DAG, so the guix graph command provides a visual representation of the DAG. By default, guix graph emits a DAG representation in the input format of Graphviz, so its output can be passed directly to the dot command of Graphviz. It can also emit an HTML page with embedded JavaScript code to display a “chord diagram” in a Web browser, using the d3.js library, or emit Cypher queries to construct a graph in a graph database supporting the openCypher query language. With --path, it simply displays the shortest path between two packages. The general syntax is:

guix graph opções pacote

For example, the following command generates a PDF file representing the package DAG for the GNU Core Utilities, showing its build-time dependencies:

guix graph coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf

The output looks like this:

Dependency graph of the GNU Coreutils

Nice little graph, no?

You may find it more pleasant to navigate the graph interactively with xdot (from the xdot package):

guix graph coreutils | xdot -

But there is more than one graph! The one above is concise: it is the graph of package objects, omitting implicit inputs such as GCC, libc, grep, etc. It is often useful to have such a concise graph, but sometimes one may want to see more details. guix graph supports several types of graphs, allowing you to choose the level of detail:


This is the default type used in the example above. It shows the DAG of package objects, excluding implicit dependencies. It is concise, but filters out many details.


This shows the reverse DAG of packages. For example:

guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml

... yields the graph of packages that explicitly depend on OCaml (if you are also interested in cases where OCaml is an implicit dependency, see reverse-bag below).

Note that for core packages this can yield huge graphs. If all you want is to know the number of packages that depend on a given package, use guix refresh --list-dependent (veja --list-dependent).


This is the package DAG, including implicit inputs.

For instance, the following command:

guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils

... yields this bigger graph:

Detailed dependency graph of the GNU

At the bottom of the graph, we see all the implicit inputs of gnu-build-system (veja gnu-build-system).

Now, note that the dependencies of these implicit inputs—that is, the bootstrap dependencies (veja Inicializando)—are not shown here, for conciseness.


Similar to bag-emerged, but this time including all the bootstrap dependencies.


Similar to bag, but also showing origins and their dependencies.


This shows the reverse DAG of packages. Unlike reverse-package, it also takes implicit dependencies into account. For example:

guix graph -t reverse-bag dune

... yields the graph of all packages that depend on Dune, directly or indirectly. Since Dune is an implicit dependency of many packages via dune-build-system, this shows a large number of packages, whereas reverse-package would show very few if any.


This is the most detailed representation: It shows the DAG of derivations (veja Derivações) and plain store items. Compared to the above representation, many additional nodes are visible, including build scripts, patches, Guile modules, etc.

For this type of graph, it is also possible to pass a .drv file name instead of a package name, as in:

guix graph -t derivation $(guix system build -d my-config.scm)

This is the graph of package modules (veja Módulos de pacote). For example, the following command shows the graph for the package module that defines the guile package:

guix graph -t module guile | xdot -

All the types above correspond to build-time dependencies. The following graph type represents the run-time dependencies:


This is the graph of references of a package output, as returned by guix gc --references (veja Invocando guix gc).

If the given package output is not available in the store, guix graph attempts to obtain dependency information from substitutes.

Here you can also pass a store file name instead of a package name. For example, the command below produces the reference graph of your profile (which can be big!):

guix graph -t references $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile)

This is the graph of the referrers of a store item, as returned by guix gc --referrers (veja Invocando guix gc).

This relies exclusively on local information from your store. For instance, let us suppose that the current Inkscape is available in 10 profiles on your machine; guix graph -t referrers inkscape will show a graph rooted at Inkscape and with those 10 profiles linked to it.

It can help determine what is preventing a store item from being garbage collected.

Often, the graph of the package you are interested in does not fit on your screen, and anyway all you want to know is why that package actually depends on some seemingly unrelated package. The --path option instructs guix graph to display the shortest path between two packages (or derivations, or store items, etc.):

$ guix graph --path emacs libunistring
$ guix graph --path -t derivation emacs libunistring
$ guix graph --path -t references emacs libunistring

Sometimes you still want to visualize the graph but would like to trim it so it can actually be displayed. One way to do it is via the --max-depth (or -M) option, which lets you specify the maximum depth of the graph. In the example below, we visualize only libreoffice and the nodes whose distance to libreoffice is at most 2:

guix graph -M 2 libreoffice | xdot -f fdp -

Mind you, that’s still a big ball of spaghetti, but at least dot can render it quickly and it can be browsed somewhat.

The available options are the following:

-t tipo

Produce a graph output of type, where type must be one of the values listed above.


Lista os tipos de grafos disponíveis.

-b backend

Produce a graph using the selected backend.


Lista os backends de grafos disponíveis.

Currently, the available backends are Graphviz and d3.js.


Display the shortest path between two nodes of the type specified by --type. The example below shows the shortest path between libreoffice and llvm according to the references of libreoffice:

$ guix graph --path -t references libreoffice llvm
-e expr

Considere o pacote que expr avalia.

This is useful to precisely refer to a package, as in this example:

guix graph -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) gnu-make-final)'
-s sistema

Display the graph for system—e.g., i686-linux.

The package dependency graph is largely architecture-independent, but there are some architecture-dependent bits that this option allows you to visualize.

-L diretório

Add directory to the front of the package module search path (veja Módulos de pacote).

This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools.

On top of that, guix graph supports all the usual package transformation options (veja Opções de transformação de pacote). This makes it easy to view the effect of a graph-rewriting transformation such as --with-input. For example, the command below outputs the graph of git once openssl has been replaced by libressl everywhere in the graph:

guix graph git --with-input=openssl=libressl

So many possibilities, so much fun!

9.11 Invocando guix publish

The purpose of guix publish is to enable users to easily share their store with others, who can then use it as a substitute server (veja Substitutos).

When guix publish runs, it spawns an HTTP server which allows anyone with network access to obtain substitutes from it. This means that any machine running Guix can also act as if it were a build farm, since the HTTP interface is compatible with Cuirass, the software behind the build farm.

For security, each substitute is signed, allowing recipients to check their authenticity and integrity (veja Substitutos). Because guix publish uses the signing key of the system, which is only readable by the system administrator, it must be started as root; the --user option makes it drop root privileges early on.

The signing key pair must be generated before guix publish is launched, using guix archive --generate-key (veja Invocando guix archive).

When the --advertise option is passed, the server advertises its availability on the local network using multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS service discovery (DNS-SD), currently via Guile-Avahi (veja Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs).

A sintaxe geral é:

guix publish options

Running guix publish without any additional arguments will spawn an HTTP server on port 8080:

guix publish

guix publish can also be started following the systemd “socket activation” protocol (veja make-systemd-constructor em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

Once a publishing server has been authorized, the daemon may download substitutes from it. Veja Obtendo substitutos de outros servidores.

By default, guix publish compresses archives on the fly as it serves them. This “on-the-fly” mode is convenient in that it requires no setup and is immediately available. However, when serving lots of clients, we recommend using the --cache option, which enables caching of the archives before they are sent to clients—see below for details. The guix weather command provides a handy way to check what a server provides (veja Invocando guix weather).

As a bonus, guix publish also serves as a content-addressed mirror for source files referenced in origin records (veja Referência do origin). For instance, assuming guix publish is running on, the following URL returns the raw hello-2.10.tar.gz file with the given SHA256 hash (represented in nix-base32 format, veja Invocando guix hash):…ndq1i

Obviously, these URLs only work for files that are in the store; in other cases, they return 404 (“Not Found”).

Build logs are available from /log URLs like:…-guile-2.2.3

When guix-daemon is configured to save compressed build logs, as is the case by default (veja Invocando guix-daemon), /log URLs return the compressed log as-is, with an appropriate Content-Type and/or Content-Encoding header. We recommend running guix-daemon with --log-compression=gzip since Web browsers can automatically decompress it, which is not the case with Bzip2 compression.

The following options are available:

-p porta

Ouve requisições HTTP na porta.


Listen on the network interface for host. The default is to accept connections from any interface.

-u usuário

Change privileges to user as soon as possible—i.e., once the server socket is open and the signing key has been read.

-C [method[:level]]

Compress data using the given method and level. method is one of lzip, zstd, and gzip; when method is omitted, gzip is used.

When level is zero, disable compression. The range 1 to 9 corresponds to different compression levels: 1 is the fastest, and 9 is the best (CPU-intensive). The default is 3.

Usually, lzip compresses noticeably better than gzip for a small increase in CPU usage; see benchmarks on the lzip Web page. However, lzip achieves low decompression throughput (on the order of 50 MiB/s on modern hardware), which can be a bottleneck for someone who downloads over a fast network connection.

The compression ratio of zstd is between that of lzip and that of gzip; its main advantage is a high decompression speed.

Unless --cache is used, compression occurs on the fly and the compressed streams are not cached. Thus, to reduce load on the machine that runs guix publish, it may be a good idea to choose a low compression level, to run guix publish behind a caching proxy, or to use --cache. Using --cache has the advantage that it allows guix publish to add Content-Length HTTP header to its responses.

This option can be repeated, in which case every substitute gets compressed using all the selected methods, and all of them are advertised. This is useful when users may not support all the compression methods: they can select the one they support.

-c directory

Cache archives and meta-data (.narinfo URLs) to directory and only serve archives that are in cache.

When this option is omitted, archives and meta-data are created on-the-fly. This can reduce the available bandwidth, especially when compression is enabled, since this may become CPU-bound. Another drawback of the default mode is that the length of archives is not known in advance, so guix publish does not add a Content-Length HTTP header to its responses, which in turn prevents clients from knowing the amount of data being downloaded.

Conversely, when --cache is used, the first request for a store item (via a .narinfo URL) triggers a background process to bake the archive—computing its .narinfo and compressing the archive, if needed. Once the archive is cached in directory, subsequent requests succeed and are served directly from the cache, which guarantees that clients get the best possible bandwidth.

That first .narinfo request nonetheless returns 200, provided the requested store item is “small enough”, below the cache bypass threshold—see --cache-bypass-threshold below. That way, clients do not have to wait until the archive is baked. For larger store items, the first .narinfo request returns 404, meaning that clients have to wait until the archive is baked.

The “baking” process is performed by worker threads. By default, one thread per CPU core is created, but this can be customized. See --workers below.

When --ttl is used, cached entries are automatically deleted when they have expired.


When --cache is used, request the allocation of N worker threads to “bake” archives.


Produce Cache-Control HTTP headers that advertise a time-to-live (TTL) of ttl. ttl must denote a duration: 5d means 5 days, 1m means 1 month, and so on.

This allows the user’s Guix to keep substitute information in cache for ttl. However, note that guix publish does not itself guarantee that the store items it provides will indeed remain available for as long as ttl.

Additionally, when --cache is used, cached entries that have not been accessed for ttl and that no longer have a corresponding item in the store, may be deleted.


Similarly produce Cache-Control HTTP headers to advertise the time-to-live (TTL) of negative lookups—missing store items, for which the HTTP 404 code is returned. By default, no negative TTL is advertised.

This parameter can help adjust server load and substitute latency by instructing cooperating clients to be more or less patient when a store item is missing.


When used in conjunction with --cache, store items smaller than size are immediately available, even when they are not yet in cache. size is a size in bytes, or it can be suffixed by M for megabytes and so on. The default is 10M.

“Cache bypass” allows you to reduce the publication delay for clients at the expense of possibly additional I/O and CPU use on the server side: depending on the client access patterns, those store items can end up being baked several times until a copy is available in cache.

Increasing the threshold may be useful for sites that have few users, or to guarantee that users get substitutes even for store items that are not popular.


Use path as the prefix for the URLs of “nar” files (veja normalized archives).

By default, nars are served at a URL such as /nar/gzip/…-coreutils-8.25. This option allows you to change the /nar part to path.


Use the specific files as the public/private key pair used to sign the store items being published.

The files must correspond to the same key pair (the private key is used for signing and the public key is merely advertised in the signature metadata). They must contain keys in the canonical s-expression format as produced by guix archive --generate-key (veja Invocando guix archive). By default, /etc/guix/ and /etc/guix/signing-key.sec are used.

-r [porta]

Spawn a Guile REPL server (veja REPL Servers em GNU Guile Reference Manual) on port (37146 by default). This is used primarily for debugging a running guix publish server.

Enabling guix publish on Guix System is a one-liner: just instantiate a guix-publish-service-type service in the services field of the operating-system declaration (veja guix-publish-service-type).

If you are instead running Guix on a “foreign distro”, follow these instructions:

  • If your host distro uses the systemd init system:
    # ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/systemd/system/guix-publish.service \
    # systemctl start guix-publish && systemctl enable guix-publish
  • Se sua distro hospedeira usa o sistema init Upstart:
    # ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-publish.conf /etc/init/
    # start guix-publish
  • Otherwise, proceed similarly with your distro’s init system.

9.12 Invocando guix challenge

Do the binaries provided by this server really correspond to the source code it claims to build? Is a package build process deterministic? These are the questions the guix challenge command attempts to answer.

The former is obviously an important question: Before using a substitute server (veja Substitutos), one had better verify that it provides the right binaries, and thus challenge it. The latter is what enables the former: If package builds are deterministic, then independent builds of the package should yield the exact same result, bit for bit; if a server provides a binary different from the one obtained locally, it may be either corrupt or malicious.

We know that the hash that shows up in /gnu/store file names is the hash of all the inputs of the process that built the file or directory—compilers, libraries, build scripts, etc. (veja Introdução). Assuming deterministic build processes, one store file name should map to exactly one build output. guix challenge checks whether there is, indeed, a single mapping by comparing the build outputs of several independent builds of any given store item.

The command output looks like this:

$ guix challenge \
  --substitute-urls="" \
  openssl git pius coreutils grep
updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
/gnu/store/…-openssl-1.0.2d contents differ:
  local hash: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q…-openssl-1.0.2d: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q…-openssl-1.0.2d: 1zy4fmaaqcnjrzzajkdn3f5gmjk754b43qkq47llbyak9z0qjyim
  differing files:

/gnu/store/…-git-2.5.0 contents differ:
  local hash: 00p3bmryhjxrhpn2gxs2fy0a15lnip05l97205pgbk5ra395hyha…-git-2.5.0: 069nb85bv4d4a6slrwjdy8v1cn4cwspm3kdbmyb81d6zckj3nq9f…-git-2.5.0: 0mdqa9w1p6cmli6976v4wi0sw9r4p5prkj7lzfd1877wk11c9c73
  differing file:

/gnu/store/…-pius-2.1.1 contents differ:
  local hash: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax…-pius-2.1.1: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax…-pius-2.1.1: 1cy25x1a4fzq5rk0pmvc8xhwyffnqz95h2bpvqsz2mpvlbccy0gs
  differing file:


5 store items were analyzed:
  - 2 (40.0%) were identical
  - 3 (60.0%) differed
  - 0 (0.0%) were inconclusive

In this example, guix challenge queries all the substitute servers for each of the fives packages specified on the command line. It then reports those store items for which the servers obtained a result different from the local build (if it exists) and/or different from one another; here, the ‘local hash’ lines indicate that a local build result was available for each of these packages and shows its hash.

As an example, always gets a different answer. Conversely, agrees with local builds, except in the case of Git. This might indicate that the build process of Git is non-deterministic, meaning that its output varies as a function of various things that Guix does not fully control, in spite of building packages in isolated environments (veja Recursos). Most common sources of non-determinism include the addition of timestamps in build results, the inclusion of random numbers, and directory listings sorted by inode number. See, for more information.

To find out what is wrong with this Git binary, the easiest approach is to run:

guix challenge git \
  --diff=diffoscope \

This automatically invokes diffoscope, which displays detailed information about files that differ.

Alternatively, we can do something along these lines (veja Invocando guix archive):

$ wget -q -O -…-git-2.5.0 \
   | lzip -d | guix archive -x /tmp/git
$ diff -ur --no-dereference /gnu/store/…-git.2.5.0 /tmp/git

This command shows the difference between the files resulting from the local build, and the files resulting from the build on (veja Comparing and Merging Files em Comparing and Merging Files). The diff command works great for text files. When binary files differ, a better option is Diffoscope, a tool that helps visualize differences for all kinds of files.

Once you have done that work, you can tell whether the differences are due to a non-deterministic build process or to a malicious server. We try hard to remove sources of non-determinism in packages to make it easier to verify substitutes, but of course, this is a process that involves not just Guix, but a large part of the free software community. In the meantime, guix challenge is one tool to help address the problem.

If you are writing packages for Guix, you are encouraged to check whether and other substitute servers obtain the same build result as you did with:

guix challenge package

A sintaxe geral é:

guix challenge options argument

where argument is a package specification such as guile@2.0 or glibc:debug or, alternatively, a store file name as returned, for example, by guix build or guix gc --list-live.

When a difference is found between the hash of a locally-built item and that of a server-provided substitute, or among substitutes provided by different servers, the command displays it as in the example above and its exit code is 2 (other non-zero exit codes denote other kinds of errors).

The one option that matters is:


Consider urls the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs to compare to.


Upon mismatches, show differences according to mode, one of:

simple (the default)

Show the list of files that differ.


Invoke Diffoscope, passing it two directories whose contents do not match.

When command is an absolute file name, run command instead of Diffoscope.


Do not show further details about the differences.

Thus, unless --diff=none is passed, guix challenge downloads the store items from the given substitute servers so that it can compare them.


Show details about matches (identical contents) in addition to information about mismatches.

9.13 Invocando guix copy

The guix copy command copies items from the store of one machine to that of another machine over a secure shell (SSH) connection26. For example, the following command copies the coreutils package, the user’s profile, and all their dependencies over to host, logged in as user:

guix copy --to=user@host \
          coreutils $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile)

If some of the items to be copied are already present on host, they are not actually sent.

The command below retrieves libreoffice and gimp from host, assuming they are available there:

guix copy --from=host libreoffice gimp

The SSH connection is established using the Guile-SSH client, which is compatible with OpenSSH: it honors ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~/.ssh/config, and uses the SSH agent for authentication.

The key used to sign items that are sent must be accepted by the remote machine. Likewise, the key used by the remote machine to sign items you are retrieving must be in /etc/guix/acl so it is accepted by your own daemon. Veja Invocando guix archive, for more information about store item authentication.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix copy [--to=spec|--from=spec] items

You must always specify one of the following options:


Specify the host to send to or receive from. spec must be an SSH spec such as,, or

The items can be either package names, such as gimp, or store items, such as /gnu/store/…-idutils-4.6.

When specifying the name of a package to send, it is first built if needed, unless --dry-run was specified. Common build options are supported (veja Opções de compilação comuns).

9.14 Invocando guix container

Nota: As of version 4538aa4, this tool is experimental. The interface is subject to radical change in the future.

The purpose of guix container is to manipulate processes running within an isolated environment, commonly known as a “container”, typically created by the guix shell (veja Invocando guix shell) and guix system container (veja Invoking guix system) commands.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix container action options

action specifies the operation to perform with a container, and options specifies the context-specific arguments for the action.

The following actions are available:


Execute a command within the context of a running container.

The syntax is:

guix container exec pid program arguments

pid specifies the process ID of the running container. program specifies an executable file name within the root file system of the container. arguments are the additional options that will be passed to program.

The following command launches an interactive login shell inside a Guix system container, started by guix system container, and whose process ID is 9001:

guix container exec 9001 /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login

Note that the pid cannot be the parent process of a container. It must be PID 1 of the container or one of its child processes.

9.15 Invocando guix weather

Occasionally you’re grumpy because substitutes are lacking and you end up building packages by yourself (veja Substitutos). The guix weather command reports on substitute availability on the specified servers so you can have an idea of whether you’ll be grumpy today. It can sometimes be useful info as a user, but it is primarily useful to people running guix publish (veja Invocando guix publish). Sometimes substitutes are available but they are not authorized on your system; guix weather reports it so you can authorize them if you want (veja Obtendo substitutos de outros servidores).

Here’s a sample run:

$ guix weather --substitute-urls=
computing 5,872 package derivations for x86_64-linux...
looking for 6,128 store items on
updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
  43.4% substitutes available (2,658 out of 6,128)
  7,032.5 MiB of nars (compressed)
  19,824.2 MiB on disk (uncompressed)
  0.030 seconds per request (182.9 seconds in total)
  33.5 requests per second

  9.8% (342 out of 3,470) of the missing items are queued
  867 queued builds
      x86_64-linux: 518 (59.7%)
      i686-linux: 221 (25.5%)
      aarch64-linux: 128 (14.8%)
  build rate: 23.41 builds per hour
      x86_64-linux: 11.16 builds per hour
      i686-linux: 6.03 builds per hour
      aarch64-linux: 6.41 builds per hour

As you can see, it reports the fraction of all the packages for which substitutes are available on the server—regardless of whether substitutes are enabled, and regardless of whether this server’s signing key is authorized. It also reports the size of the compressed archives (“nars”) provided by the server, the size the corresponding store items occupy in the store (assuming deduplication is turned off), and the server’s throughput. The second part gives continuous integration (CI) statistics, if the server supports it. In addition, using the --coverage option, guix weather can list “important” package substitutes missing on the server (see below).

To achieve that, guix weather queries over HTTP(S) meta-data (narinfos) for all the relevant store items. Like guix challenge, it ignores signatures on those substitutes, which is innocuous since the command only gathers statistics and cannot install those substitutes.

A sintaxe geral é:

guix weather options… [packages…]

When packages is omitted, guix weather checks the availability of substitutes for all the packages, or for those specified with --manifest; otherwise it only considers the specified packages. It is also possible to query specific system types with --system. guix weather exits with a non-zero code when the fraction of available substitutes is below 100%.

The available options are listed below.


urls is the space-separated list of substitute server URLs to query. When this option is omitted, the URLs specified with the --substitute-urls option of guix-daemon are used or, as a last resort, the default set of substitute URLs.

-s sistema

Query substitutes for system—e.g., aarch64-linux. This option can be repeated, in which case guix weather will query substitutes for several system types.


Instead of querying substitutes for all the packages, only ask for those specified in file. file must contain a manifest, as with the -m option of guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

This option can be repeated several times, in which case the manifests are concatenated.

-e expr

Considere o pacote que expr avalia.

A typical use case for this option is specifying a package that is hidden and thus cannot be referred to in the usual way, as in this example:

guix weather -e '(@@ (gnu packages rust) rust-bootstrap)'

This option can be repeated.

-c [contagem]

Report on substitute coverage for packages: list packages with at least count dependents (zero by default) for which substitutes are unavailable. Dependent packages themselves are not listed: if b depends on a and a has no substitutes, only a is listed, even though b usually lacks substitutes as well. The result looks like this:

$ guix weather --substitute-urls= -c 10
computing 8,983 package derivations for x86_64-linux...
looking for 9,343 store items on
updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
  64.7% substitutes available (6,047 out of 9,343)
2502 packages are missing from '' for 'x86_64-linux', among which:
    58  kcoreaddons@5.49.0      /gnu/store/…-kcoreaddons-5.49.0
    46  qgpgme@1.11.1           /gnu/store/…-qgpgme-1.11.1
    37  perl-http-cookiejar@0.008  /gnu/store/…-perl-http-cookiejar-0.008

What this example shows is that kcoreaddons and presumably the 58 packages that depend on it have no substitutes at; likewise for qgpgme and the 46 packages that depend on it.

If you are a Guix developer, or if you are taking care of this build farm, you’ll probably want to have a closer look at these packages: they may simply fail to build.


Display the list of store items for which substitutes are missing.

9.16 Invocando guix processes

The guix processes command can be useful to developers and system administrators, especially on multi-user machines and on build farms: it lists the current sessions (connections to the daemon), as well as information about the processes involved27. Here’s an example of the information it returns:

$ sudo guix processes
SessionPID: 19002
ClientPID: 19090
ClientCommand: guix shell python

SessionPID: 19402
ClientPID: 19367
ClientCommand: guix publish -u guix-publish -p 3000 -C 9 …

SessionPID: 19444
ClientPID: 19419
ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass …
LockHeld: /gnu/store/…-perl-ipc-cmd-0.96.lock
LockHeld: /gnu/store/…-python-six-bootstrap-1.11.0.lock
LockHeld: /gnu/store/…-libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0.lock
ChildPID: 20495
ChildCommand: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
ChildPID: 27733
ChildCommand: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
ChildPID: 27793
ChildCommand: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800

In this example we see that guix-daemon has three clients: guix shell, guix publish, and the Cuirass continuous integration tool; their process identifier (PID) is given by the ClientPID field. The SessionPID field gives the PID of the guix-daemon sub-process of this particular session.

The LockHeld fields show which store items are currently locked by this session, which corresponds to store items being built or substituted (the LockHeld field is not displayed when guix processes is not running as root). Last, by looking at the ChildPID and ChildCommand fields, we understand that these three builds are being offloaded (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento).

The output is in Recutils format so we can use the handy recsel command to select sessions of interest (veja Selection Expressions em GNU recutils manual). As an example, the command shows the command line and PID of the client that triggered the build of a Perl package:

$ sudo guix processes | \
    recsel -p ClientPID,ClientCommand -e 'LockHeld ~ "perl"'
ClientPID: 19419
ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass …

Additional options are listed below.

-f formato

Produza saída no formato especificado, um dos seguintes:


The default option. It outputs a set of Session recutils records that include each ChildProcess as a field.


Normalize the output records into record sets (veja Record Sets em GNU recutils manual). Normalizing into record sets allows joins across record types. The example below lists the PID of each ChildProcess and the associated PID for Session that spawned the ChildProcess where the Session was started using guix build.

$ guix processes --format=normalized | \
    recsel \
    -j Session \
    -t ChildProcess \
    -p Session.PID,PID \
    -e 'Session.ClientCommand ~ "guix build"'
PID: 4435
Session_PID: 4278

PID: 4554
Session_PID: 4278

PID: 4646
Session_PID: 4278

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10 Arquiteturas Estrangeiras

You can target computers of different CPU architectures when producing packages (veja Invocando guix package), packs (veja Invocando guix pack) or full systems (veja Invoking guix system).

GNU Guix supports two distinct mechanisms to target foreign architectures:

  1. The traditional cross-compilation mechanism.
  2. The native building mechanism which consists in building using the CPU instruction set of the foreign system you are targeting. It often requires emulation, using the QEMU program for instance.

10.1 Compilação cruzada

The commands supporting cross-compilation are proposing the --list-targets and --target options.

The --list-targets option lists all the supported targets that can be passed as an argument to --target.

$ guix build --list-targets
The available targets are:

   - aarch64-linux-gnu
   - arm-linux-gnueabihf
   - avr
   - i586-pc-gnu
   - i686-linux-gnu
   - i686-w64-mingw32
   - loongarch64-linux-gnu
   - mips64el-linux-gnu
   - or1k-elf
   - powerpc-linux-gnu
   - powerpc64le-linux-gnu
   - riscv64-linux-gnu
   - x86_64-linux-gnu
   - x86_64-linux-gnux32
   - x86_64-w64-mingw32
   - xtensa-ath9k-elf

Targets are specified as GNU triplets (veja GNU configuration triplets em Autoconf).

Those triplets are passed to GCC and the other underlying compilers possibly involved when building a package, a system image or any other GNU Guix output.

$ guix build --target=aarch64-linux-gnu hello

$ file /gnu/store/9926by9qrxa91ijkhw9ndgwp4bn24g9h-hello-2.12/bin/hello
/gnu/store/9926by9qrxa91ijkhw9ndgwp4bn24g9h-hello-2.12/bin/hello: ELF
64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64 …

The major benefit of cross-compilation is that there are no performance penalty compared to emulation using QEMU. There are however higher risks that some packages fail to cross-compile because fewer users are using this mechanism extensively.

10.2 Construções nativas

The commands that support impersonating a specific system have the --list-systems and --system options.

The --list-systems option lists all the supported systems that can be passed as an argument to --system.

$ guix build --list-systems
The available systems are:

   - x86_64-linux [current]
   - aarch64-linux
   - armhf-linux
   - i586-gnu
   - i686-linux
   - mips64el-linux
   - powerpc-linux
   - powerpc64le-linux
   - riscv64-linux

$ guix build --system=i686-linux hello

$ file /gnu/store/cc0km35s8x2z4pmwkrqqjx46i8b1i3gm-hello-2.12/bin/hello
/gnu/store/cc0km35s8x2z4pmwkrqqjx46i8b1i3gm-hello-2.12/bin/hello: ELF
32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386 …

In the above example, the current system is x86_64-linux. The hello package is however built for the i686-linux system.

This is possible because the i686 CPU instruction set is a subset of the x86_64, hence i686 targeting binaries can be run on x86_64.

Still in the context of the previous example, if picking the aarch64-linux system and the guix build --system=aarch64-linux hello has to build some derivations, an extra step might be needed.

The aarch64-linux targeting binaries cannot directly be run on a x86_64-linux system. An emulation layer is requested. The GNU Guix daemon can take advantage of the Linux kernel binfmt_misc mechanism for that. In short, the Linux kernel can defer the execution of a binary targeting a foreign platform, here aarch64-linux, to a userspace program, usually an emulator.

There is a service that registers QEMU as a backend for the binfmt_misc mechanism (veja qemu-binfmt-service-type). On Debian based foreign distributions, the alternative would be the qemu-user-static package.

If the binfmt_misc mechanism is not setup correctly, the building will fail this way:

$ guix build --system=armhf-linux hello --check
 unsupported-platform /gnu/store/jjn969pijv7hff62025yxpfmc8zy0aq0-hello-2.12.drv aarch64-linux
while setting up the build environment: a `aarch64-linux' is required to
build `/gnu/store/jjn969pijv7hff62025yxpfmc8zy0aq0-hello-2.12.drv', but
I am a `x86_64-linux'…

whereas, with the binfmt_misc mechanism correctly linked with QEMU, one can expect to see:

$ guix build --system=armhf-linux hello --check

The main advantage of native building compared to cross-compiling, is that more packages are likely to build correctly. However it comes at a price: compilation backed by QEMU is way slower than cross-compilation, because every instruction needs to be emulated.

The availability of substitutes for the architecture targeted by the --system option can mitigate this problem. An other way to work around it is to install GNU Guix on a machine whose CPU supports the targeted instruction set, and set it up as an offload machine (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento).

11 Configuração do sistema

Guix System supports a consistent whole-system configuration mechanism. By that we mean that all aspects of the global system configuration—such as the available system services, timezone and locale settings, user accounts—are declared in a single place. Such a system configuration can be instantiated—i.e., effected.

One of the advantages of putting all the system configuration under the control of Guix is that it supports transactional system upgrades, and makes it possible to roll back to a previous system instantiation, should something go wrong with the new one (veja Recursos). Another advantage is that it makes it easy to replicate the exact same configuration across different machines, or at different points in time, without having to resort to additional administration tools layered on top of the own tools of the system.

This section describes this mechanism. First we focus on the system administrator’s viewpoint—explaining how the system is configured and instantiated. Then we show how this mechanism can be extended, for instance to support new system services.

11.1 Começando

You’re reading this section probably because you have just installed Guix System (veja Instalação do sistema) and would like to know where to go from here. If you’re already familiar with GNU/Linux system administration, the way Guix System is configured is very different from what you’re used to: you won’t install a system service by running guix install, you won’t configure services by modifying files under /etc, and you won’t create user accounts by invoking useradd; instead, all these aspects are spelled out in a system configuration file.

The first step with Guix System is thus to write the system configuration file; luckily, system installation already generated one for you and stored it under /etc/config.scm.

Nota: You can store your system configuration file anywhere you like—it doesn’t have to be at /etc/config.scm. It’s a good idea to keep it under version control, for instance in a Git repository.

The entire configuration of the system—user accounts, system services, timezone, locale settings—is declared in this file, which follows this template:

(use-modules (gnu))
(use-package-modules )
(use-service-modules )

  (host-name )
  (timezone )
  (locale )
  (bootloader )
  (file-systems )
  (users )
  (packages )
  (services ))

This configuration file is in fact a Scheme program; the first lines pull in modules providing variables you might need in the rest of the file—e.g., packages, services, etc. The operating-system form declares the system configuration as a record with a number of fields. Veja Usando o sistema de configuração, to view complete examples and learn what to put in there.

The second step, once you have this configuration file, is to test it. Of course, you can skip this step if you’re feeling lucky—you choose! To do that, pass your configuration file to guix system vm (no need to be root, you can do that as a regular user):

guix system vm /etc/config.scm

This command returns the name of a shell script that starts a virtual machine (VM) running the system as described in the configuration file:


In this VM, you can log in as root with no password. That’s a good way to check that your configuration file is correct and that it gives the expected result, without touching your system. Veja Invoking guix system, for more information.

Nota: When using guix system vm, aspects tied to your hardware such as file systems and mapped devices are overridden because they cannot be meaningfully tested in the VM. Other aspects such as static network configuration (veja static-networking-service-type) are not overridden but they may not work inside the VM.

The third step, once you’re happy with your configuration, is to instantiate it—make this configuration effective on your system. To do that, run:

sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm

This operation is transactional: either it succeeds and you end up with an upgraded system, or it fails and nothing has changed. Note that it does not restart system services that were already running. Thus, to upgrade those services, you have to reboot or to explicitly restart them; for example, to restart the secure shell (SSH) daemon, you would run:

sudo herd restart sshd

Nota: System services are managed by the Shepherd (veja Jump Start em The GNU Shepherd Manual). The herd command lets you inspect, start, and stop services. To view the status of services, run:

sudo herd status

To view detailed information about a given service, add its name to the command:

sudo herd status sshd

Veja Serviços, for more information.

The system records its provenance—the configuration file and channels that were used to deploy it. You can view it like so:

guix system describe

Additionally, guix system reconfigure preserves previous system generations, which you can list:

guix system list-generations

Crucially, that means that you can always roll back to an earlier generation should something go wrong! When you eventually reboot, you’ll notice a sub-menu in the bootloader that reads “Old system generations”: it’s what allows you to boot an older generation of your system, should the latest generation be “broken” or otherwise unsatisfying. You can also “permanently” roll back, like so:

sudo guix system roll-back

Alternatively, you can use guix system switch-generation to switch to a specific generation.

Once in a while, you’ll want to delete old generations that you do not need anymore to allow garbage collection to free space (veja Invocando guix gc). For example, to remove generations older than 4 months, run:

sudo guix system delete-generations 4m

From there on, anytime you want to change something in the system configuration, be it adding a user account or changing parameters of a service, you will first update your configuration file and then run guix system reconfigure as shown above. Likewise, to upgrade system software, you first fetch an up-to-date Guix and then reconfigure your system with that new Guix:

guix pull
sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm

We recommend doing that regularly so that your system includes the latest security updates (veja Atualizações de segurança).

Nota: sudo guix runs your user’s guix command and not root’s, because sudo leaves PATH unchanged.

The difference matters here, because guix pull updates the guix command and package definitions only for the user it is run as. This means that if you choose to use guix system reconfigure in root’s login shell, you’ll need to guix pull separately.

That’s it! If you’re getting started with Guix entirely, veja Começando. The next sections dive in more detail into the crux of the matter: system configuration.

11.2 Usando o sistema de configuração

The previous section showed the overall workflow you would follow when administering a Guix System machine (veja Começando). Let’s now see in more detail what goes into the system configuration file.

The operating system is configured by providing an operating-system declaration in a file that can then be passed to the guix system command (veja Invoking guix system), as we’ve seen before. A simple setup, with the default Linux-Libre kernel, initial RAM disk, and a couple of system services added to those provided by default looks like this:

;; -*- mode: scheme; -*-
;; This is an operating system configuration template
;; for a "bare bones" setup, with no X11 display server.

(use-modules (gnu))
(use-service-modules networking ssh)
(use-package-modules screen ssh)

  (host-name "komputilo")
  (timezone "Europe/Berlin")
  (locale "en_US.utf8")

  ;; Boot in "legacy" BIOS mode, assuming /dev/sdX is the
  ;; target hard disk, and "my-root" is the label of the target
  ;; root file system.
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-bootloader)
                (targets '("/dev/sdX"))))
  ;; It's fitting to support the equally bare bones ‘-nographic’
  ;; QEMU option, which also nicely sidesteps forcing QWERTY.
  (kernel-arguments (list "console=ttyS0,115200"))
  (file-systems (cons (file-system
                        (device (file-system-label "my-root"))
                        (mount-point "/")
                        (type "ext4"))

  ;; This is where user accounts are specified.  The "root"
  ;; account is implicit, and is initially created with the
  ;; empty password.
  (users (cons (user-account
                (name "alice")
                (comment "Bob's sister")
                (group "users")

                ;; Adding the account to the "wheel" group
                ;; makes it a sudoer.  Adding it to "audio"
                ;; and "video" allows the user to play sound
                ;; and access the webcam.
                (supplementary-groups '("wheel"
                                        "audio" "video")))

  ;; Globally-installed packages.
  (packages (cons screen %base-packages))

  ;; Add services to the baseline: a DHCP client and an SSH
  ;; server.  You may wish to add an NTP service here.
  (services (append (list (service dhcp-client-service-type)
                          (service openssh-service-type
                                    (openssh openssh-sans-x)
                                    (port-number 2222))))

The configuration is declarative. It is code in the Scheme programming language; the whole (operating-system …) expression produces a record with a number of fields. Some of the fields defined above, such as host-name and bootloader, are mandatory. Others, such as packages and services, can be omitted, in which case they get a default value. Veja operating-system Reference, for details about all the available fields.

Below we discuss the meaning of some of the most important fields.

Troubleshooting: The configuration file is a Scheme program and you might get the syntax or semantics wrong as you get started. Syntactic issues such as misplaced parentheses can often be identified by reformatting your file:

guix style -f config.scm

The Cookbook has a short section to get started with the Scheme programming language that explains the fundamentals, which you will find helpful when hacking your configuration. Veja A Scheme Crash Course em GNU Guix Cookbook.

Carregador de inicialização

The bootloader field describes the method that will be used to boot your system. Machines based on Intel processors can boot in “legacy” BIOS mode, as in the example above. However, more recent machines rely instead on the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) to boot. In that case, the bootloader field should contain something along these lines:

  (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
  (targets '("/boot/efi")))

Veja Configuração do carregador de inicialização, for more information on the available configuration options.

Globally-Visible Packages

The packages field lists packages that will be globally visible on the system, for all user accounts—i.e., in every user’s PATH environment variable—in addition to the per-user profiles (veja Invocando guix package). The %base-packages variable provides all the tools one would expect for basic user and administrator tasks—including the GNU Core Utilities, the GNU Networking Utilities, the mg lightweight text editor, find, grep, etc. The example above adds GNU Screen to those, taken from the (gnu packages screen) module (veja Módulos de pacote). The (list package output) syntax can be used to add a specific output of a package:

(use-modules (gnu packages))
(use-modules (gnu packages dns))

  ;; ...
  (packages (cons (list isc-bind "utils")

Referring to packages by variable name, like isc-bind above, has the advantage of being unambiguous; it also allows typos and such to be diagnosed right away as “unbound variables”. The downside is that one needs to know which module defines which package, and to augment the use-package-modules line accordingly. To avoid that, one can use the specification->package procedure of the (gnu packages) module, which returns the best package for a given name or name and version:

(use-modules (gnu packages))

  ;; ...
  (packages (append (map specification->package
                         '("tcpdump" "htop" "gnupg@2.0"))

When a package has more than one output it can be a challenge to refer to a specific output instead of just to the standard out output. For these situations one can use the specifications->packages procedure from the (gnu packages) module. For example:

(use-modules (gnu packages))

  ;; ...
  (packages (append (specifications->packages
                      '("git" "git:send-email"))

Serviços do sistema

The services field lists system services to be made available when the system starts (veja Serviços). The operating-system declaration above specifies that, in addition to the basic services, we want the OpenSSH secure shell daemon listening on port 2222 (veja openssh-service-type). Under the hood, openssh-service-type arranges so that sshd is started with the right command-line options, possibly with supporting configuration files generated as needed (veja Definindo serviços).

Occasionally, instead of using the base services as is, you will want to customize them. To do this, use modify-services (veja modify-services) to modify the list.

For example, suppose you want to modify guix-daemon and Mingetty (the console log-in) in the %base-services list (veja %base-services). To do that, you can write the following in your operating system declaration:

(define %my-services
  ;; My very own list of services.
  (modify-services %base-services
    (guix-service-type config =>
                        (inherit config)
                        ;; Fetch substitutes from
                          (list ""
    (mingetty-service-type config =>
                            (inherit config)
                            ;; Automatically log in as "guest".
                            (auto-login "guest")))))

  ;; …
  (services %my-services))

This changes the configuration—i.e., the service parameters—of the guix-service-type instance, and that of all the mingetty-service-type instances in the %base-services list (veja see the cookbook for how to auto-login one user to a specific TTY em GNU Guix Cookbook)). Observe how this is accomplished: first, we arrange for the original configuration to be bound to the identifier config in the body, and then we write the body so that it evaluates to the desired configuration. In particular, notice how we use inherit to create a new configuration which has the same values as the old configuration, but with a few modifications.

The configuration for a typical “desktop” usage, with an encrypted root partition, a swap file on the root partition, the X11 display server, GNOME and Xfce (users can choose which of these desktop environments to use at the log-in screen by pressing F1), network management, power management, and more, would look like this:

;; -*- mode: scheme; -*-
;; This is an operating system configuration template
;; for a "desktop" setup with GNOME and Xfce where the
;; root partition is encrypted with LUKS, and a swap file.

(use-modules (gnu) (gnu system nss) (guix utils))
(use-service-modules desktop sddm xorg)
(use-package-modules gnome)

  (host-name "antelope")
  (timezone "Europe/Paris")
  (locale "en_US.utf8")

  ;; Choose US English keyboard layout.  The "altgr-intl"
  ;; variant provides dead keys for accented characters.
  (keyboard-layout (keyboard-layout "us" "altgr-intl"))

  ;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System
  ;; Partition mounted on /boot/efi.
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
                (targets '("/boot/efi"))
                (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)))

  ;; Specify a mapped device for the encrypted root partition.
  ;; The UUID is that returned by 'cryptsetup luksUUID'.
   (list (mapped-device
          (source (uuid "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc"))
          (target "my-root")
          (type luks-device-mapping))))

  (file-systems (append
                 (list (file-system
                         (device (file-system-label "my-root"))
                         (mount-point "/")
                         (type "ext4")
                         (dependencies mapped-devices))
                         (device (uuid "1234-ABCD" 'fat))
                         (mount-point "/boot/efi")
                         (type "vfat")))

  ;; Specify a swap file for the system, which resides on the
  ;; root file system.
  (swap-devices (list (swap-space
                       (target "/swapfile"))))

  ;; Create user `bob' with `alice' as its initial password.
  (users (cons (user-account
                (name "bob")
                (comment "Alice's brother")
                (password (crypt "alice" "$6$abc"))
                (group "students")
                (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
                                        "audio" "video")))

  ;; Add the `students' group
  (groups (cons* (user-group
                  (name "students"))

  ;; This is where we specify system-wide packages.
  (packages (append (list
                     ;; for user mounts

  ;; Add GNOME and Xfce---we can choose at the log-in screen
  ;; by clicking the gear.  Use the "desktop" services, which
  ;; include the X11 log-in service, networking with
  ;; NetworkManager, and more.
  (services (if (target-x86-64?)
                (append (list (service gnome-desktop-service-type)
                              (service xfce-desktop-service-type)
                                (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout))))

                ;; FIXME: Since GDM depends on Rust (gdm -> gnome-shell -> gjs
                ;; -> mozjs -> rust) and Rust is currently unavailable on
                ;; non-x86_64 platforms, we use SDDM and Mate here instead of
                ;; GNOME and GDM.
                (append (list (service mate-desktop-service-type)
                              (service xfce-desktop-service-type)
                                (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout))

  ;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS.
  (name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss))

Um sistema gráfico com uma escolha de gerenciadores de janelas leves em vez de ambientes de desktop completos teria a seguinte aparência:

;; -*- mode: scheme; -*-
;; This is an operating system configuration template
;; for a "desktop" setup without full-blown desktop
;; environments.

(use-modules (gnu) (gnu system nss))
(use-service-modules desktop)
(use-package-modules bootloaders emacs emacs-xyz ratpoison suckless wm

  (host-name "antelope")
  (timezone "Europe/Paris")
  (locale "en_US.utf8")

  ;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System
  ;; Partition mounted on /boot/efi.
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
                (targets '("/boot/efi"))))

  ;; Assume the target root file system is labelled "my-root",
  ;; and the EFI System Partition has UUID 1234-ABCD.
  (file-systems (append
                 (list (file-system
                         (device (file-system-label "my-root"))
                         (mount-point "/")
                         (type "ext4"))
                         (device (uuid "1234-ABCD" 'fat))
                         (mount-point "/boot/efi")
                         (type "vfat")))

  (users (cons (user-account
                (name "alice")
                (comment "Bob's sister")
                (group "users")
                (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
                                        "audio" "video")))

  ;; Add a bunch of window managers; we can choose one at
  ;; the log-in screen with F1.
  (packages (append (list
                     ;; window managers
                     ratpoison i3-wm i3status dmenu
                     emacs emacs-exwm emacs-desktop-environment
                     ;; terminal emulator

  ;; Use the "desktop" services, which include the X11
  ;; log-in service, networking with NetworkManager, and more.
  (services %desktop-services)

  ;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS.
  (name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss))

Este exemplo faz referência ao sistema de arquivos /boot/efi por seu UUID, 1234-ABCD. Substitua esse UUID pelo UUID correto no seu sistema, conforme retornado pelo comando blkid.

Veja Serviços de desktop, for the exact list of services provided by %desktop-services.

Again, %desktop-services is just a list of service objects. If you want to remove services from there, you can do so using the procedures for list filtering (veja SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning em GNU Guile Reference Manual). For instance, the following expression returns a list that contains all the services in %desktop-services minus the Avahi service:

(remove (lambda (service)
          (eq? (service-kind service) avahi-service-type))

Alternatively, the modify-services macro can be used:

(modify-services %desktop-services
  (delete avahi-service-type))

Inspecting Services

As you work on your system configuration, you might wonder why some system service doesn’t show up or why the system is not as you expected. There are several ways to inspect and troubleshoot problems.

First, you can inspect the dependency graph of Shepherd services like so:

guix system shepherd-graph /etc/config.scm | \
  guix shell xdot -- xdot -

This lets you visualize the Shepherd services as defined in /etc/config.scm. Each box is a service as would be shown by sudo herd status on the running system, and each arrow denotes a dependency (in the sense that if service A depends on B, then B must be started before A).

Not all “services” are Shepherd services though, since Guix System uses a broader definition of the term (veja Serviços). To visualize system services and their relations at a higher level, run:

guix system extension-graph /etc/config.scm | \
  guix shell xdot -- xdot -

This lets you view the service extension graph: how services “extend” each other, for instance by contributing to their configuration. Veja Composição de serviço, to understand the meaning of this graph.

Last, you may also find it useful to inspect your system configuration at the REPL (veja Usando Guix interativamente). Here is an example session:

$ guix repl
scheme@(guix-user)> ,use (gnu)
scheme@(guix-user)> (define os (load "config.scm"))
scheme@(guix-user)> ,pp (map service-kind (operating-system-services os))
$1 = (#<service-type localed cabba93>

Veja Referência de Service, to learn about the Scheme interface to manipulate and inspect services.

Instantiating the System

Assuming the operating-system declaration is stored in the config.scm file, the sudo guix system reconfigure config.scm command instantiates that configuration, and makes it the default boot entry. Veja Começando, for an overview.

The normal way to change the system configuration is by updating this file and re-running guix system reconfigure. One should never have to touch files in /etc or to run commands that modify the system state such as useradd or grub-install. In fact, you must avoid that since that would not only void your warranty but also prevent you from rolling back to previous versions of your system, should you ever need to.

The Programming Interface

At the Scheme level, the bulk of an operating-system declaration is instantiated with the following monadic procedure (veja A mônada do armazém):

Monadic Procedure: operating-system-derivation os

Return a derivation that builds os, an operating-system object (veja Derivações).

The output of the derivation is a single directory that refers to all the packages, configuration files, and other supporting files needed to instantiate os.

This procedure is provided by the (gnu system) module. Along with (gnu services) (veja Serviços), this module contains the guts of Guix System. Make sure to visit it!

11.3 operating-system Reference

This section summarizes all the options available in operating-system declarations (veja Usando o sistema de configuração).

Tipo de dados: operating-system

This is the data type representing an operating system configuration. By that, we mean all the global system configuration, not per-user configuration (veja Usando o sistema de configuração).

kernel (default: linux-libre)

The package object of the operating system kernel to use28.

hurd (default: #f)

The package object of the Hurd to be started by the kernel. When this field is set, produce a GNU/Hurd operating system. In that case, kernel must also be set to the gnumach package—the microkernel the Hurd runs on.

Aviso: This feature is experimental and only supported for disk images.

kernel-loadable-modules (default: ’())

A list of objects (usually packages) to collect loadable kernel modules from–e.g. (list ddcci-driver-linux).

kernel-arguments (default: %default-kernel-arguments)

List of strings or gexps representing additional arguments to pass on the command-line of the kernel—e.g., ("console=ttyS0").


The system bootloader configuration object. Veja Configuração do carregador de inicialização.


This is the label (a string) as it appears in the bootloader’s menu entry. The default label includes the kernel name and version.

keyboard-layout (padrão: #f)

This field specifies the keyboard layout to use in the console. It can be either #f, in which case the default keyboard layout is used (usually US English), or a <keyboard-layout> record. Veja Disposição do teclado, for more information.

This keyboard layout is in effect as soon as the kernel has booted. For instance, it is the keyboard layout in effect when you type a passphrase if your root file system is on a luks-device-mapping mapped device (veja Dispositivos mapeados).

Nota: This does not specify the keyboard layout used by the bootloader, nor that used by the graphical display server. Veja Configuração do carregador de inicialização, for information on how to specify the bootloader’s keyboard layout. Veja X Window, for information on how to specify the keyboard layout used by the X Window System.

initrd-modules (default: %base-initrd-modules)

The list of Linux kernel modules that need to be available in the initial RAM disk. Veja Disco de RAM inicial.

initrd (default: base-initrd)

A procedure that returns an initial RAM disk for the Linux kernel. This field is provided to support low-level customization and should rarely be needed for casual use. Veja Disco de RAM inicial.

firmware (default: %base-firmware)

List of firmware packages loadable by the operating system kernel.

The default includes firmware needed for Atheros- and Broadcom-based WiFi devices (Linux-libre modules ath9k and b43-open, respectively). Veja Considerações de Hardware, for more info on supported hardware.


The host name.

mapped-devices (default: '())

A list of mapped devices. Veja Dispositivos mapeados.


A list of file systems. Veja Sistemas de arquivos.

swap-devices (default: '())

A list of swap spaces. Veja Espaço de troca (swap).

users (default: %base-user-accounts)
groups (default: %base-groups)

List of user accounts and groups. Veja Contas de usuário.

If the users list lacks a user account with UID 0, a “root” account with UID 0 is automatically added.

skeletons (default: (default-skeletons))

A list of target file name/file-like object tuples (veja file-like objects). These are the skeleton files that will be added to the home directory of newly-created user accounts.

For instance, a valid value may look like this:

`((".bashrc" ,(plain-file "bashrc" "echo Hello\n"))
  (".guile" ,(plain-file "guile"
                         "(use-modules (ice-9 readline))
issue (default: %default-issue)

A string denoting the contents of the /etc/issue file, which is displayed when users log in on a text console.

packages (default: %base-packages)

A list of packages to be installed in the global profile, which is accessible at /run/current-system/profile. Each element is either a package variable or a package/output tuple. Here’s a simple example of both:

(cons* git                     ; the default "out" output
       (list git "send-email") ; another output of git
       %base-packages)         ; the default set

The default set includes core utilities and it is good practice to install non-core utilities in user profiles (veja Invocando guix package).

timezone (default: "Etc/UTC")

A timezone identifying string—e.g., "Europe/Paris".

You can run the tzselect command to find out which timezone string corresponds to your region. Choosing an invalid timezone name causes guix system to fail.

locale (default: "en_US.utf8")

The name of the default locale (veja Locale Names em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). Veja Localidades, for more information.

locale-definitions (default: %default-locale-definitions)

The list of locale definitions to be compiled and that may be used at run time. Veja Localidades.

locale-libcs (default: (list glibc))

The list of GNU libc packages whose locale data and tools are used to build the locale definitions. Veja Localidades, for compatibility considerations that justify this option.

name-service-switch (default: %default-nss)

Configuration of the libc name service switch (NSS)—a <name-service-switch> object. Veja Name Service Switch, for details.

services (default: %base-services)

A list of service objects denoting system services. Veja Serviços.

essential-services (default: ...)

The list of “essential services”—i.e., things like instances of system-service-type (veja Referência de Service) and host-name-service-type, which are derived from the operating system definition itself. As a user you should never need to touch this field.

pam-services (default: (base-pam-services))

Linux pluggable authentication module (PAM) services.

privileged-programs (default: %default-privileged-programs)

List of <privileged-program>. Veja Privileged Programs, for more information.

sudoers-file (default: %sudoers-specification)

The contents of the /etc/sudoers file as a file-like object (veja local-file and plain-file).

This file specifies which users can use the sudo command, what they are allowed to do, and what privileges they may gain. The default is that only root and members of the wheel group may use sudo.

Macro: this-operating-system

When used in the lexical scope of an operating system field definition, this identifier resolves to the operating system being defined.

The example below shows how to refer to the operating system being defined in the definition of the label field:

(use-modules (gnu) (guix))

  ;; ...
  (label (package-full-name
          (operating-system-kernel this-operating-system))))

It is an error to refer to this-operating-system outside an operating system definition.

11.4 Sistemas de arquivos

The list of file systems to be mounted is specified in the file-systems field of the operating system declaration (veja Usando o sistema de configuração). Each file system is declared using the file-system form, like this:

  (mount-point "/home")
  (device "/dev/sda3")
  (type "ext4"))

As usual, some of the fields are mandatory—those shown in the example above—while others can be omitted. These are described below.

Tipo de dados: file-system

Objects of this type represent file systems to be mounted. They contain the following members:


This is a string specifying the type of the file system—e.g., "ext4".


This designates the place where the file system is to be mounted.


This names the “source” of the file system. It can be one of three things: a file system label, a file system UUID, or the name of a /dev node. Labels and UUIDs offer a way to refer to file systems without having to hard-code their actual device name29.

File system labels are created using the file-system-label procedure, UUIDs are created using uuid, and /dev nodes are plain strings. Here’s an example of a file system referred to by its label, as shown by the e2label command:

  (mount-point "/home")
  (type "ext4")
  (device (file-system-label "my-home")))

UUIDs are converted from their string representation (as shown by the tune2fs -l command) using the uuid form30, like this:

  (mount-point "/home")
  (type "ext4")
  (device (uuid "4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb")))

When the source of a file system is a mapped device (veja Dispositivos mapeados), its device field must refer to the mapped device name—e.g., "/dev/mapper/root-partition". This is required so that the system knows that mounting the file system depends on having the corresponding device mapping established.

flags (default: '())

This is a list of symbols denoting mount flags. Recognized flags include read-only, bind-mount, no-dev (disallow access to special files), no-suid (ignore setuid and setgid bits), no-atime (do not update file access times), no-diratime (likewise for directories only), strict-atime (update file access time), lazy-time (only update time on the in-memory version of the file inode), no-exec (disallow program execution), and shared (make the mount shared). Veja Mount-Unmount-Remount em The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for more information on these flags.

options (padrão: #f)

This is either #f, or a string denoting mount options passed to the file system driver. Veja Mount-Unmount-Remount em The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for details.

Run man 8 mount for options for various file systems, but beware that what it lists as file-system-independent “mount options” are in fact flags, and belong in the flags field described above.

The file-system-options->alist and alist->file-system-options procedures from (gnu system file-systems) can be used to convert file system options given as an association list to the string representation, and vice-versa.

mount? (padrão: #t)

This value indicates whether to automatically mount the file system when the system is brought up. When set to #f, the file system gets an entry in /etc/fstab (read by the mount command) but is not automatically mounted.

needed-for-boot? (default: #f)

This Boolean value indicates whether the file system is needed when booting. If that is true, then the file system is mounted when the initial RAM disk (initrd) is loaded. This is always the case, for instance, for the root file system.

check? (padrão: #t)

This Boolean indicates whether the file system should be checked for errors before being mounted. How and when this happens can be further adjusted with the following options.

skip-check-if-clean? (default: #t)

When true, this Boolean indicates that a file system check triggered by check? may exit early if the file system is marked as “clean”, meaning that it was previously correctly unmounted and should not contain errors.

Setting this to false will always force a full consistency check when check? is true. This may take a very long time and is not recommended on healthy systems—in fact, it may reduce reliability!

Conversely, some primitive file systems like fat do not keep track of clean shutdowns and will perform a full scan regardless of the value of this option.

repair (default: 'preen)

When check? finds errors, it can (try to) repair them and continue booting. This option controls when and how to do so.

If false, try not to modify the file system at all. Checking certain file systems like jfs may still write to the device to replay the journal. No repairs will be attempted.

If #t, try to repair any errors found and assume “yes” to all questions. This will fix the most errors, but may be risky.

If 'preen, repair only errors that are safe to fix without human interaction. What that means is left up to the developers of each file system and may be equivalent to “none” or “all”.

create-mount-point? (default: #f)

When true, the mount point is created if it does not exist yet.

mount-may-fail? (default: #f)

When true, this indicates that mounting this file system can fail but that should not be considered an error. This is useful in unusual cases; an example of this is efivarfs, a file system that can only be mounted on EFI/UEFI systems.

dependencies (padrão: '())

This is a list of <file-system> or <mapped-device> objects representing file systems that must be mounted or mapped devices that must be opened before (and unmounted or closed after) this one.

As an example, consider a hierarchy of mounts: /sys/fs/cgroup is a dependency of /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu and /sys/fs/cgroup/memory.

Another example is a file system that depends on a mapped device, for example for an encrypted partition (veja Dispositivos mapeados).

shepherd-requirements (default: '())

This is a list of symbols denoting Shepherd requirements that must be met before mounting the file system.

As an example, an NFS file system would typically have a requirement for networking.

Typically, file systems are mounted before most other Shepherd services are started. However, file systems with a non-empty shepherd-requirements field are mounted after Shepherd services have begun. Any Shepherd service that depends on a file system with a non-empty shepherd-requirements field must depend on it directly and not on the generic symbol file-systems.

Procedure: file-system-label str

This procedure returns an opaque file system label from str, a string:

(file-system-label "home")
 #<file-system-label "home">

File system labels are used to refer to file systems by label rather than by device name. See above for examples.

The (gnu system file-systems) exports the following useful variables.

Variável: %base-file-systems

These are essential file systems that are required on normal systems, such as %pseudo-terminal-file-system and %immutable-store (see below). Operating system declarations should always contain at least these.

Variável: %pseudo-terminal-file-system

This is the file system to be mounted as /dev/pts. It supports pseudo-terminals created via openpty and similar functions (veja Pseudo-Terminals em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). Pseudo-terminals are used by terminal emulators such as xterm.

Variável: %shared-memory-file-system

This file system is mounted as /dev/shm and is used to support memory sharing across processes (veja shm_open em The GNU C Library Reference Manual).

Variável: %immutable-store

This file system performs a read-only “bind mount” of /gnu/store, making it read-only for all the users including root. This prevents against accidental modification by software running as root or by system administrators.

The daemon itself is still able to write to the store: it remounts it read-write in its own “name space.”

Variável: %binary-format-file-system

The binfmt_misc file system, which allows handling of arbitrary executable file types to be delegated to user space. This requires the binfmt.ko kernel module to be loaded.

Variável: %fuse-control-file-system

The fusectl file system, which allows unprivileged users to mount and unmount user-space FUSE file systems. This requires the fuse.ko kernel module to be loaded.

The (gnu system uuid) module provides tools to deal with file system “unique identifiers” (UUIDs).

Procedure: uuid str [type]

Return an opaque UUID (unique identifier) object of the given type (a symbol) by parsing str (a string):

(uuid "4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb")
 #<<uuid> type: dce bv: …>

(uuid "1234-ABCD" 'fat)
 #<<uuid> type: fat bv: …>

type may be one of dce, iso9660, fat, ntfs, or one of the commonly found synonyms for these.

UUIDs are another way to unambiguously refer to file systems in operating system configuration. See the examples above.

11.4.1 Sistema de arquivos Btrfs

The Btrfs has special features, such as subvolumes, that merit being explained in more details. The following section attempts to cover basic as well as complex uses of a Btrfs file system with the Guix System.

In its simplest usage, a Btrfs file system can be described, for example, by:

  (mount-point "/home")
  (type "btrfs")
  (device (file-system-label "my-home")))

The example below is more complex, as it makes use of a Btrfs subvolume, named rootfs. The parent Btrfs file system is labeled my-btrfs-pool, and is located on an encrypted device (hence the dependency on mapped-devices):

  (device (file-system-label "my-btrfs-pool"))
  (mount-point "/")
  (type "btrfs")
  (options "subvol=rootfs")
  (dependencies mapped-devices))

Some bootloaders, for example GRUB, only mount a Btrfs partition at its top level during the early boot, and rely on their configuration to refer to the correct subvolume path within that top level. The bootloaders operating in this way typically produce their configuration on a running system where the Btrfs partitions are already mounted and where the subvolume information is readily available. As an example, grub-mkconfig, the configuration generator command shipped with GRUB, reads /proc/self/mountinfo to determine the top-level path of a subvolume.

The Guix System produces a bootloader configuration using the operating system configuration as its sole input; it is therefore necessary to extract the subvolume name on which /gnu/store lives (if any) from that operating system configuration. To better illustrate, consider a subvolume named ’rootfs’ which contains the root file system data. In such situation, the GRUB bootloader would only see the top level of the root Btrfs partition, e.g.:

/                   (top level)
├── rootfs          (subvolume directory)
    ├── gnu         (normal directory)
        ├── store   (normal directory)

Thus, the subvolume name must be prepended to the /gnu/store path of the kernel, initrd binaries and any other files referred to in the GRUB configuration that must be found during the early boot.

The next example shows a nested hierarchy of subvolumes and directories:

/                   (top level)
├── rootfs          (subvolume)
    ├── gnu         (normal directory)
        ├── store   (subvolume)

This scenario would work without mounting the ’store’ subvolume. Mounting ’rootfs’ is sufficient, since the subvolume name matches its intended mount point in the file system hierarchy. Alternatively, the ’store’ subvolume could be referred to by setting the subvol option to either /rootfs/gnu/store or rootfs/gnu/store.

Finally, a more contrived example of nested subvolumes:

/                           (top level)
├── root-snapshots          (subvolume)
    ├── root-current        (subvolume)
        ├── guix-store      (subvolume)

Here, the ’guix-store’ subvolume doesn’t match its intended mount point, so it is necessary to mount it. The subvolume must be fully specified, by passing its file name to the subvol option. To illustrate, the ’guix-store’ subvolume could be mounted on /gnu/store by using a file system declaration such as:

  (device (file-system-label "btrfs-pool-1"))
  (mount-point "/gnu/store")
  (type "btrfs")
  (options "subvol=root-snapshots/root-current/guix-store,\

11.5 Dispositivos mapeados

The Linux kernel has a notion of device mapping: a block device, such as a hard disk partition, can be mapped into another device, usually in /dev/mapper/, with additional processing over the data that flows through it31. A typical example is encryption device mapping: all writes to the mapped device are encrypted, and all reads are deciphered, transparently. Guix extends this notion by considering any device or set of devices that are transformed in some way to create a new device; for instance, RAID devices are obtained by assembling several other devices, such as hard disks or partitions, into a new one that behaves as one partition.

Mapped devices are declared using the mapped-device form, defined as follows; for examples, see below.

Tipo de dados: mapped-device

Objects of this type represent device mappings that will be made when the system boots up.


This is either a string specifying the name of the block device to be mapped, such as "/dev/sda3", or a list of such strings when several devices need to be assembled for creating a new one. In case of LVM this is a string specifying name of the volume group to be mapped.


This string specifies the name of the resulting mapped device. For kernel mappers such as encrypted devices of type luks-device-mapping, specifying "my-partition" leads to the creation of the "/dev/mapper/my-partition" device. For RAID devices of type raid-device-mapping, the full device name such as "/dev/md0" needs to be given. LVM logical volumes of type lvm-device-mapping need to be specified as "VGNAME-LVNAME".


This list of strings specifies names of the resulting mapped devices in case there are several. The format is identical to target.


This must be a mapped-device-kind object, which specifies how source is mapped to target.

Variável: luks-device-mapping

This defines LUKS block device encryption using the cryptsetup command from the package with the same name. It relies on the dm-crypt Linux kernel module.

Procedure: luks-device-mapping-with-options [#:key-file]

Return a luks-device-mapping object, which defines LUKS block device encryption using the cryptsetup command from the package with the same name. It relies on the dm-crypt Linux kernel module.

If key-file is provided, unlocking is first attempted using that key file. This has an advantage of not requiring a password entry, so it can be used (for example) to unlock RAID arrays automatically on boot. If key file unlock fails, password unlock is attempted as well. Key file is not stored in the store and needs to be available at the given location at the time of the unlock attempt.

;; Following definition would be equivalent to running:
;;   cryptsetup open --key-file /crypto.key /dev/sdb1 data
 (source "/dev/sdb1)
 (target "data)
 (type (luks-device-mapping-with-options
        #:key-file "/crypto.key")))
Variável: raid-device-mapping

This defines a RAID device, which is assembled using the mdadm command from the package with the same name. It requires a Linux kernel module for the appropriate RAID level to be loaded, such as raid456 for RAID-4, RAID-5 or RAID-6, or raid10 for RAID-10.

Variável: lvm-device-mapping

This defines one or more logical volumes for the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM). The volume group is activated by the vgchange command from the lvm2 package.

The following example specifies a mapping from /dev/sda3 to /dev/mapper/home using LUKS—the Linux Unified Key Setup, a standard mechanism for disk encryption. The /dev/mapper/home device can then be used as the device of a file-system declaration (veja Sistemas de arquivos).

  (source "/dev/sda3")
  (target "home")
  (type luks-device-mapping))

Alternatively, to become independent of device numbering, one may obtain the LUKS UUID (unique identifier) of the source device by a command like:

cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sda3

and use it as follows:

  (source (uuid "cb67fc72-0d54-4c88-9d4b-b225f30b0f44"))
  (target "home")
  (type luks-device-mapping))

It is also desirable to encrypt swap space, since swap space may contain sensitive data. One way to accomplish that is to use a swap file in a file system on a device mapped via LUKS encryption. In this way, the swap file is encrypted because the entire device is encrypted. Veja Espaço de troca (swap), or Veja Disk Partitioning, for an example.

A RAID device formed of the partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 may be declared as follows:

  (source (list "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sdb1"))
  (target "/dev/md0")
  (type raid-device-mapping))

The /dev/md0 device can then be used as the device of a file-system declaration (veja Sistemas de arquivos). Note that the RAID level need not be given; it is chosen during the initial creation and formatting of the RAID device and is determined automatically later.

LVM logical volumes “alpha” and “beta” from volume group “vg0” can be declared as follows:

  (source "vg0")
  (targets (list "vg0-alpha" "vg0-beta"))
  (type lvm-device-mapping))

Devices /dev/mapper/vg0-alpha and /dev/mapper/vg0-beta can then be used as the device of a file-system declaration (veja Sistemas de arquivos).

11.6 Espaço de troca (swap)

Swap space, as it is commonly called, is a disk area specifically designated for paging: the process in charge of memory management (the Linux kernel or Hurd’s default pager) can decide that some memory pages stored in RAM which belong to a running program but are unused should be stored on disk instead. It unloads those from the RAM, freeing up precious fast memory, and writes them to the swap space. If the program tries to access that very page, the memory management process loads it back into memory for the program to use.

A common misconception about swap is that it is only useful when small amounts of RAM are available to the system. However, it should be noted that kernels often use all available RAM for disk access caching to make I/O faster, and thus paging out unused portions of program memory will expand the RAM available for such caching.

For a more detailed description of how memory is managed from the viewpoint of a monolithic kernel, veja Memory Concepts em The GNU C Library Reference Manual.

The Linux kernel has support for swap partitions and swap files: the former uses a whole disk partition for paging, whereas the second uses a file on a file system for that (the file system driver needs to support it). On a comparable setup, both have the same performance, so one should consider ease of use when deciding between them. Partitions are “simpler” and do not need file system support, but need to be allocated at disk formatting time (logical volumes notwithstanding), whereas files can be allocated and deallocated at any time.

Swap space is also required to put the system into hibernation (also called suspend to disk), whereby memory is dumped to swap before shutdown so it can be restored when the machine is eventually restarted. Hibernation uses at most half the size of the RAM in the configured swap space. The Linux kernel needs to know about the swap space to be used to resume from hibernation on boot (via a kernel argument). When using a swap file, its offset in the device holding it also needs to be given to the kernel; that value has to be updated if the file is initialized again as swap—e.g., because its size was changed.

Note that swap space is not zeroed on shutdown, so sensitive data (such as passwords) may linger on it if it was paged out. As such, you should consider having your swap reside on an encrypted device (veja Dispositivos mapeados).

Tipo de dados: swap-space

Objects of this type represent swap spaces. They contain the following members:


The device or file to use, either a UUID, a file-system-label or a string, as in the definition of a file-system (veja Sistemas de arquivos).

dependencies (padrão: '())

A list of file-system or mapped-device objects, upon which the availability of the space depends. Note that just like for file-system objects, dependencies which are needed for boot and mounted in early userspace are not managed by the Shepherd, and so automatically filtered out for you.

priority (default: #f)

Only supported by the Linux kernel. Either #f to disable swap priority, or an integer between 0 and 32767. The kernel will first use swap spaces of higher priority when paging, and use same priority spaces on a round-robin basis. The kernel will use swap spaces without a set priority after prioritized spaces, and in the order that they appeared in (not round-robin).

discard? (default: #f)

Only supported by the Linux kernel. When true, the kernel will notify the disk controller of discarded pages, for example with the TRIM operation on Solid State Drives.

Here are some examples:

(swap-space (target (uuid "4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb")))

Use the swap partition with the given UUID. You can learn the UUID of a Linux swap partition by running swaplabel device, where device is the /dev file name of that partition.

  (target (file-system-label "swap"))
  (dependencies mapped-devices))

Use the partition with label swap, which can be found after all the mapped-devices mapped devices have been opened. Again, the swaplabel command allows you to view and change the label of a Linux swap partition.

Here’s a more involved example with the corresponding file-systems part of an operating-system declaration.

  (list (file-system
          (device (file-system-label "root"))
          (mount-point "/")
          (type "ext4"))
          (device (file-system-label "btrfs"))
          (mount-point "/btrfs")
          (type "btrfs"))))

      (target "/btrfs/swapfile")
      (dependencies (filter (file-system-mount-point-predicate "/btrfs")

Use the file /btrfs/swapfile as swap space, which depends on the file system mounted at /btrfs. Note how we use Guile’s filter to select the file system in an elegant fashion!

      (target "/dev/mapper/my-swap")
      (dependencies mapped-devices))))

  (cons* "resume=/dev/mapper/my-swap"

The above snippet of an operating-system declaration enables the mapped device /dev/mapper/my-swap (which may be part of an encrypted device) as swap space, and tells the kernel to use it for hibernation via the resume kernel argument (veja operating-system Reference, kernel-arguments).

      (target "/swapfile")
      (dependencies (filter (file-system-mount-point-predicate "/")

  (cons* "resume=/dev/sda3"        ;device that holds /swapfile
         "resume_offset=92514304"  ;offset of /swapfile on device

This other snippet of operating-system enables the swap file /swapfile for hibernation by telling the kernel about the partition containing it (resume argument) and its offset on that partition (resume_offset argument). The latter value can be found in the output of the command filefrag -e as the first number right under the physical_offset column header (the second command extracts its value directly):

$ sudo filefrag -e /swapfile
Filesystem type is: ef53
File size of /swapfile is 2463842304 (601524 blocks of 4096 bytes)
 ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
   0:        0..    2047:   92514304..  92516351:   2048:
$ sudo filefrag -e /swapfile | grep '^ *0:' | cut -d: -f3 | cut -d. -f1

11.7 Contas de usuário

User accounts and groups are entirely managed through the operating-system declaration. They are specified with the user-account and user-group forms:

  (name "alice")
  (group "users")
  (supplementary-groups '("wheel"   ;allow use of sudo, etc.
                          "audio"   ;sound card
                          "video"   ;video devices such as webcams
                          "cdrom")) ;the good ol' CD-ROM
  (comment "Bob's sister"))

Here’s a user account that uses a different shell and a custom home directory (the default would be "/home/bob"):

  (name "bob")
  (group "users")
  (comment "Alice's bro")
  (shell (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
  (home-directory "/home/robert"))

When booting or upon completion of guix system reconfigure, the system ensures that only the user accounts and groups specified in the operating-system declaration exist, and with the specified properties. Thus, account or group creations or modifications made by directly invoking commands such as useradd are lost upon reconfiguration or reboot. This ensures that the system remains exactly as declared.

Tipo de dados: user-account

Objects of this type represent user accounts. The following members may be specified:


The name of the user account.


This is the name (a string) or identifier (a number) of the user group this account belongs to.

supplementary-groups (default: '())

Optionally, this can be defined as a list of group names that this account belongs to.

uid (padrão: #f)

This is the user ID for this account (a number), or #f. In the latter case, a number is automatically chosen by the system when the account is created.

comment (default: "")

A comment about the account, such as the account owner’s full name.

Note that, for non-system accounts, users are free to change their real name as it appears in /etc/passwd using the chfn command. When they do, their choice prevails over the system administrator’s choice; reconfiguring does not change their name.


This is the name of the home directory for the account.

create-home-directory? (default: #t)

Indicates whether the home directory of this account should be created if it does not exist yet.

shell (default: Bash)

This is a G-expression denoting the file name of a program to be used as the shell (veja Expressões-G). For example, you would refer to the Bash executable like this:

(file-append bash "/bin/bash")

... and to the Zsh executable like that:

(file-append zsh "/bin/zsh")
system? (padrão: #f)

This Boolean value indicates whether the account is a “system” account. System accounts are sometimes treated specially; for instance, graphical login managers do not list them.

password (padrão: #f)

You would normally leave this field to #f, initialize user passwords as root with the passwd command, and then let users change it with passwd. Passwords set with passwd are of course preserved across reboot and reconfiguration.

If you do want to set an initial password for an account, then this field must contain the encrypted password, as a string. You can use the crypt procedure for this purpose:

  (name "charlie")
  (group "users")

  ;; Specify a SHA-512-hashed initial password.
  (password (crypt "InitialPassword!" "$6$abc")))

Nota: The hash of this initial password will be available in a file in /gnu/store, readable by all the users, so this method must be used with care.

Veja Passphrase Storage em The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for more information on password encryption, and Encryption em GNU Guile Reference Manual, for information on Guile’s crypt procedure.

User group declarations are even simpler:

(user-group (name "students"))
Tipo de dados: user-group

This type is for, well, user groups. There are just a few fields:


The name of the group.

id (default: #f)

The group identifier (a number). If #f, a new number is automatically allocated when the group is created.

system? (padrão: #f)

This Boolean value indicates whether the group is a “system” group. System groups have low numerical IDs.

password (padrão: #f)

What, user groups can have a password? Well, apparently yes. Unless #f, this field specifies the password of the group.

For convenience, a variable lists all the basic user groups one may expect:

Variável: %base-groups

This is the list of basic user groups that users and/or packages expect to be present on the system. This includes groups such as “root”, “wheel”, and “users”, as well as groups used to control access to specific devices such as “audio”, “disk”, and “cdrom”.

Variável: %base-user-accounts

This is the list of basic system accounts that programs may expect to find on a GNU/Linux system, such as the “nobody” account.

Note that the “root” account is not included here. It is a special-case and is automatically added whether or not it is specified.

The Linux kernel also implements subordinate user and group IDs, or “subids”, which are used to map the ID of a user and group to several IDs inside separate name spaces—inside “containers”. Veja the subordinate user and group ID service, for information on how to configure it.

11.8 Disposição do teclado

To specify what each key of your keyboard does, you need to tell the operating system what keyboard layout you want to use. The default, when nothing is specified, is the US English QWERTY layout for 105-key PC keyboards. However, German speakers will usually prefer the German QWERTZ layout, French speakers will want the AZERTY layout, and so on; hackers might prefer Dvorak or bépo, and they might even want to further customize the effect of some of the keys. This section explains how to get that done.

There are three components that will want to know about your keyboard layout:

  • The bootloader may want to know what keyboard layout you want to use (veja keyboard-layout). This is useful if you want, for instance, to make sure that you can type the passphrase of your encrypted root partition using the right layout.
  • The operating system kernel, Linux, will need that so that the console is properly configured (veja keyboard-layout).
  • The graphical display server, usually Xorg, also has its own idea of the keyboard layout (veja keyboard-layout).

Guix allows you to configure all three separately but, fortunately, it allows you to share the same keyboard layout for all three components.

Keyboard layouts are represented by records created by the keyboard-layout procedure of (gnu system keyboard). Following the X Keyboard extension (XKB), each layout has four attributes: a name (often a language code such as “fi” for Finnish or “jp” for Japanese), an optional variant name, an optional keyboard model name, and a possibly empty list of additional options. In most cases the layout name is all you care about.

Procedure: keyboard-layout name [variant] [#:model] [#:options '()]

Return a new keyboard layout with the given name and variant.

name must be a string such as "fr"; variant must be a string such as "bepo" or "nodeadkeys". See the xkeyboard-config package for valid options.

Here are a few examples:

;; The German QWERTZ layout.  Here we assume a standard
;; "pc105" keyboard model.
(keyboard-layout "de")

;; The bépo variant of the French layout.
(keyboard-layout "fr" "bepo")

;; The Catalan layout.
(keyboard-layout "es" "cat")

;; Arabic layout with "Alt-Shift" to switch to US layout.
(keyboard-layout "ar,us" #:options '("grp:alt_shift_toggle"))

;; The Latin American Spanish layout.  In addition, the
;; "Caps Lock" key is used as an additional "Ctrl" key,
;; and the "Menu" key is used as a "Compose" key to enter
;; accented letters.
(keyboard-layout "latam"
                 #:options '("ctrl:nocaps" "compose:menu"))

;; The Russian layout for a ThinkPad keyboard.
(keyboard-layout "ru" #:model "thinkpad")

;; The "US international" layout, which is the US layout plus
;; dead keys to enter accented characters.  This is for an
;; Apple MacBook keyboard.
(keyboard-layout "us" "intl" #:model "macbook78")

See the share/X11/xkb directory of the xkeyboard-config package for a complete list of supported layouts, variants, and models.

Let’s say you want your system to use the Turkish keyboard layout throughout your system—bootloader, console, and Xorg. Here’s what your system configuration would look like:

;; Using the Turkish layout for the bootloader, the console,
;; and for Xorg.

  ;; ...
  (keyboard-layout (keyboard-layout "tr"))  ;for the console
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
                (targets '("/boot/efi"))
                (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout))) ;for GRUB
  (services (cons (set-xorg-configuration
                    (xorg-configuration             ;for Xorg
                      (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)))

In the example above, for GRUB and for Xorg, we just refer to the keyboard-layout field defined above, but we could just as well refer to a different layout. The set-xorg-configuration procedure communicates the desired Xorg configuration to the graphical log-in manager, by default GDM.

We’ve discussed how to specify the default keyboard layout of your system when it starts, but you can also adjust it at run time:

  • If you’re using GNOME, its settings panel has a “Region & Language” entry where you can select one or more keyboard layouts.
  • Under Xorg, the setxkbmap command (from the same-named package) allows you to change the current layout. For example, this is how you would change the layout to US Dvorak:
    setxkbmap us dvorak
  • The loadkeys command changes the keyboard layout in effect in the Linux console. However, note that loadkeys does not use the XKB keyboard layout categorization described above. The command below loads the French bépo layout:
    loadkeys fr-bepo

11.9 Localidades

A locale defines cultural conventions for a particular language and region of the world (veja Locales em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). Each locale has a name that typically has the form language_territory.codeset—e.g., fr_LU.utf8 designates the locale for the French language, with cultural conventions from Luxembourg, and using the UTF-8 encoding.

Usually, you will want to specify the default locale for the machine using the locale field of the operating-system declaration (veja locale).

The selected locale is automatically added to the locale definitions known to the system if needed, with its codeset inferred from its name—e.g., bo_CN.utf8 will be assumed to use the UTF-8 codeset. Additional locale definitions can be specified in the locale-definitions slot of operating-system—this is useful, for instance, if the codeset could not be inferred from the locale name. The default set of locale definitions includes some widely used locales, but not all the available locales, in order to save space.

For instance, to add the North Frisian locale for Germany, the value of that field may be:

(cons (locale-definition
        (name "fy_DE.utf8") (source "fy_DE"))

Likewise, to save space, one might want locale-definitions to list only the locales that are actually used, as in:

(list (locale-definition
        (name "ja_JP.eucjp") (source "ja_JP")
        (charset "EUC-JP")))

The compiled locale definitions are available at /run/current-system/locale/X.Y, where X.Y is the libc version, which is the default location where the GNU libc provided by Guix looks for locale data. This can be overridden using the LOCPATH environment variable (veja LOCPATH and locale packages).

The locale-definition form is provided by the (gnu system locale) module. Details are given below.

Tipo de dados: locale-definition

This is the data type of a locale definition.


The name of the locale. Veja Locale Names em The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for more information on locale names.


The name of the source for that locale. This is typically the language_territory part of the locale name.

charset (default: "UTF-8")

The “character set” or “code set” for that locale, as defined by IANA.

Variável: %default-locale-definitions

A list of commonly used UTF-8 locales, used as the default value of the locale-definitions field of operating-system declarations.

These locale definitions use the normalized codeset for the part that follows the dot in the name (veja normalized codeset em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). So for instance it has uk_UA.utf8 but not, say, uk_UA.UTF-8.

11.9.1 Locale Data Compatibility Considerations

operating-system declarations provide a locale-libcs field to specify the GNU libc packages that are used to compile locale declarations (veja operating-system Reference). “Why would I care?”, you may ask. Well, it turns out that the binary format of locale data is occasionally incompatible from one libc version to another.

For instance, a program linked against libc version 2.21 is unable to read locale data produced with libc 2.22; worse, that program aborts instead of simply ignoring the incompatible locale data32. Similarly, a program linked against libc 2.22 can read most, but not all, of the locale data from libc 2.21 (specifically, LC_COLLATE data is incompatible); thus calls to setlocale may fail, but programs will not abort.

The “problem” with Guix is that users have a lot of freedom: They can choose whether and when to upgrade software in their profiles, and might be using a libc version different from the one the system administrator used to build the system-wide locale data.

Fortunately, unprivileged users can also install their own locale data and define GUIX_LOCPATH accordingly (veja GUIX_LOCPATH and locale packages).

Still, it is best if the system-wide locale data at /run/current-system/locale is built for all the libc versions actually in use on the system, so that all the programs can access it—this is especially crucial on a multi-user system. To do that, the administrator can specify several libc packages in the locale-libcs field of operating-system:

(use-package-modules base)

  ;; …
  (locale-libcs (list glibc-2.21 (canonical-package glibc))))

This example would lead to a system containing locale definitions for both libc 2.21 and the current version of libc in /run/current-system/locale.

11.10 Serviços

An important part of preparing an operating-system declaration is listing system services and their configuration (veja Usando o sistema de configuração). System services are typically daemons launched when the system boots, or other actions needed at that time—e.g., configuring network access.

Guix has a broad definition of “service” (veja Composição de serviço), but many services are managed by the GNU Shepherd (veja Serviços de Shepherd). On a running system, the herd command allows you to list the available services, show their status, start and stop them, or do other specific operations (veja Jump Start em The GNU Shepherd Manual). For example:

# herd status

The above command, run as root, lists the currently defined services. The herd doc command shows a synopsis of the given service and its associated actions:

# herd doc nscd
Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).

# herd doc nscd action invalidate
invalidate: Invalidate the given cache--e.g., 'hosts' for host name lookups.

The start, stop, and restart sub-commands have the effect you would expect. For instance, the commands below stop the nscd service and restart the Xorg display server:

# herd stop nscd
Service nscd has been stopped.
# herd restart xorg-server
Service xorg-server has been stopped.
Service xorg-server has been started.

For some services, herd configuration returns the name of the service’s configuration file, which can be handy to inspect its configuration:

# herd configuration sshd

The following sections document the available services, starting with the core services, that may be used in an operating-system declaration.

11.10.1 Serviços básicos

The (gnu services base) module provides definitions for the basic services that one expects from the system. The services exported by this module are listed below.

Variável: %base-services

This variable contains a list of basic services (veja Tipos de Service e Serviços, for more information on service objects) one would expect from the system: a login service (mingetty) on each tty, syslogd, the libc name service cache daemon (nscd), the udev device manager, and more.

This is the default value of the services field of operating-system declarations. Usually, when customizing a system, you will want to append services to %base-services, like this:

(append (list (service avahi-service-type)
              (service openssh-service-type))
Variável: special-files-service-type

This is the service that sets up “special files” such as /bin/sh; an instance of it is part of %base-services.

The value associated with special-files-service-type services must be a list of two-element lists where the first element is the “special file” and the second element is its target. By default it is:

`(("/bin/sh" ,(file-append bash "/bin/sh"))
  ("/usr/bin/env" ,(file-append coreutils "/bin/env")))

If you want to add, say, /bin/bash to your system, you can change it to:

`(("/bin/sh" ,(file-append bash "/bin/sh"))
  ("/usr/bin/env" ,(file-append coreutils "/bin/env"))
  ("/bin/bash" ,(file-append bash "/bin/bash")))

Since this is part of %base-services, you can use modify-services to customize the set of special files (veja modify-services). But the simple way to add a special file is via the extra-special-file procedure (see below).

Procedure: extra-special-file file target

Use target as the “special file” file.

For example, adding the following lines to the services field of your operating system declaration leads to a /usr/bin/env symlink:

(extra-special-file "/usr/bin/env"
                    (file-append coreutils "/bin/env"))

This procedure is meant for /bin/sh, /usr/bin/env and similar targets. In particular, use for targets under /etc might not work as expected if the target is managed by Guix in other ways.

Variável: host-name-service-type

Type of the service that sets the system host name, whose value is a string. This service is included in operating-system by default (veja essential-services).

Variável: console-font-service-type

Install the given fonts on the specified ttys (fonts are per virtual console on the kernel Linux). The value of this service is a list of tty/font pairs. The font can be the name of a font provided by the kbd package or any valid argument to setfont, as in this example:

`(("tty1" . "LatGrkCyr-8x16")
  ("tty2" . ,(file-append
  ("tty3" . ,(file-append
                "/share/consolefonts/ter-132n"))) ; for HDPI
Variável: hosts-service-type

Type of the service that populates the entries for (/etc/hosts). This service type can be extended by passing it a list of host records.

The example below shows how to add two entries to /etc/hosts:

(simple-service 'add-extra-hosts
                (list (host "" ""
                            '("" ""))
                      (host "2001:db8::1" ""
                            '("" ""))))

Nota: By default /etc/hosts comes with the following entries: localhost host-name
::1       localhost host-name

For most setups this is what you want though if you find yourself in the situation where you want to change the default entries, you can do so in operating-system via modify-services (veja modify-services).

The following example shows how to unset host-name from being an alias of localhost.

  ;; …

     (operating-system-default-essential-services this-operating-system)
     (hosts-service-type config => (list
                                     (host "" "localhost")
                                     (host "::1"       "localhost"))))))
Procedure: host address canonical-name [aliases]

Return a new record for the host at address with the given canonical-name and possibly aliases.

address must be a string denoting a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, and canonical-name and the strings listed in aliases must be valid host names.

Variável: login-service-type

Type of the service that provides a console login service, whose value is a <login-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: login-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of login, which specifies the MOTD (message of the day), among other things.


A file-like object containing the “message of the day”.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #t)

Allow empty passwords by default so that first-time users can log in when the ’root’ account has just been created.

Variável: mingetty-service-type

Type of the service that runs Mingetty, an implementation of the virtual console log-in. The value for this service is a <mingetty-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: mingetty-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Mingetty, which specifies the tty to run, among other things.


The name of the console this Mingetty runs on—e.g., "tty1".

auto-login (default: #f)

When true, this field must be a string denoting the user name under which the system automatically logs in. When it is #f, a user name and password must be entered to log in.

login-program (default: #f)

This must be either #f, in which case the default log-in program is used (login from the Shadow tool suite), or a gexp denoting the name of the log-in program.

login-pause? (default: #f)

When set to #t in conjunction with auto-login, the user will have to press a key before the log-in shell is launched.

clear-on-logout? (default: #t)

When set to #t, the screen will be cleared before showing the login prompt. The field name is bit unfortunate, since it controls clearing also before the initial login, not just after a logout.

delay (default: #f)

When set to a number, sleep that many seconds after startup.

print-issue (default: #t)

When set to #t, write out a new line and the content of /etc/issue. Value of 'no-nl can be used to suppress the new line.

print-hostname (default: #t)

When set to #t, print the host name before the login prompt. The host name is printed up to the first dot. Can be set to 'long to print the full host name.

nice (default: #f)

When set to a number, change the process priority using nice.

working-directory (default: #f)

When set to a string, change into that directory before calling the login program.

root-directory (default: #f)

When set to a string, use this directory at the process’s root directory.


List of shepherd requirements. Unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended to extend the default list instead of overriding it.

As an example, when using auto-login on a system with elogind, it is necessary to wait on the 'dbus-system service:

(modify-services %base-services
  (mingetty-service-type config =>
                          (inherit config)
                          ;; Automatically log in as "guest".
                          (auto-login "guest")
                           (cons 'dbus-system
mingetty (default: mingetty)

The Mingetty package to use.

Variável: agetty-service-type

Type of the service that runs agetty, which implements virtual and serial console log-in. The value for this service is a <agetty-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: agetty-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of agetty, which specifies the tty to run, among other things33.


The name of the console this agetty runs on, as a string—e.g., "ttyS0". This argument is optional, it will default to a reasonable default serial port used by the kernel Linux.

For this, if there is a value for an option agetty.tty in the kernel command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial port from it and use that.

If not and if there is a value for an option console with a tty in the Linux command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial port from it and use that.

In both cases, agetty will leave the other serial device settings (baud rate etc.) alone—in the hope that Linux pinned them to the correct values.

baud-rate (default: #f)

A string containing a comma-separated list of one or more baud rates, in descending order.

term (default: #f)

A string containing the value used for the TERM environment variable.

eight-bits? (default: #f)

When #t, the tty is assumed to be 8-bit clean, and parity detection is disabled.

auto-login (default: #f)

When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged in automatically without prompting for their login name or password.

no-reset? (default: #f)

When #t, don’t reset terminal cflags (control modes).

host (default: #f)

This accepts a string containing the “login_host”, which will be written into the /var/run/utmpx file.

remote? (padrão: #f)

When set to #t in conjunction with host, this will add an -r fakehost option to the command line of the login program specified in login-program.

flow-control? (default: #f)

When set to #t, enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control.

no-issue? (padrão: #f)

When set to #t, the contents of the /etc/issue file will not be displayed before presenting the login prompt.

init-string (default: #f)

This accepts a string that will be sent to the tty or modem before sending anything else. It can be used to initialize a modem.

no-clear? (padrão: #f)

When set to #t, agetty will not clear the screen before showing the login prompt.

login-program (default: (file-append shadow "/bin/login"))

This must be either a gexp denoting the name of a log-in program, or unset, in which case the default value is the login from the Shadow tool suite.

local-line (default: #f)

Control the CLOCAL line flag. This accepts one of three symbols as arguments, 'auto, 'always, or 'never. If #f, the default value chosen by agetty is 'auto.

extract-baud? (default: #f)

When set to #t, instruct agetty to try to extract the baud rate from the status messages produced by certain types of modems.

skip-login? (default: #f)

When set to #t, do not prompt the user for a login name. This can be used with login-program field to use non-standard login systems.

no-newline? (padrão: #f)

When set to #t, do not print a newline before printing the /etc/issue file.

login-options (default: #f)

This option accepts a string containing options that are passed to the login program. When used with the login-program, be aware that a malicious user could try to enter a login name containing embedded options that could be parsed by the login program.

login-pause (default: #f)

When set to #t, wait for any key before showing the login prompt. This can be used in conjunction with auto-login to save memory by lazily spawning shells.

chroot (default: #f)

Change root to the specified directory. This option accepts a directory path as a string.

hangup? (padrão: #f)

Use the Linux system call vhangup to do a virtual hangup of the specified terminal.

keep-baud? (default: #f)

When set to #t, try to keep the existing baud rate. The baud rates from baud-rate are used when agetty receives a BREAK character.

timeout (default: #f)

When set to an integer value, terminate if no user name could be read within timeout seconds.

detect-case? (default: #f)

When set to #t, turn on support for detecting an uppercase-only terminal. This setting will detect a login name containing only uppercase letters as indicating an uppercase-only terminal and turn on some upper-to-lower case conversions. Note that this will not support Unicode characters.

wait-cr? (default: #f)

When set to #t, wait for the user or modem to send a carriage-return or linefeed character before displaying /etc/issue or login prompt. This is typically used with the init-string option.

no-hints? (padrão: #f)

When set to #t, do not print hints about Num, Caps, and Scroll locks.

no-hostname? (default: #f)

By default, the hostname is printed. When this option is set to #t, no hostname will be shown at all.

long-hostname? (default: #f)

By default, the hostname is only printed until the first dot. When this option is set to #t, the fully qualified hostname by gethostname or getaddrinfo is shown.

erase-characters (default: #f)

This option accepts a string of additional characters that should be interpreted as backspace when the user types their login name.

kill-characters (default: #f)

This option accepts a string that should be interpreted to mean “ignore all previous characters” (also called a “kill” character) when the user types their login name.

chdir (default: #f)

This option accepts, as a string, a directory path that will be changed to before login.

delay (default: #f)

This options accepts, as an integer, the number of seconds to sleep before opening the tty and displaying the login prompt.

nice (default: #f)

This option accepts, as an integer, the nice value with which to run the login program.

extra-options (default: '())

This option provides an “escape hatch” for the user to provide arbitrary command-line arguments to agetty as a list of strings.

shepherd-requirement (default: '())

The option can be used to provides extra shepherd requirements (for example 'syslogd) to the respective 'term-* shepherd service.

Variável: kmscon-service-type

Type of the service that runs kmscon, which implements virtual console log-in. The value for this service is a <kmscon-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: kmscon-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Kmscon, which specifies the tty to run, among other things.


The name of the console this Kmscon runs on—e.g., "tty1".

login-program (default: #~(string-append #$shadow "/bin/login"))

A gexp denoting the name of the log-in program. The default log-in program is login from the Shadow tool suite.

login-arguments (default: '("-p"))

A list of arguments to pass to login.

auto-login (default: #f)

When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged in automatically without prompting for their login name or password.

hardware-acceleration? (default: #f)

Whether to use hardware acceleration.

font-engine (default: "pango")

Font engine used in Kmscon.

font-size (default: 12)

Font size used in Kmscon.

keyboard-layout (padrão: #f)

If this is #f, Kmscon uses the default keyboard layout—usually US English (“qwerty”) for a 105-key PC keyboard.

Otherwise this must be a keyboard-layout object specifying the keyboard layout. Veja Disposição do teclado, for more information on how to specify the keyboard layout.

kmscon (default: kmscon)

The Kmscon package to use.

Variável: nscd-service-type

Type of the service that runs the libc nscd (name service cache daemon), whose value is an <nscd-configuration> object.

For convenience, the Shepherd service for nscd provides the following actions:


This invalidate the given cache. For instance, running:

herd invalidate nscd hosts

invalidates the host name lookup cache of nscd.


Running herd statistics nscd displays information about nscd usage and caches.

Tipo de dados: nscd-configuration

Data type representing the nscd (name service cache daemon) configuration.

name-services (default: '())

List of packages denoting name services that must be visible to the nscd—e.g., (list nss-mdns).

glibc (default: glibc)

Package object denoting the GNU C Library providing the nscd command.

log-file (default: #f)

Name of the nscd log file. Debugging output goes to that file when debug-level is strictly positive, or to standard error if it is #f. Regular messages are written to syslog when debug-level is zero, regardless of the value of log-file.

debug-level (default: 0)

Integer denoting the debugging levels. Higher numbers mean that more debugging output is logged.

caches (default: %nscd-default-caches)

List of <nscd-cache> objects denoting things to be cached; see below.

Tipo de dados: nscd-cache

Data type representing a cache database of nscd and its parameters.


This is a symbol representing the name of the database to be cached. Valid values are passwd, group, hosts, and services, which designate the corresponding NSS database (veja NSS Basics em The GNU C Library Reference Manual).

negative-time-to-live (default: 20)

A number representing the number of seconds during which a positive or negative lookup result remains in cache.

check-files? (default: #t)

Whether to check for updates of the files corresponding to database.

For instance, when database is hosts, setting this flag instructs nscd to check for updates in /etc/hosts and to take them into account.

persistent? (padrão: #t)

Whether the cache should be stored persistently on disk.

shared? (padrão: #t)

Whether the cache should be shared among users.

max-database-size (default: 32 MiB)

Maximum size in bytes of the database cache.

Variável: %nscd-default-caches

List of <nscd-cache> objects used by default by nscd-configuration (see above).

It enables persistent and aggressive caching of service and host name lookups. The latter provides better host name lookup performance, resilience in the face of unreliable name servers, and also better privacy—often the result of host name lookups is in local cache, so external name servers do not even need to be queried.

Variável: syslog-service-type

Type of the service that runs the syslog daemon (syslogd), whose value is a <syslog-configuration> object (see below).

Nota: This service is redundant with and for the most part superseded by shepherd-system-log-service-type (veja the Shepherd system log).

To have a modified syslog-configuration come into effect after reconfiguring your system, the ‘reload’ action should be preferred to restarting the service, as many services such as the login manager depend on it and would be restarted as well:

# herd reload syslog

which will cause the running syslogd process to reload its configuration.

Tipo de dados: syslog-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the syslog daemon.

syslogd (default: #~(string-append #$inetutils "/libexec/syslogd"))

The syslog daemon to use.

config-file (default: %default-syslog.conf)

The syslog configuration file to use. Veja syslogd invocation em GNU Inetutils, for more information on the configuration file syntax.

extra-options (default: '())

List of extra command-line options for syslog.

Variável: guix-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the build daemon, guix-daemon (veja Invocando guix-daemon). Its value must be a guix-configuration record as described below.

Tipo de dados: guix-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the Guix build daemon. Veja Invocando guix-daemon, for more information.

guix (default: guix)

The Guix package to use. Veja Customizing the System-Wide Guix to learn how to provide a package with a pre-configured set of channels.

build-group (default: "guixbuild")

Name of the group for build user accounts.

build-accounts (default: 10)

Number of build user accounts to create.

chroot? (default: 'default)

The value should be one of #t or #f, in which case chroot is enabled or disabled, respectively; or it should be 'default, which amounts to #f in Docker containers (so that they can be run in non-privileged mode) or #t otherwise.

authorize-key? (default: #t)

Whether to authorize the substitute keys listed in authorized-keys—by default that of and (veja Substitutos).

When authorize-key? is true, /etc/guix/acl cannot be changed by invoking guix archive --authorize. You must instead adjust guix-configuration as you wish and reconfigure the system. This ensures that your operating system configuration file is self-contained.

Nota: When booting or reconfiguring to a system where authorize-key? is true, the existing /etc/guix/acl file is backed up as /etc/guix/acl.bak if it was determined to be a manually modified file. This is to facilitate migration from earlier versions, which allowed for in-place modifications to /etc/guix/acl.

authorized-keys (default: %default-authorized-guix-keys)

The list of authorized key files for archive imports, as a list of string-valued gexps (veja Invocando guix archive). By default, it contains that of and (veja Substitutos). See substitute-urls below for an example on how to change it.

use-substitutes? (default: #t)

Whether to use substitutes.

substitute-urls (default: %default-substitute-urls)

The list of URLs where to look for substitutes by default.

Suppose you would like to fetch substitutes from in addition to You will need to do two things: (1) add to substitute-urls, and (2) authorize its signing key, having done appropriate checks (veja Autorização de servidor substituto). The configuration below does exactly that:

   (append (list "")
   (append (list (local-file "./"))

This example assumes that the file ./ contains the public key that uses to sign substitutes.

generate-substitute-key? (default: #t)

Whether to generate a substitute key pair under /etc/guix/ and /etc/guix/signing-key.sec if there is not already one.

This key pair is used when exporting store items, for instance with guix publish (veja Invocando guix publish) or guix archive (veja Invocando guix archive). Generating a key pair takes a few seconds when enough entropy is available and is only done once; you might want to turn it off for instance in a virtual machine that does not need it and where the extra boot time is a problem.

channels (default: #f)

List of channels to be specified in /etc/guix/channels.scm, which is what guix pull uses by default (veja Invocando guix pull).

Nota: When reconfiguring a system, the existing /etc/guix/channels.scm file is backed up as /etc/guix/channels.scm.bak if it was determined to be a manually modified file. This is to facilitate migration from earlier versions, which allowed for in-place modifications to /etc/guix/channels.scm.

max-silent-time (default: 3600)
timeout (default: (* 3600 24))

The number of seconds of silence and the number of seconds of activity, respectively, after which a build process times out. A value of zero disables the timeout.

log-compression (default: 'gzip)

The type of compression used for build logs—one of gzip, bzip2, or none.

discover? (default: #f)

Se deve descobrir servidores substitutos na rede local usando mDNS e DNS-SD.

build-machines (default: #f)

This field must be either #f or a list of gexps evaluating to a build-machine record or to a list of build-machine records (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento).

When it is #f, the /etc/guix/machines.scm file is left untouched. Otherwise, the list of of gexps is written to /etc/guix/machines.scm; if a previously-existing file is found, it is backed up as /etc/guix/machines.scm.bak. This allows you to declare build machines for offloading directly in the operating system declaration, like so:

    (list #~(build-machine (name "") )
          #~(build-machine (name "") ))))

Additional build machines may be added via the guix-extension mechanism (see below).

extra-options (default: '())

List of extra command-line options for guix-daemon.

log-file (default: "/var/log/guix-daemon.log")

File where guix-daemon’s standard output and standard error are written.

http-proxy (default: #f)

The URL of the HTTP and HTTPS proxy used for downloading fixed-output derivations and substitutes.

It is also possible to change the daemon’s proxy at run time through the set-http-proxy action, which restarts it:

herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:8118

To clear the proxy settings, run:

herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon
tmpdir (default: #f)

A directory path where the guix-daemon will perform builds.

environment (default: '())

Environment variables to be set before starting the daemon, as a list of key=value strings.

socket-directory-permissions (default: #o755)

Permissions to set for the directory /var/guix/daemon-socket. This, together with socket-directory-group and socket-directory-user, determines who can connect to the build daemon via its Unix socket. TCP socket operation is unaffected by these.

socket-directory-user (default: #f)
socket-directory-group (default: #f)

User and group owning the /var/guix/daemon-socket directory or #f to keep the user or group as root.

Tipo de dados: guix-extension

This data type represents the parameters of the Guix build daemon that are extendable. This is the type of the object that must be used within a guix service extension. Veja Composição de serviço, for more information.

authorized-keys (default: '())

A list of file-like objects where each element contains a public key.

substitute-urls (default: '())

A list of strings where each element is a substitute URL.

build-machines (default: '())

A list of gexps that evaluate to build-machine records or to a list of build-machine records. (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento).

Using this field, a service may add new build machines to receive builds offloaded by the daemon. This is useful for a service such as hurd-vm-service-type, which can make a GNU/Hurd virtual machine directly usable for offloading (veja hurd-vm-service-type).

chroot-directories (default: '())

A list of file-like objects or strings pointing to additional directories the build daemon can use.

Variável: udev-service-type

Type of the service that runs udev, a service which populates the /dev directory dynamically, whose value is a <udev-configuration> object.

Since the file names for udev rules and hardware description files matter, the configuration items for rules and hardware cannot simply be plain file-like objects with the rules content, because the name would be ignored. Instead, they are directory file-like objects that contain optional rules in lib/udev/rules.d and optional hardware files in lib/udev/hwdb.d. This way, the service can be configured with whole packages from which to take rules and hwdb files.

The udev-service-type can be extended with file-like directories that respect this hierarchy. For convenience, the udev-rule and file->udev-rule can be used to construct udev rules, while udev-hardware and file->udev-hardware can be used to construct hardware description files.

In an operating-system declaration, this service type can be extended using procedures udev-rules-service and udev-hardware-service.

Tipo de dados: udev-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of udev.

udev (default: eudev) (type: file-like)

Package object of the udev service. This package is used at run-time, when compiled for the target system. In order to generate the hwdb.bin hardware index, it is also used when generating the system definition, compiled for the current system.

rules (default: ’()) (type: list-of-file-like)

List of file-like objects denoting udev rule files under a sub-directory.

hardware (default: ’()) (type: list-of-file-like)

List of file-like objects denoting udev hardware description files under a sub-directory.

Procedure: udev-rule file-name contents

Return a udev-rule file named file-name containing the rules defined by the contents literal.

In the following example, a rule for a USB device is defined to be stored in the file 90-usb-thing.rules. The rule runs a script upon detecting a USB device with a given product identifier.

(define %example-udev-rule
    (string-append "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", "
                   "ATTR{product}==\"Example\", "
Procedure: udev-hardware file-name contents

Return a udev hardware description file named file-name containing the hardware information contents.

Procedure: udev-rules-service name rules [#:groups '()]

Return a service that extends udev-service-type with rules and account-service-type with groups as system groups. This works by creating a singleton service type name-udev-rules, of which the returned service is an instance.

Here we show how it can be used to extend udev-service-type with the previously defined rule %example-udev-rule.

 ;; …
   (cons (udev-rules-service 'usb-thing %example-udev-rule)
Procedure: udev-hardware-service name hardware

Return a service that extends udev-service-type with hardware. The service name is name-udev-hardware.

Procedure: file->udev-rule file-name file

Return a udev-rule file named file-name containing the rules defined within file, a file-like object.

The following example showcases how we can use an existing rule file.

(use-modules (guix download)     ;for url-fetch
             (guix packages)     ;for origin

(define %android-udev-rules
    (let ((version "20170910"))
       (method url-fetch)
       (uri (string-append ""
                           "android-udev-rules/" version "/51-android.rules"))
        (base32 "0lmmagpyb6xsq6zcr2w1cyx9qmjqmajkvrdbhjx32gqf1d9is003"))))))

Since guix package definitions can be included in rules in order to use all their rules under the lib/udev/rules.d sub-directory, then in lieu of the previous file->udev-rule example, we could have used the android-udev-rules package which exists in Guix in the (gnu packages android) module.

Procedure: file->udev-hardware file-name file

Return a udev hardware description file named file-name containing the rules defined within file, a file-like object.

The following example shows how to use the android-udev-rules package so that the Android tool adb can detect devices without root privileges. It also details how to create the adbusers group, which is required for the proper functioning of the rules defined within the android-udev-rules package. To create such a group, we must define it both as part of the supplementary-groups of our user-account declaration, as well as in the groups of the udev-rules-service procedure.

(use-modules (gnu packages android)  ;for android-udev-rules
             (gnu system shadow)     ;for user-group

  ;; …
  (users (cons (user-account
                ;; …
                 '("adbusers"   ;for adb
                   "wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video")))))
  ;; …
    (cons (udev-rules-service 'android android-udev-rules
                              #:groups '("adbusers"))
Variável: urandom-seed-service-type

Save some entropy in %random-seed-file to seed /dev/urandom when rebooting. It also tries to seed /dev/urandom from /dev/hwrng while booting, if /dev/hwrng exists and is readable.

Variável: %random-seed-file

This is the name of the file where some random bytes are saved by urandom-seed-service to seed /dev/urandom when rebooting. It defaults to /var/lib/random-seed.

Variável: gpm-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs GPM, the general-purpose mouse daemon, which provides mouse support to the Linux console. GPM allows users to use the mouse in the console, notably to select, copy, and paste text.

The value for services of this type must be a gpm-configuration (see below). This service is not part of %base-services.

Tipo de dados: gpm-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of GPM.

options (default: %default-gpm-options)

Command-line options passed to gpm. The default set of options instruct gpm to listen to mouse events on /dev/input/mice. Veja Command Line em gpm manual, for more information.

gpm (default: gpm)

O pacote GPM a ser usado.

Variável: guix-publish-service-type

This is the service type for guix publish (veja Invocando guix publish). Its value must be a guix-publish-configuration object, as described below.

This assumes that /etc/guix already contains a signing key pair as created by guix archive --generate-key (veja Invocando guix archive). If that is not the case, the service will fail to start.

Tipo de dados: guix-publish-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the guix publish service.

guix (default: guix)

The Guix package to use.

port (padrão: 80)

The TCP port to listen for connections.

host (default: "localhost")

The host (and thus, network interface) to listen to. Use "" to listen on all the network interfaces.

advertise? (default: #f)

When true, advertise the service on the local network via the DNS-SD protocol, using Avahi.

This allows neighboring Guix devices with discovery on (see guix-configuration above) to discover this guix publish instance and to automatically download substitutes from it.

compression (default: '(("gzip" 3) ("zstd" 3)))

This is a list of compression method/level tuple used when compressing substitutes. For example, to compress all substitutes with both lzip at level 7 and gzip at level 9, write:

'(("lzip" 7) ("gzip" 9))

Level 9 achieves the best compression ratio at the expense of increased CPU usage, whereas level 1 achieves fast compression. Veja Invocando guix publish, for more information on the available compression methods and the tradeoffs involved.

An empty list disables compression altogether.

nar-path (default: "nar")

The URL path at which “nars” can be fetched. Veja --nar-path, for details.

cache (default: #f)

When it is #f, disable caching and instead generate archives on demand. Otherwise, this should be the name of a directory—e.g., "/var/cache/guix/publish"—where guix publish caches archives and meta-data ready to be sent. Veja --cache, for more information on the tradeoffs involved.

workers (default: #f)

When it is an integer, this is the number of worker threads used for caching; when #f, the number of processors is used. Veja --workers, for more information.

cache-bypass-threshold (default: 10 MiB)

When cache is true, this is the maximum size in bytes of a store item for which guix publish may bypass its cache in case of a cache miss. Veja --cache-bypass-threshold, for more information.

ttl (default: #f)

When it is an integer, this denotes the time-to-live in seconds of the published archives. Veja --ttl, for more information.

negative-ttl (default: #f)

When it is an integer, this denotes the time-to-live in seconds for the negative lookups. Veja --negative-ttl, for more information.

Variável: rngd-service-type

Type of the service that runs rng-tools rngd, whose value is an <rngd-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: rngd-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of rngd.

rng-tools (default: rng-tools) (type: file-like)

Package object of the rng-tools rngd.

device (default: "/dev/hwrng") (type: string)

Path of the device to add to the kernel’s entropy pool. The service will fail if device does not exist.

Variável: pam-limits-service-type

Type of the service that installs a configuration file for the pam_limits module. The value for this service type is a list of pam-limits-entry values, which can be used to specify ulimit limits and nice priority limits to user sessions. By default, the value is the empty list.

The following limits definition sets two hard and soft limits for all login sessions of users in the realtime group:

(service pam-limits-service-type
          (pam-limits-entry "@realtime" 'both 'rtprio 99)
          (pam-limits-entry "@realtime" 'both 'memlock 'unlimited)))

The first entry increases the maximum realtime priority for non-privileged processes; the second entry lifts any restriction of the maximum address space that can be locked in memory. These settings are commonly used for real-time audio systems.

Another useful example is raising the maximum number of open file descriptors that can be used:

(service pam-limits-service-type
          (pam-limits-entry "*" 'both 'nofile 100000)))

In the above example, the asterisk means the limit should apply to any user. It is important to ensure the chosen value doesn’t exceed the maximum system value visible in the /proc/sys/fs/file-max file, else the users would be prevented from login in. For more information about the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) limits, refer to the ‘pam_limits’ man page from the linux-pam package.

Variável: greetd-service-type

greetd is a minimal and flexible login manager daemon, that makes no assumptions about what you want to launch.

If you can run it from your shell in a TTY, greetd can start it. If it can be taught to speak a simple JSON-based IPC protocol, then it can be a geeter.

greetd-service-type provides necessary infrastructure for logging in users, including:

  • greetd PAM service
  • Special variation of pam-mount to mount XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

Here is an example of switching from mingetty-service-type to greetd-service-type, and how different terminals could be:

   (modify-services %base-services
     ;; greetd-service-type provides "greetd" PAM service
     (delete login-service-type)
     ;; and can be used in place of mingetty-service-type
     (delete mingetty-service-type))
    (service greetd-service-type
                ;; we can make any terminal active by default
                (greetd-terminal-configuration (terminal-vt "1") (terminal-switch #t))
                ;; we can make environment without XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set
                ;; even provide our own environment variables
                 (terminal-vt "2")
                      (extra-env '(("MY_VAR" . "1")))
                      (xdg-env? #f))))))
                ;; we can use different shell instead of default bash
                 (terminal-vt "3")
                      (command (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
                      (command-args '("-l"))
                      (extra-env '(("MY_VAR" . "1")))
                      (xdg-env? #f))))))
                ;; we can use any other executable command as greeter
                 (terminal-vt "4")
                 (default-session-command (program-file "my-noop-greeter" #~(exit))))
                (greetd-terminal-configuration (terminal-vt "5"))
                (greetd-terminal-configuration (terminal-vt "6"))))))
    ;; mingetty-service-type can be used in parallel
    ;; if needed to do so, do not (delete login-service-type)
    ;; as illustrated above
    #| (service mingetty-service-type (mingetty-configuration (tty "tty8"))) |#))
Tipo de dados: greetd-configuration

Configuration record for the greetd-service-type.


A file-like object containing the “message of the day”.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #t)

Allow empty passwords by default so that first-time users can log in when the ’root’ account has just been created.

terminals (default: '())

List of greetd-terminal-configuration per terminal for which greetd should be started.

greeter-supplementary-groups (default: '())

List of groups which should be added to greeter user. For instance:

(greeter-supplementary-groups '("seat" "video"))

Note that this example will fail if seat group does not exist.

Tipo de dados: greetd-terminal-configuration

Configuration record for per terminal greetd daemon service.

greetd (default: greetd)

The greetd package to use.

extra-shepherd-requirement (default: '())

This option can be used to provide a list of additional symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on, such as 'seatd or 'elogind when the terminal session is a graphical greeter.


Configuration file name to use for greetd daemon. Generally, autogenerated derivation based on terminal-vt value.


Log file name to use for greetd daemon. Generally, autogenerated name based on terminal-vt value.

terminal-vt (default: ‘"7"’)

The VT to run on. Use of a specific VT with appropriate conflict avoidance is recommended.

terminal-switch (default: #f)

Make this terminal active on start of greetd.

source-profile? (default: #t)

Whether to source /etc/profile and ~/.profile, when they exist.

default-session-user (default: ‘"greeter"’)

The user to use for running the greeter.

default-session-command (default: (greetd-agreety-session))

Can be either greetd-agreety-session, greetd-wlgreet-sway-session, greetd-gtkgreet-sway-session or a file-like object to use as greeter.

Data Type: greetd-user-session

Configuration record for the user session command. Greeters require the user command to be specified in some or another way. greetd-user-session provides a common command for that. Users should prefer POSIX shell commands like bash, which can start an actual user terminal shell, window manager or desktop environment with their own mechanism, for example via ~/.bashrc in the case of Bash.

command (default: (file-append bash "/bin/bash"))

Command to be started by agreety on successful login.

command-args (default: '("-l"))

Command arguments to pass to command.

extra-env (default: '())

Extra environment variables to set on login.

xdg-session-type (default: "tty")

Specify the value of XDG_SESSION_TYPE. The user environment may adapt depending on its value (normally by using .bashrc or similar).

xdg-env? (default: #t)

If true XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and XDG_SESSION_TYPE will be set before starting command. One should note that, extra-env variables are set right after mentioned variables, so that they can be overridden.

Tipo de dados: greetd-agreety-session

Configuration record for the agreety greetd greeter.

agreety (default: greetd)

The package providing the agreety command.

command (default: (greetd-user-session))

Command to be started by agreety on successful login, an instance of greetd-user-session.

Data Type: greetd-wlgreet-configuration

Generic configuration record for the wlgreet greetd greeter.

output-mode (default: "all")

Option to use for outputMode in the TOML configuration file.

scale (default: 1)

Option to use for scale in the TOML configuration file.

background (default: '(0 0 0 0.9))

RGBA list to use as the background colour of the login prompt.

headline (default: '(1 1 1 1))

RGBA list to use as the headline colour of the UI popup.

prompt (default: '(1 1 1 1))

RGBA list to use as the prompt colour of the UI popup.

prompt-error (default: '(1 1 1 1))

RGBA list to use as the error colour of the UI popup.

border (default: '(1 1 1 1))

RGBA list to use as the border colour of the UI popup.

Tipo de dados: greetd-wlgreet-sway-session

Sway-specific configuration record for the wlgreet greetd greeter.

wlgreet-session (default: (greetd-wlgreet-session))

A greetd-wlgreet-session record for generic wlgreet configuration, on top of the Sway-specific greetd-wlgreet-sway-session.

sway (default: sway)

The package providing the sway command.

sway-configuration (default: #f)

File-like object providing an additional Sway configuration file to be prepended to the mandatory part of the configuration.

wlgreet (default: wlgreet)

The package providing the wlgreet command.

wlgreet-configuration (default: (greetd-wlgreet-configuration))

Configuration of wlgreet represented by greetd-wlgreet-configuration.

command (default: (greetd-user-session))

Command to be started by wlgreet on successful login, an instance of greetd-user-session.

Here is an example of a greetd configuration that uses wlgreet and Sway:

   ;; The graphical greeter requires additional group membership.
   (greeter-supplementary-groups (list "video" "input" "seat"))
    (list (greetd-terminal-configuration
           ;; Sway requires seatd service.
           (extra-shepherd-requirement '(seatd))
           (terminal-vt "1")
           (terminal-switch #t)
              ;; Optional extra sway configuration.
              (local-file "sway-greetd.conf"))))))))
Data Type: greetd-gtkgreet-sway-session

Configuration record for the gtkgreet greetd greeter. It can be used as follows:

   ;; The graphical greeter requires additional groups membership.
   (greeter-supplementary-groups (list "video" "input" "seat"))
    (list (greetd-terminal-configuration
           ;; Sway requires the seatd service.
           (extra-shepherd-requirement '(seatd))
           (terminal-vt "1")
           (terminal-switch #t)
               ;; Optionally signal to .bashrc that we want the Wayland
               ;; compositor.
               (xdg-session-type "wayland")))))))))
sway (default: sway)

The package providing the sway and swaymsg commands.

sway-configuration (default: #f)

Extra file-like configuration for sway to be included before executing the greeter.

gtkgreet (default: gtkgreet)

The package providing the gtkgreet command.

gtkgreet-style (default: #f)

Extra file-like CSS stylesheet to customize the GTK look.

command (default: (greetd-user-session))

The command to be started by gtkgreet on successful login, an instance of greetd-user-session.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.2 Execução de trabalho agendado

The (gnu services mcron) module provides an interface to GNU mcron, a daemon to run jobs at scheduled times (veja GNU mcron). GNU mcron is similar to the traditional Unix cron daemon; the main difference is that it is implemented in Guile Scheme, which provides a lot of flexibility when specifying the scheduling of jobs and their actions.

The example below defines an operating system that runs the updatedb (veja Invoking updatedb em Finding Files) and the guix gc commands (veja Invocando guix gc) daily, as well as the mkid command on behalf of an unprivileged user (veja mkid invocation em ID Database Utilities). It uses gexps to introduce job definitions that are passed to mcron (veja Expressões-G).

(use-modules (guix) (gnu) (gnu services mcron))
(use-package-modules base idutils)

(define updatedb-job
  ;; Run 'updatedb' at 3AM every day.  Here we write the
  ;; job's action as a Scheme procedure.
  #~(job '(next-hour '(3))
         (lambda ()
           (system* (string-append #$findutils "/bin/updatedb")
                    "--prunepaths=/tmp /var/tmp /gnu/store"))

(define garbage-collector-job
  ;; Collect garbage 5 minutes after midnight every day.
  ;; The job's action is a shell command.
  #~(job "5 0 * * *"            ;Vixie cron syntax
         "guix gc -F 1G"))

(define idutils-job
  ;; Update the index database as user "charlie" at 12:15PM
  ;; and 19:15PM.  This runs from the user's home directory.
  #~(job '(next-minute-from (next-hour '(12 19)) '(15))
         (string-append #$idutils "/bin/mkid src")
         #:user "charlie"))

  ;; …

  ;; %BASE-SERVICES already includes an instance of
  ;; 'mcron-service-type', which we extend with additional
  ;; jobs using 'simple-service'.
  (services (cons (simple-service 'my-cron-jobs
                                   (list garbage-collector-job

Tip: When providing the action of a job specification as a procedure, you should provide an explicit name for the job via the optional 3rd argument as done in the updatedb-job example above. Otherwise, the job would appear as “Lambda function” in the output of herd schedule mcron, which is not nearly descriptive enough!

Tip: Avoid calling the Guile procedures execl, execle or execlp inside a job specification, else mcron won’t be able to output the completion status of the job.

For more complex jobs defined in Scheme where you need control over the top level, for instance to introduce a use-modules form, you can move your code to a separate program using the program-file procedure of the (guix gexp) module (veja Expressões-G). The example below illustrates that.

(define %battery-alert-job
  ;; Beep when the battery percentage falls below %MIN-LEVEL.
     '(next-minute (range 0 60 1))
        (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
                                '((guix build utils)))
              (use-modules (guix build utils)
                           (ice-9 popen)
                           (ice-9 regex)
                           (ice-9 textual-ports)
                           (srfi srfi-2))

              (define %min-level 20)

              (setenv "LC_ALL" "C")     ;ensure English output
              (and-let* ((input-pipe (open-pipe*
                                      #$(file-append acpi "/bin/acpi")))
                         (output (get-string-all input-pipe))
                         (m (string-match "Discharging, ([0-9]+)%" output))
                         (level (string->number (match:substring m 1)))
                         ((< level %min-level)))
                (format #t "warning: Battery level is low (~a%)~%" level)
                (invoke #$(file-append beep "/bin/beep") "-r5")))))))

Veja mcron job specifications em GNU mcron, for more information on mcron job specifications. Below is the reference of the mcron service.

On a running system, you can use the schedule action of the service to visualize the mcron jobs that will be executed next:

# herd schedule mcron

The example above lists the next five tasks that will be executed, but you can also specify the number of tasks to display:

# herd schedule mcron 10
Variável: mcron-service-type

This is the type of the mcron service, whose value is an mcron-configuration object.

This service type can be the target of a service extension that provides additional job specifications (veja Composição de serviço). In other words, it is possible to define services that provide additional mcron jobs to run.

Tipo de dados: mcron-configuration

Available mcron-configuration fields are:

mcron (default: mcron) (type: file-like)

The mcron package to use.

jobs (default: '()) (type: list-of-gexps)

This is a list of gexps (veja Expressões-G), where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job specification (veja mcron job specifications em GNU mcron).

log? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Log messages to standard output.

log-file (default: "/var/log/mcron.log") (type: string)

Log file location.

log-format (default: "~1@*~a ~a: ~a~%") (type: string)

(ice-9 format) format string for log messages. The default value produces messages like ‘pid name: message’ (veja Invoking em GNU mcron). Each message is also prefixed by a timestamp by GNU Shepherd.

date-format (type: maybe-string)

(srfi srfi-19) format string for date.

11.10.3 Rotação de log

Log files such as those found in /var/log tend to grow endlessly, so it’s a good idea to rotate them once in a while—i.e., archive their contents in separate files, possibly compressed. The (gnu services admin) module provides an interface to the log rotation service provided by the Shepherd (veja Log Rotation Service em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

This log rotation service is made available through log-rotation-service-type, which takes a log-rotation-configuration record as its value. By default, this provides log-rotation, a Shepherd “timed service” that runs periodically—once a week by default. It automatically knows about the log files produced by Shepherd services and can be taught about external log files. You can inspect the service and see when it’s going to run the usual way:

$ sudo herd status log-rotation
Status of log-rotation:
  It is running since Mon 09 Dec 2024 03:27:47 PM CET (2 days ago).

Upcoming timer alarms:
  Sun 15 Dec 2024 10:00:00 PM CET (in 4 days)
  Sun 22 Dec 2024 10:00:00 PM CET (in 11 days)
  Sun 29 Dec 2024 10:00:00 PM CET (in 18 days)

You can also list files subject to rotation with herd files log-rotation and trigger rotation manually with herd trigger log-rotation.

This service is part of %base-services, and thus enabled by default, with the default settings.

Variável: log-rotation-service-type

This is the type of the log rotation service. Its associated value must be a log-rotation-configuration record, as discussed below.

Data Type: log-rotation-configuration

Available log-rotation-configuration fields are:

provision (default: '(log-rotation)) (type: list-of-symbols)

The name(s) of the log rotation Shepherd service.

requirement (default: '(user-processes)) (type: list-of-symbols)

Dependencies of the log rotation Shepherd service.

calendar-event (type: gexp)

Gexp containing the calendar event when log rotation occurs. Veja Timers em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for more information on calendar events.

external-log-files (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

List of file names, external log files that should also be rotated.

compression (default: zstd) (type: symbol)

The compression method used for rotated log files, one of 'none, 'gzip, and 'zstd.

expiry (type: gexp-or-integer)

Age in seconds after which a log file is deleted.

size-threshold (type: gexp-or-integer)

Size in bytes below which a log file is not rotated.


An alternative log rotation service relying on GNU Rot[t]log, a log rotation tool (veja GNU Rot[t]log Manual), is also provided.

Aviso: The Rottlog service presented here is deprecated in favor of log-rotation-service-type (see above). The rottlog-service-type variable and related tools will be removed after 2025-06-15.

The example below shows how to extend it with an additional rotation, should you need to do that (usually, services that produce log files already take care of that):

(use-modules (guix) (gnu))
(use-service-modules admin)

(define my-log-files
  ;; Log files that I want to rotate.
  '("/var/log/something.log" "/var/log/another.log"))

  ;; …
  (services (cons (simple-service 'rotate-my-stuff
                                  (list (log-rotation
                                         (frequency 'daily)
                                         (files my-log-files))))
Variável: rottlog-service-type

This is the type of the Rottlog service, whose value is a rottlog-configuration object.

Other services can extend this one with new log-rotation objects (see below), thereby augmenting the set of files to be rotated.

This service type can define mcron jobs (veja Execução de trabalho agendado) to run the rottlog service.

Tipo de dados: rottlog-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of rottlog.

rottlog (default: rottlog)

The Rottlog package to use.

rc-file (default: (file-append rottlog "/etc/rc"))

The Rottlog configuration file to use (veja Mandatory RC Variables em GNU Rot[t]log Manual).

rotations (default: %default-rotations)

A list of log-rotation objects as defined below.


This is a list of gexps where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job specification (veja Execução de trabalho agendado).

Tipo de dados: log-rotation

Data type representing the rotation of a group of log files.

Taking an example from the Rottlog manual (veja Period Related File Examples em GNU Rot[t]log Manual), a log rotation might be defined like this:

  (frequency 'daily)
  (files '("/var/log/apache/*"))
  (options '("storedir apache-archives"
             "rotate 6"

The list of fields is as follows:

frequency (default: 'weekly)

The log rotation frequency, a symbol.


The list of files or file glob patterns to rotate.

options (default: %default-log-rotation-options)

The list of rottlog options for this rotation (veja Configuration parameters em GNU Rot[t]log Manual).

post-rotate (default: #f)

Either #f or a gexp to execute once the rotation has completed.

Variável: %default-rotations

Specifies weekly rotation of %rotated-files and of /var/log/guix-daemon.log.

Variável: %rotated-files

The list of syslog-controlled files to be rotated. By default it is: '("/var/log/messages" "/var/log/secure" "/var/log/debug" \ "/var/log/maillog").

Some log files just need to be deleted periodically once they are old, without any other criterion and without any archival step. This is the case of build logs stored by guix-daemon under /var/log/guix/drvs (veja Invocando guix-daemon). The log-cleanup service addresses this use case. For example, %base-services (veja Serviços básicos) includes the following:

;; Periodically delete old build logs.
(service log-cleanup-service-type
          (directory "/var/log/guix/drvs")))

That ensures build logs do not accumulate endlessly.

Variável: log-cleanup-service-type

This is the type of the service to delete old logs. Its value must be a log-cleanup-configuration record as described below.

Tipo de dados: log-cleanup-configuration

Data type representing the log cleanup configuration


Name of the directory containing log files.

expiry (default: (* 6 30 24 3600))

Age in seconds after which a file is subject to deletion (six months by default).

schedule (default: "30 12 01,08,15,22 * *")

Schedule of the log cleanup job written either as a string in traditional cron syntax or as a gexp representing a Shepherd calendar event (veja Timers em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

Anonip Service

Anonip is a privacy filter that removes IP address from web server logs. This service creates a FIFO and filters any written lines with anonip before writing the filtered log to a target file.

The following example sets up the FIFO /var/run/anonip/https.access.log and writes the filtered log file /var/log/anonip/https.access.log.

(service anonip-service-type
           (input  "/var/run/anonip/https.access.log")
           (output "/var/log/anonip/https.access.log")))

Configure your web server to write its logs to the FIFO at /var/run/anonip/https.access.log and collect the anonymized log file at /var/web-logs/https.access.log.

Tipo de dados: anonip-configuration

Este tipo de dado representa a configuração do anonip. Ele possui os seguintes parâmetros:

anonip (default: anonip)

The anonip package to use.


The file name of the input log file to process. The service creates a FIFO of this name. The web server should write its logs to this FIFO.


The file name of the processed log file.

The following optional settings may be provided:


Print debug messages when #true.


When #true do not mask addresses in private ranges.


A 1-based indexed column number. Assume IP address is in the specified column (default is 1).


Replacement string in case address parsing fails, e.g. "".


Number of bits to mask in IPv4 addresses.


Number of bits to mask in IPv6 addresses.


Increment the IP address by the given number. By default this is zero.


Log delimiter string.


Regular expression for detecting IP addresses. Use this instead of column.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.4 Networking Setup

The (gnu services networking) module provides services to configure network interfaces and set up networking on your machine. Those services provide different ways for you to set up your machine: by declaring a static network configuration, by running a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, or by running daemons such as NetworkManager and Connman that automate the whole process, automatically adapt to connectivity changes, and provide a high-level user interface.

On a laptop, NetworkManager and Connman are by far the most convenient options, which is why the default desktop services include NetworkManager (veja %desktop-services). For a server, or for a virtual machine or a container, static network configuration or a simple DHCP client are often more appropriate.

This section describes the various network setup services available, starting with static network configuration.

Variável: static-networking-service-type

This is the type for statically-configured network interfaces. Its value must be a list of static-networking records. Each of them declares a set of addresses, routes, and links, as shown below.

Here is the simplest configuration, with only one network interface controller (NIC) and only IPv4 connectivity:

;; Static networking for one NIC, IPv4-only.
(service static-networking-service-type
         (list (static-networking
                 (list (network-address
                        (device "eno1")
                        (value ""))))
                 (list (network-route
                        (destination "default")
                        (gateway ""))))
                (name-servers '("")))))

The snippet above can be added to the services field of your operating system configuration (veja Usando o sistema de configuração). It will configure your machine to have as its IP address, with a 24-bit netmask for the local network—meaning that any 10.0.2.x address is on the local area network (LAN). Traffic to addresses outside the local network is routed via Host names are resolved by sending domain name system (DNS) queries to

Tipo de dados: static-networking

This is the data type representing a static network configuration.

As an example, here is how you would declare the configuration of a machine with a single network interface controller (NIC) available as eno1, and with one IPv4 and one IPv6 address:

;; Network configuration for one NIC, IPv4 + IPv6.
 (addresses (list (network-address
                   (device "eno1")
                   (value ""))
                   (device "eno1")
                   (value "2001:123:4567:101::1/64"))))
 (routes (list (network-route
                (destination "default")
                (gateway ""))
                (destination "default")
                (gateway "2020:321:4567:42::1"))))
 (name-servers '("")))

If you are familiar with the ip command of the iproute2 package found on Linux-based systems, the declaration above is equivalent to typing:

ip address add dev eno1
ip address add 2001:123:4567:101::1/64 dev eno1
ip route add default via inet
ip route add default via inet6 2020:321:4567:42::1

Run man 8 ip for more info. Venerable GNU/Linux users will certainly know how to do it with ifconfig and route, but we’ll spare you that.

The available fields of this data type are as follows:

links (default: '())
routes (default: '())

The list of network-address, network-link, and network-route records for this network (see below).

name-servers (default: '())

The list of IP addresses (strings) of domain name servers. These IP addresses go to /etc/resolv.conf.

provision (default: '(networking))

If true, this should be a list of symbols for the Shepherd service corresponding to this network configuration.

requirement (default '())

The list of Shepherd services depended on.

Tipo de dados: network-address

This is the data type representing the IP address of a network interface.


The name of the network interface for this address—e.g., "eno1".


The actual IP address and network mask, in CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, as a string.

For example, "" denotes IPv4 address on a 24-bit sub-network—all 10.0.2.x addresses are on the same local network.


Whether value denotes an IPv6 address. By default this is automatically determined.

Tipo de dados: network-route

This is the data type representing a network route.


The route destination (a string), either an IP address and network mask or "default" to denote the default route.

source (default: #f)

The route source.

device (default: #f)

The device used for this route—e.g., "eno2".

ipv6? (default: auto)

Whether this is an IPv6 route. By default this is automatically determined based on destination or gateway.

gateway (default: #f)

IP address (a string) through which traffic is routed.

Data type for a network link (veja Link em Guile-Netlink Manual). During startup, network links are employed to construct or modify existing or virtual ethernet links. These ethernet links can be identified by their name or mac-address. If there is a need to create virtual interface, name and type fields are required.


The name of the link—e.g., "v0p0" (default: #f).


A symbol denoting the type of the link—e.g., 'veth (default: #f).


The mac-address of the link—e.g., "98:11:22:33:44:55" (default: #f).


List of arguments for this type of link.

Consider a scenario where a server equipped with a network interface which has multiple ports. These ports are connected to a switch, which supports link aggregation (also known as bonding or NIC teaming). The switch uses port channels to consolidate multiple physical interfaces into one logical interface to provide higher bandwidth, load balancing, and link redundancy. When a port is added to a LAG (or link aggregation group), it inherits the properties of the port-channel. Some of these properties are VLAN membership, trunk status, and so on.

VLAN (or virtual local area network) is a logical network that is isolated from other VLANs on the same physical network. This can be used to segregate traffic, improve security, and simplify network management.

With all that in mind let’s configure our static network for the server. We will bond two existing interfaces together using 802.3ad schema and on top of it, build a VLAN interface with id 1055. We assign a static ip to our new VLAN interface.

 (links (list (network-link
               (name "bond0")
               (type 'bond)
               (arguments '((mode . "802.3ad")
                            (miimon . 100)
                            (lacp-active . "on")
                            (lacp-rate . "fast"))))

               (mac-address "98:11:22:33:44:55")
               (arguments '((master . "bond0"))))

               (mac-address "98:11:22:33:44:56")
               (arguments '((master . "bond0"))))

               (name "bond0.1055")
               (type 'vlan)
               (arguments '((id . 1055)
                            (link . "bond0"))))))
 (addresses (list (network-address
                   (value "")
                   (device "bond0.1055")))))
Variável: %loopback-static-networking

This is the static-networking record representing the “loopback device”, lo, for IP addresses and ::1, and providing the loopback Shepherd service.

Variável: %qemu-static-networking

This is the static-networking record representing network setup when using QEMU’s user-mode network stack on eth0 (veja Using the user mode network stack em QEMU Documentation).

Variável: dhcp-client-service-type

This is the type of services that run dhclient, the ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client.

Tipo de dados: dhcp-client-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the ISC DHCP client service.

package (default: isc-dhcp)

The ISC DHCP client package to use.

interfaces (default: 'all)

Either 'all or the list of interface names that the ISC DHCP client should listen on—e.g., '("eno1").

When set to 'all, the ISC DHCP client listens on all the available non-loopback interfaces that can be activated. Otherwise the ISC DHCP client listens only on the specified interfaces.

config-file (default: #f)

The configuration file for the ISC DHCP client.

version (default: "4")

The DHCP protocol version to use, as a string. Accepted values are "4" or "6" for DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, respectively, as well as "4o6", for DHCPv4 over DHCPv6 (as specified by RFC 7341).

shepherd-requirement (default: '())
shepherd-provision (default: '(networking))

This option can be used to provide a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on, such as 'wpa-supplicant or 'iwd if you require authenticated access for encrypted WiFi or Ethernet networks.

Likewise, shepherd-provision is a list of Shepherd service names (symbols) provided by this service. You might want to change the default value if you intend to run several ISC DHCP clients, only one of which provides the networking Shepherd service.

Variável: dhcpcd-service-type

This the type for a service running dhcpcd, a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client that can be used as a replacement for the historical ISC client supported by dhcp-client-service-type.

Its value must be a dhcpcd-configuration record, as described below. As an example, consider the following setup which runs dhcpcd with a local DNS (Domain Name System) resolver:

(service dhcpcd-service-type
    (option '("rapid_commit" "interface_mtu"))
    (no-option '("nd_rdnss"
    (static '("domain_name_servers="))
    (no-hook '("hostname")))))
Data Type: dhcpcd-configuration

Available dhcpcd-configuration fields are:

interfaces (default: ()) (type: list)

List of networking interfaces—e.g., "eth0"—to start a DHCP client for. If no interface is specified (i.e., the list is empty) then dhcpcd discovers available Ethernet interfaces, that can be configured, automatically.

command-arguments (default: ("-q" "-q")) (type: list)

List of additional command-line options.

host-name (default: "") (type: maybe-string)

Host name to send via DHCP, defaults to the current system host name.

duid (default: "") (type: maybe-string)

DHCPv4 clients require a unique client identifier, this option uses the DHCPv6 Unique Identifier as a DHCPv4 client identifier as well. For more information, refer to RFC 4361 and dhcpcd.conf(5).

persistent? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

When true, automatically de-configure the interface when dhcpcd exits.

option (default: ("rapid_commit" "domain_name_servers" "domain_name" "domain_search" "host_name" "classless_static_routes" "interface_mtu")) (type: list-of-strings)

List of options to request from the server.

require (default: ("dhcp_server_identifier")) (type: list-of-strings)

List of options to require in responses.

slaac (default: "private") (type: maybe-string)

Interface identifier used for SLAAC generated IPv6 addresses.

no-option (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

List of options to remove from the message before it’s processed.

no-hook (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

List of hook script which should not be invoked.

static (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

DHCP client can request different options from a DHCP server, through static it is possible to configure static values for selected options. For example, "domain_name_servers=".

vendor-class-id (type: maybe-string)

Set the DHCP Vendor Class (e.g., MSFT). For more information, refer to RFC 2132.

client-id (type: maybe-string)

Use the interface hardware address or the given string as a client identifier, this is matually exclusive with the duid option.

extra-content (type: maybe-string)

Extra content to append to the configuration as-is.

Variável: network-manager-service-type

This is the service type for the NetworkManager service. The value for this service type is a network-manager-configuration record.

This service is part of %desktop-services (veja Serviços de desktop).

Tipo de dados: network-manager-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of NetworkManager.

network-manager (default: network-manager)

The NetworkManager package to use.

shepherd-requirement (default: '(wpa-supplicant))

This option can be used to provide a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on, such as 'wpa-supplicant or 'iwd if you require authenticated access for encrypted WiFi or Ethernet networks.

dns (default: "default")

Processing mode for DNS, which affects how NetworkManager uses the resolv.conf configuration file.


NetworkManager will update resolv.conf to reflect the nameservers provided by currently active connections.


NetworkManager will run dnsmasq as a local caching nameserver, using a conditional forwarding configuration if you are connected to a VPN, and then update resolv.conf to point to the local nameserver.

With this setting, you can share your network connection. For example when you want to share your network connection to another laptop via an Ethernet cable, you can open nm-connection-editor and configure the Wired connection’s method for IPv4 and IPv6 to be “Shared to other computers” and reestablish the connection (or reboot).

You can also set up a host-to-guest connection to QEMU VMs (veja Instalando Guix em uma Máquina Virtual). With a host-to-guest connection, you can e.g. access a Web server running on the VM (veja Serviços web) from a Web browser on your host system, or connect to the VM via SSH (veja openssh-service-type). To set up a host-to-guest connection, run this command once:

nmcli connection add type tun \
 connection.interface-name tap0 \
 tun.mode tap tun.owner $(id -u) \
 ipv4.method shared \

Then each time you launch your QEMU VM (veja Usando o Guix em uma Máquina Virtual), pass -nic tap,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no to qemu-system-....


NetworkManager will not modify resolv.conf.

vpn-plugins (default: '())

This is the list of available plugins for virtual private networks (VPNs). An example of this is the network-manager-openvpn package, which allows NetworkManager to manage VPNs via OpenVPN.

extra-configuration-files (default: '())

A list of two-element lists; the first element of each list is a file name (as a string), and the second is a file-like object. Used to specify configuration files which will be added to the /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d. NetworkManager will read additional configuration from this directory. For details on configuration file precedence and the configuration file format, see ‘man 5 NetworkManager.conf’.

For example, to add two files named 001-basic.conf and 002-unmanaged.conf:

(service network-manager-service-type
           `(("001-basic.conf" ,(local-file "basic.conf"))
             ("002-unmanaged.conf" ,(plain-file "constructed-unmanaged.conf"
Variável: connman-service-type

This is the service type to run Connman, a network connection manager.

Its value must be a connman-configuration record as in this example:

(service connman-service-type
           (disable-vpn? #t)))

See below for details about connman-configuration.

Tipo de dados: connman-configuration

Data Type representing the configuration of connman.

connman (default: connman)

The connman package to use.

shepherd-requirement (default: '())

This option can be used to provide a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on, such as 'wpa-supplicant or 'iwd if you require authenticated access for encrypted WiFi or Ethernet networks.

disable-vpn? (default: #f)

When true, disable connman’s vpn plugin.

general-configuration (default: (connman-general-configuration))

Configuration serialized to main.conf and passed as --config to connmand.

Tipo de dados: connman-general-configuration

Available connman-general-configuration fields are:

input-request-timeout (type: maybe-number)

Set input request timeout. Default is 120 seconds. The request for inputs like passphrase will timeout after certain amount of time. Use this setting to increase the value in case of different user interface designs.

browser-launch-timeout (type: maybe-number)

Set browser launch timeout. Default is 300 seconds. The request for launching a browser for portal pages will timeout after certain amount of time. Use this setting to increase the value in case of different user interface designs.

background-scanning? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable background scanning. Default is true. If wifi is disconnected, the background scanning will follow a simple back off mechanism from 3s up to 5 minutes. Then, it will stay in 5 minutes unless user specifically asks for scanning through a D-Bus call. If so, the mechanism will start again from 3s. This feature activates also the background scanning while being connected, which is required for roaming on wifi. When background-scanning? is false, ConnMan will not perform any scan regardless of wifi is connected or not, unless it is requested by the user through a D-Bus call.

use-gateways-as-timeservers? (type: maybe-boolean)

Assume that service gateways also function as timeservers. Default is false.

fallback-timeservers (type: maybe-list)

List of Fallback timeservers. These timeservers are used for NTP sync when there are no timeservers set by the user or by the service, and when use-gateways-as-timeservers? is #f. These can contain a mixed combination of fully qualified domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

fallback-nameservers (type: maybe-list)

List of fallback nameservers appended to the list of nameservers given by the service. The nameserver entries must be in numeric format, host names are ignored.

default-auto-connect-technologies (type: maybe-list)

List of technologies that are marked autoconnectable by default. The default value for this entry when empty is "ethernet", "wifi", "cellular". Services that are automatically connected must have been set up and saved to storage beforehand.

default-favourite-technologies (type: maybe-list)

List of technologies that are marked favorite by default. The default value for this entry when empty is "ethernet". Connects to services from this technology even if not setup and saved to storage.

always-connected-technologies (type: maybe-list)

List of technologies which are always connected regardless of preferred-technologies setting (auto-connect? #t). The default value is empty and this feature is disabled unless explicitly enabled.

preferred-technologies (type: maybe-list)

List of preferred technologies from the most preferred one to the least preferred one. Services of the listed technology type will be tried one by one in the order given, until one of them gets connected or they are all tried. A service of a preferred technology type in state ’ready’ will get the default route when compared to another preferred type further down the list with state ’ready’ or with a non-preferred type; a service of a preferred technology type in state ’online’ will get the default route when compared to either a non-preferred type or a preferred type further down in the list.

network-interface-blacklist (type: maybe-list)

List of blacklisted network interfaces. Found interfaces will be compared to the list and will not be handled by ConnMan, if their first characters match any of the list entries. Default value is "vmnet", "vboxnet", "virbr", "ifb".

allow-hostname-updates? (type: maybe-boolean)

Allow ConnMan to change the system hostname. This can happen for example if we receive DHCP hostname option. Default value is #t.

allow-domainname-updates? (type: maybe-boolean)

Allow connman to change the system domainname. This can happen for example if we receive DHCP domainname option. Default value is #t.

single-connected-technology? (type: maybe-boolean)

Keep only a single connected technology at any time. When a new service is connected by the user or a better one is found according to preferred-technologies, the new service is kept connected and all the other previously connected services are disconnected. With this setting it does not matter whether the previously connected services are in ’online’ or ’ready’ states, the newly connected service is the only one that will be kept connected. A service connected by the user will be used until going out of network coverage. With this setting enabled applications will notice more network breaks than normal. Note this options can’t be used with VPNs. Default value is #f.

tethering-technologies (type: maybe-list)

List of technologies that are allowed to enable tethering. The default value is "wifi", "bluetooth", "gadget". Only those technologies listed here are used for tethering. If one wants to tether ethernet, then add "ethernet" in the list. Note that if ethernet tethering is enabled, then a DHCP server is started on all ethernet interfaces. Tethered ethernet should never be connected to corporate or home network as it will disrupt normal operation of these networks. Due to this ethernet is not tethered by default. Do not activate ethernet tethering unless you really know what you are doing.

persistent-tethering-mode? (type: maybe-boolean)

Restore earlier tethering status when returning from offline mode, re-enabling a technology, and after restarts and reboots. Default value is #f.

enable-6to4? (type: maybe-boolean)

Automatically enable anycast 6to4 if possible. This is not recommended, as the use of 6to4 will generally lead to a severe degradation of connection quality. See RFC6343. Default value is #f (as recommended by RFC6343 section 4.1).

vendor-class-id (type: maybe-string)

Set DHCP option 60 (Vendor Class ID) to the given string. This option can be used by DHCP servers to identify specific clients without having to rely on MAC address ranges, etc.

enable-online-check? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable use of HTTP GET as an online status check. When a service is in a READY state, and is selected as default, ConnMan will issue an HTTP GET request to verify that end-to-end connectivity is successful. Only then the service will be transitioned to ONLINE state. If this setting is false, the default service will remain in READY state. Default value is #t.

online-check-ipv4-url (type: maybe-string)

IPv4 URL used during the online status check. Please refer to the README for more detailed information. Default value is

online-check-ipv6-url (type: maybe-string)

IPv6 URL used during the online status check. Please refer to the README for more detailed information. Default value is

online-check-initial-interval (type: maybe-number)

Range of intervals between two online check requests. Please refer to the README for more detailed information. Default value is ‘1’.

online-check-max-interval (type: maybe-number)

Range of intervals between two online check requests. Please refer to the README for more detailed information. Default value is ‘1’.

enable-online-to-ready-transition? (type: maybe-boolean)

WARNING: This is an experimental feature. In addition to enable-online-check setting, enable or disable use of HTTP GET to detect the loss of end-to-end connectivity. If this setting is #f, when the default service transitions to ONLINE state, the HTTP GET request is no more called until next cycle, initiated by a transition of the default service to DISCONNECT state. If this setting is #t, the HTTP GET request keeps being called to guarantee that end-to-end connectivity is still successful. If not, the default service will transition to READY state, enabling another service to become the default one, in replacement. Default value is #f.

auto-connect-roaming-services? (type: maybe-boolean)

Automatically connect roaming services. This is not recommended unless you know you won’t have any billing problem. Default value is #f.

address-conflict-detection? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable the implementation of IPv4 address conflict detection according to RFC5227. ConnMan will send probe ARP packets to see if an IPv4 address is already in use before assigning the address to an interface. If an address conflict occurs for a statically configured address, an IPv4LL address will be chosen instead (according to RFC3927). If an address conflict occurs for an address offered via DHCP, ConnMan sends a DHCP DECLINE once and for the second conflict resorts to finding an IPv4LL address. Default value is #f.

localtime (type: maybe-string)

Path to localtime file. Defaults to /etc/localtime.

regulatory-domain-follows-timezone? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable regulatory domain to be changed along timezone changes. With this option set to true each time the timezone changes the first present ISO3166 country code is read from /usr/share/zoneinfo/ and set as regulatory domain value. Default value is #f.

resolv-conf (type: maybe-string)

Path to resolv.conf file. If the file does not exist, but intermediate directories exist, it will be created. If this option is not set, it tries to write into /var/run/connman/resolv.conf if it fails (/var/run/connman does not exist or is not writeable). If you do not want to update resolv.conf, you can set /dev/null.

Variável: wpa-supplicant-service-type

This is the service type to run WPA supplicant, an authentication daemon required to authenticate against encrypted WiFi or ethernet networks.

Tipo de dados: wpa-supplicant-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of WPA Supplicant.

It takes the following parameters:

wpa-supplicant (default: wpa-supplicant)

The WPA Supplicant package to use.

requirement (default: '(user-processes loopback syslogd)

List of services that should be started before WPA Supplicant starts.

dbus? (padrão: #t)

Whether to listen for requests on D-Bus.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/")

Where to store the PID file.

interface (default: #f)

If this is set, it must specify the name of a network interface that WPA supplicant will control.

config-file (default: #f)

Optional configuration file to use.

extra-options (default: '())

List of additional command-line arguments to pass to the daemon.

Some networking devices such as modems require special care, and this is what the services below focus on.

Variável: modem-manager-service-type

This is the service type for the ModemManager service. The value for this service type is a modem-manager-configuration record.

This service is part of %desktop-services (veja Serviços de desktop).

Tipo de dados: modem-manager-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of ModemManager.

modem-manager (default: modem-manager)

The ModemManager package to use.

Variável: usb-modeswitch-service-type

This is the service type for the USB_ModeSwitch service. The value for this service type is a usb-modeswitch-configuration record.

When plugged in, some USB modems (and other USB devices) initially present themselves as a read-only storage medium and not as a modem. They need to be modeswitched before they are usable. The USB_ModeSwitch service type installs udev rules to automatically modeswitch these devices when they are plugged in.

This service is part of %desktop-services (veja Serviços de desktop).

Tipo de dados: usb-modeswitch-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of USB_ModeSwitch.

usb-modeswitch (default: usb-modeswitch)

The USB_ModeSwitch package providing the binaries for modeswitching.

usb-modeswitch-data (default: usb-modeswitch-data)

The package providing the device data and udev rules file used by USB_ModeSwitch.

config-file (default: #~(string-append #$usb-modeswitch:dispatcher "/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf"))

Which config file to use for the USB_ModeSwitch dispatcher. By default the config file shipped with USB_ModeSwitch is used which disables logging to /var/log among other default settings. If set to #f, no config file is used.

11.10.5 Serviços de Rede

The (gnu services networking) module discussed in the previous section provides services for more advanced setups: providing a DHCP service for others to use, filtering packets with iptables or nftables, running a WiFi access point with hostapd, running the inetd “superdaemon”, and more. This section describes those.

Variável: dhcpd-service-type

This type defines a service that runs a DHCP daemon. To create a service of this type, you must supply a <dhcpd-configuration>. For example:

(service dhcpd-service-type
          (config-file (local-file "my-dhcpd.conf"))
          (interfaces '("enp0s25"))))
Tipo de dados: dhcpd-configuration
package (default: isc-dhcp)

The package that provides the DHCP daemon. This package is expected to provide the daemon at sbin/dhcpd relative to its output directory. The default package is the ISC’s DHCP server.

config-file (default: #f)

The configuration file to use. This is required. It will be passed to dhcpd via its -cf option. This may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects). See man dhcpd.conf for details on the configuration file syntax.

version (default: "4")

The DHCP version to use. The ISC DHCP server supports the values “4”, “6”, and “4o6”. These correspond to the dhcpd program options -4, -6, and -4o6. See man dhcpd for details.

run-directory (default: "/run/dhcpd")

The run directory to use. At service activation time, this directory will be created if it does not exist.

pid-file (default: "/run/dhcpd/")

The PID file to use. This corresponds to the -pf option of dhcpd. See man dhcpd for details.

interfaces (default: '())

The names of the network interfaces on which dhcpd should listen for broadcasts. If this list is not empty, then its elements (which must be strings) will be appended to the dhcpd invocation when starting the daemon. It may not be necessary to explicitly specify any interfaces here; see man dhcpd for details.

Variável: hostapd-service-type

This is the service type to run the hostapd daemon to set up WiFi (IEEE 802.11) access points and authentication servers. Its associated value must be a hostapd-configuration as shown below:

;; Use wlan1 to run the access point for "My Network".
(service hostapd-service-type
          (interface "wlan1")
          (ssid "My Network")
          (channel 12)))
Tipo de dados: hostapd-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the hostapd service, with the following fields:

package (default: hostapd)

The hostapd package to use.

interface (default: "wlan0")

The network interface to run the WiFi access point.


The SSID (service set identifier), a string that identifies this network.

broadcast-ssid? (default: #t)

Whether to broadcast this SSID.

channel (default: 1)

The WiFi channel to use.

driver (default: "nl80211")

The driver interface type. "nl80211" is used with all Linux mac80211 drivers. Use "none" if building hostapd as a standalone RADIUS server that does not control any wireless/wired driver.

extra-settings (default: "")

Extra settings to append as-is to the hostapd configuration file. See for the configuration file reference.

Variável: simulated-wifi-service-type

This is the type of a service to simulate WiFi networking, which can be useful in virtual machines for testing purposes. The service loads the Linux kernel mac80211_hwsim module and starts hostapd to create a pseudo WiFi network that can be seen on wlan0, by default.

The service’s value is a hostapd-configuration record.

Variável: iptables-service-type

This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a packet filtering framework supported by the Linux kernel. This service supports configuring iptables for both IPv4 and IPv6. A simple example configuration rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh port 22 is shown below.

(service iptables-service-type
          (ipv4-rules (plain-file "iptables.rules" "*filter
-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
          (ipv6-rules (plain-file "ip6tables.rules" "*filter
-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable
Tipo de dados: iptables-configuration

The data type representing the configuration of iptables.

iptables (default: iptables)

The iptables package that provides iptables-restore and ip6tables-restore.

ipv4-rules (default: %iptables-accept-all-rules)

The iptables rules to use. It will be passed to iptables-restore. This may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects).

ipv6-rules (default: %iptables-accept-all-rules)

The ip6tables rules to use. It will be passed to ip6tables-restore. This may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects).

Variável: nftables-service-type

This is the service type to set up a nftables configuration. nftables is a netfilter project that aims to replace the existing iptables, ip6tables, arptables and ebtables framework. It provides a new packet filtering framework, a new user-space utility nft, and a compatibility layer for iptables. This service comes with a default ruleset %default-nftables-ruleset that rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh port 22. To use it, simply write:

(service nftables-service-type)
Tipo de dados: nftables-configuration

The data type representing the configuration of nftables.

package (default: nftables)

The nftables package that provides nft.

ruleset (default: %default-nftables-ruleset)

The nftables ruleset to use. This may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects).

Variável: ntp-service-type

This is the type of the service running the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, ntpd. The daemon will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the specified NTP servers.

The value of this service is an ntpd-configuration object, as described below.

Tipo de dados: ntp-configuration

This is the data type for the NTP service configuration.

servers (default: %ntp-servers)

This is the list of servers (<ntp-server> records) with which ntpd will be synchronized. See the ntp-server data type definition below.

allow-large-adjustment? (default: #t)

This determines whether ntpd is allowed to make an initial adjustment of more than 1,000 seconds.

ntp (default: ntp)

The NTP package to use.

Variável: %ntp-servers

List of host names used as the default NTP servers. These are servers of the NTP Pool Project.

Tipo de dados: ntp-server

The data type representing the configuration of a NTP server.

type (default: 'server)

The type of the NTP server, given as a symbol. One of 'pool, 'server, 'peer, 'broadcast or 'manycastclient.


The address of the server, as a string.


NTPD options to use with that specific server, given as a list of option names and/or of option names and values tuples. The following example define a server to use with the options iburst and prefer, as well as version 3 and a maxpoll time of 16 seconds.

 (type 'server)
 (address "")
 (options `(iburst (version 3) (maxpoll 16) prefer))))
Variável: openntpd-service-type

Run the ntpd, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, as implemented by OpenNTPD. The daemon will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the given servers.

  (listen-on '("" "::1"))
  (sensor '("udcf0 correction 70000"))
  (constraint-from '(""))
  (constraints-from '(""))))

Variável: %openntpd-servers

This variable is a list of the server addresses defined in %ntp-servers.

Tipo de dados: openntpd-configuration
openntpd (default: openntpd)

The openntpd package to use.

listen-on (default: '("" "::1"))

A list of local IP addresses or hostnames the ntpd daemon should listen on.

query-from (default: '())

A list of local IP address the ntpd daemon should use for outgoing queries.

sensor (default: '())

Specify a list of timedelta sensor devices ntpd should use. ntpd will listen to each sensor that actually exists and ignore non-existent ones. See upstream documentation for more information.

server (default: '())

Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP servers to synchronize to.

servers (default: %openntp-servers)

Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP pools to synchronize to.

constraint-from (default: '())

ntpd can be configured to query the ‘Date’ from trusted HTTPS servers via TLS. This time information is not used for precision but acts as an authenticated constraint, thereby reducing the impact of unauthenticated NTP man-in-the-middle attacks. Specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or hostnames of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint.

constraints-from (default: '())

As with constraint from, specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or hostnames of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint. Should the hostname resolve to multiple IP addresses, ntpd will calculate a median constraint from all of them.

Variável: inetd-service-type

This service runs the inetd (veja inetd invocation em GNU Inetutils) daemon. inetd listens for connections on internet sockets, and lazily starts the specified server program when a connection is made on one of these sockets.

The value of this service is an inetd-configuration object. The following example configures the inetd daemon to provide the built-in echo service, as well as an smtp service which forwards smtp traffic over ssh to a server smtp-server behind a gateway hostname:

  (entries (list
             (name "echo")
             (socket-type 'stream)
             (protocol "tcp")
             (wait? #f)
             (user "root"))
             (node "")
             (name "smtp")
             (socket-type 'stream)
             (protocol "tcp")
             (wait? #f)
             (user "root")
             (program (file-append openssh "/bin/ssh"))
              '("ssh" "-qT" "-i" "/path/to/ssh_key"
                "-W" "smtp-server:25" "user@hostname")))))))

See below for more details about inetd-configuration.

Tipo de dados: inetd-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of inetd.

program (default: (file-append inetutils "/libexec/inetd"))

The inetd executable to use.

entries (default: '())

A list of inetd service entries. Each entry should be created by the inetd-entry constructor.

Tipo de dados: inetd-entry

Data type representing an entry in the inetd configuration. Each entry corresponds to a socket where inetd will listen for requests.

node (default: #f)

Optional string, a comma-separated list of local addresses inetd should use when listening for this service. Veja Configuration file em GNU Inetutils for a complete description of all options.


A string, the name must correspond to an entry in /etc/services.


One of 'stream, 'dgram, 'raw, 'rdm or 'seqpacket.


A string, must correspond to an entry in /etc/protocols.

wait? (padrão: #t)

Whether inetd should wait for the server to exit before listening to new service requests.


A string containing the user (and, optionally, group) name of the user as whom the server should run. The group name can be specified in a suffix, separated by a colon or period, i.e. "user", "user:group" or "".

program (default: "internal")

The server program which will serve the requests, or "internal" if inetd should use a built-in service.

arguments (padrão: '())

A list strings or file-like objects, which are the server program’s arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e. the name of the program itself. For inetd’s internal services, this entry must be '() or '("internal").

Veja Configuration file em GNU Inetutils for a more detailed discussion of each configuration field.

Variável: opendht-service-type

This is the type of the service running a OpenDHT node, dhtnode. The daemon can be used to host your own proxy service to the distributed hash table (DHT), for example to connect to with Jami, among other applications.

Importante: When using the OpenDHT proxy server, the IP addresses it “sees” from the clients should be addresses reachable from other peers. In practice this means that a publicly reachable address is best suited for a proxy server, outside of your private network. For example, hosting the proxy server on a IPv4 private local network and exposing it via port forwarding could work for external peers, but peers local to the proxy would have their private addresses shared with the external peers, leading to connectivity problems.

The value of this service is a opendht-configuration object, as described below.

Tipo de dados: opendht-configuration

Available opendht-configuration fields are:

opendht (default: opendht) (type: file-like)

The opendht package to use.

peer-discovery? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable the multicast local peer discovery mechanism.

enable-logging? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable logging messages to syslog. It is disabled by default as it is rather verbose.

debug? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable debug-level logging messages. This has no effect if logging is disabled.

bootstrap-host (default: "") (type: maybe-string)

The node host name that is used to make the first connection to the network. A specific port value can be provided by appending the :PORT suffix. By default, it uses the Jami bootstrap nodes, but any host can be specified here. It’s also possible to disable bootstrapping by explicitly setting this field to the %unset-value value.

port (default: 4222) (type: maybe-number)

The UDP port to bind to. When left unspecified, an available port is automatically selected.

proxy-server-port (type: maybe-number)

Spawn a proxy server listening on the specified port.

proxy-server-port-tls (type: maybe-number)

Spawn a proxy server listening to TLS connections on the specified port.

Variável: tor-service-type

Type for a service that runs the Tor anonymous networking daemon. The service is configured using a <tor-configuration> record. By default, the Tor daemon runs as the tor unprivileged user, which is a member of the tor group.

Services of this type can be extended by other services to specify onion services (in addition to those already specified in tor-configuration) as in this example:

(simple-service 'my-extra-onion-service tor-service-type
                (list (tor-onion-service-configuration
                        (name "extra-onion-service")
                        (mapping '((80 . ""))))))
Tipo de dados: tor-configuration
tor (default: tor)

The package that provides the Tor daemon. This package is expected to provide the daemon at bin/tor relative to its output directory. The default package is the Tor Project’s implementation.

config-file (default: (plain-file "empty" ""))

The configuration file to use. It will be appended to a default configuration file, and the final configuration file will be passed to tor via its -f option. This may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects). See man tor for details on the configuration file syntax.

hidden-services (default: '())

The list of <tor-onion-service-configuration> records to use. For any onion service you include in this list, appropriate configuration to enable the onion service will be automatically added to the default configuration file.

socks-socket-type (default: 'tcp)

The default socket type that Tor should use for its SOCKS socket. This must be either 'tcp or 'unix. If it is 'tcp, then by default Tor will listen on TCP port 9050 on the loopback interface (i.e., localhost). If it is 'unix, then Tor will listen on the UNIX domain socket /var/run/tor/socks-sock, which will be made writable by members of the tor group.

If you want to customize the SOCKS socket in more detail, leave socks-socket-type at its default value of 'tcp and use config-file to override the default by providing your own SocksPort option.

control-socket? (default: #f)

Whether or not to provide a “control socket” by which Tor can be controlled to, for instance, dynamically instantiate tor onion services. If #t, Tor will listen for control commands on the UNIX domain socket /var/run/tor/control-sock, which will be made writable by members of the tor group.

transport-plugins (default: '())

The list of <tor-transport-plugin> records to use. For any transport plugin you include in this list, appropriate configuration line to enable transport plugin will be automatically added to the default configuration file.

Tipo de dados: tor-onion-service-configuration

Data Type representing a Tor Onion Service configuration. See the Tor project’s documentation for more information. Available tor-onion-service-configuration fields are:

name (type: string)

Name for this Onion Service. This creates a /var/lib/tor/hidden-services/name directory, where the hostname file contains the ‘.onion’ host name for this Onion Service.

mapping (type: alist)

Association list of port to address mappings. The following example:

'((22 . "")
  (80 . ""))

maps ports 22 and 80 of the Onion Service to the local ports 22 and 8080.

Tipo de dados: tor-transport-plugin

Data type representing a Tor pluggable transport plugin in tor-configuration. Plugguble transports are programs that disguise Tor traffic, which can be useful in case Tor is censored. See the the Tor project’s documentation and specification for more information.

Each transport plugin corresponds either to ClientTransportPlugin ... or to ServerTransportPlugin ... line in the default configuration file, see man tor. Available tor-transport-plugin fields are:

role (default: 'client)

This must be either 'client or 'server. Otherwise, an error is raised. Set the 'server value if you want to run a bridge to help censored users connect to the Tor network, see the Tor project’s brige guide. Set the 'client value if you want to connect to somebody else’s bridge, see the Tor project’s “Get Bridges” page. In both cases the required additional configuration should be provided via #:config-file option of tor-configuration.

protocol (default: "obfs4")

A string that specifies a pluggable transport protocol.


This must be a “file-like” object or a string pointing to the pluggable transport plugin executable. This option allows the Tor daemon run inside the container to access the executable and all the references (e.g. package dependencies) attached to it.

Suppose you would like Tor daemon to use obfs4 type obfuscation and to connect to Tor network via obfs4 bridge (a nonpublic Tor relay with support for obfs4 type obfuscation). Then you may go to and get there a couple of bridge lines (each starts with obfs4 ...) and use these lines in tor-service-type configuration as follows:

(service tor-service-type
	  (config-file (plain-file "torrc"
UseBridges 1
Bridge obfs4 ...
Bridge obfs4 ..."))
	   (list (tor-transport-plugin

The (gnu services rsync) module provides the following services:

You might want an rsync daemon if you have files that you want available so anyone (or just yourself) can download existing files or upload new files.

Variável: rsync-service-type

This is the service type for the rsync daemon, The value for this service type is a rsync-configuration record as in this example:

;; Export two directories over rsync.  By default rsync listens on
;; all the network interfaces.
(service rsync-service-type
           (modules (list (rsync-module
                            (name "music")
                            (file-name "/srv/zik")
                            (read-only? #f))
                            (name "movies")
                            (file-name "/home/charlie/movies"))))))

See below for details about rsync-configuration.

Tipo de dados: rsync-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for rsync-service.

package (default: rsync)

rsync package to use.

address (default: #f)

IP address on which rsync listens for incoming connections. If unspecified, it defaults to listening on all available addresses.

port-number (default: 873)

TCP port on which rsync listens for incoming connections. If port is less than 1024 rsync needs to be started as the root user and group.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/rsyncd/")

Name of the file where rsync writes its PID.

lock-file (default: "/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock")

Name of the file where rsync writes its lock file.

log-file (default: "/var/log/rsyncd.log")

Name of the file where rsync writes its log file.

user (default: "root")

Owner of the rsync process.

group (default: "root")

Group of the rsync process.

uid (default: "rsyncd")

User name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root.

gid (default: "rsyncd")

Group name or group ID that will be used when accessing the module.

modules (default: %default-modules)

List of “modules”—i.e., directories exported over rsync. Each element must be a rsync-module record, as described below.

Tipo de dados: rsync-module

This is the data type for rsync “modules”. A module is a directory exported over the rsync protocol. The available fields are as follows:


The module name. This is the name that shows up in URLs. For example, if the module is called music, the corresponding URL will be rsync://


Name of the directory being exported.

comment (default: "")

Comment associated with the module. Client user interfaces may display it when they obtain the list of available modules.

read-only? (default: #t)

Whether or not client will be able to upload files. If this is false, the uploads will be authorized if permissions on the daemon side permit it.

chroot? (default: #t)

When this is true, the rsync daemon changes root to the module’s directory before starting file transfers with the client. This improves security, but requires rsync to run as root.

timeout (default: 300)

Idle time in seconds after which the daemon closes a connection with the client.

The (gnu services syncthing) module provides the following services:

You might want a Syncthing daemon if you have files between two or more computers and want to sync them in real time, safely protected from prying eyes.

Variável: syncthing-service-type

This is the service type for the syncthing daemon, The value for this service type is a syncthing-configuration record as in this example:

(service syncthing-service-type
         (syncthing-configuration (user "alice")))

Nota: This service is also available for Guix Home, where it runs directly with your user privileges (veja home-syncthing-service-type).

See below for details about syncthing-configuration.

Tipo de dados: syncthing-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for syncthing-service-type.

syncthing (default: syncthing)

syncthing package to use.

arguments (default: ’())

List of command-line arguments passing to syncthing binary.

logflags (default: 0)

Sum of logging flags, see Syncthing documentation logflags.

user (default: #f)

The user as which the Syncthing service is to be run. This assumes that the specified user exists.

group (default: "users")

The group as which the Syncthing service is to be run. This assumes that the specified group exists.

home (default: #f)

Sets the HOME variable for the Syncthing daemon. The default is $HOME of the specified Syncthing user.

config-file (default: #f)

Either a file-like object that resolves to a Syncthing configuration XML file, or a syncthing-config-file record (see below). If set to #f, Guix will not try to generate a config file, and Syncthing will generate a default configuration which will not be touched on reconfigure. Specifying this in a system service moves Syncthing’s common configuration and data directory (--home in to /var/lib/syncthing-<user>.

This section documents a subset of the Syncthing configuration options—specifically those related to Guix or those affecting how your computer will connect to other computers over the network (such as Syncthing relays or discovery servers). The configuration is fully documented in the upstream Syncthing config documentation; camelCase there is converted to kebab-case here. If you are migrating from a Syncthing-managed configuration to one managed by Guix, you can check what changes were introduced by diffing the respective config.xml files. Note that you will need to add whitespace with 4-space indentation to the file generated by Guix, using the xmllint program from the libxml2 package like so:

XMLLINT_INDENT="    " xmllint --format /path/to/new/config.xml | diff /path/to/old/config.xml -

When generating a configuration file through Guix, you can still temporarily modify Syncthing from the GUI or through introducer and autoAcceptFolders mechanisms, but such changes will be reset on reconfigure.

Data Type: syncthing-config-file

Data type representing the configuration file read by the Syncthing daemon.

folders (default: (list (syncthing-folder (id "default") (label "Default Folder") (path "~/Sync")))

The default here is the same as Syncthing’s default. The value should be a list of syncthing-folders.

devices (default: ’()

This should be a list of syncthing-devices. Guix will automatically add any devices specified in any ‘folders’ to this list. There are instances when you want to connect to a device despite not (initially) sharing any folders (such as a device with autoAcceptFolders). In such instances, you should specify those devices here. If multiple versions of the same device (as determined by comparing device ID) are discovered, the one in this list is prioritized. Otherwise, the first instance in the first folder is used.

gui-enabled (default: "true")

By default, any user on the computer can access the GUI and make changes to Syncthing. If you leave this enabled, you should probably set gui-user and gui-password (see below).

gui-tls (default: "false")
gui-debugging (default: "false")
gui-send-basic-auth-prompt (default: "false")
gui-address (default: "")
gui-user (default: #f)
gui-password (default: #f)

A bcrypt hash of the GUI password. Remember that this will be globally exposed in /gnu/store.

gui-apikey (default: #f)

You must specify this to use the Syncthing REST interface. This key is kept in /gnu/store and is accessible to all users of the system.

gui-theme (default: "default")
ldap-enabled (default: #f)
ldap-address (default: "")
ldap-bind-dn (default: "")
ldap-transport (default: "")
ldap-insecure-skip-verify (default: "")
ldap-search-base-dn (default: "")
ldap-search-filter (default: "")
listen-address (default: "default")
global-announce-server (default: "default")
global-announce-enabled (default: "true")

Global discovery servers can be used to help connect devices at unknown IP addresses by storing the last known IP address.

local-announce-enabled (default: "true")

This makes devices find each other very easily on the same LAN. Often, this will allow you to just plug an Ethernet between two devices, or connect one device to the other’s hotspot and start syncing.

local-announce-port (default: "21027")
local-announce-mcaddr (default: "[ff12::8384]:21027")
max-send-kbps (default: "0")
max-recv-kbps (default: "0")
reconnection-interval-s (default: "60")
relays-enabled (default: "true")

This option allows your Syncthing instance to use a global network of relays to enable syncing between devices when all other methods fail. As always, Syncthing traffic is encrypted in transport and the relays are unable to decrypt it.

relay-reconnect-interval-m (default: "10")
start-browser (default: "true")
nat-enabled (default: "true")
nat-lease-minutes (default: "60")
nat-renewal-minutes (default: "30")
nat-timeout-seconds (default: "10")
ur-accepted (default: "0")

Options whose names begin with ‘ur-’ control usage reporting. Set to -1 to disable, or to a positive value to enable. The default (0) disables reporting, but causes a usage reporting consent prompt to be displayed in the Syncthing GUI.

ur-seen (default: "0")
ur-unique-id (default: "")
ur-url (default: "")
ur-post-insecurely (default: "false")
ur-initial-delay-s (default: "1800")
auto-upgrade-interval-h (default: "12")
upgrade-to-pre-releases (default: "false")
keep-temporaries-h (default: "24")
cache-ignored-files (default: "false")
progress-update-interval-s (default: "5")
limit-bandwidth-in-lan (default: "false")
min-home-disk-free-unit (default: "%")
min-home-disk-free (default: "1")
releases-url (default: "")
overwrite-remote-device-names-on-connect (default: "false")
temp-index-min-blocks (default: "10")
unacked-notification-id (default: "authenticationUserAndPassword")
traffic-class (default: "0")
set-low-priority (default: "true")
max-folder-concurrency (default: "0")
crash-reporting-url (default: "")
crash-reporting-enabled (default: "true")
stun-keepalive-start-s (default: "180")
stun-keepalive-min-s (default: "20")
stun-server (default: "default")
database-tuning (default: "auto")
max-concurrent-incoming-request-kib (default: "0")
announce-lan-addresses (default: "true")
send-full-index-on-upgrade (default: "false")
connection-limit-enough (default: "0")
connection-limit-max (default: "0")
insecure-allow-old-tls-versions (default: "false")
connection-priority-tcp-lan (default: "10")
connection-priority-quic-lan (default: "20")
connection-priority-tcp-wan (default: "30")
connection-priority-quic-wan (default: "40")
connection-priority-relay (default: "50")
connection-priority-upgrade-threshold (default: "0")
default-folder (default: (syncthing-folder (label "")))
default-device (default: (syncthing-device (id "")))
default-ignores (default: ""))

Options whose names begin with ‘default-’ above do not affect folders and devices added through the Guix configuration interface. They will, however, affect folders and devices that are added through the Syncthing GUI, by an introducer, or a device with auto-accept-folders.

Data Type: syncthing-folder

Data type representing a folder to be synchronized.

id (default: #f)

This ID cannot match the ID of any other folder on this device. If left unspecified, it will default to the label (see below).


A human readable label for the folder.


The path at which to store this folder.

type (default: "sendreceive")
rescan-interval-s (default: "3600")
fs-watcher-enabled (default: "true")
fs-watcher-delay-s (default: "10")
ignore-perms (default: "false")
auto-normalize (default: "true")
devices (default: ’())

This should be a list of other Syncthing devices. You do not need to specify the current device. Each device can be listed as a a syncthing-device record or a syncthing-folder-device record if you want files to be encrypted on disk. See below.

filesystem-type (default: "basic")
min-disk-free-unit (default: "%")
min-disk-free (default: "1")
versioning-type (default: #f)
versioning-fs-path (default: "")
versioning-fs-type (default: "basic")
versioning-cleanup-interval-s (default: "3600")
versioning-cleanout-days (default: #f)
versioning-keep (default: #f)
versioning-max-age (default: #f)
versioning-command (default: #f)
copiers (default: "0")
puller-max-pending-kib (default: "0")
hashers (default: "0")
order (default: "random")
ignore-delete (default: "false")
scan-progress-interval-s (default: "0")
puller-pause-s (default: "0")
max-conflicts (default: "10")
disable-sparse-files (default: "false")
disable-temp-indexes (default: "false")
paused (default: "false")
weak-hash-threshold-pct (default: "25")
marker-name (default: ".stfolder")
copy-ownership-from-parent (default: "false")
mod-time-window-s (default: "0")
max-concurrent-writes (default: "2")
disable-fsync (default: "false")
block-pull-order (default: "standard")
copy-range-method (default: "standard")
case-sensitive-fs (default: "false")
junctions-as-dirs (default: "false")
sync-ownership (default: "false")
send-ownership (default: "false")
sync-xattrs (default: "false")
send-xattrs (default: "false")
xattr-filter-max-single-entry-size (default: "1024")
xattr-filter-max-total-size (default: "4096"))
Data Type: syncthing-device

Data type representing a device to synchronize folders with.


A long hash representing the keys generated by Syncthing on the first launch. You can obtain this from the Syncthing GUI or by inspecting an existing Syncthing configuration file.

name (default: "")

A human readable device name for viewing in the GUI or in Scheme.

compression (default: "metadata")
introducer (default: "false")
skip-introduction-removals (default: "false")
introduced-by (default: "")
addresses (default: ’("dynamic"))

List of addresses at which to search for this device. When the special value “dynamic” is included, Syncthing will search for the device locally as well as via the Syncthing project’s global discovery servers.

paused (default: "false")
auto-accept-folders (default: "false")
max-send-kbps (default: "0")
max-recv-kbps (default: "0")
max-request-kib (default: "0")
untrusted (default: "false")
remote-gui-port (default: "0")
num-connections (default: "0"))
Data Type: syncthing-folder-device

This data type offers two folder-specific device options: introduced-by and encryption-password.

syncthing-folder-device corresponds to the ‘device’ option in the upstream ‘folder’ element.

If you don’t need to use these options, then you can just use syncthing-device instead of syncthing-folder-device in the devices field of a syncthing-folder instance.


The syncthing-device for which this configuration applies.

introduced-by (default: "")

The name of the device that "introduced" our device to the device sharing this folder. This is only used when "introduced" devices are removed by the introducer. See Syncthing introductions.

encryption-password (default: "")

The password used to encrypt data that is synchronized to untrusted devices.

Beware: specifying this field will include this password as plain text (not encrypted) and globally visible in /gnu/store/. If the encryption-password is non-empty, then it will be used as a password to encrypt file chunks as they are synchronized to untrusted devices. For more information on syncing to devices you don’t totally trust, see Syncthing’s documentation on Untrusted (Encrypted) Devices. Note that data transfer is always encrypted while in transport ("end-to-end encryption"), regardless of this setting.

Here is a more complex example configuration for illustrative purposes:

(service syncthing-service-type
         (let ((laptop (syncthing-device (id "VHOD2D6-...-7XRMDEN")))
               (desktop (syncthing-device (id "64SAZ37-...-FZJ5GUA")
                                          (addresses '("tcp://"))))
               (bob-desktop (syncthing-device (id "KYIMEGO-...-FT77EAO"))))
            (user "alice")
               (folders (list (syncthing-folder
                               (label "some-files")
                               (path "~/data")
                               (devices (list desktop laptop)))
                               (label "critical-files")
                               (path "~/secrets")
                                (list desktop
                                       (device bob-desktop)
                                       (encryption-password "mypassword"))))))))))))

Furthermore, (gnu services ssh) provides the following services.

Variável: lsh-service-type

Type of the service that runs the GNU lsh secure shell (SSH) daemon, lshd. The value for this service is a <lsh-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: lsh-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of lshd.

lsh (default: lsh) (type: file-like)

The package object of the GNU lsh secure shell (SSH) daemon.

daemonic? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to detach from the controlling terminal.

host-key (default: "/etc/lsh/host-key") (type: string)

File containing the host key. This file must be readable by root only.

interfaces (default: '()) (type: list)

List of host names or addresses that lshd will listen on. If empty, lshd listens for connections on all the network interfaces.

port-number (default: 22) (type: integer)

Port to listen on.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to accept log-ins with empty passwords.

root-login? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to accept log-ins as root.

syslog-output? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to log lshd standard output to syslogd. This will make the service depend on the existence of a syslogd service.

pid-file? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

When #t, lshd writes its PID to the file specified in pid-file.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/") (type: string)

File that lshd will write its PID to.

x11-forwarding? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable X11 forwarding.

tcp/ip-forwarding? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable TCP/IP forwarding.

password-authentication? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to accept log-ins using password authentication.

public-key-authentication? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to accept log-ins using public key authentication.

initialize? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

When #f, it is up to the user to initialize the randomness generator (veja lsh-make-seed em LSH Manual), and to create a key pair with the private key stored in file host-key (veja lshd basics em LSH Manual).

Variável: openssh-service-type

This is the type for the OpenSSH secure shell daemon, sshd. Its value must be an openssh-configuration record as in this example:

(service openssh-service-type
           (x11-forwarding? #t)
           (permit-root-login 'prohibit-password)
             `(("alice" ,(local-file ""))
               ("bob" ,(local-file ""))))))

See below for details about openssh-configuration.

This service can be extended with extra authorized keys, as in this example:

(service-extension openssh-service-type
                   (const `(("charlie"
                             ,(local-file "")))))
Tipo de dados: openssh-configuration

This is the configuration record for OpenSSH’s sshd.

openssh (default openssh)

The OpenSSH package to use.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/")

Name of the file where sshd writes its PID.

port-number (default: 22)

TCP port on which sshd listens for incoming connections.

max-connections (default: 200)

Hard limit on the maximum number of simultaneous client connections, enforced by the inetd-style Shepherd service (veja make-inetd-constructor em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

permit-root-login (default: #f)

This field determines whether and when to allow logins as root. If #f, root logins are disallowed; if #t, they are allowed. If it’s the symbol 'prohibit-password, then root logins are permitted but not with password-based authentication.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #f)

When true, users with empty passwords may log in. When false, they may not.

password-authentication? (default: #t)

When true, users may log in with their password. When false, they have other authentication methods.

public-key-authentication? (default: #t)

When true, users may log in using public key authentication. When false, users have to use other authentication method.

Authorized public keys are stored in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. This is used only by protocol version 2.

x11-forwarding? (padrão: #f)

When true, forwarding of X11 graphical client connections is enabled—in other words, ssh options -X and -Y will work.

allow-agent-forwarding? (padrão: #t)

Whether to allow agent forwarding.

allow-tcp-forwarding? (padrão: #t)

Whether to allow TCP forwarding.

gateway-ports? (padrão: #f)

Whether to allow gateway ports.

challenge-response-authentication? (default: #f)

Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g. via PAM).

use-pam? (default: #t)

Enables the Pluggable Authentication Module interface. If set to #t, this will enable PAM authentication using challenge-response-authentication? and password-authentication?, in addition to PAM account and session module processing for all authentication types.

Because PAM challenge response authentication usually serves an equivalent role to password authentication, you should disable either challenge-response-authentication? or password-authentication?.

print-last-log? (default: #t)

Specifies whether sshd should print the date and time of the last user login when a user logs in interactively.

subsystems (default: '(("sftp" "internal-sftp")))

Configures external subsystems (e.g. file transfer daemon).

This is a list of two-element lists, each of which containing the subsystem name and a command (with optional arguments) to execute upon subsystem request.

The command internal-sftp implements an in-process SFTP server. Alternatively, one can specify the sftp-server command:

(service openssh-service-type
           `(("sftp" ,(file-append openssh "/libexec/sftp-server"))))))
accepted-environment (default: '())

List of strings describing which environment variables may be exported.

Each string gets on its own line. See the AcceptEnv option in man sshd_config.

This example allows ssh-clients to export the COLORTERM variable. It is set by terminal emulators, which support colors. You can use it in your shell’s resource file to enable colors for the prompt and commands if this variable is set.

(service openssh-service-type
           (accepted-environment '("COLORTERM"))))
authorized-keys (default: '())

This is the list of authorized keys. Each element of the list is a user name followed by one or more file-like objects that represent SSH public keys. For example:

    `(("rekado" ,(local-file ""))
      ("chris" ,(local-file ""))
      ("root" ,(local-file "") ,(local-file "")))))

registers the specified public keys for user accounts rekado, chris, and root.

Additional authorized keys can be specified via service-extension.

Note that this does not interfere with the use of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

generate-host-keys? (default: #t)

Whether to generate host key pairs with ssh-keygen -A under /etc/ssh if there are none.

Generating key pairs takes a few seconds when enough entropy is available and is only done once. You might want to turn it off for instance in a virtual machine that does not need it because host keys are provided in some other way, and where the extra boot time is a problem.

log-level (default: 'info)

This is a symbol specifying the logging level: quiet, fatal, error, info, verbose, debug, etc. See the man page for sshd_config for the full list of level names.

extra-content (default: "")

This field can be used to append arbitrary text to the configuration file. It is especially useful for elaborate configurations that cannot be expressed otherwise. This configuration, for example, would generally disable root logins, but permit them from one specific IP address:

  (extra-content "\
Match Address
  PermitRootLogin yes"))
Variável: dropbear-service-type

Type of the service that runs the Dropbear SSH daemon, whose value is a <dropbear-configuration> object.

For example, to specify a Dropbear service listening on port 1234:

(service dropbear-service-type (dropbear-configuration
                                 (port-number 1234)))
Tipo de dados: dropbear-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of a Dropbear SSH daemon.

dropbear (default: dropbear)

The Dropbear package to use.

port-number (default: 22)

The TCP port where the daemon waits for incoming connections.

syslog-output? (padrão: #t)

Whether to enable syslog output.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/")

File name of the daemon’s PID file.

root-login? (default: #f)

Whether to allow root logins.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #f)

Whether to allow empty passwords.

password-authentication? (default: #t)

Whether to enable password-based authentication.

Variável: autossh-service-type

This is the type for the AutoSSH program that runs a copy of ssh and monitors it, restarting it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic. AutoSSH can be run manually from the command-line by passing arguments to the binary autossh from the package autossh, but it can also be run as a Guix service. This latter use case is documented here.

AutoSSH can be used to forward local traffic to a remote machine using an SSH tunnel, and it respects the ~/.ssh/config of the user it is run as.

For example, to specify a service running autossh as the user pino and forwarding all local connections to port 8081 to remote:8081 using an SSH tunnel, add this call to the operating system’s services field:

(service autossh-service-type
          (user "pino")
          (ssh-options (list "-T" "-N" "-L" "8081:localhost:8081" ""))))
Tipo de dados: autossh-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of an AutoSSH service.

user (default "autossh")

The user as which the AutoSSH service is to be run. This assumes that the specified user exists.

poll (default 600)

Specifies the connection poll time in seconds.

first-poll (default #f)

Specifies how many seconds AutoSSH waits before the first connection test. After this first test, polling is resumed at the pace defined in poll. When set to #f, the first poll is not treated specially and will also use the connection poll specified in poll.

gate-time (default 30)

Specifies how many seconds an SSH connection must be active before it is considered successful.

log-level (default 1)

The log level, corresponding to the levels used by syslog—so 0 is the most silent while 7 is the chattiest.

max-start (default #f)

The maximum number of times SSH may be (re)started before AutoSSH exits. When set to #f, no maximum is configured and AutoSSH may restart indefinitely.

message (default "")

The message to append to the echo message sent when testing connections.

port (padrão "0")

The ports used for monitoring the connection. When set to "0", monitoring is disabled. When set to "n" where n is a positive integer, ports n and n+1 are used for monitoring the connection, such that port n is the base monitoring port and n+1 is the echo port. When set to "n:m" where n and m are positive integers, the ports n and m are used for monitoring the connection, such that port n is the base monitoring port and m is the echo port.

ssh-options (default '())

The list of command-line arguments to pass to ssh when it is run. Options -f and -M are reserved for AutoSSH and may cause undefined behaviour.

Variável: webssh-service-type

This is the type for the WebSSH program that runs a web SSH client. WebSSH can be run manually from the command-line by passing arguments to the binary wssh from the package webssh, but it can also be run as a Guix service. This latter use case is documented here.

For example, to specify a service running WebSSH on loopback interface on port 8888 with reject policy with a list of allowed to connection hosts, and NGINX as a reverse-proxy to this service listening for HTTPS connection, add this call to the operating system’s services field:

(service webssh-service-type
  (webssh-configuration (address "")
                        (port 8888)
                        (policy 'reject)
                        (known-hosts '("localhost ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAA…"
                                       " ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAA…"))))

(service nginx-service-type
             (inherit %webssh-configuration-nginx)
             (server-name '(""))
             (listen '("443 ssl"))
             (ssl-certificate (letsencrypt-certificate ""))
             (ssl-certificate-key (letsencrypt-key ""))
              (cons (nginx-location-configuration
                     (uri "/.well-known")
                     (body '("root /var/www;")))
                    (nginx-server-configuration-locations %webssh-configuration-nginx))))))))
Tipo de dados: webssh-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for webssh-service.

package (default: webssh)

webssh package to use.

user-name (default: "webssh")

User name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place.

group-name (default: "webssh")

Group name or group ID that will be used when accessing the module.

address (default: #f)

IP address on which webssh listens for incoming connections.

port (padrão: 8888)

TCP port on which webssh listens for incoming connections.

policy (default: #f)

Connection policy. reject policy requires to specify known-hosts.

known-hosts (default: ’())

List of hosts which allowed for SSH connection from webssh.

log-file (default: "/var/log/webssh.log")

Name of the file where webssh writes its log file.

log-level (default: #f)

Logging level.

Variável: block-facebook-hosts-service-type

This service type adds a list of known Facebook hosts to the /etc/hosts file. (veja Host Names em The GNU C Library Reference Manual) Each line contains an entry that maps a known server name of the Facebook on-line service—e.g.,—to unroutable IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

This mechanism can prevent programs running locally, such as Web browsers, from accessing Facebook.

The (gnu services avahi) provides the following definition.

Variável: avahi-service-type

This is the service that runs avahi-daemon, a system-wide mDNS/DNS-SD responder that allows for service discovery and “zero-configuration” host name lookups (see Its value must be an avahi-configuration record—see below.

This service extends the name service cache daemon (nscd) so that it can resolve .local host names using nss-mdns. Veja Name Service Switch, for information on host name resolution.

Additionally, add the avahi package to the system profile so that commands such as avahi-browse are directly usable.

Tipo de dados: avahi-configuration

Data type representation the configuration for Avahi.

host-name (padrão: #f)

If different from #f, use that as the host name to publish for this machine; otherwise, use the machine’s actual host name.

publish? (padrão: #t)

When true, allow host names and services to be published (broadcast) over the network.

publish-workstation? (padrão: #t)

When true, avahi-daemon publishes the machine’s host name and IP address via mDNS on the local network. To view the host names published on your local network, you can run:

avahi-browse _workstation._tcp
wide-area? (padrão: #f)

When true, DNS-SD over unicast DNS is enabled.

ipv4? (default: #t)
ipv6? (default: #t)

These fields determine whether to use IPv4/IPv6 sockets.

domains-to-browse (default: '())

This is a list of domains to browse.

Variável: openvswitch-service-type

This is the type of the Open vSwitch service, whose value should be an openvswitch-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: openvswitch-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Open vSwitch, a multilayer virtual switch which is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension.

package (default: openvswitch)

Package object of the Open vSwitch.

Variável: pagekite-service-type

This is the service type for the PageKite service, a tunneling solution for making localhost servers publicly visible, even from behind restrictive firewalls or NAT without forwarded ports. The value for this service type is a pagekite-configuration record.

Here’s an example exposing the local HTTP and SSH daemons:

(service pagekite-service-type
           (kites '("http:@kitename:localhost:80:@kitesecret"
           (extra-file "/etc/pagekite.rc")))
Tipo de dados: pagekite-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of PageKite.

package (default: pagekite)

Package object of PageKite.

kitename (default: #f)

PageKite name for authenticating to the frontend server.

kitesecret (default: #f)

Shared secret for authenticating to the frontend server. You should probably put this inside extra-file instead.

frontend (default: #f)

Connect to the named PageKite frontend server instead of the service.

kites (default: '("http:@kitename:localhost:80:@kitesecret"))

List of service kites to use. Exposes HTTP on port 80 by default. The format is proto:kitename:host:port:secret.

extra-file (default: #f)

Extra configuration file to read, which you are expected to create manually. Use this to add additional options and manage shared secrets out-of-band.

Variável: yggdrasil-service-type

The service type for connecting to the Yggdrasil network, an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network.

Yggdrasil provides name-independent routing with cryptographically generated addresses. Static addressing means you can keep the same address as long as you want, even if you move to a new location, or generate a new address (by generating new keys) whenever you want.

Pass it a value of yggdrasil-configuration to connect it to public peers and/or local peers.

Here is an example using public peers and a static address. The static signing and encryption keys are defined in /etc/yggdrasil-private.conf (the default value for config-file).

;; part of the operating-system declaration
(service yggdrasil-service-type
               (autoconf? #f) ;; use only the public peers
               ;; choose one from
                '((peers . #("tcp://"))))
               ;; /etc/yggdrasil-private.conf is the default value for config-file
# sample content for /etc/yggdrasil-private.conf
  # Your private key. DO NOT share this with anyone!
  PrivateKey: 5c750...
Tipo de dados: yggdrasil-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Yggdrasil.

package (default: yggdrasil)

Package object of Yggdrasil.

json-config (default: '())

Contents of /etc/yggdrasil.conf. Will be merged with /etc/yggdrasil-private.conf. Note that these settings are stored in the Guix store, which is readable to all users. Do not store your private keys in it. See the output of yggdrasil -genconf for a quick overview of valid keys and their default values.

autoconf? (default: #f)

Whether to use automatic mode. Enabling it makes Yggdrasil use a dynamic IP and peer with IPv6 neighbors.

log-level (default: 'info)

How much detail to include in logs. Use 'debug for more detail.

log-to (default: 'stdout)

Where to send logs. By default, the service logs standard output to /var/log/yggdrasil.log. The alternative is 'syslog, which sends output to the running syslog service.

config-file (default: "/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf")

What HJSON file to load sensitive data from. This is where private keys should be stored, which are necessary to specify if you don’t want a randomized address after each restart. Use #f to disable. Options defined in this file take precedence over json-config. Use the output of yggdrasil -genconf as a starting point. To configure a static address, delete everything except PrivateKey option.

Variável: ipfs-service-type

The service type for connecting to the IPFS network, a global, versioned, peer-to-peer file system. Pass it a ipfs-configuration to change the ports used for the gateway and API.

Here’s an example configuration, using some non-standard ports:

(service ipfs-service-type
          (gateway "/ip4/")
          (api "/ip4/")))
Tipo de dados: ipfs-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of IPFS.

package (default: go-ipfs)

Package object of IPFS.

gateway (default: "/ip4/")

Address of the gateway, in ‘multiaddress’ format.

api (default: "/ip4/")

Address of the API endpoint, in ‘multiaddress’ format.

Variável: keepalived-service-type

This is the type for the Keepalived routing software, keepalived. Its value must be an keepalived-configuration record as in this example for master machine:

(service keepalived-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "keepalived-master.conf"))))

where keepalived-master.conf:

vrrp_instance my-group {
  state MASTER
  interface enp9s0
  virtual_router_id 100
  priority 100
  unicast_peer { }
  virtual_ipaddress {

and for backup machine:

(service keepalived-service-type
          (config-file (local-file "keepalived-backup.conf"))))

where keepalived-backup.conf:

vrrp_instance my-group {
  state BACKUP
  interface enp9s0
  virtual_router_id 100
  priority 99
  unicast_peer { }
  virtual_ipaddress {

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.6 Atualizações sem supervisão

The (gnu services admin) module provides a service to perform unattended upgrades: periodically, the system automatically reconfigures itself from the latest Guix. Guix System has several properties that make unattended upgrades safe:

  • upgrades are transactional (either the upgrade succeeds or it fails, but you cannot end up with an “in-between” system state);
  • the upgrade log is kept—you can view it with guix system list-generations—and you can roll back to any previous generation, should the upgraded system fail to behave as intended;
  • channel code is authenticated so you know you can only run genuine code (veja Canais);
  • guix system reconfigure prevents downgrades, which makes it immune to downgrade attacks.

To set up unattended upgrades, add an instance of unattended-upgrade-service-type like the one below to the list of your operating system services:

(service unattended-upgrade-service-type)

The defaults above set up weekly upgrades: every Sunday at midnight. You do not need to provide the operating system configuration file: it uses /run/current-system/configuration.scm, which ensures it always uses your latest configuration—veja provenance-service-type, for more information about this file.

There are several things that can be configured, in particular the periodicity and services (daemons) to be restarted upon completion. When the upgrade is successful, the service takes care of deleting system generations older that some threshold, as per guix system delete-generations. See the reference below for details.

To ensure that upgrades are actually happening, you can run guix system describe. To investigate upgrade failures, visit the unattended upgrade log file (see below).

Variável: unattended-upgrade-service-type

This is the service type for unattended upgrades. It sets up an mcron job (veja Execução de trabalho agendado) that runs guix system reconfigure from the latest version of the specified channels.

Its value must be a unattended-upgrade-configuration record (see below).

Tipo de dados: unattended-upgrade-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the unattended upgrade service. The following fields are available:

schedule (default: "30 01 * * 0")

This is the schedule of upgrades, expressed as a string in traditional cron syntax or as a gexp evaluating to a Shepherd calendar event (veja Timers em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

channels (default: #~%default-channels)

This gexp specifies the channels to use for the upgrade (veja Canais). By default, the tip of the official guix channel is used.

operating-system-file (default: "/run/current-system/configuration.scm")

This field specifies the operating system configuration file to use. The default is to reuse the config file of the current configuration.

There are cases, though, where referring to /run/current-system/configuration.scm is not enough, for instance because that file refers to extra files (SSH public keys, extra configuration files, etc.) via local-file and similar constructs. For those cases, we recommend something along these lines:

    (file-append (local-file "." "config-dir" #:recursive? #t)

The effect here is to import all of the current directory into the store, and to refer to config.scm within that directory. Therefore, uses of local-file within config.scm will work as expected. Veja Expressões-G, for information about local-file and file-append.

operating-system-expression (default: #f)

This field specifies an expression that evaluates to the operating system to use for the upgrade. If no value is provided the operating-system-file field value is used.

    #~(@ (guix system install) installation-os)))
reboot? (default: #f)

This field specifies whether the system should reboot after completing an unattended upgrade.

When reboot? is #t, services are not restarted before rebooting. This means that the value for services-to-restart is ignored. The updated services will be started after the system reboots.

services-to-restart (default: '(unattended-upgrade))

This field specifies the Shepherd services to restart when the upgrade completes.

Those services are restarted right away upon completion, as with herd restart, which ensures that the latest version is running—remember that by default guix system reconfigure only restarts services that are not currently running, which is conservative: it minimizes disruption but leaves outdated services running.

Use herd status to find out candidates for restarting. Veja Serviços, for general information about services. Common services to restart would include ntpd and ssh-daemon.

By default, the unattended-upgrade service is restarted. This ensures that the latest version of the unattended upgrade job will be used next time.

system-expiration (default: (* 3 30 24 3600))

This is the expiration time in seconds for system generations. System generations older that this amount of time are deleted with guix system delete-generations when an upgrade completes.

Nota: The unattended upgrade service does not run the garbage collector. You will probably want to set up your own mcron job to run guix gc periodically.

maximum-duration (default: 3600)

Maximum duration in seconds for the upgrade; past that time, the upgrade aborts.

This is primarily useful to ensure the upgrade does not end up rebuilding or re-downloading “the world”.

log-file (default: "/var/log/unattended-upgrade.log")

File where unattended upgrades are logged.

11.10.7 X Window

Support for the X Window graphical display system—specifically Xorg—is provided by the (gnu services xorg) module. Note that there is no xorg-service procedure. Instead, the X server is started by the login manager, by default the GNOME Display Manager (GDM).

GDM of course allows users to log in into window managers and desktop environments other than GNOME; for those using GNOME, GDM is required for features such as automatic screen locking.

To use X11, you must install at least one window manager—for example the windowmaker or openbox packages—preferably by adding it to the packages field of your operating system definition (veja system-wide packages).

GDM also supports Wayland: it can itself use Wayland instead of X11 for its user interface, and it can also start Wayland sessions. Wayland support is enabled by default. To disable it, set wayland? to #f in gdm-configuration.

Variável: gdm-service-type

This is the type for the GNOME Desktop Manager (GDM), a program that manages graphical display servers and handles graphical user logins. Its value must be a gdm-configuration (see below).

GDM looks for session types described by the .desktop files in /run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions (for X11 sessions) and /run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions (for Wayland sessions) and allows users to choose a session from the log-in screen. Packages such as gnome, xfce, i3 and sway provide .desktop files; adding them to the system-wide set of packages automatically makes them available at the log-in screen.

In addition, ~/.xsession files are honored. When available, ~/.xsession must be an executable that starts a window manager and/or other X clients.

Tipo de dados: gdm-configuration
auto-login? (default: #f)
default-user (default: #f)

When auto-login? is false, GDM presents a log-in screen.

When auto-login? is true, GDM logs in directly as default-user.

auto-suspend? (default #t)

When true, GDM will automatically suspend to RAM when nobody is physically connected. When a machine is used via remote desktop or SSH, this should be set to false to avoid GDM interrupting remote sessions or rendering the machine unavailable.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, GDM writes debug messages to its log.

gnome-shell-assets (default: ...)

List of GNOME Shell assets needed by GDM: icon theme, fonts, etc.

xorg-configuration (default: (xorg-configuration))

Configuration of the Xorg graphical server.

x-session (default: (xinitrc))

Script to run before starting a X session.

xdmcp? (default: #f)

When true, enable the X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). This should only be enabled in trusted environments, as the protocol is not secure. When enabled, GDM listens for XDMCP queries on the UDP port 177.

dbus-daemon (default: dbus-daemon-wrapper)

File name of the dbus-daemon executable.

gdm (default: gdm)

The GDM package to use.

wayland? (default: #t)

When true, enables Wayland in GDM, necessary to use Wayland sessions.

wayland-session (default: gdm-wayland-session-wrapper)

The Wayland session wrapper to use, needed to setup the environment.

Variável: slim-service-type

This is the type for the SLiM graphical login manager for X11.

Like GDM, SLiM looks for session types described by .desktop files and allows users to choose a session from the log-in screen using F1. It also honors ~/.xsession files.

Unlike GDM, SLiM does not spawn the user session on a different VT after logging in, which means that you can only start one graphical session. If you want to be able to run multiple graphical sessions at the same time you have to add multiple SLiM services to your system services. The following example shows how to replace the default GDM service with two SLiM services on tty7 and tty8.

(use-modules (gnu services)
             (gnu services desktop)
             (gnu services xorg))

  ;; ...
  (services (cons* (service slim-service-type (slim-configuration
                                               (display ":0")
                                               (vt "vt7")))
                   (service slim-service-type (slim-configuration
                                               (display ":1")
                                               (vt "vt8")))
                   (modify-services %desktop-services
                     (delete gdm-service-type)))))
Tipo de dados: slim-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of slim-service-type.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #t)

Whether to allow logins with empty passwords.

gnupg? (default: #f)

If enabled, pam-gnupg will attempt to automatically unlock the user’s GPG keys with the login password via gpg-agent. The keygrips of all keys to be unlocked should be written to ~/.pam-gnupg, and can be queried with gpg -K --with-keygrip. Presetting passphrases must be enabled by adding allow-preset-passphrase in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.

auto-login? (default: #f)
default-user (default: "")

When auto-login? is false, SLiM presents a log-in screen.

When auto-login? is true, SLiM logs in directly as default-user.

theme (default: %default-slim-theme)
theme-name (default: %default-slim-theme-name)

The graphical theme to use and its name.

auto-login-session (default: #f)

If true, this must be the name of the executable to start as the default session—e.g., (file-append windowmaker "/bin/windowmaker").

If false, a session described by one of the available .desktop files in /run/current-system/profile and ~/.guix-profile will be used.

Nota: You must install at least one window manager in the system profile or in your user profile. Failing to do that, if auto-login-session is false, you will be unable to log in.

xorg-configuration (default (xorg-configuration))

Configuration of the Xorg graphical server.

display (default ":0")

The display on which to start the Xorg graphical server.

vt (default "vt7")

The VT on which to start the Xorg graphical server.

xauth (default: xauth)

The XAuth package to use.

shepherd (default: shepherd)

The Shepherd package used when invoking halt and reboot.

sessreg (default: sessreg)

The sessreg package used in order to register the session.

slim (default: slim)

The SLiM package to use.

Variável: %default-theme
Variável: %default-theme-name

The default SLiM theme and its name.

Variável: sddm-service-type

This is the type of the service to run the SDDM display manager. Its value must be a sddm-configuration record (see below).

Here’s an example use:

(service sddm-service-type
           (auto-login-user "alice")
           (auto-login-session "xfce.desktop")))
Tipo de dados: sddm-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the SDDM login manager. The available fields are:

sddm (default: sddm)

The SDDM package to use.

Nota: sddm has Qt6 enabled by default. If you want to still use a Qt5 theme, you need to set it to sddm-qt5.

display-server (default: "x11")

Select display server to use for the greeter. Valid values are ‘"x11"’ or ‘"wayland"’.

numlock (default: "on")

Valid values are ‘"on"’, ‘"off"’ or ‘"none"’.

halt-command (default #~(string-append #$shepherd "/sbin/halt"))

Command to run when halting.

reboot-command (default #~(string-append #$shepherd "/sbin/reboot"))

Command to run when rebooting.

theme (default "maldives")

Theme to use. Default themes provided by SDDM are ‘"elarun"’, ‘"maldives"’ or ‘"maya"’.

themes-directory (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes")

Directory to look for themes.

faces-directory (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/faces")

Directory to look for faces.

default-path (default "/run/current-system/profile/bin")

Default PATH to use.

minimum-uid (default: 1000)

Minimum UID displayed in SDDM and allowed for log-in.

maximum-uid (default: 2000)

Maximum UID to display in SDDM.

remember-last-user? (default #t)

Remember last user.

remember-last-session? (default #t)

Remember last session.

hide-users (default "")

Usernames to hide from SDDM greeter.

hide-shells (default #~(string-append #$shadow "/sbin/nologin"))

Users with shells listed will be hidden from the SDDM greeter.

session-command (default #~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session"))

Script to run before starting a wayland session.

sessions-directory (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions")

Directory to look for desktop files starting wayland sessions.

xorg-configuration (default (xorg-configuration))

Configuration of the Xorg graphical server.

xauth-path (default #~(string-append #$xauth "/bin/xauth"))

Path to xauth.

xephyr-path (default #~(string-append #$xorg-server "/bin/Xephyr"))

Path to Xephyr.

xdisplay-start (default #~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"))

Script to run after starting xorg-server.

xdisplay-stop (default #~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop"))

Script to run before stopping xorg-server.

xsession-command (default: xinitrc)

Script to run before starting a X session.

xsessions-directory (default: "/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions")

Directory to look for desktop files starting X sessions.

minimum-vt (default: 7)

Minimum VT to use.

auto-login-user (default "")

User account that will be automatically logged in. Setting this to the empty string disables auto-login.

auto-login-session (default "")

The .desktop file name to use as the auto-login session, or the empty string.

relogin? (default #f)

Relogin after logout.

Variável: lightdm-service-type

This is the type of the service to run the LightDM display manager. Its value must be a lightdm-configuration record, which is documented below. Among its distinguishing features are TigerVNC integration for easily remoting your desktop as well as support for the XDMCP protocol, which can be used by remote clients to start a session from the login manager.

In its most basic form, it can be used simply as:

(service lightdm-service-type)

A more elaborate example making use of the VNC capabilities and enabling more features and verbose logs could look like:

(service lightdm-service-type
          (allow-empty-passwords? #t)
          (xdmcp? #t)
          (vnc-server? #t)
           (file-append tigervnc-server "/bin/Xvnc"
                        "  -SecurityTypes None"))
           (list (lightdm-seat-configuration
                  (name "*")
                  (user-session "ratpoison"))))))
Tipo de dados: lightdm-configuration

Available lightdm-configuration fields are:

lightdm (default: lightdm) (type: file-like)

The lightdm package to use.

allow-empty-passwords? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether users not having a password set can login.

debug? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Enable verbose output.

xorg-configuration (type: xorg-configuration)

The default Xorg server configuration to use to generate the Xorg server start script. It can be refined per seat via the xserver-command of the <lightdm-seat-configuration> record, if desired.

greeters (type: list-of-greeter-configurations)

The LightDM greeter configurations specifying the greeters to use.

seats (type: list-of-seat-configurations)

The seat configurations to use. A LightDM seat is akin to a user.

xdmcp? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether a XDMCP server should listen on port UDP 177.

xdmcp-listen-address (type: maybe-string)

The host or IP address the XDMCP server listens for incoming connections. When unspecified, listen on for any hosts/IP addresses.

vnc-server? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether a VNC server is started.

vnc-server-command (type: file-like)

The Xvnc command to use for the VNC server, it’s possible to provide extra options not otherwise exposed along the command, for example to disable security:

(vnc-server-command (file-append tigervnc-server "/bin/Xvnc"
                                 " -SecurityTypes None" ))

Or to set a PasswordFile for the classic (unsecure) VncAuth mechanism:

(vnc-server-command (file-append tigervnc-server "/bin/Xvnc"
                                 " -PasswordFile /var/lib/lightdm/.vnc/passwd"))

The password file should be manually created using the vncpasswd command. Note that LightDM will create new sessions for VNC users, which means they need to authenticate in the same way as local users would.

vnc-server-listen-address (type: maybe-string)

The host or IP address the VNC server listens for incoming connections. When unspecified, listen for any hosts/IP addresses.

vnc-server-port (default: 5900) (type: number)

The TCP port the VNC server should listen to.

extra-config (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Extra configuration values to append to the LightDM configuration file.

Tipo de dados: lightdm-gtk-greeter-configuration

Available lightdm-gtk-greeter-configuration fields are:

lightdm-gtk-greeter (default: lightdm-gtk-greeter) (type: file-like)

The lightdm-gtk-greeter package to use.

assets (default: (adwaita-icon-theme gnome-themes-extra hicolor-icon-theme)) (type: list-of-file-likes)

The list of packages complementing the greeter, such as package providing icon themes.

theme-name (default: "Adwaita") (type: string)

The name of the theme to use.

icon-theme-name (default: "Adwaita") (type: string)

The name of the icon theme to use.

cursor-theme-name (default: "Adwaita") (type: string)

The name of the cursor theme to use.

cursor-theme-size (default: 16) (type: number)

The size to use for the cursor theme.

allow-debugging? (type: maybe-boolean)

Set to #t to enable debug log level.

background (type: file-like)

The background image to use.

at-spi-enabled? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Enable accessibility support through the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (AT-SPI).

a11y-states (default: (contrast font keyboard reader)) (type: list-of-a11y-states)

The accessibility features to enable, given as list of symbols.

reader (type: maybe-file-like)

The command to use to launch a screen reader.

extra-config (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Extra configuration values to append to the LightDM GTK Greeter configuration file.

Tipo de dados: lightdm-seat-configuration

Available lightdm-seat-configuration fields are:

name (type: seat-name)

The name of the seat. An asterisk (*) can be used in the name to apply the seat configuration to all the seat names it matches.

user-session (type: maybe-string)

The session to use by default. The session name must be provided as a lowercase string, such as "gnome", "ratpoison", etc.

type (default: local) (type: seat-type)

The type of the seat, either the local or xremote symbol.

autologin-user (type: maybe-string)

The username to automatically log in with by default.

greeter-session (default: lightdm-gtk-greeter) (type: greeter-session)

The greeter session to use, specified as a symbol. Currently, only lightdm-gtk-greeter is supported.

xserver-command (type: maybe-file-like)

The Xorg server command to run.

session-wrapper (type: file-like)

The xinitrc session wrapper to use.

extra-config (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Extra configuration values to append to the seat configuration section.

Tipo de dados: xorg-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the Xorg graphical display server. Note that there is no Xorg service; instead, the X server is started by a “display manager” such as GDM, SDDM, LightDM or SLiM. Thus, the configuration of these display managers aggregates an xorg-configuration record.

modules (default: %default-xorg-modules)

This is a list of module packages loaded by the Xorg server—e.g., xf86-video-vesa, xf86-input-libinput, and so on.

fonts (default: %default-xorg-fonts)

This is a list of font directories to add to the server’s font path.

drivers (default: '())

This must be either the empty list, in which case Xorg chooses a graphics driver automatically, or a list of driver names that will be tried in this order—e.g., '("modesetting" "vesa").

resolutions (default: '())

When resolutions is the empty list, Xorg chooses an appropriate screen resolution. Otherwise, it must be a list of resolutions—e.g., '((1024 768) (640 480)).

keyboard-layout (padrão: #f)

If this is #f, Xorg uses the default keyboard layout—usually US English (“qwerty”) for a 105-key PC keyboard.

Otherwise this must be a keyboard-layout object specifying the keyboard layout in use when Xorg is running. Veja Disposição do teclado, for more information on how to specify the keyboard layout.

extra-config (default: '())

This is a list of strings or objects appended to the configuration file. It is used to pass extra text to be added verbatim to the configuration file.

server (default: xorg-server)

This is the package providing the Xorg server.

server-arguments (default: %default-xorg-server-arguments)

This is the list of command-line arguments to pass to the X server. The default is -nolisten tcp.

Procedure: set-xorg-configuration config [login-manager-service-type]

Tell the log-in manager (of type login-manager-service-type) to use config, an <xorg-configuration> record.

Since the Xorg configuration is embedded in the log-in manager’s configuration—e.g., gdm-configuration—this procedure provides a shorthand to set the Xorg configuration.

Procedure: xorg-start-command [config]

Return a startx script in which the modules, fonts, etc. specified in config, are available. The result should be used in place of startx.

Usually the X server is started by a login manager.

Procedure: xorg-start-command-xinit [config]

Return a startx script in which the modules, fonts, etc. specified in config are available. The result should be used in place of startx and should be invoked by the user from a tty after login. Unlike xorg-start-command, this script calls xinit. Therefore it works well when executed from a tty. This script can be set up as startx using startx-command-service-type or home-startx-command-service-type. If you are using a desktop environment, you are unlikely to need this procedure.

Variável: screen-locker-service-type

Type for a service that adds a package for a screen locker or screen saver to the set of privileged programs and/or add a PAM entry for it. The value for this service is a <screen-locker-configuration> object.

While the default behavior is to setup both a privileged program and PAM entry, these two methods are redundant. Screen locker programs may not execute when PAM is configured and setuid is set on their executable. In this case, using-setuid? can be set to #f.

For example, to make XlockMore usable:

(service screen-locker-service-type
           (name "xlock")
           (program (file-append xlockmore "/bin/xlock"))))

makes the good ol’ XlockMore usable.

For example, swaylock fails to execute when compiled with PAM support and setuid enabled. One can thus disable setuid:

(service screen-locker-service-type
           (name "swaylock")
           (program (file-append swaylock "/bin/swaylock"))
           (using-pam? #t)
           (using-setuid? #f)))
Tipo de dados: screen-locker-configuration

Available screen-locker-configuration fields are:

name (type: string)

Name of the screen locker.

program (type: file-like)

Path to the executable for the screen locker as a G-Expression.

allow-empty-password? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to allow empty passwords.

using-pam? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to setup PAM entry.

using-setuid? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to setup program as setuid binary.

Variável: startx-command-service-type

Add startx to the system profile putting it onto PATH.

The value for this service is a <xorg-configuration> object which is passed to the xorg-start-command-xinit procedure producing the startx used. Default value is (xorg-configuration).

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.8 Serviços de impressão

The (gnu services cups) module provides a Guix service definition for the CUPS printing service. To add printer support to a Guix system, add a cups-service to the operating system definition:

Variável: cups-service-type

The service type for the CUPS print server. Its value should be a valid CUPS configuration (see below). To use the default settings, simply write:

(service cups-service-type)

The CUPS configuration controls the basic things about your CUPS installation: what interfaces it listens on, what to do if a print job fails, how much logging to do, and so on. To actually add a printer, you have to visit the http://localhost:631 URL, or use a tool such as GNOME’s printer configuration services. By default, configuring a CUPS service will generate a self-signed certificate if needed, for secure connections to the print server.

Suppose you want to enable the Web interface of CUPS and also add support for Epson printers via the epson-inkjet-printer-escpr package and for HP printers via the hplip-minimal package. You can do that directly, like this (you need to use the (gnu packages cups) module):

(service cups-service-type
           (web-interface? #t)
             (list cups-filters epson-inkjet-printer-escpr hplip-minimal))))

Nota: If you wish to use the Qt5 based GUI which comes with the hplip package then it is suggested that you install the hplip package, either in your OS configuration file or as your user.

The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, ‘string-list foo’ indicates that the foo parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old cupsd.conf file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details.

Available cups-configuration fields are:

cups-configuration parameter: package cups

The CUPS package.

cups-configuration parameter: package-list extensions (default: (list brlaser cups-filters epson-inkjet-printer-escpr foomatic-filters hplip-minimal splix))

Drivers and other extensions to the CUPS package.

cups-configuration parameter: files-configuration files-configuration

Configuration of where to write logs, what directories to use for print spools, and related privileged configuration parameters.

Available files-configuration fields are:

files-configuration parameter: log-location access-log

Defines the access log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables access log generation. The value stderr causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value syslog causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string %s, as in /var/log/cups/%s-access_log.

Defaults to ‘"/var/log/cups/access_log"’.

files-configuration parameter: file-name cache-dir

Where CUPS should cache data.

Defaults to ‘"/var/cache/cups"’.

files-configuration parameter: string config-file-perm

Specifies the permissions for all configuration files that the scheduler writes.

Note that the permissions for the printers.conf file are currently masked to only allow access from the scheduler user (typically root). This is done because printer device URIs sometimes contain sensitive authentication information that should not be generally known on the system. There is no way to disable this security feature.

Defaults to ‘"0640"’.

files-configuration parameter: log-location error-log

Defines the error log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables error log generation. The value stderr causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value syslog causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string %s, as in /var/log/cups/%s-error_log.

Defaults to ‘"/var/log/cups/error_log"’.

files-configuration parameter: string fatal-errors

Specifies which errors are fatal, causing the scheduler to exit. The kind strings are:


No errors are fatal.


All of the errors below are fatal.


Browsing initialization errors are fatal, for example failed connections to the DNS-SD daemon.


Configuration file syntax errors are fatal.


Listen or Port errors are fatal, except for IPv6 failures on the loopback or any addresses.


Log file creation or write errors are fatal.


Bad startup file permissions are fatal, for example shared TLS certificate and key files with world-read permissions.

Defaults to ‘"all -browse"’.

files-configuration parameter: boolean file-device?

Specifies whether the file pseudo-device can be used for new printer queues. The URI file:///dev/null is always allowed.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

files-configuration parameter: string group

Specifies the group name or ID that will be used when executing external programs.

Defaults to ‘"lp"’.

files-configuration parameter: string log-file-group

Specifies the group name or ID that will be used for log files.

Defaults to ‘"lpadmin"’.

files-configuration parameter: string log-file-perm

Specifies the permissions for all log files that the scheduler writes.

Defaults to ‘"0644"’.

files-configuration parameter: log-location page-log

Defines the page log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables page log generation. The value stderr causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value syslog causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string %s, as in /var/log/cups/%s-page_log.

Defaults to ‘"/var/log/cups/page_log"’.

files-configuration parameter: string remote-root

Specifies the username that is associated with unauthenticated accesses by clients claiming to be the root user. The default is remroot.

Defaults to ‘"remroot"’.

files-configuration parameter: file-name request-root

Specifies the directory that contains print jobs and other HTTP request data.

Defaults to ‘"/var/spool/cups"’.

files-configuration parameter: sandboxing sandboxing

Specifies the level of security sandboxing that is applied to print filters, backends, and other child processes of the scheduler; either relaxed or strict. This directive is currently only used/supported on macOS.

Defaults to ‘strict’.

files-configuration parameter: file-name server-keychain

Specifies the location of TLS certificates and private keys. CUPS will look for public and private keys in this directory: .crt files for PEM-encoded certificates and corresponding .key files for PEM-encoded private keys.

Defaults to ‘"/etc/cups/ssl"’.

files-configuration parameter: file-name server-root

Specifies the directory containing the server configuration files.

Defaults to ‘"/etc/cups"’.

files-configuration parameter: boolean sync-on-close?

Specifies whether the scheduler calls fsync(2) after writing configuration or state files.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

files-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list system-group

Specifies the group(s) to use for @SYSTEM group authentication.

files-configuration parameter: file-name temp-dir

Specifies the directory where temporary files are stored.

Defaults to ‘"/var/spool/cups/tmp"’.

files-configuration parameter: string user

Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running external programs.

Defaults to ‘"lp"’.

files-configuration parameter: string set-env

Set the specified environment variable to be passed to child processes.

Defaults to ‘"variable value"’.

cups-configuration parameter: access-log-level access-log-level

Specifies the logging level for the AccessLog file. The config level logs when printers and classes are added, deleted, or modified and when configuration files are accessed or updated. The actions level logs when print jobs are submitted, held, released, modified, or canceled, and any of the conditions for config. The all level logs all requests.

Defaults to ‘actions’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean auto-purge-jobs?

Specifies whether to purge job history data automatically when it is no longer required for quotas.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cups-configuration parameter: comma-separated-string-list browse-dns-sd-sub-types

Specifies a list of DNS-SD sub-types to advertise for each shared printer.

The default ‘(list "_cups" "_print" "_universal")’ tells clients that CUPS sharing, IPP Everywhere, AirPrint, and Mopria are supported.

cups-configuration parameter: browse-local-protocols browse-local-protocols

Specifies which protocols to use for local printer sharing.

Defaults to ‘dnssd’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean browse-web-if?

Specifies whether the CUPS web interface is advertised.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean browsing?

Specifies whether shared printers are advertised.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cups-configuration parameter: default-auth-type default-auth-type

Specifies the default type of authentication to use.

Defaults to ‘Basic’.

cups-configuration parameter: default-encryption default-encryption

Specifies whether encryption will be used for authenticated requests.

Defaults to ‘Required’.

cups-configuration parameter: string default-language

Specifies the default language to use for text and web content.

Defaults to ‘"en"’.

cups-configuration parameter: string default-paper-size

Specifies the default paper size for new print queues. ‘"Auto"’ uses a locale-specific default, while ‘"None"’ specifies there is no default paper size. Specific size names are typically ‘"Letter"’ or ‘"A4"’.

Defaults to ‘"Auto"’.

cups-configuration parameter: string default-policy

Specifies the default access policy to use.

Defaults to ‘"default"’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean default-shared?

Specifies whether local printers are shared by default.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer dirty-clean-interval

Specifies the delay for updating of configuration and state files, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the update to happen as soon as possible, typically within a few milliseconds.

Defaults to ‘30’.

cups-configuration parameter: error-policy error-policy

Specifies what to do when an error occurs. Possible values are abort-job, which will discard the failed print job; retry-job, which will retry the job at a later time; retry-current-job, which retries the failed job immediately; and stop-printer, which stops the printer.

Defaults to ‘stop-printer’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer filter-limit

Specifies the maximum cost of filters that are run concurrently, which can be used to minimize disk, memory, and CPU resource problems. A limit of 0 disables filter limiting. An average print to a non-PostScript printer needs a filter limit of about 200. A PostScript printer needs about half that (100). Setting the limit below these thresholds will effectively limit the scheduler to printing a single job at any time.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer filter-nice

Specifies the scheduling priority of filters that are run to print a job. The nice value ranges from 0, the highest priority, to 19, the lowest priority.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: host-name-lookups host-name-lookups

Specifies whether to do reverse lookups on connecting clients. The double setting causes cupsd to verify that the hostname resolved from the address matches one of the addresses returned for that hostname. Double lookups also prevent clients with unregistered addresses from connecting to your server. Only set this option to #t or double if absolutely required.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer job-kill-delay

Specifies the number of seconds to wait before killing the filters and backend associated with a canceled or held job.

Defaults to ‘30’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer job-retry-interval

Specifies the interval between retries of jobs in seconds. This is typically used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues whose error policy is retry-job or retry-current-job.

Defaults to ‘30’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer job-retry-limit

Specifies the number of retries that are done for jobs. This is typically used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues whose error policy is retry-job or retry-current-job.

Defaults to ‘5’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean keep-alive?

Specifies whether to support HTTP keep-alive connections.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer limit-request-body

Specifies the maximum size of print files, IPP requests, and HTML form data. A limit of 0 disables the limit check.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: multiline-string-list listen

Listens on the specified interfaces for connections. Valid values are of the form address:port, where address is either an IPv6 address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or * to indicate all addresses. Values can also be file names of local UNIX domain sockets. The Listen directive is similar to the Port directive but allows you to restrict access to specific interfaces or networks.

cups-configuration parameter: location-access-control-list location-access-controls

Specifies a set of additional access controls.

Available location-access-controls fields are:

location-access-controls parameter: file-name path

Specifies the URI path to which the access control applies.

location-access-controls parameter: access-control-list access-controls

Access controls for all access to this path, in the same format as the access-controls of operation-access-control.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

location-access-controls parameter: method-access-control-list method-access-controls

Access controls for method-specific access to this path.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available method-access-controls fields are:

method-access-controls parameter: boolean reverse?

If #t, apply access controls to all methods except the listed methods. Otherwise apply to only the listed methods.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

method-access-controls parameter: method-list methods

Methods to which this access control applies.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

method-access-controls parameter: access-control-list access-controls

Access control directives, as a list of strings. Each string should be one directive, such as ‘"Order allow,deny"’.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer log-debug-history

Specifies the number of debugging messages that are retained for logging if an error occurs in a print job. Debug messages are logged regardless of the LogLevel setting.

Defaults to ‘100’.

cups-configuration parameter: log-level log-level

Specifies the level of logging for the ErrorLog file. The value none stops all logging while debug2 logs everything.

Defaults to ‘info’.

cups-configuration parameter: log-time-format log-time-format

Specifies the format of the date and time in the log files. The value standard logs whole seconds while usecs logs microseconds.

Defaults to ‘standard’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-clients

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed by the scheduler.

Defaults to ‘100’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-clients-per-host

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed from a single address.

Defaults to ‘100’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-copies

Specifies the maximum number of copies that a user can print of each job.

Defaults to ‘9999’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-hold-time

Specifies the maximum time a job may remain in the indefinite hold state before it is canceled. A value of 0 disables cancellation of held jobs.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-jobs

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited number of jobs.

Defaults to ‘500’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-printer

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per printer. A value of 0 allows up to max-jobs per printer.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-user

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per user. A value of 0 allows up to max-jobs per user.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-job-time

Specifies the maximum time a job may take to print before it is canceled, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable cancellation of “stuck” jobs.

Defaults to ‘10800’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-log-size

Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are rotated, in bytes. The value 0 disables log rotation.

Defaults to ‘1048576’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-subscriptions

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous event subscriptions that are allowed. Set to ‘0’ to allow an unlimited number of subscriptions.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-subscriptions-per-job

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous event subscriptions that are allowed per job. A value of ‘0’ allows up to max-subscriptions per job.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-subscriptions-per-printer

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous event subscriptions that are allowed per printer. A value of ‘0’ allows up to max-subscriptions per printer.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-subscriptions-per-user

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous event subscriptions that are allowed per user. A value of ‘0’ allows up to max-subscriptions per user.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer multiple-operation-timeout

Specifies the maximum amount of time to allow between files in a multiple file print job, in seconds.

Defaults to ‘900’.

cups-configuration parameter: environment-variables environment-variables

Passes the specified environment variable(s) to child processes; a list of strings.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cups-configuration parameter: policy-configuration-list policies

Specifies named access control policies.

Available policy-configuration fields are:

policy-configuration parameter: string name

Name of the policy.

policy-configuration parameter: string job-private-access

Specifies an access list for a job’s private values. @ACL maps to the printer’s requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values. @OWNER maps to the job’s owner. @SYSTEM maps to the groups listed for the system-group field of the files-configuration, which is reified into the cups-files.conf(5) file. Other possible elements of the access list include specific user names, and @group to indicate members of a specific group. The access list may also be simply all or default.

Defaults to ‘"@OWNER @SYSTEM"’.

policy-configuration parameter: string job-private-values

Specifies the list of job values to make private, or all, default, or none.

Defaults to ‘"job-name job-originating-host-name job-originating-user-name phone"’.

policy-configuration parameter: string subscription-private-access

Specifies an access list for a subscription’s private values. @ACL maps to the printer’s requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values. @OWNER maps to the job’s owner. @SYSTEM maps to the groups listed for the system-group field of the files-configuration, which is reified into the cups-files.conf(5) file. Other possible elements of the access list include specific user names, and @group to indicate members of a specific group. The access list may also be simply all or default.

Defaults to ‘"@OWNER @SYSTEM"’.

policy-configuration parameter: string subscription-private-values

Specifies the list of job values to make private, or all, default, or none.

Defaults to ‘"notify-events notify-pull-method notify-recipient-uri notify-subscriber-user-name notify-user-data"’.

policy-configuration parameter: operation-access-control-list access-controls

Access control by IPP operation.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-files

Specifies whether job files (documents) are preserved after a job is printed. If a numeric value is specified, job files are preserved for the indicated number of seconds after printing. Otherwise a boolean value applies indefinitely.

Defaults to ‘86400’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-history

Specifies whether the job history is preserved after a job is printed. If a numeric value is specified, the job history is preserved for the indicated number of seconds after printing. If #t, the job history is preserved until the MaxJobs limit is reached.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cups-configuration parameter: comma-separated-string-list-or-#f ready-paper-sizes

Specifies a list of potential paper sizes that are reported as ready, that is: loaded. The actual list will contain only the sizes that each printer supports.

The default value of #f is a special case: CUPS will use ‘(list \"Letter\" \"Legal\" \"Tabloid\" \"4x6\" \"Env10\")’ if the default paper size is \"Letter\", and ‘(list \"A3\" \"A4\" \"A5\" \"A6\" \"EnvDL\")’ otherwise.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer reload-timeout

Specifies the amount of time to wait for job completion before restarting the scheduler.

Defaults to ‘30’.

cups-configuration parameter: string server-admin

Specifies the email address of the server administrator.

Defaults to ‘"root@localhost.localdomain"’.

cups-configuration parameter: host-name-list-or-* server-alias

The ServerAlias directive is used for HTTP Host header validation when clients connect to the scheduler from external interfaces. Using the special name * can expose your system to known browser-based DNS rebinding attacks, even when accessing sites through a firewall. If the auto-discovery of alternate names does not work, we recommend listing each alternate name with a ServerAlias directive instead of using *.

Defaults to ‘*’.

cups-configuration parameter: string server-name

Specifies the fully-qualified host name of the server.

Defaults to ‘"localhost"’.

cups-configuration parameter: server-tokens server-tokens

Specifies what information is included in the Server header of HTTP responses. None disables the Server header. ProductOnly reports CUPS. Major reports CUPS 2. Minor reports CUPS 2.0. Minimal reports CUPS 2.0.0. OS reports CUPS 2.0.0 (uname) where uname is the output of the uname command. Full reports CUPS 2.0.0 (uname) IPP/2.0.

Defaults to ‘Minimal’.

cups-configuration parameter: multiline-string-list ssl-listen

Listens on the specified interfaces for encrypted connections. Valid values are of the form address:port, where address is either an IPv6 address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or * to indicate all addresses.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cups-configuration parameter: ssl-options ssl-options

Sets encryption options. By default, CUPS only supports encryption using TLS v1.0 or higher using known secure cipher suites. Security is reduced when Allow options are used, and enhanced when Deny options are used. The AllowRC4 option enables the 128-bit RC4 cipher suites, which are required for some older clients. The AllowSSL3 option enables SSL v3.0, which is required for some older clients that do not support TLS v1.0. The DenyCBC option disables all CBC cipher suites. The DenyTLS1.0 option disables TLS v1.0 support - this sets the minimum protocol version to TLS v1.1.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean strict-conformance?

Specifies whether the scheduler requires clients to strictly adhere to the IPP specifications.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cups-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer timeout

Specifies the HTTP request timeout, in seconds.

Defaults to ‘900’.

cups-configuration parameter: boolean web-interface?

Specifies whether the web interface is enabled.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

At this point you’re probably thinking “oh dear, Guix manual, I like you but you can stop already with the configuration options”. Indeed. However, one more point: it could be that you have an existing cupsd.conf that you want to use. In that case, you can pass an opaque-cups-configuration as the configuration of a cups-service-type.

Available opaque-cups-configuration fields are:

opaque-cups-configuration parameter: package cups

The CUPS package.

opaque-cups-configuration parameter: string cupsd.conf

The contents of the cupsd.conf, as a string.

opaque-cups-configuration parameter: string cups-files.conf

The contents of the cups-files.conf file, as a string.

For example, if your cupsd.conf and cups-files.conf are in strings of the same name, you could instantiate a CUPS service like this:

(service cups-service-type
           (cupsd.conf cupsd.conf)
           (cups-files.conf cups-files.conf)))

11.10.9 Serviços de desktop

The (gnu services desktop) module provides services that are usually useful in the context of a “desktop” setup—that is, on a machine running a graphical display server, possibly with graphical user interfaces, etc. It also defines services that provide specific desktop environments like GNOME, Xfce or MATE.

To simplify things, the module defines a variable containing the set of services that users typically expect on a machine with a graphical environment and networking:

Variável: %desktop-services

This is a list of services that builds upon %base-services and adds or adjusts services for a typical “desktop” setup.

In particular, it adds a graphical login manager (veja gdm-service-type), screen lockers, a network management tool (veja network-manager-service-type) with modem support (veja modem-manager-service-type), energy and color management services, the elogind login and seat manager, the Polkit privilege service, the GeoClue location service, the AccountsService daemon that allows authorized users change system passwords, a NTP client (veja Serviços de Rede) and the Avahi daemon.

The %desktop-services variable can be used as the services field of an operating-system declaration (veja services).

Additionally, the following procedures add one (or more!) desktop environments to a system.

  • gnome-desktop-service-type adds GNOME,
  • plasma-desktop-service-type adds KDE Plasma,
  • enlightenment-desktop-service-type adds Enlightenment,
  • lxqt-desktop-service-type adds LXQt,
  • mate-desktop-service-type adds MATE, and
  • xfce-desktop-service-type adds Xfce.

These service types add “metapackages” such as gnome or plasma to the system profile, but most of them also set up other useful services that mere packages can’t do.

For example, they may elevate privileges on a limited number of special-purpose system interfaces and programs. This allows backlight adjustment helpers, power management utilities, screen lockers, and other integrated functionality to work as expected.

The desktop environments in Guix use the Xorg display server by default. If you’d like to use the newer display server protocol called Wayland, you need to enable Wayland support in GDM (veja wayland-gdm). Another solution is to use the sddm-service instead of GDM as the graphical login manager. You should then select the “GNOME (Wayland)” session in SDDM. Alternatively you can also try starting GNOME on Wayland manually from a TTY with the command “XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session“. Currently only GNOME has support for Wayland.

Variável: gnome-desktop-service-type

This is the type of the service that adds the GNOME desktop environment. Its value is a gnome-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the gnome package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the actions from gnome-settings-daemon.

Tipo de dados: gnome-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the GNOME desktop environment. Available gnome-desktop-configuration fields are:

core-services (type: list-of-packages)

A list of packages that the GNOME Shell and applications may rely on.

shell (type: list-of-packages)

A list of packages that constitute the GNOME Shell, without applications.

utilities (type: list-of-packages)

A list of packages that serve as applications to use on top of the GNOME Shell.

gnome (type: maybe-package)

This field used to be the only configuration point and specified a GNOME meta-package to install system-wide. Since the meta-package itself provides neither sources nor the actual packages and is only used to propagate them, this field is deprecated.

extra-packages (type: list-of-packages)

A list of GNOME-adjacent packages to also include. This field is intended for users to add their own packages to their GNOME experience. Note, that it already includes some packages that are considered essential by some (most?) GNOME users.

udev-ignorelist (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

A list of regular expressions denoting udev rules or hardware file names provided by any package that should not be installed. By default, every udev rule and hardware file specified by any package referenced in the other fields are installed.

polkit-ignorelist (default: ()) (type: list-of-strings)

A list of regular expressions denoting polkit rules provided by any package that should not be installed. By default, every polkit rule added by any package referenced in the other fields are installed.

Variável: plasma-desktop-service-type

This is the type of the service that adds the Plasma desktop environment. Its value is a plasma-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the plasma package to the system profile.

Tipo de dados: plasma-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the Plasma desktop environment.

plasma (default: plasma)

The Plasma package to use.

Variável: xfce-desktop-service-type

This is the type of a service to run the desktop environment. Its value is an xfce-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the xfce package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the ability for thunar to manipulate the file system as root from within a user session, after the user has authenticated with the administrator’s password.

Note that xfce4-panel and its plugin packages should be installed in the same profile to ensure compatibility. When using this service, you should add extra plugins (xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin, xfce4-weather-plugin, etc.) to the packages field of your operating-system.

Tipo de dados: xfce-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the Xfce desktop environment.

xfce (default: xfce)

The Xfce package to use.

Variável: mate-desktop-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the MATE desktop environment. Its value is a mate-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the mate package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the actions from mate-settings-daemon.

Tipo de dados: mate-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the MATE desktop environment.

mate (default: mate)

The MATE package to use.

Variável: lxqt-desktop-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the LXQt desktop environment. Its value is a lxqt-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the lxqt package to the system profile.

Tipo de dados: lxqt-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the LXQt desktop environment.

lxqt (default: lxqt)

The LXQT package to use.

Variável: sugar-desktop-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the Sugar desktop environment. Its value is a sugar-desktop-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the sugar package to the system profile, as well as any selected Sugar activities. By default it only includes a minimal set of activities.

Tipo de dados: sugar-desktop-configuration

Configuration record for the Sugar desktop environment.

sugar (default: sugar)

The Sugar package to use.

gobject-introspection (default: gobject-introspection)

The gobject-introspection package to use. This package is used to access libraries installed as dependencies of Sugar activities.

activities (default: (list sugar-help-activity))

A list of Sugar activities to install.

The following example configures the Sugar desktop environment with a number of useful activities:

(use-modules (gnu))
(use-package-modules sugar)
(use-service-modules desktop)
  (services (cons* (service sugar-desktop-service-type
                              (activities (list sugar-browse-activity
Variável: enlightenment-desktop-service-type

Return a service that adds the enlightenment package to the system profile, and extends dbus with actions from efl.

Tipo de dados: enlightenment-desktop-service-configuration
enlightenment (default: enlightenment)

The enlightenment package to use.

Because the GNOME, Xfce and MATE desktop services pull in so many packages, the default %desktop-services variable doesn’t include any of them by default. To add GNOME, Xfce or MATE, just cons them onto %desktop-services in the services field of your operating-system:

(use-modules (gnu))
(use-service-modules desktop)
  ;; cons* adds items to the list given as its last argument.
  (services (cons* (service gnome-desktop-service-type)
                   (service xfce-desktop-service-type)

These desktop environments will then be available as options in the graphical login window.

The actual service definitions included in %desktop-services and provided by (gnu services dbus) and (gnu services desktop) are described below.

Variável: dbus-root-service-type

Type for a service that runs the D-Bus “system bus”. 34

The value for this service type is a <dbus-configuration> record.

Tipo de dados: dbus-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for dbus-root-service-type.

dbus (default: dbus) (type: file-like)

Package object for dbus.

services (default: '()) (type: list)

List of packages that provide an etc/dbus-1/system.d directory containing additional D-Bus configuration and policy files. For example, to allow avahi-daemon to use the system bus, services must be equal to (list avahi).

verbose? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

When #t, D-Bus is launched with environment variable ‘DBUS_VERBOSE’ set to ‘1’. A verbose-enabled D-Bus package such as dbus-verbose should be provided to dbus in this scenario. The verbose output is logged to /var/log/dbus-daemon.log.


Elogind is a login and seat management daemon that also handles most system-level power events for a computer, for example suspending the system when a lid is closed, or shutting it down when the power button is pressed.

It also provides a D-Bus interface that can be used to know which users are logged in, know what kind of sessions they have open, suspend the system, inhibit system suspend, reboot the system, and other tasks.

Variável: elogind-service-type

Type of the service that runs elogind, a login and seat management daemon. The value for this service is a <elogind-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: elogind-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of elogind.

elogind (default: elogind) (type: file-like)


kill-user-processes? (default: #f) (type: boolean)


kill-only-users (default: '()) (type: list)


kill-exclude-users (default: '("root")) (type: list-of-string)


inhibit-delay-max-seconds (default: 5) (type: integer)


handle-power-key (default: 'poweroff) (type: symbol)


handle-suspend-key (default: 'suspend) (type: symbol)


handle-hibernate-key (default: 'hibernate) (type: symbol)


handle-lid-switch (default: 'suspend) (type: symbol)


handle-lid-switch-docked (default: 'ignore) (type: symbol)


handle-lid-switch-external-power (default: *unspecified*) (type: symbol)


power-key-ignore-inhibited? (default: #f) (type: boolean)


suspend-key-ignore-inhibited? (default: #f) (type: boolean)


hibernate-key-ignore-inhibited? (default: #f) (type: boolean)


lid-switch-ignore-inhibited? (default: #t) (type: boolean)


holdoff-timeout-seconds (default: 30) (type: integer)


idle-action (default: 'ignore) (type: symbol)


idle-action-seconds (default: (* 30 60)) (type: integer)


runtime-directory-size-percent (default: 10) (type: integer)


runtime-directory-size (default: #f) (type: integer)


remove-ipc? (default: #t) (type: boolean)


suspend-state (default: '("mem" "standby" "freeze")) (type: list)


suspend-mode (default: '()) (type: list)


hibernate-state (default: '("disk")) (type: list)


hibernate-mode (default: '("platform" "shutdown")) (type: list)


hybrid-sleep-state (default: '("disk")) (type: list)


hybrid-sleep-mode (default: '("suspend" "platform" "shutdown")) (type: list)


hibernate-delay-seconds (default: *unspecified*) (type: integer)


suspend-estimation-seconds (default: *unspecified*) (type: integer)


system-sleep-hook-files (default: '()) (type: list)

A list of executables (file-like objects) that will be installed into the /etc/elogind/system-sleep/ hook directory. For example:

  (list (local-file "sleep-script"))))

See ‘Hook directories’ in the loginctl(1) man page for more information.

system-shutdown-hook-files (default: '()) (type: list)

A list of executables (file-like objects) that will be installed into the /etc/elogind/system-shutdown/ hook directory.

allow-power-off-interrupts? (default: #f) (type: boolean)
allow-suspend-interrupts? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether the executables in elogind’s hook directories (see above) can cause a power-off or suspend action to be cancelled (interrupted) by printing an appropriate error message to stdout.

broadcast-power-off-interrupts? (default: #t) (type: boolean)
broadcast-suspend-interrupts? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether an interrupt of a power-off or suspend action is broadcasted.

Variável: accountsservice-service-type

Type for the service that runs AccountsService, a system service that can list available accounts, change their passwords, and so on. AccountsService integrates with PolicyKit to enable unprivileged users to acquire the capability to modify their system configuration. See AccountsService for more information.

The value for this service is a file-like object, by default it is set to accountsservice (the package object for AccountsService).

Variável: polkit-service-type

Type for the service that runs the Polkit privilege management service, which allows system administrators to grant access to privileged operations in a structured way. By querying the Polkit service, a privileged system component can know when it should grant additional capabilities to ordinary users. For example, an ordinary user can be granted the capability to suspend the system if the user is logged in locally.

The value for this service is a <polkit-configuration> object.

Variável: polkit-wheel-service

Service that adds the wheel group as admins to the Polkit service. This makes it so that users in the wheel group are queried for their own passwords when performing administrative actions instead of root’s, similar to the behaviour used by sudo.

Variável: upower-service-type

Service that runs upowerd, a system-wide monitor for power consumption and battery levels, with the given configuration settings.

It implements the org.freedesktop.UPower D-Bus interface, and is notably used by GNOME.

Tipo de dados: upower-configuration

Data type representation the configuration for UPower.

upower (default: upower)

Package to use for upower.

watts-up-pro? (padrão: #f)

Enable the Watts Up Pro device.

poll-batteries? (padrão: #t)

Enable polling the kernel for battery level changes.

ignore-lid? (padrão: #f)

Ignore the lid state, this can be useful if it’s incorrect on a device.

use-percentage-for-policy? (default: #t)

Whether to use a policy based on battery percentage rather than on estimated time left. A policy based on battery percentage is usually more reliable.

percentage-low (default: 20)

When use-percentage-for-policy? is #t, this sets the percentage at which the battery is considered low.

percentage-critical (default: 5)

When use-percentage-for-policy? is #t, this sets the percentage at which the battery is considered critical.

percentage-action (default: 2)

When use-percentage-for-policy? is #t, this sets the percentage at which action will be taken.

time-low (default: 1200)

When use-time-for-policy? is #f, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which the battery is considered low.

time-critical (default: 300)

When use-time-for-policy? is #f, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which the battery is considered critical.

time-action (default: 120)

When use-time-for-policy? is #f, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which action will be taken.

critical-power-action (default: 'hybrid-sleep)

The action taken when percentage-action or time-action is reached (depending on the configuration of use-percentage-for-policy?).

Possible values are:

  • 'power-off
  • 'hibernate
  • 'hybrid-sleep.
Variável: udisks-service-type

Type for the service that runs UDisks, a disk management daemon that provides user interfaces with notifications and ways to mount/unmount disks. Programs that talk to UDisks include the udisksctl command, part of UDisks, and GNOME Disks. Note that Udisks relies on the mount command, so it will only be able to use the file-system utilities installed in the system profile. For example if you want to be able to mount NTFS file-systems in read and write fashion, you’ll need to have ntfs-3g installed system-wide.

The value for this service is a <udisks-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: udisks-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for udisks-service-type.

udisks (default: udisks) (type: file-like)

Package object for UDisks.

Variável: gvfs-service-type

Type for the service that provides virtual file systems for GIO applications, which enables support for trash://, ftp://, sftp:// and many other location schemas in file managers like Nautilus (GNOME Files) and Thunar.

The value for this service is a <gvfs-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: gvfs-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for gvfs-service-type.

gvfs (default: gvfs) (type: file-like)

Package object for GVfs.

Variável: colord-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs colord, a system service with a D-Bus interface to manage the color profiles of input and output devices such as screens and scanners. It is notably used by the GNOME Color Manager graphical tool. See the colord web site for more information.

Variável: sane-service-type

This service provides access to scanners via SANE by installing the necessary udev rules. It is included in %desktop-services (veja Serviços de desktop) and relies by default on sane-backends-minimal package (see below) for hardware support.

Variável: sane-backends-minimal

The default package which the sane-service-type installs. It supports many recent scanners.

Variável: sane-backends

This package includes support for all scanners that sane-backends-minimal supports, plus older Hewlett-Packard scanners supported by hplip package. In order to use this on a system which relies on %desktop-services, you may use modify-services (veja modify-services) as illustrated below:

(use-modules (gnu))

(define %my-desktop-services
  ;; List of desktop services that supports a broader range of scanners.
  (modify-services %desktop-services
    (sane-service-type _ => sane-backends)))

  (services %my-desktop-services))
Procedure: geoclue-application name [#:allowed? #t] [#:system? #f] [#:users '()]

Return a configuration allowing an application to access GeoClue location data. name is the Desktop ID of the application, without the .desktop part. If allowed? is true, the application will have access to location information by default. The boolean system? value indicates whether an application is a system component or not. Finally users is a list of UIDs of all users for which this application is allowed location info access. An empty users list means that all users are allowed.

Variável: %standard-geoclue-applications

The standard list of well-known GeoClue application configurations, granting authority to the GNOME date-and-time utility to ask for the current location in order to set the time zone, and allowing the IceCat and Epiphany web browsers to request location information. IceCat and Epiphany both query the user before allowing a web page to know the user’s location.

Variável: geoclue-service-type

Type for the service that runs the GeoClue location service. This service provides a D-Bus interface to allow applications to request access to a user’s physical location, and optionally to add information to online location databases.

The value for this service is a <geoclue-configuration> object.

Variável: bluetooth-service-type

This is the type for the Linux Bluetooth Protocol Stack (BlueZ) system, which generates the /etc/bluetooth/main.conf configuration file. The value for this type is a bluetooth-configuration record as in this example:

(service bluetooth-service-type)

See below for details about bluetooth-configuration.

Tipo de dados: bluetooth-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for bluetooth-service.

bluez (default: bluez)

bluez package to use.

name (default: "BlueZ")

Default adapter name.

class (default: #x000000)

Default device class. Only the major and minor device class bits are considered.

discoverable-timeout (default: 180)

How long to stay in discoverable mode before going back to non-discoverable. The value is in seconds.

always-pairable? (default: #f)

Always allow pairing even if there are no agents registered.

pairable-timeout (default: 0)

How long to stay in pairable mode before going back to non-discoverable. The value is in seconds.

device-id (default: #f)

Use vendor id source (assigner), vendor, product and version information for DID profile support. The values are separated by ":" and assigner, VID, PID and version.

Possible values are:

  • #f to disable it,
  • "assigner:1234:5678:abcd", where assigner is either usb (default) or bluetooth.
reverse-service-discovery? (default: #t)

Do reverse service discovery for previously unknown devices that connect to us. For BR/EDR this option is really only needed for qualification since the BITE tester doesn’t like us doing reverse SDP for some test cases, for LE this disables the GATT client functionally so it can be used in system which can only operate as peripheral.

name-resolving? (default: #t)

Enable name resolving after inquiry. Set it to #f if you don’t need remote devices name and want shorter discovery cycle.

debug-keys? (default: #f)

Enable runtime persistency of debug link keys. Default is false which makes debug link keys valid only for the duration of the connection that they were created for.

controller-mode (default: 'dual)

Restricts all controllers to the specified transport. 'dual means both BR/EDR and LE are enabled (if supported by the hardware).

Possible values are:

  • 'dual
  • 'bredr
  • 'le
multi-profile (default: 'off)

Enables Multi Profile Specification support. This allows to specify if system supports only Multiple Profiles Single Device (MPSD) configuration or both Multiple Profiles Single Device (MPSD) and Multiple Profiles Multiple Devices (MPMD) configurations.

Possible values are:

  • 'off
  • 'single
  • 'multiple
fast-connectable? (padrão: #f)

Permanently enables the Fast Connectable setting for adapters that support it. When enabled other devices can connect faster to us, however the tradeoff is increased power consumptions. This feature will fully work only on kernel version 4.1 and newer.

privacy (default: 'off)

Default privacy settings.

  • 'off: Disable local privacy
  • 'network/on: A device will only accept advertising packets from peer devices that contain private addresses. It may not be compatible with some legacy devices since it requires the use of RPA(s) all the time
  • 'device: A device in device privacy mode is only concerned about the privacy of the device and will accept advertising packets from peer devices that contain their Identity Address as well as ones that contain a private address, even if the peer device has distributed its IRK in the past

and additionally, if controller-mode is set to 'dual:

  • 'limited-network: Apply Limited Discoverable Mode to advertising, which follows the same policy as to BR/EDR that publishes the identity address when discoverable, and Network Privacy Mode for scanning
  • 'limited-device: Apply Limited Discoverable Mode to advertising, which follows the same policy as to BR/EDR that publishes the identity address when discoverable, and Device Privacy Mode for scanning.
just-works-repairing (default: 'never)

Specify the policy to the JUST-WORKS repairing initiated by peer.

Possible values:

  • 'never
  • 'confirm
  • 'always
temporary-timeout (default: 30)

How long to keep temporary devices around. The value is in seconds. 0 disables the timer completely.

refresh-discovery? (default: #t)

Enables the device to issue an SDP request to update known services when profile is connected.

experimental (default: #f)

Enables experimental features and interfaces, alternatively a list of UUIDs can be given.

Possible values:

  • #t
  • #f
  • (list (uuid <uuid-1>) (uuid <uuid-2>) ...).

List of possible UUIDs:

  • d4992530-b9ec-469f-ab01-6c481c47da1c: BlueZ Experimental Debug,
  • 671b10b5-42c0-4696-9227-eb28d1b049d6: BlueZ Experimental Simultaneous Central and Peripheral,
  • 15c0a148-c273-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004: BlueZ Experimental LL privacy,
  • 330859bc-7506-492d-9370-9a6f0614037f: BlueZ Experimental Bluetooth Quality Report,
  • a6695ace-ee7f-4fb9-881a-5fac66c629af: BlueZ Experimental Offload Codecs.
remote-name-request-retry-delay (default: 300)

The duration to avoid retrying to resolve a peer’s name, if the previous try failed.

page-scan-type (default: #f)

BR/EDR Page scan activity type.

page-scan-interval (default: #f)

BR/EDR Page scan activity interval.

page-scan-window (default: #f)

BR/EDR Page scan activity window.

inquiry-scan-type (default: #f)

BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity type.

inquiry-scan-interval (default: #f)

BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity interval.

inquiry-scan-window (default: #f)

BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity window.

link-supervision-timeout (default: #f)

BR/EDR Link supervision timeout.

page-timeout (default: #f)

BR/EDR Page timeout.

min-sniff-interval (default: #f)

BR/EDR minimum sniff interval.

max-sniff-interval (default: #f)

BR/EDR maximum sniff interval.

min-advertisement-interval (default: #f)

LE minimum advertisement interval (used for legacy advertisement only).

max-advertisement-interval (default: #f)

LE maximum advertisement interval (used for legacy advertisement only).

multi-advertisement-rotation-interval (default: #f)

LE multiple advertisement rotation interval.

scan-interval-auto-connect (default: #f)

LE scanning interval used for passive scanning supporting auto connect.

scan-window-auto-connect (default: #f)

LE scanning window used for passive scanning supporting auto connect.

scan-interval-suspend (default: #f)

LE scanning interval used for active scanning supporting wake from suspend.

scan-window-suspend (default: #f)

LE scanning window used for active scanning supporting wake from suspend.

scan-interval-discovery (default: #f)

LE scanning interval used for active scanning supporting discovery.

scan-window-discovery (default: #f)

LE scanning window used for active scanning supporting discovery.

scan-interval-adv-monitor (default: #f)

LE scanning interval used for passive scanning supporting the advertisement monitor APIs.

scan-window-adv-monitor (default: #f)

LE scanning window used for passive scanning supporting the advertisement monitor APIs.

scan-interval-connect (default: #f)

LE scanning interval used for connection establishment.

scan-window-connect (default: #f)

LE scanning window used for connection establishment.

min-connection-interval (default: #f)

LE default minimum connection interval. This value is superseded by any specific value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.

max-connection-interval (default: #f)

LE default maximum connection interval. This value is superseded by any specific value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.

connection-latency (default: #f)

LE default connection latency. This value is superseded by any specific value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.

connection-supervision-timeout (default: #f)

LE default connection supervision timeout. This value is superseded by any specific value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.

autoconnect-timeout (default: #f)

LE default autoconnect timeout. This value is superseded by any specific value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.

adv-mon-allowlist-scan-duration (default: 300)

Allowlist scan duration during interleaving scan. Only used when scanning for ADV monitors. The units are msec.

adv-mon-no-filter-scan-duration (default: 500)

No filter scan duration during interleaving scan. Only used when scanning for ADV monitors. The units are msec.

enable-adv-mon-interleave-scan? (default: #t)

Enable/Disable Advertisement Monitor interleave scan for power saving.

cache (default: 'always)

GATT attribute cache.

Possible values are:

  • 'always: Always cache attributes even for devices not paired, this is recommended as it is best for interoperability, with more consistent reconnection times and enables proper tracking of notifications for all devices
  • 'yes: Only cache attributes of paired devices
  • 'no: Never cache attributes.
key-size (default: 0)

Minimum required Encryption Key Size for accessing secured characteristics.

Possible values are:

  • 0: Don’t care
  • 7 <= N <= 16
exchange-mtu (default: 517)

Exchange MTU size. Possible values are:

  • 23 <= N <= 517
att-channels (default: 3)

Number of ATT channels. Possible values are:

  • 1: Disables EATT
  • 2 <= N <= 5
session-mode (default: 'basic)

AVDTP L2CAP signalling channel mode.

Possible values are:

  • 'basic: Use L2CAP basic mode
  • 'ertm: Use L2CAP enhanced retransmission mode.
stream-mode (default: 'basic)

AVDTP L2CAP transport channel mode.

Possible values are:

  • 'basic: Use L2CAP basic mode
  • 'streaming: Use L2CAP streaming mode.
reconnect-uuids (default: '())

The ReconnectUUIDs defines the set of remote services that should try to be reconnected to in case of a link loss (link supervision timeout). The policy plugin should contain a sane set of values by default, but this list can be overridden here. By setting the list to empty the reconnection feature gets disabled.

Possible values:

  • '()
  • (list (uuid <uuid-1>) (uuid <uuid-2>) ...).
reconnect-attempts (default: 7)

Defines the number of attempts to reconnect after a link lost. Setting the value to 0 disables reconnecting feature.

reconnect-intervals (default: '(1 2 4 8 16 32 64))

Defines a list of intervals in seconds to use in between attempts. If the number of attempts defined in reconnect-attempts is bigger than the list of intervals the last interval is repeated until the last attempt.

auto-enable? (default: #f)

Defines option to enable all controllers when they are found. This includes adapters present on start as well as adapters that are plugged in later on.

resume-delay (default: 2)

Audio devices that were disconnected due to suspend will be reconnected on resume. resume-delay determines the delay between when the controller resumes from suspend and a connection attempt is made. A longer delay is better for better co-existence with Wi-Fi. The value is in seconds.

rssi-sampling-period (default: #xFF)

Default RSSI Sampling Period. This is used when a client registers an advertisement monitor and leaves the RSSISamplingPeriod unset.

Possible values are:

  • #x0: Report all advertisements
  • N = #xXX: Report advertisements every N x 100 msec (range: #x01 to #xFE)
  • #xFF: Report only one advertisement per device during monitoring period.
Variável: gnome-keyring-service-type

This is the type of the service that adds the GNOME Keyring. Its value is a gnome-keyring-configuration object (see below).

This service adds the gnome-keyring package to the system profile and extends PAM with entries using, unlocking a user’s login keyring when they log in or setting its password with passwd.

Tipo de dados: gnome-keyring-configuration

Configuration record for the GNOME Keyring service.

keyring (default: gnome-keyring)

The GNOME keyring package to use.


A list of (service . kind) pairs denoting PAM services to extend, where service is the name of an existing service to extend and kind is one of login or passwd.

If login is given, it adds an optional to the auth block without arguments and to the session block with auto_start. If passwd is given, it adds an optional to the password block without arguments.

By default, this field contains “gdm-password” with the value login and “passwd” is with the value passwd.

Variável: seatd-service-type

seatd is a minimal seat management daemon.

Seat management takes care of mediating access to shared devices (graphics, input), without requiring the applications needing access to be root.

   ;; make sure seatd is running
   (service seatd-service-type))

  ;; normally one would want %base-services

seatd operates over a UNIX domain socket, with libseat providing the client side of the protocol. Applications that acquire access to the shared resources via seatd (e.g. sway) need to be able to talk to this socket. This can be achieved by adding the user they run under to the group owning seatd’s socket (usually “seat”), like so:

  (name "alice")
  (group "users")
  (supplementary-groups '("wheel"   ; allow use of sudo, etc.
                          "seat"    ; seat management
                          "audio"   ; sound card
                          "video"   ; video devices such as webcams
                          "cdrom")) ; the good ol' CD-ROM
  (comment "Bob's sister"))

Depending on your setup, you will have to not only add regular users, but also system users to this group. For instance, some greetd greeters require graphics and therefore also need to negotiate with seatd.

Tipo de dados: seatd-configuration

Configuration record for the seatd daemon service.

seatd (default: seatd)

The seatd package to use.

group (default: ‘"seat"’)

Group to own the seatd socket.

socket (default: ‘"/run/seatd.sock"’)

Where to create the seatd socket.

logfile (default: ‘"/var/log/seatd.log"’)

Log file to write to.

loglevel (default: ‘"error"’)

Log level to output logs. Possible values: ‘"silent"’, ‘"error"’, ‘"info"’ and ‘"debug"’.

11.10.10 Serviços de som

The (gnu services sound) module provides a service to configure the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which makes PulseAudio the preferred ALSA output driver.

Variável: alsa-service-type

This is the type for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which generates the /etc/asound.conf configuration file. The value for this type is a alsa-configuration record as in this example:

(service alsa-service-type)

See below for details about alsa-configuration.

Tipo de dados: alsa-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for alsa-service.

alsa-plugins (default: alsa-plugins)

alsa-plugins package to use.

pulseaudio? (default: #t)

Whether ALSA applications should transparently be made to use the PulseAudio sound server.

Using PulseAudio allows you to run several sound-producing applications at the same time and to individual control them via pavucontrol, among other things.

extra-options (default: "")

String to append to the /etc/asound.conf file.

Individual users who want to override the system configuration of ALSA can do it with the ~/.asoundrc file:

# In guix, we have to specify the absolute path for plugins.
pcm_type.jack {
  lib "/home/alice/.guix-profile/lib/alsa-lib/"

# Routing ALSA to jack:
# <>.
pcm.rawjack {
  type jack
  playback_ports {
    0 system:playback_1
    1 system:playback_2

  capture_ports {
    0 system:capture_1
    1 system:capture_2

pcm.!default {
  type plug
  slave {
    pcm "rawjack"

See for the details.

Variável: pulseaudio-service-type

This is the type for the PulseAudio sound server. It exists to allow system overrides of the default settings via pulseaudio-configuration, see below.

Aviso: This service overrides per-user configuration files. If you want PulseAudio to honor configuration files in ~/.config/pulse, you have to unset the environment variables PULSE_CONFIG and PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG in your ~/.bash_profile.

Aviso: This service on its own does not ensure, that the pulseaudio package exists on your machine. It merely adds configuration files for it, as detailed below. In the (admittedly unlikely) case, that you find yourself without a pulseaudio package, consider enabling it through the alsa-service-type above.

Tipo de dados: pulseaudio-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for pulseaudio-service.

client-conf (default: '())

List of settings to set in client.conf. Accepts a list of strings or symbol-value pairs. A string will be inserted as-is with a newline added. A pair will be formatted as “key = value”, again with a newline added.

daemon-conf (default: '((flat-volumes . no)))

List of settings to set in daemon.conf, formatted just like client-conf.

script-file (default: (file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/"))

Script file to use as In case the extra-script-files field below is used, an .include directive pointing to /etc/pulse/ is appended to the provided script.

extra-script-files (default: '())

A list of file-like objects defining extra PulseAudio scripts to run at the initialization of the pulseaudio daemon, after the main script-file. The scripts are deployed to the /etc/pulse/ directory; they should have the ‘.pa’ file name extension. For a reference of the available commands, refer to man pulse-cli-syntax.

system-script-file (default: (file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/"))

Script file to use as

The example below sets the default PulseAudio card profile, the default sink and the default source to use for a old SoundBlaster Audigy sound card:

  (list (plain-file ""
                    (string-append "\
set-card-profile alsa_card.pci-0000_01_01.0 \
set-default-source alsa_input.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-mono
set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-surround-40\n")))))

Note that pulseaudio-service-type is part of %desktop-services; if your operating system declaration was derived from one of the desktop templates, you’ll want to adjust the above example to modify the existing pulseaudio-service-type via modify-services (veja modify-services), instead of defining a new one.

Variável: ladspa-service-type

This service sets the LADSPA_PATH variable, so that programs, which respect it, e.g. PulseAudio, can load LADSPA plugins.

The following example will setup the service to enable modules from the swh-plugins package:

(service ladspa-service-type
         (ladspa-configuration (plugins (list swh-plugins))))

See for the details.

Speaker Safety Daemon System Service

Speaker Safety Daemon is a user-space daemon that implements an analogue of the Texas Instruments Smart Amp speaker protection model. It can be used to protect the speakers on Apple Silicon devices.

Variável: speakersafetyd-service-type

This is the type for the speakersafetyd system service, whose value is a speakersafetyd-configuration record.

(service speakersafetyd-service-type)

See below for details about speakersafetyd-configuration.

Data Type: speakersafetyd-configuration

Available speakersafetyd-configuration fields are:

blackbox-directory (default: "/var/lib/speakersafetyd/blackbox") (type: string)

The directory to which blackbox files are written when the speakers are getting too hot. The blackbox files contain audio and debug information which the developers of speakersafetyd might ask for when reporting bugs.

configuration-directory (type: file-like)

The base directory as a G-expression (veja Expressões-G) that contains the configuration files of the speaker models.

maximum-gain-reduction (default: 7) (type: integer)

Maximum gain reduction before panicking, useful for debugging.

speakersafetyd (default: speakersafetyd) (type: file-like)

The Speaker Safety Daemon package to use.

11.10.11 File Search Services

The services in this section populate file databases that let you search for files on your machine. These services are provided by the (gnu services admin) module.

The first one, file-database-service-type, periodically runs the venerable updatedb command (veja Invoking updatedb em GNU Findutils). That command populates a database of file names that you can then search with the locate command (veja Invoing locate em GNU Findutils), as in this example:

locate important-notes.txt

You can enable this service with its default settings by adding this snippet to your operating system services:

(service file-database-service-type)

This updates the database once a week, excluding files from /gnu/store—these are more usefully handled by guix locate (veja Invocando guix locate). You can of course provide a custom configuration, as described below.

Variável: file-database-service-type

This is the type of the file database service, which runs updatedb periodically. Its associated value must be a file-database-configuration record, as described below.

Tipo de dados: file-database-configuration

Record type for the file-database-service-type configuration, with the following fields:

package (default: findutils)

The GNU Findutils package from which the updatedb command is taken.

schedule (default: %default-file-database-update-schedule)

String or G-exp denoting an mcron schedule for the periodic updatedb job (veja Guile Syntax em GNU mcron).

excluded-directories (default %default-file-database-excluded-directories)

List of regular expressions of directories to ignore when building the file database. By default, this includes /tmp and /gnu/store; the latter should instead be indexed by guix locate (veja Invocando guix locate). This list is passed to the --prunepaths option of updatedb (veja Invoking updatedb em GNU Findutils).

The second service, package-database-service-type, builds the database used by guix locate, which lets you search for packages that contain a given file (veja Invocando guix locate). The service periodically updates a system-wide database, which will be readily available to anyone running guix locate on the system. To use this service with its default settings, add this snippet to your service list:

(service package-database-service-type)

This will run guix locate --update once a week.

Variável: package-database-service-type

This is the service type for periodic guix locate updates (veja Invocando guix locate). Its value must be a package-database-configuration record, as shown below.

Tipo de dados: package-database-configuration

Data type to configure periodic package database updates. It has the following fields:

package (default: guix)

The Guix package to use.

schedule (default: %default-package-database-update-schedule)

String or G-exp denoting an mcron schedule for the periodic guix locate --update job (veja Guile Syntax em GNU mcron).

method (default: 'store)

Indexing method for guix locate. The default value, 'store, yields a more complete database but is relatively expensive in terms of CPU and input/output.

channels (default: #~%default-channels)

G-exp denoting the channels to use when updating the database (veja Canais).

11.10.12 Serviços de bancos de dados

The (gnu services databases) module provides the following services.


Variável: postgresql-service-type

The service type for the PostgreSQL database server. Its value should be a valid postgresql-configuration object, documented below. The following example describes a PostgreSQL service with the default configuration.

(service postgresql-service-type
          (postgresql postgresql)))

If the services fails to start, it may be due to an incompatible cluster already present in data-directory. Adjust it (or, if you don’t need the cluster anymore, delete data-directory), then restart the service.

Peer authentication is used by default and the postgres user account has no shell, which prevents the direct execution of psql commands as this user. To use psql, you can temporarily log in as postgres using a shell, create a PostgreSQL superuser with the same name as one of the system users and then create the associated database.

sudo -u postgres -s /bin/sh
createuser --interactive
createdb $MY_USER_LOGIN      # Replace appropriately.
Tipo de dados: postgresql-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for the postgresql-service-type.


PostgreSQL package to use for the service.

port (padrão: 5432)

Port on which PostgreSQL should listen.

locale (default: "en_US.utf8")

Locale to use as the default when creating the database cluster.

config-file (default: (postgresql-config-file))

The configuration file to use when running PostgreSQL. The default behaviour uses the postgresql-config-file record with the default values for the fields.

log-directory (default: "/var/log/postgresql")

The directory where pg_ctl output will be written in a file named "pg_ctl.log". This file can be useful to debug PostgreSQL configuration errors for instance.

data-directory (default: "/var/lib/postgresql/data")

Directory in which to store the data.

extension-packages (default: '())

Additional extensions are loaded from packages listed in extension-packages. Extensions are available at runtime. For instance, to create a geographic database using the postgis extension, a user can configure the postgresql-service as in this example:

(use-package-modules databases geo)

  ;; postgresql is required to run `psql' but postgis is not required for
  ;; proper operation.
  (packages (cons* postgresql %base-packages))
      (service postgresql-service-type
                (postgresql postgresql)
                (extension-packages (list postgis))))

Then the extension becomes visible and you can initialise an empty geographic database in this way:

psql -U postgres
> create database postgistest;
> \connect postgistest;
> create extension postgis;
> create extension postgis_topology;

There is no need to add this field for contrib extensions such as hstore or dblink as they are already loadable by postgresql. This field is only required to add extensions provided by other packages.

create-account? (default: #t)

Whether or not the postgres user and group should be created.

uid (padrão: #f)

Explicitly specify the UID of the postgres daemon account. You normally do not need to specify this, in which case a free UID will be automatically assigned.

One situation where this option might be useful is if the data-directory is located on a mounted network share.

gid (default: #f)

Explicitly specify the GID of the postgres group.

Tipo de dados: postgresql-config-file

Data type representing the PostgreSQL configuration file. As shown in the following example, this can be used to customize the configuration of PostgreSQL. Note that you can use any G-expression or filename in place of this record, if you already have a configuration file you’d like to use for example.

(service postgresql-service-type
            (log-destination "stderr")
             (plain-file "pg_hba.conf"
local	all	all			trust
host	all	all 	md5
host	all	all	::1/128 	md5"))
             '(("session_preload_libraries"     "auto_explain")
               ("random_page_cost"              2)
               ("auto_explain.log_min_duration" "100 ms")
               ("work_mem"                      "500 MB")
               ("logging_collector"             #t)
               ("log_directory"                 "/var/log/postgresql")))))))
log-destination (default: "syslog")

The logging method to use for PostgreSQL. Multiple values are accepted, separated by commas.

hba-file (default: %default-postgres-hba)

Filename or G-expression for the host-based authentication configuration.

ident-file (default: %default-postgres-ident)

Filename or G-expression for the user name mapping configuration.

socket-directory (default: "/var/run/postgresql")

Specifies the directory of the Unix-domain socket(s) on which PostgreSQL is to listen for connections from client applications. If set to "" PostgreSQL does not listen on any Unix-domain sockets, in which case only TCP/IP sockets can be used to connect to the server.

By default, the #false value means the PostgreSQL default value will be used, which is currently ‘/tmp’.

extra-config (default: '())

List of additional keys and values to include in the PostgreSQL config file. Each entry in the list should be a list where the first element is the key, and the remaining elements are the values.

The values can be numbers, booleans or strings and will be mapped to PostgreSQL parameters types Boolean, String, Numeric, Numeric with Unit and Enumerated described here.

Variável: postgresql-role-service-type

This service allows to create PostgreSQL roles and databases after PostgreSQL service start. Here is an example of its use.

(service postgresql-role-service-type
              (list (postgresql-role
                     (name "test")
                     (create-database? #t))))))

This service can be extended with extra roles, as in this example:

(service-extension postgresql-role-service-type
                   (const (postgresql-role
                           (name "alice")
                           (create-database? #t))))
Tipo de dados: postgresql-role

PostgreSQL manages database access permissions using the concept of roles. A role can be thought of as either a database user, or a group of database users, depending on how the role is set up. Roles can own database objects (for example, tables) and can assign privileges on those objects to other roles to control who has access to which objects.


The role name.

permissions (default: '(createdb login))

The role permissions list. Supported permissions are bypassrls, createdb, createrole, login, replication and superuser.

create-database? (default: #f)

whether to create a database with the same name as the role.

encoding (default: "UTF8")

The character set to use for storing text in the database.

collation (default: "en_US.utf8")

The string sort order locale setting.

ctype (default: "en_US.utf8")

The character classification locale setting.

template (default: "template1")

The default template to copy the new database from when creating it. Use "template0" for a pristine database with no system-local modifications.

Tipo de dados: postgresql-role-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of postgresql-role-service-type.

host (default: "/var/run/postgresql")

The PostgreSQL host to connect to.

log (default: "/var/log/postgresql_roles.log")

File name of the log file.

roles (default: '())

The initial PostgreSQL roles to create.


Variável: mysql-service-type

This is the service type for a MySQL or MariaDB database server. Its value is a mysql-configuration object that specifies which package to use, as well as various settings for the mysqld daemon.

Tipo de dados: mysql-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of mysql-service-type.

mysql (default: mariadb)

Package object of the MySQL database server, can be either mariadb or mysql.

For MySQL, a temporary root password will be displayed at activation time. For MariaDB, the root password is empty.

bind-address (default: "")

The IP on which to listen for network connections. Use "" to bind to all available network interfaces.

port (padrão: 3306)

TCP port on which the database server listens for incoming connections.

socket (default: "/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")

Socket file to use for local (non-network) connections.

extra-content (default: "")

Additional settings for the my.cnf configuration file.

extra-environment (default: #~'())

List of environment variables passed to the mysqld process.

auto-upgrade? (default: #t)

Whether to automatically run mysql_upgrade after starting the service. This is necessary to upgrade the system schema after “major” updates (such as switching from MariaDB 10.4 to 10.5), but can be disabled if you would rather do that manually.


Variável: memcached-service-type

This is the service type for the Memcached service, which provides a distributed in memory cache. The value for the service type is a memcached-configuration object.

(service memcached-service-type)
Tipo de dados: memcached-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of memcached.

memcached (default: memcached)

The Memcached package to use.

interfaces (default: '(""))

Network interfaces on which to listen.

tcp-port (default: 11211)

Port on which to accept connections.

udp-port (default: 11211)

Port on which to accept UDP connections on, a value of 0 will disable listening on a UDP socket.

additional-options (default: '())

Additional command line options to pass to memcached.


Variável: redis-service-type

This is the service type for the Redis key/value store, whose value is a redis-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: redis-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of redis.

redis (default: redis)

The Redis package to use.

bind (default: "")

Network interface on which to listen.

port (padrão: 6379)

Port on which to accept connections on, a value of 0 will disable listening on a TCP socket.

working-directory (default: "/var/lib/redis")

Directory in which to store the database and related files.

11.10.13 Serviços de correio

The (gnu services mail) module provides Guix service definitions for email services: IMAP, POP3, and LMTP servers, as well as mail transport agents (MTAs). Lots of acronyms! These services are detailed in the subsections below.

Dovecot Service

Variável: dovecot-service-type

Type for the service that runs the Dovecot IMAP/POP3/LMTP mail server, whose value is a <dovecot-configuration> object.

By default, Dovecot does not need much configuration; the default configuration object created by (dovecot-configuration) will suffice if your mail is delivered to ~/Maildir. A self-signed certificate will be generated for TLS-protected connections, though Dovecot will also listen on cleartext ports by default. There are a number of options, though, which mail administrators might need to change, and as is the case with other services, Guix allows the system administrator to specify these parameters via a uniform Scheme interface.

For example, to specify that mail is located at maildir~/.mail, one would instantiate the Dovecot service like this:

(service dovecot-service-type
           (mail-location "maildir:~/.mail")))

The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, ‘string-list foo’ indicates that the foo parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old dovecot.conf file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details.

Available dovecot-configuration fields are:

dovecot-configuration parameter: package dovecot

The dovecot package.

dovecot-configuration parameter: package-list extensions

A list of additional Dovecot plugin packages to make available at runtime. During service activation, the lib/dovecot directory from each specified package is combined with Dovecot’s core modules into a unified module directory.

For example, to enable Sieve filtering:

(extensions (list dovecot-pigeonhole))

Each package in the list must provide its modules at lib/dovecot, as this is where make-dovecot-moduledir expects to find its extensions. The service combines these directories to create a unified module structure.

The default value is an empty list, providing only core Dovecot functionality.

dovecot-configuration parameter: comma-separated-string-list listen

A list of IPs or hosts where to listen for connections. ‘*’ listens on all IPv4 interfaces, ‘::’ listens on all IPv6 interfaces. If you want to specify non-default ports or anything more complex, customize the address and port fields of the ‘inet-listener’ of the specific services you are interested in.

dovecot-configuration parameter: protocol-configuration-list protocols

List of protocols we want to serve. Available protocols include ‘imap’, ‘pop3’, and ‘lmtp’.

Available protocol-configuration fields are:

protocol-configuration parameter: string name

The name of the protocol.

protocol-configuration parameter: string auth-socket-path

UNIX socket path to the master authentication server to find users. This is used by imap (for shared users) and lda. It defaults to ‘"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb"’.

protocol-configuration parameter: boolean imap-metadata?

Whether to enable the IMAP METADATA extension as defined in RFC 5464, which provides a means for clients to set and retrieve per-mailbox, per-user metadata and annotations over IMAP.

If this is ‘#t’, you must also specify a dictionary via the mail-attribute-dict setting.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

protocol-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list managesieve-notify-capabilities

Which NOTIFY capabilities to report to clients that first connect to the ManageSieve service, before authentication. These may differ from the capabilities offered to authenticated users. If this field is left empty, report what the Sieve interpreter supports by default.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

protocol-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list managesieve-sieve-capability

Which SIEVE capabilities to report to clients that first connect to the ManageSieve service, before authentication. These may differ from the capabilities offered to authenticated users. If this field is left empty, report what the Sieve interpreter supports by default.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

protocol-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list mail-plugins

Space separated list of plugins to load.

protocol-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mail-max-userip-connections

Maximum number of IMAP connections allowed for a user from each IP address. NOTE: The username is compared case-sensitively. Defaults to ‘10’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: service-configuration-list services

List of services to enable. Available services include ‘imap’, ‘imap-login’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3-login’, ‘auth’, and ‘lmtp’.

Available service-configuration fields are:

service-configuration parameter: string kind

The service kind. Valid values include director, imap-login, pop3-login, lmtp, imap, pop3, auth, auth-worker, dict, tcpwrap, quota-warning, or anything else.

service-configuration parameter: listener-configuration-list listeners

Listeners for the service. A listener is either a unix-listener-configuration, a fifo-listener-configuration, or an inet-listener-configuration. Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available unix-listener-configuration fields are:

unix-listener-configuration parameter: string path

Path to the file, relative to base-dir field. This is also used as the section name.

unix-listener-configuration parameter: string mode

The access mode for the socket. Defaults to ‘"0600"’.

unix-listener-configuration parameter: string user

The user to own the socket. Defaults to ‘""’.

unix-listener-configuration parameter: string group

The group to own the socket. Defaults to ‘""’.

Available fifo-listener-configuration fields are:

fifo-listener-configuration parameter: string path

Path to the file, relative to base-dir field. This is also used as the section name.

fifo-listener-configuration parameter: string mode

The access mode for the socket. Defaults to ‘"0600"’.

fifo-listener-configuration parameter: string user

The user to own the socket. Defaults to ‘""’.

fifo-listener-configuration parameter: string group

The group to own the socket. Defaults to ‘""’.

Available inet-listener-configuration fields are:

inet-listener-configuration parameter: string protocol

The protocol to listen for.

inet-listener-configuration parameter: string address

The address on which to listen, or empty for all addresses. Defaults to ‘""’.

inet-listener-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer port

The port on which to listen.

inet-listener-configuration parameter: boolean ssl?

Whether to use SSL for this service; ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘required’. Defaults to ‘#t’.

service-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer client-limit

Maximum number of simultaneous client connections per process. Once this number of connections is received, the next incoming connection will prompt Dovecot to spawn another process. If set to 0, default-client-limit is used instead.

Defaults to ‘0’.

service-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer service-count

Number of connections to handle before starting a new process. Typically the only useful values are 0 (unlimited) or 1. 1 is more secure, but 0 is faster. <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>. Defaults to ‘1’.

service-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer process-limit

Maximum number of processes that can exist for this service. If set to 0, default-process-limit is used instead.

Defaults to ‘0’.

service-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer process-min-avail

Number of processes to always keep waiting for more connections. Defaults to ‘0’.

service-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer vsz-limit

If you set ‘service-count 0’, you probably need to grow this. Defaults to ‘256000000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: dict-configuration dict

Dict configuration, as created by the dict-configuration constructor.

Available dict-configuration fields are:

dict-configuration parameter: free-form-fields entries

A list of key-value pairs that this dict should hold. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: passdb-configuration-list passdbs

A list of passdb configurations, each one created by the passdb-configuration constructor.

Available passdb-configuration fields are:

passdb-configuration parameter: string driver

The driver that the passdb should use. Valid values include ‘pam’, ‘passwd’, ‘shadow’, ‘bsdauth’, and ‘static’. Defaults to ‘"pam"’.

passdb-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list args

Space separated list of arguments to the passdb driver. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: userdb-configuration-list userdbs

List of userdb configurations, each one created by the userdb-configuration constructor.

Available userdb-configuration fields are:

userdb-configuration parameter: string driver

The driver that the userdb should use. Valid values include ‘passwd’ and ‘static’. Defaults to ‘"passwd"’.

userdb-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list args

Space separated list of arguments to the userdb driver. Defaults to ‘""’.

userdb-configuration parameter: free-form-args override-fields

Override fields from passwd. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: plugin-configuration plugin-configuration

Plug-in configuration, created by the plugin-configuration constructor.

dovecot-configuration parameter: list-of-namespace-configuration namespaces

List of namespaces. Each item in the list is created by the namespace-configuration constructor.

Available namespace-configuration fields are:

namespace-configuration parameter: string name

Name for this namespace.

namespace-configuration parameter: string type

Namespace type: ‘private’, ‘shared’ or ‘public’. Defaults to ‘"private"’.

namespace-configuration parameter: string separator

Hierarchy separator to use. You should use the same separator for all namespaces or some clients get confused. ‘/’ is usually a good one. The default however depends on the underlying mail storage format. Defaults to ‘""’.

namespace-configuration parameter: string prefix

Prefix required to access this namespace. This needs to be different for all namespaces. For example ‘Public/’. Defaults to ‘""’.

namespace-configuration parameter: string location

Physical location of the mailbox. This is in the same format as mail_location, which is also the default for it. Defaults to ‘""’.

namespace-configuration parameter: boolean inbox?

There can be only one INBOX, and this setting defines which namespace has it. Defaults to ‘#f’.

namespace-configuration parameter: boolean hidden?

If namespace is hidden, it’s not advertised to clients via NAMESPACE extension. You’ll most likely also want to set ‘list? #f’. This is mostly useful when converting from another server with different namespaces which you want to deprecate but still keep working. For example you can create hidden namespaces with prefixes ‘~/mail/’, ‘~%u/mail/’ and ‘mail/’. Defaults to ‘#f’.

namespace-configuration parameter: boolean list?

Show the mailboxes under this namespace with the LIST command. This makes the namespace visible for clients that do not support the NAMESPACE extension. The special children value lists child mailboxes, but hides the namespace prefix. Defaults to ‘#t’.

namespace-configuration parameter: boolean subscriptions?

Namespace handles its own subscriptions. If set to #f, the parent namespace handles them. The empty prefix should always have this as #t). Defaults to ‘#t’.

namespace-configuration parameter: mailbox-configuration-list mailboxes

List of predefined mailboxes in this namespace. Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available mailbox-configuration fields are:

mailbox-configuration parameter: string name

Name for this mailbox.

mailbox-configuration parameter: string auto

create’ will automatically create this mailbox. ‘subscribe’ will both create and subscribe to the mailbox. Defaults to ‘"no"’.

mailbox-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list special-use

List of IMAP SPECIAL-USE attributes as specified by RFC 6154. Valid values are \All, \Archive, \Drafts, \Flagged, \Junk, \Sent, and \Trash. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name base-dir

Base directory where to store runtime data. Defaults to ‘"/var/run/dovecot/"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string login-greeting

Greeting message for clients. Defaults to ‘"Dovecot ready."’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list login-trusted-networks

List of trusted network ranges. Connections from these IPs are allowed to override their IP addresses and ports (for logging and for authentication checks). ‘disable-plaintext-auth’ is also ignored for these networks. Typically you would specify your IMAP proxy servers here. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list login-access-sockets

List of login access check sockets (e.g. tcpwrap). Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean verbose-proctitle?

Show more verbose process titles (in ps). Currently shows user name and IP address. Useful for seeing who is actually using the IMAP processes (e.g. shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple accounts). Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean shutdown-clients?

Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down. Setting this to #f means that Dovecot can be upgraded without forcing existing client connections to close (although that could also be a problem if the upgrade is e.g. due to a security fix). Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer doveadm-worker-count

If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to doveadm server, instead of running them directly in the same process. Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string doveadm-socket-path

UNIX socket or host:port used for connecting to doveadm server. Defaults to ‘"doveadm-server"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list import-environment

List of environment variables that are preserved on Dovecot startup and passed down to all of its child processes. You can also give key=value pairs to always set specific settings.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean disable-plaintext-auth?

Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP matches the local IP (i.e. you’re connecting from the same computer), the connection is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed. See also the ‘ssl=required’ setting. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer auth-cache-size

Authentication cache size (e.g. ‘#e10e6’). 0 means it’s disabled. Note that bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require ‘cache-key’ to be set for caching to be used. Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-cache-ttl

Time to live for cached data. After TTL expires the cached record is no longer used, *except* if the main database lookup returns internal failure. We also try to handle password changes automatically: If user’s previous authentication was successful, but this one wasn’t, the cache isn’t used. For now this works only with plaintext authentication. Defaults to ‘"1 hour"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-cache-negative-ttl

TTL for negative hits (user not found, password mismatch). 0 disables caching them completely. Defaults to ‘"1 hour"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list auth-realms

List of realms for SASL authentication mechanisms that need them. You can leave it empty if you don’t want to support multiple realms. Many clients simply use the first one listed here, so keep the default realm first. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-default-realm

Default realm/domain to use if none was specified. This is used for both SASL realms and appending @domain to username in plaintext logins. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-username-chars

List of allowed characters in username. If the user-given username contains a character not listed in here, the login automatically fails. This is just an extra check to make sure user can’t exploit any potential quote escaping vulnerabilities with SQL/LDAP databases. If you want to allow all characters, set this value to empty. Defaults to ‘"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-username-translation

Username character translations before it’s looked up from databases. The value contains series of from -> to characters. For example ‘#@/@’ means that ‘#’ and ‘/’ characters are translated to ‘@’. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-username-format

Username formatting before it’s looked up from databases. You can use the standard variables here, e.g. %Lu would lowercase the username, %n would drop away the domain if it was given, or ‘%n-AT-%d’ would change the ‘@’ into ‘-AT-’. This translation is done after ‘auth-username-translation’ changes. Defaults to ‘"%Lu"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-master-user-separator

If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master username within the normal username string (i.e. not using SASL mechanism’s support for it), you can specify the separator character here. The format is then <username><separator><master username>. UW-IMAP uses ‘*’ as the separator, so that could be a good choice. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-anonymous-username

Username to use for users logging in with ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism. Defaults to ‘"anonymous"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer auth-worker-max-count

Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes. They’re used to execute blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g. MySQL and PAM). They’re automatically created and destroyed as needed. Defaults to ‘30’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-gssapi-hostname

Host name to use in GSSAPI principal names. The default is to use the name returned by gethostname(). Use ‘$ALL’ (with quotes) to allow all keytab entries. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-krb5-keytab

Kerberos keytab to use for the GSSAPI mechanism. Will use the system default (usually /etc/krb5.keytab) if not specified. You may need to change the auth service to run as root to be able to read this file. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-use-winbind?

Do NTLM and GSS-SPNEGO authentication using Samba’s winbind daemon and ‘ntlm-auth’ helper. <doc/wiki/Authentication/Mechanisms/Winbind.txt>. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name auth-winbind-helper-path

Path for Samba’s ‘ntlm-auth’ helper binary. Defaults to ‘"/usr/bin/ntlm_auth"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-failure-delay

Time to delay before replying to failed authentications. Defaults to ‘"2 secs"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-ssl-require-client-cert?

Require a valid SSL client certificate or the authentication fails. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-ssl-username-from-cert?

Take the username from client’s SSL certificate, using X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID() which returns the subject’s DN’s CommonName. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list auth-mechanisms

List of wanted authentication mechanisms. Supported mechanisms are: ‘plain’, ‘login’, ‘digest-md5’, ‘cram-md5’, ‘ntlm’, ‘rpa’, ‘apop’, ‘anonymous’, ‘gssapi’, ‘otp’, ‘skey’, and ‘gss-spnego’. See also the ‘disable-plaintext-auth’ setting.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list director-servers

List of IPs or hostnames to all director servers, including ourself. Ports can be specified as ip:port. The default port is the same as what director service’s ‘inet-listener’ is using. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list director-mail-servers

List of IPs or hostnames to all backend mail servers. Ranges are allowed too, like Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string director-user-expire

How long to redirect users to a specific server after it no longer has any connections. Defaults to ‘"15 min"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string director-username-hash

How the username is translated before being hashed. Useful values include %Ln if user can log in with or without @domain, %Ld if mailboxes are shared within domain. Defaults to ‘"%Lu"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string log-path

Log file to use for error messages. ‘syslog’ logs to syslog, ‘/dev/stderr’ logs to stderr. Defaults to ‘"syslog"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string info-log-path

Log file to use for informational messages. Defaults to ‘log-path’. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string debug-log-path

Log file to use for debug messages. Defaults to ‘info-log-path’. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string syslog-facility

Syslog facility to use if you’re logging to syslog. Usually if you don’t want to use ‘mail’, you’ll use local0..local7. Also other standard facilities are supported. Defaults to ‘"mail"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-verbose?

Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string auth-verbose-passwords

In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid values are no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute force password attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over and over again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending ":n" (e.g. sha1:6). Defaults to ‘"no"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-debug?

Even more verbose logging for debugging purposes. Shows for example SQL queries. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean auth-debug-passwords?

In case of password mismatches, log the passwords and used scheme so the problem can be debugged. Enabling this also enables ‘auth-debug’. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mail-debug?

Enable mail process debugging. This can help you figure out why Dovecot isn’t finding your mails. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean verbose-ssl?

Show protocol level SSL errors. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string log-timestamp

Prefix for each line written to log file. % codes are in strftime(3) format. Defaults to ‘"\"%b %d %H:%M:%S \""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list login-log-format-elements

List of elements we want to log. The elements which have a non-empty variable value are joined together to form a comma-separated string.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string login-log-format

Login log format. %s contains ‘login-log-format-elements’ string, %$ contains the data we want to log. Defaults to ‘"%$: %s"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-log-prefix

Log prefix for mail processes. See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for list of possible variables you can use. Defaults to ‘"\"%s(%u)<%{pid}><%{session}>: \""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string deliver-log-format

Format to use for logging mail deliveries. You can use variables:


Delivery status message (e.g. ‘saved to INBOX’)






From address


Physical size


Virtual size.

Defaults to ‘"msgid=%m: %$"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-location

Location for users’ mailboxes. The default is empty, which means that Dovecot tries to find the mailboxes automatically. This won’t work if the user doesn’t yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell Dovecot the full location.

If you’re using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (e.g. /var/mail/%u) isn’t enough. You’ll also need to tell Dovecot where the other mailboxes are kept. This is called the root mail directory, and it must be the first path given in the ‘mail-location’ setting.

There are a few special variables you can use, e.g.:


nome de usuário


user part in user@domain, same as %u if there’s no domain


domain part in user@domain, empty if there’s no domain


diretório pessoal

See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for full list. Some examples:


Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-uid

System user and group used to access mails. If you use multiple, userdb can override these by returning uid or gid fields. You can use either numbers or names. <doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-gid

Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-privileged-group

Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations. Currently this is used only with INBOX when either its initial creation or dotlocking fails. Typically this is set to ‘"mail"’ to give access to /var/mail. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-access-groups

Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes. Typically these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note that it may be dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g. if ‘mail’ group is set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var could allow a user to delete others’ mailboxes, or ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox would allow reading it). Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-attribute-dict

The location of a dictionary used to store IMAP METADATA as defined by RFC 5464.

The IMAP METADATA commands are available only if the “imap” protocol configuration’s imap-metadata? field is ‘#t’.

Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mail-full-filesystem-access?

Allow full file system access to clients. There’s no access checks other than what the operating system does for the active UID/GID. It works with both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes names with e.g. /path/ or ~user/. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mmap-disable?

Don’t use mmap() at all. This is required if you store indexes to shared file systems (NFS or clustered file system). Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean dotlock-use-excl?

Rely on ‘O_EXCL’ to work when creating dotlock files. NFS supports ‘O_EXCL’ since version 3, so this should be safe to use nowadays by default. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-fsync

When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls:


Whenever necessary to avoid losing important data


Useful with e.g. NFS when write()s are delayed


Never use it (best performance, but crashes can lose data).

Defaults to ‘"optimized"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mail-nfs-storage?

Mail storage exists in NFS. Set this to yes to make Dovecot flush NFS caches whenever needed. If you’re using only a single mail server this isn’t needed. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mail-nfs-index?

Mail index files also exist in NFS. Setting this to yes requires ‘mmap-disable? #t’ and ‘fsync-disable? #f’. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string lock-method

Locking method for index files. Alternatives are fcntl, flock and dotlock. Dotlocking uses some tricks which may create more disk I/O than other locking methods. NFS users: flock doesn’t work, remember to change ‘mmap-disable’. Defaults to ‘"fcntl"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name mail-temp-dir

Directory in which LDA/LMTP temporarily stores incoming mails >128 kB. Defaults to ‘"/tmp"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer first-valid-uid

Valid UID range for users. This is mostly to make sure that users can’t log in as daemons or other system users. Note that denying root logins is hardcoded to dovecot binary and can’t be done even if ‘first-valid-uid’ is set to 0. Defaults to ‘500’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer last-valid-uid

Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer first-valid-gid

Valid GID range for users. Users having non-valid GID as primary group ID aren’t allowed to log in. If user belongs to supplementary groups with non-valid GIDs, those groups are not set. Defaults to ‘1’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer last-valid-gid

Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mail-max-keyword-length

Maximum allowed length for mail keyword name. It’s only forced when trying to create new keywords. Defaults to ‘50’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: colon-separated-file-name-list valid-chroot-dirs

List of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail processes (i.e. /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar too). This setting doesn’t affect ‘login-chroot’ ‘mail-chroot’ or auth chroot settings. If this setting is empty, ‘/./’ in home dirs are ignored. WARNING: Never add directories here which local users can modify, that may lead to root exploit. Usually this should be done only if you don’t allow shell access for users. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-chroot

Default chroot directory for mail processes. This can be overridden for specific users in user database by giving ‘/./’ in user’s home directory (e.g. ‘/home/./user’ chroots into /home). Note that usually there is no real need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn’t allow users to access files outside their mail directory anyway. If your home directories are prefixed with the chroot directory, append ‘/.’ to ‘mail-chroot’. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name auth-socket-path

UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users. This is used by imap (for shared users) and lda. Defaults to ‘"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name mail-plugin-dir

Directory where to look up mail plugins. Defaults to ‘"/usr/lib/dovecot"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list mail-plugins

List of plugins to load for all services. Plugins specific to IMAP, LDA, etc. are added to this list in their own .conf files. Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mail-cache-min-mail-count

The minimum number of mails in a mailbox before updates are done to cache file. This allows optimizing Dovecot’s behavior to do less disk writes at the cost of more disk reads. Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mailbox-idle-check-interval

When IDLE command is running, mailbox is checked once in a while to see if there are any new mails or other changes. This setting defines the minimum time to wait between those checks. Dovecot can also use dnotify, inotify and kqueue to find out immediately when changes occur. Defaults to ‘"30 secs"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mail-save-crlf?

Save mails with CR+LF instead of plain LF. This makes sending those mails take less CPU, especially with sendfile() syscall with Linux and FreeBSD. But it also creates a bit more disk I/O which may just make it slower. Also note that if other software reads the mboxes/maildirs, they may handle the extra CRs wrong and cause problems. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean maildir-stat-dirs?

By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with a dot. Enabling this option makes Dovecot return only entries which are directories. This is done by stat()ing each entry, so it causes more disk I/O. (For systems setting struct ‘dirent->d_type’ this check is free and it’s done always regardless of this setting). Defaults to ‘#f’.

When copying a message, do it with hard links whenever possible. This makes the performance much better, and it’s unlikely to have any side effects. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean maildir-very-dirty-syncs?

Assume Dovecot is the only MUA accessing Maildir: Scan cur/ directory only when its mtime changes unexpectedly or when we can’t find the mail otherwise. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list mbox-read-locks

Which locking methods to use for locking mbox. There are four available:


Create <mailbox>.lock file. This is the oldest and most NFS-safe solution. If you want to use /var/mail/ like directory, the users will need write access to that directory.


Same as dotlock, but if it fails because of permissions or because there isn’t enough disk space, just skip it.


Use this if possible. Works with NFS too if lockd is used.


May not exist in all systems. Doesn’t work with NFS.


May not exist in all systems. Doesn’t work with NFS.

You can use multiple locking methods; if you do the order they’re declared in is important to avoid deadlocks if other MTAs/MUAs are using multiple locking methods as well. Some operating systems don’t allow using some of them simultaneously.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list mbox-write-locks
dovecot-configuration parameter: string mbox-lock-timeout

Maximum time to wait for lock (all of them) before aborting. Defaults to ‘"5 mins"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mbox-dotlock-change-timeout

If dotlock exists but the mailbox isn’t modified in any way, override the lock file after this much time. Defaults to ‘"2 mins"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mbox-dirty-syncs?

When mbox changes unexpectedly we have to fully read it to find out what changed. If the mbox is large this can take a long time. Since the change is usually just a newly appended mail, it’d be faster to simply read the new mails. If this setting is enabled, Dovecot does this but still safely fallbacks to re-reading the whole mbox file whenever something in mbox isn’t how it’s expected to be. The only real downside to this setting is that if some other MUA changes message flags, Dovecot doesn’t notice it immediately. Note that a full sync is done with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE and CHECK commands. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mbox-very-dirty-syncs?

Like ‘mbox-dirty-syncs’, but don’t do full syncs even with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE or CHECK commands. If this is set, ‘mbox-dirty-syncs’ is ignored. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mbox-lazy-writes?

Delay writing mbox headers until doing a full write sync (EXPUNGE and CHECK commands and when closing the mailbox). This is especially useful for POP3 where clients often delete all mails. The downside is that our changes aren’t immediately visible to other MUAs. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mbox-min-index-size

If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g. 100k), don’t write index files. If an index file already exists it’s still read, just not updated. Defaults to ‘0’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mdbox-rotate-size

Maximum dbox file size until it’s rotated. Defaults to ‘10000000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mdbox-rotate-interval

Maximum dbox file age until it’s rotated. Typically in days. Day begins from midnight, so 1d = today, 2d = yesterday, etc. 0 = check disabled. Defaults to ‘"1d"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean mdbox-preallocate-space?

When creating new mdbox files, immediately preallocate their size to ‘mdbox-rotate-size’. This setting currently works only in Linux with some file systems (ext4, xfs). Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-attachment-dir

sdbox and mdbox support saving mail attachments to external files, which also allows single instance storage for them. Other backends don’t support this for now.

WARNING: This feature hasn’t been tested much yet. Use at your own risk.

Directory root where to store mail attachments. Disabled, if empty. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer mail-attachment-min-size

Attachments smaller than this aren’t saved externally. It’s also possible to write a plugin to disable saving specific attachments externally. Defaults to ‘128000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-attachment-fs

File system backend to use for saving attachments:


No SiS done by Dovecot (but this might help FS’s own deduplication)

sis posix

SiS with immediate byte-by-byte comparison during saving

sis-queue posix

SiS with delayed comparison and deduplication.

Defaults to ‘"sis posix"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string mail-attachment-hash

Hash format to use in attachment filenames. You can add any text and variables: %{md4}, %{md5}, %{sha1}, %{sha256}, %{sha512}, %{size}. Variables can be truncated, e.g. %{sha256:80} returns only first 80 bits. Defaults to ‘"%{sha1}"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer default-process-limit

Defaults to ‘100’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer default-client-limit

Defaults to ‘1000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer default-vsz-limit

Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes. This is mainly intended to catch and kill processes that leak memory before they eat up everything. Defaults to ‘256000000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string default-login-user

Login user is internally used by login processes. This is the most untrusted user in Dovecot system. It shouldn’t have access to anything at all. Defaults to ‘"dovenull"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string default-internal-user

Internal user is used by unprivileged processes. It should be separate from login user, so that login processes can’t disturb other processes. Defaults to ‘"dovecot"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl?

SSL/TLS support: yes, no, required. <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. Defaults to ‘"required"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-cert

PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key). Defaults to ‘"</etc/dovecot/default.pem"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-key

PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key. The key is opened before dropping root privileges, so keep the key file unreadable by anyone but root. Defaults to ‘"</etc/dovecot/private/default.pem"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-key-password

If key file is password protected, give the password here. Alternatively give it when starting dovecot with -p parameter. Since this file is often world-readable, you may want to place this setting instead to a different. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-ca

PEM encoded trusted certificate authority. Set this only if you intend to use ‘ssl-verify-client-cert? #t’. The file should contain the CA certificate(s) followed by the matching CRL(s). (e.g. ‘ssl-ca </etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem’). Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean ssl-require-crl?

Require that CRL check succeeds for client certificates. Defaults to ‘#t’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean ssl-verify-client-cert?

Request client to send a certificate. If you also want to require it, set ‘auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t’ in auth section. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-cert-username-field

Which field from certificate to use for username. commonName and x500UniqueIdentifier are the usual choices. You’ll also need to set ‘auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t’. Defaults to ‘"commonName"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-min-protocol

Minimum SSL protocol version to accept. Defaults to ‘"TLSv1"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-cipher-list

SSL ciphers to use. Defaults to ‘"ALL:!kRSA:!SRP:!kDHd:!DSS:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4:!ADH:!LOW@STRENGTH"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string ssl-crypto-device

SSL crypto device to use, for valid values run "openssl engine". Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string postmaster-address

Address to use when sending rejection mails. %d expands to recipient domain. Defaults to ‘"postmaster@%d"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string hostname

Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g. in Message-Id) and in LMTP replies. Default is the system’s real hostname@domain. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean quota-full-tempfail?

If user is over quota, return with temporary failure instead of bouncing the mail. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: file-name sendmail-path

Binary to use for sending mails. Defaults to ‘"/usr/sbin/sendmail"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string submission-host

If non-empty, send mails via this SMTP host[:port] instead of sendmail. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string rejection-subject

Subject: header to use for rejection mails. You can use the same variables as for ‘rejection-reason’ below. Defaults to ‘"Rejected: %s"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string rejection-reason

Human readable error message for rejection mails. You can use variables:






original subject



Defaults to ‘"Your message to <%t> was automatically rejected:%n%r"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string recipient-delimiter

Delimiter character between local-part and detail in email address. Defaults to ‘"+"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string lda-original-recipient-header

Header where the original recipient address (SMTP’s RCPT TO: address) is taken from if not available elsewhere. With dovecot-lda -a parameter overrides this. A commonly used header for this is X-Original-To. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean lda-mailbox-autocreate?

Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: boolean lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?

Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?. Defaults to ‘#f’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer imap-max-line-length

Maximum IMAP command line length. Some clients generate very long command lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get "Too long argument" or "IMAP command line too large" errors often. Defaults to ‘64000’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-logout-format

IMAP logout format string:


total number of bytes read from client


total number of bytes sent to client.

See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for a list of all the variables you can use. Defaults to ‘"in=%i out=%o deleted=%{deleted} expunged=%{expunged} trashed=%{trashed} hdr_count=%{fetch_hdr_count} hdr_bytes=%{fetch_hdr_bytes} body_count=%{fetch_body_count} body_bytes=%{fetch_body_bytes}"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-capability

Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response. If the value begins with ’+’, add the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g. +XFOO XBAR). Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-idle-notify-interval

How long to wait between "OK Still here" notifications when client is IDLEing. Defaults to ‘"2 mins"’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-id-send

ID field names and values to send to clients. Using * as the value makes Dovecot use the default value. The following fields have default values currently: name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-id-log

ID fields sent by client to log. * means everything. Defaults to ‘""’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list imap-client-workarounds

Workarounds for various client bugs:


Send EXISTS/RECENT new mail notifications only when replying to NOOP and CHECK commands. Some clients ignore them otherwise, for example OSX Mail (<v2.1). Outlook Express breaks more badly though, without this it may show user "Message no longer in server" errors. Note that OE6 still breaks even with this workaround if synchronization is set to "Headers Only".


Thunderbird gets somehow confused with LAYOUT=fs (mbox and dbox) and adds extra ‘/’ suffixes to mailbox names. This option causes Dovecot to ignore the extra ‘/’ instead of treating it as invalid mailbox name.


Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g. mbox). This makes Thunderbird realize they aren’t selectable and show them greyed out, instead of only later giving "not selectable" popup error.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

dovecot-configuration parameter: string imap-urlauth-host

Host allowed in URLAUTH URLs sent by client. "*" allows all. Defaults to ‘""’.

Whew! Lots of configuration options. The nice thing about it though is that Guix has a complete interface to Dovecot’s configuration language. This allows not only a nice way to declare configurations, but also offers reflective capabilities as well: users can write code to inspect and transform configurations from within Scheme.

However, it could be that you just want to get a dovecot.conf up and running. In that case, you can pass an opaque-dovecot-configuration as the #:config parameter to dovecot-service. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities.

Available opaque-dovecot-configuration fields are:

opaque-dovecot-configuration parameter: package dovecot

The dovecot package.

opaque-dovecot-configuration parameter: string string

The contents of the dovecot.conf, as a string.

For example, if your dovecot.conf is just the empty string, you could instantiate a dovecot service like this:

(dovecot-service #:config
                  (string "")))

OpenSMTPD Service

Variável: opensmtpd-service-type

This is the type of the OpenSMTPD service, whose value should be an opensmtpd-configuration object as in this example:

(service opensmtpd-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "./my-smtpd.conf"))))
Tipo de dados: opensmtpd-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of opensmtpd.

package (default: opensmtpd)

Package object of the OpenSMTPD SMTP server.

shepherd-requirement (default: '())

This option can be used to provide a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on, such as 'networking if you want to configure OpenSMTPD to listen on non-loopback interfaces.

config-file (default: %default-opensmtpd-config-file)

File-like object of the OpenSMTPD configuration file to use. By default it listens on the loopback network interface, and allows for mail from users and daemons on the local machine, as well as permitting email to remote servers. Run man smtpd.conf for more information.

setgid-commands? (default: #t)

Make the following commands setgid to smtpq so they can be executed: smtpctl, sendmail, send-mail, makemap, mailq, and newaliases. Veja Privileged Programs, for more information on setgid programs.

Exim Service

Variável: exim-service-type

This is the type of the Exim mail transfer agent (MTA), whose value should be an exim-configuration object as in this example:

(service exim-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "./my-exim.conf"))))

In order to use an exim-service-type service you must also have a mail-aliases-service-type service present in your operating-system (even if it has no aliases).

Tipo de dados: exim-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of exim.

package (default: exim)

Package object of the Exim server.

config-file (default: #f)

File-like object of the Exim configuration file to use. If its value is #f then use the default configuration file from the package provided in package. The resulting configuration file is loaded after setting the exim_user and exim_group configuration variables.

Getmail service

Variável: getmail-service-type

This is the type of the Getmail mail retriever, whose value should be a getmail-configuration.

Available getmail-configuration fields are:

getmail-configuration parameter: symbol name

A symbol to identify the getmail service.

Defaults to ‘"unset"’.

getmail-configuration parameter: package package

The getmail package to use.

getmail-configuration parameter: string user

The user to run getmail as.

Defaults to ‘"getmail"’.

getmail-configuration parameter: string group

The group to run getmail as.

Defaults to ‘"getmail"’.

getmail-configuration parameter: string directory

The getmail directory to use.

Defaults to ‘"/var/lib/getmail/default"’.

getmail-configuration parameter: getmail-configuration-file rcfile

The getmail configuration file to use.

Available getmail-configuration-file fields are:

getmail-configuration-file parameter: getmail-retriever-configuration retriever

What mail account to retrieve mail from, and how to access that account.

Available getmail-retriever-configuration fields are:

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string type

The type of mail retriever to use. Valid values include ‘passwd’ and ‘static’.

Defaults to ‘"SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever"’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string server

Username to login to the mail server with.

Defaults to ‘unset’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string username

Username to login to the mail server with.

Defaults to ‘unset’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer port

Port number to connect to.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string password

Override fields from passwd.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: list password-command

Override fields from passwd.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string keyfile

PEM-formatted key file to use for the TLS negotiation.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string certfile

PEM-formatted certificate file to use for the TLS negotiation.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: string ca-certs

CA certificates to use.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-retriever-configuration parameter: parameter-alist extra-parameters

Extra retriever parameters.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

getmail-configuration-file parameter: getmail-destination-configuration destination

What to do with retrieved messages.

Available getmail-destination-configuration fields are:

getmail-destination-configuration parameter: string type

The type of mail destination. Valid values include ‘Maildir’, ‘Mboxrd’ and ‘MDA_external’.

Defaults to ‘unset’.

getmail-destination-configuration parameter: string-or-filelike path

The path option for the mail destination. The behaviour depends on the chosen type.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-destination-configuration parameter: parameter-alist extra-parameters

Extra destination parameters

Defaults to ‘'()’.

getmail-configuration-file parameter: getmail-options-configuration options

Configure getmail.

Available getmail-options-configuration fields are:

getmail-options-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer verbose

If set to ‘0’, getmail will only print warnings and errors. A value of ‘1’ means that messages will be printed about retrieving and deleting messages. If set to ‘2’, getmail will print messages about each of its actions.

Defaults to ‘1’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean read-all

If true, getmail will retrieve all available messages. Otherwise it will only retrieve messages it hasn’t seen previously.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean delete

If set to true, messages will be deleted from the server after retrieving and successfully delivering them. Otherwise, messages will be left on the server.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer delete-after

Getmail will delete messages this number of days after seeing them, if they have been delivered. This means messages will be left on the server this number of days after delivering them. A value of ‘0’ disabled this feature.

Defaults to ‘0’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer delete-bigger-than

Delete messages larger than this of bytes after retrieving them, even if the delete and delete-after options are disabled. A value of ‘0’ disables this feature.

Defaults to ‘0’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-bytes-per-session

Retrieve messages totalling up to this number of bytes before closing the session with the server. A value of ‘0’ disables this feature.

Defaults to ‘0’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-message-size

Don’t retrieve messages larger than this number of bytes. A value of ‘0’ disables this feature.

Defaults to ‘0’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean delivered-to

If true, getmail will add a Delivered-To header to messages.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean received

If set, getmail adds a Received header to the messages.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: string message-log

Getmail will record a log of its actions to the named file. A value of ‘""’ disables this feature.

Defaults to ‘""’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean message-log-syslog

If true, getmail will record a log of its actions using the system logger.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: boolean message-log-verbose

If true, getmail will log information about messages not retrieved and the reason for not retrieving them, as well as starting and ending information lines.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

getmail-options-configuration parameter: parameter-alist extra-parameters

Extra options to include.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

getmail-configuration parameter: list idle

A list of mailboxes that getmail should wait on the server for new mail notifications. This depends on the server supporting the IDLE extension.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

getmail-configuration parameter: list environment-variables

Environment variables to set for getmail.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

Mail Aliases Service

Variável: mail-aliases-service-type

This is the type of the service which provides /etc/aliases, specifying how to deliver mail to users on this system.

(service mail-aliases-service-type
         '(("postmaster" "bob")
           ("bob" "" "")))

The configuration for a mail-aliases-service-type service is an association list denoting how to deliver mail that comes to this system. Each entry is of the form (alias addresses ...), with alias specifying the local alias and addresses specifying where to deliver this user’s mail.

The aliases aren’t required to exist as users on the local system. In the above example, there doesn’t need to be a postmaster entry in the operating-system’s user-accounts in order to deliver the postmaster mail to bob (which subsequently would deliver mail to and

GNU Mailutils IMAP4 Daemon

Variável: imap4d-service-type

This is the type of the GNU Mailutils IMAP4 Daemon (veja imap4d em GNU Mailutils Manual), whose value should be an imap4d-configuration object as in this example:

(service imap4d-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "imap4d.conf"))))
Tipo de dados: imap4d-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of imap4d.

package (default: mailutils)

The package that provides imap4d.

config-file (default: %default-imap4d-config-file)

File-like object of the configuration file to use, by default it will listen on TCP port 143 of localhost. Veja Conf-imap4d em GNU Mailutils Manual, for details.

Radicale Service

Variável: radicale-service-type

This is the type of the Radicale CalDAV/CardDAV server whose value should be a radicale-configuration. The default configuration matches the upstream documentation.

Tipo de dados: radicale-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of radicale. Available radicale-configuration fields are:

package (default: radicale) (type: package)

Package that provides radicale.

auth (default: '()) (type: radicale-auth-configuration)

Configuration for auth-related variables.

Tipo de dados: radicale-auth-configuration

Data type representing the auth section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-auth-configuration fields are:

type (default: 'none) (type: symbol)

The method to verify usernames and passwords. Options are none, htpasswd, remote-user, and http-x-remote-user. This value is tied to htpasswd-filename and htpasswd-encryption.

htpasswd-filename (default: "/etc/radicale/users") (type: file-name)

Path to the htpasswd file. Use htpasswd or similar to generate this file.

htpasswd-encryption (default: 'md5) (type: symbol)

Encryption method used in the htpasswd file. Options are plain, bcrypt, and md5.

delay (default: 1) (type: non-negative-integer)

Average delay after failed login attempts in seconds.

realm (default: "Radicale - Password Required") (type: string)

Message displayed in the client when a password is needed.

encoding (default: '()) (type: radicale-encoding-configuration)

Configuration for encoding-related variables.

Tipo de dados: radicale-encoding-configuration

Data type representing the encoding section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-encoding-configuration fields are:

request (default: 'utf-8) (type: symbol)

Encoding for responding requests.

stock (default: 'utf-8) (type: symbol)

Encoding for storing local collections.

headers-file (default: none) (type: file-like)

Custom HTTP headers.

logging (default: '()) (type: radicale-logging-configuration)

Configuration for logging-related variables.

Tipo de dados: radicale-logging-configuration

Data type representing the logging section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-logging-configuration fields are:

level (default: 'warning) (type: symbol)

Set the logging level. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

mask-passwords? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to include passwords in logs.

rights (default: '()) (type: radicale-rights-configuration)

Configuration for rights-related variables. This should be a radicale-rights-configuration.

Tipo de dados: radicale-rights-configuration

Data type representing the rights section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-rights-configuration fields are:

type (default: 'owner-only) (type: symbol)

Backend used to check collection access rights. The recommended backend is owner-only. If access to calendars and address books outside the home directory of users is granted, clients won’t detect these collections and will not show them to the user. Choosing any other method is only useful if you access calendars and address books directly via URL. Options are authenticate, owner-only, owner-write, and from-file.

file (default: "") (type: file-name)

File for the rights backend from-file.

server (default: '()) (type: radicale-server-configuration)

Configuration for server-related variables. Ignored if WSGI is used.

Tipo de dados: radicale-server-configuration

Data type representing the server section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-server-configuration fields are:

hosts (default: (list "localhost:5232")) (type: list-of-ip-addresses)

List of IP addresses that the server will bind to.

max-connections (default: 8) (type: non-negative-integer)

Maximum number of parallel connections. Set to 0 to disable the limit.

max-content-length (default: 100000000) (type: non-negative-integer)

Maximum size of the request body in bytes.

timeout (default: 30) (type: non-negative-integer)

Socket timeout in seconds.

ssl? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable transport layer encryption.

certificate (default: "/etc/ssl/radicale.cert.pem") (type: file-name)

Path of the SSL certificate.

key (default: "/etc/ssl/radicale.key.pem") (type: file-name)

Path to the private key for SSL. Only effective if ssl? is #t.

certificate-authority (default: "") (type: file-name)

Path to CA certificate for validating client certificates. This can be used to secure TCP traffic between Radicale and a reverse proxy. If you want to authenticate users with client-side certificates, you also have to write an authentication plugin that extracts the username from the certificate.

storage (default: '()) (type: radicale-storage-configuration)

Configuration for storage-related variables.

Tipo de dados: radicale-storage-configuration

Data type representing the storage section of a radicale configuration file. Available radicale-storage-configuration fields are:

type (default: 'multifilesystem) (type: symbol)

Backend used to store data. Options are multifilesystem and multifilesystem-nolock.

filesystem-folder (default: "/var/lib/radicale/collections") (type: file-name)

Folder for storing local collections. Created if not present.

max-sync-token-age (default: 2592000) (type: non-negative-integer)

Delete sync-tokens that are older than the specified time in seconds.

hook (default: "") (type: string)

Command run after changes to storage.

web-interface? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to use Radicale’s built-in web interface.

Rspamd Service

Variável: rspamd-service-type

This is the type of the Rspamd filtering system whose value should be a rspamd-configuration.

Tipo de dados: rspamd-configuration

Available rspamd-configuration fields are:

package (default: rspamd) (type: file-like)

The package that provides rspamd.

config-file (default: %default-rspamd-config-file) (type: file-like)

File-like object of the configuration file to use. By default all workers are enabled except fuzzy and they are bound to their usual ports, e.g localhost:11334, localhost:11333 and so on

local.d-files (default: ()) (type: directory-tree)

Configuration files in local.d, provided as a list of two element lists where the first element is the filename and the second one is a file-like object. Settings in these files will be merged with the defaults.

override.d-files (default: ()) (type: directory-tree)

Configuration files in override.d, provided as a list of two element lists where the first element is the filename and the second one is a file-like object. Settings in these files will override the defaults.

user (default: %default-rspamd-account) (type: user-account)

The user to run rspamd as.

group (default: %default-rspamd-group) (type: user-group)

The group to run rspamd as.

debug? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Force debug output.

insecure? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Ignore running workers as privileged users.

skip-template? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Do not apply Jinja templates.

shepherd-requirements (default: (user-processes loopback)) (type: list-of-symbols)

This is a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on.

11.10.14 Serviços de mensageria

The (gnu services messaging) module provides Guix service definitions for messaging services. Currently it provides the following services:

Prosody Service

Variável: prosody-service-type

This is the type for the Prosody XMPP communication server. Its value must be a prosody-configuration record as in this example:

(service prosody-service-type
          (modules-enabled (cons* "groups" "mam" %default-modules-enabled))
             (hostname "")
             (plugin "muc")
             (mod-muc (mod-muc-configuration)))))
             (domain ""))))))

See below for details about prosody-configuration.

By default, Prosody does not need much configuration. Only one virtualhosts field is needed: it specifies the domain you wish Prosody to serve.

You can perform various sanity checks on the generated configuration with the prosodyctl check command.

Prosodyctl will also help you to import certificates from the letsencrypt directory so that the prosody user can access them. See

prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/certs

The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, ‘string-list foo’ indicates that the foo parameter should be specified as a list of strings. Types starting with maybe- denote parameters that won’t show up in prosody.cfg.lua when their value is left unspecified.

There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old prosody.cfg.lua file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details.

The file-object type designates either a file-like object (veja file-like objects) or a file name.

Available prosody-configuration fields are:

prosody-configuration parameter: package prosody

The Prosody package.

prosody-configuration parameter: file-name data-path

Location of the Prosody data storage directory. See Defaults to ‘"/var/lib/prosody"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: file-object-list plugin-paths

Additional plugin directories. They are searched in all the specified paths in order. See Defaults to ‘'()’.

prosody-configuration parameter: file-name certificates

Every virtual host and component needs a certificate so that clients and servers can securely verify its identity. Prosody will automatically load certificates/keys from the directory specified here. Defaults to ‘"/etc/prosody/certs"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list admins

This is a list of accounts that are admins for the server. Note that you must create the accounts separately. See and Example: (admins '("" "")) Defaults to ‘'()’.

prosody-configuration parameter: boolean use-libevent?

Enable use of libevent for better performance under high load. See Defaults to ‘#f’.

prosody-configuration parameter: module-list modules-enabled

This is the list of modules Prosody will load on startup. It looks for mod_modulename.lua in the plugins folder, so make sure that exists too. Documentation on modules can be found at: Defaults to ‘'("roster" "saslauth" "tls" "dialback" "disco" "carbons" "private" "blocklist" "vcard" "version" "uptime" "time" "ping" "pep" "register" "admin_adhoc")’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list modules-disabled

"offline"’, ‘"c2s"’ and ‘"s2s"’ are auto-loaded, but should you want to disable them then add them to this list. Defaults to ‘'()’.

prosody-configuration parameter: file-object groups-file

Path to a text file where the shared groups are defined. If this path is empty then ‘mod_groups’ does nothing. See Defaults to ‘"/var/lib/prosody/sharedgroups.txt"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: boolean allow-registration?

Disable account creation by default, for security. See Defaults to ‘#f’.

prosody-configuration parameter: maybe-ssl-configuration ssl

These are the SSL/TLS-related settings. Most of them are disabled so to use Prosody’s defaults. If you do not completely understand these options, do not add them to your config, it is easy to lower the security of your server using them. See

Available ssl-configuration fields are:

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string protocol

This determines what handshake to use.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-file-name key

Path to your private key file.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-file-name certificate

Path to your certificate file.

ssl-configuration parameter: file-object capath

Path to directory containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust when verifying the certificates of remote servers. Defaults to ‘"/etc/ssl/certs"’.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-file-object cafile

Path to a file containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust. Similar to capath but with all certificates concatenated together.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string-list verify

A list of verification options (these mostly map to OpenSSL’s set_verify() flags).

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string-list options

A list of general options relating to SSL/TLS. These map to OpenSSL’s set_options(). For a full list of options available in LuaSec, see the LuaSec source.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer depth

How long a chain of certificate authorities to check when looking for a trusted root certificate.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string ciphers

An OpenSSL cipher string. This selects what ciphers Prosody will offer to clients, and in what order.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-file-name dhparam

A path to a file containing parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. You can create such a file with: openssl dhparam -out /etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string curve

Curve for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman. Prosody’s default is ‘"secp384r1"’.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string-list verifyext

A list of “extra” verification options.

ssl-configuration parameter: maybe-string password

Password for encrypted private keys.

prosody-configuration parameter: boolean c2s-require-encryption?

Whether to force all client-to-server connections to be encrypted or not. See Defaults to ‘#f’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list disable-sasl-mechanisms

Set of mechanisms that will never be offered. See Defaults to ‘'("DIGEST-MD5")’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list insecure-sasl-mechanisms

Set of mechanisms that will not be offered on unencrypted connections. See Defaults to ‘'("PLAIN" "LOGIN")’.

prosody-configuration parameter: boolean s2s-require-encryption?

Whether to force all server-to-server connections to be encrypted or not. See Defaults to ‘#f’.

prosody-configuration parameter: boolean s2s-secure-auth?

Whether to require encryption and certificate authentication. This provides ideal security, but requires servers you communicate with to support encryption AND present valid, trusted certificates. See Defaults to ‘#f’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list s2s-insecure-domains

Many servers don’t support encryption or have invalid or self-signed certificates. You can list domains here that will not be required to authenticate using certificates. They will be authenticated using DNS. See Defaults to ‘'()’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string-list s2s-secure-domains

Even if you leave s2s-secure-auth? disabled, you can still require valid certificates for some domains by specifying a list here. See Defaults to ‘'()’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string authentication

Select the authentication backend to use. The default provider stores passwords in plaintext and uses Prosody’s configured data storage to store the authentication data. If you do not trust your server please see for information about using the hashed backend. See also Defaults to ‘"internal_plain"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: maybe-string log

Set logging options. Advanced logging configuration is not yet supported by the Prosody service. See Defaults to ‘"*syslog"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: file-name pidfile

File to write pid in. See Defaults to ‘"/var/run/prosody/"’.

prosody-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer http-max-content-size

Maximum allowed size of the HTTP body (in bytes).

prosody-configuration parameter: maybe-string http-external-url

Some modules expose their own URL in various ways. This URL is built from the protocol, host and port used. If Prosody sits behind a proxy, the public URL will be http-external-url instead. See

prosody-configuration parameter: virtualhost-configuration-list virtualhosts

A host in Prosody is a domain on which user accounts can be created. For example if you want your users to have addresses like ‘""’ then you need to add a host ‘""’. All options in this list will apply only to this host.

Nota: The name virtual host is used in configuration to avoid confusion with the actual physical host that Prosody is installed on. A single Prosody instance can serve many domains, each one defined as a VirtualHost entry in Prosody’s configuration. Conversely a server that hosts a single domain would have just one VirtualHost entry.


Available virtualhost-configuration fields are:

all these prosody-configuration fields: admins, use-libevent?, modules-enabled, modules-disabled, groups-file, allow-registration?, ssl, c2s-require-encryption?, disable-sasl-mechanisms, insecure-sasl-mechanisms, s2s-require-encryption?, s2s-secure-auth?, s2s-insecure-domains, s2s-secure-domains, authentication, log, http-max-content-size, http-external-url, raw-content, plus:

virtualhost-configuration parameter: string domain

Domain you wish Prosody to serve.

prosody-configuration parameter: int-component-configuration-list int-components

Components are extra services on a server which are available to clients, usually on a subdomain of the main server (such as ‘""’). Example components might be chatroom servers, user directories, or gateways to other protocols.

Internal components are implemented with Prosody-specific plugins. To add an internal component, you simply fill the hostname field, and the plugin you wish to use for the component.

See Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available int-component-configuration fields are:

all these prosody-configuration fields: admins, use-libevent?, modules-enabled, modules-disabled, groups-file, allow-registration?, ssl, c2s-require-encryption?, disable-sasl-mechanisms, insecure-sasl-mechanisms, s2s-require-encryption?, s2s-secure-auth?, s2s-insecure-domains, s2s-secure-domains, authentication, log, http-max-content-size, http-external-url, raw-content, plus:

int-component-configuration parameter: string hostname

Hostname of the component.

int-component-configuration parameter: string plugin

Plugin you wish to use for the component.

int-component-configuration parameter: maybe-mod-muc-configuration mod-muc

Multi-user chat (MUC) is Prosody’s module for allowing you to create hosted chatrooms/conferences for XMPP users.

General information on setting up and using multi-user chatrooms can be found in the “Chatrooms” documentation (, which you should read if you are new to XMPP chatrooms.

See also

Available mod-muc-configuration fields are:

mod-muc-configuration parameter: string name

The name to return in service discovery responses. Defaults to ‘"Prosody Chatrooms"’.

mod-muc-configuration parameter: string-or-boolean restrict-room-creation

If ‘#t’, this will only allow admins to create new chatrooms. Otherwise anyone can create a room. The value ‘"local"’ restricts room creation to users on the service’s parent domain. E.g. ‘’ can create rooms on ‘’. The value ‘"admin"’ restricts to service administrators only. Defaults to ‘#f’.

mod-muc-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-history-messages

Maximum number of history messages that will be sent to the member that has just joined the room. Defaults to ‘20’.

prosody-configuration parameter: ext-component-configuration-list ext-components

External components use XEP-0114, which most standalone components support. To add an external component, you simply fill the hostname field. See Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available ext-component-configuration fields are:

all these prosody-configuration fields: admins, use-libevent?, modules-enabled, modules-disabled, groups-file, allow-registration?, ssl, c2s-require-encryption?, disable-sasl-mechanisms, insecure-sasl-mechanisms, s2s-require-encryption?, s2s-secure-auth?, s2s-insecure-domains, s2s-secure-domains, authentication, log, http-max-content-size, http-external-url, raw-content, plus:

ext-component-configuration parameter: string component-secret

Password which the component will use to log in.

ext-component-configuration parameter: string hostname

Hostname of the component.

prosody-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer-list component-ports

Port(s) Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to ‘'(5347)’.

prosody-configuration parameter: string component-interface

Interface Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to ‘""’.

prosody-configuration parameter: maybe-raw-content raw-content

Raw content that will be added to the configuration file.

It could be that you just want to get a prosody.cfg.lua up and running. In that case, you can pass an opaque-prosody-configuration record as the value of prosody-service-type. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities. Available opaque-prosody-configuration fields are:

opaque-prosody-configuration parameter: package prosody

The prosody package.

opaque-prosody-configuration parameter: string prosody.cfg.lua

The contents of the prosody.cfg.lua to use.

For example, if your prosody.cfg.lua is just the empty string, you could instantiate a prosody service like this:

(service prosody-service-type
          (prosody.cfg.lua "")))

BitlBee Service

BitlBee is a gateway that provides an IRC interface to a variety of messaging protocols such as XMPP.

Variável: bitlbee-service-type

This is the service type for the BitlBee IRC gateway daemon. Its value is a bitlbee-configuration (see below).

To have BitlBee listen on port 6667 on localhost, add this line to your services:

(service bitlbee-service-type)
Tipo de dados: bitlbee-configuration

This is the configuration for BitlBee, with the following fields:

interface (default: "")
port (padrão: 6667)

Listen on the network interface corresponding to the IP address specified in interface, on port.

When interface is, only local clients can connect; when it is, connections can come from any networking interface.

bitlbee (default: bitlbee)

The BitlBee package to use.

plugins (default: '())

List of plugin packages to use—e.g., bitlbee-discord.

extra-settings (default: "")

Configuration snippet added as-is to the BitlBee configuration file.

Quassel Service

Quassel is a distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core.

Variável: quassel-service-type

This is the service type for the Quassel IRC backend daemon. Its value is a quassel-configuration (see below).

Tipo de dados: quassel-configuration

This is the configuration for Quassel, with the following fields:

quassel (default: quassel)

The Quassel package to use.

interface (default: "::,")
port (padrão: 4242)

Listen on the network interface(s) corresponding to the IPv4 or IPv6 interfaces specified in the comma delimited interface, on port.

loglevel (default: "Info")

The level of logging desired. Accepted values are Debug, Info, Warning and Error.

11.10.15 Serviços de telefonia

The (gnu services telephony) module contains Guix service definitions for telephony services. Currently it provides the following services:


Variável: jami-service-type

The service type for running Jami as a service. It takes a jami-configuration object as a value, documented below. This section describes how to configure a Jami server that can be used to host video (or audio) conferences, among other uses. The following example demonstrates how to specify Jami account archives (backups) to be provisioned automatically:

(service jami-service-type
           (list (jami-account
                  (archive "/etc/jami/unencrypted-account-1.gz"))
                  (archive "/etc/jami/unencrypted-account-2.gz"))))))

When the accounts field is specified, the Jami account files of the service found under /var/lib/jami are recreated every time the service starts.

Jami accounts and their corresponding backup archives can be generated using the jami or jami-gnome Jami clients. The accounts should not be password-protected, but it is wise to ensure their files are only readable by ‘root’.

The next example shows how to declare that only some contacts should be allowed to communicate with a given account:

(service jami-service-type
           (list (jami-account
                  (archive "/etc/jami/unencrypted-account-1.gz")
                  (peer-discovery? #t)
                  (rendezvous-point? #t)

In this mode, only the declared allowed-contacts can initiate communication with the Jami account. This can be used, for example, with rendezvous point accounts to create a private video conferencing space.

To put the system administrator in full control of the conferences hosted on their system, the Jami service supports the following actions:

# herd doc jami list-actions

The above actions aim to provide the most valuable actions for moderation purposes, not to cover the whole Jami API. Users wanting to interact with the Jami daemon from Guile may be interested in experimenting with the (gnu build jami-service) module, which powers the above Shepherd actions.

The add-moderator and ban-contact actions accept a contact fingerprint (40 characters long hash) as first argument and an account fingerprint or username as second argument:

# herd add-moderator jami 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f \

# herd list-moderators jami
Moderators for account f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199:
  - 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f

In the case of ban-contact, the second username argument is optional; when omitted, the account is banned from all Jami accounts:

# herd ban-contact jami 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f

# herd list-banned-contacts jami
Banned contacts for account f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199:
  - 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f

Banned contacts are also stripped from their moderation privileges.

The disable-account action allows to completely disconnect an account from the network, making it unreachable, while enable-account does the inverse. They accept a single account username or fingerprint as first argument:

# herd disable-account jami f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199

# herd list-accounts jami
The following Jami accounts are available:
  - f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199 (dummy) [disabled]

The list-account-details action prints the detailed parameters of each accounts in the Recutils format, which means the recsel command can be used to select accounts of interest (veja Selection Expressions em GNU recutils manual). Note that period characters (‘.’) found in the account parameter keys are mapped to underscores (‘_’) in the output, to meet the requirements of the Recutils format. The following example shows how to print the account fingerprints for all accounts operating in the rendezvous point mode:

# herd list-account-details jami | \
  recsel -p Account.username -e 'Account.rendezVous ~ "true"'
Account_username: f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199

The remaining actions should be self-explanatory.

The complete set of available configuration options is detailed below.

Tipo de dados: jami-configuration

Available jami-configuration fields are:

libjami (default: libjami) (type: package)

The Jami daemon package to use.

dbus (default: dbus-for-jami) (type: package)

The D-Bus package to use to start the required D-Bus session.

nss-certs (default: nss-certs) (type: package)

The nss-certs package to use to provide TLS certificates.

enable-logging? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable logging to syslog.

debug? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable debug level messages.

auto-answer? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to force automatic answer to incoming calls.

accounts (type: maybe-jami-account-list)

A list of Jami accounts to be (re-)provisioned every time the Jami daemon service starts. When providing this field, the account directories under /var/lib/jami/ are recreated every time the service starts, ensuring a consistent state.

Tipo de dados: jami-account

Available jami-account fields are:

archive (type: string-or-computed-file)

The account archive (backup) file name of the account. This is used to provision the account when the service starts. The account archive should not be encrypted. It is highly recommended to make it readable only to the ‘root’ user (i.e., not in the store), to guard against leaking the secret key material of the Jami account it contains.

allowed-contacts (type: maybe-account-fingerprint-list)

The list of allowed contacts for the account, entered as their 40 characters long fingerprint. Messages or calls from accounts not in that list will be rejected. When left specified, the configuration of the account archive is used as-is with respect to contacts and public inbound calls/messaging allowance, which typically defaults to allow any contact to communicate with the account.

moderators (type: maybe-account-fingerprint-list)

The list of contacts that should have moderation privileges (to ban, mute, etc. other users) in rendezvous conferences, entered as their 40 characters long fingerprint. When left unspecified, the configuration of the account archive is used as-is with respect to moderation, which typically defaults to allow anyone to moderate.

rendezvous-point? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether the account should operate in the rendezvous mode. In this mode, all the incoming audio/video calls are mixed into a conference. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails.

peer-discovery? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether peer discovery should be enabled. Peer discovery is used to discover other OpenDHT nodes on the local network, which can be useful to maintain communication between devices on such network even when the connection to the Internet has been lost. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails.

bootstrap-hostnames (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

A list of hostnames or IPs pointing to OpenDHT nodes, that should be used to initially join the OpenDHT network. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails.

name-server-uri (type: maybe-string)

The URI of the name server to use, that can be used to retrieve the account fingerprint for a registered username.

Mumble server

This section describes how to set up and run a Mumble server (formerly known as Murmur).

Variável: mumble-server-service-type

This is the service to run a Mumble server. It takes a mumble-server-configuration object as its value, defined below.

Tipo de dados: mumble-server-configuration

The service type for the Mumble server. An example configuration can look like this:

(service mumble-server-service-type
            "Welcome to this Mumble server running on Guix!")
          (cert-required? #t) ;disallow text password logins
          (ssl-cert "/etc/certs/")
          (ssl-key "/etc/certs/")))

After reconfiguring your system, you can manually set the mumble-server SuperUser password with the command that is printed during the activation phase.

It is recommended to register a normal Mumble user account and grant it admin or moderator rights. You can use the mumble client to login as new normal user, register yourself, and log out. For the next step login with the name SuperUser use the SuperUser password that you set previously, and grant your newly registered mumble user administrator or moderator rights and create some channels.

Available mumble-server-configuration fields are:

package (default: mumble)

Package that contains bin/mumble-server.

user (default: "mumble-server")

User who will run the Mumble-Server server.

group (default: "mumble-server")

Group of the user who will run the mumble-server server.

port (padrão: 64738)

Port on which the server will listen.

welcome-text (default: "")

Welcome text sent to clients when they connect.

server-password (default: "")

Password the clients have to enter in order to connect.

max-users (default: 100)

Maximum of users that can be connected to the server at once.

max-user-bandwidth (default: #f)

Maximum voice traffic a user can send per second.

database-file (default: "/var/lib/mumble-server/db.sqlite")

File name of the sqlite database. The service’s user will become the owner of the directory.

log-file (default: "/var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log")

File name of the log file. The service’s user will become the owner of the directory.

autoban-attempts (default: 10)

Maximum number of logins a user can make in autoban-timeframe without getting auto banned for autoban-time.

autoban-timeframe (default: 120)

Timeframe for autoban in seconds.

autoban-time (default: 300)

Amount of time in seconds for which a client gets banned when violating the autoban limits.

opus-threshold (default: 100)

Percentage of clients that need to support opus before switching over to opus audio codec.

channel-nesting-limit (default: 10)

How deep channels can be nested at maximum.

channelname-regex (default: #f)

A string in form of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform to.

username-regex (default: #f)

A string in form of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to.

text-message-length (default: 5000)

Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one text chat message.

image-message-length (default: (* 128 1024))

Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one image message.

cert-required? (default: #f)

If it is set to #t clients that use weak password authentication will not be accepted. Users must have completed the certificate wizard to join.

remember-channel? (padrão: #f)

Should mumble-server remember the last channel each user was in when they disconnected and put them into the remembered channel when they rejoin.

allow-html? (default: #f)

Should html be allowed in text messages, user comments, and channel descriptions.

allow-ping? (default: #f)

Setting to true exposes the current user count, the maximum user count, and the server’s maximum bandwidth per client to unauthenticated users. In the Mumble client, this information is shown in the Connect dialog.

Disabling this setting will prevent public listing of the server.

bonjour? (padrão: #f)

Should the server advertise itself in the local network through the bonjour protocol.

send-version? (default: #f)

Should the mumble-server server version be exposed in ping requests.

log-days (default: 31)

Mumble also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC. The default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs forever, or -1 to disable logging to the database.

obfuscate-ips? (default: #t)

Should logged ips be obfuscated to protect the privacy of users.

ssl-cert (default: #f)

File name of the SSL/TLS certificate used for encrypted connections.

(ssl-cert "/etc/certs/")
ssl-key (default: #f)

Filepath to the ssl private key used for encrypted connections.

(ssl-key "/etc/certs/")
ssl-dh-params (default: #f)

File name of a PEM-encoded file with Diffie-Hellman parameters for the SSL/TLS encryption. Alternatively you set it to "@ffdhe2048", "@ffdhe3072", "@ffdhe4096", "@ffdhe6144" or "@ffdhe8192" to use bundled parameters from RFC 7919.

ssl-ciphers (default: #f)

The ssl-ciphers option chooses the cipher suites to make available for use in SSL/TLS.

This option is specified using OpenSSL cipher list notation.

It is recommended that you try your cipher string using ’openssl ciphers <string>’ before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you will get. After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your Mumble server log to ensure that Mumble is using the cipher suites that you expected it to.

Nota: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your Mumble-Server server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be able to connect to it.

public-registration (default: #f)

Must be a <mumble-server-public-registration-configuration> record or #f.

You can optionally register your server in the public server list that the mumble client shows on startup. You cannot register your server if you have set a server-password, or set allow-ping to #f.

It might take a few hours until it shows up in the public list.

file (padrão: #f)

Optional alternative override for this configuration.

Tipo de dados: mumble-server-public-registration-configuration

Configuration for public registration of a mumble-server service.


This is a display name for your server. Not to be confused with the hostname.


A password to identify your registration. Subsequent updates will need the same password. Don’t lose your password.


This should be a http:// or https:// link to your web site.

hostname (padrão: #f)

By default your server will be listed by its IP address. If it is set your server will be linked by this host name instead.

Deprecation notice: Due to historical reasons, all of the above mumble-server- procedures are also exported with the murmur- prefix. It is recommended that you switch to using mumble-server- going forward.

11.10.16 Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos

The (gnu services file-sharing) module provides services that assist with transferring files over peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

Transmission Daemon Service

Transmission is a flexible BitTorrent client that offers a variety of graphical and command-line interfaces. A transmission-daemon-service-type service provides Transmission’s headless variant, transmission-daemon, as a system service, allowing users to share files via BitTorrent even when they are not logged in.

Variável: transmission-daemon-service-type

The service type for the Transmission Daemon BitTorrent client. Its value must be a transmission-daemon-configuration object as in this example:

(service transmission-daemon-service-type
          ;; Restrict access to the RPC ("control") interface
          (rpc-authentication-required? #t)
          (rpc-username "transmission")
            "transmission" ; desired password
            "uKd1uMs9"))   ; arbitrary salt value

          ;; Accept requests from this and other hosts on the
          ;; local network
          (rpc-whitelist-enabled? #t)
          (rpc-whitelist '("::1" "" "192.168.0.*"))

          ;; Limit bandwidth use during work hours
          (alt-speed-down (* 1024 2)) ;   2 MB/s
          (alt-speed-up 512)          ; 512 kB/s

          (alt-speed-time-enabled? #t)
          (alt-speed-time-day 'weekdays)
           (+ (* 60 8) 30))           ; 8:30 am
           (+ (* 60 (+ 12 5)) 30))))  ; 5:30 pm

Once the service is started, users can interact with the daemon through its Web interface (at http://localhost:9091/) or by using the transmission-remote command-line tool, available in the transmission package. (Emacs users may want to also consider the emacs-transmission package.) Both communicate with the daemon through its remote procedure call (RPC) interface, which by default is available to all users on the system; you may wish to change this by assigning values to the rpc-authentication-required?, rpc-username and rpc-password settings, as shown in the example above and documented further below.

The value for rpc-password must be a password hash of the type generated and used by Transmission clients. This can be copied verbatim from an existing settings.json file, if another Transmission client is already being used. Otherwise, the transmission-password-hash and transmission-random-salt procedures provided by this module can be used to obtain a suitable hash value.

Procedure: transmission-password-hash password salt

Returns a string containing the result of hashing password together with salt, in the format recognized by Transmission clients for their rpc-password configuration setting.

salt must be an eight-character string. The transmission-random-salt procedure can be used to generate a suitable salt value at random.

Procedure: transmission-random-salt

Returns a string containing a random, eight-character salt value of the type generated and used by Transmission clients, suitable for passing to the transmission-password-hash procedure.

These procedures are accessible from within a Guile REPL started with the guix repl command (veja Invocando guix repl). This is useful for obtaining a random salt value to provide as the second parameter to ‘transmission-password-hash‘, as in this example session:

$ guix repl
scheme@(guix-user)> ,use (gnu services file-sharing)
scheme@(guix-user)> (transmission-random-salt)
$1 = "uKd1uMs9"

Alternatively, a complete password hash can generated in a single step:

scheme@(guix-user)> (transmission-password-hash "transmission"
$2 = "{c8bbc6d1740cd8dc819a6e25563b67812c1c19c9VtFPfdsX"

The resulting string can be used as-is for the value of rpc-password, allowing the password to be kept hidden even in the operating-system configuration.

Torrent files downloaded by the daemon are directly accessible only to users in the “transmission” user group, who receive read-only access to the directory specified by the download-dir configuration setting (and also the directory specified by incomplete-dir, if incomplete-dir-enabled? is #t). Downloaded files can be moved to another directory or deleted altogether using transmission-remote with its --move and --remove-and-delete options.

If the watch-dir-enabled? setting is set to #t, users in the “transmission” group are able also to place .torrent files in the directory specified by watch-dir to have the corresponding torrents added by the daemon. (The trash-original-torrent-files? setting controls whether the daemon deletes these files after processing them.)

Some of the daemon’s configuration settings can be changed temporarily by transmission-remote and similar tools. To undo these changes, use the service’s reload action to have the daemon reload its settings from disk:

# herd reload transmission-daemon

The full set of available configuration settings is defined by the transmission-daemon-configuration data type.

Tipo de dados: transmission-daemon-configuration

The data type representing configuration settings for Transmission Daemon. These correspond directly to the settings recognized by Transmission clients in their settings.json file.

Available transmission-daemon-configuration fields are:

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: package transmission

The Transmission package to use.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer stop-wait-period

The period, in seconds, to wait when stopping the service for transmission-daemon to exit before killing its process. This allows the daemon time to complete its housekeeping and send a final update to trackers as it shuts down. On slow hosts, or hosts with a slow network connection, this value may need to be increased.

Defaults to ‘10’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string download-dir

The directory to which torrent files are downloaded.

Defaults to ‘"/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads"’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean incomplete-dir-enabled?

If #t, files will be held in incomplete-dir while their torrent is being downloaded, then moved to download-dir once the torrent is complete. Otherwise, files for all torrents (including those still being downloaded) will be placed in download-dir.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-string incomplete-dir

The directory in which files from incompletely downloaded torrents will be held when incomplete-dir-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: umask umask

The file mode creation mask used for downloaded files. (See the umask man page for more information.)

Defaults to ‘18’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean rename-partial-files?

When #t, “.part” is appended to the name of partially downloaded files.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: preallocation-mode preallocation

The mode by which space should be preallocated for downloaded files, one of none, fast (or sparse) and full. Specifying full will minimize disk fragmentation at a cost to file-creation speed.

Defaults to ‘fast’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean watch-dir-enabled?

If #t, the directory specified by watch-dir will be watched for new .torrent files and the torrents they describe added automatically (and the original files removed, if trash-original-torrent-files? is #t).

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-string watch-dir

The directory to be watched for .torrent files indicating new torrents to be added, when watch-dir-enabled is #t.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean trash-original-torrent-files?

When #t, .torrent files will be deleted from the watch directory once their torrent has been added (see watch-directory-enabled?).

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean speed-limit-down-enabled?

When #t, the daemon’s download speed will be limited to the rate specified by speed-limit-down.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer speed-limit-down

The default global-maximum download speed, in kilobytes per second.

Defaults to ‘100’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean speed-limit-up-enabled?

When #t, the daemon’s upload speed will be limited to the rate specified by speed-limit-up.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer speed-limit-up

The default global-maximum upload speed, in kilobytes per second.

Defaults to ‘100’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean alt-speed-enabled?

When #t, the alternate speed limits alt-speed-down and alt-speed-up are used (in place of speed-limit-down and speed-limit-up, if they are enabled) to constrain the daemon’s bandwidth usage. This can be scheduled to occur automatically at certain times during the week; see alt-speed-time-enabled?.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer alt-speed-down

The alternate global-maximum download speed, in kilobytes per second.

Defaults to ‘50’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer alt-speed-up

The alternate global-maximum upload speed, in kilobytes per second.

Defaults to ‘50’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean alt-speed-time-enabled?

When #t, the alternate speed limits alt-speed-down and alt-speed-up will be enabled automatically during the periods specified by alt-speed-time-day, alt-speed-time-begin and alt-time-speed-end.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: day-list alt-speed-time-day

The days of the week on which the alternate-speed schedule should be used, specified either as a list of days (sunday, monday, and so on) or using one of the symbols weekdays, weekends or all.

Defaults to ‘all’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer alt-speed-time-begin

The time of day at which to enable the alternate speed limits, expressed as a number of minutes since midnight.

Defaults to ‘540’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer alt-speed-time-end

The time of day at which to disable the alternate speed limits, expressed as a number of minutes since midnight.

Defaults to ‘1020’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string bind-address-ipv4

The IP address at which to listen for peer connections, or “” to listen at all available IP addresses.

Defaults to ‘""’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string bind-address-ipv6

The IPv6 address at which to listen for peer connections, or “::” to listen at all available IPv6 addresses.

Defaults to ‘"::"’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean peer-port-random-on-start?

If #t, when the daemon starts it will select a port at random on which to listen for peer connections, from the range specified (inclusively) by peer-port-random-low and peer-port-random-high. Otherwise, it listens on the port specified by peer-port.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: port-number peer-port-random-low

The lowest selectable port number when peer-port-random-on-start? is #t.

Defaults to ‘49152’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: port-number peer-port-random-high

The highest selectable port number when peer-port-random-on-start is #t.

Defaults to ‘65535’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: port-number peer-port

The port on which to listen for peer connections when peer-port-random-on-start? is #f.

Defaults to ‘51413’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean port-forwarding-enabled?

If #t, the daemon will attempt to configure port-forwarding on an upstream gateway automatically using UPnP and NAT-PMP.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: encryption-mode encryption

The encryption preference for peer connections, one of prefer-unencrypted-connections, prefer-encrypted-connections or require-encrypted-connections.

Defaults to ‘prefer-encrypted-connections’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-string peer-congestion-algorithm

The TCP congestion-control algorithm to use for peer connections, specified using a string recognized by the operating system in calls to setsockopt. When left unspecified, the operating-system default is used.

Note that on GNU/Linux systems, the kernel must be configured to allow processes to use a congestion-control algorithm not in the default set; otherwise, it will deny these requests with “Operation not permitted”. To see which algorithms are available on your system and which are currently permitted for use, look at the contents of the files tcp_available_congestion_control and tcp_allowed_congestion_control in the /proc/sys/net/ipv4 directory.

As an example, to have Transmission Daemon use the TCP Low Priority congestion-control algorithm, you’ll need to modify your kernel configuration to build in support for the algorithm, then update your operating-system configuration to allow its use by adding a sysctl-service-type service (or updating the existing one’s configuration) with lines like the following:

(service sysctl-service-type
           ("net.ipv4.tcp_allowed_congestion_control" .
            "reno cubic lp"))))

The Transmission Daemon configuration can then be updated with

(peer-congestion-algorithm "lp")

and the system reconfigured to have the changes take effect.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: tcp-type-of-service peer-socket-tos

The type of service to request in outgoing TCP packets, one of default, low-cost, throughput, low-delay and reliability.

Defaults to ‘default’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer peer-limit-global

The global limit on the number of connected peers.

Defaults to ‘200’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer peer-limit-per-torrent

The per-torrent limit on the number of connected peers.

Defaults to ‘50’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer upload-slots-per-torrent

The maximum number of peers to which the daemon will upload data simultaneously for each torrent.

Defaults to ‘14’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer peer-id-ttl-hours

The maximum lifespan, in hours, of the peer ID associated with each public torrent before it is regenerated.

Defaults to ‘6’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean blocklist-enabled?

When #t, the daemon will ignore peers mentioned in the blocklist it has most recently downloaded from blocklist-url.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-string blocklist-url

The URL of a peer blocklist (in P2P-plaintext or eMule .dat format) to be periodically downloaded and applied when blocklist-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean download-queue-enabled?

If #t, the daemon will be limited to downloading at most download-queue-size non-stalled torrents simultaneously.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer download-queue-size

The size of the daemon’s download queue, which limits the number of non-stalled torrents it will download at any one time when download-queue-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘5’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean seed-queue-enabled?

If #t, the daemon will be limited to seeding at most seed-queue-size non-stalled torrents simultaneously.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer seed-queue-size

The size of the daemon’s seed queue, which limits the number of non-stalled torrents it will seed at any one time when seed-queue-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘10’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean queue-stalled-enabled?

When #t, the daemon will consider torrents for which it has not shared data in the past queue-stalled-minutes minutes to be stalled and not count them against its download-queue-size and seed-queue-size limits.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer queue-stalled-minutes

The maximum period, in minutes, a torrent may be idle before it is considered to be stalled, when queue-stalled-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘30’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean ratio-limit-enabled?

When #t, a torrent being seeded will automatically be paused once it reaches the ratio specified by ratio-limit.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-rational ratio-limit

The ratio at which a torrent being seeded will be paused, when ratio-limit-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘2.0’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean idle-seeding-limit-enabled?

When #t, a torrent being seeded will automatically be paused once it has been idle for idle-seeding-limit minutes.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer idle-seeding-limit

The maximum period, in minutes, a torrent being seeded may be idle before it is paused, when idle-seeding-limit-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘30’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean dht-enabled?

Enable the distributed hash table (DHT) protocol, which supports the use of trackerless torrents.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean lpd-enabled?

Enable local peer discovery (LPD), which allows the discovery of peers on the local network and may reduce the amount of data sent over the public Internet.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean pex-enabled?

Enable peer exchange (PEX), which reduces the daemon’s reliance on external trackers and may improve its performance.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean utp-enabled?

Enable the micro transport protocol (uTP), which aims to reduce the impact of BitTorrent traffic on other users of the local network while maintaining full utilization of the available bandwidth.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean rpc-enabled?

If #t, enable the remote procedure call (RPC) interface, which allows remote control of the daemon via its Web interface, the transmission-remote command-line client, and similar tools.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string rpc-bind-address

The IP address at which to listen for RPC connections, or “” to listen at all available IP addresses.

Defaults to ‘""’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: port-number rpc-port

The port on which to listen for RPC connections.

Defaults to ‘9091’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string rpc-url

The path prefix to use in the RPC-endpoint URL.

Defaults to ‘"/transmission/"’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean rpc-authentication-required?

When #t, clients must authenticate (see rpc-username and rpc-password) when using the RPC interface. Note this has the side effect of disabling host-name whitelisting (see rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-string rpc-username

The username required by clients to access the RPC interface when rpc-authentication-required? is #t.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-transmission-password-hash rpc-password

The password required by clients to access the RPC interface when rpc-authentication-required? is #t. This must be specified using a password hash in the format recognized by Transmission clients, either copied from an existing settings.json file or generated using the transmission-password-hash procedure.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean rpc-whitelist-enabled?

When #t, RPC requests will be accepted only when they originate from an address specified in rpc-whitelist.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string-list rpc-whitelist

The list of IP and IPv6 addresses from which RPC requests will be accepted when rpc-whitelist-enabled? is #t. Wildcards may be specified using ‘*’.

Defaults to ‘'("" "::1")’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?

When #t, RPC requests will be accepted only when they are addressed to a host named in rpc-host-whitelist. Note that requests to “localhost” or “localhost.”, or to a numeric address, are always accepted regardless of these settings.

Note also this functionality is disabled when rpc-authentication-required? is #t.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: string-list rpc-host-whitelist

The list of host names recognized by the RPC server when rpc-host-whitelist-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: message-level message-level

The minimum severity level of messages to be logged (to /var/log/transmission.log) by the daemon, one of none (no logging), error, info and debug.

Defaults to ‘info’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean start-added-torrents?

When #t, torrents are started as soon as they are added; otherwise, they are added in “paused” state.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean script-torrent-done-enabled?

When #t, the script specified by script-torrent-done-filename will be invoked each time a torrent completes.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: maybe-file-object script-torrent-done-filename

A file name or file-like object specifying a script to run each time a torrent completes, when script-torrent-done-enabled? is #t.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean scrape-paused-torrents-enabled?

When #t, the daemon will scrape trackers for a torrent even when the torrent is paused.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer cache-size-mb

The amount of memory, in megabytes, to allocate for the daemon’s in-memory cache. A larger value may increase performance by reducing the frequency of disk I/O.

Defaults to ‘4’.

transmission-daemon-configuration parameter: boolean prefetch-enabled?

When #t, the daemon will try to improve I/O performance by hinting to the operating system which data is likely to be read next from disk to satisfy requests from peers.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

11.10.17 Serviços de monitoramento

Tailon Service

Tailon is a web application for viewing and searching log files.

The following example will configure the service with default values. By default, Tailon can be accessed on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080).

(service tailon-service-type)

The following example customises more of the Tailon configuration, adding sed to the list of allowed commands.

(service tailon-service-type
               (allowed-commands '("tail" "grep" "awk" "sed"))))))
Tipo de dados: tailon-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Tailon. This type has the following parameters:

config-file (default: (tailon-configuration-file))

The configuration file to use for Tailon. This can be set to a tailon-configuration-file record value, or any gexp (veja Expressões-G).

For example, to instead use a local file, the local-file function can be used:

(service tailon-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "./my-tailon.conf"))))
package (default: tailon)

The tailon package to use.

Tipo de dados: tailon-configuration-file

Data type representing the configuration options for Tailon. This type has the following parameters:

files (default: (list "/var/log"))

List of files to display. The list can include strings for a single file or directory, or a list, where the first item is the name of a subsection, and the remaining items are the files or directories in that subsection.

bind (default: "localhost:8080")

Address and port to which Tailon should bind on.

relative-root (default: #f)

URL path to use for Tailon, set to #f to not use a path.

allow-transfers? (default: #t)

Allow downloading the log files in the web interface.

follow-names? (default: #t)

Allow tailing of not-yet existent files.

tail-lines (default: 200)

Number of lines to read initially from each file.

allowed-commands (default: (list "tail" "grep" "awk"))

Commands to allow running. By default, sed is disabled.

debug? (default: #f)

Set debug? to #t to show debug messages.

wrap-lines (default: #t)

Initial line wrapping state in the web interface. Set to #t to initially wrap lines (the default), or to #f to initially not wrap lines.

http-auth (default: #f)

HTTP authentication type to use. Set to #f to disable authentication (the default). Supported values are "digest" or "basic".

users (padrão: #f)

If HTTP authentication is enabled (see http-auth), access will be restricted to the credentials provided here. To configure users, use a list of pairs, where the first element of the pair is the username, and the 2nd element of the pair is the password.

  (http-auth "basic")
  (users     '(("user1" . "password1")
               ("user2" . "password2"))))

Darkstat Service

Darkstat is a packet sniffer that captures network traffic, calculates statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP.

Variável: darkstat-service-type

This is the service type for the darkstat service, its value must be a darkstat-configuration record as in this example:

(service darkstat-service-type
           (interface "eno1")))
Tipo de dados: darkstat-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of darkstat.

package (default: darkstat)

The darkstat package to use.


Capture traffic on the specified network interface.

port (padrão: "667")

Bind the web interface to the specified port.

bind-address (default: "")

Bind the web interface to the specified address.

base (default: "/")

Specify the path of the base URL. This can be useful if darkstat is accessed via a reverse proxy.

Prometheus Node Exporter Service

The Prometheus “node exporter” makes hardware and operating system statistics provided by the Linux kernel available for the Prometheus monitoring system. This service should be deployed on all physical nodes and virtual machines, where monitoring these statistics is desirable.

Variável: prometheus-node-exporter-service-type

This is the service type for the prometheus-node-exporter service, its value must be a prometheus-node-exporter-configuration.

(service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type)
Tipo de dados: prometheus-node-exporter-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of node_exporter.

package (default: go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter)

The prometheus-node-exporter package to use.

web-listen-address (default: ":9100")

Bind the web interface to the specified address.

textfile-directory (default: "/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter")

This directory can be used to export metrics specific to this machine. Files containing metrics in the text format, with the filename ending in .prom should be placed in this directory.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options to pass to the Prometheus node exporter.

vnStat Network Traffic Monitor

vnStat is a network traffic monitor that uses interface statistics provided by the kernel rather than traffic sniffing. This makes it a light resource monitor, regardless of network traffic rate.

Variável: vnstat-service-type

This is the service type for the vnStat daemon and accepts a vnstat-configuration value.

The following example will configure the service with default values:

(service vnstat-service-type)
Tipo de dados: vnstat-configuration

Available vnstat-configuration fields are:

package (default: vnstat) (type: file-like)

The vnstat package.

database-directory (default: "/var/lib/vnstat") (type: string)

Specifies the directory where the database is to be stored. A full path must be given and a leading ’/’ isn’t required.

5-minute-hours (default: 48) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the 5 minute resolution entries. The configuration defines for how many past hours entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

64bit-interface-counters (default: -2) (type: maybe-integer)

Select interface counter handling. Set to 1 for defining that all interfaces use 64-bit counters on the kernel side and 0 for defining 32-bit counter. Set to -1 for using the old style logic used in earlier versions where counter values within 32-bits are assumed to be 32-bit and anything larger is assumed to be a 64-bit counter. This may produce false results if a 64-bit counter is reset within the 32-bits. Set to -2 for using automatic detection based on available kernel datastructures.

always-add-new-interfaces? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable automatic creation of new database entries for interfaces not currently in the database even if the database file already exists when the daemon is started. New database entries will also get created for new interfaces seen while the daemon is running. Pseudo interfaces ‘lo’, ‘lo0’ and ‘sit0’ are always excluded from getting added.

bandwidth-detection? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Try to automatically detect max-bandwidth value for each monitored interface. Mostly only ethernet interfaces support this feature. max-bandwidth will be used as fallback value if detection fails. Any interface specific max-BW configuration will disable the detection for the specified interface. In Linux, the detection is disabled for tun interfaces due to the Linux kernel always reporting 10 Mbit regardless of the used real interface.

bandwidth-detection-interval (default: 5) (type: maybe-integer)

How often in minutes interface specific detection of max-bandwidth is done for detecting possible changes when bandwidth-detection is enabled. Can be disabled by setting to 0. Value range: ‘0’..‘30

boot-variation (default: 15) (type: maybe-integer)

Time in seconds how much the boot time reported by system kernel can variate between updates. Value range: ‘0’..‘300

check-disk-space? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable the availability check of at least some free disk space before a database write.

create-directories? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable the creation of directories when a configured path doesn’t exist. This includes database-directory.

daemon-group (type: maybe-user-group)

Specify the group to which the daemon process should switch during startup. Set to %unset-value to disable group switching.

daemon-user (type: maybe-user-account)

Specify the user to which the daemon process should switch during startup. Set to %unset-value to disable user switching.

daily-days (default: 62) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the one day resolution entries. The configuration defines for how many past days entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

database-synchronous (default: -1) (type: maybe-integer)

Change the setting of the SQLite "synchronous" flag which controls how much care is taken to ensure disk writes have fully completed when writing data to the database before continuing other actions. Higher values take extra steps to ensure data safety at the cost of slower performance. A value of 0 will result in all handling being left to the filesystem itself. Set to -1 to select the default value according to database mode controlled by database-write-ahead-logging setting. See SQLite documentation for more details regarding values from 1 to 3. Value range: ‘-1’..‘3

database-write-ahead-logging? (default: #f) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable SQLite Write-Ahead Logging mode for the database. See SQLite documentation for more details and note that support for read-only operations isn’t available in older SQLite versions.

hourly-days (default: 4) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the one hour resolution entries. The configuration defines for how many past days entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

log-file (type: maybe-string)

Specify log file path and name to be used if use-logging is set to 1.

max-bandwidth (type: maybe-integer)

Maximum bandwidth for all interfaces. If the interface specific traffic exceeds the given value then the data is assumed to be invalid and rejected. Set to 0 in order to disable the feature. Value range: ‘0’..‘50000

max-bw (type: maybe-alist)

Same as max-bandwidth but can be used for setting individual limits for selected interfaces. This is an association list of interfaces as strings to integer values. For example,

(max-bw `(("eth0" .  15000)
          ("ppp0" .  10000)))

bandwidth-detection is disabled on an interface specific level for each max-bw configuration. Value range: ‘0’..‘50000

monthly-months (default: 25) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the one month resolution entries. The configuration defines for how many past months entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

month-rotate (default: 1) (type: maybe-integer)

Day of month that months are expected to change. Usually set to 1 but can be set to alternative values for example for tracking monthly billed traffic where the billing period doesn’t start on the first day. For example, if set to 7, days of February up to and including the 6th will count for January. Changing this option will not cause existing data to be recalculated. Value range: ‘1’..‘28

month-rotate-affects-years? (default: #f) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable month-rotate also affecting yearly data. Applicable only when month-rotate has a value greater than one.

offline-save-interval (default: 30) (type: maybe-integer)

How often in minutes cached interface data is saved to file when all monitored interfaces are offline. Value range: save-interval..‘60

pid-file (default: "/var/run/") (type: maybe-string)

Specify pid file path and name to be used.

poll-interval (default: 5) (type: maybe-integer)

How often in seconds interfaces are checked for status changes. Value range: ‘2’..‘60

rescan-database-on-save? (type: maybe-boolean)

Automatically discover added interfaces from the database and start monitoring. The rescan is done every save-interval or offline-save-interval minutes depending on the current activity state.

save-interval (default: 5) (type: maybe-integer)

How often in minutes cached interface data is saved to file. Value range: ( update-interval / 60 )..‘60

save-on-status-change? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable the additional saving to file of cached interface data when the availability of an interface changes, i.e., when an interface goes offline or comes online.

time-sync-wait (default: 5) (type: maybe-integer)

How many minutes to wait during daemon startup for system clock to sync if most recent database update appears to be in the future. This may be needed in systems without a real-time clock (RTC) which require some time after boot to query and set the correct time. 0 = wait disabled. Value range: ‘0’..‘60

top-day-entries (default: 20) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the top day entries. The configuration defines how many of the past top day entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

trafficless-entries? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Create database entries even when there is no traffic during the entry’s time period.

update-file-owner? (default: #t) (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable the update of file ownership during daemon process startup. During daemon startup, only database, log and pid files will be modified if the user or group change feature ( daemon-user or daemon-group ) is enabled and the files don’t match the requested user or group. During manual database creation, this option will cause file ownership to be inherited from the database directory if the directory already exists. This option only has effect when the process is started as root or via sudo.

update-interval (default: 20) (type: maybe-integer)

How often in seconds the interface data is updated. Value range: poll-interval..‘300

use-logging (default: 2) (type: maybe-integer)

Enable or disable logging. Accepted values are: 0 = disabled, 1 = logfile and 2 = syslog.

use-utc? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable using UTC as timezone in the database for all entries. When enabled, all entries added to the database will use UTC regardless of the configured system timezone. When disabled, the configured system timezone will be used. Changing this setting will not result in already existing data to be modified.

yearly-years (default: -1) (type: maybe-integer)

Data retention duration for the one year resolution entries. The configuration defines for how many past years entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this resolution.

Zabbix server

Zabbix is a high performance monitoring system that can collect data from a variety of sources and provide the results in a web-based interface. Alerting and reporting is built-in, as well as templates for common operating system metrics such as network utilization, CPU load, and disk space consumption.

This service provides the central Zabbix monitoring service; you also need zabbix-front-end-service-type to configure Zabbix and display results, and optionally zabbix-agent-service-type on machines that should be monitored (other data sources are supported, such as Prometheus Node Exporter).

Variável: zabbix-server-service-type

This is the service type for the Zabbix server service. Its value must be a zabbix-server-configuration record, shown below.

Tipo de dados: zabbix-server-configuration

Available zabbix-server-configuration fields are:

zabbix-server (default: zabbix-server) (type: file-like)

The zabbix-server package.

user (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

User who will run the Zabbix server.

group (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Group who will run the Zabbix server.

db-host (default: "") (type: string)

Database host name.

db-name (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Database name.

db-user (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Database user.

db-password (default: "") (type: string)

Database password. Please, use include-files with DBPassword=SECRET inside a specified file instead.

db-port (default: 5432) (type: number)

Database port.

log-type (default: "") (type: string)

Specifies where log messages are written to:

  • system - syslog.
  • file - file specified with log-file parameter.
  • console - standard output.
log-file (default: "/var/log/zabbix/server.log") (type: string)

Log file name for log-type file parameter.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/zabbix/") (type: string)

Name of PID file.

ssl-ca-location (default: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt") (type: string)

The location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server certificate verification.

ssl-cert-location (default: "/etc/ssl/certs") (type: string)

Location of SSL client certificates.

extra-options (default: "") (type: extra-options)

Extra options will be appended to Zabbix server configuration file.

include-files (default: '()) (type: include-files)

You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.

Zabbix agent

The Zabbix agent gathers information about the running system for the Zabbix monitoring server. It has a variety of built-in checks, and can be extended with custom user parameters.

Variável: zabbix-agent-service-type

This is the service type for the Zabbix agent service. Its value must be a zabbix-agent-configuration record, shown below.

Tipo de dados: zabbix-agent-configuration

Available zabbix-agent-configuration fields are:

zabbix-agent (default: zabbix-agentd) (type: file-like)

The zabbix-agent package.

user (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

User who will run the Zabbix agent.

group (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Group who will run the Zabbix agent.

hostname (default: "") (type: string)

Unique, case sensitive hostname which is required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server.

log-type (default: "") (type: string)

Specifies where log messages are written to:

  • system - syslog.
  • file - file specified with log-file parameter.
  • console - standard output.
log-file (default: "/var/log/zabbix/agent.log") (type: string)

Log file name for log-type file parameter.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/zabbix/") (type: string)

Name of PID file.

server (default: '("")) (type: list)

List of IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or hostnames of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies. Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.

server-active (default: '("")) (type: list)

List of IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies for active checks. If port is not specified, default port is used. If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.

extra-options (default: "") (type: extra-options)

Extra options will be appended to Zabbix server configuration file.

include-files (default: '()) (type: include-files)

You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.

Zabbix front-end

The Zabbix front-end provides a web interface to Zabbix. It does not need to run on the same machine as the Zabbix server. This service works by extending the PHP-FPM and NGINX services with the configuration necessary for loading the Zabbix user interface.

Variável: zabbix-front-end-service-type

This is the service type for the Zabbix web frontend. Its value must be a zabbix-front-end-configuration record, shown below.

Tipo de dados: zabbix-front-end-configuration

Available zabbix-front-end-configuration fields are:

zabbix-server (default: zabbix-server) (type: file-like)

The Zabbix server package to use.

nginx (default: '()) (type: list)

List of nginx-server-configuration blocks for the Zabbix front-end. When empty, a default that listens on port 80 is used.

db-host (default: "localhost") (type: string)

Database host name.

db-port (default: 5432) (type: number)

Database port.

db-name (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Database name.

db-user (default: "zabbix") (type: string)

Database user.

db-password (default: "") (type: string)

Database password. Please, use db-secret-file instead.

db-secret-file (default: "") (type: string)

Secret file which will be appended to zabbix.conf.php file. This file contains credentials for use by Zabbix front-end. You are expected to create it manually.

zabbix-host (default: "localhost") (type: string)

Zabbix server hostname.

zabbix-port (default: 10051) (type: number)

Zabbix server port.

11.10.18 Serviços Kerberos

The (gnu services kerberos) module provides services relating to the authentication protocol Kerberos.

Krb5 Service

Programs using a Kerberos client library normally expect a configuration file in /etc/krb5.conf. This service generates such a file from a definition provided in the operating system declaration. It does not cause any daemon to be started.

No “keytab” files are provided by this service—you must explicitly create them. This service is known to work with the MIT client library, mit-krb5. Other implementations have not been tested.

Variável: krb5-service-type

A service type for Kerberos 5 clients.

Here is an example of its use:

(service krb5-service-type
          (default-realm "EXAMPLE.COM")
          (allow-weak-crypto? #t)
          (realms (list
                    (name "EXAMPLE.COM")
                    (admin-server "")
                    (kdc ""))
                    (name "ARGRX.EDU")
                    (admin-server "")
                    (kdc ""))))))

This example provides a Kerberos 5 client configuration which:

  • Recognizes two realms, viz: “EXAMPLE.COM” and “ARGRX.EDU”, both of which have distinct administration servers and key distribution centers;
  • Will default to the realm “EXAMPLE.COM” if the realm is not explicitly specified by clients;
  • Accepts services which only support encryption types known to be weak.

The krb5-realm and krb5-configuration types have many fields. Only the most commonly used ones are described here. For a full list, and more detailed explanation of each, see the MIT krb5.conf documentation.

Tipo de dados: krb5-realm

This field is a string identifying the name of the realm. A common convention is to use the fully qualified DNS name of your organization, converted to upper case.


This field is a string identifying the host where the administration server is running.


This field is a string identifying the key distribution center for the realm.

Tipo de dados: krb5-configuration
allow-weak-crypto? (default: #f)

If this flag is #t then services which only offer encryption algorithms known to be weak will be accepted.

default-realm (default: #f)

This field should be a string identifying the default Kerberos realm for the client. You should set this field to the name of your Kerberos realm. If this value is #f then a realm must be specified with every Kerberos principal when invoking programs such as kinit.


This should be a non-empty list of krb5-realm objects, which clients may access. Normally, one of them will have a name field matching the default-realm field.

PAM krb5 Service

The pam-krb5 service allows for login authentication and password management via Kerberos. You will need this service if you want PAM enabled applications to authenticate users using Kerberos.

Variável: pam-krb5-service-type

A service type for the Kerberos 5 PAM module.

Tipo de dados: pam-krb5-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Kerberos 5 PAM module. This type has the following parameters:

pam-krb5 (default: pam-krb5)

The pam-krb5 package to use.

minimum-uid (default: 1000)

The smallest user ID for which Kerberos authentications should be attempted. Local accounts with lower values will silently fail to authenticate.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.19 Serviços LDAP

Authentication against LDAP with nslcd

The (gnu services authentication) module provides the nslcd-service-type, which can be used to authenticate against an LDAP server. In addition to configuring the service itself, you may want to add ldap as a name service to the Name Service Switch. Veja Name Service Switch for detailed information.

Here is a simple operating system declaration with a default configuration of the nslcd-service-type and a Name Service Switch configuration that consults the ldap name service last:

(use-service-modules authentication)
(use-modules (gnu system nss))
      (service nslcd-service-type)
      (service dhcp-client-service-type)
   (let ((services (list (name-service (name "db"))
                         (name-service (name "files"))
                         (name-service (name "ldap")))))
      (inherit %mdns-host-lookup-nss)
      (password services)
      (shadow   services)
      (group    services)
      (netgroup services)
      (gshadow  services)))))

Available nslcd-configuration fields are:

nslcd-configuration parameter: package nss-pam-ldapd

The nss-pam-ldapd package to use.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number threads

The number of threads to start that can handle requests and perform LDAP queries. Each thread opens a separate connection to the LDAP server. The default is to start 5 threads.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: string uid

This specifies the user id with which the daemon should be run.

Defaults to ‘"nslcd"’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: string gid

This specifies the group id with which the daemon should be run.

Defaults to ‘"nslcd"’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: log-option log

This option controls the way logging is done via a list containing SCHEME and LEVEL. The SCHEME argument may either be the symbols ‘none’ or ‘syslog’, or an absolute file name. The LEVEL argument is optional and specifies the log level. The log level may be one of the following symbols: ‘crit’, ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘notice’, ‘info’ or ‘debug’. All messages with the specified log level or higher are logged.

Defaults to ‘'("/var/log/nslcd" info)’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: list uri

The list of LDAP server URIs. Normally, only the first server will be used with the following servers as fall-back.

Defaults to ‘'("ldap://localhost:389/")’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string ldap-version

The version of the LDAP protocol to use. The default is to use the maximum version supported by the LDAP library.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string binddn

Specifies the distinguished name with which to bind to the directory server for lookups. The default is to bind anonymously.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string bindpw

Specifies the credentials with which to bind. This option is only applicable when used with binddn.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string rootpwmoddn

Specifies the distinguished name to use when the root user tries to modify a user’s password using the PAM module.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string rootpwmodpw

Specifies the credentials with which to bind if the root user tries to change a user’s password. This option is only applicable when used with rootpwmoddn

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string sasl-mech

Specifies the SASL mechanism to be used when performing SASL authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string sasl-realm

Specifies the SASL realm to be used when performing SASL authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string sasl-authcid

Specifies the authentication identity to be used when performing SASL authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string sasl-authzid

Specifies the authorization identity to be used when performing SASL authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean sasl-canonicalize?

Determines whether the LDAP server host name should be canonicalised. If this is enabled the LDAP library will do a reverse host name lookup. By default, it is left up to the LDAP library whether this check is performed or not.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string krb5-ccname

Set the name for the GSS-API Kerberos credentials cache.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: string base

The directory search base.

Defaults to ‘"dc=example,dc=com"’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: scope-option scope

Specifies the search scope (subtree, onelevel, base or children). The default scope is subtree; base scope is almost never useful for name service lookups; children scope is not supported on all servers.

Defaults to ‘'(subtree)’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-deref-option deref

Specifies the policy for dereferencing aliases. The default policy is to never dereference aliases.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean referrals

Specifies whether automatic referral chasing should be enabled. The default behaviour is to chase referrals.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: list-of-map-entries maps

This option allows for custom attributes to be looked up instead of the default RFC 2307 attributes. It is a list of maps, each consisting of the name of a map, the RFC 2307 attribute to match and the query expression for the attribute as it is available in the directory.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: list-of-filter-entries filters

A list of filters consisting of the name of a map to which the filter applies and an LDAP search filter expression.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number bind-timelimit

Specifies the time limit in seconds to use when connecting to the directory server. The default value is 10 seconds.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number timelimit

Specifies the time limit (in seconds) to wait for a response from the LDAP server. A value of zero, which is the default, is to wait indefinitely for searches to be completed.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number idle-timelimit

Specifies the period if inactivity (in seconds) after which the con‐ nection to the LDAP server will be closed. The default is not to time out connections.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number reconnect-sleeptime

Specifies the number of seconds to sleep when connecting to all LDAP servers fails. By default one second is waited between the first failure and the first retry.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number reconnect-retrytime

Specifies the time after which the LDAP server is considered to be permanently unavailable. Once this time is reached retries will be done only once per this time period. The default value is 10 seconds.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-ssl-option ssl

Specifies whether to use SSL/TLS or not (the default is not to). If ’start-tls is specified then StartTLS is used rather than raw LDAP over SSL.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-tls-reqcert-option tls-reqcert

Specifies what checks to perform on a server-supplied certificate. The meaning of the values is described in the ldap.conf(5) manual page.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-cacertdir

Specifies the directory containing X.509 certificates for peer authen‐ tication. This parameter is ignored when using GnuTLS.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-cacertfile

Specifies the path to the X.509 certificate for peer authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-randfile

Specifies the path to an entropy source. This parameter is ignored when using GnuTLS.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-ciphers

Specifies the ciphers to use for TLS as a string.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-cert

Specifies the path to the file containing the local certificate for client TLS authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string tls-key

Specifies the path to the file containing the private key for client TLS authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number pagesize

Set this to a number greater than 0 to request paged results from the LDAP server in accordance with RFC2696. The default (0) is to not request paged results.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-ignore-users-option nss-initgroups-ignoreusers

This option prevents group membership lookups through LDAP for the specified users. Alternatively, the value ’all-local may be used. With that value nslcd builds a full list of non-LDAP users on startup.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number nss-min-uid

This option ensures that LDAP users with a numeric user id lower than the specified value are ignored.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number nss-uid-offset

This option specifies an offset that is added to all LDAP numeric user ids. This can be used to avoid user id collisions with local users.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-number nss-gid-offset

This option specifies an offset that is added to all LDAP numeric group ids. This can be used to avoid user id collisions with local groups.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean nss-nested-groups

If this option is set, the member attribute of a group may point to another group. Members of nested groups are also returned in the higher level group and parent groups are returned when finding groups for a specific user. The default is not to perform extra searches for nested groups.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean nss-getgrent-skipmembers

If this option is set, the group member list is not retrieved when looking up groups. Lookups for finding which groups a user belongs to will remain functional so the user will likely still get the correct groups assigned on login.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean nss-disable-enumeration

If this option is set, functions which cause all user/group entries to be loaded from the directory will not succeed in doing so. This can dramatically reduce LDAP server load in situations where there are a great number of users and/or groups. This option is not recommended for most configurations.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string validnames

This option can be used to specify how user and group names are verified within the system. This pattern is used to check all user and group names that are requested and returned from LDAP.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean ignorecase

This specifies whether or not to perform searches using case-insensitive matching. Enabling this could open up the system to authorization bypass vulnerabilities and introduce nscd cache poisoning vulnerabilities which allow denial of service.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean pam-authc-ppolicy

This option specifies whether password policy controls are requested and handled from the LDAP server when performing user authentication.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string pam-authc-search

By default nslcd performs an LDAP search with the user’s credentials after BIND (authentication) to ensure that the BIND operation was successful. The default search is a simple check to see if the user’s DN exists. A search filter can be specified that will be used instead. It should return at least one entry.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string pam-authz-search

This option allows flexible fine tuning of the authorisation check that should be performed. The search filter specified is executed and if any entries match, access is granted, otherwise access is denied.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: maybe-string pam-password-prohibit-message

If this option is set password modification using pam_ldap will be denied and the specified message will be presented to the user instead. The message can be used to direct the user to an alternative means of changing their password.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

nslcd-configuration parameter: list pam-services

List of pam service names for which LDAP authentication should suffice.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

LDAP Directory Server

The (gnu services ldap) module provides the directory-server-service-type, which can be used to create and launch an LDAP server instance.

Here is an example configuration of the directory-server-service-type:

(use-service-modules ldap)

      (service directory-server-service-type
                  (root-password "{PBKDF2_SHA256}AAAgAG…ABSOLUTELYSECRET")))))

The root password should be generated with the pwdhash utility that is provided by the 389-ds-base package.

Note that changes to the directory server configuration will not be applied to existing instances. You will need to back up and restore server data manually. Only new directory server instances will be created upon system reconfiguration.

Tipo de dados: directory-server-instance-configuration

Available directory-server-instance-configuration fields are:

package (default: 389-ds-base) (type: file-like)

The 389-ds-base package.

config-version (default: 2) (type: number)

Sets the format version of the configuration file. To use the INF file with dscreate, this parameter must be 2.

full-machine-name (default: "localhost") (type: string)

Sets the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) of this system.

selinux (default: #false) (type: boolean)

Enables SELinux detection and integration during the installation of this instance. If set to #true, dscreate auto-detects whether SELinux is enabled.

strict-host-checking (default: #true) (type: boolean)

Sets whether the server verifies the forward and reverse record set in the full-machine-name parameter. When installing this instance with GSSAPI authentication behind a load balancer, set this parameter to #false.

systemd (default: #false) (type: boolean)

Enables systemd platform features. If set to #true, dscreate auto-detects whether systemd is installed.

slapd (type: slapd-configuration)

Configuration of slapd.

Tipo de dados: slapd-configuration

Available slapd-configuration fields are:

instance-name (default: "localhost") (type: string)

Sets the name of the instance. You can refer to this value in other parameters of this INF file using the {instance_name} variable. Note that this name cannot be changed after the installation!

user (default: "dirsrv") (type: string)

Sets the user name the ns-slapd process will use after the service started.

group (default: "dirsrv") (type: string)

Sets the group name the ns-slapd process will use after the service started.

port (default: 389) (type: number)

Sets the TCP port the instance uses for LDAP connections.

secure-port (default: 636) (type: number)

Sets the TCP port the instance uses for TLS-secured LDAP connections (LDAPS).

root-dn (default: "cn=Directory Manager") (type: string)

Sets the Distinquished Name (DN) of the administrator account for this instance.

root-password (default: "{invalid}YOU-SHOULD-CHANGE-THIS") (type: string)

Sets the password of the account specified in the root-dn parameter. You can either set this parameter to a plain text password dscreate hashes during the installation or to a "{algorithm}hash" string generated by the pwdhash utility. Note that setting a plain text password can be a security risk if unprivileged users can read this INF file!

self-sign-cert (default: #true) (type: boolean)

Sets whether the setup creates a self-signed certificate and enables TLS encryption during the installation. This is not suitable for production, but it enables administrators to use TLS right after the installation. You can replace the self-signed certificate with a certificate issued by a certificate authority.

self-sign-cert-valid-months (default: 24) (type: number)

Set the number of months the issued self-signed certificate will be valid.

backup-dir (default: "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/bak") (type: string)

Set the backup directory of the instance.

cert-dir (default: "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}") (type: string)

Sets the directory of the instance’s Network Security Services (NSS) database.

config-dir (default: "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}") (type: string)

Sets the configuration directory of the instance.

db-dir (default: "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/db") (type: string)

Sets the database directory of the instance.

initconfig-dir (default: "/etc/dirsrv/registry") (type: string)

Sets the directory of the operating system’s rc configuration directory.

ldif-dir (default: "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/ldif") (type: string)

Sets the LDIF export and import directory of the instance.

lock-dir (default: "/var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}") (type: string)

Sets the lock directory of the instance.

log-dir (default: "/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}") (type: string)

Sets the log directory of the instance.

run-dir (default: "/run/dirsrv") (type: string)

Sets PID directory of the instance.

schema-dir (default: "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/schema") (type: string)

Sets schema directory of the instance.

tmp-dir (default: "/tmp") (type: string)

Sets the temporary directory of the instance.

backend-userroot (type: backend-userroot-configuration)

Configuration of the userroot backend.

Tipo de dados: backend-userroot-configuration

Available backend-userroot-configuration fields are:

create-suffix-entry? (default: #false) (type: boolean)

Set this parameter to #true to create a generic root node entry for the suffix in the database.

require-index? (default: #false) (type: boolean)

Set this parameter to #true to refuse unindexed searches in this database.

sample-entries (default: "no") (type: string)

Set this parameter to "yes" to add latest version of sample entries to this database. Or, use "001003006" to use the 1.3.6 version sample entries. Use this option, for example, to create a database for testing purposes.

suffix (type: maybe-string)

Sets the root suffix stored in this database. If you do not set the suffix attribute the install process will not create the backend/suffix. You can also create multiple backends/suffixes by duplicating this section.

11.10.20 Serviços web

The (gnu services web) module provides the Apache HTTP Server, the nginx web server, and also a fastcgi wrapper daemon.

Apache HTTP Server

Variável: httpd-service-type

Service type for the Apache HTTP server (httpd). The value for this service type is a httpd-configuration record.

A simple example configuration is given below.

(service httpd-service-type
               (server-name "")
               (document-root "/srv/http/")))))

Other services can also extend the httpd-service-type to add to the configuration.

(simple-service ' httpd-service-type
                    (list (string-join '("ServerName"
                                         "DocumentRoot /srv/http/")

The details for the httpd-configuration, httpd-module, httpd-config-file and httpd-virtualhost record types are given below.

Tipo de dados: httpd-configuration

This data type represents the configuration for the httpd service.

package (default: httpd)

The httpd package to use.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/httpd")

The pid file used by the shepherd-service.

config (default: (httpd-config-file))

The configuration file to use with the httpd service. The default value is a httpd-config-file record, but this can also be a different G-expression that generates a file, for example a plain-file. A file outside of the store can also be specified through a string.

Tipo de dados: httpd-module

This data type represents a module for the httpd service.


The name of the module.


The file for the module. This can be relative to the httpd package being used, the absolute location of a file, or a G-expression for a file within the store, for example (file-append mod-wsgi "/modules/").

Variável: %default-httpd-modules

A default list of httpd-module objects.

Tipo de dados: httpd-config-file

This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service.

modules (default: %default-httpd-modules)

The modules to load. Additional modules can be added here, or loaded by additional configuration.

For example, in order to handle requests for PHP files, you can use Apache’s mod_proxy_fcgi module along with php-fpm-service-type:

(service httpd-service-type
            (modules (cons*
                       (name "proxy_module")
                       (file "modules/"))
                       (name "proxy_fcgi_module")
                       (file "modules/"))
            (extra-config (list "\
<FilesMatch \\.php$>
    SetHandler \"proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/\"
(service php-fpm-service-type
          (socket "/var/run/php-fpm.sock")
          (socket-group "httpd")))
server-root (default: httpd)

The ServerRoot in the configuration file, defaults to the httpd package. Directives including Include and LoadModule are taken as relative to the server root.

server-name (default: #f)

The ServerName in the configuration file, used to specify the request scheme, hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself.

This doesn’t need to be set in the server config, and can be specified in virtual hosts. The default is #f to not specify a ServerName.

document-root (default: "/srv/http")

The DocumentRoot from which files will be served.

listen (default: '("80"))

The list of values for the Listen directives in the config file. The value should be a list of strings, when each string can specify the port number to listen on, and optionally the IP address and protocol to use.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/httpd")

The PidFile to use. This should match the pid-file set in the httpd-configuration so that the Shepherd service is configured correctly.

error-log (default: "/var/log/httpd/error_log")

The ErrorLog to which the server will log errors.

user (default: "httpd")

The User which the server will answer requests as.

group (default: "httpd")

The Group which the server will answer requests as.

extra-config (default: (list "TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types"))

A flat list of strings and G-expressions which will be added to the end of the configuration file.

Any values which the service is extended with will be appended to this list.

Tipo de dados: httpd-virtualhost

This data type represents a virtualhost configuration block for the httpd service.

These should be added to the extra-config for the httpd-service.

(simple-service ' httpd-service-type
                    (list (string-join '("ServerName"
                                          "DocumentRoot /srv/http/")

The addresses and ports for the VirtualHost directive.


The contents of the VirtualHost directive, this should be a list of strings and G-expressions.


Variável: nginx-service-type

Service type for the NGinx web server. The value for this service type is a <nginx-configuration> record.

A simple example configuration is given below.

(service nginx-service-type
             (list (nginx-server-configuration
                     (server-name '(""))
                     (root "/srv/http/"))))))

In addition to adding server blocks to the service configuration directly, this service can be extended by other services to add server blocks, as in this example:

(simple-service 'my-extra-server nginx-service-type
                (list (nginx-server-configuration
                        (root "/srv/http/extra-website")
                        (try-files (list "$uri" "$uri/index.html")))))

At startup, nginx has not yet read its configuration file, so it uses a default file to log error messages. If it fails to load its configuration file, that is where error messages are logged. After the configuration file is loaded, the default error log file changes as per configuration. In our case, startup error messages can be found in /var/run/nginx/logs/error.log, and after configuration in /var/log/nginx/error.log. The second location can be changed with the log-directory configuration option.

Tipo de dados: nginx-configuration

This data type represents the configuration for NGinx. Some configuration can be done through this and the other provided record types, or alternatively, a config file can be provided.

nginx (default: nginx)

The nginx package to use.

shepherd-requirement (default: '())

This is a list of symbols naming Shepherd services the nginx service will depend on.

This is useful if you would like nginx to be started after a back-end web server or a logging service such as Anonip has been started.

log-directory (default: "/var/log/nginx")

The directory to which NGinx will write log files.

log-format (default: 'combined) (type: symbol)

Logging format for the access log. Nginx defaults to the httpd-like format named 'combined. Other formats can be defined using log-formats.

log-formats (default: '())

A list of additional log formats to define, the elements should be of type <nginx-log-format-configuration>.

log-level (default: 'error) (type: symbol)

Logging level for the error log, which can be any of the following values: 'debug, 'info, 'notice, 'warn, 'error, 'crit, 'alert, or 'emerg.

run-directory (default: "/var/run/nginx")

The directory in which NGinx will create a pid file, and write temporary files.

server-blocks (default: '())

A list of server blocks to create in the generated configuration file, the elements should be of type <nginx-server-configuration>.

The following example would setup NGinx to serve from the /srv/http/ directory, without using HTTPS.

(service nginx-service-type
             (list (nginx-server-configuration
                     (server-name '(""))
                     (root "/srv/http/"))))))
upstream-blocks (default: '())

A list of upstream blocks to create in the generated configuration file, the elements should be of type <nginx-upstream-configuration>.

Configuring upstreams through the upstream-blocks can be useful when combined with locations in the <nginx-server-configuration> records. The following example creates a server configuration with one location configuration, that will proxy requests to a upstream configuration, which will handle requests with two servers.

      (list (nginx-server-configuration
              (server-name '(""))
              (root "/srv/http/")
                  (uri "/path1")
                  (body '("proxy_pass http://server-proxy;"))))))))
      (list (nginx-upstream-configuration
              (name "server-proxy")
              (servers (list ""
file (padrão: #f)

If a configuration file is provided, this will be used, rather than generating a configuration file from the provided log-directory, run-directory, server-blocks and upstream-blocks. For proper operation, these arguments should match what is in file to ensure that the directories are created when the service is activated.

This can be useful if you have an existing configuration file, or it’s not possible to do what is required through the other parts of the nginx-configuration record.

server-names-hash-bucket-size (default: #f)

Bucket size for the server names hash tables, defaults to #f to use the size of the processors cache line.

server-names-hash-bucket-max-size (default: #f)

Maximum bucket size for the server names hash tables.

modules (padrão: '())

List of nginx dynamic modules to load. This should be a list of file names of loadable modules, as in this example:

  (file-append nginx-accept-language-module "\
  (file-append nginx-lua-module "\
lua-package-path (default: '())

List of nginx lua packages to load. This should be a list of package names of loadable lua modules, as in this example:

(lua-package-path (list lua-resty-core
lua-package-cpath (default: '())

List of nginx lua C packages to load. This should be a list of package names of loadable lua C modules, as in this example:

(lua-package-cpath (list lua-resty-signal))
global-directives (default: '((events . ())))

Association list of global directives for the top level of the nginx configuration. Values may themselves be association lists.

 `((worker_processes . 16)
   (pcre_jit . on)
   (events . ((worker_connections . 1024)))))
extra-content (default: "")

Additional content to be appended to the http block. Can either be a value that can be lowered into a string or a list of such values. In the former case, it is inserted directly. In the latter, it is prefixed with indentation and suffixed with a newline. Nested lists are flattened into one line.

(extra-content "include /etc/nginx/custom-config.conf;")
(extra-content `("include /etc/nginx/custom-config.conf;"
                 ("include " ,%custom-config.conf ";")))
Data Type: nginx-log-format-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of a custom Nginx log format. This type has the following parameters:

name (type: symbol)

The name of the log format as a symbol.

escape (default: 'default) (type: symbol)

The mode used to escape values of variables in the format. The supported values are:

  • 'default, to escape all characters outside of the ASCII printable range.
  • 'json, to escape all characters invalid in JSON strings.
  • 'none, to disable escaping.
format (type: string)

The format as accepted by the log_format directive.

Tipo de dados: nginx-server-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of an nginx server block. This type has the following parameters:

listen (default: '("80" "443 ssl"))

Each listen directive sets the address and port for IP, or the path for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Both address and port, or only address or only port can be specified. An address may also be a hostname, for example:

'("" "" "8000" "*:8000" "localhost:8000")
server-name (default: (list 'default))

A list of server names this server represents. 'default represents the default server for connections matching no other server.

root (default: "/srv/http")

Root of the website nginx will serve.

locations (default: '())

A list of nginx-location-configuration or nginx-named-location-configuration records to use within this server block.

index (default: (list "index.html"))

Index files to look for when clients ask for a directory. If it cannot be found, Nginx will send the list of files in the directory.

try-files (default: '())

A list of files whose existence is checked in the specified order. nginx will use the first file it finds to process the request.

ssl-certificate (default: #f)

Where to find the certificate for secure connections. Set it to #f if you don’t have a certificate or you don’t want to use HTTPS.

ssl-certificate-key (default: #f)

Where to find the private key for secure connections. Set it to #f if you don’t have a key or you don’t want to use HTTPS.

server-tokens? (default: #f)

Whether the server should add its configuration to response.

raw-content (default: '())

A list of strings or file-like objects to be appended to the server block. Each item is prefixed with indentation and suffixed with a new line. Nested lists are flattened.

Tipo de dados: nginx-upstream-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of an nginx upstream block. This type has the following parameters:


Name for this group of servers.


Specify the addresses of the servers in the group. The address can be specified as a IP address (e.g. ‘’), domain name (e.g. ‘’) or a path to a UNIX socket using the prefix ‘unix:’. For addresses using an IP address or domain name, the default port is 80, and a different port can be specified explicitly.


Additional content to be appended to the upstream block. Can be a string or file-like object or list of thereof. In case of list, each item is prefixed with indentation and suffixed with a new line. Nested lists are flattened.

(extra-content "include /etc/nginx/custom-config.conf;")
(extra-content `("include /etc/nginx/custom-config.conf;"
                 ("include " ,%custom-config.conf ";")))
Tipo de dados: nginx-location-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of an nginx location block. This type has the following parameters:


URI which this location block matches.


Body of the location block, specified as a list of strings or file-like objects. Each item is prefixed with indentation and suffixed with a new line. Nested lists are flattened.

For example, to pass requests to a upstream server group defined using an nginx-upstream-configuration block, the following directive would be specified in the body ‘(list "proxy_pass http://upstream-name;")’.

Tipo de dados: nginx-named-location-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of an nginx named location block. Named location blocks are used for request redirection, and not used for regular request processing. This type has the following parameters:


Name to identify this location block.


Veja nginx-location-configuration body, as the body for named location blocks can be used in a similar way to the nginx-location-configuration body. One restriction is that the body of a named location block cannot contain location blocks.

Varnish Cache

Varnish is a fast cache server that sits in between web applications and end users. It proxies requests from clients and caches the accessed URLs such that multiple requests for the same resource only creates one request to the back-end.

Variável: varnish-service-type

Service type for the Varnish daemon.

Tipo de dados: varnish-configuration

Data type representing the varnish service configuration. This type has the following parameters:

package (default: varnish)

The Varnish package to use.

name (default: "default")

A name for this Varnish instance. Varnish will create a directory in /var/varnish/ with this name and keep temporary files there. If the name starts with a forward slash, it is interpreted as an absolute directory name.

Pass the -n argument to other Varnish programs to connect to the named instance, e.g. varnishncsa -n default.

backend (default: "localhost:8080")

The backend to use. This option has no effect if vcl is set.

vcl (default: #f)

The VCL (Varnish Configuration Language) program to run. If this is #f, Varnish will proxy backend using the default configuration. Otherwise this must be a file-like object with valid VCL syntax.

For example, to mirror with VCL you can do something along these lines:

(define %gnu-mirror
  (plain-file "gnu.vcl"
              "vcl 4.1;
backend gnu { .host = \"\"; }"))

  ;; …
  (services (cons (service varnish-service-type
                            (listen '(":80"))
                            (vcl %gnu-mirror)))

The configuration of an already running Varnish instance can be inspected and changed using the varnishadm program.

Consult the Varnish User Guide and Varnish Book for comprehensive documentation on Varnish and its configuration language.

listen (default: '("localhost:80"))

List of addresses Varnish will listen on.

storage (default: '("malloc,128m"))

List of storage backends that will be available in VCL.

parameters (default: '())

List of run-time parameters in the form '(("parameter" . "value")).

extra-options (default: '())

Additional arguments to pass to the varnishd process.

Whoogle Search

Whoogle Search is a self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting meta search engine that collects and displays Google search results. By default, you can configure it by adding this line to the services field of your operating system declaration:

(service whoogle-service-type)

As a result, Whoogle Search runs as local Web server, which you can access by opening ‘http://localhost:5000’ in your browser. The configuration reference is given below.

Variável: whoogle-service-type

Service type for Whoogle Search. Its value must be a whoogle-configuration record—see below.

Tipo de dados: whoogle-configuration

Data type representing Whoogle Search service configuration.

package (default: whoogle-search)

The Whoogle Search package to use.

host (default: "")

The host address to run Whoogle on.

port (padrão: 5000)

The port where Whoogle will be exposed.

environment-variables (default: '())

A list of strings with the environment variables to configure Whoogle. You can consult its environment variables template for the list of available options.


Patchwork is a patch tracking system. It can collect patches sent to a mailing list, and display them in a web interface.

Variável: patchwork-service-type

Service type for Patchwork.

The following example is an example of a minimal service for Patchwork, for the domain.

(service patchwork-service-type
          (domain "")
            (allowed-hosts (list domain))
            (default-from-email "")))
            (type "SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever")
            (server "")
            (port 993)
            (username "patchwork")
             (list (file-append coreutils "/bin/cat")
            '((mailboxes . ("Patches"))))))))

There are three records for configuring the Patchwork service. The <patchwork-configuration> relates to the configuration for Patchwork within the HTTPD service.

The settings-module field within the <patchwork-configuration> record can be populated with the <patchwork-settings-module> record, which describes a settings module that is generated within the Guix store.

For the database-configuration field within the <patchwork-settings-module>, the <patchwork-database-configuration> must be used.

Tipo de dados: patchwork-configuration

Data type representing the Patchwork service configuration. This type has the following parameters:

patchwork (default: patchwork)

The Patchwork package to use.


The domain to use for Patchwork, this is used in the HTTPD service virtual host.


The settings module to use for Patchwork. As a Django application, Patchwork is configured with a Python module containing the settings. This can either be an instance of the <patchwork-settings-module> record, any other record that represents the settings in the store, or a directory outside of the store.

static-path (default: "/static/")

The path under which the HTTPD service should serve the static files.


The getmail-retriever-configuration record value to use with Patchwork. Getmail will be configured with this value, the messages will be delivered to Patchwork.

Tipo de dados: patchwork-settings-module

Data type representing a settings module for Patchwork. Some of these settings relate directly to Patchwork, but others relate to Django, the web framework used by Patchwork, or the Django Rest Framework library. This type has the following parameters:

database-configuration (default: (patchwork-database-configuration))

The database connection settings used for Patchwork. See the <patchwork-database-configuration> record type for more information.

secret-key-file (default: "/etc/patchwork/django-secret-key")

Patchwork, as a Django web application uses a secret key for cryptographically signing values. This file should contain a unique unpredictable value.

If this file does not exist, it will be created and populated with a random value by the patchwork-setup shepherd service.

This setting relates to Django.


A list of valid hosts for this Patchwork service. This should at least include the domain specified in the <patchwork-configuration> record.

This is a Django setting.


The email address from which Patchwork should send email by default.

This is a Patchwork setting.

static-url (default: #f)

The URL to use when serving static assets. It can be part of a URL, or a full URL, but must end in a /.

If the default value is used, the static-path value from the <patchwork-configuration> record will be used.

This is a Django setting.

admins (default: '())

Email addresses to send the details of errors that occur. Each value should be a list containing two elements, the name and then the email address.

This is a Django setting.

debug? (default: #f)

Whether to run Patchwork in debug mode. If set to #t, detailed error messages will be shown.

This is a Django setting.

enable-rest-api? (default: #t)

Whether to enable the Patchwork REST API.

This is a Patchwork setting.

enable-xmlrpc? (default: #t)

Whether to enable the XML RPC API.

This is a Patchwork setting.

force-https-links? (default: #t)

Whether to use HTTPS links on Patchwork pages.

This is a Patchwork setting.

extra-settings (default: "")

Extra code to place at the end of the Patchwork settings module.

Tipo de dados: patchwork-database-configuration

Data type representing the database configuration for Patchwork.

engine (default: "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2")

The database engine to use.

name (default: "patchwork")

The name of the database to use.

user (default: "httpd")

The user to connect to the database as.

password (default: "")

The password to use when connecting to the database.

host (default: "")

The host to make the database connection to.

port (padrão: "")

The port on which to connect to the database.


Mumi is a Web interface to the Debbugs bug tracker, by default for the GNU instance. Mumi is a Web server, but it also fetches and indexes mail retrieved from Debbugs.

Variável: mumi-service-type

This is the service type for Mumi.

Tipo de dados: mumi-configuration

Data type representing the Mumi service configuration. This type has the following fields:

mumi (default: mumi)

The Mumi package to use.

mailer? (default: #true)

Whether to enable or disable the mailer component.


The email address used as the sender for comments.


A URI to configure the SMTP settings for Mailutils. This could be something like sendmail:///path/to/bin/msmtp or any other URI supported by Mailutils. Veja SMTP Mailboxes em GNU Mailutils.


Association list mapping tags to filename regular expressions. Keys are tag names, and values are lists of regular expressions. For each entry of the association list, the tag is applied if a filename referred to in a patch matches any of the regular expressions.


FastCGI is an interface between the front-end and the back-end of a web service. It is a somewhat legacy facility; new web services should generally just talk HTTP between the front-end and the back-end. However there are a number of back-end services such as PHP or the optimized HTTP Git repository access that use FastCGI, so we have support for it in Guix.

To use FastCGI, you configure the front-end web server (e.g., nginx) to dispatch some subset of its requests to the fastcgi backend, which listens on a local TCP or UNIX socket. There is an intermediary fcgiwrap program that sits between the actual backend process and the web server. The front-end indicates which backend program to run, passing that information to the fcgiwrap process.

Variável: fcgiwrap-service-type

A service type for the fcgiwrap FastCGI proxy.

Tipo de dados: fcgiwrap-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the fcgiwrap service. This type has the following parameters:

package (default: fcgiwrap)

The fcgiwrap package to use.

socket (default: tcp:

The socket on which the fcgiwrap process should listen, as a string. Valid socket values include unix:/path/to/unix/socket, and tcp6:[ipv6_addr]:port.

user (default: fcgiwrap)
group (default: fcgiwrap)

The user and group names, as strings, under which to run the fcgiwrap process. The fastcgi service will ensure that if the user asks for the specific user or group names fcgiwrap that the corresponding user and/or group is present on the system.

It is possible to configure a FastCGI-backed web service to pass HTTP authentication information from the front-end to the back-end, and to allow fcgiwrap to run the back-end process as a corresponding local user. To enable this capability on the back-end, run fcgiwrap as the root user and group. Note that this capability also has to be configured on the front-end as well.


PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size.

These features include:

  • Adaptive process spawning
  • Basic statistics (similar to Apache’s mod_status)
  • Advanced process management with graceful stop/start
  • Ability to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment and different php.ini (replaces safe_mode)
  • Stdout & stderr logging
  • Emergency restart in case of accidental opcode cache destruction
  • Accelerated upload support
  • Support for a "slowlog"
  • Enhancements to FastCGI, such as fastcgi_finish_request() - a special function to finish request & flush all data while continuing to do something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing, etc.)

... e muito mais.

Variável: php-fpm-service-type

A Service type for php-fpm.

Tipo de dados: php-fpm-configuration

Data Type for php-fpm service configuration.

php (default: php)

The php package to use.

socket (default: (string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.sock"))

The address on which to accept FastCGI requests. Valid syntaxes are:


Listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on a specific port.


Listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a specific port.


Listen on a unix socket.

user (default: php-fpm)

User who will own the php worker processes.

group (default: php-fpm)

Group of the worker processes.

socket-user (default: php-fpm)

User who can speak to the php-fpm socket.

socket-group (default: nginx)

Group that can speak to the php-fpm socket.

pid-file (default: (string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) ""))

The process id of the php-fpm process is written to this file once the service has started.

log-file (default: (string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.log"))

Log for the php-fpm master process.

process-manager (default: (php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration))

Detailed settings for the php-fpm process manager. Must be one of:

display-errors (default #f)

Determines whether php errors and warning should be sent to clients and displayed in their browsers. This is useful for local php development, but a security risk for public sites, as error messages can reveal passwords and personal data.

timezone (default #f)

Specifies php_admin_value[date.timezone] parameter.

workers-logfile (default (string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.www.log"))

This file will log the stderr outputs of php worker processes. Can be set to #f to disable logging.

file (padrão #f)

An optional override of the whole configuration. You can use the mixed-text-file function or an absolute filepath for it.

php-ini-file (default #f)

An optional override of the default php settings. It may be any “file-like” object (veja file-like objects). You can use the mixed-text-file function or an absolute filepath for it.

For local development it is useful to set a higher timeout and memory limit for spawned php processes. This be accomplished with the following operating system configuration snippet:

(define %local-php-ini
  (plain-file "php.ini"
              "memory_limit = 2G
max_execution_time = 1800"))

  ;; …
  (services (cons (service php-fpm-service-type
                            (php-ini-file %local-php-ini)))

Consult the core php.ini directives for comprehensive documentation on the acceptable php.ini directives.

Tipo de dados: php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration

Data Type for the dynamic php-fpm process manager. With the dynamic process manager, spare worker processes are kept around based on its configured limits.

max-children (default: 5)

Maximum of worker processes.

start-servers (default: 2)

How many worker processes should be started on start-up.

min-spare-servers (default: 1)

How many spare worker processes should be kept around at minimum.

max-spare-servers (default: 3)

How many spare worker processes should be kept around at maximum.

Tipo de dados: php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration

Data Type for the static php-fpm process manager. With the static process manager, an unchanging number of worker processes are created.

max-children (default: 5)

Maximum of worker processes.

Tipo de dados: php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration

Data Type for the on-demand php-fpm process manager. With the on-demand process manager, worker processes are only created as requests arrive.

max-children (default: 5)

Maximum of worker processes.

process-idle-timeout (default: 10)

The time in seconds after which a process with no requests is killed.

Procedure: nginx-php-location [#:nginx-package nginx] [socket (string-append "/var/run/php"  (version-major (package-version

php)) "-fpm.sock")] A helper function to quickly add php to an nginx-server-configuration.

A simple services setup for nginx with php can look like this:

(services (cons* (service dhcp-client-service-type)
                 (service php-fpm-service-type)
                 (service nginx-service-type
                           (server-name '(""))
                           (root "/srv/http/")
                            (list (nginx-php-location)))
                           (listen '("80"))
                           (ssl-certificate #f)
                           (ssl-certificate-key #f)))

The cat avatar generator is a simple service to demonstrate the use of php-fpm in Nginx. It is used to generate cat avatar from a seed, for instance the hash of a user’s email address.

Procedure: cat-avatar-generator-service [#:cache-dir "/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator"]  [#:package

cat-avatar-generator]  [#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)] Returns an nginx-server-configuration that inherits configuration. It extends the nginx configuration to add a server block that serves package, a version of cat-avatar-generator. During execution, cat-avatar-generator will be able to use cache-dir as its cache directory.

A simple setup for cat-avatar-generator can look like this:

(services (cons* (cat-avatar-generator-service
                    (server-name '(""))))


The hpcguix-web program is a customizable web interface to browse Guix packages, initially designed for users of high-performance computing (HPC) clusters.

Variável: hpcguix-web-service-type

The service type for hpcguix-web.

Tipo de dados: hpcguix-web-configuration

Data type for the hpcguix-web service configuration.

specs (default: #f)

Either #f or a gexp (veja Expressões-G) specifying the hpcguix-web service configuration as an hpcguix-web-configuration record. The main fields of that record type are:

title-prefix (default: "hpcguix | ")

The page title prefix.

guix-command (default: "guix")

The guix command to use in examples that appear on HTML pages.

package-filter-proc (default: (const #t))

A procedure specifying how to filter packages that are displayed.

package-page-extension-proc (default: (const '()))

Extension package for hpcguix-web.

menu (default: '())

Additional entry in page menu.

channels (default: %default-channels)

List of channels from which the package list is built (veja Canais).

package-list-expiration (default: (* 12 3600))

The expiration time, in seconds, after which the package list is rebuilt from the latest instances of the given channels.

See the hpcguix-web repository for a complete example.

package (default: hpcguix-web)

The hpcguix-web package to use.

address (default: "")

The IP address to listen to.

port (padrão: 5000)

The port number to listen to.

A typical hpcguix-web service declaration looks like this:

(service hpcguix-web-service-type
              (title-prefix "Guix-HPC - ")
              (menu '(("/about" "ABOUT")))))))

Nota: The hpcguix-web service periodically updates the package list it publishes by pulling channels from Git. To that end, it needs to access X.509 certificates so that it can authenticate Git servers when communicating over HTTPS, and it assumes that /etc/ssl/certs contains those certificates.

A certificate package, nss-certs, is provided by default as part of %base-packages. Certificados X.509, for more information on X.509 certificates.


The gmnisrv program is a simple Gemini protocol server.

Variável: gmnisrv-service-type

This is the type of the gmnisrv service, whose value should be a gmnisrv-configuration object, as in this example:

(service gmnisrv-service-type
           (config-file (local-file "./my-gmnisrv.ini"))))
Tipo de dados: gmnisrv-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of gmnisrv.

package (default: gmnisrv)

Package object of the gmnisrv server.

config-file (default: %default-gmnisrv-config-file)

File-like object of the gmnisrv configuration file to use. The default configuration listens on port 1965 and serves files from /srv/gemini. Certificates are stored in /var/lib/gemini/certs. For more information, run man gmnisrv and man gmnisrv.ini.


The Agate (GitHub page over HTTPS) program is a simple Gemini protocol server written in Rust.

Variável: agate-service-type

This is the type of the agate service, whose value should be an agate-service-type object, as in this example:

(service agate-service-type
	   (content "/srv/gemini")
	   (certificates "/srv/gemini-certs")))

The example above represents the minimal tweaking necessary to get Agate up and running. Specifying the path to the certificate and key directory is always necessary, as the Gemini protocol requires TLS by default.

If the specified certificates path is writable by Agate, and contains no valid pre-generated key and certificate, Agate will try to generate them on the first start. In this case you should pass at least one hostname using the hostnames option. If the specified directory is read-only, key and certificate should be pre-generated by the user.

To obtain a certificate and a key in DER format, you could, for example, use OpenSSL, running commands similar to the following example:

openssl genpkey -out key.der -outform DER -algorithm RSA \
    -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl req -x509 -key key.der -outform DER -days 3650 -out cert.der \
    -subj "/"

Of course, you’ll have to replace with your own domain name, and then point the Agate configuration towards the path of the directory with the generated key and certificate using the certificates option.

Tipo de dados: agate-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Agate.

package (default: agate)

The package object of the Agate server.

content (default: "/srv/gemini")

The directory from which Agate will serve files.

certificates (default: "/srv/gemini-certs")

Root of the certificate directory. Must be filled in with a value from the user.

addresses (default: '("[::]:1965" ""))

A list of the addresses to listen on.

hostnames (default: '())

Virtual hosts for the Gemini server. If multiple values are specified, corresponding directory names should be present in the content directory. Optional.

languages (default: #f)

RFC 4646 language code(s) for text/gemini documents. Optional.

only-tls13? (default: #f)

Set to #t to disable support for TLSv1.2.

serve-secret? (default: #f)

Set to #t to serve secret files (files/directories starting with a dot).

central-configuration? (default: #f)

Set to #t to look for the .meta configuration file in the content root directory and will ignore .meta files in other directories

ed25519? (default: #f)

Set to #t to generate keys using the Ed25519 signature algorithm instead of the default ECDSA.

skip-port-check? (default: #f)

Set to #t to skip URL port check even when a hostname is specified.

log-ip? (default: #t)

Whether or not to output IP addresses when logging.

user (default: "agate")

Owner of the agate process.

group (default: "agate")

Owner’s group of the agate process.

log-file (default: "/var/log/agate.log")

The file which should store the logging output of Agate.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.21 Serviços de certificado

The (gnu services certbot) module provides a service to automatically obtain a valid TLS certificate from the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority. These certificates can then be used to serve content securely over HTTPS or other TLS-based protocols, with the knowledge that the client will be able to verify the server’s authenticity.

Let’s Encrypt provides the certbot tool to automate the certification process. This tool first securely generates a key on the server. It then makes a request to the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority (CA) to sign the key. The CA checks that the request originates from the host in question by using a challenge-response protocol, requiring the server to provide its response over HTTP. If that protocol completes successfully, the CA signs the key, resulting in a certificate. That certificate is valid for a limited period of time, and therefore to continue to provide TLS services, the server needs to periodically ask the CA to renew its signature.

The certbot service automates this process: the initial key generation, the initial certification request to the Let’s Encrypt service, the web server challenge/response integration, writing the certificate to disk, the automated periodic renewals, and the deployment tasks associated with the renewal (e.g. reloading services, copying keys with different permissions).

Certbot is run twice a day, at a random minute within the hour. It won’t do anything until your certificates are due for renewal or revoked, but running it regularly would give your service a chance of staying online in case a Let’s Encrypt-initiated revocation happened for some reason.

By using this service, you agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement, which can be found there:

Variável: certbot-service-type

A service type for the certbot Let’s Encrypt client. Its value must be a certbot-configuration record as in this example:

(service certbot-service-type
          (email "")
             (domains '("" "")))
             (domains '("")))))))

See below for details about certbot-configuration.

Tipo de dados: certbot-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the certbot service. This type has the following parameters:

package (default: certbot)

The certbot package to use.

webroot (default: /var/www)

The directory from which to serve the Let’s Encrypt challenge/response files.

certificates (default: '())

A list of certificates-configurations for which to generate certificates and request signatures. Each certificate has a name and several domains.

email (default: #f)

Optional email address used for registration and recovery contact. Setting this is encouraged as it allows you to receive important notifications about the account and issued certificates.

server (default: #f)

Optional URL of ACME server. Setting this overrides certbot’s default, which is the Let’s Encrypt server.

rsa-key-size (default: 2048)

Size of the RSA key.

default-location (default: see below)

The default nginx-location-configuration. Because certbot needs to be able to serve challenges and responses, it needs to be able to run a web server. It does so by extending the nginx web service with an nginx-server-configuration listening on the domains on port 80, and which has a nginx-location-configuration for the /.well-known/ URI path subspace used by Let’s Encrypt. Veja Serviços web, for more on these nginx configuration data types.

Requests to other URL paths will be matched by the default-location, which if present is added to all nginx-server-configurations.

By default, the default-location will issue a redirect from http://domain/... to https://domain/..., leaving you to define what to serve on your site via https.

Pass #f to not issue a default location.

Tipo de dados: certificate-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of a certificate. This type has the following parameters:

name (default: see below)

This name is used by Certbot for housekeeping and in file paths; it doesn’t affect the content of the certificate itself. To see certificate names, run certbot certificates.

Its default is the first provided domain.

domains (default: '())

The first domain provided will be the subject CN of the certificate, and all domains will be Subject Alternative Names on the certificate.

challenge (padrão: #f)

The challenge type that has to be run by certbot. If #f is specified, default to the HTTP challenge. If a value is specified, defaults to the manual plugin (see authentication-hook, cleanup-hook and the documentation at, and gives Let’s Encrypt permission to log the public IP address of the requesting machine.

csr (default: #f)

File name of Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in DER or PEM format. If #f is specified, this argument will not be passed to certbot. If a value is specified, certbot will use it to obtain a certificate, instead of using a self-generated CSR. The domain-name(s) mentioned in domains, must be consistent with the domain-name(s) mentioned in CSR file.

authentication-hook (padrão: #f)

Command to be run in a shell once for each certificate challenge to be answered. For this command, the shell variable $CERTBOT_DOMAIN will contain the domain being authenticated, $CERTBOT_VALIDATION contains the validation string and $CERTBOT_TOKEN contains the file name of the resource requested when performing an HTTP-01 challenge.

cleanup-hook (padrão: #f)

Command to be run in a shell once for each certificate challenge that have been answered by the auth-hook. For this command, the shell variables available in the auth-hook script are still available, and additionally $CERTBOT_AUTH_OUTPUT will contain the standard output of the auth-hook script.

deploy-hook (default: #f)

Command to be run in a shell once for each successfully issued certificate. For this command, the shell variable $RENEWED_LINEAGE will point to the config live subdirectory (for example, ‘"/etc/letsencrypt/live/"’) containing the new certificates and keys; the shell variable $RENEWED_DOMAINS will contain a space-delimited list of renewed certificate domains (for example, ‘""’.

start-self-signed? (default: #t)

Whether to generate an initial self-signed certificate during system activation. This option is particularly useful to allow nginx to start before certbot has run, because certbot relies on nginx running to perform HTTP challenges.

For each certificate-configuration, the certificate is saved to /etc/certs/name/fullchain.pem and the key is saved to /etc/certs/name/privkey.pem.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.22 Serviços DNS

The (gnu services dns) module provides services related to the domain name system (DNS). It provides a server service for hosting an authoritative DNS server for multiple zones, slave or master. This service uses Knot DNS. And also a caching and forwarding DNS server for the LAN, which uses dnsmasq.

Knot Service

An example configuration of an authoritative server for two zones, one master and one slave, is:

;; Name TTL Class Type Data
  ("@"  ""  "IN"  "A"  "")
  ("@"  ""  "IN"  "NS" "ns")
  ("ns" ""  "IN"  "A"  ""))

(define master-zone
    (domain "")
    (zone (zone-file
            (origin "")

(define slave-zone
    (domain "")
    (dnssec-policy "default")
    (master (list "plop-master"))))

(define plop-master
    (id "plop-master")
    (address (list ""))))

  ;; ...
  (services (cons* (service knot-service-type
                       (remotes (list plop-master))
                       (zones (list master-zone slave-zone))))
                   ;; ...
Variável: knot-service-type

This is the type for the Knot DNS server.

Knot DNS is an authoritative DNS server, meaning that it can serve multiple zones, that is to say domain names you would buy from a registrar. This server is not a resolver, meaning that it can only resolve names for which it is authoritative. This server can be configured to serve zones as a master server or a slave server as a per-zone basis. Slave zones will get their data from masters, and will serve it as an authoritative server. From the point of view of a resolver, there is no difference between master and slave.

The following data types are used to configure the Knot DNS server:

Tipo de dados: knot-key-configuration

Data type representing a key. This type has the following parameters:

id (default: "")

An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must be unique and must not be empty.

algorithm (padrão: #f)

The algorithm to use. Choose between #f, 'hmac-md5, 'hmac-sha1, 'hmac-sha224, 'hmac-sha256, 'hmac-sha384 and 'hmac-sha512.

secret (default: "")

The secret key itself.

Tipo de dados: knot-acl-configuration

Data type representing an Access Control List (ACL) configuration. This type has the following parameters:

id (default: "")

An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must be unique and must not be empty.

address (default: '())

An ordered list of IP addresses, network subnets, or network ranges represented with strings. The query must match one of them. Empty value means that address match is not required.

key (default: '())

An ordered list of references to keys represented with strings. The string must match a key ID defined in a knot-key-configuration. No key means that a key is not require to match that ACL.

action (default: '())

An ordered list of actions that are permitted or forbidden by this ACL. Possible values are lists of zero or more elements from 'transfer, 'notify and 'update.

deny? (padrão: #f)

When true, the ACL defines restrictions. Listed actions are forbidden. When false, listed actions are allowed.

Tipo de dados: zone-entry

Data type representing a record entry in a zone file. This type has the following parameters:

name (default: "@")

The name of the record. "@" refers to the origin of the zone. Names are relative to the origin of the zone. For example, in the zone, "" actually refers to Names ending with a dot are absolute, which means that "" refers to

ttl (default: "")

The Time-To-Live (TTL) of this record. If not set, the default TTL is used.

class (default: "IN")

The class of the record. Knot currently supports only "IN" and partially "CH".

type (default: "A")

The type of the record. Common types include A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6 address), NS (Name Server) and MX (Mail eXchange). Many other types are defined.

data (default: "")

The data contained in the record. For instance an IP address associated with an A record, or a domain name associated with an NS record. Remember that domain names are relative to the origin unless they end with a dot.

Tipo de dados: zone-file

Data type representing the content of a zone file. This type has the following parameters:

entries (default: '())

The list of entries. The SOA record is taken care of, so you don’t need to put it in the list of entries. This list should probably contain an entry for your primary authoritative DNS server. Other than using a list of entries directly, you can use define-zone-entries to define a object containing the list of entries more easily, that you can later pass to the entries field of the zone-file.

origin (default: "")

The name of your zone. This parameter cannot be empty.

ns (default: "ns")

The domain of your primary authoritative DNS server. The name is relative to the origin, unless it ends with a dot. It is mandatory that this primary DNS server corresponds to an NS record in the zone and that it is associated to an IP address in the list of entries.

mail (default: "hostmaster")

An email address people can contact you at, as the owner of the zone. This is translated as <mail>@<origin>.

serial (default: 1)

The serial number of the zone. As this is used to keep track of changes by both slaves and resolvers, it is mandatory that it never decreases. Always increment it when you make a change in your zone.

refresh (default: (* 2 24 3600))

The frequency at which slaves will do a zone transfer. This value is a number of seconds. It can be computed by multiplications or with (string->duration).

retry (default: (* 15 60))

The period after which a slave will retry to contact its master when it fails to do so a first time.

expiry (default: (* 14 24 3600))

Default TTL of records. Existing records are considered correct for at most this amount of time. After this period, resolvers will invalidate their cache and check again that it still exists.

nx (default: 3600)

Default TTL of inexistent records. This delay is usually short because you want your new domains to reach everyone quickly.

Tipo de dados: knot-remote-configuration

Data type representing a remote configuration. This type has the following parameters:

id (default: "")

An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this remote. IDs must be unique and must not be empty.

address (default: '())

An ordered list of destination IP addresses. Addresses are tried in sequence. An optional port can be given with the @ separator. For instance: (list "" ""). Default port is 53.

via (default: '())

An ordered list of source IP addresses. An empty list will have Knot choose an appropriate source IP. An optional port can be given with the @ separator. The default is to choose at random.

key (padrão: #f)

A reference to a key, that is a string containing the identifier of a key defined in a knot-key-configuration field.

Tipo de dados: knot-keystore-configuration

Data type representing a keystore to hold dnssec keys. This type has the following parameters:

id (default: "")

The id of the keystore. It must not be empty.

backend (default: 'pem)

The backend to store the keys in. Can be 'pem or 'pkcs11.

config (default: "/var/lib/knot/keys/keys")

The configuration string of the backend. An example for the PKCS#11 is: "pkcs11:token=knot;pin-value=1234 /gnu/store/.../lib/pkcs11/". For the pem backend, the string represents a path in the file system.

Tipo de dados: knot-policy-configuration

Data type representing a dnssec policy. Knot DNS is able to automatically sign your zones. It can either generate and manage your keys automatically or use keys that you generate.

Dnssec is usually implemented using two keys: a Key Signing Key (KSK) that is used to sign the second, and a Zone Signing Key (ZSK) that is used to sign the zone. In order to be trusted, the KSK needs to be present in the parent zone (usually a top-level domain). If your registrar supports dnssec, you will have to send them your KSK’s hash so they can add a DS record in their zone. This is not automated and need to be done each time you change your KSK.

The policy also defines the lifetime of keys. Usually, ZSK can be changed easily and use weaker cryptographic functions (they use lower parameters) in order to sign records quickly, so they are changed often. The KSK however requires manual interaction with the registrar, so they are changed less often and use stronger parameters because they sign only one record.

This type has the following parameters:

id (default: "")

The id of the policy. It must not be empty.

keystore (default: "default")

A reference to a keystore, that is a string containing the identifier of a keystore defined in a knot-keystore-configuration field. The "default" identifier means the default keystore (a kasp database that was setup by this service).

manual? (padrão: #f)

Whether the key management is manual or automatic.

single-type-signing? (default: #f)

When #t, use the Single-Type Signing Scheme.

algorithm (default: "ecdsap256sha256")

An algorithm of signing keys and issued signatures.

ksk-size (default: 256)

The length of the KSK. Note that this value is correct for the default algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.

zsk-size (default: 256)

The length of the ZSK. Note that this value is correct for the default algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.

dnskey-ttl (default: 'default)

The TTL value for DNSKEY records added into zone apex. The special 'default value means same as the zone SOA TTL.

zsk-lifetime (default: (* 30 24 3600))

The period between ZSK publication and the next rollover initiation.

propagation-delay (default: (* 24 3600))

An extra delay added for each key rollover step. This value should be high enough to cover propagation of data from the master server to all slaves.

rrsig-lifetime (default: (* 14 24 3600))

A validity period of newly issued signatures.

rrsig-refresh (default: (* 7 24 3600))

A period how long before a signature expiration the signature will be refreshed.

nsec3? (padrão: #f)

When #t, NSEC3 will be used instead of NSEC.

nsec3-iterations (default: 5)

The number of additional times the hashing is performed.

nsec3-salt-length (default: 8)

The length of a salt field in octets, which is appended to the original owner name before hashing.

nsec3-salt-lifetime (default: (* 30 24 3600))

The validity period of newly issued salt field.

Tipo de dados: knot-zone-configuration

Data type representing a zone served by Knot. This type has the following parameters:

domain (default: "")

The domain served by this configuration. It must not be empty.

file (default: "")

The file where this zone is saved. This parameter is ignored by master zones. Empty means default location that depends on the domain name.

zone (default: (zone-file))

The content of the zone file. This parameter is ignored by slave zones. It must contain a zone-file record.

master (default: '())

A list of master remotes. When empty, this zone is a master. When set, this zone is a slave. This is a list of remotes identifiers.

ddns-master (default: #f)

The main master. When empty, it defaults to the first master in the list of masters.

notify (default: '())

A list of slave remote identifiers.

acl (default: '())

A list of acl identifiers.

semantic-checks? (default: #f)

When set, this adds more semantic checks to the zone.

zonefile-sync (default: 0)

The delay between a modification in memory and on disk. 0 means immediate synchronization.

zonefile-load (padrão: #f)

The way the zone file contents are applied during zone load. Possible values are:

  • #f for using the default value from Knot,
  • 'none for not using the zone file at all,
  • 'difference for computing the difference between already available contents and zone contents and applying it to the current zone contents,
  • 'difference-no-serial for the same as 'difference, but ignoring the SOA serial in the zone file, while the server takes care of it automatically.
  • 'whole for loading zone contents from the zone file.
journal-content (default: #f)

The way the journal is used to store zone and its changes. Possible values are 'none to not use it at all, 'changes to store changes and 'all to store contents. #f does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used.

max-journal-usage (padrão: #f)

The maximum size for the journal on disk. #f does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used.

max-journal-depth (padrão: #f)

The maximum size of the history. #f does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used.

max-zone-size (padrão: #f)

The maximum size of the zone file. This limit is enforced for incoming transfer and updates. #f does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used.

dnssec-policy (padrão: #f)

A reference to a knot-policy-configuration record, or the special name "default". If the value is #f, there is no dnssec signing on this zone.

serial-policy (default: 'increment)

A policy between 'increment and 'unixtime.

Tipo de dados: knot-configuration

Data type representing the Knot configuration. This type has the following parameters:

knot (default: knot)

The Knot package.

run-directory (default: "/var/run/knot")

The run directory. This directory will be used for pid file and sockets.

includes (default: '())

A list of strings or file-like objects denoting other files that must be included at the top of the configuration file.

This can be used to manage secrets out-of-band. For example, secret keys may be stored in an out-of-band file not managed by Guix, and thus not visible in /gnu/store—e.g., you could store secret key configuration in /etc/knot/secrets.conf and add this file to the includes list.

One can generate a secret tsig key (for nsupdate and zone transfers with the keymgr command from the knot package. Note that the package is not automatically installed by the service. The following example shows how to generate a new tsig key:

keymgr -t mysecret > /etc/knot/secrets.conf
chmod 600 /etc/knot/secrets.conf

Also note that the generated key will be named mysecret, so it is the name that needs to be used in the key field of the knot-acl-configuration record and in other places that need to refer to that key.

It can also be used to add configuration not supported by this interface.

listen-v4 (default: "")

An ip address on which to listen.

listen-v6 (default: "::")

An ip address on which to listen.

listen-port (default: 53)

A port on which to listen.

keys (default: '())

The list of knot-key-configuration used by this configuration.

acls (default: '())

The list of knot-acl-configuration used by this configuration.

remotes (default: '())

The list of knot-remote-configuration used by this configuration.

zones (default: '())

The list of knot-zone-configuration used by this configuration.

Knot Resolver Service

Variável: knot-resolver-service-type

This is the type of the knot resolver service, whose value should be a knot-resolver-configuration object as in this example:

(service knot-resolver-service-type
           (kresd-config-file (plain-file "kresd.conf" "
net.listen('', 5353)
user('knot-resolver', 'knot-resolver')
modules = { 'hints > iterate', 'stats', 'predict' }
cache.size = 100 * MB

For more information, refer its manual.

Tipo de dados: knot-resolver-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of knot-resolver.

package (default: knot-resolver)

Package object of the knot DNS resolver.

kresd-config-file (default: %kresd.conf)

File-like object of the kresd configuration file to use, by default it will listen on and ::1.

garbage-collection-interval (default: 1000)

Number of milliseconds for kres-cache-gc to periodically trim the cache.

Dnsmasq Service

Variável: dnsmasq-service-type

This is the type of the dnsmasq service, whose value should be a dnsmasq-configuration object as in this example:

(service dnsmasq-service-type
           (no-resolv? #t)
           (servers '(""))))
Tipo de dados: dnsmasq-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of dnsmasq.

package (default: dnsmasq)

Package object of the dnsmasq server.

provision (default: '(dnsmasq))

A list of symbols for the Shepherd service corresponding to this dnsmasq configuration.

no-hosts? (padrão: #f)

When true, don’t read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.

port (padrão: 53)

The port to listen on. Setting this to zero completely disables DNS responses, leaving only DHCP and/or TFTP functions.

local-service? (padrão: #t)

Accept DNS queries only from hosts whose address is on a local subnet, ie a subnet for which an interface exists on the server.

listen-addresses (default: '())

Listen on the given IP addresses.

resolv-file (default: "/etc/resolv.conf")

The file to read the IP address of the upstream nameservers from.

no-resolv? (padrão: #f)

When true, don’t read resolv-file.

forward-private-reverse-lookup? (default: #t)

When false, all reverse lookups for private IP ranges are answered with "no such domain" rather than being forwarded upstream.

query-servers-in-order? (default: #f)

When true, dnsmasq queries the servers in the same order as they appear in servers.

servers (default: '())

Specify IP address of upstream servers directly.

servers-file (default: #f)

Specify file containing upstream servers. This file is re-read when dnsmasq receives SIGHUP. Could be either a string or a file-like object.

addresses (default: '())

For each entry, specify an IP address to return for any host in the given domains. Queries in the domains are never forwarded and always replied to with the specified IP address.

This is useful for redirecting hosts locally, for example:

(service dnsmasq-service-type
             '(; Redirect to a local web-server.
               ; Redirect subdomain to a specific IP.

Note that rules in /etc/hosts take precedence over this.

cache-size (padrão: 150)

Set the size of dnsmasq’s cache. Setting the cache size to zero disables caching.

negative-cache? (padrão: #t)

When false, disable negative caching.

cpe-id (default: #f)

If set, add a CPE (Customer-Premises Equipment) identifier to DNS queries which are forwarded upstream.

tftp-enable? (default: #f)

Whether to enable the built-in TFTP server.

tftp-no-fail? (default: #f)

If true, does not fail dnsmasq if the TFTP server could not start up.

tftp-single-port? (default: #f)

Whether to use only one single port for TFTP.

tftp-secure? (default: #f)

If true, only files owned by the user running the dnsmasq process are accessible.

If dnsmasq is being run as root, different rules apply: tftp-secure? has no effect, but only files which have the world-readable bit set are accessible.

tftp-max (default: #f)

If set, sets the maximal number of concurrent connections allowed.

tftp-mtu (default: #f)

If set, sets the MTU for TFTP packets to that value.

tftp-no-blocksize? (default: #f)

If true, stops the TFTP server from negotiating the blocksize with a client.

tftp-lowercase? (default: #f)

Whether to convert all filenames in TFTP requests to lowercase.

tftp-port-range (default: #f)

If set, fixes the dynamical ports (one per client) to the given range ("<start>,<end>").

tftp-root (default: /var/empty,lo)

Look for files to transfer using TFTP relative to the given directory. When this is set, TFTP paths which include ‘..’ are rejected, to stop clients getting outside the specified root. Absolute paths (starting with ‘/’) are allowed, but they must be within the TFTP-root. If the optional interface argument is given, the directory is only used for TFTP requests via that interface.

tftp-unique-root (default: #f)

If set, add the IP or hardware address of the TFTP client as a path component on the end of the TFTP-root. Only valid if a TFTP root is set and the directory exists. Defaults to adding IP address (in standard dotted-quad format).

For instance, if --tftp-root is ‘/tftp’ and client ‘’ requests file myfile then the effective path will be /tftp/ if /tftp/ exists or /tftp/myfile otherwise. When ‘=mac’ is specified it will append the MAC address instead, using lowercase zero padded digits separated by dashes, e.g.: ‘01-02-03-04-aa-bb’. Note that resolving MAC addresses is only possible if the client is in the local network or obtained a DHCP lease from dnsmasq.

extra-options (default: '())

This option provides an “escape hatch” for the user to provide arbitrary command-line arguments to dnsmasq as a list of strings.

Unbound Service

Variável: unbound-service-type

This is the type of the service to run Unbound, a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. Its value must be a unbound-configuration object as in this example:

(service unbound-service-type
             (name ".")
             (forward-addr '(""
             (forward-tls-upstream #t))))))
Data Type: unbound-configuration

Available unbound-configuration fields are:

server (type: unbound-server)

General options for the Unbound server.

remote-control (type: unbound-remote)

Remote control options for the daemon.

forward-zone (default: ()) (type: list-of-unbound-zone)

A zone for which queries should be forwarded to another resolver.

extra-content (type: maybe-string)

Raw content to add to the configuration file.

Data Type: unbound-server

Available unbound-server fields are:

interface (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

Interfaces listened on for queries from clients.

hide-version (type: maybe-boolean)

Refuse the version.server and version.bind queries.

hide-identity (type: maybe-boolean)

Refuse the id.server and hostname.bind queries.

tls-cert-bundle (type: maybe-string)

Certificate bundle file, used for DNS over TLS.

extra-options (default: ()) (type: alist)

An association list of options to append.

Data Type: unbound-remote

Available unbound-remote fields are:

control-enable (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable remote control.

control-interface (type: maybe-string)

IP address or local socket path to listen on for remote control.

extra-options (default: ()) (type: alist)

An association list of options to append.

Data Type: unbound-zone

Available unbound-zone fields are:

name (type: string)

Zone name.

forward-addr (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

IP address of server to forward to.

forward-tls-upstream (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether the queries to this forwarder use TLS for transport.

extra-options (default: ()) (type: alist)

An association list of options to append.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.23 VNC Services

The (gnu services vnc) module provides services related to Virtual Network Computing (VNC), which makes it possible to locally use graphical Xorg applications running on a remote machine. Combined with a graphical manager that supports the X Display Manager Control Protocol, such as GDM (veja gdm) or LightDM (veja lightdm), it is possible to remote an entire desktop for a multi-user environment.


Xvnc is a VNC server that spawns its own X window server; which means it can run on headless servers. The Xvnc implementations provided by the tigervnc-server and turbovnc aim to be fast and efficient.

Variável: xvnc-service-type

The xvnc-service-type service can be configured via the xvnc-configuration record, documented below. A second virtual display could be made available on a remote machine via the following configuration:

(service xvnc-service-type
         (xvnc-configuration (display-number 10)))

As a demonstration, the xclock command could then be started on the remote machine on display number 10, and it could be displayed locally via the vncviewer command:

# Start xclock on the remote machine.
ssh -L5910:localhost:5910 your-host -- guix shell xclock \
    -- env DISPLAY=:10 xclock
# Access it via VNC.
guix shell tigervnc-client -- vncviewer localhost:5910

The following configuration combines XDMCP and Inetd to allow multiple users to concurrently use the remote system and login graphically via the GDM display manager:

  (services (cons*
             (service xvnc-service-type (xvnc-configuration
                                         (display-number 5)
                                         (localhost? #f)
                                         (xdmcp? #t)
                                         (inetd? #t)))
             (modify-services %desktop-services
               (gdm-service-type config => (gdm-configuration
                                            (inherit config)
                                            (auto-suspend? #f)
                                            (xdmcp? #t)))))))

A remote user could then connect to it by using the vncviewer command or a compatible VNC client and start a desktop session of their choosing:

vncviewer remote-host:5905

Aviso: Unless your machine is in a controlled environment, for security reasons, the localhost? configuration of the xvnc-configuration record should be left to its default #t value and exposed via a secure means such as an SSH port forward. The XDMCP port, UDP 177 should also be blocked from the outside by a firewall, as it is not a secure protocol and can expose login credentials in clear.

Tipo de dados: xvnc-configuration

Available xvnc-configuration fields are:

xvnc (default: tigervnc-server) (type: file-like)

The package that provides the Xvnc binary.

display-number (default: 0) (type: number)

The display number used by Xvnc. You should set this to a number not already used a Xorg server.

geometry (default: "1024x768") (type: string)

The size of the desktop to be created.

depth (default: 24) (type: color-depth)

The pixel depth in bits of the desktop to be created. Accepted values are 16, 24 or 32.

port (type: maybe-port)

The port on which to listen for connections from viewers. When left unspecified, it defaults to 5900 plus the display number.

ipv4? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Use IPv4 for incoming and outgoing connections.

ipv6? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Use IPv6 for incoming and outgoing connections.

password-file (type: maybe-string)

The password file to use, if any. Refer to vncpasswd(1) to learn how to generate such a file.

xdmcp? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Query the XDMCP server for a session. This enables users to log in a desktop session from the login manager screen. For a multiple users scenario, you’ll want to enable the inetd? option as well, so that each connection to the VNC server is handled separately rather than shared.

inetd? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Use an Inetd-style service, which runs the Xvnc server on demand.

frame-rate (default: 60) (type: number)

The maximum number of updates per second sent to each client.

security-types (default: '("None")) (type: security-types)

The allowed security schemes to use for incoming connections. The default is "None", which is safe given that Xvnc is configured to authenticate the user via the display manager, and only for local connections. Accepted values are any of the following: ("None" "VncAuth" "Plain" "TLSNone" "TLSVnc" "TLSPlain" "X509None" "X509Vnc")

localhost? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Only allow connections from the same machine. It is set to #true by default for security, which means SSH or another secure means should be used to expose the remote port.

log-level (default: 30) (type: log-level)

The log level, a number between 0 and 100, 100 meaning most verbose output. The log messages are output to syslog.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: strings)

This can be used to provide extra Xvnc options not exposed via this <xvnc-configuration> record.

11.10.24 Serviços VPN

The (gnu services vpn) module provides services related to virtual private networks (VPNs).


Variável: bitmask-service-type

A service type for the Bitmask VPN client. It makes the client available in the system and loads its polkit policy. Please note that the client expects an active polkit-agent, which is either run by your desktop-environment or should be run manually.


It provides a client service for your machine to connect to a VPN, and a server service for your machine to host a VPN. Both openvpn-client-service-type and openvpn-server-service-type can be run simultaneously.

Variável: openvpn-client-service-type

Type of the service that runs openvpn, a VPN daemon, as a client.

The value for this service is a <openvpn-client-configuration> object.

Variável: openvpn-server-service-type

Type of the service that runs openvpn, a VPN daemon, as a server.

The value for this service is a <openvpn-server-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: openvpn-client-configuration

Available openvpn-client-configuration fields are:

openvpn (default: openvpn) (type: file-like)

The OpenVPN package.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/openvpn/") (type: string)

The OpenVPN pid file.

proto (default: udp) (type: proto)

The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and servers.

dev (default: tun) (type: dev)

The device type used to represent the VPN connection.

ca (default: "/etc/openvpn/ca.crt") (type: maybe-string)

The certificate authority to check connections against.

cert (default: "/etc/openvpn/client.crt") (type: maybe-string)

The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be signed by the authority given in ca.

key (default: "/etc/openvpn/client.key") (type: maybe-string)

The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose certificate is cert.

comp-lzo? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.

persist-key? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Don’t re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or –ping-restart.

persist-tun? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Don’t close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1 or –ping-restart restarts.

fast-io? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

(Experimental) Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP I/O writes by avoiding a call to poll/epoll/select prior to the write operation.

verbosity (default: 3) (type: number)

Verbosity level.

tls-auth (default: #f) (type: tls-auth-client)

Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control channel to protect against DoS attacks.

auth-user-pass (type: maybe-string)

Authenticate with server using username/password. The option is a file containing username/password on 2 lines. Do not use a file-like object as it would be added to the store and readable by any user.

verify-key-usage? (default: #t) (type: key-usage)

Whether to check the server certificate has server usage extension.

bind? (default: #f) (type: bind)

Bind to a specific local port number.

resolv-retry? (default: #t) (type: resolv-retry)

Retry resolving server address.

remote (default: '()) (type: openvpn-remote-list)

A list of remote servers to connect to.

Tipo de dados: openvpn-remote-configuration

Available openvpn-remote-configuration fields are:

name (default: "my-server") (type: string)

Nome do servidor.

port (default: 1194) (type: number)

Port number the server listens to.

Tipo de dados: openvpn-server-configuration

Available openvpn-server-configuration fields are:

openvpn (default: openvpn) (type: file-like)

The OpenVPN package.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/openvpn/") (type: string)

The OpenVPN pid file.

proto (default: udp) (type: proto)

The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and servers.

dev (default: tun) (type: dev)

The device type used to represent the VPN connection.

ca (default: "/etc/openvpn/ca.crt") (type: maybe-string)

The certificate authority to check connections against.

cert (default: "/etc/openvpn/client.crt") (type: maybe-string)

The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be signed by the authority given in ca.

key (default: "/etc/openvpn/client.key") (type: maybe-string)

The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose certificate is cert.

comp-lzo? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.

persist-key? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Don’t re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or –ping-restart.

persist-tun? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Don’t close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1 or –ping-restart restarts.

fast-io? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

(Experimental) Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP I/O writes by avoiding a call to poll/epoll/select prior to the write operation.

verbosity (default: 3) (type: number)

Verbosity level.

tls-auth (default: #f) (type: tls-auth-server)

Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control channel to protect against DoS attacks.

port (default: 1194) (type: number)

Specifies the port number on which the server listens.

server (default: "") (type: ip-mask)

An ip and mask specifying the subnet inside the virtual network.

server-ipv6 (default: #f) (type: cidr6)

A CIDR notation specifying the IPv6 subnet inside the virtual network.

dh (default: "/etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem") (type: string)

The Diffie-Hellman parameters file.

ifconfig-pool-persist (default: "/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt") (type: string)

The file that records client IPs.

redirect-gateway? (default: #f) (type: gateway)

When true, the server will act as a gateway for its clients.

client-to-client? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

When true, clients are allowed to talk to each other inside the VPN.

keepalive (default: (10 120)) (type: keepalive)

Causes ping-like messages to be sent back and forth over the link so that each side knows when the other side has gone down. keepalive requires a pair. The first element is the period of the ping sending, and the second element is the timeout before considering the other side down.

max-clients (default: 100) (type: number)

The maximum number of clients.

status (default: "/var/run/openvpn/status") (type: string)

The status file. This file shows a small report on current connection. It is truncated and rewritten every minute.

client-config-dir (default: '()) (type: openvpn-ccd-list)

The list of configuration for some clients.


Currently, the strongSwan service only provides legacy-style configuration with ipsec.conf and ipsec.secrets files.

Variável: strongswan-service-type

A service type for configuring strongSwan for IPsec VPN (Virtual Private Networking). Its value must be a strongswan-configuration record as in this example:

(service strongswan-service-type
          (ipsec-conf "/etc/ipsec.conf")
          (ipsec-secrets "/etc/ipsec.secrets")))
Tipo de dados: strongswan-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the StrongSwan service.


The strongSwan package to use for this service.

ipsec-conf (default: #f)

The file name of your ipsec.conf. If not #f, then this and ipsec-secrets must both be strings.

ipsec-secrets (default #f)

The file name of your ipsec.secrets. If not #f, then this and ipsec-conf must both be strings.


Variável: wireguard-service-type

A service type for a Wireguard tunnel interface. Its value must be a wireguard-configuration record as in this example:

(service wireguard-service-type
             (name "my-peer")
             (endpoint "")
             (public-key "hzpKg9X1yqu1axN6iJp0mWf6BZGo8m1wteKwtTmDGF4=")
             (allowed-ips '("")))))))
Tipo de dados: wireguard-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Wireguard service.


The wireguard package to use for this service.

interface (default: "wg0")

The interface name for the VPN.

addresses (default: '(""))

List of strings or G-expressions which represent the IP addresses to be assigned to the above interface.

port (padrão: 51820)

The port on which to listen for incoming connections.

dns (default: '()))

List of strings or G-expressions which represent the DNS server(s) to announce to VPN clients via DHCP.

monitor-ips? (default: #f)

Whether to monitor the resolved Internet addresses (IPs) of the endpoints of the configured peers, resetting the peer endpoints using an IP address that no longer correspond to their freshly resolved host name. Set this to #t if one or more endpoints use host names provided by a dynamic DNS service to keep the sessions alive.

monitor-ips-interval (default: '(next-minute (range 0 60 5)))

The time interval at which the IP monitoring job should run, provided as an mcron time specification (veja (mcron)Guile Syntax).

private-key (default: "/etc/wireguard/private.key")

The private key file for the interface. It is automatically generated if the file does not exist. If this field is #f, a private key is not automatically created and the path is not serialized to the configuration file.

bootstrap-private-key? (default: #t)

Whether or not the private key should be generated automatically if it does not exist.

Setting this to #f allows one to set the private key using command substitution. One example shown in the wg-quick(8) manual is retrieving a private key using password-store. This can be achieved with the following code:

  #~(string-append "<("
                   #$(file-append password-store "/bin/pass")
                   ;; Wireguard replaces %i with the interface name.
                   " WireGuard/private-keys/%i)")))
peers (default: '())

The authorized peers on this interface. This is a list of wireguard-peer records.

pre-up (default: '())

List of strings or G-expressions. These are script snippets which will be executed before setting up the interface.

post-up (default: '())

List of strings or G-expressions. These are script snippets which will be executed after setting up the interface.

pre-down (default: '())

List of strings or G-expressions. These are script snippets which will be executed before tearing down the interface.

post-down (default: '())

List of strings or G-expressions. These are script snippets which will be executed after tearing down the interface.

table (default: "auto")

The routing table to which routes are added, as a string. There are two special values: "off" that disables the creation of routes altogether, and "auto" (the default) that adds routes to the default table and enables special handling of default routes.

auto-start? (default: #t")

Whether the Wireguard network should be started automatically by the Shepherd. If it is #f the service has to be started manually with herd start wireguard-$interface (for example: herd start wireguard-wg0).

Tipo de dados: wireguard-peer

Data type representing a Wireguard peer attached to a given interface.


The peer name.

endpoint (default: #f)

The optional endpoint for the peer, such as "".


The peer public-key represented as a base64 string.

preshared-key (default: #f)

An optional pre-shared key file for this peer that can be either a string or a G-expression. The given file will not be autogenerated.


A list of IP addresses from which incoming traffic for this peer is allowed and to which incoming traffic for this peer is directed.

keep-alive (default: #f)

An optional time interval in seconds. A packet will be sent to the server endpoint once per time interval. This helps receiving incoming connections from this peer when you are behind a NAT or a firewall.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.25 Sistema de arquivos de rede

The (gnu services nfs) module provides the following services, which are most commonly used in relation to mounting or exporting directory trees as network file systems (NFS).

While it is possible to use the individual components that together make up a Network File System service, we recommended to configure an NFS server with the nfs-service-type.

NFS Service

The NFS service takes care of setting up all NFS component services, kernel configuration file systems, and installs configuration files in the locations that NFS expects.

Variável: nfs-service-type

A service type for a complete NFS server.

Tipo de dados: nfs-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the NFS service and all of its subsystems.

It has the following parameters:

nfs-utils (default: nfs-utils)

The nfs-utils package to use.

nfs-versions (default: '("4.2" "4.1" "4.0"))

If a list of string values is provided, the rpc.nfsd daemon will be limited to supporting the given versions of the NFS protocol.

exports (default: '())

This is a list of directories the NFS server should export. Each entry is a list consisting of two elements: a directory name and a string containing all options. This is an example in which the directory /export is served to all NFS clients as a read-only share:

rpcmountd-port (default: #f)

The network port that the rpc.mountd daemon should use.

rpcstatd-port (default: #f)

The network port that the rpc.statd daemon should use.

rpcbind (default: rpcbind)

The rpcbind package to use.

idmap-domain (default: "localdomain")

The local NFSv4 domain name.

nfsd-port (default: 2049)

The network port that the nfsd daemon should use.

nfsd-threads (default: 8)

The number of threads used by the nfsd daemon.

nfsd-tcp? (default: #t)

Whether the nfsd daemon should listen on a TCP socket.

nfsd-udp? (default: #f)

Whether the nfsd daemon should listen on a UDP socket.

pipefs-directory (default: "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs")

The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.

debug (default: '()")

A list of subsystems for which debugging output should be enabled. This is a list of symbols. Any of these symbols are valid: nfsd, nfs, rpc, idmap, statd, or mountd.

If you don’t need a complete NFS service or prefer to build it yourself you can use the individual component services that are documented below.

RPC Bind Service

The RPC Bind service provides a facility to map program numbers into universal addresses. Many NFS related services use this facility. Hence it is automatically started when a dependent service starts.

Variável: rpcbind-service-type

A service type for the RPC portmapper daemon.

Tipo de dados: rpcbind-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the RPC Bind Service. This type has the following parameters:

rpcbind (default: rpcbind)

The rpcbind package to use.

warm-start? (default: #t)

If this parameter is #t, then the daemon will read a state file on startup thus reloading state information saved by a previous instance.

Pipefs Pseudo File System

The pipefs file system is used to transfer NFS related data between the kernel and user space programs.

Variável: pipefs-service-type

A service type for the pipefs pseudo file system.

Tipo de dados: pipefs-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the pipefs pseudo file system service. This type has the following parameters:

mount-point (default: "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs")

The directory to which the file system is to be attached.

GSS Daemon Service

The global security system (GSS) daemon provides strong security for RPC based protocols. Before exchanging RPC requests an RPC client must establish a security context. Typically this is done using the Kerberos command kinit or automatically at login time using PAM services (veja Serviços Kerberos).

Variável: gss-service-type

A service type for the Global Security System (GSS) daemon.

Tipo de dados: gss-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the GSS daemon service. This type has the following parameters:

nfs-utils (default: nfs-utils)

The package in which the rpc.gssd command is to be found.

pipefs-directory (default: "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs")

The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.

IDMAP Daemon Service

The idmap daemon service provides mapping between user IDs and user names. Typically it is required in order to access file systems mounted via NFSv4.

Variável: idmap-service-type

A service type for the Identity Mapper (IDMAP) daemon.

Tipo de dados: idmap-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the IDMAP daemon service. This type has the following parameters:

nfs-utils (default: nfs-utils)

The package in which the rpc.idmapd command is to be found.

pipefs-directory (default: "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs")

The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.

domain (padrão: #f)

The local NFSv4 domain name. This must be a string or #f. If it is #f then the daemon will use the host’s fully qualified domain name.

verbosity (default: 0)

The verbosity level of the daemon.

11.10.26 Samba Services

The (gnu services samba) module provides service definitions for Samba as well as additional helper services. Currently it provides the following services.


Samba provides network shares for folders and printers using the SMB/CIFS protocol commonly used on Windows. It can also act as an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for other hosts in an heterougenious network with different types of Computer systems.

Variável: samba-service-type

The service type to enable the samba services samba, nmbd, smbd and winbindd. By default this service type does not run any of the Samba daemons; they must be enabled individually.

Below is a basic example that configures a simple, anonymous (unauthenticated) Samba file share exposing the /public directory.

Tip: The /public directory and its contents must be world readable/writable, so you’ll want to run ‘chmod -R 777 /public’ on it.

Caution: Such a Samba configuration should only be used in controlled environments, and you should not share any private files using it, as anyone connecting to your network would be able to access them.

(service samba-service-type (samba-configuration
                             (enable-smbd? #t)
                             (config-file (plain-file "smb.conf" "\
map to guest = Bad User
logging = syslog@1

browsable = yes
path = /public
read only = no
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes\n"))))
Tipo de dados: samba-service-configuration

Configuration record for the Samba suite.

package (default: samba)

The samba package to use.

config-file (default: #f)

The config file to use. To learn about its syntax, run ‘man smb.conf’.

enable-samba? (default: #f)

Enable the samba daemon.

enable-smbd? (default: #f)

Enable the smbd daemon.

enable-nmbd? (default: #f)

Enable the nmbd daemon.

enable-winbindd? (default: #f)

Enable the winbindd daemon.

Daemon de Descoberta de Serviço da Web

The WSDD (Web Service Discovery daemon) implements the Web Services Dynamic Discovery protocol that enables host discovery over Multicast DNS, similar to what Avahi does. It is a drop-in replacement for SMB hosts that have had SMBv1 disabled for security reasons.

Variável: wsdd-service-type

Service type for the WSD host daemon. The value for this service type is a wsdd-configuration record. The details for the wsdd-configuration record type are given below.

Tipo de dados: wsdd-configuration

This data type represents the configuration for the wsdd service.

package (default: wsdd)

The wsdd package to use.

ipv4only? (default: #f)

Only listen to IPv4 addresses.

ipv6only (default: #f)

Only listen to IPv6 addresses. Please note: Activating both options is not possible, since there would be no IP versions to listen to.

chroot (default: #f)

Chroot into a separate directory to prevent access to other directories. This is to increase security in case there is a vulnerability in wsdd.

hop-limit (default: 1)

Limit to the level of hops for multicast packets. The default is 1 which should prevent packets from leaving the local network.

interface (default: '())

Limit to the given list of interfaces to listen to. By default wsdd will listen to all interfaces. Except the loopback interface is never used.

uuid-device (default: #f)

The WSD protocol requires a device to have a UUID. Set this to manually assign the service a UUID.

domain (padrão: #f)

Notify this host is a member of an Active Directory.

host-name (padrão: #f)

Manually set the hostname rather than letting wsdd inherit this host’s hostname. Only the host name part of a possible FQDN will be used in the default case.

preserve-case? (default: #f)

By default wsdd will convert the hostname in workgroup to all uppercase. The opposite is true for hostnames in domains. Setting this parameter will preserve case.

workgroup (default: "WORKGROUP")

Change the name of the workgroup. By default wsdd reports this host being member of a workgroup.

11.10.27 Integração Contínua

Cuirass is a continuous integration tool for Guix. It can be used both for development and for providing substitutes to others (veja Substitutos).

The (gnu services cuirass) module provides the following service.

Procedure: cuirass-service-type

The type of the Cuirass service. Its value must be a cuirass-configuration object, as described below.

To add build jobs, you have to set the specifications field of the configuration. For instance, the following example will build all the packages provided by the my-channel channel.

(define %cuirass-specs
  #~(list (specification
           (name 'my-channel)
           (build '(channels my-channel))
            (cons (channel
                   (name 'my-channel)
                   (url "https://my-channel.git"))

(service cuirass-service-type
          (specifications %cuirass-specs)))

To build the linux-libre package defined by the default Guix channel, one can use the following configuration.

(define %cuirass-specs
  #~(list (specification
           (name 'my-linux)
           (build '(packages "linux-libre")))))

(service cuirass-service-type
          (specifications %cuirass-specs)))

The other configuration possibilities, as well as the specification record itself are described in the Cuirass manual (veja Specifications em Cuirass).

While information related to build jobs is located directly in the specifications, global settings for the cuirass process are accessible in other cuirass-configuration fields.

Tipo de dados: cuirass-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Cuirass.

cuirass (default: cuirass)

The Cuirass package to use.

log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass.log")

Location of the log file.

web-log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass-web.log")

Location of the log file used by the web interface.

cache-directory (default: "/var/cache/cuirass")

Location of the repository cache.

user (default: "cuirass")

Owner of the cuirass process.

group (default: "cuirass")

Owner’s group of the cuirass process.

interval (default: 60)

Number of seconds between the poll of the repositories followed by the Cuirass jobs.

ttl (default: 2592000)

Duration to keep build results’ GC roots alive, in seconds.

build-expiry (default: 4 months)

Duration in seconds after which pending builds are canceled. This helps ensure that the backlog does not grow indefinitely.

threads (default: #f)

Number of kernel threads to use for Cuirass. The default value should be appropriate for most cases.

parameters (default: #f)

Read parameters from the given parameters file. The supported parameters are described here (veja Parameters em Cuirass).

remote-server (default: #f)

A cuirass-remote-server-configuration record to use the build remote mechanism or #f to use the default build mechanism.

database (default: "dbname=cuirass host=/var/run/postgresql")

Use database as the database containing the jobs and the past build results. Since Cuirass uses PostgreSQL as a database engine, database must be a string such as "dbname=cuirass host=localhost".

port (padrão: 8081)

Port number used by the HTTP server.

host (default: "localhost")

Listen on the network interface for host. The default is to accept connections from localhost.

specifications (default: #~'())

A gexp (veja Expressões-G) that evaluates to a list of specifications records. The specification record is described in the Cuirass manual (veja Specifications em Cuirass).

one-shot? (default: #f)

Only evaluate specifications and build derivations once.

fallback? (padrão: #f)

When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages locally.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options to pass when running the cuirass register process.

web-extra-options (default: '())

Extra options to pass when running the cuirass web process.

Cuirass remote building

Cuirass supports two mechanisms to build derivations.

  • Using the local Guix daemon. This is the default build mechanism. Once the build jobs are evaluated, they are sent to the local Guix daemon. Cuirass then listens to the Guix daemon output to detect the various build events.
  • Using the remote build mechanism. The build jobs are not submitted to the local Guix daemon. Instead, a remote server dispatches build requests to the connect remote workers, according to the build priorities.

To enable this build mode a cuirass-remote-server-configuration record must be passed as remote-server argument of the cuirass-configuration record. The cuirass-remote-server-configuration record is described below.

This build mode scales way better than the default build mode. This is the build mode that is used on the GNU Guix build farm at It should be preferred when using Cuirass to build large amount of packages.

Tipo de dados: cuirass-remote-server-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-server.

backend-port (default: 5555)

The TCP port for communicating with remote-worker processes using ZMQ. It defaults to 5555.

log-port (default: 5556)

The TCP port of the log server. It defaults to 5556.

publish-port (default: 5557)

The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to 5557.

log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass-remote-server.log")

Location of the log file.

cache (default: "/var/cache/cuirass/remote")

Use cache directory to cache build log files.

log-expiry (default: 6 months)

The duration in seconds after which build logs collected by cuirass remote-worker may be deleted.

trigger-url (default: #f)

Once a substitute is successfully fetched, trigger substitute baking at trigger-url.

publish? (padrão: #t)

If set to false, do not start a publish server and ignore the publish-port argument. This can be useful if there is already a standalone publish server standing next to the remote server.


Use the specific files as the public/private key pair used to sign the store items being published.

At least one remote worker must also be started on any machine of the local network to actually perform the builds and report their status.

Tipo de dados: cuirass-remote-worker-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-worker.

cuirass (default: cuirass)

The Cuirass package to use.

workers (default: 1)

Start workers parallel workers.

server (default: #f)

Do not use Avahi discovery and connect to the given server IP address instead.

systems (default: (list (%current-system)))

Only request builds for the given systems.

log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass-remote-worker.log")

Location of the log file.

publish-port (default: 5558)

The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to 5558.

substitute-urls (default: %default-substitute-urls)

The list of URLs where to look for substitutes by default.


Use the specific files as the public/private key pair used to sign the store items being published.


Laminar is a lightweight and modular Continuous Integration service. It doesn’t have a configuration web UI instead uses version-controllable configuration files and scripts.

Laminar encourages the use of existing tools such as bash and cron instead of reinventing them.

Variável: laminar-service-type

The type of the Laminar service. Its value must be a laminar-configuration object, as described below.

All configuration values have defaults, a minimal configuration to get Laminar running is shown below. By default, the web interface is available on port 8080.

(service laminar-service-type)
Tipo de dados: laminar-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Laminar.

laminar (default: laminar)

The Laminar package to use.

home-directory (default: "/var/lib/laminar")

The directory for job configurations and run directories.

supplementary-groups (default: ())

Supplementary groups for the Laminar user account.

bind-http (default: "*:8080")

The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming connections to the web frontend.

bind-rpc (default: "unix-abstract:laminar")

The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming commands such as build triggers.

title (default: "Laminar")

The page title to show in the web frontend.

keep-rundirs (default: 0)

Set to an integer defining how many rundirs to keep per job. The lowest-numbered ones will be deleted. The default is 0, meaning all run dirs will be immediately deleted.

archive-url (default: #f)

The web frontend served by laminard will use this URL to form links to artefacts archived jobs.

base-url (default: #f)

Base URL to use for links to laminar itself.

11.10.28 Serviços de gerenciamento de energia

Power Profiles Daemon

The (gnu services pm) module provides a Guix service definition for the Linux Power Profiles Daemon, which makes power profiles handling available over D-Bus.

The available profiles consist of the default ‘balanced’ mode, a ‘power-saver’ mode and on supported systems a ‘performance’ mode.

Importante: The power-profiles-daemon conflicts with other power management tools like tlp. Using both together is not recommended.

Variável: power-profiles-daemon-service-type

This is the service type for the Power Profiles Daemon. The value for this service is a power-profiles-daemon-configuration.

To enable the Power Profiles Daemon with default configuration add this line to your services:

(service power-profiles-daemon-service-type)
Tipo de dados: power-profiles-daemon-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of power-profiles-daemon-service-type.

power-profiles-daemon (default: power-profiles-daemon) (type: file-like)

Package object of power-profiles-daemon.

TLP daemon

The (gnu services pm) module provides a Guix service definition for the Linux power management tool TLP.

TLP enables various powersaving modes in userspace and kernel. Contrary to upower-service, it is not a passive, monitoring tool, as it will apply custom settings each time a new power source is detected. More information can be found at TLP home page.

Variável: tlp-service-type

The service type for the TLP tool. The default settings are optimised for battery life on most systems, but you can tweak them to your heart’s content by adding a valid tlp-configuration:

(service tlp-service-type
          (cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac (list "performance"))
          (sched-powersave-on-bat? #t)))

Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, ‘boolean foo’ indicates that the foo parameter should be specified as a boolean. Types starting with maybe- denote parameters that won’t show up in TLP config file when their value is left unset, or is explicitly set to the %unset-value value.

Available tlp-configuration fields are:

tlp-configuration parameter: package tlp

The TLP package.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean tlp-enable?

Set to true if you wish to enable TLP.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string tlp-default-mode

Default mode when no power supply can be detected. Alternatives are AC and BAT.

Defaults to ‘"AC"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-ac

Number of seconds Linux kernel has to wait after the disk goes idle, before syncing on AC.

Defaults to ‘0’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-bat

Same as disk-idle-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘2’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-ac

Dirty pages flushing periodicity, expressed in seconds.

Defaults to ‘15’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-bat

Same as max-lost-work-secs-on-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘60’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac

CPU frequency scaling governor on AC mode. With intel_pstate driver, alternatives are powersave and performance. With acpi-cpufreq driver, alternatives are ondemand, powersave, performance and conservative.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat

Same as cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac

Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac

Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat

Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat

Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-ac

Limit the min P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-ac

Limit the max P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-bat

Same as cpu-min-perf-on-ac on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-bat

Same as cpu-max-perf-on-ac on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-ac?

Enable CPU turbo boost feature on AC mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-bat?

Same as cpu-boost-on-ac? on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean sched-powersave-on-ac?

Allow Linux kernel to minimize the number of CPU cores/hyper-threads used under light load conditions.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean sched-powersave-on-bat?

Same as sched-powersave-on-ac? but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean nmi-watchdog?

Enable Linux kernel NMI watchdog.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-string phc-controls

For Linux kernels with PHC patch applied, change CPU voltages. An example value would be ‘"F:V F:V F:V F:V"’.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string energy-perf-policy-on-ac

Set CPU performance versus energy saving policy on AC. Alternatives are performance, normal, powersave.

Defaults to ‘"performance"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string energy-perf-policy-on-bat

Same as energy-perf-policy-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"powersave"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list disks-devices

Hard disk devices.

tlp-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-ac

Hard disk advanced power management level.

tlp-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-bat

Same as disk-apm-bat but on BAT mode.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac

Hard disk spin down timeout. One value has to be specified for each declared hard disk.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat

Same as disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-iosched

Select IO scheduler for disk devices. One value has to be specified for each declared hard disk. Example alternatives are cfq, deadline and noop.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string sata-linkpwr-on-ac

SATA aggressive link power management (ALPM) level. Alternatives are min_power, medium_power, max_performance.

Defaults to ‘"max_performance"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string sata-linkpwr-on-bat

Same as sata-linkpwr-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"min_power"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-string sata-linkpwr-blacklist

Exclude specified SATA host devices for link power management.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?

Enable Runtime Power Management for AHCI controller and disks on AC mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?

Same as ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer ahci-runtime-pm-timeout

Seconds of inactivity before disk is suspended.

Defaults to ‘15’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string pcie-aspm-on-ac

PCI Express Active State Power Management level. Alternatives are default, performance, powersave.

Defaults to ‘"performance"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string pcie-aspm-on-bat

Same as pcie-aspm-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"powersave"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat0

Percentage when battery 0 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat0

Percentage when battery 0 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat1

Percentage when battery 1 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat1

Percentage when battery 1 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-power-profile-on-ac

Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are low, mid, high, auto, default.

Defaults to ‘"high"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-power-profile-on-bat

Same as radeon-power-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"low"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-dpm-state-on-ac

Radeon dynamic power management method (DPM). Alternatives are battery, performance.

Defaults to ‘"performance"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-dpm-state-on-bat

Same as radeon-dpm-state-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"battery"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac

Radeon DPM performance level. Alternatives are auto, low, high.

Defaults to ‘"auto"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat

Same as radeon-dpm-perf-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"auto"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-ac?

Wifi power saving mode.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

tlp-configuration parameter: on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-bat?

Same as wifi-power-ac? but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: y-n-boolean wol-disable?

Disable wake on LAN.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-ac

Timeout duration in seconds before activating audio power saving on Intel HDA and AC97 devices. A value of 0 disables power saving.

Defaults to ‘0’.

tlp-configuration parameter: non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-bat

Same as sound-powersave-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘1’.

tlp-configuration parameter: y-n-boolean sound-power-save-controller?

Disable controller in powersaving mode on Intel HDA devices.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean bay-poweroff-on-bat?

Enable optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay on BAT mode. Drive can be powered on again by releasing (and reinserting) the eject lever or by pressing the disc eject button on newer models.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string bay-device

Name of the optical drive device to power off.

Defaults to ‘"sr0"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string runtime-pm-on-ac

Runtime Power Management for PCI(e) bus devices. Alternatives are on and auto.

Defaults to ‘"on"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string runtime-pm-on-bat

Same as runtime-pm-ac but on BAT mode.

Defaults to ‘"auto"’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean runtime-pm-all?

Runtime Power Management for all PCI(e) bus devices, except blacklisted ones.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-blacklist

Exclude specified PCI(e) device addresses from Runtime Power Management.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-driver-blacklist

Exclude PCI(e) devices assigned to the specified drivers from Runtime Power Management.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean usb-autosuspend?

Enable USB autosuspend feature.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-string usb-blacklist

Exclude specified devices from USB autosuspend.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean usb-blacklist-wwan?

Exclude WWAN devices from USB autosuspend.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-string usb-whitelist

Include specified devices into USB autosuspend, even if they are already excluded by the driver or via usb-blacklist-wwan?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: maybe-boolean usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?

Enable USB autosuspend before shutdown.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

tlp-configuration parameter: boolean restore-device-state-on-startup?

Restore radio device state (bluetooth, wifi, wwan) from previous shutdown on system startup.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

tlp-configuration parameter: string cpu-energy-perf-policy-on-ac

Set CPU energy/performance policy when on AC mode. Possible values, in order of increasing power saving, are performance, balance_performance, default, balance_power and power.

tlp-configuration parameter: string cpu-energy-perf-policy-on-bat

Set CPU energy/performance policy when on BAT mode. Possible values, in order of increasing power saving, are performance, balance_performance, default, balance_power and power.

Thermald daemon

The (gnu services pm) module provides an interface to thermald, a CPU frequency scaling service which helps prevent overheating.

Variável: thermald-service-type

This is the service type for thermald, the Linux Thermal Daemon, which is responsible for controlling the thermal state of processors and preventing overheating.

Tipo de dados: thermald-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of thermald-service-type.

adaptive? (default: #f)

Use DPTF (Dynamic Power and Thermal Framework) adaptive tables when present.

ignore-cpuid-check? (default: #f)

Ignore cpuid check for supported CPU models.

thermald (default: thermald)

Package object of thermald.


The (gnu services pm) module also provides a service definition for PowerTOP, a power consumption analysis and tuning tool. When started, it tunes Linux kernel settings to reduce power consumption.

Variável: powertop-service-type

The service type for PowerTOP. No configuration is necessary. When the service starts, it executes powertop --auto-tune.

(service powertop-service-type)

Available powertop-configuration fields are:

powertop-configuration parameter: package powertop

The PowerTOP package. Defaults to powertop in the (gnu packages linux) module

The (gnu services power) module provides a service definition for apcupsd, a utility to interact with APC (APC by Schneider Electric or formerly American Power Conversion Corporation) UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) devices. Apcupsd also works with some OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)-branded products manufactured by APC.

Variável: apcupsd-service-type

The service type for apcupsd. For USB UPSes no configuration is necessary, however tweaking some fields to better suit your needs might be desirable. The defaults are taken from the upstream configuration and they are not very conservative (for example, the default battery-level of 5% may be considered too low by some).

The default event handlers do send emails, read more in apcupsd-event-handlers.

(service apcupsd-service-type)
Data Type: apcupsd-configuration

Available apcupsd-configuration fields are:

apcupsd (default: apcupsd) (type: package)

The apcupsd package to use.

shepherd-service-name (default: apcupsd) (type: symbol)

The name of the shepherd service. You can add the service multiple times with different names to manage multiple UPSes.

auto-start? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Should the shepherd service auto-start?

pid-file (default: "/var/run/") (type: string)

The file name of the pid file.

debug-level (default: 0) (type: integer)

The logging verbosity. Bigger number means more logs. The source code uses up to 300 as debug level value, so a value of 999 seems reasonable to enable all the logs.

run-dir (default: "/var/run/apcupsd") (type: string)

The directory containing runtime information. You need to change this if you desire to run multiple instances of the daemon.

name (type: maybe-string)

Use this to give your UPS a name in log files and such. This is particularly useful if you have multiple UPSes. This does not set the EEPROM. It should be 8 characters or less.

cable (default: usb) (type: enum-cable)

The type of a cable connecting the UPS to your computer. Possible generic choices are 'simple, 'smart, 'ether and 'usb.

Alternatively, a specific cable model number may be used: '940-0119A, '940-0127A, '940-0128A, '940-0020B, '940-0020C, '940-0023A, '940-0024B, '940-0024C, '940-1524C, '940-0024G, '940-0095A, '940-0095B, '940-0095C, '940-0625A, 'M-04-02-2000.

type (default: usb) (type: enum-type)

The type of the UPS you have.


Newer serial character device, appropriate for SmartUPS models using a serial cable (not an USB).


Most new UPSes are an USB.


Network link to a master apcupsd through apcupsd’s Network Information Server. This is used if the UPS powering your computer is connected to a different computer for monitoring.


SNMP network link to an SNMP-enabled UPS device.


Same as the SNMP above but requires use of the net-snmp library. Unless you have a specific need for this old driver, you should use the 'snmp instead.


An old serial character device for use with simple-signaling UPSes.


A PowerChute Network Shutdown protocol which can be used as an alternative to an SNMP with the AP9617 family of smart slot cards.


A serial device for use with newest SmartUPS models supporting the MODBUS protocol.

device (default: "") (type: string)

For USB UPSes, usually you want to set this to an empty string (the default). For other UPS types, you must specify an appropriate port or address.


Set to the appropriate /dev/tty** device.


A null string setting enables auto-detection, which is the best choice for most installations.


Set to hostname:port.


Set to hostname:port:vendor:community. The hostname is the ip address or hostname of the UPS on the network. The vendor can be can be "APC" or "APC_NOTRAP". "APC_NOTRAP" will disable SNMP trap catching; you usually want "APC". The port is usually 161. The community is usually "private".


Same as the 'snmp.


Set to the appropriate /dev/tty** device.


Set to ipaddr:username:passphrase:port. The ipaddr is the IP address of the UPS management card. The username and the passphrase are the credentials for which the card has been configured. The port is the port number on which to listen for messages from the UPS, normally 3052. If this parameter is empty or missing, the default of 3052 will be used.


Set to the appropriate /dev/tty** device. You can also leave it empty for MODBUS over USB or set to the serial number of the UPS.

poll-time (default: 60) (type: integer)

The interval (in seconds) at which apcupsd polls the UPS for status. This setting applies both to directly-attached UPSes (apcsmart, usb, dumb) and networked UPSes (net, snmp). Lowering this setting will improve the apcupsd’s responsiveness to certain events at the cost of higher CPU utilization.

on-batery-delay (default: 6) (type: integer)

The time in seconds from when a power failure is detected until we react to it with an onbattery event. The 'powerout event will be triggered immediately when a power failure is detected. However, the 'onbattery event will be trigger only after this delay.

battery-level (default: 5) (type: integer)

If during a power failure, the remaining battery percentage (as reported by the UPS) is below or equal to this value, the apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown.

Nota: battery-level, remaining-minutes, and timeout work in a conjunction, so the first that occurs will cause the initation of a shutdown.

remaining-minutes (default: 3) (type: integer)

If during a power failure, the remaining runtime in minutes (as calculated internally by the UPS) is below or equal to this value, apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown.

Nota: battery-level, remaining-minutes, and timeout work in a conjunction, so the first that occurs will cause the initation of a shutdown.

timeout (default: 0) (type: integer)

If during a power failure, the UPS has run on batteries for this many seconds or longer, apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown. The value of 0 disables this timer.

Nota: battery-level, remaining-minutes, and timeout work in a conjunction, so the first that occurs will cause the initation of a shutdown.

annoy-interval (default: 300) (type: integer)

The time in seconds between annoying users (via the 'annoyme event) to sign off prior to system shutdown. 0 disables.

annoy-delay (default: 60) (type: integer)

The initial delay in seconds after a power failure before warning users to get off the system.

no-logon (default: disable) (type: enum-no-logon)

The condition which determines when users are prevented from logging in during a power failure.

kill-delay (default: 0) (type: integer)

If this is non-zero, the apcupsd will continue running after a shutdown has been requested, and after the specified time in seconds attempt to kill the power. This is for use on systems where apcupsd cannot regain control after a shutdown.

net-server (default: #f) (type: boolean)

If enabled, a network information server process will be started.

net-server-ip (default: "") (type: string)

An IP address on which the NIS server will listen for incoming connections.

net-server-port (default: 3551) (type: integer)

An IP port on which the NIS server will listen for incoming connections.

net-server-events-file (type: maybe-string)

If you want the last few EVENTS to be available over the network by the network information server, you must set this to a file name.

net-server-events-file-max-size (default: 10) (type: integer)

The maximum size of the events file in kilobytes.

class (default: standalone) (type: enum-class)

Normally standalone unless you share an UPS using an APC ShareUPS card.

mode (default: disable) (type: enum-mode)

Normally disable unless you share an UPS using an APC ShareUPS card.

stat-time (default: 0) (type: integer)

The time interval in seconds between writing the status file, 0 disables.

log-stats (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Also write the stats as a logs. This generates a lot of output.

data-time (default: 0) (type: integer)

The time interval in seconds between writing the data records to the log file, 0 disables.

facility (type: maybe-string)

The logging facility for the syslog.

event-handlers (type: apcupsd-event-handlers)

Handlers for events produced by apcupsd.

Data Type: apcupsd-event-handlers

For a description of the events please refer to ‘man 8 apccontrol’.

Each handler shall be a gexp. It is spliced into the control script for the daemon. In addition to the standard Guile programming environment, the following procedures and variables are also available:


Variable containing the file name of the configuration file.


Variable containing the file name of the powerfail file.


The event currently being handled.


The name of the UPS as specified in the configuration file.


Is #t if apcupsd is connected to the UPS via a serial port (or a USB port). In most configurations, this will be the case. In the case of a Slave machine where apcupsd is not directly connected to the UPS, this value will be #f.


Is #t if the computer on which apcupsd is running is powered by the UPS and #f if not. At the moment, this value is unimplemented and always #f.

(err fmt args...)

Wrapper around format outputting to (current-error-port).

(wall fmt args...)

Wrapper around format outputting via wall.

(apcupsd args...)

Call apcupsd while passing the correct configuration file and all the arguments.

(mail-to-root subject body)

Send an email to the local administrator. This procedure assumes the sendmail is located at /run/privileged/bin/sendmail (as would be the case with opensmtpd-service-type).

Available apcupsd-event-handlers fields are:

modules (type: gexp)

Additional modules to import into the generated handler script.

killpower (type: gexp)

The handler for the killpower event.

commfailure (type: gexp)

The handler for the commfailure event.

commok (type: gexp)

The handler for the commfailure event.

powerout (type: gexp)

The handler for the powerout event.

onbattery (type: gexp)

The handler for the onbattery event.

offbattery (type: gexp)

The handler for the offbattery event.

mainsback (type: gexp)

The handler for the mainsback event.

failing (type: gexp)

The handler for the failing event.

timeout (type: gexp)

The handler for the timeout event.

loadlimit (type: gexp)

The handler for the loadlimit event.

runlimit (type: gexp)

The handler for the runlimit event.

doreboot (type: gexp)

The handler for the doreboot event.

doshutdown (type: gexp)

The handler for the doshutdown event.

annoyme (type: gexp)

The handler for the annoyme event.

emergency (type: gexp)

The handler for the emergency event.

changeme (type: gexp)

The handler for the changeme event.

remotedown (type: gexp)

The handler for the remotedown event.

startselftest (type: gexp)

The handler for the startselftest event.

endselftest (type: gexp)

The handler for the endselftest event.

battdetach (type: gexp)

The handler for the battdetach event.

battattach (type: gexp)

The handler for the battattach event.

11.10.29 Serviços de áudio

The (gnu services audio) module provides a service to start MPD (the Music Player Daemon).

Daemon do reprodutor de música

The Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a service that can play music while being controlled from the local machine or over the network by a variety of clients.

The following example shows the simplest configuration to locally expose, via PulseAudio, a music collection kept at /srv/music, with mpd running as the default ‘mpd’ user. This user will spawn its own PulseAudio daemon, which may compete for the sound card access with that of your own user. In this configuration, you may have to stop the playback of your user audio applications to hear MPD’s output and vice-versa.

(service mpd-service-type
          (music-directory "/srv/music")))

Importante: The music directory must be readable to the MPD user, by default, ‘mpd’. Permission problems will be reported via ‘Permission denied’ errors in the MPD logs, which appear in /var/log/messages by default.

Most MPD clients will trigger a database update upon connecting, but you can also use the update action do to so:

herd update mpd

All the MPD configuration fields are documented below, and a more complex example follows.

Variável: mpd-service-type

The service type for mpd

Tipo de dados: mpd-configuration

Available mpd-configuration fields are:

package (default: mpd) (type: file-like)

The MPD package.

user (type: user-account)

The user to run mpd as.

group (type: user-group)

The group to run mpd as.

The default %mpd-group is a system group with name “mpd”.

shepherd-requirement (default: '()) (type: list-of-symbols)

A list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on.

environment-variables (default: '("PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG=/etc/pulse/client.conf" "PULSE_CONFIG=/etc/pulse/daemon.conf")) (type: list-of-strings)

A list of strings specifying environment variables.

log-file (type: maybe-string)

The location of the log file. Unless specified, logs are sent to the local syslog daemon. Alternatively, a log file name can be specified, for example /var/log/mpd.log.

log-level (type: maybe-string)

Suppress any messages below this threshold. The available values, in decreasing order of verbosity, are: verbose, info, notice, warning and error.

music-directory (type: maybe-string)

The directory to scan for music files.

music-dir (type: maybe-string)

The directory to scan for music files.

playlist-directory (type: maybe-string)

The directory to store playlists.

playlist-dir (type: maybe-string)

The directory to store playlists.

db-file (type: maybe-string)

The location of the music database. When left unspecified, ~/.cache/db is used.

state-file (type: maybe-string)

The location of the file that stores current MPD’s state.

sticker-file (type: maybe-string)

The location of the sticker database.

default-port (default: 6600) (type: maybe-port)

The default port to run mpd on.

endpoints (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

The addresses that mpd will bind to. A port different from default-port may be specified, e.g. localhost:6602 and IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets when a different port is used. To use a Unix domain socket, an absolute path or a path starting with ~ can be specified here.

address (type: maybe-string)

The address that mpd will bind to. To use a Unix domain socket, an absolute path can be specified here.

database (type: maybe-mpd-plugin)

MPD database plugin configuration.

partitions (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-partition)

List of MPD "partitions".

neighbors (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD neighbor plugin configurations.

inputs (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD input plugin configurations.

archive-plugins (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD archive plugin configurations.

auto-update? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to automatically update the music database when files are changed in the music-directory.

input-cache-size (type: maybe-string)

MPD input cache size.

decoders (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD decoder plugin configurations.

resampler (type: maybe-mpd-plugin)

MPD resampler plugin configuration.

filters (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD filter plugin configurations.

outputs (type: list-of-mpd-plugin-or-output)

The audio outputs that MPD can use. By default this is a single output using pulseaudio.

playlist-plugins (default: '()) (type: list-of-mpd-plugin)

List of MPD playlist plugin configurations.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: alist)

An association list of option symbols/strings to string values to be appended to the configuration.

Tipo de dados: mpd-plugin

Data type representing a mpd plugin.

plugin (type: maybe-string)

Plugin name.

name (type: maybe-string)


enabled? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether the plugin is enabled/disabled.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: alist)

An association list of option symbols/strings to string values to be appended to the plugin configuration. See MPD plugin reference for available options.

Tipo de dados: mpd-partition

Data type representing a mpd partition.

name (type: string)

Partition name.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: alist)

An association list of option symbols/strings to string values to be appended to the partition configuration. See Configuring Partitions for available options.

Tipo de dados: mpd-output

Available mpd-output fields are:

name (default: "MPD") (type: string)

The name of the audio output.

type (default: "pulse") (type: string)

The type of audio output.

enabled? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Specifies whether this audio output is enabled when MPD is started. By default, all audio outputs are enabled. This is just the default setting when there is no state file; with a state file, the previous state is restored.

format (type: maybe-string)

Force a specific audio format on output. See Global Audio Format for a more detailed description.

tags? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

If set to #f, then MPD will not send tags to this output. This is only useful for output plugins that can receive tags, for example the httpd output plugin.

always-on? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

If set to #t, then MPD attempts to keep this audio output always open. This may be useful for streaming servers, when you don’t want to disconnect all listeners even when playback is accidentally stopped.

mixer-type (type: maybe-string)

This field accepts a string that specifies which mixer should be used for this audio output: the hardware mixer, the software mixer, the null mixer (allows setting the volume, but with no effect; this can be used as a trick to implement an external mixer External Mixer) or no mixer (none). When left unspecified, a hardware mixer is used for devices that support it.

replay-gain-handler (type: maybe-string)

This field accepts a string that specifies how Replay Gain is to be applied. software uses an internal software volume control, mixer uses the configured (hardware) mixer control and none disables replay gain on this audio output.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: alist)

An association list of option symbols/strings to string values to be appended to the audio output configuration.

The following example shows a configuration of mpd that configures some of its plugins and provides a HTTP audio streaming output.

(service mpd-service-type
             (list (mpd-output
                     (name "streaming")
                     (type "httpd")
                     (mixer-type 'null)
                      `((encoder . "vorbis")
                        (port    . "8080"))))))
             (list (mpd-plugin
                     (plugin "mikmod")
                     (enabled? #f))
                     (plugin "openmpt")
                     (enabled? #t)
                     (extra-options `((repeat-count . -1)
                                      (interpolation-filter . 1))))))
           (resampler (mpd-plugin
                        (plugin "libsamplerate")
                        (extra-options `((type . 0)))))))


myMPD is a web server frontend for MPD that provides a mobile friendly web client for MPD.

The following example shows a myMPD instance listening on port 80, with album cover caching disabled.

(service mympd-service-type
          (port 80)
          (covercache-ttl 0)))
Variável: mympd-service-type

The service type for mympd.

Tipo de dados: mympd-configuration

Available mympd-configuration fields are:

package (default: mympd) (type: file-like)

The package object of the myMPD server.

shepherd-requirement (default: '()) (type: list-of-symbols)

This is a list of symbols naming Shepherd services that this service will depend on.

user (default: %mympd-user) (type: user-account)

Owner of the mympd process.

The default %mympd-user is a system user with the name “mympd”, who is a part of the group group (see below).

group (default: %mympd-group) (type: user-group)

Owner group of the mympd process.

The default %mympd-group is a system group with name “mympd”.

work-directory (default: "/var/lib/mympd") (type: string)

Where myMPD will store its data.

cache-directory (default: "/var/cache/mympd") (type: string)

Where myMPD will store its cache.

acl (type: maybe-mympd-ip-acl)

ACL to access the myMPD webserver.

covercache-ttl (default: 31) (type: maybe-integer)

How long to keep cached covers, 0 disables cover caching.

http? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

HTTP support.

host (default: "[::]") (type: string)

Host name to listen on.

port (default: 80) (type: maybe-port)

HTTP port to listen on.

log-level (default: 5) (type: integer)

How much detail to include in logs, possible values: 0 to 7.

log-to (type: maybe-string)

Where to send logs. Unless specified, the service logs to the local syslog service under the ‘daemon’ facility. Alternatively, a log file name can be specified, for example /var/log/mympd.log.

lualibs (default: "all") (type: maybe-string)


uri (type: maybe-string)

Override URI to myMPD. See

script-acl (default: (mympd-ip-acl (allow '("")))) (type: maybe-mympd-ip-acl)

ACL to access the myMPD script backend.

ssl? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

SSL/TLS support.

ssl-port (default: 443) (type: maybe-port)

Port to listen for HTTPS.

ssl-cert (type: maybe-string)

Path to PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key).

ssl-key (type: maybe-string)

Path to PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key.

pin-hash (type: maybe-string)

SHA-256 hashed pin used by myMPD to control settings access by prompting a pin from the user.

save-caches? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to preserve caches between service restarts.

Tipo de dados: mympd-ip-acl

Available mympd-ip-acl fields are:

allow (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Allowed IP addresses.

deny (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Disallowed IP addresses.

11.10.30 Serviços de virtualização

The (gnu services virtualization) module provides services for the libvirt and virtlog daemons, as well as other virtualization-related services.

Libvirt daemon

libvirtd is the server side daemon component of the libvirt virtualization management system. This daemon runs on host servers and performs required management tasks for virtualized guests. To connect to the libvirt daemon as an unprivileged user, it must be added to the ‘libvirt’ group, as shown in the example below.

Variável: libvirt-service-type

This is the type of the libvirt daemon. Its value must be a libvirt-configuration.

(users (cons (user-account
              (name "user")
              (group "users")
              (supplementary-groups '("libvirt"
                                      "audio" "video" "wheel")))
(service libvirt-service-type
          (tls-port "16555")))

Available libvirt-configuration fields are:

libvirt-configuration parameter: package libvirt

Libvirt package.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean listen-tls?

Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port. You must set listen for this to have any effect.

It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before using this capability.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean listen-tcp?

Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port. You must set listen for this to have any effect.

Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only SASL mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is DIGEST_MD5 and GSSAPI (Kerberos5).

Defaults to ‘#f’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string tls-port

Port for accepting secure TLS connections. This can be a port number, or service name.

Defaults to ‘"16514"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string tcp-port

Port for accepting insecure TCP connections. This can be a port number, or service name.

Defaults to ‘"16509"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string listen-addr

IP address or hostname used for client connections.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean mdns-adv?

Flag toggling mDNS advertisement of the libvirt service.

Alternatively can disable for all services on a host by stopping the Avahi daemon.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string mdns-name

Default mDNS advertisement name. This must be unique on the immediate broadcast network.

Defaults to ‘"Virtualization Host <hostname>"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string unix-sock-group

UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to allow a ’trusted’ set of users access to management capabilities without becoming root.

Defaults to ‘"libvirt"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string unix-sock-ro-perms

UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used for monitoring VM status only.

Defaults to ‘"0777"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string unix-sock-rw-perms

UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. Default allows only root. If PolicyKit is enabled on the socket, the default will change to allow everyone (eg, 0777)

Defaults to ‘"0770"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string unix-sock-admin-perms

UNIX socket permissions for the admin socket. Default allows only owner (root), do not change it unless you are sure to whom you are exposing the access to.

Defaults to ‘"0777"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string unix-sock-dir

The directory in which sockets will be found/created.

Defaults to ‘"/var/run/libvirt"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string auth-unix-ro

Authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets. By default socket permissions allow anyone to connect

Defaults to ‘"polkit"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string auth-unix-rw

Authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets. By default socket permissions only allow root. If PolicyKit support was compiled into libvirt, the default will be to use ’polkit’ auth.

Defaults to ‘"polkit"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string auth-tcp

Authentication scheme for TCP sockets. If you don’t enable SASL, then all TCP traffic is cleartext. Don’t do this outside of a dev/test scenario.

Defaults to ‘"sasl"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string auth-tls

Authentication scheme for TLS sockets. TLS sockets already have encryption provided by the TLS layer, and limited authentication is done by certificates.

It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication mechanism as well, by using ’sasl’ for this option

Defaults to ‘"none"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: optional-list access-drivers

API access control scheme.

By default an authenticated user is allowed access to all APIs. Access drivers can place restrictions on this.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string key-file

Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no private key is loaded.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string cert-file

Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no certificate is loaded.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string ca-file

Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no CA certificate is loaded.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string crl-file

Certificate revocation list path. If set to an empty string, then no CRL is loaded.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean tls-no-sanity-cert

Disable verification of our own server certificates.

When libvirtd starts it performs some sanity checks against its own certificates.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean tls-no-verify-cert

Disable verification of client certificates.

Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism. Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA will be rejected.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: optional-list tls-allowed-dn-list

Whitelist of allowed x509 Distinguished Name.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: optional-list sasl-allowed-usernames

Whitelist of allowed SASL usernames. The format for username depends on the SASL authentication mechanism.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string tls-priority

Override the compile time default TLS priority string. The default is usually ‘"NORMAL"’ unless overridden at build time. Only set this is it is desired for libvirt to deviate from the global default settings.

Defaults to ‘"NORMAL"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-clients

Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets combined.

Defaults to ‘5000’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-queued-clients

Maximum length of queue of connections waiting to be accepted by the daemon. Note, that some protocols supporting retransmission may obey this so that a later reattempt at connection succeeds.

Defaults to ‘1000’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-anonymous-clients

Maximum length of queue of accepted but not yet authenticated clients. Set this to zero to turn this feature off

Defaults to ‘20’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer min-workers

Number of workers to start up initially.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-workers

Maximum number of worker threads.

If the number of active clients exceeds min-workers, then more threads are spawned, up to max_workers limit. Typically you’d want max_workers to equal maximum number of clients allowed.

Defaults to ‘20’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer prio-workers

Number of priority workers. If all workers from above pool are stuck, some calls marked as high priority (notably domainDestroy) can be executed in this pool.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-requests

Total global limit on concurrent RPC calls.

Defaults to ‘20’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer max-client-requests

Limit on concurrent requests from a single client connection. To avoid one client monopolizing the server this should be a small fraction of the global max_requests and max_workers parameter.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-min-workers

Same as min-workers but for the admin interface.

Defaults to ‘1’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-max-workers

Same as max-workers but for the admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-max-clients

Same as max-clients but for the admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-max-queued-clients

Same as max-queued-clients but for the admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-max-client-requests

Same as max-client-requests but for the admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer log-level

Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug.

Defaults to ‘3’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string log-filters

Logging filters.

A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of logs. The format for a filter is one of:

  • x:name
  • x:+name

where name is a string which is matched against the category given in the VIR_LOG_INIT() at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g., ‘"remote"’, ‘"qemu"’, or ‘"util.json"’ (the name in the filter can be a substring of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories), the optional ‘"+"’ prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message matching name, and x is the minimal level where matching messages should be logged:

  • 1: DEBUG
  • 2: INFO
  • 3: WARNING
  • 4: ERROR

Multiple filters can be defined in a single filters statement, they just need to be separated by spaces.

Defaults to ‘"3:remote 4:event"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string log-outputs

Logging outputs.

An output is one of the places to save logging information. The format for an output can be:


output goes to stderr


use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident


saída para um arquivo, com o caminho de arquivo dado


output to journald logging system

In all case the x prefix is the minimal level, acting as a filter

  • 1: DEBUG
  • 2: INFO
  • 3: WARNING
  • 4: ERROR

Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces.

Defaults to ‘"3:stderr"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer audit-level

Allows usage of the auditing subsystem to be altered

  • 0: disable all auditing
  • 1: enable auditing, only if enabled on host
  • 2: enable auditing, and exit if disabled on host.

Defaults to ‘1’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: boolean audit-logging

Send audit messages via libvirt logging infrastructure.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: optional-string host-uuid

Host UUID. UUID must not have all digits be the same.

Defaults to ‘""’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: string host-uuid-source

Source to read host UUID.

  • smbios: fetch the UUID from dmidecode -s system-uuid
  • machine-id: fetch the UUID from /etc/machine-id

If dmidecode does not provide a valid UUID a temporary UUID will be generated.

Defaults to ‘"smbios"’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer keepalive-interval

A keepalive message is sent to a client after keepalive_interval seconds of inactivity to check if the client is still responding. If set to -1, libvirtd will never send keepalive requests; however clients can still send them and the daemon will send responses.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer keepalive-count

Maximum number of keepalive messages that are allowed to be sent to the client without getting any response before the connection is considered broken.

In other words, the connection is automatically closed approximately after keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1) seconds since the last message received from the client. When keepalive-count is set to 0, connections will be automatically closed after keepalive-interval seconds of inactivity without sending any keepalive messages.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-keepalive-interval

Same as above but for admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer admin-keepalive-count

Same as above but for admin interface.

Defaults to ‘5’.

libvirt-configuration parameter: integer ovs-timeout

Timeout for Open vSwitch calls.

The ovs-vsctl utility is used for the configuration and its timeout option is set by default to 5 seconds to avoid potential infinite waits blocking libvirt.

Defaults to ‘5’.

Virtlog daemon

The virtlogd service is a server side daemon component of libvirt that is used to manage logs from virtual machine consoles.

This daemon is not used directly by libvirt client applications, rather it is called on their behalf by libvirtd. By maintaining the logs in a standalone daemon, the main libvirtd daemon can be restarted without risk of losing logs. The virtlogd daemon has the ability to re-exec() itself upon receiving SIGUSR1, to allow live upgrades without downtime.

Variável: virtlog-service-type

This is the type of the virtlog daemon. Its value must be a virtlog-configuration.

(service virtlog-service-type
          (max-clients 1000)))
libvirt parameter: package libvirt

Libvirt package.

virtlog-configuration parameter: integer log-level

Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug.

Defaults to ‘3’.

virtlog-configuration parameter: string log-filters

Logging filters.

A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of logs The format for a filter is one of:

  • x:name
  • x:+name

where name is a string which is matched against the category given in the VIR_LOG_INIT() at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g., "remote", "qemu", or "util.json" (the name in the filter can be a substring of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories), the optional "+" prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message matching name, and x is the minimal level where matching messages should be logged:

  • 1: DEBUG
  • 2: INFO
  • 3: WARNING
  • 4: ERROR

Multiple filters can be defined in a single filters statement, they just need to be separated by spaces.

Defaults to ‘"3:remote 4:event"’.

virtlog-configuration parameter: string log-outputs

Logging outputs.

An output is one of the places to save logging information The format for an output can be:


output goes to stderr


use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident


saída para um arquivo, com o caminho de arquivo dado


output to journald logging system

In all case the x prefix is the minimal level, acting as a filter

  • 1: DEBUG
  • 2: INFO
  • 3: WARNING
  • 4: ERROR

Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces.

Defaults to ‘"3:stderr"’.

virtlog-configuration parameter: integer max-clients

Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets combined.

Defaults to ‘1024’.

virtlog-configuration parameter: integer max-size

Maximum file size before rolling over.

Defaults to ‘2MB

virtlog-configuration parameter: integer max-backups

Maximum number of backup files to keep.

Defaults to ‘3

Transparent Emulation with QEMU

qemu-binfmt-service-type provides support for transparent emulation of program binaries built for different architectures—e.g., it allows you to transparently execute an ARMv7 program on an x86_64 machine. It achieves this by combining the QEMU emulator and the binfmt_misc feature of the kernel Linux. This feature only allows you to emulate GNU/Linux on a different architecture, but see below for GNU/Hurd support.

Variável: qemu-binfmt-service-type

This is the type of the QEMU/binfmt service for transparent emulation. Its value must be a qemu-binfmt-configuration object, which specifies the QEMU package to use as well as the architecture we want to emulated:

(service qemu-binfmt-service-type
           (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms "arm" "aarch64"))))

In this example, we enable transparent emulation for the ARM and aarch64 platforms. Running herd stop qemu-binfmt turns it off, and running herd start qemu-binfmt turns it back on (veja the herd command em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

Tipo de dados: qemu-binfmt-configuration

This is the configuration for the qemu-binfmt service.

platforms (default: '())

The list of emulated QEMU platforms. Each item must be a platform object as returned by lookup-qemu-platforms (see below).

For example, let’s suppose you’re on an x86_64 machine and you have this service:

(service qemu-binfmt-service-type
           (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms "arm"))))

You can run:

guix build -s armhf-linux inkscape

and it will build Inkscape for ARMv7 as if it were a native build, transparently using QEMU to emulate the ARMv7 CPU. Pretty handy if you’d like to test a package build for an architecture you don’t have access to!

qemu (default: qemu)

The QEMU package to use.

Procedure: lookup-qemu-platforms platforms…

Return the list of QEMU platform objects corresponding to platforms…. platforms must be a list of strings corresponding to platform names, such as "arm", "sparc", "mips64el", and so on.

Procedure: qemu-platform? obj

Return true if obj is a platform object.

Procedure: qemu-platform-name platform

Return the name of platform—a string such as "arm".

QEMU Guest Agent

The QEMU guest agent provides control over the emulated system to the host. The qemu-guest-agent service runs the agent on Guix guests. To control the agent from the host, open a socket by invoking QEMU with the following arguments:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
	-chardev socket,path=/tmp/qga.sock,server=on,wait=off,id=qga0 \
	-device virtio-serial \
	-device virtserialport,chardev=qga0,name=org.qemu.guest_agent.0 \

This creates a socket at /tmp/qga.sock on the host. Once the guest agent is running, you can issue commands with socat:

$ guix shell socat -- socat unix-connect:/tmp/qga.sock stdio
{"execute": "guest-get-host-name"}
{"return": {"host-name": "guix"}}

See QEMU guest agent documentation for more options and commands.

Variável: qemu-guest-agent-service-type

Tipo de serviço para o serviço de agente convidado QEMU.

Tipo de dados: qemu-guest-agent-configuration

Configuration for the qemu-guest-agent service.

qemu (default: qemu-minimal)

The QEMU package to use.

device (default: "")

File name of the device or socket the agent uses to communicate with the host. If empty, QEMU uses a default file name.

Xen Guest Agent

The Xen guest agent allows a Xen host to control the emulated system. The xe-guest-utilities service runs the agent on Guix guests.

xe-guest-utilities collects information about the running virtualized guest. This includes:

  • static information
    • The operating system running
    • The Linux kernel version
  • dynamic information
    • Network interfaces (devices) being added/removed
    • Network connections being unplugged/plugged-in
    • CPUs being added or removed
    • The guest migrating, being paused/resumed, etc.
  • ephemeral information
    • The amount of memory currently in-use and free
    • The amount of disk-space used

Nota: The default Linux-libre kernel that Guix ships already enables the necessary paravirtualization features for a guest. There is nothing you need to do for the guest to support Xen’s paravirtualization features.

The guest utilities are used to have the guest report information back to the virtualizing host and support tasks that require cooperation between host and guest, like CPU hotplugging.

Variável: xe-guest-utilities-service-type

Service type for the Xen guest utilities service.

Data Type: xe-guest-utilities-configuration

Configuration for the xe-guest-utilities service.

package (default: xe-guest-utilities)

The Xen guest utilities package to use.

pid-file (default: "/var/run/")

Name of the file holding the PID of xe-deamon.

log-file (default: "/var/log/xe-guest-utilities.log")

Name of the xe-guest-utilities log file.

xe-guest-utilities is the standard guest utilities used for Xen guests. More recently the Xen Project has been working to develop xen-guest-agent, a modern drop-in replacement for xe-guest-utilities. While they nearly have feature-parity, xen-guest-agent currently lacks some of the features of its predecessor, namely disk metrics and “PV drivers version”.

Variável: xen-guest-agent-service-type

Service type for the Xen guest agent service.

Data Type: xen-guest-agent-configuration

Configuration for the xen-guest-agent service.

package (default: xen-guest-agent)

The Xen guest agent package to use.

Aviso: xe-guest-utilities and xen-guest-agent are mutually exclusive.

Virtual Build Machines

Virtual build machines or “build VMs” let you offload builds to a fully controlled environment. “How can it be more controlled than regular builds? And why would it be useful?”, you ask. Good questions.

Builds spawned by guix-daemon indeed run in a controlled environment; specifically the daemon spawns build processes in separate namespaces and in a chroot, such as that build processes only see their declared dependencies and a well-defined subset of the file system tree (veja Configuração do ambiente de compilação, for details). A few aspects of the environments are not controlled though: the operating system kernel, the CPU model, and the date. Most of the time, these aspects have no impact on the build process: the level of isolation guix-daemon provides is “good enough”.

However, there are occasionally cases where those aspects do influence the build process. A typical example is time traps: build processes that stop working after a certain date35. Another one is software that optimizes for the CPU microarchitecture it is built on or, worse, bugs that manifest only on specific CPUs.

To address that, virtual-build-machine-service-type lets you add a virtual build machine on your system, as in this example:

(use-modules (gnu services virtualization))

  ;; …
  (services (append (list (service virtual-build-machine-service-type))

By default, you have to explicitly start the build machine when you need it, at which point builds may be offloaded to it (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento):

herd start build-vm

With the default setting shown above, the build VM runs with its clock set to a date several years in the past, and on a CPU model that corresponds to that date—a model possibly older than that of your machine. This lets you rebuild today software from the past that would otherwise fail to build due to a time trap or other issues in its build process. You can view the VM’s config like this:

herd configuration build-vm

You can configure the build VM, as in this example:

(service virtual-build-machine-service-type
          (cpu "Westmere")
          (cpu-count 8)
          (memory-size (* 1 1024))
          (auto-start? #t)))

The available options are shown below.

Variável: virtual-build-machine-service-type

This is the service type to run virtual build machines. Virtual build machines are configured so that builds are offloaded to them when they are running.

Tipo de dados: virtual-build-machine

This is the data type specifying the configuration of a build machine. It contains the fields below:

name (default: 'build-vm)

The name of this build VM. It is used to construct the name of its Shepherd service.


The image of the virtual machine (veja Criando imagens do sistema). This notably specifies the virtual disk size and the operating system running into it (veja operating-system Reference). The default value is a minimal operating system image.

qemu (default: qemu-minimal)

The QEMU package to run the image.


The CPU model being emulated as a string denoting a model known to QEMU.

The default value is a model that matches date (see below). To see what CPU models are available, run, for example:

qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu help
cpu-count (default: 4)

The number of CPUs emulated by the virtual machine.

memory-size (default: 2048)

Size in mebibytes (MiB) of the virtual machine’s main memory (RAM).

date (default: a few years ago)

Date inside the virtual machine when it starts; this must be a SRFI-19 date object (veja SRFI-19 Date em GNU Guile Reference Manual).

port-forwardings (default: 11022 and 11004)

TCP ports of the virtual machine forwarded to the host. By default, the SSH and secrets ports are forwarded into the host.

systems (default: (list (%current-system)))

List of system types supported by the build VM—e.g., "x86_64-linux".

auto-start? (default: #f)

Whether to start the virtual machine when the system boots.

In the next section, you’ll find a variant on this theme: GNU/Hurd virtual machines!

The Hurd in a Virtual Machine

Service hurd-vm provides support for running GNU/Hurd in a virtual machine (VM), a so-called childhurd. This service is meant to be used on GNU/Linux and the given GNU/Hurd operating system configuration is cross-compiled. The virtual machine is a Shepherd service that can be referred to by the names hurd-vm and childhurd and be controlled with commands such as:

herd start hurd-vm
herd stop childhurd

When the service is running, you can view its console by connecting to it with a VNC client, for example with:

guix shell tigervnc-client -- vncviewer localhost:5900

The default configuration (see hurd-vm-configuration below) spawns a secure shell (SSH) server in your GNU/Hurd system, which QEMU (the virtual machine emulator) redirects to port 10022 on the host. By default, the service enables offloading such that the host guix-daemon automatically offloads GNU/Hurd builds to the childhurd (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento). This is what happens when running a command like the following one, where i586-gnu is the system type of 32-bit GNU/Hurd:

guix build emacs-minimal -s i586-gnu

The childhurd is volatile and stateless: it starts with a fresh root file system every time you restart it. By default though, all the files under /etc/childhurd on the host are copied as is to the root file system of the childhurd when it boots. This allows you to initialize “secrets” inside the VM: SSH host keys, authorized substitute keys, and so on—see the explanation of secret-root below.

You will probably find it useful to create an account for you in the GNU/Hurd virtual machine and to authorize logins with your SSH key. To do that, you can define the GNU/Hurd system in the usual way (veja Usando o sistema de configuração), and then pass that operating system as the os field of hurd-vm-configuration, as in this example:

(define childhurd-os
  ;; Definition of my GNU/Hurd system, derived from the default one.
    (inherit %hurd-vm-operating-system)

    ;; Add a user account.
    (users (cons (user-account
                  (name "charlie")
                  (comment "This is me!")
                  (group "users")
                  (supplementary-groups '("wheel"))) ;for 'sudo'

     ;; Modify the SSH configuration to allow login as "root"
     ;; and as "charlie" using public key authentication.
     (modify-services (operating-system-user-services
        config => (openssh-configuration
                   (inherit config)

  ;; …
    ;; Add the 'hurd-vm' service, configured to use the
    ;; operating system configuration above.
    (append (list (service hurd-vm-service-type
                             (os %childhurd-os))))

That’s it! The remainder of this section provides the reference of the service configuration.

Variável: hurd-vm-service-type

This is the type of the Hurd in a Virtual Machine service. Its value must be a hurd-vm-configuration object, which specifies the operating system (veja operating-system Reference) and the disk size for the Hurd Virtual Machine, the QEMU package to use as well as the options for running it.

Por exemplo:

(service hurd-vm-service-type
          (disk-size (* 5000 (expt 2 20))) ;5G
          (memory-size 1024)))             ;1024MiB

would create a disk image big enough to build GNU Hello, with some extra memory.

Tipo de dados: hurd-vm-configuration

The data type representing the configuration for hurd-vm-service-type.

os (default: %hurd-vm-operating-system)

The operating system to instantiate. This default is bare-bones with a permissive OpenSSH secure shell daemon listening on port 2222 (veja openssh-service-type).

qemu (default: qemu-minimal)

The QEMU package to use.

image (default: hurd-vm-disk-image)

The image object representing the disk image of this virtual machine (veja Criando imagens do sistema).

disk-size (default: 'guess)

The size of the disk image.

memory-size (default: 512)

The memory size of the Virtual Machine in mebibytes.

options (default: '("--snapshot"))

The extra options for running QEMU.

id (default: #f)

If set, a non-zero positive integer used to parameterize Childhurd instances. It is appended to the service’s name, e.g. childhurd1.

net-options (default: hurd-vm-net-options)

The procedure used to produce the list of QEMU networking options.

By default, it produces

'("--device" "rtl8139,netdev=net0"
  "--netdev" (string-append

with forwarded ports:

secrets-port: (+ 11004 (* 1000 ID))
ssh-port: (+ 10022 (* 1000 ID))
vnc-port: (+ 15900 (* 1000 ID))
offloading? (default: #t)

Whether to automatically set up offloading of builds to the childhurd.

When enabled, this lets you run GNU/Hurd builds on the host and have them transparently offloaded to the VM, for instance when running a command like this:

guix build coreutils -s i586-gnu

This option automatically sets up offloading like so:

  1. Authorizing the childhurd’s key on the host so that the host accepts build results coming from the childhurd, which can be done like so (veja guix archive --authorize, for more on that).
  2. Creating a user account called offloading dedicated to offloading in the childhurd.
  3. Creating an SSH key pair on the host and making it an authorized key of the offloading account in the childhurd.
  4. Adding the childhurd to /etc/guix/machines.scm (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento).
secret-root (default: /etc/childhurd)

The root directory with out-of-band secrets to be installed into the childhurd once it runs. Childhurds are volatile which means that on every startup, secrets such as the SSH host keys and Guix signing key are recreated.

If the /etc/childhurd directory does not exist, the secret-service running in the Childhurd will be sent an empty list of secrets.

By default, the service automatically populates /etc/childhurd with the following non-volatile secrets, unless they already exist:


Note that by default the VM image is volatile, i.e., once stopped the contents are lost. If you want a stateful image instead, override the configuration’s image and options without the --snapshot flag using something along these lines:

(service hurd-vm-service-type
          (image   (const "/out/of/store/writable/hurd.img"))
          (options '())))


Nota: This service is considered experimental. Configuration options may be changed in a backwards-incompatible manner, and not all features have been thorougly tested. Users of this service are encouraged to share their experience at

Ganeti is a virtual machine management system. It is designed to keep virtual machines running on a cluster of servers even in the event of hardware failures, and to make maintenance and recovery tasks easy. It consists of multiple services which are described later in this section. In addition to the Ganeti service, you will need the OpenSSH service (veja openssh-service-type), and update the /etc/hosts file (veja hosts-service-type) with the cluster name and address (or use a DNS server).

All nodes participating in a Ganeti cluster should have the same Ganeti and /etc/hosts configuration. Here is an example configuration for a Ganeti cluster node that supports multiple storage backends, and installs the debootstrap and guix OS providers:

(use-package-modules virtualization)
(use-service-modules base ganeti networking ssh)
  ;; …
  (host-name "node1")

  ;; Install QEMU so we can use KVM-based instances, and LVM, DRBD and Ceph
  ;; in order to use the "plain", "drbd" and "rbd" storage backends.
  (packages (append (map specification->package
                         '("qemu" "lvm2" "drbd-utils" "ceph"
                           ;; Add the debootstrap and guix OS providers.
                           "ganeti-instance-guix" "ganeti-instance-debootstrap"))
   (append (list (service static-networking-service-type
                          (list (static-networking
                                  (list (network-address
                                         (device "eth0")
                                         (value ""))))
                                  (list (network-route
                                         (destination "default")
                                         (gateway ""))))
                                 (name-servers '(""

                 ;; Ganeti uses SSH to communicate between nodes.
                 (service openssh-service-type
                           (permit-root-login 'prohibit-password)))

                 (simple-service 'ganeti-hosts-entries hosts-service-type
                                   (host "" "")
                                   (host "" ""
                                   (host "" ""

                 (service ganeti-service-type
                           ;; This list specifies allowed file system paths
                           ;; for storing virtual machine images.
                           (file-storage-paths '("/srv/ganeti/file-storage"))
                           ;; This variable configures a single "variant" for
                           ;; both Debootstrap and Guix that works with KVM.
                           (os %default-ganeti-os))))

Users are advised to read the Ganeti administrators guide to learn about the various cluster options and day-to-day operations. There is also a blog post describing how to configure and initialize a small cluster.

Variável: ganeti-service-type

This is a service type that includes all the various services that Ganeti nodes should run.

Its value is a ganeti-configuration object that defines the package to use for CLI operations, as well as configuration for the various daemons. Allowed file storage paths and available guest operating systems are also configured through this data type.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-configuration

The ganeti service takes the following configuration options:

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use. It will be installed to the system profile and make gnt-cluster, gnt-instance, etc available. Note that the value specified here does not affect the other services as each refer to a specific ganeti package (see below).

noded-configuration (default: (ganeti-noded-configuration))
confd-configuration (default: (ganeti-confd-configuration))
wconfd-configuration (default: (ganeti-wconfd-configuration))
luxid-configuration (default: (ganeti-luxid-configuration))
rapi-configuration (default: (ganeti-rapi-configuration))
kvmd-configuration (default: (ganeti-kvmd-configuration))
mond-configuration (default: (ganeti-mond-configuration))
metad-configuration (default: (ganeti-metad-configuration))
watcher-configuration (default: (ganeti-watcher-configuration))
cleaner-configuration (default: (ganeti-cleaner-configuration))

These options control the various daemons and cron jobs that are distributed with Ganeti. The possible values for these are described in detail below. To override a setting, you must use the configuration type for that service:

(service ganeti-service-type
            (interface "eth1"))))
            (rapi-ip ""))))
file-storage-paths (default: '())

List of allowed directories for file storage backend.

hooks (default: #f)

When set, this should be a file-like object containing a directory with cluster execution hooks.

os (default: %default-ganeti-os)

List of <ganeti-os> records.

In essence ganeti-service-type is shorthand for declaring each service individually:

(service ganeti-noded-service-type)
(service ganeti-confd-service-type)
(service ganeti-wconfd-service-type)
(service ganeti-luxid-service-type)
(service ganeti-kvmd-service-type)
(service ganeti-mond-service-type)
(service ganeti-metad-service-type)
(service ganeti-watcher-service-type)
(service ganeti-cleaner-service-type)

Plus a service extension for etc-service-type that configures the file storage backend and OS variants.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-os

This data type is suitable for passing to the os parameter of ganeti-configuration. It takes the following parameters:


The name for this OS provider. It is only used to specify where the configuration ends up. Setting it to “debootstrap” will create /etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap.

extension (default: #f)

The file extension for variants of this OS type. For example .conf or .scm. It will be appended to the variant file name if set.

variants (default: '())

This must be either a list of ganeti-os-variant objects for this OS, or a “file-like” object (veja file-like objects) representing the variants directory.

To use the Guix OS provider with variant definitions residing in a local directory instead of declaring individual variants (see guix-variants below), you can do:

 (name "guix")
 (variants (local-file "ganeti-guix-variants"
                       #:recursive? #true)))

Note that you will need to maintain the variants.list file (see ganeti-os-interface(7)) manually in this case.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-os-variant

This is the data type for a Ganeti OS variant. It takes the following parameters:


The name of this variant.


A configuration file for this variant.

Variável: %default-debootstrap-hooks

This variable contains hooks to configure networking and the GRUB bootloader.

Variável: %default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs

This variable contains a list of packages suitable for a fully-virtualized guest.

Tipo de dados: debootstrap-configuration

This data type creates configuration files suitable for the debootstrap OS provider.

hooks (default: %default-debootstrap-hooks)

When not #f, this must be a G-expression that specifies a directory with scripts that will run when the OS is installed. It can also be a list of (name . file-like) pairs. For example:

`((99-hello-world . ,(plain-file "#!/bin/sh\necho Hello, World")))

That will create a directory with one executable named 99-hello-world and run it every time this variant is installed. If set to #f, hooks in /etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks will be used, if any.

proxy (default: #f)

Optional HTTP proxy to use.

mirror (default: #f)

The Debian mirror. Typically something like The default varies depending on the distribution.

arch (default: #f)

The dpkg architecture. Set to armhf to debootstrap an ARMv7 instance on an AArch64 host. Default is to use the current system architecture.

suite (default: "stable")

When set, this must be a Debian distribution “suite” such as buster or focal. If set to #f, the default for the OS provider is used.

extra-pkgs (default: %default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs)

List of extra packages that will get installed by dpkg in addition to the minimal system.

components (default: #f)

When set, must be a list of Debian repository “components”. For example '("main" "contrib").

generate-cache? (default: #t)

Whether to automatically cache the generated debootstrap archive.

clean-cache (default: 14)

Discard the cache after this amount of days. Use #f to never clear the cache.

partition-style (default: 'msdos)

The type of partition to create. When set, it must be one of 'msdos, 'none or a string.

partition-alignment (default: 2048)

Alignment of the partition in sectors.

Procedure: debootstrap-variant name configuration

This is a helper procedure that creates a ganeti-os-variant record. It takes two parameters: a name and a debootstrap-configuration object.

Procedure: debootstrap-os variants…

This is a helper procedure that creates a ganeti-os record. It takes a list of variants created with debootstrap-variant.

Procedure: guix-variant name configuration

This is a helper procedure that creates a ganeti-os-variant record for use with the Guix OS provider. It takes a name and a G-expression that returns a “file-like” (veja file-like objects) object containing a Guix System configuration.

Procedure: guix-os variants…

This is a helper procedure that creates a ganeti-os record. It takes a list of variants produced by guix-variant.

Variável: %default-debootstrap-variants

This is a convenience variable to make the debootstrap provider work “out of the box” without users having to declare variants manually. It contains a single debootstrap variant with the default configuration:

(list (debootstrap-variant
Variável: %default-guix-variants

This is a convenience variable to make the Guix OS provider work without additional configuration. It creates a virtual machine that has an SSH server, a serial console, and authorizes the Ganeti hosts SSH keys.

(list (guix-variant
       (file-append ganeti-instance-guix

Users can implement support for OS providers unbeknownst to Guix by extending the ganeti-os and ganeti-os-variant records appropriately. For example:

 (name "custom")
 (extension ".conf")
  (list (ganeti-os-variant
         (name "foo")
         (configuration (plain-file "bar" "this is fine"))))))

That creates /etc/ganeti/instance-custom/variants/foo.conf which points to a file in the store with contents this is fine. It also creates /etc/ganeti/instance-custom/variants/variants.list with contents foo.

Obviously this may not work for all OS providers out there. If you find the interface limiting, please reach out to

The rest of this section documents the various services that are included by ganeti-service-type.

Variável: ganeti-noded-service-type

ganeti-noded is the daemon responsible for node-specific functions within the Ganeti system. The value of this service must be a ganeti-noded-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-noded-configuration

This is the configuration for the ganeti-noded service.

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

port (padrão: 1811)

The TCP port on which the node daemon listens for network requests.

address (default: "")

The network address that the daemon will bind to. The default address means bind to all available addresses.

interface (default: #f)

When this is set, it must be a specific network interface (e.g. eth0) that the daemon will bind to.

max-clients (default: 20)

This sets a limit on the maximum number of simultaneous client connections that the daemon will handle. Connections above this count are accepted, but no responses will be sent until enough connections have closed.

ssl? (default: #t)

Whether to use SSL/TLS to encrypt network communications. The certificate is automatically provisioned by the cluster and can be rotated with gnt-cluster renew-crypto.

ssl-key (default: "/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem")

This can be used to provide a specific encryption key for TLS communications.

ssl-cert (default: "/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem")

This can be used to provide a specific certificate for TLS communications.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes. Note that this will leak encryption details to the log files, use with caution.

Variável: ganeti-confd-service-type

ganeti-confd answers queries related to the configuration of a Ganeti cluster. The purpose of this daemon is to have a highly available and fast way to query cluster configuration values. It is automatically active on all master candidates. The value of this service must be a ganeti-confd-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-confd-configuration

This is the configuration for the ganeti-confd service.

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

port (padrão: 1814)

The UDP port on which to listen for network requests.

address (default: "")

Network address that the daemon will bind to.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-wconfd-service-type

ganeti-wconfd is the daemon that has authoritative knowledge about the cluster configuration and is the only entity that can accept changes to it. All jobs that need to modify the configuration will do so by sending appropriate requests to this daemon. It only runs on the master node and will automatically disable itself on other nodes.

The value of this service must be a ganeti-wconfd-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-wconfd-configuration

This is the configuration for the ganeti-wconfd service.

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

no-voting? (default: #f)

The daemon will refuse to start if the majority of cluster nodes does not agree that it is running on the master node. Set to #t to start even if a quorum can not be reached (dangerous, use with caution).

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-luxid-service-type

ganeti-luxid is a daemon used to answer queries related to the configuration and the current live state of a Ganeti cluster. Additionally, it is the authoritative daemon for the Ganeti job queue. Jobs can be submitted via this daemon and it schedules and starts them.

It takes a ganeti-luxid-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-luxid-configuration

This is the configuration for the ganeti-luxid service.

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

no-voting? (default: #f)

The daemon will refuse to start if it cannot verify that the majority of cluster nodes believes that it is running on the master node. Set to #t to ignore such checks and start anyway (this can be dangerous).

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-rapi-service-type

ganeti-rapi provides a remote API for Ganeti clusters. It runs on the master node and can be used to perform cluster actions programmatically via a JSON-based RPC protocol.

Most query operations are allowed without authentication (unless require-authentication? is set), whereas write operations require explicit authorization via the /var/lib/ganeti/rapi/users file. See the Ganeti Remote API documentation for more information.

The value of this service must be a ganeti-rapi-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-rapi-configuration

This is the configuration for the ganeti-rapi service.

ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

require-authentication? (default: #f)

Whether to require authentication even for read-only operations.

port (padrão: 5080)

The TCP port on which to listen to API requests.

address (default: "")

The network address that the service will bind to. By default it listens on all configured addresses.

interface (default: #f)

When set, it must specify a specific network interface such as eth0 that the daemon will bind to.

max-clients (default: 20)

The maximum number of simultaneous client requests to handle. Further connections are allowed, but no responses are sent until enough connections have closed.

ssl? (default: #t)

Whether to use SSL/TLS encryption on the RAPI port.

ssl-key (default: "/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem")

This can be used to provide a specific encryption key for TLS communications.

ssl-cert (default: "/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem")

This can be used to provide a specific certificate for TLS communications.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes. Note that this will leak encryption details to the log files, use with caution.

Variável: ganeti-kvmd-service-type

ganeti-kvmd is responsible for determining whether a given KVM instance was shut down by an administrator or a user. Normally Ganeti will restart an instance that was not stopped through Ganeti itself. If the cluster option user_shutdown is true, this daemon monitors the QMP socket provided by QEMU and listens for shutdown events, and marks the instance as USER_down instead of ERROR_down when it shuts down gracefully by itself.

It takes a ganeti-kvmd-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-kvmd-configuration
ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-mond-service-type

ganeti-mond is an optional daemon that provides Ganeti monitoring functionality. It is responsible for running data collectors and publish the collected information through a HTTP interface.

It takes a ganeti-mond-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-mond-configuration
ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

port (padrão: 1815)

The port on which the daemon will listen.

address (default: "")

The network address that the daemon will bind to. By default it binds to all available interfaces.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-metad-service-type

ganeti-metad is an optional daemon that can be used to provide information about the cluster to instances or OS install scripts.

It takes a ganeti-metad-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-metad-configuration
ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

port (padrão: 80)

The port on which the daemon will listen.

address (default: #f)

If set, the daemon will bind to this address only. If left unset, the behavior depends on the cluster configuration.

debug? (default: #f)

When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-watcher-service-type

ganeti-watcher is a script designed to run periodically and ensure the health of a cluster. It will automatically restart instances that have stopped without Ganeti’s consent, and repairs DRBD links in case a node has rebooted. It also archives old cluster jobs and restarts Ganeti daemons that are not running. If the cluster parameter ensure_node_health is set, the watcher will also shutdown instances and DRBD devices if the node it is running on is declared offline by known master candidates.

It can be paused on all nodes with gnt-cluster watcher pause.

The service takes a ganeti-watcher-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-watcher-configuration
ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for this service.

schedule (default: '(next-second-from (next-minute (range 0 60 5))))

How often to run the script. The default is every five minutes.

rapi-ip (default: #f)

This option needs to be specified only if the RAPI daemon is configured to use a particular interface or address. By default the cluster address is used.

job-age (default: (* 6 3600))

Archive cluster jobs older than this age, specified in seconds. The default is 6 hours. This keeps gnt-job list manageable.

verify-disks? (default: #t)

If this is #f, the watcher will not try to repair broken DRBD links automatically. Administrators will need to use gnt-cluster verify-disks manually instead.

debug? (default: #f)

When #t, the script performs additional logging for debugging purposes.

Variável: ganeti-cleaner-service-type

ganeti-cleaner is a script designed to run periodically and remove old files from the cluster. This service type controls two cron jobs: one intended for the master node that permanently purges old cluster jobs, and one intended for every node that removes expired X509 certificates, keys, and outdated ganeti-watcher information. Like all Ganeti services, it is safe to include even on non-master nodes as it will disable itself as necessary.

It takes a ganeti-cleaner-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: ganeti-cleaner-configuration
ganeti (default: ganeti)

The ganeti package to use for the gnt-cleaner command.

master-schedule (default: "45 1 * * *")

How often to run the master cleaning job. The default is once per day, at 01:45:00.

node-schedule (default: "45 2 * * *")

How often to run the node cleaning job. The default is once per day, at 02:45:00.

11.10.31 Serviços de controlando versão

The (gnu services version-control) module provides a service to allow remote access to local Git repositories. There are three options: the git-daemon-service-type, which provides access to repositories via the git:// unsecured TCP-based protocol, extending the nginx web server to proxy some requests to git-http-backend, or providing a web interface with cgit-service-type.

Variável: git-daemon-service-type

Type for a service that runs git daemon, a simple TCP server to expose repositories over the Git protocol for anonymous access.

The value for this service type is a <git-daemon-configuration> record, by default it allows read-only access to exported36 repositories under /srv/git.

Tipo de dados: git-daemon-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for git-daemon-service-type.

package (default: git)

Package object of the Git distributed version control system.

export-all? (default: #f)

Whether to allow access for all Git repositories, even if they do not have the git-daemon-export-ok file.

base-path (default: /srv/git)

Whether to remap all the path requests as relative to the given path. If you run git daemon with (base-path "/srv/git") on ‘’, then if you later try to pull ‘git://’, git daemon will interpret the path as /srv/git/hello.git.

user-path (default: #f)

Whether to allow ~user notation to be used in requests. When specified with empty string, requests to ‘git://host/~alice/foo’ is taken as a request to access foo repository in the home directory of user alice. If (user-path "path") is specified, the same request is taken as a request to access path/foo repository in the home directory of user alice.

listen (default: '())

Whether to listen on specific IP addresses or hostnames, defaults to all.

port (padrão: #f)

Whether to listen on an alternative port, which defaults to 9418.

whitelist (default: '())

If not empty, only allow access to this list of directories.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options that will be passed to git daemon.37

The git:// protocol lacks authentication. When you pull from a repository fetched via git://, you don’t know whether the data you receive was modified or is even coming from the specified host, and your connection is subject to eavesdropping. It’s better to use an authenticated and encrypted transport, such as https. Although Git allows you to serve repositories using unsophisticated file-based web servers, there is a faster protocol implemented by the git-http-backend program. This program is the back-end of a proper Git web service. It is designed to sit behind a FastCGI proxy. Veja Serviços web, for more on running the necessary fcgiwrap daemon.

Guix has a separate configuration data type for serving Git repositories over HTTP.

Tipo de dados: git-http-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for a future git-http-service-type; can currently be used to configure Nginx through git-http-nginx-location-configuration.

package (default: git)

Package object of the Git distributed version control system.

git-root (default: /srv/git)

Directory containing the Git repositories to expose to the world.

export-all? (default: #f)

Whether to expose access for all Git repositories in git-root, even if they do not have the git-daemon-export-ok file.

uri-path (default: ‘/git/’)

Path prefix for Git access. With the default ‘/git/’ prefix, this will map ‘http://server/git/repo.git’ to /srv/git/repo.git. Requests whose URI paths do not begin with this prefix are not passed on to this Git instance.

fcgiwrap-socket (default:

The socket on which the fcgiwrap daemon is listening. Veja Serviços web.

There is no git-http-service-type, currently; instead you can create an nginx-location-configuration from a git-http-configuration and then add that location to a web server.

Procedure: git-http-nginx-location-configuration [config=(git-http-configuration)] Compute an

nginx-location-configuration that corresponds to the given Git http configuration. An example nginx service definition to serve the default /srv/git over HTTPS might be:

(service nginx-service-type
             (listen '("443 ssl"))
             (server-name "")
                (git-http-configuration (uri-path "/"))))))))))

This example assumes that you are using Let’s Encrypt to get your TLS certificate. Veja Serviços de certificado. The default certbot service will redirect all HTTP traffic on to HTTPS. You will also need to add an fcgiwrap proxy to your system services. Veja Serviços web.

Cgit Service

Cgit is a web frontend for Git repositories written in C.

The following example will configure the service with default values. By default, Cgit can be accessed on port 80 (http://localhost:80).

(service cgit-service-type)

The file-object type designates either a file-like object (veja file-like objects) or a string.

Available cgit-configuration fields are:

cgit-configuration parameter: package package

The CGIT package.

cgit-configuration parameter: nginx-server-configuration-list nginx

NGINX configuration.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object about-filter

Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the content of about pages (both top-level and for each repository).

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string agefile

Specifies a path, relative to each repository path, which can be used to specify the date and time of the youngest commit in the repository.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object auth-filter

Specifies a command that will be invoked for authenticating repository access.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string branch-sort

Flag which, when set to ‘age’, enables date ordering in the branch ref list, and when set ‘name’ enables ordering by branch name.

Defaults to ‘"name"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string cache-root

Path used to store the cgit cache entries.

Defaults to ‘"/var/cache/cgit"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-static-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of repository pages accessed with a fixed SHA1.

Defaults to ‘-1’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-dynamic-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of repository pages accessed without a fixed SHA1.

Defaults to ‘5’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-repo-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository summary page.

Defaults to ‘5’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-root-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘5’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-scanrc-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the result of scanning a path for Git repositories.

Defaults to ‘15’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-about-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository about page.

Defaults to ‘15’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-snapshot-ttl

Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of snapshots.

Defaults to ‘5’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer cache-size

The maximum number of entries in the cgit cache. When set to ‘0’, caching is disabled.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean case-sensitive-sort?

Sort items in the repo list case sensitively.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cgit-configuration parameter: list clone-prefix

List of common prefixes which, when combined with a repository URL, generates valid clone URLs for the repository.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cgit-configuration parameter: list clone-url

List of clone-url templates.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object commit-filter

Command which will be invoked to format commit messages.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string commit-sort

Flag which, when set to ‘date’, enables strict date ordering in the commit log, and when set to ‘topo’ enables strict topological ordering.

Defaults to ‘"git log"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object css

URL which specifies the css document to include in all cgit pages.

Defaults to ‘"/share/cgit/cgit.css"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object email-filter

Specifies a command which will be invoked to format names and email address of committers, authors, and taggers, as represented in various places throughout the cgit interface.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean embedded?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit generate a HTML fragment suitable for embedding in other HTML pages.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-commit-graph?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit print an ASCII-art commit history graph to the left of the commit messages in the repository log page.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-filter-overrides?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, allows all filter settings to be overridden in repository-specific cgitrc files.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, allows users to follow a file in the log view.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-http-clone?

If set to ‘#t’, cgit will act as an dumb HTTP endpoint for Git clones.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit generate extra links "summary", "commit", "tree" for each repo in the repository index.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-index-owner?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit display the owner of each repo in the repository index.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-log-filecount?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit print the number of modified files for each commit on the repository log page.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-log-linecount?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit print the number of added and removed lines for each commit on the repository log page.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-remote-branches?

Flag which, when set to #t, will make cgit display remote branches in the summary and refs views.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

Flag which, when set to 1, will make cgit use the subject of the parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit view.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-html-serving?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit use the subject of the parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit view.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-tree-linenumbers?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit generate linenumber links for plaintext blobs printed in the tree view.

Defaults to ‘#t’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean enable-git-config?

Flag which, when set to ‘#f’, will allow cgit to use Git config to set any repo specific settings.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object favicon

URL used as link to a shortcut icon for cgit.

Defaults to ‘"/favicon.ico"’.

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e. it replaces the standard "generated by..." message).

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string head-include

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim in the HTML HEAD section on all pages.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string header

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim at the top of all pages.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object include

Name of a configfile to include before the rest of the current config- file is parsed.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string index-header

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim above the repository index.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string index-info

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim below the heading on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean local-time?

Flag which, if set to ‘#t’, makes cgit print commit and tag times in the servers timezone.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on all cgit pages.

Defaults to ‘"/share/cgit/cgit.png"’.

URL loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object owner-filter

Command which will be invoked to format the Owner column of the main page.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-atom-items

Number of items to display in atom feeds view.

Defaults to ‘10’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-commit-count

Number of entries to list per page in "log" view.

Defaults to ‘50’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-message-length

Number of commit message characters to display in "log" view.

Defaults to ‘80’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-repo-count

Specifies the number of entries to list per page on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘50’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-repodesc-length

Specifies the maximum number of repo description characters to display on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘80’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer max-blob-size

Specifies the maximum size of a blob to display HTML for in KBytes.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string max-stats

Maximum statistics period. Valid values are ‘week’,‘month’, ‘quarter’ and ‘year’.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: mimetype-alist mimetype

Mimetype for the specified filename extension.

Defaults to ‘'((gif "image/gif") (html "text/html") (jpg "image/jpeg") (jpeg "image/jpeg") (pdf "application/pdf") (png "image/png") (svg "image/svg+xml"))’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object mimetype-file

Specifies the file to use for automatic mimetype lookup.

Defaults to ‘""’.

Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule is printed in a directory listing.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean nocache?

If set to the value ‘#t’ caching will be disabled.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean noplainemail?

If set to ‘#t’ showing full author email addresses will be disabled.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean noheader?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, will make cgit omit the standard header on all pages.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: project-list project-list

A list of subdirectories inside of repository-directory, relative to it, that should loaded as Git repositories. An empty list means that all subdirectories will be loaded.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object readme

Text which will be used as default repository-cgit-configuration readme.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean remove-suffix?

If set to #t and repository-directory is enabled, if any repositories are found with a suffix of .git, this suffix will be removed for the URL and name.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer renamelimit

Maximum number of files to consider when detecting renames.

Defaults to ‘-1’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string repository-sort

The way in which repositories in each section are sorted.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: robots-list robots

Text used as content for the robots meta-tag.

Defaults to ‘'("noindex" "nofollow")’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string root-desc

Text printed below the heading on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘"a fast webinterface for the git dscm"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string root-readme

The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim below the “about” link on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string root-title

Text printed as heading on the repository index page.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean scan-hidden-path

If set to ‘#t’ and repository-directory is enabled, repository-directory will recurse into directories whose name starts with a period. Otherwise, repository-directory will stay away from such directories, considered as “hidden”. Note that this does not apply to the .git directory in non-bare repos.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: list snapshots

Text which specifies the default set of snapshot formats that cgit generates links for.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cgit-configuration parameter: repository-directory repository-directory

Name of the directory to scan for repositories (represents scan-path).

Defaults to ‘"/srv/git"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string section

The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined after this option will inherit the current section name.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string section-sort

Flag which, when set to ‘1’, will sort the sections on the repository listing by name.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer section-from-path

A number which, if defined prior to repository-directory, specifies how many path elements from each repo path to use as a default section name.

Defaults to ‘0’.

cgit-configuration parameter: boolean side-by-side-diffs?

If set to ‘#t’ shows side-by-side diffs instead of unidiffs per default.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

cgit-configuration parameter: file-object source-filter

Specifies a command which will be invoked to format plaintext blobs in the tree view.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer summary-branches

Specifies the number of branches to display in the repository “summary” view.

Defaults to ‘10’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer summary-log

Specifies the number of log entries to display in the repository “summary” view.

Defaults to ‘10’.

cgit-configuration parameter: integer summary-tags

Specifies the number of tags to display in the repository “summary” view.

Defaults to ‘10’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string strict-export

Filename which, if specified, needs to be present within the repository for cgit to allow access to that repository.

Defaults to ‘""’.

cgit-configuration parameter: string virtual-root

URL which, if specified, will be used as root for all cgit links.

Defaults to ‘"/"’.

cgit-configuration parameter: repository-cgit-configuration-list repositories

A list of repository-cgit-configuration records.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

Available repository-cgit-configuration fields are:

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-list snapshots

A mask of snapshot formats for this repo that cgit generates links for, restricted by the global snapshots setting.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object source-filter

Override the default source-filter.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string url

The relative URL used to access the repository.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object about-filter

Override the default about-filter.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string branch-sort

Flag which, when set to ‘age’, enables date ordering in the branch ref list, and when set to ‘name’ enables ordering by branch name.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-list clone-url

A list of URLs which can be used to clone repo.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object commit-filter

Override the default commit-filter.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string commit-sort

Flag which, when set to ‘date’, enables strict date ordering in the commit log, and when set to ‘topo’ enables strict topological ordering.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string defbranch

The name of the default branch for this repository. If no such branch exists in the repository, the first branch name (when sorted) is used as default instead. By default branch pointed to by HEAD, or “master” if there is no suitable HEAD.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string desc

The value to show as repository description.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string homepage

The value to show as repository homepage.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object email-filter

Override the default email-filter.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: maybe-repo-boolean enable-commit-graph?

A flag which can be used to disable the global setting enable-commit-graph?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-filecount?

A flag which can be used to disable the global setting enable-log-filecount?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-linecount?

A flag which can be used to disable the global setting enable-log-linecount?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: maybe-repo-boolean enable-remote-branches?

Flag which, when set to #t, will make cgit display remote branches in the summary and refs views.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

A flag which can be used to override the global setting enable-subject-links?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: maybe-repo-boolean enable-html-serving?

A flag which can be used to override the global setting enable-html-serving?.

Defaults to ‘disabled’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-boolean hide?

Flag which, when set to #t, hides the repository from the repository index.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-boolean ignore?

Flag which, when set to ‘#t’, ignores the repository.

Defaults to ‘#f’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object logo

URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on this repo’s pages.

Defaults to ‘""’.

URL loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-file-object owner-filter

Override the default owner-filter.

Defaults to ‘""’.

Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit.

Defaults to ‘""’.

Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule with the specified subdirectory path is printed in a directory listing.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string max-stats

Override the default maximum statistics period.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string name

The value to show as repository name.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string owner

A value used to identify the owner of the repository.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string path

An absolute path to the repository directory.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string readme

A path (relative to repo) which specifies a file to include verbatim as the “About” page for this repo.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-string section

The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined after this option will inherit the current section name.

Defaults to ‘""’.

repository-cgit-configuration parameter: repo-list extra-options

Extra options will be appended to cgitrc file.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

cgit-configuration parameter: list extra-options

Extra options will be appended to cgitrc file.

Defaults to ‘'()’.

However, it could be that you just want to get a cgitrc up and running. In that case, you can pass an opaque-cgit-configuration as a record to cgit-service-type. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities.

Available opaque-cgit-configuration fields are:

opaque-cgit-configuration parameter: package cgit

The cgit package.

opaque-cgit-configuration parameter: string string

The contents of the cgitrc, as a string.

For example, if your cgitrc is just the empty string, you could instantiate a cgit service like this:

(service cgit-service-type
          (cgitrc "")))

Gitolite Service

Gitolite is a tool for hosting Git repositories on a central server.

Gitolite can handle multiple repositories and users, and supports flexible configuration of the permissions for the users on the repositories.

The following example will configure Gitolite using the default git user, and the provided SSH public key.

(service gitolite-service-type
           (admin-pubkey (plain-file
                           "ssh-rsa AAAA..."))))

Gitolite is configured through a special admin repository which you can clone, for example, if you setup Gitolite on, you would run the following command to clone the admin repository.

git clone

When the Gitolite service is activated, the provided admin-pubkey will be inserted in to the keydir directory in the gitolite-admin repository. If this results in a change in the repository, it will be committed using the message “gitolite setup by GNU Guix”.

Tipo de dados: gitolite-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for gitolite-service-type.

package (default: gitolite)

Gitolite package to use. There are optional Gitolite dependencies that are not included in the default package, such as Redis and git-annex. These features can be made available by using the make-gitolite procedure in the (gnu packages version-control) module to produce a variant of Gitolite with the desired additional dependencies.

The following code returns a package in which the Redis and git-annex programs can be invoked by Gitolite’s scripts:

(use-modules (gnu packages databases)
             (gnu packages haskell-apps)
             (gnu packages version-control))
(make-gitolite (list redis git-annex))
user (padrão: git)

User to use for Gitolite. This will be user that you use when accessing Gitolite over SSH.

group (padrão: git)

Group to use for Gitolite.

home-directory (default: "/var/lib/gitolite")

Directory in which to store the Gitolite configuration and repositories.

rc-file (padrão: (gitolite-rc-file))

A “file-like” object (veja file-like objects), representing the configuration for Gitolite.

admin-pubkey (padrão: #f)

A “file-like” object (veja file-like objects) used to setup Gitolite. This will be inserted in to the keydir directory within the gitolite-admin repository.

To specify the SSH key as a string, use the plain-file function.

(plain-file "" "ssh-rsa AAAA...")
Tipo de dados: gitolite-rc-file

Data type representing the Gitolite RC file.

umask (padrão: #o0077)

This controls the permissions Gitolite sets on the repositories and their contents.

A value like #o0027 will give read access to the group used by Gitolite (by default: git). This is necessary when using Gitolite with software like cgit or gitweb.

local-code (default: "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/local")

Allows you to add your own non-core programs, or even override the shipped ones with your own.

Please supply the FULL path to this variable. By default, directory called "local" in your gitolite clone is used, providing the benefits of versioning them as well as making changes to them without having to log on to the server.

unsafe-pattern (default: #f)

An optional Perl regular expression for catching unsafe configurations in the configuration file. See Gitolite’s documentation for more information.

When the value is not #f, it should be a string containing a Perl regular expression, such as ‘"[`~#\$\&()|;<>]"’, which is the default value used by gitolite. It rejects any special character in configuration that might be interpreted by a shell, which is useful when sharing the administration burden with other people that do not otherwise have shell access on the server.

git-config-keys (default: "")

Gitolite allows you to set git config values using the ‘config’ keyword. This setting allows control over the config keys to accept.

roles (default: '(("READERS" . 1) ("WRITERS" . )))

Set the role names allowed to be used by users running the perms command.

enable (default: '("help" "desc" "info" "perms" "writable" "ssh-authkeys" "git-config" "daemon" "gitweb"))

This setting controls the commands and features to enable within Gitolite.

Gitile Service

Gitile is a Git forge for viewing public git repository contents from a web browser.

Gitile works best in collaboration with Gitolite, and will serve the public repositories from Gitolite by default. The service should listen only on a local port, and a webserver should be configured to serve static resources. The gitile service provides an easy way to extend the Nginx service for that purpose (veja NGINX).

The following example will configure Gitile to serve repositories from a custom location, with some default messages for the home page and the footers.

(service gitile-service-type
           (repositories "/srv/git")
           (base-git-url "")
           (index-title "My git repositories")
           (intro '((p "This is all my public work!")))
           (footer '((p "This is the end")))
               (listen '("443 ssl http2" "[::]:443 ssl http2"))
                   ;; Allow for https anonymous fetch on /git/ urls.
                       (uri-path "/git/")
                       (git-root "/var/lib/gitolite/repositories")))))))))

In addition to the configuration record, you should configure your git repositories to contain some optional information. First, your public repositories need to contain the git-daemon-export-ok magic file that allows Git to export the repository. Gitile uses the presence of this file to detect public repositories it should make accessible. To do so with Gitolite for instance, modify your conf/gitolite.conf to include this in the repositories you want to make public:

repo foo
    R = daemon

In addition, Gitile can read the repository configuration to display more information on the repository. Gitile uses the gitweb namespace for its configuration. As an example, you can use the following in your conf/gitolite.conf:

repo foo
    R = daemon
    desc = A long description, optionally with <i>HTML</i>, shown on the index page
    config = The Foo Project
    config gitweb.synopsis = A short description, shown on the main page of the project

Do not forget to commit and push these changes once you are satisfied. You may need to change your gitolite configuration to allow the previous configuration options to be set. One way to do that is to add the following service definition:

(service gitolite-service-type
            (admin-pubkey (local-file ""))
                (umask #o0027)
                ;; Allow to set any configuration key
                (git-config-keys ".*")
                ;; Allow any text as a valid configuration value
                (unsafe-patt "^$")))))
Tipo de dados: gitile-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for gitile-service-type.

package (default: gitile)

Gitile package to use.

host (default: "localhost")

The host on which gitile is listening.

port (padrão: 8080)

The port on which gitile is listening.

database (default: "/var/lib/gitile/gitile-db.sql")

The location of the database.

repositories (default: "/var/lib/gitolite/repositories")

The location of the repositories. Note that only public repositories will be shown by Gitile. To make a repository public, add an empty git-daemon-export-ok file at the root of that repository.


The base git url that will be used to show clone commands.

index-title (default: "Index")

The page title for the index page that lists all the available repositories.

intro (default: '())

The intro content, as a list of sxml expressions. This is shown above the list of repositories, on the index page.

footer (default: '())

The footer content, as a list of sxml expressions. This is shown on every page served by Gitile.


An nginx server block that will be extended and used as a reverse proxy by Gitile to serve its pages, and as a normal web server to serve its assets.

You can use this block to add more custom URLs to your domain, such as a /git/ URL for anonymous clones, or serving any other files you would like to serve.

11.10.32 Serviços de jogos

Joycond service

The joycond service allows the pairing of Nintendo joycon game controllers over Bluetooth. (veja Serviços de desktop for setting up Bluetooth.)

Tipo de dados: joycond-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of joycond.

package (default: joycond)

The joycond package to use.

Variável: joycond-service-type

Service type for the joycond service. It also extends the udev-service-type with the joycond package (provided via the joycond-configuration configuration), so that joycond controllers can be detected and used by an unprivileged user.

The Battle for Wesnoth Service

The Battle for Wesnoth is a fantasy, turn based tactical strategy game, with several single player campaigns, and multiplayer games (both networked and local).

Variável: wesnothd-service-type

Service type for the wesnothd service. Its value must be a wesnothd-configuration object. To run wesnothd in the default configuration, instantiate it as:

(service wesnothd-service-type)
Tipo de dados: wesnothd-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of wesnothd.

package (default: wesnoth-server)

The wesnoth server package to use.

port (padrão: 15000)

The port to bind the server to.

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11.10.33 Serviço de montagem PAM

The (gnu services pam-mount) module provides a service allowing users to mount volumes when they log in. It should be able to mount any volume format supported by the system.

Variável: pam-mount-service-type

Service type for PAM Mount support.

Tipo de dados: pam-mount-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of PAM Mount.

It takes the following parameters:


The configuration rules that will be used to generate /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml.

The configuration rules are SXML elements (veja SXML em GNU Guile Reference Manual), and the default ones don’t mount anything for anyone at login:

`((debug (@ (enable "0")))
  (mntoptions (@ (allow ,(string-join
                          '("nosuid" "nodev" "loop"
                            "encryption" "fsck" "nonempty"
                            "allow_root" "allow_other")
  (mntoptions (@ (require "nosuid,nodev")))
  (logout (@ (wait "0")
             (hup "0")
             (term "no")
             (kill "no")))
  (mkmountpoint (@ (enable "1")
                   (remove "true"))))

Some volume elements must be added to automatically mount volumes at login. Here’s an example allowing the user alice to mount her encrypted HOME directory and allowing the user bob to mount the partition where he stores his data:

(define pam-mount-rules
`((debug (@ (enable "0")))
            (volume (@ (user "alice")
                       (fstype "crypt")
                       (path "/dev/sda2")
                       (mountpoint "/home/alice")))
            (volume (@ (user "bob")
                       (fstype "auto")
                       (path "/dev/sdb3")
                       (mountpoint "/home/bob/data")
                       (options "defaults,autodefrag,compress")))
            (mntoptions (@ (allow ,(string-join
                                    '("nosuid" "nodev" "loop"
                                      "encryption" "fsck" "nonempty"
                                      "allow_root" "allow_other")
            (mntoptions (@ (require "nosuid,nodev")))
            (logout (@ (wait "0")
                       (hup "0")
                       (term "no")
                       (kill "no")))
            (mkmountpoint (@ (enable "1")
                             (remove "true")))))

(service pam-mount-service-type
           (rules pam-mount-rules)))

The complete list of possible options can be found in the man page for pam_mount.conf.

PAM Mount Volume Service

PAM mount volumes are automatically mounted at login by the PAM login service according to a set of per-volume rules. Because they are mounted by PAM the password entered during login may be used directly to mount authenticated volumes, such as cifs, using the same credentials.

These volumes will be added in addition to any volumes directly specified in pam-mount-rules.

Here is an example of a rule which will mount a remote CIFS share from //remote-server/share into a sub-directory of /shares named after the user logging in:

(simple-service 'pam-mount-remote-share pam-mount-volume-service-type
                (list (pam-mount-volume
                       (secondary-group "users")
                       (file-system-type "cifs")
                       (server "remote-server")
                       (file-name "share")
                       (mount-point "/shares/%(USER)")
                       (options "nosuid,nodev,seal,cifsacl"))))
Tipo de dados: pam-mount-volume-service-type

Configuration for a single volume to be mounted. Any fields not specified will be omitted from the run-time PAM configuration. See the man page for the default values when unspecified.

user-name (type: maybe-string)

Mount the volume for the given user.

user-id (type: maybe-integer-or-range)

Mount the volume for the user with this ID. This field may also be specified as a pair of (start . end) indicating a range of user IDs for whom to mount the volume.

primary-group (type: maybe-string)

Mount the volume for users with this primary group name.

group-id (type: maybe-integer-or-range)

Mount the volume for the users with this primary group ID. This field may also be specified as a cons cell of (start . end) indicating a range of group ids for whom to mount the volume.

secondary-group (type: maybe-string)

Mount the volume for users who are members of this group as either a primary or secondary group.

file-system-type (type: maybe-string)

The file system type for the volume being mounted (e.g., cifs)

no-mount-as-root? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether or not to mount the volume with root privileges. This is normally disabled, but may be enabled for mounts of type fuse, or other user-level mounts.

server (type: maybe-string)

The name of the remote server to mount the volume from, when necessary.

file-name (type: maybe-string)

The location of the volume, either local or remote, depending on the file-system-type.

mount-point (type: maybe-string)

Where to mount the volume in the local file-system. This may be set to ~ to indicate the home directory of the user logging in. If this field is omitted then /etc/fstab is consulted for the mount destination.

options (type: maybe-string)

The options to be passed as-is to the underlying mount program.

ssh? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable this option to pass the login password to SSH for use with mounts involving SSH (e.g., sshfs).

cipher (type: maybe-string)

Cryptsetup cipher name for the volume. To be used with the crypt file-system-type.

file-system-key-cipher (type: maybe-string)

Cipher name used by the target volume.

file-system-key-hash (type: maybe-string)

SSL hash name used by the target volume.

file-system-key-file-name (type: maybe-string)

File name of the file system key for the target volume.

11.10.34 Serviços Guix

Build Farm Front-End (BFFE)

The Build Farm Front-End assists with building Guix packages in bulk. It’s responsible for submitting builds and displaying the status of the build farm.

Variável: bffe-service-type

Service type for the Build Farm Front-End. Its value must be a bffe-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: bffe-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Build Farm Front-End.

package (default: bffe)

The Build Farm Front-End package to use.

user (default: "bffe")

The system user to run the service as.

group (default: "bffe")

The system group to run the service as.


A list of arguments to the Build Farm Front-End. These are passed to the run-bffe-service procedure when starting the service.

For example, the following value directs the Build Farm Front-End to submit builds for derivations available from to the Build Coordinator instance assumed to be running on the same machine.

   (data-service-url "")
   (build-coordinator-url "")
   (branches '("master"))
   (systems '("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"))
    (map (lambda (target)
           (cons "x86_64-linux" target))
   (build-priority (const 0))))
 '(#:event-source ""
   (#:title " build farm")))
extra-environment-variables (default: ’())

Extra environment variables to set via the shepherd service.

Guix Build Coordinator

The Guix Build Coordinator aids in distributing derivation builds among machines running an agent. The build daemon is still used to build the derivations, but the Guix Build Coordinator manages allocating builds and working with the results.

The Guix Build Coordinator consists of one coordinator, and one or more connected agent processes. The coordinator process handles clients submitting builds, and allocating builds to agents. The agent processes talk to a build daemon to actually perform the builds, then send the results back to the coordinator.

There is a script to run the coordinator component of the Guix Build Coordinator, but the Guix service uses a custom Guile script instead, to provide better integration with G-expressions used in the configuration.

Variável: guix-build-coordinator-service-type

Service type for the Guix Build Coordinator. Its value must be a guix-build-coordinator-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Build Coordinator.

package (default: guix-build-coordinator)

The Guix Build Coordinator package to use.

user (default: "guix-build-coordinator")

The system user to run the service as.

group (default: "guix-build-coordinator")

The system group to run the service as.

database-uri-string (default: "sqlite:///var/lib/guix-build-coordinator/guix_build_coordinator.db")

The URI to use for the database.

agent-communication-uri (default: "")

The URI describing how to listen to requests from agent processes.

client-communication-uri (default: "")

The URI describing how to listen to requests from clients. The client API allows submitting builds and currently isn’t authenticated, so take care when configuring this value.

allocation-strategy (default: #~basic-build-allocation-strategy)

A G-expression for the allocation strategy to be used. This is a procedure that takes the datastore as an argument and populates the allocation plan in the database.

hooks (default: ’())

An association list of hooks. These provide a way to execute arbitrary code upon certain events, like a build result being processed.

parallel-hooks (default: ’())

Hooks can be configured to run in parallel. This parameter is an association list of hooks to do in parallel, where the key is the symbol for the hook and the value is the number of threads to run.

listen-repl (default: #f)

Port or filename to spawn a REPL listening on, pass #t to listen on the default port or #f to disable.

guile (default: guile-3.0-latest)

The Guile package with which to run the Guix Build Coordinator.

extra-environment-variables (default: ’())

Extra environment variables to set via the shepherd service.

Variável: guix-build-coordinator-agent-service-type

Service type for a Guix Build Coordinator agent. Its value must be a guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration

Data type representing the configuration a Guix Build Coordinator agent.

package (default: guix-build-coordinator/agent-only)

The Guix Build Coordinator package to use.

user (default: "guix-build-coordinator-agent")

The system user to run the service as.

coordinator (default: "http://localhost:8745")

The URI to use when connecting to the coordinator.


Record describing how this agent should authenticate with the coordinator. Possible record types are described below.

systems (default: #f)

The systems for which this agent should fetch builds. The agent process will use the current system it’s running on as the default.

max-parallel-builds (default: #f)

The number of builds to perform in parallel.

max-parallel-uploads (default: #f)

The number of uploads to perform in parallel.

max-allocated-builds (default: #f)

The maximum number of builds this agent can be allocated.

max-1min-load-average (default: #f)

Load average value to look at when considering starting new builds, if the 1 minute load average exceeds this value, the agent will wait before starting new builds.

This will be unspecified if the value is #f, and the agent will use the number of cores reported by the system as the max 1 minute load average.

derivation-substitute-urls (default: #f)

URLs from which to attempt to fetch substitutes for derivations, if the derivations aren’t already available.

non-derivation-substitute-urls (default: #f)

URLs from which to attempt to fetch substitutes for build inputs, if the input store items aren’t already available.

extra-options (default: ’())

Extra command line options for guix-build-coordinator-agent.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-auth

Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a UUID and password.


The UUID of the agent. This should be generated by the coordinator process, stored in the coordinator database, and used by the intended agent.


The password to use when connecting to the coordinator.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-file-auth

Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a UUID and password read from a file.


The UUID of the agent. This should be generated by the coordinator process, stored in the coordinator database, and used by the intended agent.


A file containing the password to use when connecting to the coordinator.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth

Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a dynamic auth token and agent name.


Name of an agent, this is used to match up to an existing entry in the database if there is one. When no existing entry is found, a new entry is automatically added.


Dynamic auth token, this is created and stored in the coordinator database, and is used by the agent to authenticate.

Tipo de dados: guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth-with-file

Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a dynamic auth token read from a file and agent name.


Name of an agent, this is used to match up to an existing entry in the database if there is one. When no existing entry is found, a new entry is automatically added.


File containing the dynamic auth token, this is created and stored in the coordinator database, and is used by the agent to authenticate.

Guix Data Service

The Guix Data Service processes, stores and provides data about GNU Guix. This includes information about packages, derivations and lint warnings.

The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, and available through a web interface.

Variável: guix-data-service-type

Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a guix-data-service-configuration object. The service optionally extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to find out about changes in the Guix git repository.

Tipo de dados: guix-data-service-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Data Service.

package (default: guix-data-service)

The Guix Data Service package to use.

user (default: "guix-data-service")

The system user to run the service as.

group (default: "guix-data-service")

The system group to run the service as.

port (padrão: 8765)

The port to bind the web service to.

host (default: "")

The host to bind the web service to.

getmail-idle-mailboxes (default: #f)

If set, this is the list of mailboxes that the getmail service will be configured to listen to.

commits-getmail-retriever-configuration (default: #f)

If set, this is the getmail-retriever-configuration object with which to configure getmail to fetch mail from the guix-commits mailing list.

extra-options (default: ’())

Extra command line options for guix-data-service.

extra-process-jobs-options (default: ’())

Extra command line options for guix-data-service-process-jobs.

git-repositories (default: #f)

List of git-repository information to insert into the database.

build-servers (default: #f)

List of build-server information to insert into the database.

Guix Home Service

The Guix Home service is a way to let Guix System deploy the home environment of one or more users (veja Home Configuration, for more on Guix Home). That way, the system configuration embeds declarations of the home environment of those users and can be used to deploy everything consistently at once, saving users the need to run guix home reconfigure independently.

Variável: guix-home-service-type

Service type for the Guix Home service. Its value must be a list of lists containing user and home environment pairs. The key of each pair is a string representing the user to deploy the configuration under and the value is a home-environment configuration.

(use-modules (gnu home))

(define my-home

  (services (append (list (service guix-home-service-type
                                   `(("alice" ,my-home))))

This service can be extended by other services to add additional home environments, as in this example:

(simple-service 'my-extra-home guix-home-service-type
                `(("bob" ,my-extra-home)))

Nar Herder

The Nar Herder is a utility for managing a collection of nars.

Variável: nar-herder-type

Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a nar-herder-configuration object. The service optionally extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to find out about changes in the Guix git repository.

Tipo de dados: nar-herder-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Data Service.

package (default: nar-herder)

The Nar Herder package to use.

user (default: "nar-herder")

The system user to run the service as.

group (default: "nar-herder")

The system group to run the service as.

port (padrão: 8734)

The port to bind the server to.

host (default: "")

The host to bind the server to.

mirror (default: #f)

Optional URL of the other Nar Herder instance which should be mirrored. This means that this Nar Herder instance will download it’s database, and keep it up to date.

database (default: "/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder.db")

Location for the database. If this Nar Herder instance is mirroring another, the database will be downloaded if it doesn’t exist. If this Nar Herder instance isn’t mirroring another, an empty database will be created.

database-dump (default: "/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder_dump.db")

Location of the database dump. This is created and regularly updated by taking a copy of the database. This is the version of the database that is available to download.

storage (default: #f)

Optional location in which to store nars.

storage-limit (default: "none")

Limit in bytes for the nars stored in the storage location. This can also be set to “none” so that there is no limit.

When the storage location exceeds this size, nars are removed according to the nar removal criteria.

storage-nar-removal-criteria (default: '())

Criteria used to remove nars from the storage location. These are used in conjunction with the storage limit.

When the storage location exceeds the storage limit size, nars will be checked against the nar removal criteria and if any of the criteria match, they will be removed. This will continue until the storage location is below the storage limit size.

Each criteria is specified by a string, then an equals sign, then another string. Currently, only one criteria is supported, checking if a nar is stored on another Nar Herder instance.

ttl (default: #f)

Produce Cache-Control HTTP headers that advertise a time-to-live (TTL) of ttl. ttl must denote a duration: 5d means 5 days, 1m means 1 month, and so on.

This allows the user’s Guix to keep substitute information in cache for ttl.

new-ttl (default: #f)

If specified, this will override the ttl setting when used for the Cache-Control headers, but this value will be used when scheduling the removal of nars.

Use this setting when the TTL is being reduced to avoid removing nars while clients still have cached narinfos.

negative-ttl (default: #f)

Similarly produce Cache-Control HTTP headers to advertise the time-to-live (TTL) of negative lookups—missing store items, for which the HTTP 404 code is returned. By default, no negative TTL is advertised.

log-level (default: 'DEBUG)

Log level to use, specify a log level like 'INFO to stop logging individual requests.

cached-compressions (default: '())

Activate generating cached nars with different compression details from the stored nars. This is a list of nar-herder-cached-compression-configuration records.

min-uses (default: 3)

When cached-compressions are enabled, generate cached nars when at least this number of requests are made for a nar.

workers (default: 2)

Number of cached nars to generate at a time.

nar-source (default: #f)

Location to fetch nars from when computing cached compressions. By default, the storage location will be used.

extra-environment-variables (default: '())

Extra environment variables to set via the shepherd service.

Tipo de dados: nar-herder-cached-compression-configuration

Data type representing the cached compression configuration.


Type of compression to use, e.g. 'zstd.

workers (default: #f)

Level of the compression to use.

directory (default: #f)

Location to store the cached nars. If unspecified, they will be stored in /var/cache/nar-herder/nar/TYPE.

directory-max-size (default: #f)

Maximum size in bytes of the directory.

unused-removal-duration (default: #f)

If a cached nar isn’t used for unused-removal-duration, it will be scheduled for removal.

unused-removal-duration must denote a duration: 5d means 5 days, 1m means 1 month, and so on.

ttl (default: #f)

If specified this overrides the ttl used for narinfos when this cached compression is available.

new-ttl (default: #f)

As with the new-ttl option for nar-herder-configuration, this value will override the ttl when used for narinfo requests.

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11.10.35 Serviços Linux

Early OOM Service

Early OOM, also known as Earlyoom, is a minimalist out of memory (OOM) daemon that runs in user space and provides a more responsive and configurable alternative to the in-kernel OOM killer. It is useful to prevent the system from becoming unresponsive when it runs out of memory.

Variável: earlyoom-service-type

The service type for running earlyoom, the Early OOM daemon. Its value must be a earlyoom-configuration object, described below. The service can be instantiated in its default configuration with:

(service earlyoom-service-type)
Tipo de dados: earlyoom-configuration

This is the configuration record for the earlyoom-service-type.

earlyoom (default: earlyoom)

The Earlyoom package to use.

minimum-available-memory (default: 10)

The threshold for the minimum available memory, in percentages.

minimum-free-swap (default: 10)

The threshold for the minimum free swap memory, in percentages.

prefer-regexp (default: #f)

A regular expression (as a string) to match the names of the processes that should be preferably killed.

avoid-regexp (default: #f)

A regular expression (as a string) to match the names of the processes that should not be killed.

memory-report-interval (default: 0)

The interval in seconds at which a memory report is printed. It is disabled by default.

ignore-positive-oom-score-adj? (default: #f)

A boolean indicating whether the positive adjustments set in /proc/*/oom_score_adj should be ignored.

show-debug-messages? (default: #f)

A boolean indicating whether debug messages should be printed. The logs are saved at /var/log/earlyoom.log.

send-notification-command (default: #f)

This can be used to provide a custom command used for sending notifications.

fstrim Service

The command fstrim can be used to discard (or trim) unused blocks on a mounted file system.

Aviso: Running fstrim frequently, or even using mount -o discard, might negatively affect the lifetime of poor-quality SSD devices. For most desktop and server systems a sufficient trimming frequency is once a week. Note that not all devices support a queued trim, so each trim command incurs a performance penalty on whatever else might be trying to use the disk at the time.

Variável: fstrim-service-type

Type for a service that periodically runs fstrim, whose value must be an <fstrim-configuration> object. The service can be instantiated in its default configuration with:

(service fstrim-service-type)
Tipo de dados: fstrim-configuration

Available fstrim-configuration fields are:

package (default: util-linux) (type: file-like)

The package providing the fstrim command.

schedule (default: "0 0 * * 0") (type: mcron-time)

Schedule for launching fstrim. This can be a procedure, a list or a string. For additional information, see Job specification em the mcron manual. By default this is set to run weekly on Sunday at 00:00.

listed-in (default: '("/etc/fstab" "/proc/self/mountinfo")) (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

List of files in fstab or kernel mountinfo format. All missing or empty files are silently ignored. The evaluation of the list stops after the first non-empty file. File systems with X-fstrim.notrim mount option in fstab are skipped.

verbose? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Verbose execution.

quiet-unsupported? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Suppress error messages if trim operation (ioctl) is unsupported.

extra-arguments (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

Extra options to append to fstrim (run ‘man fstrim’ for more information).

Kernel Module Loader Service

The kernel module loader service allows one to load loadable kernel modules at boot. This is especially useful for modules that don’t autoload and need to be manually loaded, as is the case with ddcci.

Variável: kernel-module-loader-service-type

The service type for loading loadable kernel modules at boot with modprobe. Its value must be a list of strings representing module names. For example loading the drivers provided by ddcci-driver-linux, in debugging mode by passing some module parameters, can be done as follow:

(use-modules (gnu) (gnu services))
(use-package-modules linux)
(use-service-modules linux)

(define ddcci-config
  (plain-file "ddcci.conf"
              "options ddcci dyndbg delay=120"))

  (services (cons* (service kernel-module-loader-service-type
                            '("ddcci" "ddcci_backlight"))
                   (simple-service 'ddcci-config etc-service-type
                                   (list `("modprobe.d/ddcci.conf"
  (kernel-loadable-modules (list ddcci-driver-linux)))

Cachefilesd Service

The Cachefilesd service starts a daemon that caches network file system data locally. It is especially useful for NFS and AFS shares, where it reduces latencies for repeated access when reading files.

The daemon can be configured as follows:

(service cachefilesd-service-type
           (cache-directory "/var/cache/fscache")))
Variável: cachefilesd-service-type

The service type for starting cachefilesd. The value for this service type is a cachefilesd-configuration, whose only required field is cache-directory.

Tipo de dados: cachefilesd-configuration

Available cachefilesd-configuration fields are:

cachefilesd (default: cachefilesd) (type: file-like)

The cachefilesd package to use.

debug-output? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Print debugging output to stderr.

use-syslog? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Log to syslog facility instead of stdout.

scan? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Scan for cacheable objects.

cache-directory (type: maybe-string)

Location of the cache directory.

cache-name (default: "CacheFiles") (type: maybe-string)

Name of cache (keep unique).

security-context (type: maybe-string)

SELinux security context.

pause-culling-for-block-percentage (default: 7) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Pause culling when available blocks exceed this percentage.

pause-culling-for-file-percentage (default: 7) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Pause culling when available files exceed this percentage.

resume-culling-for-block-percentage (default: 5) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Start culling when available blocks drop below this percentage.

resume-culling-for-file-percentage (default: 5) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Start culling when available files drop below this percentage.

pause-caching-for-block-percentage (default: 1) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Pause further allocations when available blocks drop below this percentage.

pause-caching-for-file-percentage (default: 1) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Pause further allocations when available files drop below this percentage.

log2-table-size (default: 12) (type: maybe-non-negative-integer)

Size of tables holding cullable objects in logarithm of base 2.

cull? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Create free space by culling (consumes system load).

trace-function-entry-in-kernel-module? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Trace function entry in the kernel module (for debugging).

trace-function-exit-in-kernel-module? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Trace function exit in the kernel module (for debugging).

trace-internal-checkpoints-in-kernel-module? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Trace internal checkpoints in the kernel module (for debugging).

Rasdaemon Service

The Rasdaemon service provides a daemon which monitors platform RAS (Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability) reports from Linux kernel trace events, logging them to syslogd.

Reliability, Availability and Serviceability is a concept used on servers meant to measure their robustness.

Relability is the probability that a system will produce correct outputs:

  • Generally measured as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), and
  • Enhanced by features that help to avoid, detect and repair hardware faults

Availability is the probability that a system is operational at a given time:

  • Generally measured as a percentage of downtime per a period of time, and
  • Often uses mechanisms to detect and correct hardware faults in runtime.

Serviceability is the simplicity and speed with which a system can be repaired or maintained:

  • Generally measured on Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR).

Among the monitoring measures, the most usual ones include:

  • CPU – detect errors at instruction execution and at L1/L2/L3 caches;
  • Memory – add error correction logic (ECC) to detect and correct errors;
  • I/O – add CRC checksums for transferred data;
  • Storage – RAID, journal file systems, checksums, Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART).

By monitoring the number of occurrences of error detections, it is possible to identify if the probability of hardware errors is increasing, and, on such case, do a preventive maintenance to replace a degraded component while those errors are correctable.

For detailed information about the types of error events gathered and how to make sense of them, see the kernel administrator’s guide at

Variável: rasdaemon-service-type

Service type for the rasdaemon service. It accepts a rasdaemon-configuration object. Instantiating like

(service rasdaemon-service-type)

will load with a default configuration, which monitors all events and logs to syslogd.

Tipo de dados: rasdaemon-configuration

The data type representing the configuration of rasdaemon.

record? (default: #f)

A boolean indicating whether to record the events in an SQLite database. This provides a more structured access to the information contained in the log file. The database location is hard-coded to /var/lib/rasdaemon/ras-mc_event.db.

Zram Device Service

The Zram device service provides a compressed swap device in system memory. The Linux Kernel documentation has more information about zram devices.

Variável: zram-device-service-type

This service creates the zram block device, formats it as swap and enables it as a swap device. The service’s value is a zram-device-configuration record.

Tipo de dados: zram-device-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration for the zram-device service.

size (default "1G")

This is the amount of space you wish to provide for the zram device. It accepts a string and can be a number of bytes or use a suffix, eg.: "512M" or 1024000.

compression-algorithm (default 'lzo)

This is the compression algorithm you wish to use. It is difficult to list all the possible compression options, but common ones supported by Guix’s Linux Libre Kernel include 'lzo, 'lz4 and 'zstd.

memory-limit (default 0)

This is the maximum amount of memory which the zram device can use. Setting it to ’0’ disables the limit. While it is generally expected that compression will be 2:1, it is possible that uncompressable data can be written to swap and this is a method to limit how much memory can be used. It accepts a string and can be a number of bytes or use a suffix, eg.: "2G".

priority (default #f)

This is the priority of the swap device created from the zram device. Veja Espaço de troca (swap) for a description of swap priorities. You might want to set a specific priority for the zram device, otherwise it could end up not being used much for the reasons described there.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.36 Serviços Hurd

Variável: hurd-console-service-type

This service starts the fancy VGA console client on the Hurd.

The service’s value is a hurd-console-configuration record.

Tipo de dados: hurd-console-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration for the hurd-console-service.

hurd (default: hurd)

The Hurd package to use.

Variável: hurd-getty-service-type

This service starts a tty using the Hurd getty program.

The service’s value is a hurd-getty-configuration record.

Tipo de dados: hurd-getty-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration for the hurd-getty-service.

hurd (default: hurd)

The Hurd package to use.


The name of the console this Getty runs on—e.g., "tty1".

baud-rate (default: 38400)

An integer specifying the baud rate of the tty.

Anterior: , Acima: Serviços   [Conteúdo][Índice]

11.10.37 Serviços diversos

Fingerprint Service

The (gnu services authentication) module provides a DBus service to read and identify fingerprints via a fingerprint sensor.

Variável: fprintd-service-type

The service type for fprintd, which provides the fingerprint reading capability.

(service fprintd-service-type)

System Control Service

The (gnu services sysctl) provides a service to configure kernel parameters at boot.

Variável: sysctl-service-type

The service type for sysctl, which modifies kernel parameters under /proc/sys/. To enable IPv4 forwarding, it can be instantiated as:

(service sysctl-service-type
           (settings '(("net.ipv4.ip_forward" . "1")))))

Since sysctl-service-type is used in the default lists of services, %base-services and %desktop-services, you can use modify-services to change its configuration and add the kernel parameters that you want (veja modify-services).

(modify-services %base-services
  (sysctl-service-type config =>
                         (settings (append '(("net.ipv4.ip_forward" . "1"))
Tipo de dados: sysctl-configuration

The data type representing the configuration of sysctl.

sysctl (default: (file-append procps "/sbin/sysctl")

The sysctl executable to use.

settings (default: %default-sysctl-settings)

An association list specifies kernel parameters and their values.

Variável: %default-sysctl-settings

An association list specifying the default sysctl parameters on Guix System.

PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Service

The (gnu services security-token) module provides the following service to run pcscd, the PC/SC Smart Card Daemon. pcscd is the daemon program for pcsc-lite and the MuscleCard framework. It is a resource manager that coordinates communications with smart card readers, smart cards and cryptographic tokens that are connected to the system.

Variável: pcscd-service-type

Service type for the pcscd service. Its value must be a pcscd-configuration object. To run pcscd in the default configuration, instantiate it as:

(service pcscd-service-type)
Tipo de dados: pcscd-configuration

The data type representing the configuration of pcscd.

pcsc-lite (default: pcsc-lite)

The pcsc-lite package that provides pcscd.

usb-drivers (default: (list ccid))

List of packages that provide USB drivers to pcscd. Drivers are expected to be under pcsc/drivers in the store directory of the package.

LIRC Service

The (gnu services lirc) module provides the following service.

Variável: lirc-service-type

Type for a service that runs LIRC, a daemon that decodes infrared signals from remote controls.

The value for this service is a <lirc-configuration> object.

Tipo de dados: lirc-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of lircd.

lirc (default: lirc) (type: file-like)

Package object for lirc.

device (default: #f) (type: string)
driver (default: #f) (type: string)
config-file (default: #f) (type: string-or-file-like)

TODO. See lircd manual for details.

extra-options (default: '()) (type: list-of-string)

Additional command-line options to pass to lircd.

SPICE Service

The (gnu services spice) module provides the following service.

Variável: spice-vdagent-service-type

Type of the service that runs VDAGENT, a daemon that enables sharing the clipboard with a vm and setting the guest display resolution when the graphical console window resizes.

Tipo de dados: spice-vdagent-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of spice-vdagent-service-type.

spice-vdagent (default: spice-vdagent) (type: file-like)

Package object for VDAGENT.

inputattach Service

The inputattach service allows you to use input devices such as Wacom tablets, touchscreens, or joysticks with the Xorg display server.

Variável: inputattach-service-type

Type of a service that runs inputattach on a device and dispatches events from it.

Tipo de dados: inputattach-configuration
device-type (default: "wacom")

The type of device to connect to. Run inputattach --help, from the inputattach package, to see the list of supported device types.

device (padrão: "/dev/ttyS0")

The device file to connect to the device.

baud-rate (default: #f)

Baud rate to use for the serial connection. Should be a number or #f.

log-file (default: #f)

If true, this must be the name of a file to log messages to.

Dictionary Service

The (gnu services dict) module provides the following service:

Variável: dicod-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the dicod daemon, an implementation of DICT server (veja Dicod em GNU Dico Manual).

You can add open localhost to your ~/.dico file to make localhost the default server for dico client (veja Initialization File em GNU Dico Manual).

Nota: This service is also available for Guix Home, where it runs directly with your user privileges (veja home-dicod-service-type).

Tipo de dados: dicod-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of dicod.

dico (default: dico)

Package object of the GNU Dico dictionary server.

interfaces (default: ’("localhost"))

This is the list of IP addresses and ports and possibly socket file names to listen to (veja listen directive em GNU Dico Manual).

handlers (default: ’())

List of <dicod-handler> objects denoting handlers (module instances).

databases (default: (list %dicod-database:gcide))

List of <dicod-database> objects denoting dictionaries to be served.

Tipo de dados: dicod-handler

Data type representing a dictionary handler (module instance).


Name of the handler (module instance).

module (default: #f)

Name of the dicod module of the handler (instance). If it is #f, the module has the same name as the handler. (veja Modules em GNU Dico Manual).


List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the module handler

Tipo de dados: dicod-database

Data type representing a dictionary database.


Name of the database, will be used in DICT commands.


Name of the dicod handler (module instance) used by this database (veja Handlers em GNU Dico Manual).

complex? (default: #f)

Whether the database configuration complex. The complex configuration will need a corresponding <dicod-handler> object, otherwise not.


List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the database (veja Databases em GNU Dico Manual).

Variável: %dicod-database:gcide

A <dicod-database> object serving the GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English using the gcide package.

Procedure: dicod-freedict-database dictionary-name

Returns a record of type dicod-database for purpose of configuring a database for the FreeDict multilingual dictionary named by dictionary-name, a string such as "kur-eng" for the Kurdish-to-English dictionary, into a service of type dicod-service-type.

Variável: %dicod-databases:freedict

A relatively large list of records of type dicod-database, made available for users who wish to configure all the FreeDict multilingual dictionaries provided by the freedict-dictionaries package into a service of type dicod-service-type.

The following is an example dicod-service-type configuration, extending a dicod daemon serving databases for the wordnet and gcide dictionaries, as well as a selection of FreeDict multilingual dictionaries.

(service dicod-service-type
          (handlers (list
                      (name "wordnet")
                      (module "wordnet")
                       (list #~(string-append "wnhome=" #$wordnet))))))
          (databases (cons*
                       (name "wordnet")
                       (complex? #t)
                       (handler "wordnet"))
                       '("fra-eng" "eng-fra" "eng-spa" "spa-eng"))))))

Docker Service

The (gnu services docker) module provides the following services.

Variável: containerd-service-type

This service type operates containerd containerd, a daemon responsible for overseeing the entire container lifecycle on its host system. This includes image handling, storage management, container execution, supervision, low-level storage operations, network connections, and more.

Tipo de dados: containerd-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration of containerd.

containerd (default: containerd)

The containerd daemon package to use.

debug? (default #f)

Enable or disable debug output.

environment-variables (default: '())

List of environment variables to set for containerd.

This must be a list of strings where each string has the form ‘key=value’ as in this example:

(list "HTTP_PROXY=socks5://"
Variável: docker-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs Docker, a daemon that can execute application bundles (sometimes referred to as “containers”) in isolated environments.

The containerd-service-type service need to be added to a system configuration, otherwise a message about not any service provides containerd will be displayed during guix system reconfigure.

Tipo de dados: docker-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration of Docker and Containerd.

docker (default: docker)

The Docker daemon package to use.

docker-cli (default: docker-cli)

The Docker client package to use.

containerd (default: containerd)

This field is deprecated in favor of containerd-service-type service.

proxy (default docker-libnetwork-cmd-proxy)

The Docker user-land networking proxy package to use.

enable-proxy? (default #t)

Enable or disable the use of the Docker user-land networking proxy.

debug? (default #f)

Enable or disable debug output.

enable-iptables? (default #t)

Enable or disable the addition of iptables rules.

environment-variables (default: '())

List of environment variables to set for dockerd.

This must be a list of strings where each string has the form ‘key=value’ as in this example:

(list "LANGUAGE=eo:ca:eu"
config-file (type: maybe-file-like)

JSON configuration file pass to dockerd.

Variável: singularity-service-type

This is the type of the service that allows you to run Singularity, a Docker-style tool to create and run application bundles (aka. “containers”). The value for this service is the Singularity package to use.

The service does not install a daemon; instead, it installs helper programs as setuid-root (veja Privileged Programs) such that unprivileged users can invoke singularity run and similar commands.

Rootless Podman Service

The (gnu services containers) module provides the following service.

Variável: rootless-podman-service-type

This is the service type for Podman is a container management tool.

In addition to providing a drop-in replacement for Docker, Podman offers the ability to run containers in “root-less” mode, meaning that regular users can deploy containers without elevated privileges. It does so mainly by leveraging two Linux kernel features: unprivileged user namespaces, and subordinate user and group IDs (veja the subordinate user and group ID service).

The rootless-podman-service-type sets up the system to allow unprivileged users to run podman commands:

(use-service-modules containers networking )

  ;; …
  (users (cons (user-account
                (name "alice")
                (comment "Bob's sister")
                (group "users")

                ;; Adding the account to the "cgroup" group
                ;; makes it possible to run podman commands.
                (supplementary-groups '("cgroup" "wheel"
                                        "audio" "video")))
    (append (list (service iptables-service-type)
                  (service rootless-podman-service-type
                               (list (subid-range (name "alice"))))
                               (list (subid-range (name "alice")))))))

The iptables-service-type is required for Podman to be able to setup its own networks. Due to the change in user groups and file systems it is recommended to reboot (or at least logout), before trying to run Podman commands.

To test your installation you can run:

$ podman run -it --rm cat /etc/*release*
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.20"
Data Type: rootless-podman-configuration

Available rootless-podman-configuration fields are:

podman (default: podman) (type: package-or-#f)

The Podman package that will be installed in the system profile. Pass #f to not install Podman.

group-name (default: "cgroup") (type: string)

The name of the group that will own /sys/fs/cgroup resources. Users that want to use rootless Podman have to be in this group.

containers-registries (type: lowerable)

A string or a gexp evaluating to the path of Podman’s containers/registries.conf configuration file.

containers-storage (type: lowerable)

A string or a gexp evaluating to the path of Podman’s containers/storage.conf configuration file.

containers-policy (type: lowerable)

A string or a gexp evaluating to the path of Podman’s containers/policy.json configuration file.

pam-limits (type: list-of-pam-limits-entries)

The PAM limits to be set for rootless Podman.

subgids (default: ()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

A list of subid ranges representing the subgids that will be available for each configured user.

subuids (default: ()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

A list of subid ranges representing the subuids that will be available for each configured user.

OCI backed services

Should you wish to manage your Docker containers with the same consistent interface you use for your other Shepherd services, oci-container-service-type is the tool to use: given an Open Container Initiative (OCI) container image, it will run it in a Shepherd service. One example where this is useful: it lets you run services that are available as Docker/OCI images but not yet packaged for Guix.

Variável: oci-container-service-type

This is a thin wrapper around Docker’s CLI that executes OCI images backed processes as Shepherd Services.

(service oci-container-service-type
           (network "host")
             (repository "guile")
             (tag "3")
             (value (specifications->manifest '("guile")))
             (pack-options '(#:symlinks (("/bin/guile" -> "bin/guile"))
                             #:max-layers 2))))
           (entrypoint "/bin/guile")
            '("-c" "(display \"hello!\n\")")))
           (image "prom/prometheus")
             '(("9000" . "9000")
               ("9090" . "9090"))))
           (image "grafana/grafana:10.0.1")
           (network "host")

In this example three different Shepherd services are going to be added to the system. Each oci-container-configuration record translates to a docker run invocation and its fields directly map to options. You can refer to the upstream documentation for the semantics of each value. If the images are not found, they will be pulled. The services with (network "host") are going to be attached to the host network and are supposed to behave like native processes with regard to networking.

Tipo de dados: oci-container-configuration

Available oci-container-configuration fields are:

user (default: "oci-container") (type: string)

The user under whose authority docker commands will be run.

group (default: "docker") (type: string)

The group under whose authority docker commands will be run.

command (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

Overwrite the default command (CMD) of the image.

entrypoint (default: "") (type: string)

Overwrite the default entrypoint (ENTRYPOINT) of the image.

host-environment (default: '()) (type: list)

Set environment variables in the host environment where docker run is invoked. This is especially useful to pass secrets from the host to the container without having them on the docker run’s command line: by setting the MYSQL_PASSWORD on the host and by passing --env MYSQL_PASSWORD through the extra-arguments field, it is possible to securely set values in the container environment. This field’s value can be a list of pairs or strings, even mixed:

(list '("LANGUAGE\" . "eo:ca:eu")

Pair members can be strings, gexps or file-like objects. Strings are passed directly to make-forkexec-constructor.

environment (default: '()) (type: list)

Set environment variables. This can be a list of pairs or strings, even mixed:

(list '("LANGUAGE" . "eo:ca:eu")

Pair members can be strings, gexps or file-like objects. Strings are passed directly to the Docker CLI. You can refer to the upstream documentation for semantics.

image (type: string-or-oci-image)

The image used to build the container. It can be a string or an oci-image record. Strings are resolved by the Docker Engine, and follow the usual format myregistry.local:5000/testing/test-image:tag.

provision (default: "") (type: string)

Set the name of the provisioned Shepherd service.

requirement (default: '()) (type: list-of-symbols)

Set additional Shepherd services dependencies to the provisioned Shepherd service.

log-file (type: maybe-string)

When log-file is set, it names the file to which the service’s standard output and standard error are redirected. log-file is created if it does not exist, otherwise it is appended to.

auto-start? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether this service should be started automatically by the Shepherd. If it is #f, the service has to be started manually with herd start.

respawn? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to have Shepherd restart the service when it stops, for instance when the underlying process dies.

shepherd-actions (default: '()) (type: list-of-symbols)

This is a list of shepherd-action records defining actions supported by the service.

network (default: "") (type: string)

Set a Docker network for the spawned container.

ports (default: '()) (type: list)

Set the port or port ranges to expose from the spawned container. This can be a list of pairs or strings, even mixed:

(list '("8080" . "80")

Pair members can be strings, gexps or file-like objects. Strings are passed directly to the Docker CLI. You can refer to the upstream documentation for semantics.

volumes (default: '()) (type: list)

Set volume mappings for the spawned container. This can be a list of pairs or strings, even mixed:

(list '("/root/data/grafana" . "/var/lib/grafana")

Pair members can be strings, gexps or file-like objects. Strings are passed directly to the Docker CLI. You can refer to the upstream documentation for semantics.

container-user (default: "") (type: string)

Set the current user inside the spawned container. You can refer to the upstream documentation for semantics.

workdir (default: "") (type: string)

Set the current working directory for the spawned Shepherd service. You can refer to the upstream documentation for semantics.

extra-arguments (default: '()) (type: list)

A list of strings, gexps or file-like objects that will be directly passed to the docker run invocation.

Tipo de dados: oci-image

Available oci-image fields are:

repository (type: string)

A string like myregistry.local:5000/testing/test-image that names the OCI image.

tag (default: "latest") (type: string)

A string representing the OCI image tag. Defaults to latest.

value (type: oci-lowerable-image)

A manifest or operating-system record that will be lowered into an OCI compatible tarball. Otherwise this field’s value can be a gexp or a file-like object that evaluates to an OCI compatible tarball.

pack-options (default: '()) (type: list)

An optional set of keyword arguments that will be passed to the docker-image procedure from guix scripts pack. They can be used to replicate guix pack behavior:

  (repository "guile")
  (tag "3")
    (specifications->manifest '("guile")))
  (pack-options '(#:symlinks (("/bin/guile" -> "bin/guile"))
                  #:max-layers 2)))

If the value field is an operating-system record, this field’s value will be ignored.

system (default: "") (type: string)

Attempt to build for a given system, e.g. "i686-linux"

target (default: "") (type: string)

Attempt to cross-build for a given triple, e.g. "aarch64-linux-gnu"

grafts? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to allow grafting or not in the pack build.

Subordinate User and Group ID Service

Among the virtualization facilities implemented by the Linux kernel is the concept of subordinate IDs. Subordinate IDs allow for mapping user and group IDs inside process namespaces to user and group IDs of the host system. Subordinate user ID ranges (subuids) allow users to map virtual user IDs inside containers to the user ID of an unprivileged user of the host system. Subordinate group ID ranges (subgids), instead map virtual group IDs to the group ID of an unprivileged user on the host system. You can access subuid(5) and subgid(5) Linux man pages for more details.

The (gnu system shadow) module exposes the subids-service-type, its configuration record subids-configuration and its extension record subids-extension.

With subids-service-type, subuids and subgids ranges can be reserved for users that desire so:

(use-modules (gnu system shadow)     ;for 'subids-service-type'
             (gnu system accounts)   ;for 'subid-range'

  ;; …
      (simple-service 'alice-bob-subids
                          (subid-range (name "alice"))))
                          (subid-range (name "alice"))
                          (subid-range (name "bob")
                                       (start 100700)))))))))

Users (definitely other services), usually, are supposed to extend the service instead of adding subids directly to subids-configuration, unless the want to change the default behavior for root. With default settings the subids-service-type adds, if it’s not already there, a configuration for the root account to both /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid, possibly starting at the minimum possible subid. Otherwise the root subuids and subgids ranges are fitted wherever possible.

The above configuration will yield the following:

# cat /etc/subgid
# cat /etc/subuid
Data Type: subids-configuration

With default settings the subids-service-type adds, if it’s not already there, a configuration for the root account to both /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid, possibly starting at the minimum possible subid. To disable the default behavior and provide your own definition for the root subid ranges you can set to #f the add-root? field:

(use-modules (gnu system shadow)     ;for 'subids-service-type'
             (gnu system accounts)   ;for 'subid-range'

  ;; …
      (service subids-service-type
                (add-root? #f)
                  (subid-range (name "root")
                               (start 120000)
                               (count 100)))
                  (subid-range (name "root")
                               (start 120000)
                               (count 100)))))
      (simple-service 'alice-bob-subids
                          (subid-range (name "alice"))))
                          (subid-range (name "alice"))
                          (subid-range (name "bob")
                                       (start 100700)))))))))

Available subids-configuration fields are:

add-root? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether to automatically configure subuids and subgids for root.

subgids (default: '()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

The list of subid-ranges that will be serialized to /etc/subgid. If a range doesn’t specify a start it will be fitted based on its number of requested subids. If a range doesn’t specify a count the default size of 65536 will be assumed.

subuids (default: '()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

The list of subid-ranges that will be serialized to /etc/subuid. If a range doesn’t specify a start it will be fitted based on its number of requested subids. If a range doesn’t specify a count the default size of 65536 will be assumed.

Data Type: subids-extension

Available subids-extension fields are:

subgids (default: '()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

The list of subid-ranges that will be appended to subids-configuration-subgids. Entries with the same name are deduplicated upon merging.

subuids (default: '()) (type: list-of-subid-ranges)

The list of subid-ranges that will be appended to subids-configuration-subuids. Entries with the same name are deduplicated upon merging.

Data Type: subid-range

The subid-range record is defined at (gnu system accounts). Available fields are:

name (type: string)

The name of the user or group that will own this range.

start (default: #f) (type: integer)

The first requested subid. When false the first available subid with enough contiguous subids will be assigned.

count (default: #f) (type: integer)

The number of total allocated subids. When #f the default of 65536 will be assumed .

Auditd Service

The (gnu services auditd) module provides the following service.

Variável: auditd-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs auditd, a daemon that tracks security-relevant information on your system.

Examples of things that can be tracked:

  1. File accesses
  2. System calls
  3. Invoked commands
  4. Failed login attempts
  5. Firewall filtering
  6. Network access

auditctl do pacote audit pode ser usado para adicionar ou remover eventos a serem rastreaddos (até o próximo reinício). A fim de rastrear permanentemente eventos, ponha os argumentos de linha de comando do auditctl num arquivo chamado audit.rules no diretório de configurações (veja abaixo). aureport do pacote audit pode ser usado para visualizar um relatório de todos os eventos gravados. O daemon audit por padrão, produz logs no arquivo /var/log/audit.log.

Tipo de dados: auditd-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration of auditd.

audit (default: audit)

The audit package to use.

configuration-directory (default: %default-auditd-configuration-directory)

The directory containing the configuration file for the audit package, which must be named auditd.conf, and optionally some audit rules to instantiate on startup.

R-Shiny service

The (gnu services science) module provides the following service.

Variável: rshiny-service-type

This is a type of service which is used to run a webapp created with r-shiny. This service sets the R_LIBS_USER environment variable and runs the provided script to call runApp.

Tipo de dados: rshiny-configuration

This is the data type representing the configuration of rshiny.

package (default: r-shiny)

The package to use.

binary (default "rshiny")

The name of the binary or shell script located at package/bin/ to run when the service is run.

The common way to create this file is as follows:

(let* ((out       (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
       (targetdir (string-append out "/share/" ,name))
       (app       (string-append out "/bin/" ,name))
       (Rbin      (search-input-file %build-inputs "/bin/Rscript")))
  ;; …
  (mkdir-p (string-append out "/bin"))
  (call-with-output-file app
    (lambda (port)
      (format port
runApp(launch.browser=0, port=4202)~%\n"
      Rbin targetdir))))

Nix service

The (gnu services nix) module provides the following service.

Variável: nix-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs build daemon of the Nix package manager. Here is an example showing how to use it:

(use-modules (gnu))
(use-service-modules nix)
(use-package-modules package-management)

  ;; …
  (packages (append (list nix)

  (services (append (list (service nix-service-type))

After guix system reconfigure configure Nix for your user:

  • Add a Nix channel and update it. See Nix channels for more information about the available channels. If you would like to use the unstable Nix channel you can do this by running:
    $ nix-channel --add
    $ nix-channel --update
  • Create your Nix profile directory:
    $ sudo mkdir -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER
    $ sudo chown $USER:root /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER
  • Create a symlink to your profile and activate Nix profile:
    $ ln -s "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profile" ~/.nix-profile
    $ source /run/current-system/profile/etc/profile.d/
Tipo de dados: nix-configuration

This data type represents the configuration of the Nix daemon.

nix (default: nix)

The Nix package to use.

sandbox (default: #t)

Specifies whether builds are sandboxed by default.

build-directory (default: "/tmp")

The directory where build directory are stored during builds. This is useful to change if, for example, the default location does not have enough space to hold build trees for big packages.

This is similar to setting the TMPDIR environment variable for guix-daemon. TMPDIR, for more info.

build-sandbox-items (default: '())

This is a list of strings or objects appended to the build-sandbox-items field of the configuration file.

extra-config (default: '())

This is a list of strings or objects appended to the configuration file. It is used to pass extra text to be added verbatim to the configuration file.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra command line options for nix-service-type.

Fail2Ban service

fail2ban scans log files (e.g. /var/log/apache/error_log) and bans IP addresses that show malicious signs – repeated password failures, attempts to make use of exploits, etc.

fail2ban-service-type service type is provided by the (gnu services security) module.

This service type runs the fail2ban daemon. It can be configured in various ways, which are:

Basic configuration

The basic parameters of the Fail2Ban service can be configured via its fail2ban configuration, which is documented below.

User-specified jail extensions

The fail2ban-jail-service function can be used to add new Fail2Ban jails.

Shepherd extension mechanism

Service developers can extend the fail2ban-service-type service type itself via the usual service extension mechanism.

Variável: fail2ban-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs fail2ban daemon. Below is an example of a basic, explicit configuration:

  (service fail2ban-service-type
               (name "sshd")
               (enabled? #t))))))
  ;; There is no implicit dependency on an actual SSH
  ;; service, so you need to provide one.
  (service openssh-service-type))
Procedure: fail2ban-jail-service svc-type jail

Extend svc-type, a <service-type> object with jail, a fail2ban-jail-configuration object.

Por exemplo:

   ;; The 'fail2ban-jail-service' procedure can extend any service type
   ;; with a fail2ban jail.  This removes the requirement to explicitly
   ;; extend services with fail2ban-service-type.
     (name "sshd")
     (enabled? #t)))
   (openssh-configuration ...))))

Below is the reference for the different jail-service-type configuration records.

Tipo de dados: fail2ban-configuration

Available fail2ban-configuration fields are:

fail2ban (default: fail2ban) (type: package)

The fail2ban package to use. It is used for both binaries and as base default configuration that is to be extended with <fail2ban-jail-configuration> objects.

run-directory (default: "/var/run/fail2ban") (type: string)

The state directory for the fail2ban daemon.

jails (default: '()) (type: list-of-fail2ban-jail-configurations)

Instances of <fail2ban-jail-configuration> collected from extensions.

extra-jails (default: '()) (type: list-of-fail2ban-jail-configurations)

Instances of <fail2ban-jail-configuration> explicitly provided.

extra-content (default: '()) (type: text-config)

Extra raw content to add to the end of the jail.local file, provided as a list of file-like objects.

Tipo de dados: fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration

Available fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration fields are:

key (type: string)

Cache key.

max-count (type: integer)

Cache size.

max-time (type: integer)

Cache time.

Tipo de dados: fail2ban-jail-action-configuration

Available fail2ban-jail-action-configuration fields are:

name (type: string)

Action name.

arguments (default: '()) (type: list-of-arguments)

Action arguments.

Tipo de dados: fail2ban-jail-configuration

Available fail2ban-jail-configuration fields are:

name (type: string)

Required name of this jail configuration.

enabled? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Whether this jail is enabled.

backend (type: maybe-symbol)

Backend to use to detect changes in the log-path. The default is ’auto. To consult the defaults of the jail configuration, refer to the /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file of the fail2ban package.

max-retry (type: maybe-integer)

The number of failures before a host gets banned (e.g. (max-retry 5)).

max-matches (type: maybe-integer)

The number of matches stored in ticket (resolvable via tag <matches>) in action.

find-time (type: maybe-string)

The time window during which the maximum retry count must be reached for an IP address to be banned. A host is banned if it has generated max-retry during the last find-time seconds (e.g. (find-time "10m")). It can be provided in seconds or using Fail2Ban’s "time abbreviation format", as described in man 5 jail.conf.

ban-time (type: maybe-string)

The duration, in seconds or time abbreviated format, that a ban should last. (e.g. (ban-time "10m")).

ban-time-increment? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to consider past bans to compute increases to the default ban time of a specific IP address.

ban-time-factor (type: maybe-string)

The coefficient to use to compute an exponentially growing ban time.

ban-time-formula (type: maybe-string)

This is the formula used to calculate the next value of a ban time.

ban-time-multipliers (type: maybe-string)

Used to calculate next value of ban time instead of formula.

ban-time-max-time (type: maybe-string)

The maximum number of seconds a ban should last.

ban-time-rnd-time (type: maybe-string)

The maximum number of seconds a randomized ban time should last. This can be useful to stop “clever” botnets calculating the exact time an IP address can be unbanned again.

ban-time-overall-jails? (type: maybe-boolean)

When true, it specifies the search of an IP address in the database should be made across all jails. Otherwise, only the current jail of the ban IP address is considered.

ignore-self? (type: maybe-boolean)

Never ban the local machine’s own IP address.

ignore-ip (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

A list of IP addresses, CIDR masks or DNS hosts to ignore. fail2ban will not ban a host which matches an address in this list.

ignore-cache (type: maybe-fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration)

Provide cache parameters for the ignore failure check.

filter (type: maybe-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration)

The filter to use by the jail, specified via a <fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration> object. By default, jails have names matching their filter name.

log-time-zone (type: maybe-string)

The default time zone for log lines that do not have one.

log-encoding (type: maybe-symbol)

The encoding of the log files handled by the jail. Possible values are: 'ascii, 'utf-8 and 'auto.

log-path (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

The file names of the log files to be monitored.

action (default: '()) (type: list-of-fail2ban-jail-actions)

A list of <fail2ban-jail-action-configuration>.

extra-content (default: '()) (type: text-config)

Extra content for the jail configuration, provided as a list of file-like objects.

Tipo de dados: fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration

Available fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration fields are:

name (type: string)

Filter to use.

mode (type: maybe-string)

Mode for filter.

Resize File System Service

This service type lets you resize a live file system during boot, which can be convenient if a Guix image is flashed on an SD Card (e.g. for an embedded device) or uploaded to a VPS. In both cases the medium the image will reside upon may be larger than the image you want to produce.

For an embedded device booting from an SD card you may use something like:

(service resize-file-system-service-type
           (file-system (device (file-system-label "root"))
                        (type "ext4")))))

Aviso: Be extra cautious to use the correct device and type. The service has little error handling of its own and relies on the underlying tools. Wrong use could end in loss of data or the corruption of the operating system.

Partitions and file systems are grown to the maximum size available. File systems can only grow when they are on the last partition on a device and have empty space available.

This service supports the ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, and bcachefs file systems.

file-system (type: file-system)

The file-system object to resize (veja Sistemas de arquivos). This object must have the device and type fields set. Other fields are ignored.

cloud-utils (default: cloud-utils) (type: file-like)

The cloud-utils package to use. This package is used for the growpart command.

e2fsprogs (default: e2fsprogs) (type: file-like)

The e2fsprogs package to use, used for resizing ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.

btrfs-progs (default: btrfs-progs) (type: file-like)

The btrfs-progs package to use, used for resizing the btrfs file system.

bcachefs-tools (default: bcachefs-tools) (type: file-like)

The bcachefs-tools package to use, used for resizing the bcachefs file system.

Backup Services

The (gnu services backup) module offers services for backing up file system trees. For now, it provides the restic-backup-service-type.

With restic-backup-service-type, you can periodically back up directories and files with Restic, which supports end-to-end encryption and deduplication. Consider the following configuration:

(use-service-modules backup ) ;for 'restic-backup-service-type'
(use-package-modules sync )   ;for 'rclone'

  ;; …
  (packages (append (list rclone)    ;for use by restic
      (service restic-backup-service-type
                   (list (restic-backup-job
                           (name "remote-ftp")
                           (repository "rclone:remote-ftp:backup/restic")
                           (password-file "/root/.restic")
                           ;; Every day at 23.
                           (schedule "0 23 * * *")
                           (files '("/root/.restic"

Each restic-backup-job translates to a Shepherd timer which sets the RESTIC_PASSWORD environment variable by reading the first line of password-file and runs restic backup, creating backups using rclone of all the files listed in the files field.

The restic-backup-service-type provides the ability to instantaneously trigger a backup with the trigger Shepherd action:

sudo herd trigger remote-ftp
Tipo de dados: restic-backup-configuration

Available restic-backup-configuration fields are:

jobs (default: '()) (type: list-of-restic-backup-jobs)

The list of backup jobs for the current system.

Tipo de dados: restic-backup-job

Available restic-backup-job fields are:

restic (default: restic) (type: package)

The restic package to be used for the current job.

user (default: "root") (type: string)

The user used for running the current job.

group (default: "root") (type: string)

The group used for running the current job.

log-file (type: maybe-string)

The file system path to the log file for this job. By default the file will have be /var/log/restic-backup/job-name.log, where job-name is the name defined in the name field.

max-duration (type: maybe-number)

The maximum duration in seconds that a job may last. Past max-duration seconds, the job is forcefully terminated.

wait-for-termination? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Wait until the job has finished before considering executing it again; otherwise, perform it strictly on every occurrence of event, at the risk of having multiple instances running concurrently.

repository (type: string)

The restic repository target of this job.

name (type: string)

A string denoting a name for this job.

password-file (type: string)

Name of the password file, readable by the configured user, that will be used to set the RESTIC_PASSWORD environment variable for the current job.

schedule (type: gexp-or-string)

A string or a gexp representing the frequency of the backup. Gexp must evaluate to calendar-event records or to strings. Strings must contain Vixie cron date lines.

requirement (default: '()) (type: list-of-symbols)

The list of Shepherd services that this backup job depends upon.

files (default: '()) (type: list-of-lowerables)

The list of files or directories to be backed up. It must be a list of values that can be lowered to strings.

verbose? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable verbose output for the current backup job.

extra-flags (default: '()) (type: list-of-lowerables)

A list of values that are lowered to strings. These will be passed as command-line arguments to the current job restic backup invocation.

DLNA/UPnP Services

The (gnu services upnp) module offers services related to UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) and DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance), networking protocols that can be used for media streaming and device interoperability within a local network. For now, this module provides the readymedia-service-type.

ReadyMedia (formerly known as MiniDLNA) is a DLNA/UPnP-AV media server. The project’s daemon, minidlnad, can serve media files (audio, pictures, and video) to DLNA/UPnP-AV clients available on the network. readymedia-service-type is a Guix service that wraps around ReadyMedia’s minidlnad.

Consider the following configuration:

(use-service-modules upnp )

   (list (service readymedia-service-type
                    (list (readymedia-media-directory
                           (path "/media/audio")
                           (types '(A)))
                           (path "/media/video")
                           (types '(V)))
                           (path "/media/misc"))))
                   (extra-config '(("notify_interval" . "60")))))

This sets up the ReadyMedia daemon to serve files from the media folders specified in media-directories. The media-directories field is mandatory. All other fields (such as network ports and the server name) come with a predefined default and can be omitted.

Tipo de dados: readymedia-configuration

Available readymedia-configuration fields are:

readymedia (default: readymedia) (type: package)

The ReadyMedia package to be used for the service.

friendly-name (default: #f) (type: maybe-string)

A custom name that will be displayed on connected clients.

media-directories (type: list)

The list of media folders to serve content from. Each item is a readymedia-media-directory.

cache-directory (default: "/var/cache/readymedia") (type: string)

A folder for ReadyMedia’s cache files. If not existing already, the folder will be created as part of the service activation and the ReadyMedia user will be assigned ownership.

log-directory (default: "/var/log/readymedia") (type: string)

A folder for ReadyMedia’s log files. If not existing already, the folder will be created as part of the service activation and the ReadyMedia user will be assigned ownership.

port (default: #f) (type: maybe-integer)

A custom port that the service will be listening on.

extra-config (default: '()) (type: alist)

An association list of further options, as accepted by ReadyMedia.

Tipo de dados: readymedia-media-directory

A media-directories entry includes a folder path and, optionally, the types of media files included within the folder.

path (type: string)

The media folder location.

types (default: '()) (type: list)

A list indicating the types of file included in the media folder. Valid values are combinations of individual media types, i.e. symbol A for audio, P for pictures, V for video. An empty list means that no type is specified.

11.11 Privileged Programs

Some programs need to run with elevated privileges, even when they are launched by unprivileged users. A notorious example is the passwd program, which users can run to change their password, and which needs to access the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files—something normally restricted to root, for obvious security reasons. To address that, passwd should be setuid-root, meaning that it always runs with root privileges (veja How Change Persona em The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for more info about the setuid mechanism).

The store itself cannot contain privileged programs: that would be a security issue since any user on the system can write derivations that populate the store (veja O armazém). Thus, a different mechanism is used: instead of directly granting permissions to files that are in the store, we let the system administrator declare which programs should be entrusted with these additional privileges.

The privileged-programs field of an operating-system declaration contains a list of <privileged-program> denoting the names of programs to have a setuid or setgid bit set (veja Usando o sistema de configuração). For instance, the mount.nfs program, which is part of the nfs-utils package, with a setuid root can be designated like this:

  (program (file-append nfs-utils "/sbin/mount.nfs"))
  (setuid? #t))

And then, to make mount.nfs setuid on your system, add the previous example to your operating system declaration by appending it to %default-privileged-programs like this:

  ;; Some fields omitted...
    (append (list (privileged-program
                    (program (file-append nfs-utils "/sbin/mount.nfs"))
                    (setuid? #t)))
Tipo de dados: privileged-program

This data type represents a program with special privileges, such as setuid


A file-like object to which all given privileges should apply.

setuid? (default: #f)

Whether to set user setuid bit.

setgid? (default: #f)

Whether to set group setgid bit.

user (default: 0)

UID (integer) or user name (string) for the user owner of the program, defaults to root.

group (default: 0)

GID (integer) group name (string) for the group owner of the program, defaults to root.

capabilities (default: #f)

A string representing the program’s POSIX capabilities, as described by the cap_to_text(3) man page from the libcap package, or #f to make no changes.

A default set of privileged programs is defined by the %default-privileged-programs variable of the (gnu system) module.

Variável: Scheme Variable %default-privileged-programs

A list of <privileged-program> denoting common programs with elevated privileges.

The list includes commands such as passwd, ping, su, and sudo.

Under the hood, the actual privileged programs are created in the /run/privileged/bin directory at system activation time. The files in this directory refer to the “real” binaries, which are in the store.

11.12 Certificados X.509

Web servers available over HTTPS (that is, HTTP over the transport-layer security mechanism, TLS) send client programs an X.509 certificate that the client can then use to authenticate the server. To do that, clients verify that the server’s certificate is signed by a so-called certificate authority (CA). But to verify the CA’s signature, clients must have first acquired the CA’s certificate.

Web browsers such as GNU IceCat include their own set of CA certificates, such that they are able to verify CA signatures out-of-the-box.

However, most other programs that can talk HTTPS—wget, git, w3m, etc.—need to be told where CA certificates can be found.

For users of Guix System, this is done by adding a package that provides certificates to the packages field of the operating-system declaration (veja operating-system Reference). Guix includes one such package, nss-certs, which is a set of CA certificates provided as part of Mozilla’s Network Security Services.

This package is part of %base-packages, so there is no need to explicitly add it. The /etc/ssl/certs directory, which is where most applications and libraries look for certificates by default, points to the certificates installed globally.

Unprivileged users, including users of Guix on a foreign distro, can also install their own certificate package in their profile. A number of environment variables need to be defined so that applications and libraries know where to find them. Namely, the OpenSSL library honors the SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE variables. Some applications add their own environment variables; for instance, the Git version control system honors the certificate bundle pointed to by the GIT_SSL_CAINFO environment variable. Thus, you would typically run something like:

guix install nss-certs
export SSL_CERT_DIR="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs"
export SSL_CERT_FILE="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

As another example, R requires the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable to point to a certificate bundle, so you would have to run something like this:

guix install nss-certs
export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

For other applications you may want to look up the required environment variable in the relevant documentation.

11.13 Name Service Switch

The (gnu system nss) module provides bindings to the configuration file of the libc name service switch or NSS (veja NSS Configuration File em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). In a nutshell, the NSS is a mechanism that allows libc to be extended with new “name” lookup methods for system databases, which includes host names, service names, user accounts, and more (veja System Databases and Name Service Switch em The GNU C Library Reference Manual).

The NSS configuration specifies, for each system database, which lookup method is to be used, and how the various methods are chained together—for instance, under which circumstances NSS should try the next method in the list. The NSS configuration is given in the name-service-switch field of operating-system declarations (veja name-service-switch).

As an example, the declaration below configures the NSS to use the nss-mdns back-end, which supports host name lookups over multicast DNS (mDNS) for host names ending in .local:

   (hosts (list %files    ;first, check /etc/hosts

                ;; If the above did not succeed, try
                ;; with 'mdns_minimal'.
                  (name "mdns_minimal")

                  ;; 'mdns_minimal' is authoritative for
                  ;; '.local'.  When it returns "not found",
                  ;; no need to try the next methods.
                  (reaction (lookup-specification
                             (not-found => return))))

                ;; Then fall back to DNS.
                  (name "dns"))

                ;; Finally, try with the "full" 'mdns'.
                  (name "mdns")))))

Do not worry: the %mdns-host-lookup-nss variable (see below) contains this configuration, so you will not have to type it if all you want is to have .local host lookup working.

Note that, in this case, in addition to setting the name-service-switch of the operating-system declaration, you also need to use avahi-service-type (veja avahi-service-type), or %desktop-services, which includes it (veja Serviços de desktop). Doing this makes nss-mdns accessible to the name service cache daemon (veja nscd-service).

For convenience, the following variables provide typical NSS configurations.

Variável: %default-nss

This is the default name service switch configuration, a name-service-switch object.

Variável: %mdns-host-lookup-nss

This is the name service switch configuration with support for host name lookup over multicast DNS (mDNS) for host names ending in .local.

The reference for name service switch configuration is given below. It is a direct mapping of the configuration file format of the C library , so please refer to the C library manual for more information (veja NSS Configuration File em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). Compared to the configuration file format of libc NSS, it has the advantage not only of adding this warm parenthetic feel that we like, but also static checks: you will know about syntax errors and typos as soon as you run guix system.

Tipo de dados: name-service-switch

This is the data type representation the configuration of libc’s name service switch (NSS). Each field below represents one of the supported system databases.


The system databases handled by the NSS. Each of these fields must be a list of <name-service> objects (see below).

Tipo de dados: name-service

This is the data type representing an actual name service and the associated lookup action.


A string denoting the name service (veja Services in the NSS configuration em The GNU C Library Reference Manual).

Note that name services listed here must be visible to nscd. This is achieved by passing the #:name-services argument to nscd-service the list of packages providing the needed name services (veja nscd-service).


An action specified using the lookup-specification macro (veja Actions in the NSS configuration em The GNU C Library Reference Manual). For example:

(lookup-specification (unavailable => continue)
                      (success => return))

11.14 Disco de RAM inicial

For bootstrapping purposes, the Linux-Libre kernel is passed an initial RAM disk, or initrd. An initrd contains a temporary root file system as well as an initialization script. The latter is responsible for mounting the real root file system, and for loading any kernel modules that may be needed to achieve that.

The initrd-modules field of an operating-system declaration allows you to specify Linux-libre kernel modules that must be available in the initrd. In particular, this is where you would list modules needed to actually drive the hard disk where your root partition is—although the default value of initrd-modules should cover most use cases. For example, assuming you need the megaraid_sas module in addition to the default modules to be able to access your root file system, you would write:

  ;; …
  (initrd-modules (cons "megaraid_sas" %base-initrd-modules)))
Variável: %base-initrd-modules

This is the list of kernel modules included in the initrd by default.

Furthermore, if you need lower-level customization, the initrd field of an operating-system declaration allows you to specify which initrd you would like to use. The (gnu system linux-initrd) module provides three ways to build an initrd: the high-level base-initrd procedure and the low-level raw-initrd and expression->initrd procedures.

The base-initrd procedure is intended to cover most common uses. For example, if you want to add a bunch of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time, you can define the initrd field of the operating system declaration like this:

(initrd (lambda (file-systems . rest)
          ;; Create a standard initrd but set up networking
          ;; with the parameters QEMU expects by default.
          (apply base-initrd file-systems
                 #:qemu-networking? #t

The base-initrd procedure also handles common use cases that involves using the system as a QEMU guest, or as a “live” system with volatile root file system.

The base-initrd procedure is built from raw-initrd procedure. Unlike base-initrd, raw-initrd doesn’t do anything high-level, such as trying to guess which kernel modules and packages should be included to the initrd. An example use of raw-initrd is when a user has a custom Linux kernel configuration and default kernel modules included by base-initrd are not available.

The initial RAM disk produced by base-initrd or raw-initrd honors several options passed on the Linux kernel command line (that is, arguments passed via the linux command of GRUB, or the -append option of QEMU), notably:


Tell the initial RAM disk to load boot, a file containing a Scheme program, once it has mounted the root file system.

Guix uses this option to yield control to a boot program that runs the service activation programs and then spawns the GNU Shepherd, the initialization system.


Mount root as the root file system. root can be a device name like /dev/sda1, a file system label, or a file system UUID. When unspecified, the device name from the root file system of the operating system declaration is used.


Set the type of the root file system. It overrides the type field of the root file system specified via the operating-system declaration, if any.


Set the mount options of the root file system. It overrides the options field of the root file system specified via the operating-system declaration, if any.


Whether to check the root file system for errors before mounting it. mode is one of skip (never check), force (always check), or auto to respect the root <file-system> object’s check? setting (veja Sistemas de arquivos) and run a full scan only if the file system was not cleanly shut down.

auto is the default if this option is not present or if mode is not one of the above.

The level of repairs to perform automatically if errors are found in the root file system. level is one of no (do not write to root at all if possible), yes (repair as much as possible), or preen to repair problems considered safe to repair automatically.

preen is the default if this option is not present or if level is not one of the above.


Have /run/booted-system and /run/current-system point to system.


Instruct the initial RAM disk as well as the modprobe command (from the kmod package) to refuse to load modules. modules must be a comma-separated list of module names—e.g., usbkbd,9pnet.


Start a read-eval-print loop (REPL) from the initial RAM disk before it tries to load kernel modules and to mount the root file system. Our marketing team calls it boot-to-Guile. The Schemer in you will love it. Veja Using Guile Interactively em GNU Guile Reference Manual, for more information on Guile’s REPL.

Now that you know all the features that initial RAM disks produced by base-initrd and raw-initrd provide, here is how to use it and customize it further.

Procedure: raw-initrd file-systems [#:linux-modules '()] [#:pre-mount #t] [#:mapped-devices '()] [#:keyboard-layout #f] [#:helper-packages '()]  [#:qemu-networking? #f]

[#:volatile-root? #f] Return a derivation that builds a raw initrd. file-systems is a list of file systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified on the kernel command line via root. linux-modules is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time. mapped-devices is a list of device mappings to realize before file-systems are mounted (veja Dispositivos mapeados). pre-mount is a G-expression to evaluate before realizing mapped-devices. helper-packages is a list of packages to be copied in the initrd. It may include e2fsck/static or other packages needed by the initrd to check the root file system.

When true, keyboard-layout is a <keyboard-layout> record denoting the desired console keyboard layout. This is done before mapped-devices are set up and before file-systems are mounted such that, should the user need to enter a passphrase or use the REPL, this happens using the intended keyboard layout.

When qemu-networking? is true, set up networking with the standard QEMU parameters. When virtio? is true, load additional modules so that the initrd can be used as a QEMU guest with para-virtualized I/O drivers.

When volatile-root? is true, the root file system is writable but any changes to it are lost.

Procedure: base-initrd file-systems [#:mapped-devices '()] [#:keyboard-layout #f]  [#:qemu-networking? #f]

[#:volatile-root? #f]  [#:linux-modules ’()] Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with kernel modules taken from linux. file-systems is a list of file-systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified on the kernel command line via root. mapped-devices is a list of device mappings to realize before file-systems are mounted.

When true, keyboard-layout is a <keyboard-layout> record denoting the desired console keyboard layout. This is done before mapped-devices are set up and before file-systems are mounted such that, should the user need to enter a passphrase or use the REPL, this happens using the intended keyboard layout.

qemu-networking? and volatile-root? behaves as in raw-initrd.

The initrd is automatically populated with all the kernel modules necessary for file-systems and for the given options. Additional kernel modules can be listed in linux-modules. They will be added to the initrd, and loaded at boot time in the order in which they appear.

Needless to say, the initrds we produce and use embed a statically-linked Guile, and the initialization program is a Guile program. That gives a lot of flexibility. The expression->initrd procedure builds such an initrd, given the program to run in that initrd.

Procedure: expression->initrd exp [#:guile %guile-static-initrd] [#:name "guile-initrd"] Return as a file-like

object a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive) containing guile and that evaluates exp, a G-expression, upon booting. All the derivations referenced by exp are automatically copied to the initrd.

11.15 Configuração do carregador de inicialização

The operating system supports multiple bootloaders. The bootloader is configured using bootloader-configuration declaration. All the fields of this structure are bootloader agnostic except for one field, bootloader that indicates the bootloader to be configured and installed.

Some of the bootloaders do not honor every field of bootloader-configuration. For instance, the extlinux bootloader does not support themes and thus ignores the theme field.

Tipo de dados: bootloader-configuration

The type of a bootloader configuration declaration.


The bootloader to use, as a bootloader object. For now grub-bootloader, grub-efi-bootloader, grub-efi-removable-bootloader, grub-efi-netboot-bootloader, grub-efi-netboot-removable-bootloader, extlinux-bootloader and u-boot-bootloader are supported.

Available bootloaders are described in (gnu bootloader …) modules. In particular, (gnu bootloader u-boot) contains definitions of bootloaders for a wide range of ARM and AArch64 systems, using the U-Boot bootloader.

grub-bootloader allows you to boot in particular Intel-based machines in “legacy” BIOS mode.

grub-efi-bootloader allows to boot on modern systems using the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). This is what you should use if the installation image contains a /sys/firmware/efi directory when you boot it on your system.

grub-efi-removable-bootloader allows you to boot your system from removable media by writing the GRUB file to the UEFI-specification location of /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi of the boot directory, usually /boot/efi. This is also useful for some UEFI firmwares that “forget” their configuration from their non-volatile storage. Like grub-efi-bootloader, this can only be used if the /sys/firmware/efi directory is available.

Nota: This will overwrite the GRUB file from any other operating systems that also place their GRUB file in the UEFI-specification location; making them unbootable.

grub-efi-netboot-bootloader allows you to boot your system over network through TFTP. In combination with an NFS root file system this allows you to build a diskless Guix system.

The installation of the grub-efi-netboot-bootloader generates the content of the TFTP root directory at targets (veja targets) below the sub-directory efi/Guix, to be served by a TFTP server. You may want to mount your TFTP server directories onto the targets to move the required files to the TFTP server automatically during installation.

If you plan to use an NFS root file system as well (actually if you mount the store from an NFS share), then the TFTP server needs to serve the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg and other files from the store (like GRUBs background image, the kernel (veja kernel) and the initrd (veja initrd)), too. All these files from the store will be accessed by GRUB through TFTP with their normal store path, for example as tftp://tftp-server/gnu/store/…-initrd/initrd.cpio.gz.

Two symlinks are created to make this possible. For each target in the targets field, the first symlink is ‘target/efi/Guix/boot/grub/grub.cfg pointing to ../../../boot/grub/grub.cfg, where ‘target’ may be /boot. In this case the link is not leaving the served TFTP root directory, but otherwise it does. The second link is ‘target/gnu/store and points to ../gnu/store. This link is leaving the served TFTP root directory.

The assumption behind all this is that you have an NFS server exporting the root file system for your Guix system, and additionally a TFTP server exporting your targets directories—usually a single /boot—from that same root file system for your Guix system. In this constellation the symlinks will work.

For other constellations you will have to program your own bootloader installer, which then takes care to make necessary files from the store accessible through TFTP, for example by copying them into the TFTP root directory for your targets.

It is important to note that symlinks pointing outside the TFTP root directory may need to be allowed in the configuration of your TFTP server. Further the store link exposes the whole store through TFTP. Both points need to be considered carefully for security aspects. It is advised to disable any TFTP write access!

Please note, that this bootloader will not modify the ‘UEFI Boot Manager’ of the system.

Beside the grub-efi-netboot-bootloader, the already mentioned TFTP and NFS servers, you also need a properly configured DHCP server to make the booting over netboot possible. For all this we can currently only recommend you to look for instructions about PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment).

If a local EFI System Partition (ESP) or a similar partition with a FAT file system is mounted in targets, then symlinks cannot be created. In this case everything will be prepared for booting from local storage, matching the behavior of grub-efi-bootloader, with the difference that all GRUB binaries are copied to targets, necessary for booting over the network.

grub-efi-netboot-removable-bootloader is identical to grub-efi-netboot-bootloader with the exception that the sub-directory efi/boot will be used instead of efi/Guix to comply with the UEFI specification for removable media.

Nota: This will overwrite the GRUB file from any other operating systems that also place their GRUB file in the UEFI-specification location; making them unbootable.


This is a list of strings denoting the targets onto which to install the bootloader.

The interpretation of targets depends on the bootloader in question. For grub-bootloader, for example, they should be device names understood by the bootloader installer command, such as /dev/sda or (hd0) (veja Invoking grub-install em GNU GRUB Manual). For grub-efi-bootloader and grub-efi-removable-bootloader they should be mount points of the EFI file system, usually /boot/efi. For grub-efi-netboot-bootloader, targets should be the mount points corresponding to TFTP root directories served by your TFTP server.

menu-entries (default: '())

A possibly empty list of menu-entry objects (see below), denoting entries to appear in the bootloader menu, in addition to the current system entry and the entry pointing to previous system generations.

default-entry (default: 0)

The index of the default boot menu entry. Index 0 is for the entry of the current system.

timeout (default: 5)

The number of seconds to wait for keyboard input before booting. Set to 0 to boot immediately, and to -1 to wait indefinitely.

keyboard-layout (padrão: #f)

If this is #f, the bootloader’s menu (if any) uses the default keyboard layout, usually US English (“qwerty”).

Otherwise, this must be a keyboard-layout object (veja Disposição do teclado).

Nota: This option is currently ignored by bootloaders other than grub and grub-efi.

theme (default: #f)

The bootloader theme object describing the theme to use. If no theme is provided, some bootloaders might use a default theme, that’s true for GRUB.

terminal-outputs (default: '(gfxterm))

The output terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of symbols. GRUB accepts the values: console, serial, serial_{0-3}, gfxterm, vga_text, mda_text, morse, and pkmodem. This field corresponds to the GRUB variable GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT (veja Simple configuration em GNU GRUB manual).

terminal-inputs (default: '())

The input terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of symbols. For GRUB, the default is the native platform terminal as determined at run-time. GRUB accepts the values: console, serial, serial_{0-3}, at_keyboard, and usb_keyboard. This field corresponds to the GRUB variable GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT (veja Simple configuration em GNU GRUB manual).

serial-unit (default: #f)

The serial unit used by the bootloader, as an integer from 0 to 3. For GRUB, it is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 0, which corresponds to COM1 (veja Serial terminal em GNU GRUB manual).

serial-speed (default: #f)

The speed of the serial interface, as an integer. For GRUB, the default value is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 9600 bps (veja Serial terminal em GNU GRUB manual).

device-tree-support? (default: #t)

Whether to support Linux device tree files loading.

This option in enabled by default. In some cases involving the u-boot bootloader, where the device tree has already been loaded in RAM, it can be handy to disable the option by setting it to #f.

extra-initrd (default: #f)

File name of an additional initrd to load during the boot. It may or may not point to a file in the store, but the main use case is for out-of-store files containing secrets.

In order to be able to provide decryption keys for the LUKS device, they need to be available in the initial ram disk. However they cannot be stored inside the usual initrd, since it is stored in the store and being a world-readable (as files in the store are) is not a desired property for a initrd containing decryption keys. You can therefore use this field to instruct GRUB to also load a manually created initrd not stored in the store.

For any use case not involving secrets, you should use regular initrd (veja initrd) instead.

Suitable image can be created for example like this:

echo /key-file.bin | cpio -oH newc >/key-file.cpio
chmod 0000 /key-file.cpio

After it is created, you can use it in this manner:

;; Operating system with encrypted boot partition
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
               (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
               (targets '("/boot/efi"))
               ;; Load the initrd with a key file
               (extra-initrd "/key-file.cpio")))
   (list (mapped-device
          (source (uuid "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc"))
          (target "my-root")
          (type (luks-device-mapping-with-options
                 ;; And use it to unlock the root device
                 #:key-file "/key-file.bin"))))))

Be careful when using this option, since pointing to a file that is not readable by the grub while booting will cause the boot to fail and require a manual edit of the initrd line in the grub menu.

Currently only supported by GRUB.

Should you want to list additional boot menu entries via the menu-entries field above, you will need to create them with the menu-entry form. For example, imagine you want to be able to boot another distro (hard to imagine!), you can define a menu entry along these lines:

  (label "The Other Distro")
  (linux "/boot/old/vmlinux-2.6.32")
  (linux-arguments '("root=/dev/sda2"))
  (initrd "/boot/old/initrd"))

Details below.

Tipo de dados: menu-entry

The type of an entry in the bootloader menu.


The label to show in the menu—e.g., "GNU".

linux (default: #f)

The Linux kernel image to boot, for example:

(file-append linux-libre "/bzImage")

For GRUB, it is also possible to specify a device explicitly in the file path using GRUB’s device naming convention (veja Naming convention em GNU GRUB manual), for example:


If the device is specified explicitly as above, then the device field is ignored entirely.

linux-arguments (default: '())

The list of extra Linux kernel command-line arguments—e.g., '("console=ttyS0").

initrd (default: #f)

A G-Expression or string denoting the file name of the initial RAM disk to use (veja Expressões-G).

device (default: #f)

The device where the kernel and initrd are to be found—i.e., for GRUB, root for this menu entry (veja root em GNU GRUB manual).

This may be a file system label (a string), a file system UUID (a bytevector, veja Sistemas de arquivos), or #f, in which case the bootloader will search the device containing the file specified by the linux field (veja search em GNU GRUB manual). It must not be an OS device name such as /dev/sda1.

multiboot-kernel (default: #f)

The kernel to boot in Multiboot-mode (veja multiboot em GNU GRUB manual). When this field is set, a Multiboot menu-entry is generated. For example:

(file-append mach "/boot/gnumach")
multiboot-arguments (default: '())

The list of extra command-line arguments for the multiboot-kernel.

For example, when running in QEMU it can be useful to use a text-based console (use options --nographic --serial mon:stdio):


To use the new and still experimental rumpdisk user-level disk driver instead of GNU Mach’s in-kernel IDE driver, set kernel-arguments to:


Of course, these options can be combined:

'("console=com0" "noide")
multiboot-modules (default: '())

The list of commands for loading Multiboot modules. For example:

(list (list (file-append hurd "/hurd/ext2fs.static") "ext2fs"
      (list (file-append libc "/lib/") "exec"
chain-loader (default: #f)

A string that can be accepted by grub’s chainloader directive. This has no effect if either linux or multiboot-kernel fields are specified. The following is an example of chainloading a different GNU/Linux system.

  ;; …
     (label "GNU/Linux")
     (device (uuid "1C31-A17C" 'fat))
     (chain-loader "/EFI/GNULinux/grubx64.efi"))))))

For now only GRUB has theme support. GRUB themes are created using the grub-theme form, which is not fully documented yet.

Tipo de dados: grub-theme

Data type representing the configuration of the GRUB theme.

gfxmode (default: '("auto"))

The GRUB gfxmode to set (a list of screen resolution strings, veja gfxmode em GNU GRUB manual).

Procedure: grub-theme

Return the default GRUB theme used by the operating system if no theme field is specified in bootloader-configuration record.

It comes with a fancy background image displaying the GNU and Guix logos.

For example, to override the default resolution, you may use something like

 ;; …
 (theme (grub-theme
         (inherit (grub-theme))
         (gfxmode '("1024x786x32" "auto"))))))

11.16 Invoking guix system

Once you have written an operating system declaration as seen in the previous section, it can be instantiated using the guix system command. The synopsis is:

guix system optionsaction file

file must be the name of a file containing an operating-system declaration. action specifies how the operating system is instantiated. Currently the following values are supported:


Display available service type definitions that match the given regular expressions, sorted by relevance:

$ guix system search console
name: console-fonts
location: gnu/services/base.scm:806:2
extends: shepherd-root
description: Install the given fonts on the specified ttys (fonts are per
+ virtual console on GNU/Linux).  The value of this service is a list of
+ tty/font pairs.  The font can be the name of a font provided by the `kbd'
+ package or any valid argument to `setfont', as in this example:
+      '(("tty1" . "LatGrkCyr-8x16")
+        ("tty2" . (file-append
+                      font-tamzen
+                      "/share/kbd/consolefonts/TamzenForPowerline10x20.psf"))
+        ("tty3" . (file-append
+                      font-terminus
+                      "/share/consolefonts/ter-132n"))) ; for HDPI
relevance: 9

name: mingetty
location: gnu/services/base.scm:1190:2
extends: shepherd-root
description: Provide console login using the `mingetty' program.
relevance: 2

name: login
location: gnu/services/base.scm:860:2
extends: pam
description: Provide a console log-in service as specified by its
+ configuration value, a `login-configuration' object.
relevance: 2


As for guix package --search, the result is written in recutils format, which makes it easy to filter the output (veja GNU recutils databases em GNU recutils manual).


Edit or view the definition of the given service types.

For example, the command below opens your editor, as specified by the EDITOR environment variable, on the definition of the openssh service type:

guix system edit openssh

Build the operating system described in file, activate it, and switch to it38.

Nota: It is highly recommended to run guix pull once before you run guix system reconfigure for the first time (veja Invocando guix pull). Failing to do that you would see an older version of Guix once reconfigure has completed.

This effects all the configuration specified in file: user accounts, system services, global package list, privileged programs, etc. The command starts system services specified in file that are not currently running; if a service is currently running this command will arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g. by herd stop X or herd restart X).

This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the current generation (as reported by guix system list-generations). If that generation already exists, it will be overwritten. This behavior mirrors that of guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

It adds a bootloader menu entry for the new OS configuration, —unless --no-bootloader is passed. For GRUB, it moves entries for older configurations to a submenu, allowing you to choose an older system generation at boot time should you need it.

On Linux, guix system reconfigure also loads the new system for fast reboot via kexec: running reboot --kexec will boot the new system by directly executing its kernel, thus bypassing the BIOS initialization phase and bootloader (veja Invoking reboot em The GNU Shepherd Manual). You can avoid this behavior by passing the --no-kexec option.

Upon completion, the new system is deployed under /run/current-system. This directory contains provenance meta-data: the list of channels in use (veja Canais) and file itself, when available. You can view it by running:

guix system describe

This information is useful should you later want to inspect how this particular generation was built. In fact, assuming file is self-contained, you can later rebuild generation n of your operating system with:

guix time-machine \
  -C /var/guix/profiles/system-n-link/channels.scm -- \
  system reconfigure \

You can think of it as some sort of built-in version control! Your system is not just a binary artifact: it carries its own source. Veja provenance-service-type, for more information on provenance tracking.

By default, reconfigure prevents you from downgrading your system, which could (re)introduce security vulnerabilities and also cause problems with “stateful” services such as database management systems. You can override that behavior by passing --allow-downgrades.


Switch to an existing system generation. This action atomically switches the system profile to the specified system generation. It also rearranges the system’s existing bootloader menu entries. It makes the menu entry for the specified system generation the default, and it moves the entries for the other generations to a submenu, if supported by the bootloader being used. The next time the system boots, it will use the specified system generation.

The bootloader itself is not being reinstalled when using this command. Thus, the installed bootloader is used with an updated configuration file.

The target generation can be specified explicitly by its generation number. For example, the following invocation would switch to system generation 7:

guix system switch-generation 7

The target generation can also be specified relative to the current generation with the form +N or -N, where +3 means “3 generations ahead of the current generation,” and -1 means “1 generation prior to the current generation.” When specifying a negative value such as -1, you must precede it with -- to prevent it from being parsed as an option. For example:

guix system switch-generation -- -1

Currently, the effect of invoking this action is only to switch the system profile to an existing generation and rearrange the bootloader menu entries. To actually start using the target system generation, you must reboot after running this action. In the future, it will be updated to do the same things as reconfigure, like activating and deactivating services.

This action will fail if the specified generation does not exist.


Switch to the preceding system generation. The next time the system boots, it will use the preceding system generation. This is the inverse of reconfigure, and it is exactly the same as invoking switch-generation with an argument of -1.

Currently, as with switch-generation, you must reboot after running this action to actually start using the preceding system generation.


Delete system generations, making them candidates for garbage collection (veja Invocando guix gc, for information on how to run the “garbage collector”).

This works in the same way as ‘guix package --delete-generations’ (veja --delete-generations). With no arguments, all system generations but the current one are deleted:

guix system delete-generations

You can also select the generations you want to delete. The example below deletes all the system generations that are more than two months old:

guix system delete-generations 2m

Running this command automatically reinstalls the bootloader with an updated list of menu entries—e.g., the “old generations” sub-menu in GRUB no longer lists the generations that have been deleted.


Build the derivation of the operating system, which includes all the configuration files and programs needed to boot and run the system. This action does not actually install anything.


Populate the given directory with all the files necessary to run the operating system specified in file. This is useful for first-time installations of Guix System. For instance:

guix system init my-os-config.scm /mnt

copies to /mnt all the store items required by the configuration specified in my-os-config.scm. This includes configuration files, packages, and so on. It also creates other essential files needed for the system to operate correctly—e.g., the /etc, /var, and /run directories, and the /bin/sh file.

This command also installs bootloader on the targets specified in my-os-config, unless the --no-bootloader option was passed.


Run the installer. Usually the installer is built as an iso image, copied to a USB Stick or DVD, and booted from (Instalação em um pendrive e em DVD). If your machine already runs Guix and you still want to run the installer, e.g., for testing purposes, you can skip the step of creating an iso and run for instance:

guix system installer --dry-run

Nota: If you do not use --dry-run then you need to run as root. Be very careful when running the installer as root, it can cause data loss or render your system unbootable!


Build a virtual machine (VM) that contains the operating system declared in file, and return a script to run that VM.

Nota: The vm action and others below can use KVM support in the Linux-libre kernel. Specifically, if the machine has hardware virtualization support, the corresponding KVM kernel module should be loaded, and the /dev/kvm device node must exist and be readable and writable by the user and by the build users of the daemon (veja Configuração do ambiente de compilação).

Arguments given to the script are passed to QEMU as in the example below, which enables networking and requests 1 GiB of RAM for the emulated machine:

$ /gnu/store/… -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci

It’s possible to combine the two steps into one:

$ $(guix system vm my-config.scm) -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci

The VM shares its store with the host system.

By default, the root file system of the VM is mounted volatile; the --persistent option can be provided to make it persistent instead. In that case, the VM disk-image file will be copied from the store to the TMPDIR directory to make it writable.

Additional file systems can be shared between the host and the VM using the --share and --expose command-line options: the former specifies a directory to be shared with write access, while the latter provides read-only access to the shared directory.

The example below creates a VM in which the user’s home directory is accessible read-only, and where the /exchange directory is a read-write mapping of $HOME/tmp on the host:

guix system vm my-config.scm \
   --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/exchange

On GNU/Linux, the default is to boot directly to the kernel; this has the advantage of requiring only a very tiny root disk image since the store of the host can then be mounted.

The --full-boot option forces a complete boot sequence, starting with the bootloader. This requires more disk space since a root image containing at least the kernel, initrd, and bootloader data files must be created.

The --image-size option can be used to specify the size of the image.

The --no-graphic option will instruct guix system to spawn a headless VM that will use the invoking tty for IO. Among other things, this enables copy-pasting, and scrollback. Use the ctrl-a prefix to issue QEMU commands; e.g. ctrl-a h prints a help, ctrl-a x quits the VM, and ctrl-a c switches between the QEMU monitor and the VM.


The image command can produce various image types. The image type can be selected using the --image-type option. It defaults to mbr-hybrid-raw. When its value is iso9660, the --label option can be used to specify a volume ID with image. By default, the root file system of a disk image is mounted non-volatile; the --volatile option can be provided to make it volatile instead. When using image, the bootloader installed on the generated image is taken from the provided operating-system definition. The following example demonstrates how to generate an image that uses the grub-efi-bootloader bootloader and boot it with QEMU:

image=$(guix system image --image-type=qcow2 \
cp $image /tmp/my-image.qcow2
chmod +w /tmp/my-image.qcow2
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -hda /tmp/my-image.qcow2 -m 1000 \
                   -bios $(guix build ovmf-x86-64)/share/firmware/ovmf_x64.bin

When using the mbr-hybrid-raw image type, a raw disk image is produced; it can be copied as is to a USB stick, for instance. Assuming /dev/sdc is the device corresponding to a USB stick, one can copy the image to it using the following command:

# dd if=$(guix system image my-os.scm) of=/dev/sdc status=progress

The --list-image-types command lists all the available image types.

When using the qcow2 image type, the returned image is in qcow2 format, which the QEMU emulator can efficiently use. Veja Usando o Guix em uma Máquina Virtual, for more information on how to run the image in a virtual machine. The grub-bootloader bootloader is always used independently of what is declared in the operating-system file passed as argument. This is to make it easier to work with QEMU, which uses the SeaBIOS BIOS by default, expecting a bootloader to be installed in the Master Boot Record (MBR).

When using the docker image type, a Docker image is produced. Guix builds the image from scratch, not from a pre-existing Docker base image. As a result, it contains exactly what you define in the operating system configuration file. You can then load the image and launch a Docker container using commands like the following:

image_id="$(docker load < guix-system-docker-image.tar.gz)"
container_id="$(docker create $image_id)"
docker start $container_id

This command starts a new Docker container from the specified image. It will boot the Guix system in the usual manner, which means it will start any services you have defined in the operating system configuration. You can get an interactive shell running in the container using docker exec:

docker exec -ti $container_id /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login

Depending on what you run in the Docker container, it may be necessary to give the container additional permissions. For example, if you intend to build software using Guix inside of the Docker container, you may need to pass the --privileged option to docker create.

Last, the --network option applies to guix system docker-image: it produces an image where network is supposedly shared with the host, and thus without services like nscd or NetworkManager.


Return a script to run the operating system declared in file within a container. Containers are a set of lightweight isolation mechanisms provided by the kernel Linux-libre. Containers are substantially less resource-demanding than full virtual machines since the kernel, shared objects, and other resources can be shared with the host system; this also means they provide thinner isolation.

Currently, the script must be run as root in order to support more than a single user and group. The container shares its store with the host system.

As with the vm action (veja guix system vm), additional file systems to be shared between the host and container can be specified using the --share and --expose options:

guix system container my-config.scm \
   --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/exchange

The --share and --expose options can also be passed to the generated script to bind-mount additional directories into the container.

Nota: This option requires Linux-libre 3.19 or newer.

options can contain any of the common build options (veja Opções de compilação comuns). In addition, options can contain one of the following:

-e expr

Consider the operating-system expr evaluates to. This is an alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to an operating system. This is used to generate the Guix system installer veja Compilando a imagem de instalação).

-s sistema

Attempt to build for system instead of the host system type. This works as per guix build (veja Invocando guix build).


Construção cruzada para tripleto, que deve ser um tripleto GNU válido, como "aarch64-linux-gnu" (veja (Autoconf)autoconf).


Return the derivation file name of the given operating system without building anything.


As discussed above, guix system init and guix system reconfigure always save provenance information via a dedicated service (veja provenance-service-type). However, other commands don’t do that by default. If you wish to, say, create a virtual machine image that contains provenance information, you can run:

guix system image -t qcow2 --save-provenance config.scm

That way, the resulting image will effectively “embed its own source” in the form of meta-data in /run/current-system. With that information, one can rebuild the image to make sure it really contains what it pretends to contain; or they could use that to derive a variant of the image.

-t tipo

For the image action, create an image with given type.

When this option is omitted, guix system uses the mbr-hybrid-raw image type.

--image-type=iso9660 produces an ISO-9660 image, suitable for burning on CDs and DVDs.


For the image action, create an image of the given size. size may be a number of bytes, or it may include a unit as a suffix (veja size specifications em GNU Coreutils).

When this option is omitted, guix system computes an estimate of the image size as a function of the size of the system declared in file.


For the container action, allow containers to access the host network, that is, do not create a network namespace.

-r arquivo

Make file a symlink to the result, and register it as a garbage collector root.


Skip pre-installation safety checks.

By default, guix system init and guix system reconfigure perform safety checks: they make sure the file systems that appear in the operating-system declaration actually exist (veja Sistemas de arquivos), and that any Linux kernel modules that may be needed at boot time are listed in initrd-modules (veja Disco de RAM inicial). Passing this option skips these tests altogether.


Instruct guix system reconfigure to allow system downgrades.

By default, reconfigure prevents you from downgrading your system. It achieves that by comparing the provenance info of your system (shown by guix system describe) with that of your guix command (shown by guix describe). If the commits for guix are not descendants of those used for your system, guix system reconfigure errors out. Passing --allow-downgrades allows you to bypass these checks.

Nota: Certifique-se de entender as implicações de segurança antes de usar --allow-downgrades.


Apply strategy when an error occurs when reading file. strategy may be one of the following:


Report the error concisely and exit. This is the default strategy.


Likewise, but also display a backtrace.


Report the error and enter Guile’s debugger. From there, you can run commands such as ,bt to get a backtrace, ,locals to display local variable values, and more generally inspect the state of the program. Veja Debug Commands em GNU Guile Reference Manual, for a list of available debugging commands.

Once you have built, configured, re-configured, and re-re-configured your Guix installation, you may find it useful to list the operating system generations available on disk—and that you can choose from the bootloader boot menu:


Describe the running system generation: its file name, the kernel and bootloader used, etc., as well as provenance information when available.

The --list-installed flag is available, with the same syntax that is used in guix package --list-installed (veja Invocando guix package). When the flag is used, the description will include a list of packages that are currently installed in the system profile, with optional filtering based on a regular expression.

Nota: The running system generation—referred to by /run/current-system—is not necessarily the current system generation—referred to by /var/guix/profiles/system: it differs when, for instance, you chose from the bootloader menu to boot an older generation.

It can also differ from the booted system generation—referred to by /run/booted-system—for instance because you reconfigured the system in the meantime.


List a summary of each generation of the operating system available on disk, in a human-readable way. This is similar to the --list-generations option of guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

Optionally, one can specify a pattern, with the same syntax that is used in guix package --list-generations, to restrict the list of generations displayed. For instance, the following command displays generations that are up to 10 days old:

$ guix system list-generations 10d

The --list-installed flag may also be specified, with the same syntax that is used in guix package --list-installed. This may be helpful if trying to determine when a package was added to the system.

The guix system command has even more to offer! The following sub-commands allow you to visualize how your system services relate to each other:


Emit to standard output the service extension graph of the operating system defined in file (veja Composição de serviço, for more information on service extensions). By default the output is in Dot/Graphviz format, but you can choose a different format with --graph-backend, as with guix graph (veja --backend):

O comando:

$ guix system extension-graph file | xdot -

shows the extension relations among services.

Nota: The dot program is provided by the graphviz package.


Emit to standard output the dependency graph of shepherd services of the operating system defined in file. Veja Serviços de Shepherd, for more information and for an example graph.

Again, the default output format is Dot/Graphviz, but you can pass --graph-backend to select a different one.

11.17 Invoking guix deploy

We’ve already seen operating-system declarations used to manage a machine’s configuration locally. Suppose you need to configure multiple machines, though—perhaps you’re managing a service on the web that’s comprised of several servers. guix deploy enables you to use those same operating-system declarations to manage multiple remote hosts at once as a logical “deployment”.

Nota: The functionality described in this section is still under development and is subject to change. Get in touch with us on!

guix deploy file

Such an invocation will deploy the machines that the code within file evaluates to. As an example, file might contain a definition like this:

;; This is a Guix deployment of a "bare bones" setup, with
;; no X11 display server, to a machine with an SSH daemon
;; listening on localhost:2222. A configuration such as this
;; may be appropriate for virtual machine with ports
;; forwarded to the host's loopback interface.

(use-service-modules networking ssh)
(use-package-modules bootloaders)

(define %system
   (host-name "gnu-deployed")
   (timezone "Etc/UTC")
   (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-bootloader)
                (targets '("/dev/vda"))
                (terminal-outputs '(console))))
   (file-systems (cons (file-system
                        (mount-point "/")
                        (device "/dev/vda1")
                        (type "ext4"))
    (append (list (service dhcp-client-service-type)
                  (service openssh-service-type
                            (permit-root-login #t)
                            (allow-empty-passwords? #t))))

(list (machine
       (operating-system %system)
       (environment managed-host-environment-type)
       (configuration (machine-ssh-configuration
                       (host-name "localhost")
                       (system "x86_64-linux")
                       (user "alice")
                       (identity "./id_rsa")
                       (port 2222)))))

The file should evaluate to a list of machine objects. This example, upon being deployed, will create a new generation on the remote system realizing the operating-system declaration %system. environment and configuration specify how the machine should be provisioned—that is, how the computing resources should be created and managed. The above example does not create any resources, as a 'managed-host is a machine that is already running the Guix system and available over the network. This is a particularly simple case; a more complex deployment may involve, for example, starting virtual machines through a Virtual Private Server (VPS) provider. In such a case, a different environment type would be used.

Do note that you first need to generate a key pair on the coordinator machine to allow the daemon to export signed archives of files from the store (veja Invocando guix archive), though this step is automatic on Guix System:

# guix archive --generate-key

Each target machine must authorize the key of the master machine so that it accepts store items it receives from the coordinator:

# guix archive --authorize < coordinator-public-key.txt

user, in this example, specifies the name of the user account to log in as to perform the deployment. Its default value is root, but root login over SSH may be forbidden in some cases. To work around this, guix deploy can log in as an unprivileged user and employ sudo to escalate privileges. This will only work if sudo is currently installed on the remote and can be invoked non-interactively as user. That is, the line in sudoers granting user the ability to use sudo must contain the NOPASSWD tag. This can be accomplished with the following operating system configuration snippet:

(use-modules ...
             (gnu system))               ;for %sudoers-specification

(define %user "username")

     (plain-file "sudoers"
                 (string-append (plain-file-content %sudoers-specification)
                                (format #f "~a ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL~%"

For more information regarding the format of the sudoers file, consult man sudoers.

Once you’ve deployed a system on a set of machines, you may find it useful to run a command on all of them. The --execute or -x option lets you do that; the example below runs uname -a on all the machines listed in the deployment file:

guix deploy file -x -- uname -a

One thing you may often need to do after deployment is restart specific services on all the machines, which you can do like so:

guix deploy file -x -- herd restart service

The guix deploy -x command returns zero if and only if the command succeeded on all the machines.

You may also wish to roll back configurations on machines to a previous generation. You can do that using the --roll-back or -r option like so:

guix deploy --roll-back file

Below are the data types you need to know about when writing a deployment file.

Tipo de dados: machine

This is the data type representing a single machine in a heterogeneous Guix deployment.


The object of the operating system configuration to deploy.


An environment-type describing how the machine should be provisioned.

configuration (default: #f)

An object describing the configuration for the machine’s environment. If the environment has a default configuration, #f may be used. If #f is used for an environment with no default configuration, however, an error will be thrown.

Tipo de dados: machine-ssh-configuration

This is the data type representing the SSH client parameters for a machine with an environment of managed-host-environment-type.

build-locally? (default: #t)

If false, system derivations will be built on the machine being deployed to.


The system type describing the architecture of the machine being deployed to—e.g., "x86_64-linux".

authorize? (default: #t)

If true, the coordinator’s signing key will be added to the remote’s ACL keyring.

port (padrão: 22)
user (default: "root")
identity (default: #f)

If specified, the path to the SSH private key to use to authenticate with the remote host.

host-key (default: #f)

This should be the SSH host key of the machine, which looks like this:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz…

When host-key is #f, the server is authenticated against the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, just like the OpenSSH ssh client does.

allow-downgrades? (default: #f)

Whether to allow potential downgrades.

Like guix system reconfigure, guix deploy compares the channel commits currently deployed on the remote host (as returned by guix system describe) to those currently in use (as returned by guix describe) to determine whether commits currently in use are descendants of those deployed. When this is not the case and allow-downgrades? is false, it raises an error. This ensures you do not accidentally downgrade remote machines.

safety-checks? (default: #t)

Whether to perform “safety checks” before deployment. This includes verifying that devices and file systems referred to in the operating system configuration actually exist on the target machine, and making sure that Linux modules required to access storage devices at boot time are listed in the initrd-modules field of the operating system.

These safety checks ensure that you do not inadvertently deploy a system that would fail to boot. Be careful before turning them off!

Tipo de dados: digital-ocean-configuration

This is the data type describing the Droplet that should be created for a machine with an environment of digital-ocean-environment-type.


The path to the SSH private key to use to authenticate with the remote host. In the future, this field may not exist.


A list of string “tags” that uniquely identify the machine. Must be given such that no two machines in the deployment have the same set of tags.


A Digital Ocean region slug, such as "nyc3".


A Digital Ocean size slug, such as "s-1vcpu-1gb"


Whether or not the droplet should be created with IPv6 networking.

Data Type: hetzner-configuration

This is the data type describing the server that should be created for a machine with an environment of hetzner-environment-type. It allows you to configure deployment to a VPS (virtual private server) hosted by Hetzner.

allow-downgrades? (default: #f)

Whether to allow potential downgrades.

authorize? (default: #t)

If true, the public signing key "/etc/guix/" of the machine that invokes guix deploy will be added to the operating system ACL keyring of the target machine.

build-locally? (default: #t)

If true, system derivations will be built on the machine that invokes guix deploy, otherwise derivations are build on the target machine. Set this to #f if the machine you are deploying from has a different architecture than the target machine and you can’t build derivations for the target architecture by other means, like offloading (veja Usando o recurso de descarregamento) or emulation (veja Transparent Emulation with QEMU).

delete? (default: #t)

If true, the server will be deleted when an error happens in the provisioning phase. If false, the server will be kept in order to debug any issues.

labels (default: '())

A user defined alist of key/value pairs attached to the SSH key and the server on the Hetzner API. Keys and values must be strings, e.g. '(("environment" . "development")). For more information, see Labels.

location (default: "fsn1")

The name of a location to create the server in. For example, "fsn1" corresponds to the Hetzner site in Falkenstein, Germany, while "sin" corresponds to its site in Singapore.

server-type (default: "cx42")

The name of the server type this virtual server should be created with. For example, "cx42" corresponds to a x86_64 server that has 8 VCPUs, 16 GB of memory and 160 GB of storage, while "cax31" to the AArch64 equivalent. Other server types and their current prices can be found here. The "cpx11" server type is currently not supported, since its rescue system is too small to bootstrap a Guix system from.


The file name of the SSH private key to use to authenticate with the remote host.

When deploying a machine for the first time, the following steps are taken to provision a server for the machine on the Hetzner Cloud service:

  • Create the SSH key of the machine on the Hetzner API.
  • Create a server for the machine on the Hetzner API.
  • Format the root partition of the disk using the file system of the machine’s operating system. Supported file systems are btrfs and ext4.
  • Install a minimal Guix operating system on the server using the rescue mode. This minimal system is used to install the machine’s operating system, after rebooting.
  • Reboot the server and apply the machine’s operating system on the server.

Once the server has been provisioned and SSH is available, deployment continues by delegating it to the managed-host-environment-type.

Servers on the Hetzner Cloud service can be provisioned on the AArch64 architecture using UEFI boot mode, or on the x86_64 architecture using BIOS boot mode. The (gnu machine hetzner) module exports the %hetzner-os-arm and %hetzner-os-x86 operating systems that are compatible with those two architectures, and can be used as a base for defining your custom operating system.

The following example shows the definition of two machines that are deployed on the Hetzner Cloud service. The first one uses the %hetzner-os-arm operating system to run a server with 16 shared vCPUs and 32 GB of RAM on the aarch64 architecture, the second one uses the %hetzner-os-x86 operating system on a server with 16 shared vCPUs and 32 GB of RAM on the x86_64 architecture.

(use-modules (gnu machine)
             (gnu machine hetzner))

(list (machine
       (operating-system %hetzner-os-arm)
       (environment hetzner-environment-type)
       (configuration (hetzner-configuration
                       (server-type "cax41")
                       (ssh-key "/home/charlie/.ssh/id_rsa"))))
       (operating-system %hetzner-os-x86)
       (environment hetzner-environment-type)
       (configuration (hetzner-configuration
                       (server-type "cpx51")
                       (ssh-key "/home/charlie/.ssh/id_rsa")))))

Passing this file to guix deploy with the environment variable GUIX_HETZNER_API_TOKEN set to a valid Hetzner API key should provision two machines for you.

11.18 Usando o Guix em uma Máquina Virtual

To run Guix in a virtual machine (VM), one can use the pre-built Guix VM image distributed at This image is a compressed image in QCOW format. You can pass it to an emulator such as QEMU (see below for details).

This image boots the Xfce graphical environment and it contains some commonly used tools. You can install more software in the image by running guix package in a terminal (veja Invocando guix package). You can also reconfigure the system based on its initial configuration file available as /run/current-system/configuration.scm (veja Usando o sistema de configuração).

Instead of using this pre-built image, one can also build their own image using guix system image (veja Invoking guix system).

If you built your own image, you must copy it out of the store (veja O armazém) and give yourself permission to write to the copy before you can use it. When invoking QEMU, you must choose a system emulator that is suitable for your hardware platform. Here is a minimal QEMU invocation that will boot the result of guix system image -t qcow2 on x86_64 hardware:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
   -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci \
   -enable-kvm -m 2048 \
   -device virtio-blk,drive=myhd \
   -drive if=none,file=guix-system-vm-image-4538aa4.x86_64-linux.qcow2,id=myhd

Here is what each of these options means:


This specifies the hardware platform to emulate. This should match the host.

-nic user,model=virtio-net-pci

Enable the unprivileged user-mode network stack. The guest OS can access the host but not vice versa. This is the simplest way to get the guest OS online. model specifies which network device to emulate: virtio-net-pci is a special device made for virtualized operating systems and recommended for most uses. Assuming your hardware platform is x86_64, you can get a list of available NIC models by running qemu-system-x86_64 -nic model=help.


If your system has hardware virtualization extensions, enabling the virtual machine support (KVM) of the Linux kernel will make things run faster.

-m 2048

RAM available to the guest OS, in mebibytes. Defaults to 128 MiB, which may be insufficient for some operations.

-device virtio-blk,drive=myhd

Create a virtio-blk drive called “myhd”. virtio-blk is a “paravirtualization” mechanism for block devices that allows QEMU to achieve better performance than if it were emulating a complete disk drive. See the QEMU and KVM documentation for more info.

-drive if=none,file=/tmp/qemu-image,id=myhd

Use our QCOW image, the guix-system-vm-image-4538aa4.x86_64-linux.qcow2 file, as the backing store of the “myhd” drive.

The default script that is returned by an invocation of guix system vm does not add a -nic user flag by default. To get network access from within the vm add the (dhcp-client-service) to your system definition and start the VM using $(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user. An important caveat of using -nic user for networking is that ping will not work, because it uses the ICMP protocol. You’ll have to use a different command to check for network connectivity, for example guix download.

11.18.1 Connecting Through SSH

To enable SSH inside a VM you need to add an SSH server like openssh-service-type to your VM (veja openssh-service-type). In addition you need to forward the SSH port, 22 by default, to the host. You can do this with

$(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22

To connect to the VM you can run

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022 localhost

The -p tells ssh the port you want to connect to. -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null prevents ssh from complaining every time you modify your config.scm file and the -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no prevents you from having to allow a connection to an unknown host every time you connect.

Nota: If you find the above ‘hostfwd’ example not to be working (e.g., your SSH client hangs attempting to connect to the mapped port of your VM), make sure that your Guix System VM has networking support, such as by using the dhcp-client-service-type service type.

11.18.2 Using virt-viewer with Spice

As an alternative to the default qemu graphical client you can use the remote-viewer from the virt-viewer package. To connect pass the -spice port=5930,disable-ticketing flag to qemu. See previous section for further information on how to do this.

Spice also allows you to do some nice stuff like share your clipboard with your VM. To enable that you’ll also have to pass the following flags to qemu:

-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,max_ports=16,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5
-chardev spicevmc,name=vdagent,id=vdagent
-device virtserialport,nr=1,bus=virtio-serial0.0,chardev=vdagent,\

You’ll also need to add the (spice-vdagent-service) to your system definition (veja Spice service).

11.19 Definindo serviços

The previous sections show the available services and how one can combine them in an operating-system declaration. But how do we define them in the first place? And what is a service anyway?

11.19.1 Composição de serviço

Here we define a service as, broadly, something that extends the functionality of the operating system. Often a service is a process—a daemon—started when the system boots: a secure shell server, a Web server, the Guix build daemon, etc. Sometimes a service is a daemon whose execution can be triggered by another daemon—e.g., an FTP server started by inetd or a D-Bus service activated by dbus-daemon. Occasionally, a service does not map to a daemon. For instance, the “account” service collects user accounts and makes sure they exist when the system runs; the “udev” service collects device management rules and makes them available to the eudev daemon; the /etc service populates the /etc directory of the system.

Guix system services are connected by extensions. For instance, the secure shell service extends the Shepherd—the initialization system, running as PID 1—by giving it the command lines to start and stop the secure shell daemon (veja openssh-service-type); the UPower service extends the D-Bus service by passing it its .service specification, and extends the udev service by passing it device management rules (veja upower-service); the Guix daemon service extends the Shepherd by passing it the command lines to start and stop the daemon, and extends the account service by passing it a list of required build user accounts (veja Serviços básicos).

All in all, services and their “extends” relations form a directed acyclic graph (DAG). If we represent services as boxes and extensions as arrows, a typical system might provide something like this:

Typical service extension graph.

At the bottom, we see the system service, which produces the directory containing everything to run and boot the system, as returned by the guix system build command. Veja Referência de Service, to learn about the other service types shown here. Veja the guix system extension-graph command, for information on how to generate this representation for a particular operating system definition.

Technically, developers can define service types to express these relations. There can be any number of services of a given type on the system—for instance, a system running two instances of the GNU secure shell server (lsh) has two instances of lsh-service-type, with different parameters.

The following section describes the programming interface for service types and services.

11.19.2 Tipos de Service e Serviços

A service type is a node in the DAG described above. Let us start with a simple example, the service type for the Guix build daemon (veja Invocando guix-daemon):

(define guix-service-type
   (name 'guix)
    (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type guix-shepherd-service)
          (service-extension account-service-type guix-accounts)
          (service-extension activation-service-type guix-activation)))
   (default-value (guix-configuration))))

It defines three things:

  1. A name, whose sole purpose is to make inspection and debugging easier.
  2. A list of service extensions, where each extension designates the target service type and a procedure that, given the parameters of the service, returns a list of objects to extend the service of that type.

    Every service type has at least one service extension. The only exception is the boot service type, which is the ultimate service.

  3. Optionally, a default value for instances of this type.

In this example, guix-service-type extends three services:


The guix-shepherd-service procedure defines how the Shepherd service is extended. Namely, it returns a <shepherd-service> object that defines how guix-daemon is started and stopped (veja Serviços de Shepherd).


This extension for this service is computed by guix-accounts, which returns a list of user-group and user-account objects representing the build user accounts (veja Invocando guix-daemon).


Here guix-activation is a procedure that returns a gexp, which is a code snippet to run at “activation time”—e.g., when the service is booted.

A service of this type is instantiated like this:

(service guix-service-type
           (build-accounts 5)
           (extra-options '("--gc-keep-derivations"))))

The second argument to the service form is a value representing the parameters of this specific service instance. Veja guix-configuration, for information about the guix-configuration data type. When the value is omitted, the default value specified by guix-service-type is used:

(service guix-service-type)

guix-service-type is quite simple because it extends other services but is not extensible itself.

The service type for an extensible service looks like this:

(define udev-service-type
  (service-type (name 'udev)
                 (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type

                (compose concatenate)       ;concatenate the list of rules
                (extend (lambda (config rules)
                           (inherit config)
                           (rules (append (udev-configuration-rules config)

This is the service type for the eudev device management daemon. Compared to the previous example, in addition to an extension of shepherd-root-service-type, we see two new fields:


This is the procedure to compose the list of extensions to services of this type.

Services can extend the udev service by passing it lists of rules; we compose those extensions simply by concatenating them.


This procedure defines how the value of the service is extended with the composition of the extensions.

Udev extensions are composed into a list of rules, but the udev service value is itself a <udev-configuration> record. So here, we extend that record by appending the list of rules it contains to the list of contributed rules.


This is a string giving an overview of the service type. The string can contain Texinfo markup (veja Overview em GNU Texinfo). The guix system search command searches these strings and displays them (veja Invoking guix system).

There can be only one instance of an extensible service type such as udev-service-type. If there were more, the service-extension specifications would be ambiguous.

Still here? The next section provides a reference of the programming interface for services.

11.19.3 Referência de Service

We have seen an overview of service types (veja Tipos de Service e Serviços). This section provides a reference on how to manipulate services and service types. This interface is provided by the (gnu services) module.

Procedure: service type [value]

Return a new service of type, a <service-type> object (see below). value can be any object; it represents the parameters of this particular service instance.

When value is omitted, the default value specified by type is used; if type does not specify a default value, an error is raised.

For instance, this:

(service openssh-service-type)

is equivalent to this:

(service openssh-service-type

In both cases the result is an instance of openssh-service-type with the default configuration.

Procedure: service? obj

Return true if obj is a service.

Procedure: service-kind service

Return the type of service—i.e., a <service-type> object.

Procedure: service-value service

Return the value associated with service. It represents its parameters.

Here is an example of how a service is created and manipulated:

(define s
  (service nginx-service-type
            (nginx nginx)
            (log-directory log-directory)
            (run-directory run-directory)
            (file config-file))))

(service? s)

(eq? (service-kind s) nginx-service-type)

The modify-services form provides a handy way to change the parameters of some of the services of a list such as %base-services (veja %base-services). It evaluates to a list of services. Of course, you could always use standard list combinators such as map and fold to do that (veja List Library em GNU Guile Reference Manual); modify-services simply provides a more concise form for this common pattern.

Forma Especial: modify-services services (type variable => body) …

Modify the services listed in services according to the given clauses. Each clause has the form:

(type variable => body)

where type is a service type—e.g., guix-service-type—and variable is an identifier that is bound within the body to the service parameters—e.g., a guix-configuration instance—of the original service of that type.

The body should evaluate to the new service parameters, which will be used to configure the new service. This new service will replace the original in the resulting list. Because a service’s service parameters are created using define-record-type*, you can write a succinct body that evaluates to the new service parameters by using the inherit feature that define-record-type* provides.

Clauses can also have the following form:

(delete type)

Such a clause removes all services of the given type from services.

Veja Usando o sistema de configuração, for example usage.

Next comes the programming interface for service types. This is something you want to know when writing new service definitions, but not necessarily when simply looking for ways to customize your operating-system declaration.

Tipo de dados: service-type

This is the representation of a service type (veja Tipos de Service e Serviços).


This is a symbol, used only to simplify inspection and debugging.


A non-empty list of <service-extension> objects (see below).

compose (padrão: #f)

If this is #f, then the service type denotes services that cannot be extended—i.e., services that do not receive “values” from other services.

Otherwise, it must be a one-argument procedure. The procedure is called by fold-services and is passed a list of values collected from extensions. It may return any single value.

extend (padrão: #f)

If this is #f, services of this type cannot be extended.

Otherwise, it must be a two-argument procedure: fold-services calls it, passing it the initial value of the service as the first argument and the result of applying compose to the extension values as the second argument. It must return a value that is a valid parameter value for the service instance.


This is a string, possibly using Texinfo markup, describing in a couple of sentences what the service is about. This string allows users to find about the service through guix system search (veja Invoking guix system).

default-value (default: &no-default-value)

The default value associated for instances of this service type. This allows users to use the service form without its second argument:

(service type)

The returned service in this case has the default value specified by type.

Veja Tipos de Service e Serviços, for examples.

Procedure: service-extension target-type compute

Return a new extension for services of type target-type. compute must be a one-argument procedure: fold-services calls it, passing it the value associated with the service that provides the extension; it must return a valid value for the target service.

Procedure: service-extension? obj

Return true if obj is a service extension.

Occasionally, you might want to simply extend an existing service. This involves creating a new service type and specifying the extension of interest, which can be verbose; the simple-service procedure provides a shorthand for this.

Procedure: simple-service name target value

Return a service that extends target with value. This works by creating a singleton service type name, of which the returned service is an instance.

For example, this extends mcron (veja Execução de trabalho agendado) with an additional job:

(simple-service 'my-mcron-job mcron-service-type
                #~(job '(next-hour (3)) "guix gc -F 2G"))

At the core of the service abstraction lies the fold-services procedure, which is responsible for “compiling” a list of services down to a single directory that contains everything needed to boot and run the system—the directory shown by the guix system build command (veja Invoking guix system). In essence, it propagates service extensions down the service graph, updating each node parameters on the way, until it reaches the root node.

Procedure: fold-services services [#:target-type system-service-type]

Fold services by propagating their extensions down to the root of type target-type; return the root service adjusted accordingly.

Lastly, the (gnu services) module also defines several essential service types, some of which are listed below.

Variável: system-service-type

This is the root of the service graph. It produces the system directory as returned by the guix system build command.

Variável: boot-service-type

The type of the “boot service”, which produces the boot script. The boot script is what the initial RAM disk runs when booting.

Variável: etc-service-type

The type of the /etc service. This service is used to create files under /etc and can be extended by passing it name/file tuples such as:

(list `("issue" ,(plain-file "issue" "Welcome!\n")))

In this example, the effect would be to add an /etc/issue file pointing to the given file.

Variável: privileged-program-service-type

Type for the “privileged-program service”. This service collects lists of executable file names, passed as gexps, and adds them to the set of privileged programs on the system (veja Privileged Programs).

Variável: profile-service-type

Type of the service that populates the system profile—i.e., the programs under /run/current-system/profile. Other services can extend it by passing it lists of packages to add to the system profile.

Variável: provenance-service-type

This is the type of the service that records provenance meta-data in the system itself. It creates several files under /run/current-system:


This is a “channel file” that can be passed to guix pull -C or guix time-machine -C, and which describes the channels used to build the system, if that information was available (veja Canais).


This is the file that was passed as the value for this provenance-service-type service. By default, guix system reconfigure automatically passes the OS configuration file it received on the command line.


This contains the same information as the two other files but in a format that is more readily processable.

In general, these two pieces of information (channels and configuration file) are enough to reproduce the operating system “from source”.

Caveats: This information is necessary to rebuild your operating system, but it is not always sufficient. In particular, configuration.scm itself is insufficient if it is not self-contained—if it refers to external Guile modules or to extra files. If you want configuration.scm to be self-contained, we recommend that modules or files it refers to be part of a channel.

Besides, provenance meta-data is “silent” in the sense that it does not change the bits contained in your system, except for the meta-data bits themselves. Two different OS configurations or sets of channels can lead to the same system, bit-for-bit; when provenance-service-type is used, these two systems will have different meta-data and thus different store file names, which makes comparison less trivial.

This service is automatically added to your operating system configuration when you use guix system reconfigure, guix system init, or guix deploy.

Variável: linux-loadable-module-service-type

Type of the service that collects lists of packages containing kernel-loadable modules, and adds them to the set of kernel-loadable modules.

This service type is intended to be extended by other service types, such as below:

(simple-service 'installing-module
                (list module-to-install-1

This does not actually load modules at bootup, only adds it to the kernel profile so that it can be loaded by other means.

11.19.4 Serviços de Shepherd

The (gnu services shepherd) module provides a way to define services managed by the GNU Shepherd, which is the initialization system—the first process that is started when the system boots, also known as PID 1 (veja Introduction em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

Services in the Shepherd can depend on each other. For instance, the SSH daemon may need to be started after the syslog daemon has been started, which in turn can only happen once all the file systems have been mounted. The simple operating system defined earlier (veja Usando o sistema de configuração) results in a service graph like this:

Typical shepherd service graph.

You can actually generate such a graph for any operating system definition using the guix system shepherd-graph command (veja guix system shepherd-graph).

The %shepherd-root-service is a service object representing PID 1, of type shepherd-root-service-type; it can be extended by passing it lists of <shepherd-service> objects.

Tipo de dados: shepherd-service

The data type representing a service managed by the Shepherd.


This is a list of symbols denoting what the service provides.

These are the names that may be passed to herd start, herd status, and similar commands (veja Invoking herd em The GNU Shepherd Manual). Veja Defining Services em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for details.

requirement (default: '())

List of symbols denoting the Shepherd services this one depends on.

With very few exceptions, services that start a daemon must depend at least on the user-processes service; this ensures that these daemons are started after all the file systems have been mounted and that, during shutdown, they are stopped before attempting to terminate remaining user processes.

one-shot? (default: #f)

Whether this service is one-shot. One-shot services stop immediately after their start action has completed. Veja Slots of services em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for more info.

respawn? (padrão: #t)

Whether to restart the service when it stops, for instance when the underlying process dies.

respawn-limit (default: #f)

Set a limit on how many times and how frequently a service may be restarted by Shepherd before it is disabled. Veja Defining Services em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for details.

respawn-delay (default: #f)

When true, this is the delay in seconds before restarting a failed service.

start (default: #~(const #t))
stop (default: #~(const #f))

The start and stop fields refer to the Shepherd’s facilities to start and stop processes (veja Service De- and Constructors em The GNU Shepherd Manual). They are given as G-expressions that get expanded in the Shepherd configuration file (veja Expressões-G).

actions (default: '())

This is a list of shepherd-action objects (see below) defining actions supported by the service, in addition to the standard start and stop actions. Actions listed here become available as herd sub-commands:

herd action service [arguments…]
free-form (default: #f)

When set, this field replaces the start, stop, and actions fields. It is meant to be used when the service definition comes from some other source, typically the service collection provided by the Shepherd proper (veja Service Collection em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

For example, the snippet below defines a service for the Shepherd’s built-in REPL (read-eval-print loop) service (veja REPL Service em The GNU Shepherd Manual):

  (provision '(repl))
  (modules '((shepherd service repl)))
  (free-form #~(repl-service)))

In this case, the service object is returned by the repl-service procedure of the Shepherd, so all the free-form G-expression does is call that procedure. Note that the provision field must be consistent with the actual service provision.

auto-start? (default: #t)

Whether this service should be started automatically by the Shepherd. If it is #f the service has to be started manually with herd start.


A documentation string, as shown when running:

herd doc service-name

where service-name is one of the symbols in provision (veja Invoking herd em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

modules (default: %default-modules)

This is the list of modules that must be in scope when start and stop are evaluated.

The example below defines a Shepherd service that spawns syslogd, the system logger from the GNU Networking Utilities (veja syslogd em GNU Inetutils):

(let ((config (plain-file "syslogd.conf" "…")))
    (documentation "Run the syslog daemon (syslogd).")
    (provision '(syslogd))
    (requirement '(user-processes))
    (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
               (list #$(file-append inetutils "/libexec/syslogd")
                     "--rcfile" #$config)
               #:pid-file "/var/run/"))
    (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))

Key elements in this example are the start and stop fields: they are staged code snippets that use the make-forkexec-constructor procedure provided by the Shepherd and its dual, make-kill-destructor (veja Service De- and Constructors em The GNU Shepherd Manual). The start field will have shepherd spawn syslogd with the given option; note that we pass config after --rcfile, which is a configuration file declared above (contents of this file are omitted). Likewise, the stop field tells how this service is to be stopped; in this case, it is stopped by making the kill system call on its PID. Code staging is achieved using G-expressions: #~ stages code, while #$ “escapes” back to host code (veja Expressões-G).

Tipo de dados: shepherd-action

This is the data type that defines additional actions implemented by a Shepherd service (see above).


Symbol naming the action.


This is a documentation string for the action. It can be viewed by running:

herd doc service action action

This should be a gexp that evaluates to a procedure of at least one argument, which is the “running value” of the service (veja Slots of services em The GNU Shepherd Manual).

The following example defines an action called say-hello that kindly greets the user:

  (name 'say-hello)
  (documentation "Say hi!")
  (procedure #~(lambda (running . args)
                 (format #t "Hello, friend! arguments: ~s\n"

Assuming this action is added to the example service, then you can do:

# herd say-hello example
Hello, friend! arguments: ()
# herd say-hello example a b c
Hello, friend! arguments: ("a" "b" "c")

This, as you can see, is a fairly sophisticated way to say hello. Veja Defining Services em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for more info on actions.

Procedure: shepherd-configuration-action

Return a configuration action to display file, which should be the name of the service’s configuration file.

It can be useful to equip services with that action. For example, the service for the Tor anonymous router (veja tor-service-type) is defined roughly like this:

(let ((torrc (plain-file "torrc" )))
    (provision '(tor))
    (requirement '(user-processes loopback syslogd))

    (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
              (list #$(file-append tor "/bin/tor") "-f" #$torrc)
              #:user "tor" #:group "tor"))
    (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
    (actions (list (shepherd-configuration-action torrc)))
    (documentation "Run the Tor anonymous network overlay.")))

Thanks to this action, administrators can inspect the configuration file passed to tor with this shell command:

cat $(herd configuration tor)

This can come in as a handy debugging tool!

Variável: shepherd-root-service-type

The service type for the Shepherd “root service”—i.e., PID 1.

This is the service type that extensions target when they want to create shepherd services (veja Tipos de Service e Serviços, for an example). Each extension must pass a list of <shepherd-service>. Its value must be a shepherd-configuration, as described below.

Tipo de dados: shepherd-configuration

This data type represents the Shepherd’s configuration.

shepherd (default: shepherd)

The Shepherd package to use.

services (default: '())

A list of <shepherd-service> to start. You should probably use the service extension mechanism instead (veja Serviços de Shepherd).

The following example specifies the Shepherd package for the operating system:

  ;; ...
  (services (append (list openssh-service-type))
            ;; ...
  ;; ...
  ;; Use own Shepherd package.
   (modify-services (operating-system-default-essential-services
     (shepherd-root-service-type config => (shepherd-configuration
                                            (inherit config)
                                            (shepherd my-shepherd))))))
Variável: shepherd-transient-service-type

This service type represents the Shepherd’s transient service, which lets you spawn commands in the background and interact with them as regular Shepherd services; it is similar to systemd-run.

For example, the command below spawns rsync in the background, in an environment where the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable has the given value:

herd spawn transient -E SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK -- \
  rsync -e ssh -vur .

Veja Transient Service Maker em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for more info on the transient service.

Variável: shepherd-timer-service-type

This is the service type representing the Shepherd’s timer service, which lets you schedule the execution of commands, similar to the venerable at command. Here is an example:

herd schedule timer at 07:00 -- mpg123 Music/alarm.mp3

Veja Timer Service em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for more info on the timer service.

Variável: shepherd-system-log-service-type

This service implements a system log, reading messages applications send to /dev/log and writing them to files or terminals according to user-defined rules. It provides functionality traditionally implemented by syslogd programs.

The value of services of this type must be a system-log-configuration record, as described below.

This service is part of %base-services (veja Serviços básicos).

Data Type: system-log-configuration

Available system-log-configuration fields are:

provision (default: '(system-log syslogd)) (type: list-of-symbols)

The name(s) of the system log service.

requirement (default: '(root-file-system)) (type: list-of-symbols)

Dependencies of the system log service.

kernel-log-file (type: gexp-or-string-or-false)

File from which kernel messages are read, /dev/kmsg by default.

message-destination (default: #f) (type: gexp-or-false)

This gexp must evaluate to a procedure that, when passed a log message, returns the list of files to write it to; #f is equivalent to using (default-message-destination-procedure). Veja System Log Service em The GNU Shepherd Manual, for information on how to write that procedure.

date-format (type: gexp-or-string)

String or string-valued gexp specifying how to format timestamps in log files. It must be a valid string for strftime (veja Time em GNU Guile Reference Manual), including delimiting space—e.g., "%c " for a format identical to that of traditional syslogd implementations.

history-size (type: gexp-or-integer)

Number of logging messages kept in memory for the purposes of making them available to herd status system-log.

max-silent-time (type: gexp-or-integer)

Time after which a mark is written to log files if nothing was logged during that time frame.

Variável: %shepherd-root-service

This service represents PID 1.

11.19.5 Complex Configurations

Some programs might have rather complex configuration files or formats, and to make it easier to create Scheme bindings for these configuration files, you can use the utilities defined in the (gnu services configuration) module.

The main utility is the define-configuration macro, a helper used to define a Scheme record type (veja Record Overview em GNU Guile Reference Manual). The fields from this Scheme record can be serialized using serializers, which are procedures that take some kind of Scheme value and translates them into another Scheme value or Expressões-G.

Macro: define-configuration name clause1 clause2 …

Create a record type named name that contains the fields found in the clauses.

A clause has the following form:


field-name is an identifier that denotes the name of the field in the generated record.

type-decl is either type for fields that require a value to be set or (type default-value) otherwise.

type is the type of the value corresponding to field-name; since Guile is untyped, a predicate procedure—type?—will be called on the value corresponding to the field to ensure that the value is of the correct type. This means that if say, type is package, then a procedure named package? will be applied on the value to make sure that it is indeed a <package> object.

default-value is the default value corresponding to the field; if none is specified, the user is forced to provide a value when creating an object of the record type.

documentation is a string formatted with Texinfo syntax which should provide a description of what setting this field does.

option* is one of the following subclauses:


Exclude this field from serialization.

(serializer serializer)

serializer is the name of a procedure which takes two arguments, the first is the name of the field, and the second is the value corresponding to the field. The procedure should return a string or Expressões-G that represents the content that will be serialized to the configuration file. If none is specified, a procedure of the name serialize-type will be used.

An example of a simple serializer procedure:

(define (serialize-boolean field-name value)
  (let ((value (if value "true" "false")))
    #~(string-append '#$field-name " = " #$value)))
(sanitizer sanitizer)

sanitizer is a procedure which takes one argument, a user-supplied value, and returns a “sanitized” value for the field. If no sanitizer is specified, a default sanitizer is used, which raises an error if the value is not of type type.

An example of a sanitizer for a field that accepts both strings and symbols looks like this:

(define (sanitize-foo value)
  (cond ((string? value) value)
        ((symbol? value) (symbol->string value))
        (else (error "bad value"))))

In some cases multiple different configuration records might be defined in the same file, but their serializers for the same type might have to be different, because they have different configuration formats. For example, the serialize-boolean procedure for the Getmail service would have to be different from the one for the Transmission service. To make it easier to deal with this situation, one can specify a serializer prefix by using the prefix literal in the define-configuration form. This means that one doesn’t have to manually specify a custom serializer for every field.

(define (foo-serialize-string field-name value)

(define (bar-serialize-string field-name value)

(define-configuration foo-configuration
   "The name of label.")
  (prefix foo-))

(define-configuration bar-configuration
   "The IPv4 address for this device.")
  (prefix bar-))

However, in some cases you might not want to serialize any of the values of the record, to do this, you can use the no-serialization literal. There is also the define-configuration/no-serialization macro which is a shorthand of this.

;; Nothing will be serialized to disk.
(define-configuration foo-configuration
   (string "test")
   "Some documentation.")

;; The same thing as above.
(define-configuration/no-serialization bar-configuration
   (string "test")
   "Some documentation."))
Macro: define-maybe type

Sometimes a field should not be serialized if the user doesn’t specify a value. To achieve this, you can use the define-maybe macro to define a “maybe type”; if the value of a maybe type is left unset, or is set to the %unset-value value, then it will not be serialized.

When defining a “maybe type”, the corresponding serializer for the regular type will be used by default. For example, a field of type maybe-string will be serialized using the serialize-string procedure by default, you can of course change this by specifying a custom serializer procedure. Likewise, the type of the value would have to be a string, or left unspecified.

(define-maybe string)

(define (serialize-string field-name value)

(define-configuration baz-configuration
   ;; If set to a string, the `serialize-string' procedure will be used
   ;; to serialize the string.  Otherwise this field is not serialized.
   "The name of this module."))

Like with define-configuration, one can set a prefix for the serializer name by using the prefix literal.

(define-maybe integer
  (prefix baz-))

(define (baz-serialize-integer field-name value)

There is also the no-serialization literal, which when set means that no serializer will be defined for the “maybe type”, regardless of whether its value is set or not. define-maybe/no-serialization is a shorthand for specifying the no-serialization literal.

(define-maybe/no-serialization symbol)

(define-configuration/no-serialization test-configuration
Procedure: maybe-value-set? value

Predicate to check whether a user explicitly specified the value of a maybe field.

Procedure: serialize-configuration configuration fields

Return a G-expression that contains the values corresponding to the fields of configuration, a record that has been generated by define-configuration. The G-expression can then be serialized to disk by using something like mixed-text-file.

Once you have defined a configuration record, you will most likely also want to document it so that other people know to use it. To help with that, there are two procedures, both of which are documented below.

Procedure: generate-documentation documentation documentation-name

Generate a Texinfo fragment from the docstrings in documentation, a list of (label fields sub-documentation ...). label should be a symbol and should be the name of the configuration record. fields should be a list of all the fields available for the configuration record.

sub-documentation is a (field-name configuration-name) tuple. field-name is the name of the field which takes another configuration record as its value, and configuration-name is the name of that configuration record. The same value may be used for multiple field-names, in case a field accepts different types of configurations.

sub-documentation is only needed if there are nested configuration records. For example, the getmail-configuration record (veja Serviços de correio) accepts a getmail-configuration-file record in one of its rcfile field, therefore documentation for getmail-configuration-file is nested in getmail-configuration.

  `((getmail-configuration ,getmail-configuration-fields
     (rcfile getmail-configuration-file))

documentation-name should be a symbol and should be the name of the configuration record.

Procedure: configuration->documentation configuration-symbol

Take configuration-symbol, the symbol corresponding to the name used when defining a configuration record with define-configuration, and print the Texinfo documentation of its fields. This is useful if there aren’t any nested configuration records since it only prints the documentation for the top-level fields.

As of right now, there is no automated way to generate documentation for configuration records and put them in the manual. Instead, every time you make a change to the docstrings of a configuration record, you have to manually call generate-documentation or configuration->documentation, and paste the output into the doc/guix.texi file.

Below is an example of a record type created using define-configuration and friends.

(use-modules (gnu services)
             (guix gexp)
             (gnu services configuration)
             (srfi srfi-26)
             (srfi srfi-1))

;; Turn field names, which are Scheme symbols into strings
(define (uglify-field-name field-name)
  (let ((str (symbol->string field-name)))
    ;; field? -> is-field
    (if (string-suffix? "?" str)
        (string-append "is-" (string-drop-right str 1))

(define (serialize-string field-name value)
  #~(string-append #$(uglify-field-name field-name) " = " #$value "\n"))

(define (serialize-integer field-name value)
  (serialize-string field-name (number->string value)))

(define (serialize-boolean field-name value)
  (serialize-string field-name (if value "true" "false")))

(define (serialize-contact-name field-name value)
  #~(string-append "\n[" #$value "]\n"))

(define (list-of-contact-configurations? lst)
  (every contact-configuration? lst))

(define (serialize-list-of-contact-configurations field-name value)
  #~(string-append #$@(map (cut serialize-configuration <>

(define (serialize-contacts-list-configuration configuration)
   #~(string-append "[Owner]\n"
                       configuration contacts-list-configuration-fields))))

(define-maybe integer)
(define-maybe string)

(define-configuration contact-configuration
   "The name of the contact."
   "The person's phone number.")
   "The person's email address.")
   "Whether the person is married."))

(define-configuration contacts-list-configuration
   "The name of the owner of this contact list.")
   "The owner's email address.")
   (list-of-contact-configurations '())
   "A list of @code{contact-configuration} records which contain
information about all your contacts."))

A contacts list configuration could then be created like this:

(define my-contacts
   (name "Alice")
   (email "")
    (list (contact-configuration
           (name "Bob")
           (phone-number 1234)
           (email "")
           (married? #f))
           (name "Charlie")
           (phone-number 0000)
           (married? #t))))))

After serializing the configuration to disk, the resulting file would look like this:

name = Alice
email =

phone-number = 1234
email =
is-married = false

phone-number = 0
is-married = true

12 Dicas para solução de problemas do sistema

Guix System allows rebooting into a previous generation should the last one be malfunctioning, which makes it quite robust against being broken irreversibly. This feature depends on GRUB being correctly functioning though, which means that if for whatever reasons your GRUB installation becomes corrupted during a system reconfiguration, you may not be able to easily boot into a previous generation. A technique that can be used in this case is to chroot into your broken system and reconfigure it from there. Such technique is explained below.

12.1 Acessando um sistema existente via chroot

This section details how to chroot to an already installed Guix System with the aim of reconfiguring it, for example to fix a broken GRUB installation. The process is similar to how it would be done on other GNU/Linux systems, but there are some Guix System particularities such as the daemon and profiles that make it worthy of explaining here.

  1. Obtain a bootable image of Guix System. It is recommended the latest development snapshot so the kernel and the tools used are at least as as new as those of your installed system; it can be retrieved from the URL. Follow the veja Instalação em um pendrive e em DVD section for copying it to a bootable media.
  2. Boot the image, and proceed with the graphical text-based installer until your network is configured. Alternatively, you could configure the network manually by following the manual-installation-networking section. If you get the error ‘RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-kill’, try ‘rfkill list’ followed by ‘rfkill unblock 0’, where ‘0’ is your device identifier (ID).
  3. Switch to a virtual console (tty) if you haven’t already by pressing simultaneously the Control + Alt + F4 keys. Mount your file system at /mnt. Assuming your root partition is /dev/sda2, you would do:
    mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
  4. Mount special block devices and Linux-specific directories:
    mount --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
    mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev

    If your system is EFI-based, you must also mount the ESP partition. Assuming it is /dev/sda1, you can do so with:

    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
  5. Enter your system via chroot:
    chroot /mnt /bin/sh
  6. Source the system profile as well as your user profile to setup the environment, where user is the user name used for the Guix System you are attempting to repair:
    source /var/guix/profiles/system/profile/etc/profile
    source /home/user/.guix-profile/etc/profile

    To ensure you are working with the Guix revision you normally would as your normal user, also source your current Guix profile:

    source /home/user/.config/guix/current/etc/profile
  7. Start a minimal guix-daemon in the background:
    guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild --disable-chroot &
  8. Edit your Guix System configuration if needed, then reconfigure with:
    guix system reconfigure your-config.scm
  9. Finally, you should be good to reboot the system to test your fix.

13 Home Configuration

Guix supports declarative configuration of home environments by utilizing the configuration mechanism described in the previous chapter (veja Definindo serviços), but for user’s dotfiles and packages. It works both on Guix System and foreign distros and allows users to declare all the packages and services that should be installed and configured for the user. Once a user has written a file containing a home-environment record, such a configuration can be instantiated by an unprivileged user with the guix home command (veja Invoking guix home).

The user’s home environment usually consists of three basic parts: software, configuration, and state. Software in mainstream distros are usually installed system-wide, but with GNU Guix most software packages can be installed on a per-user basis without needing root privileges, and are thus considered part of the user’s home environment. Packages on their own are not very useful in many cases, because often they require some additional configuration, usually config files that reside in XDG_CONFIG_HOME (~/.config by default) or other directories. Everything else can be considered state, like media files, application databases, and logs.

Using Guix for managing home environments provides a number of advantages:

13.1 Declarando o ambiente pessoal

The home environment is configured by providing a home-environment declaration in a file that can be passed to the guix home command (veja Invoking guix home). The easiest way to get started is by generating an initial configuration with guix home import:

guix home import ~/src/guix-config

The guix home import command reads some of the “dot files” such as ~/.bashrc found in your home directory and copies them to the given directory, ~/src/guix-config in this case; it also reads the contents of your profile, ~/.guix-profile, and, based on that, it populates ~/src/guix-config/home-configuration.scm with a Home configuration that resembles your current configuration.

A simple setup can include Bash and a custom text configuration, like in the example below. Don’t be afraid to declare home environment parts, which overlaps with your current dot files: before installing any configuration files, Guix Home will back up existing config files to a separate place in the home directory.

Nota: It is highly recommended that you manage your shell or shells with Guix Home, because it will make sure that all the necessary scripts are sourced by the shell configuration file. Otherwise you will need to do it manually. (veja Configurando o "Shell").

(use-modules (gnu home)
             (gnu home services)
             (gnu home services shells)
             (gnu services)
             (gnu packages admin)
             (guix gexp))

  (packages (list htop))
   (append (list
            (service home-bash-service-type
                      (guix-defaults? #t)
                      (bash-profile (list (plain-file "bash-profile" "\
export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.bash_history")))))

            (simple-service 'test-config
                            (list `("test.conf"
                                    ,(plain-file "tmp-file.txt"
                                                 "the content of

The packages field should be self-explanatory, it will install the list of packages into the user’s profile. The most important field is services, it contains a list of home services, which are the basic building blocks of a home environment.

There is no daemon (at least not necessarily) related to a home service, a home service is just an element that is used to declare part of home environment and extend other parts of it. The extension mechanism discussed in the previous chapter (veja Definindo serviços) should not be confused with Shepherd services (veja Serviços de Shepherd). Using this extension mechanism and some Scheme code that glues things together gives the user the freedom to declare their own, very custom, home environments.

Once the configuration looks good, you can first test it in a throw-away “container”:

guix home container config.scm

The command above spawns a shell where your home environment is running. The shell runs in a container, meaning it’s isolated from the rest of the system, so it’s a good way to try out your configuration—you can see if configuration bits are missing or misbehaving, if daemons get started, and so on. Once you exit that shell, you’re back to the prompt of your original shell “in the real world”.

Once you have a configuration file that suits your needs, you can reconfigure your home by running:

guix home reconfigure config.scm

This “builds” your home environment and creates ~/.guix-home pointing to it. Voilà!

Nota: Make sure the operating system has elogind, systemd, or a similar mechanism to create the XDG run-time directory and has the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable set. Failing that, the on-first-login script will not execute anything, and processes like user Shepherd and its descendants will not start.

If you’re using Guix System, you can embed your home configuration in your system configuration such that guix system reconfigure will deploy both the system and your home at once! Veja guix-home-service-type, for how to do that.

13.2 Configurando o "Shell"

This section is safe to skip if your shell or shells are managed by Guix Home. Otherwise, read it carefully.

There are a few scripts that must be evaluated by a login shell to activate the home environment. The shell startup files only read by login shells often have profile suffix. For more information about login shells see Invoking Bash em The GNU Bash Reference Manual and see Bash Startup Files em The GNU Bash Reference Manual.

The first script that needs to be sourced is setup-environment, which sets all the necessary environment variables (including variables declared by the user) and the second one is on-first-login, which starts Shepherd for the current user and performs actions declared by other home services that extends home-run-on-first-login-service-type.

Guix Home will always create ~/.profile, which contains the following lines:

. $HOME_ENVIRONMENT/setup-environment

This makes POSIX compliant login shells activate the home environment. However, in most cases this file won’t be read by most modern shells, because they are run in non POSIX mode by default and have their own *profile startup files. For example Bash will prefer ~/.bash_profile in case it exists and only if it doesn’t will it fallback to ~/.profile. Zsh (if no additional options are specified) will ignore ~/.profile, even if ~/.zprofile doesn’t exist.

To make your shell respect ~/.profile, add . ~/.profile or source ~/.profile to the startup file for the login shell. In case of Bash, it is ~/.bash_profile, and in case of Zsh, it is ~/.zprofile.

Nota: This step is only required if your shell is not managed by Guix Home. Otherwise, everything will be done automatically.

13.3 Serviços pessoais

A home service is not necessarily something that has a daemon and is managed by Shepherd (veja Jump Start em The GNU Shepherd Manual), in most cases it doesn’t. It’s a simple building block of the home environment, often declaring a set of packages to be installed in the home environment profile, a set of config files to be symlinked into XDG_CONFIG_HOME (~/.config by default), and environment variables to be set by a login shell.

There is a service extension mechanism (veja Composição de serviço) which allows home services to extend other home services and utilize capabilities they provide; for example: declare mcron jobs (veja GNU Mcron) by extending Execução de trabalho agendado pessoal; declare daemons by extending Managing User Daemons; add commands, which will be invoked on by the Bash by extending home-bash-service-type.

A good way to discover available home services is using the guix home search command (veja Invoking guix home). After the required home services are found, include its module with the use-modules form (veja Using Guile Modules em The GNU Guile Reference Manual), or the #:use-modules directive (veja Creating Guile Modules em The GNU Guile Reference Manual) and declare a home service using the service function, or extend a service type by declaring a new service with the simple-service procedure from (gnu services).

Próximo: , Acima: Serviços pessoais   [Conteúdo][Índice]

13.3.1 Serviços essenciais pessoais

There are a few essential home services defined in (gnu home services), they are mostly for internal use and are required to build a home environment, but some of them will be useful for the end user.

Variável: home-environment-variables-service-type

The service of this type will be instantiated by every home environment automatically by default, there is no need to define it, but someone may want to extend it with a list of pairs to set some environment variables.

(list ("ENV_VAR1" . "value1")
      ("ENV_VAR2" . "value2"))

The easiest way to extend a service type, without defining a new service type is to use the simple-service helper from (gnu services).

(simple-service 'some-useful-env-vars-service
		`(("LESSHISTFILE" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.lesshst")
                  ("SHELL" . ,(file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
                  ("USELESS_VAR" . #f)
                  ("_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING" . #t)
                  ("LITERAL_VALUE" . ,(literal-string "${abc}"))))

If you include such a service in you home environment definition, it will add the following content to the setup-environment script (which is expected to be sourced by the login shell):

export SHELL="/gnu/store/2hsg15n644f0glrcbkb1kqknmmqdar03-zsh-5.8/bin/zsh"
export LITERAL_VALUE='${abc}'

Notice that literal-string above lets us declare that a value is to be interpreted as a literal string, meaning that “special characters” such as the dollar sign will not be interpreted by the shell.

Nota: Make sure that module (gnu packages shells) is imported with use-modules or any other way, this namespace contains the definition of the zsh package, which is used in the example above.

The association list (veja Association Lists em The GNU Guile Reference manual) is a data structure containing key-value pairs, for home-environment-variables-service-type the key is always a string, the value can be a string, string-valued gexp (veja Expressões-G), file-like object (veja file-like object) or boolean. For gexps, the variable will be set to the value of the gexp; for file-like objects, it will be set to the path of the file in the store (veja O armazém); for #t, it will export the variable without any value; and for #f, it will omit variable.

Variável: home-profile-service-type

The service of this type will be instantiated by every home environment automatically, there is no need to define it, but you may want to extend it with a list of packages if you want to install additional packages into your profile. Other services, which need to make some programs available to the user will also extend this service type.

The extension value is just a list of packages:

(list htop vim emacs)

The same approach as simple-service (veja simple-service) for home-environment-variables-service-type can be used here, too. Make sure that modules containing the specified packages are imported with use-modules. To find a package or information about its module use guix search (veja Invocando guix package). Alternatively, specification->package can be used to get the package record from a string without importing its related module.

There are few more essential services, but users are not expected to extend them.

Variável: home-service-type

The root of home services DAG, it generates a folder, which later will be symlinked to ~/.guix-home, it contains configurations, profile with binaries and libraries, and some necessary scripts to glue things together.

Variável: home-run-on-first-login-service-type

The service of this type generates a Guile script, which is expected to be executed by the login shell. It is only executed if the special flag file inside XDG_RUNTIME_DIR hasn’t been created, this prevents redundant executions of the script if multiple login shells are spawned.

It can be extended with a gexp. However, to autostart an application, users should not use this service, in most cases it’s better to extend home-shepherd-service-type with a Shepherd service (veja Serviços de Shepherd), or extend the shell’s startup file with the required command using the appropriate service type.

Variável: home-files-service-type

The service of this type allows to specify a list of files, which will go to ~/.guix-home/files, usually this directory contains configuration files (to be more precise it contains symlinks to files in /gnu/store), which should be placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR or in rare cases in $HOME. It accepts extension values in the following format:

`((".sway/config" ,sway-file-like-object)
  (".tmux.conf" ,(local-file "./tmux.conf")))

Each nested list contains two values: a subdirectory and file-like object. After building a home environment ~/.guix-home/files will be populated with appropriate content and all nested directories will be created accordingly, however, those files won’t go any further until some other service will do it. By default a home-symlink-manager-service-type, which creates necessary symlinks in home folder to files from ~/.guix-home/files and backs up already existing, but clashing configs and other things, is a part of essential home services (enabled by default), but it’s possible to use alternative services to implement more advanced use cases like read-only home. Feel free to experiment and share your results.

It is often the case that Guix Home users already have a setup for versioning their user configuration files (also known as dot files) in a single directory, and some way of automatically deploy changes to their user home.

The home-dotfiles-service-type from (gnu home services dotfiles) is designed to ease the way into using Guix Home for this kind of users, allowing them to point the service to their dotfiles directory without migrating them to Guix native configurations.

Please keep in mind that it is advisable to keep your dotfiles directories under version control, for example in the same repository where you’d track your Guix Home configuration.

There are two supported dotfiles directory layouts, for now. The 'plain layout, which is structured as follows:

~$ tree -a ./dotfiles/
├── .gitconfig
├── .gnupg
│   ├── gpg-agent.conf
│   └── gpg.conf
├── .guile
├── .config
│   ├── guix
│   │   └── channels.scm
│   └── nixpkgs
│       └── config.nix
├── .nix-channels
├── .tmux.conf
└── .vimrc

This tree structure is installed as is to the home directory upon guix home reconfigure.

The 'stow layout, which must follow the layout suggested by GNU Stow presents an additional application specific directory layer, just like:

~$ tree -a ./dotfiles/
├── git
│   └── .gitconfig
├── gpg
│   └── .gnupg
│       ├── gpg-agent.conf
│       └── gpg.conf
├── guile
│   └── .guile
├── guix
│   └── .config
│       └── guix
│           └── channels.scm
├── nix
│   ├── .config
│   │   └── nixpkgs
│   │       └── config.nix
│   └── .nix-channels
├── tmux
│   └── .tmux.conf
└── vim
    └── .vimrc

13 directories, 10 files

For an informal specification please refer to the Stow manual (veja Introduction em The GNU Stow Manual). This tree structure is installed following GNU Stow’s logic to the home directory upon guix home reconfigure.

A suitable configuration with a 'plain layout could be:

  ;; …
    (service home-dotfiles-service-type
               (directories '("./dotfiles"))))))

The expected home directory state would then be:

├── .config
│   ├── guix
│   │   └── channels.scm
│   └── nixpkgs
│       └── config.nix
├── .gitconfig
├── .gnupg
│   ├── gpg-agent.conf
│   └── gpg.conf
├── .guile
├── .nix-channels
├── .tmux.conf
└── .vimrc
Variável: home-dotfiles-service-type

Return a service which is very similar to home-files-service-type (and actually extends it), but designed to ease the way into using Guix Home for users that already track their dotfiles under some kind of version control. This service allows users to point Guix Home to their dotfiles directory and have their files automatically provisioned to their home directory, without migrating all of their dotfiles to Guix native configurations.

Tipo de dados: home-dotfiles-configuration

Available home-dotfiles-configuration fields are:

source-directory (default: (current-source-directory)) (type: string)

The path where dotfile directories are resolved. By default dotfile directories are resolved relative the source location where home-dotfiles-configuration appears.

layout (default: 'plain) (type: symbol)

The intended layout of the specified directory. It can be either 'stow or 'plain.

directories (default: '()) (type: list-of-strings)

The list of dotfiles directories where home-dotfiles-service-type will look for application dotfiles.

packages (type: maybe-list-of-strings)

The names of a subset of the GNU Stow package layer directories. When provided the home-dotfiles-service-type will only provision dotfiles from this subset of applications. This field will be ignored if layout is set to 'plain.

excluded (default: '(".*~" ".*\\.swp" "\\.git" "\\.gitignore")) (type: list-of-strings)

The list of file patterns home-dotfiles-service-type will exclude while visiting each one of the directories.

Variável: home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type

The service is very similar to home-files-service-type (and actually extends it), but used for defining files, which will go to ~/.guix-home/files/.config, which will be symlinked to $XDG_CONFIG_DIR by home-symlink-manager-service-type (for example) during activation. It accepts extension values in the following format:

`(("sway/config" ,sway-file-like-object)
  ;; -> ~/.guix-home/files/.config/sway/config
  ;; -> $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/sway/config (by symlink-manager)
  ("tmux/tmux.conf" ,(local-file "./tmux.conf")))
Variável: home-activation-service-type

The service of this type generates a guile script, which runs on every guix home reconfigure invocation or any other action, which leads to the activation of the home environment.

The service of this type generates a guile script, which will be executed during activation of home environment, and do a few following steps:

  1. Reads the content of files/ directory of current and pending home environments.
  2. Cleans up all symlinks created by symlink-manager on previous activation. Also, sub-directories, which become empty also will be cleaned up.
  3. Creates new symlinks the following way: It looks files/ directory (usually defined with home-files-service-type, home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type and maybe some others), takes the files from files/.config/ subdirectory and put respective links in XDG_CONFIG_DIR. For example symlink for files/.config/sway/config will end up in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/sway/config. The rest files in files/ outside of files/.config/ subdirectory will be treated slightly different: symlink will just go to $HOME. files/.some-program/config will end up in $HOME/.some-program/config.
  4. If some sub-directories are missing, they will be created.
  5. If there is a clashing files on the way, they will be backed up.

symlink-manager is a part of essential home services and is enabled and used by default.

13.3.2 Shells

Shells play a quite important role in the environment initialization process, you can configure them manually as described in section Configurando o "Shell", but the recommended way is to use home services listed below. It’s both easier and more reliable.

Each home environment instantiates home-shell-profile-service-type, which creates a ~/.profile startup file for all POSIX-compatible shells. This file contains all the necessary steps to properly initialize the environment, but many modern shells like Bash or Zsh prefer their own startup files, that’s why the respective home services (home-bash-service-type and home-zsh-service-type) ensure that ~/.profile is sourced by ~/.bash_profile and ~/.zprofile, respectively.

Shell Profile Service

Tipo de dados: home-shell-profile-configuration

Available home-shell-profile-configuration fields are:

profile (default: '()) (type: text-config)

home-shell-profile is instantiated automatically by home-environment, DO NOT create this service manually, it can only be extended. profile is a list of file-like objects, which will go to ~/.profile. By default ~/.profile contains the initialization code which must be evaluated by the login shell to make home-environment’s profile available to the user, but other commands can be added to the file if it is really necessary. In most cases shell’s configuration files are preferred places for user’s customizations. Extend home-shell-profile service only if you really know what you do.

Bash Home Service

Tipo de dados: home-bash-configuration

Available home-bash-configuration fields are:

package (default: bash) (type: package)

The Bash package to use.

guix-defaults? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Add sane defaults like reading /etc/bashrc and coloring the output of ls to the top of the .bashrc file.

environment-variables (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of environment variables to set for the Bash session. The rules for the home-environment-variables-service-type apply here (veja Serviços essenciais pessoais). The contents of this field will be added after the contents of the bash-profile field.

aliases (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of aliases to set for the Bash session. The aliases will be defined after the contents of the bashrc field has been put in the .bashrc file. The alias will automatically be quoted, so something like this:

'(("ls" . "ls -alF"))

turns into

alias ls="ls -alF"
bash-profile (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .bash_profile. Used for executing user’s commands at start of login shell (In most cases the shell started on tty just after login). .bash_login won’t be ever read, because .bash_profile always present.

bashrc (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .bashrc. Used for executing user’s commands at start of interactive shell (The shell for interactive usage started by typing bash or by terminal app or any other program).

bash-logout (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .bash_logout. Used for executing user’s commands at the exit of login shell. It won’t be read in some cases (if the shell terminates by exec’ing another process for example).

You can extend the Bash service by using the home-bash-extension configuration record, whose fields must mirror that of home-bash-configuration (veja home-bash-configuration). The contents of the extensions will be added to the end of the corresponding Bash configuration files (veja Bash Startup Files em The GNU Bash Reference Manual.

For example, here is how you would define a service that extends the Bash service such that ~/.bash_profile defines an additional environment variable, PS1:

(define bash-fancy-prompt-service
  (simple-service 'bash-fancy-prompt
                    '(("PS1" . "\\u \\wλ "))))))

You would then add bash-fancy-prompt-service to the list in the services field of your home-environment. The reference of home-bash-extension follows.

Tipo de dados: home-bash-extension

Available home-bash-extension fields are:

environment-variables (default: '()) (type: alist)

Additional environment variables to set. These will be combined with the environment variables from other extensions and the base service to form one coherent block of environment variables.

aliases (default: '()) (type: alist)

Additional aliases to set. These will be combined with the aliases from other extensions and the base service.

bash-profile (default: '()) (type: text-config)

Additional text blocks to add to .bash_profile, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service.

bashrc (default: '()) (type: text-config)

Additional text blocks to add to .bashrc, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service.

bash-logout (default: '()) (type: text-config)

Additional text blocks to add to .bash_logout, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service.

Zsh Home Service

Tipo de dados: home-zsh-configuration

Available home-zsh-configuration fields are:

package (default: zsh) (type: package)

The Zsh package to use.

xdg-flavor? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Place all the configs to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh. Makes ~/.zshenv to set ZDOTDIR to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh. Shell startup process will continue with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/.zshenv.

environment-variables (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of environment variables to set for the Zsh session.

zshenv (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .zshenv. Used for setting user’s shell environment variables. Must not contain commands assuming the presence of tty or producing output. Will be read always. Will be read before any other file in ZDOTDIR.

zprofile (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .zprofile. Used for executing user’s commands at start of login shell (In most cases the shell started on tty just after login). Will be read before .zlogin.

zshrc (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .zshrc. Used for executing user’s commands at start of interactive shell (The shell for interactive usage started by typing zsh or by terminal app or any other program).

zlogin (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .zlogin. Used for executing user’s commands at the end of starting process of login shell.

zlogout (default: '()) (type: text-config)

List of file-like objects, which will be added to .zlogout. Used for executing user’s commands at the exit of login shell. It won’t be read in some cases (if the shell terminates by exec’ing another process for example).

Inputrc Profile Service

The GNU Readline package includes Emacs and vi editing modes, with the ability to customize the configuration with settings in the ~/.inputrc file. With the gnu home services shells module, you can setup your readline configuration in a predictable manner, as shown below. For more information about configuring an ~/.inputrc file, veja Readline Init File em GNU Readline.

Variável: home-inputrc-service-type

This is the service to setup various .inputrc configurations. The settings in .inputrc are read by all programs which are linked with GNU Readline.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-inputrc-service-type
            `(("Control-l" . "clear-screen")))
            `(("bell-style" . "visible")
              ("colored-completion-prefix" . #t)
              ("editing-mode" . "vi")
              ("show-mode-in-prompt" . #t)))
            `(("$if mode=vi" .
                   `(("colored-stats" . #t)
                     ("enable-bracketed-paste" . #t)))))
              ("$else" .
                   `(("show-all-if-ambiguous" . #t)))))
              ("endif" . #t)
              ("$include" . "/etc/inputrc")
              ("$include" . ,(file-append
                               (specification->package "readline")

The example above starts with a combination of key-bindings and variables. The conditional-constructs show how it is possible to add conditionals and includes. In the example above colored-stats is only enabled if the editing mode is vi style, and it also reads any additional configuration located in /etc/inputrc or in /gnu/store/…-readline/etc/inputrc.

The value associated with a home-inputrc-service-type instance must be a home-inputrc-configuration record, as described below.

Tipo de dados: home-inputrc-configuration

Available home-inputrc-configuration fields are:

key-bindings (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of readline key bindings to be added to the ~/.inputrc file.

'((\"Control-l\" . \"clear-screen\"))

turns into

Control-l: clear-screen
variables (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of readline variables to set.

'((\"bell-style\" . \"visible\")
  (\"colored-completion-prefix\" . #t))

turns into

set bell-style visible
set colored-completion-prefix on
conditional-constructs (default: '()) (type: alist)

Association list of conditionals to add to the initialization file. This includes $if, else, endif and include and they receive a value of another home-inputrc-configuration.

 `((\"$if mode=vi\" .
         `((\"show-mode-in-prompt\" . #t)))))
   (\"$else\" .
         `((\"Control-l\" . \"clear-screen\")))))
   (\"$endif\" . #t)))

turns into

$if mode=vi
set show-mode-in-prompt on
Control-l: clear-screen
extra-content (default: "") (type: text-config)

Extra content appended as-is to the configuration file. Run man readline for more information about all the configuration options.

13.3.3 Execução de trabalho agendado pessoal

The (gnu home services mcron) module provides an interface to GNU mcron, a daemon to run jobs at scheduled times (veja GNU mcron). The information about system’s mcron is applicable here (veja Execução de trabalho agendado), the only difference for home services is that they have to be declared in a home-environment record instead of an operating-system record.

Variável: home-mcron-service-type

This is the type of the mcron home service, whose value is a home-mcron-configuration object. It allows to manage scheduled tasks.

This service type can be the target of a service extension that provides additional job specifications (veja Composição de serviço). In other words, it is possible to define services that provide additional mcron jobs to run.

Tipo de dados: home-mcron-configuration

Available home-mcron-configuration fields are:

mcron (default: mcron) (type: file-like)

The mcron package to use.

jobs (default: '()) (type: list-of-gexps)

This is a list of gexps (veja Expressões-G), where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job specification (veja mcron job specifications em GNU mcron).

log? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

Log messages to standard output.

log-format (default: "~1@*~a ~a: ~a~%") (type: string)

(ice-9 format) format string for log messages. The default value produces messages like "‘pid name: message"’ (veja Invoking em GNU mcron). Each message is also prefixed by a timestamp by GNU Shepherd.

13.3.4 Power Management Home Services

The (gnu home services pm) module provides home services pertaining to battery power.

Variável: home-batsignal-service-type

Service for batsignal, a program that monitors battery levels and warns the user through desktop notifications when their battery is getting low. You can also configure a command to be run when the battery level passes a point deemed “dangerous”. This service is configured with the home-batsignal-configuration record.

Tipo de dados: home-batsignal-configuration

Data type representing the configuration for batsignal.

warning-level (default: 15)

The battery level to send a warning message at.

warning-message (default: #f)

The message to send as a notification when the battery level reaches the warning-level. Setting to #f uses the default message.

critical-level (default: 5)

The battery level to send a critical message at.

critical-message (default: #f)

The message to send as a notification when the battery level reaches the critical-level. Setting to #f uses the default message.

danger-level (default: 2)

The battery level to run the danger-command at.

danger-command (default: #f)

The command to run when the battery level reaches the danger-level. Setting to #f disables running the command entirely.

full-level (default: #f)

The battery level to send a full message at. Setting to #f disables sending the full message entirely.

full-message (default: #f)

The message to send as a notification when the battery level reaches the full-level. Setting to #f uses the default message.

batteries (default: '())

The batteries to monitor. Setting to '() tries to find batteries automatically.

poll-delay (default: 60)

The time in seconds to wait before checking the batteries again.

icon (default: #f)

A file-like object to use as the icon for battery notifications. Setting to #f disables notification icons entirely.

notifications? (default: #t)

Whether to send any notifications.

notifications-expire? (default: #f)

Whether notifications sent expire after a time.

notification-command (default: #f)

Command to use to send messages. Setting to #f sends a notification through libnotify.

ignore-missing? (default: #f)

Whether to ignore missing battery errors.

13.3.5 Managing User Daemons

The (gnu home services shepherd) module supports the definitions of per-user Shepherd services (veja Introduction em The GNU Shepherd Manual). You extend home-shepherd-service-type with new services; Guix Home then takes care of starting the shepherd daemon for you when you log in, which in turns starts the services you asked for.

Variável: home-shepherd-service-type

The service type for the userland Shepherd, which allows one to manage long-running processes or one-shot tasks. User’s Shepherd is not an init process (PID 1), but almost all other information described in (veja Serviços de Shepherd) is applicable here too.

This is the service type that extensions target when they want to create shepherd services (veja Tipos de Service e Serviços, for an example). Each extension must pass a list of <shepherd-service>. Its value must be a home-shepherd-configuration, as described below.

Tipo de dados: home-shepherd-configuration

This data type represents the Shepherd’s configuration.

shepherd (default: shepherd)

The Shepherd package to use.

auto-start? (default: #t)

Whether or not to start Shepherd on first login.

daemonize? (default: #t)

Whether or not to run Shepherd in the background.

silent? (default: #t)

When true, the shepherd process does not write anything to standard output when started automatically.

services (default: '())

A list of <shepherd-service> to start. You should probably use the service extension mechanism instead (veja Serviços de Shepherd).

The Shepherd also comes with a log rotation service, which compresses and then deletes old log files produced by services and daemons that it runs. This service is made available through home-log-rotation-service-type as described below.

Variável: home-log-rotation-service-type

This is the service type for the user Shepherd log rotation service (veja Log Rotation Service em The GNU Shepherd Manual). Its value must be a log-rotation-configuration record, exactly as for its system-wide counterpart. Veja log-rotation-configuration, for its reference.

This service is part of %base-home-services.

Variável: home-shepherd-transient-service-type
Variável: home-shepherd-timer-service-type

These are the timer and transient Shepherd services. The former lets you schedule command execution for later, while the latter can run commands in the background as a regular service.

Veja the system timer and transient services, which are their Guix System counterparts, for more info.

13.3.6 Secure Shell

The OpenSSH package includes a client, the ssh command, that allows you to connect to remote machines using the SSH (secure shell) protocol. With the (gnu home services ssh) module, you can set up OpenSSH so that it works in a predictable fashion, almost independently of state on the local machine. To do that, you instantiate home-openssh-service-type in your Home configuration, as explained below.

Variável: home-openssh-service-type

This is the type of the service to set up the OpenSSH client. It takes care of several things:

  • providing a ~/.ssh/config file based on your configuration so that ssh knows about hosts you regularly connect to and their associated parameters;
  • providing a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, which lists public keys that the local SSH server, sshd, may accept to connect to this user account;
  • optionally providing a ~/.ssh/known_hosts file so that ssh can authenticate hosts you connect to.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-openssh-service-type
           (list (openssh-host (name "")
                               (user "charlie"))
                 (openssh-host (name "chbouib")
                               (host-name "")
                               (user "supercharlie")
                               (port 10022))))
          (authorized-keys (list (local-file "")))))

The example above lists two hosts and their parameters. For instance, running ssh chbouib will automatically connect to on port 10022, logging in as user ‘supercharlie’. Further, it marks the public key in as authorized for incoming connections.

The value associated with a home-openssh-service-type instance must be a home-openssh-configuration record, as describe below.

Tipo de dados: home-openssh-configuration

This is the datatype representing the OpenSSH client and server configuration in one’s home environment. It contains the following fields:

hosts (default: '())

A list of openssh-host records specifying host names and associated connection parameters (see below). This host list goes into ~/.ssh/config, which ssh reads at startup.

known-hosts (default: *unspecified*)

This must be either:

  • *unspecified*, in which case home-openssh-service-type leaves it up to ssh and to the user to maintain the list of known hosts at ~/.ssh/known_hosts, or
  • a list of file-like objects, in which case those are concatenated and emitted as ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

The ~/.ssh/known_hosts contains a list of host name/host key pairs that allow ssh to authenticate hosts you connect to and to detect possible impersonation attacks. By default, ssh updates it in a TOFU, trust-on-first-use fashion, meaning that it records the host’s key in that file the first time you connect to it. This behavior is preserved when known-hosts is set to *unspecified*.

If you instead provide a list of host keys upfront in the known-hosts field, your configuration becomes self-contained and stateless: it can be replicated elsewhere or at another point in time. Preparing this list can be relatively tedious though, which is why *unspecified* is kept as a default.

authorized-keys (default: #false)

The default #false value means: Leave any ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file alone. Otherwise, this must be a list of file-like objects, each of which containing an SSH public key that should be authorized to connect to this machine.

Concretely, these files are concatenated and made available as ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. If an OpenSSH server, sshd, is running on this machine, then it may take this file into account: this is what sshd does by default, but be aware that it can also be configured to ignore it.

add-keys-to-agent (default: no)

This string specifies whether keys should be automatically added to a running ssh-agent. If this option is set to yes and a key is loaded from a file, the key and its passphrase are added to the agent with the default lifetime, as if by ssh-add. If this option is set to ask, ssh will require confirmation. If this option is set to confirm, each use of the key must be confirmed. If this option is set to no, no keys are added to the agent. Alternately, this option may be specified as a time interval to specify the key’s lifetime in ssh-agent, after which it will automatically be removed. The argument must be no, yes, confirm (optionally followed by a time interval), ask or a time interval.

Tipo de dados: openssh-host

Available openssh-host fields are:

name (type: string)

Name of this host declaration. A openssh-host must define only name or match-criteria. Use host-name \"*\" for top-level options.

host-name (type: maybe-string)

Host name—e.g., "" or "".

match-criteria (type: maybe-match-criteria)

When specified, this string denotes the set of hosts to which the entry applies, superseding the host-name field. Its first element must be all or one of ssh-match-keywords. The rest of the elements are arguments for the keyword, or other criteria. A openssh-host must define only name or match-criteria. Other host configuration options will apply to all hosts matching match-criteria.

address-family (type: maybe-address-family)

Address family to use when connecting to this host: one of AF_INET (for IPv4 only), AF_INET6 (for IPv6 only). Additionally, the field can be left unset to allow any address family.

identity-file (type: maybe-string)

The identity file to use—e.g., "/home/charlie/.ssh/id_ed25519".

port (type: maybe-natural-number)

TCP port number to connect to.

user (type: maybe-string)

User name on the remote host.

forward-x11? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to forward remote client connections to the local X11 graphical display.

forward-x11-trusted? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether remote X11 clients have full access to the original X11 graphical display.

forward-agent? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether the authentication agent (if any) is forwarded to the remote machine.

compression? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to compress data in transit.

proxy (type: maybe-proxy-command-or-jump-list)

The command to use to connect to the server or a list of SSH hosts to jump through before connecting to the server. The field may be set to either a proxy-command or a list of proxy-jump records.

As an example, a proxy-command to connect via an HTTP proxy at would be constructed with: (proxy-command "nc -X connect -x %h %p").

Tipo de dados: proxy-jump

Available proxy-jump fields are:

user (type: maybe-string)

User name on the remote host.

host-name (type: string)

Host name—e.g., or

port (type: maybe-natural-number)

TCP port number to connect to.

host-key-algorithms (type: maybe-string-list)

The list of accepted host key algorithms—e.g., '("ssh-ed25519").

accepted-key-types (type: maybe-string-list)

The list of accepted user public key types.

extra-content (default: "") (type: raw-configuration-string)

Extra content appended as-is to this Host block in ~/.ssh/config.

The parcimonie service runs a daemon that slowly refreshes a GnuPG public key from a keyserver. It refreshes one key at a time; between every key update parcimonie sleeps a random amount of time, long enough for the previously used Tor circuit to expire. This process is meant to make it hard for an attacker to correlate the multiple key update.

As an example, here is how you would configure parcimonie to refresh the keys in your GnuPG keyring, as well as those keyrings created by Guix, such as when running guix import:

(service home-parcimonie-service-type
           (refresh-guix-keyrings? #t)))

This assumes that the Tor anonymous routing daemon is already running on your system. On Guix System, this can be achieved by setting up tor-service-type (veja tor-service-type).

The service reference is given below.

Variável: parcimonie-service-type

This is the service type for parcimonie (Parcimonie’s web site). Its value must be a home-parcimonie-configuration, as shown below.

Tipo de dados: home-parcimonie-configuration

Available home-parcimonie-configuration fields are:

parcimonie (default: parcimonie) (type: file-like)

The parcimonie package to use.

verbose? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to have more verbose logging from the service.

gnupg-already-torified? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether GnuPG is already configured to pass all traffic through Tor.

refresh-guix-keyrings? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Guix creates a few keyrings in the $XDG_CONFIG_DIR, such as when running guix import (veja Invoking guix import). Setting this to #t will also refresh any keyrings which Guix has created.

extra-content (default: #f) (type: raw-configuration-string)

Raw content to add to the parcimonie command.

The OpenSSH package includes a daemon, the ssh-agent command, that manages keys to connect to remote machines using the SSH (secure shell) protocol. With the (gnu home services ssh) service, you can configure the OpenSSH ssh-agent to run upon login. Veja home-gpg-agent-service-type, for an alternative to OpenSSH’s ssh-agent.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-ssh-agent-service-type
          (extra-options '("-t" "1h30m"))))
Variável: home-ssh-agent-service-type

This is the type of the ssh-agent home service, whose value is a home-ssh-agent-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: home-ssh-agent-configuration

Available home-ssh-agent-configuration fields are:

openssh (default: openssh) (type: file-like)

The OpenSSH package to use.

socket-directory (default: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent") (type: gexp)

The directory to write the ssh-agent’s socket file.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options will be passed to ssh-agent, please run man ssh-agent for more information.

13.3.7 GNU Privacy Guard

The (gnu home services gnupg) module provides services that help you set up the GNU Privacy Guard, also known as GnuPG or GPG, in your home environment.

The gpg-agent service configures and sets up GPG’s agent, the program that is responsible for managing OpenPGP private keys and, optionally, OpenSSH (secure shell) private keys (veja Invoking GPG-AGENT em Using the GNU Privacy Guard).

As an example, here is how you would configure gpg-agent with SSH support such that it uses the Emacs-based Pinentry interface when prompting for a passphrase:

(service home-gpg-agent-service-type
           (file-append pinentry-emacs "/bin/pinentry-emacs"))
          (ssh-support? #t)))

The service reference is given below.

Variável: home-gpg-agent-service-type

This is the service type for gpg-agent (veja Invoking GPG-AGENT em Using the GNU Privacy Guard). Its value must be a home-gpg-agent-configuration, as shown below.

Tipo de dados: home-gpg-agent-configuration

Available home-gpg-agent-configuration fields are:

gnupg (default: gnupg) (type: file-like)

The GnuPG package to use.

pinentry-program (type: file-like)

Pinentry program to use. Pinentry is a small user interface that gpg-agent delegates to anytime it needs user input for a passphrase or PIN (personal identification number) (veja Using the PIN-Entry).

ssh-support? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to enable SSH (secure shell) support. When true, gpg-agent acts as a drop-in replacement for OpenSSH’s ssh-agent program, taking care of OpenSSH secret keys and directing passphrase requests to the chosen Pinentry program.

default-cache-ttl (default: 600) (type: integer)

Time a cache entry is valid, in seconds.

max-cache-ttl (default: 7200) (type: integer)

Maximum time a cache entry is valid, in seconds. After this time a cache entry will be expired even if it has been accessed recently.

default-cache-ttl-ssh (default: 1800) (type: integer)

Time a cache entry for SSH keys is valid, in seconds.

max-cache-ttl-ssh (default: 7200) (type: integer)

Maximum time a cache entry for SSH keys is valid, in seconds.

extra-content (default: "") (type: raw-configuration-string)

Raw content to add to the end of ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.

13.3.8 Desktop Home Services

The (gnu home services desktop) module provides services that you may find useful on “desktop” systems running a graphical user environment such as Xorg.

Variável: home-x11-service-type

This is the service type representing the X Window graphical display server (also referred to as “X11”).

X Window is necessarily started by a system service; on Guix System, starting it is the responsibility of gdm-service-type and similar services (veja X Window). At the level of Guix Home, as an unprivileged user, we cannot start X Window; all we can do is check whether it is running. This is what this service does.

As a user, you probably don’t need to worry or explicitly instantiate home-x11-service-type. Services that require an X Window graphical display, such as home-redshift-service-type below, instantiate it and depend on its corresponding x11-display Shepherd service (veja Managing User Daemons).

When X Window is running, the x11-display Shepherd service starts and sets the DISPLAY environment variable of the shepherd process, using its original value if it was already set; otherwise, it fails to start.

The service can also be forced to use a given value for DISPLAY, like so:

herd start x11-display :3

In the example above, x11-display is instructed to set DISPLAY to :3.

Variável: home-redshift-service-type

This is the service type for Redshift, a program that adjusts the display color temperature according to the time of day. Its associated value must be a home-redshift-configuration record, as shown below.

A typical configuration, where we manually specify the latitude and longitude, might look like this:

(service home-redshift-service-type
          (location-provider 'manual)
          (latitude 35.81)    ;northern hemisphere
          (longitude -0.80))) ;west of Greenwich
Tipo de dados: home-redshift-configuration

Available home-redshift-configuration fields are:

redshift (default: redshift) (type: file-like)

Redshift package to use.

location-provider (default: geoclue2) (type: symbol)

Geolocation provider—'manual or 'geoclue2. In the former case, you must also specify the latitude and longitude fields so Redshift can determine daytime at your place. In the latter case, the Geoclue system service must be running; it will be queried for location information.

adjustment-method (default: randr) (type: symbol)

Color adjustment method.

daytime-temperature (default: 6500) (type: integer)

Daytime color temperature (kelvins).

nighttime-temperature (default: 4500) (type: integer)

Nighttime color temperature (kelvins).

daytime-brightness (type: maybe-inexact-number)

Daytime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0, or left unspecified.

nighttime-brightness (type: maybe-inexact-number)

Nighttime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0, or left unspecified.

latitude (type: maybe-inexact-number)

Latitude, when location-provider is 'manual.

longitude (type: maybe-inexact-number)

Longitude, when location-provider is 'manual.

dawn-time (type: maybe-string)

Custom time for the transition from night to day in the morning—"HH:MM" format. When specified, solar elevation is not used to determine the daytime/nighttime period.

dusk-time (type: maybe-string)

Likewise, custom time for the transition from day to night in the evening.

extra-content (default: "") (type: raw-configuration-string)

Extra content appended as-is to the Redshift configuration file. Run man redshift for more information about the configuration file format.

Variável: home-dbus-service-type

This is the service type for running a session-specific D-Bus, for unprivileged applications that require D-Bus to be running.

Tipo de dados: home-dbus-configuration

The configuration record for home-dbus-service-type.

dbus (default: dbus)

The package providing the /bin/dbus-daemon command.

Variável: home-unclutter-service-type

This is the service type for Unclutter, a program that runs on the background of an X11 session and detects when the X pointer hasn’t moved for a specified idle timeout, after which it hides the cursor so that you can focus on the text underneath. Its associated value must be a home-unclutter-configuration record, as shown below.

A typical configuration, where we manually specify the idle timeout (in seconds), might look like this:

(service home-unclutter-service-type
          (idle-timeout 2)))
Tipo de dados: home-unclutter-configuration

The configuration record for home-unclutter-service-type.

unclutter (default: unclutter) (type: file-like)

Unclutter package to use.

idle-timeout (default: 5) (type: integer)

A timeout in seconds after which to hide cursor.

Variável: home-xmodmap-service-type

This is the service type for the xmodmap utility to modify keymaps and pointer button mappings under the Xorg display server. Its associated value must be a home-xmodmap-configuration record, as shown below.

The key-map field takes a list of objects, each of which is either a statement (a string) or an assignment (a pair of strings). As an example, the snippet below swaps around the Caps_Lock and the Control_L keys, by first removing the keysyms (on the right-hand side) from the corresponding modifier maps (on the left-hand side), re-assigning them by swapping each other out, and finally adding back the keysyms to the modifier maps.

(service home-xmodmap-service-type
          (key-map '(("remove Lock" . "Caps_Lock")
                     ("remove Control" . "Control_L")
                     ("keysym Control_L" . "Caps_Lock")
                     ("keysym Caps_Lock" . "Control_L")
                     ("add Lock" . "Caps_Lock")
                     ("add Control" . "Control_L")))))
Tipo de dados: home-xmodmap-configuration

The configuration record for home-xmodmap-service-type. Its available fields are:

xmodmap (default: xmodmap) (type: file-like)

The xmodmap package to use.

key-map (default: '()) (type: list)

The list of expressions to be read by xmodmap on service startup.

Variável: home-startx-command-service-type

Add startx to the home profile putting it onto PATH.

The value for this service is a <xorg-configuration> object which is passed to the xorg-start-command-xinit procedure producing the startx used. Default value is (xorg-configuration).

13.3.9 Guix Home Services

The (gnu home services guix) module provides services for user-specific Guix configuration.

Variável: home-channels-service-type

This is the service type for managing $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/guix/channels.scm, the file that controls the channels received on guix pull (veja Canais). Its associated value is a list of channel records, defined in the (guix channels) module.

Generally, it is better to extend this service than to directly configure it, as its default value is the default guix channel(s) defined by %default-channels. If you configure this service directly, be sure to include a guix channel. Veja Especificando canais adicionais and Usando um canal Guix personalizado for more details.

A typical extension for adding a channel might look like this:

(simple-service 'variant-packages-service
                  (name 'variant-packages)
                  (url ""))))

13.3.10 Fonts Home Services

The (gnu home services fontutils) module provides services for user-specific Fontconfig setup. The Fontconfig library is used by many applications to access fonts on the system.

Variável: home-fontconfig-service-type

This is the service type for generating configurations for Fontconfig. Its associated value is a list of either strings (or gexps) pointing to fonts locations, or SXML (veja SXML em GNU Guile Reference Manual) fragments to be converted into XML and put inside the main fontconfig node.

Generally, it is better to extend this service than to directly configure it, as its default value is the default Guix Home’s profile font installation path (~/.guix-home/profile/share/fonts). If you configure this service directly, be sure to include the above directory.

Here’s how you’d extend it to include fonts installed with the Nix package manager, and to prefer your favourite monospace font:

(simple-service 'additional-fonts-service
                (list "~/.nix-profile/share/fonts"
                        (family "monospace")
                         (family "Liberation Mono")))))

13.3.11 Sound Home Services

The (gnu home services sound) module provides services related to sound support.

PulseAudio RTP Streaming Services

The following services dynamically reconfigure the PulseAudio sound server: they let you toggle broadcast of audio output over the network using the RTP (real-time transport protocol) and, correspondingly, playback of sound received over RTP. Once home-pulseaudio-rtp-sink-service-type is among your home services, you can start broadcasting audio output by running this command:

herd start pulseaudio-rtp-sink

You can then run a PulseAudio-capable mixer, such as pavucontrol or pulsemixer (both from the same-named package) to control which audio stream(s) should be sent to the RTP “sink”.

By default, audio is broadcasted to a multicast address: any device on the LAN (local area network) receives it and may play it. Using multicast in this way puts a lot of pressure on the network and degrades its performance, so you may instead prefer sending to specifically one device. The first way to do that is by specifying the IP address of the target device when starting the service:

herd start pulseaudio-rtp-sink

The other option is to specify this IP address as the one to use by default in your home environment configuration:

(service home-pulseaudio-rtp-sink-service-type

On the device where you intend to receive and play the RTP stream, you can use home-pulseaudio-rtp-source-service-type, like so:

(service home-pulseaudio-rtp-source-service-type)

This will then let you start the receiving module for PulseAudio:

herd start pulseaudio-rtp-source

Again, by default it will listen on the multicast address. If, instead, you’d like it to listen for direct incoming connections, you can do that by running:

(service home-pulseaudio-rtp-source-service-type

The reference of these services is given below.

Variável: home-pulseaudio-rtp-sink-service-type
Variável: home-pulseaudio-rtp-source-service-type

This is the type of the service to send, respectively receive, audio streams over RTP (real-time transport protocol).

The value associated with this service is the IP address (a string) where to send, respectively receive, the audio stream. By default, audio is sent/received on multicast address %pulseaudio-rtp-multicast-address.

This service defines one Shepherd service: pulseaudio-rtp-sink, respectively pulseaudio-rtp-source. The service is not started by default, so you have to explicitly start it when you want to turn it on, as in this example:

herd start pulseaudio-rtp-sink

Stopping the Shepherd service turns off broadcasting.

Variável: %pulseaudio-rtp-multicast-address

This is the multicast address used by default by the two services above.

PipeWire Home Service

PipeWire provides a low-latency, graph-based audio and video processing service. In addition to its native protocol, it can also be used as a replacement for both JACK and PulseAudio.

While PipeWire provides the media processing and API, it does not, directly, know about devices such as sound cards, nor how you might want to connect applications, hardware, and media processing filters. Instead, PipeWire relies on a session manager to specify all these relationships. While you may use any session manager you wish, for most people the WirePlumber session manager, a reference implementation provided by the PipeWire project itself, suffices, and that is the one home-pipewire-service-type uses.

PipeWire can be used as a replacement for PulseAudio by setting enable-pulseaudio? to #t in home-pipewire-configuration, so that existing PulseAudio clients may use it without any further configuration.

In addition, JACK clients may connect to PipeWire by using the pw-jack program, which comes with PipeWire. Simply prefix the command with pw-jack when you run it, and audio data should go through PipeWire:

pw-jack mpv -ao=jack sound-file.wav

For more information on PulseAudio emulation, see, for JACK, see

As PipeWire does not use dbus to start its services on demand (as PulseAudio does), home-pipewire-service-type uses Shepherd to start services when logged in, provisioning the pipewire, wireplumber, and, if configured, pipewire-pulseaudio services. Veja Managing User Daemons.

Variável: home-pipewire-service-type

This provides the service definition for pipewire, which will run on login. Its value is a home-pipewire-configuration object.

To start the service, add it to the service field of your home-environment, such as:

(service home-pipewire-service-type)
Tipo de dados: home-pipewire-configuration

Available home-pipewire-configuration fields are:

pipewire (default: pipewire) (type: file-like)

The PipeWire package to use.

wireplumber (default: wireplumber) (type: file-like)

The WirePlumber package to use.

enable-pulseaudio? (default: #t) (type: boolean)

When true, enable PipeWire’s PulseAudio emulation support, allowing PulseAudio clients to use PipeWire transparently.

extra-content (default: "") (type: string)

Extra content to add to the end of ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc.

13.3.12 Mail Home Services

The (gnu home services mail) module provides services that help you set up the tools to work with emails in your home environment.

MSMTP is a SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) client. It sends mail to a predefined SMTP server that takes care of proper delivery.

The service reference is given below.

Variável: home-msmtp-service-type

This is the service type for msmtp. Its value must be a home-msmtp-configuration, as shown below. It provides the ~/.config/msmtp/config file.

As an example, here is how you would configure msmtp for a single account:

(service home-msmtp-service-type
             (name "alice")
               (host "")
               (port 587)
               (user "alice")
               (password-eval "pass Mail/alice"))))))))
Tipo de dados: home-msmtp-configuration

Available home-msmtp-configuration fields are:

defaults (type: msmtp-configuration)

The configuration that will be set as default for all accounts.

accounts (default: '()) (type: list-of-msmtp-accounts)

A list of msmtp-account records which contain information about all your accounts.

default-account (type: maybe-string)

Set the default account.

extra-content (default: "") (type: string)

Extra content appended as-is to the configuration file. Run man msmtp for more information about the configuration file format.

Tipo de dados: msmtp-account

Available msmtp-account fields are:

name (type: string)

The unique name of the account.

configuration (type: msmtp-configuration)

The configuration for this given account.

Tipo de dados: msmtp-configuration

Available msmtp-configuration fields are:

auth? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable authentication.

tls? (type: maybe-boolean)

Enable or disable TLS (also known as SSL) for secured connections.

tls-starttls? (type: maybe-boolean)

Choose the TLS variant: start TLS from within the session (‘on’, default), or tunnel the session through TLS (‘off’).

tls-trust-file (type: maybe-string)

Activate server certificate verification using a list of trusted Certification Authorities (CAs).

log-file (type: maybe-string)

Enable logging to the specified file. An empty argument disables logging. The file name ‘-’ directs the log information to standard output.

host (type: maybe-string)

The SMTP server to send the mail to.

port (type: maybe-integer)

The port that the SMTP server listens on. The default is 25 ("smtp"), unless TLS without STARTTLS is used, in which case it is 465 ("smtps").

user (type: maybe-string)

Set the user name for authentication.

from (type: maybe-string)

Set the envelope-from address.

password-eval (type: maybe-string)

Set the password for authentication to the output (stdout) of the command cmd.

extra-content (default: "") (type: string)

Extra content appended as-is to the configuration block. Run man msmtp for more information about the configuration file format.

13.3.13 Messaging Home Services

The ZNC bouncer can be run as a daemon to manage your IRC presence. With the (gnu home services messaging) service, you can configure ZNC to run upon login.

You will have to provide a ~/.znc/configs/znc.conf separately.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-znc-service-type)
Variável: home-znc-service-type

This is the type of the ZNC home service, whose value is a home-znc-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: home-znc-configuration

Available home-znc-configuration fields are:

znc (default: znc) (type: file-like)

The ZNC package to use.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options will be passed to znc, please run man znc for more information.

13.3.14 Media Home Services

The Kodi media center can be run as a daemon on a media server. With the (gnu home services kodi) service, you can configure Kodi to run upon login.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-kodi-service-type
   (extra-options '("--settings="<settings-file>"))))
Variável: home-kodi-service-type

This is the type of the Kodi home service, whose value is a home-kodi-configuration object.

Tipo de dados: home-kodi-configuration

Available home-kodi-configuration fields are:

kodi (default: kodi) (type: file-like)

The Kodi package to use.

extra-options (default: '())

Extra options will be passed to kodi, please run man kodi for more information.

13.3.15 Gerenciador de janelas Sway

The (gnu home services sway) module provides home-sway-service-type, a home service to configure the Sway window manager for Wayland in a declarative way.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-sway-service-type
           '((swipe:3:down . "move to scratchpad")
             (swipe:3:up   . "scratchpad show")))
           (list (sway-output
                  (identifier '*)
                  (background (file-append sway

The above example describes a Sway configuration in which

  • all monitors use a particular wallpaper whose .png is provided by the sway package;
  • swiping down (resp. up) with three fingers moves the active window to the scratchpad (resp. shows/hides the scratchpad).

Nota: This home service only sets up the configuration file and profile packages for Sway. It does not start Sway in any way. If you want to do so, you might be interested in using greetd-wlgreet-sway-session instead.

The procedure sway-configuration->file defined below can be used to provide the value for the optional sway-configuration field of greetd-wlgreet-sway-session.

Procedure: sway-configuration->file config

This procedure takes one argument config, which must be a sway-configuration record (defined below), and returns a file-like object representing the serialized configuration.

Variável: home-sway-service-type

This is a home service type to set up Sway. It takes care of:

  • providing a ~/.config/sway/config file,
  • adding Sway-related packages to your profile.
Tipo de dados: sway-configuration

This configuration record describes the Sway configuration (see sway(5)). Available fields are:

variables (default: %sway-default-variables)

The value of this field is an association list in which keys are symbols and values are either strings, G-expressions or file-like objects (veja Expressões-G).


(variables `((mod . "Mod4") ; string
             (term ; file-append
              . ,(file-append foot "/bin/foot"))
             (Term ; G-expression
              . ,#~(string-append #$foot "/bin/foot"))))

Nota: Default keybindings assume the existence of variables named $mod, $left, $right, $up and $down. If you choose not to define these variables, make sure to remove keybindings referring to them.

keybindings (default: %sway-default-keybindings)

This field describes keybindings for the default mode. The value is an association list: keys are symbols and values are either strings or G-expressions.

The following snippet launches the terminal when pressing $mod+t and $mod+Shift+t (assuming that a variable $term is defined):

`(($mod+t . ,#~(string-append "exec " #$foot "/bin/foot"))
  ($mod+Shift+t . "exec $term"))
gestures (default: %sway-default-gestures)

Similar to the previous field, but for finger-gestures.

The following snippet allows to navigate through workspaces by swiping right and left with three fingers:

'((swipe:3:right . "workspace next_on_output")
  (swipe:3:left  . "workspace prev_on_output"))
packages (default: %sway-default-packages)

This field describes a list of packages to add to the user profile. At the moment, the default value only adds sway to the profile.

inputs (padrão: '())

List of sway-input configuration records (described below).

outputs (default: '())

List of sway-output configuration records (described below).

bar (optional sway-bar record)

Optional sway-bar record (described below) to configure a Sway bar.

modes (default: %sway-default-modes)

List of sway-mode records (described below) to add modes to the Sway configuration. The default value %sway-default-modes adds the “resize” mode of the default Sway configuration (as described below).

startup+reload-programs (default: '())

Programs to execute at startup time and after every configuration reload. The value of this field is a list of strings, G-expressions or file-like objects (veja Expressões-G).

startup-programs (default: %sway-default-startup-programs)

Programs to execute at startup time. As above, values of this field are a list of strings, G-expressions or file-like objects.

The default value, %sway-default-startup-programs, executes swayidle in order to lock the screen after 5 minutes of inactivity (displaying a background distributed with Sway) and turn the screen off after 10 minutes of inactivity.

extra-content (default: '())

Lines to add to the configuration file. The value of this field is a list of strings or G-expressions.

Tipo de dados: sway-input

sway-input records describe input blocks (see sway-input(5)). For example, the following snippet makes all keyboards use a French layout, in which capslock has been remapped to ctrl:

(sway-input (identifier "type:keyboard")
              (keyboard-layout "fr" #:options '("ctrl:nocaps"))))

Available fields for sway-input configuration records are:

identifier (default: '*)

Identifier of the input. The field accepts symbols and strings. If the identifier is a symbol, it is inserted as is; if it is a string, it will be quoted in the configuration file.

layout (optional <keyboard-layout> record)

Keyboard specific option. Field specifying the layout to use for the input. The value must be a <keyboard-layout> record (veja Disposição do teclado).

Nota: (gnu home services sway) does not re-export the keyboard-layout procedure.

disable-while-typing (optional boolean)

If #t (resp. #f) enables (resp. disables) the “disable while typing” option for this input.

disable-while-trackpointing (optional boolean)

If #t (resp. #f), enables (resp. disables) the “disable while track-pointing” option for this input.

tap (optional boolean)

Enables or disables the “tap” option, which allows clicking by tapping on a touchpad.

extra-content (default: '())

Lines to add to the input block. The value of this field must a list whose elements are either strings or G-expressions.

Tipo de dados: sway-output

sway-output records describe Sway outputs (see sway-output(5)). Available fields are:

identifier (default: '*)

Identifier of the monitor. The field accepts symbols and strings. If the identifier is a symbol, it is inserted as is; if it is a string, it will be quoted in the configuration file.

resolution (optional string)

This string defines the resolution of the monitor.

position (optional)

The (optional) value of this field must be a point. Example:

 (point (x 1920)
        (y 0)))
background (optional)

The value of this field describes what wallpaper to use on this output. The field accepts the following types of values:

  • a string,
  • a G-expression,
  • a file-like object,
  • a pair. The first argument of this pair must be a string, a G-expression or a file-like object. The second element describes how the wallpaper will be displayed. It must be a symbol among stretch, fill, fit, center and tile.

    If the second element is not specified (i.e. when the value is not a pair), the fill mode will be used.

Nota: In order to use an SVG file, you must have librsvg in your profile (e.g. by adding it in the packages field of sway-configuration).

extra-content (default: '())

List defining additional lines to add to the output configuration block. Elements of the list must be either strings or G-expressions.

Tipo de dados: sway-border-color

Color of the border.


Color of the background.


Color of the text.

Tipo de dados: sway-color
background (optional string)

Background color of the bar.

statusline (optional string)

Text color of the status line.

focused-background (optional string)

Background color of the bar on the currently focused monitor.

focused-statusline (optional string)

Text color of the statusline on the currently focused monitor.

focused-workspace (optional sway-border-color)

Color scheme for focused workspaces.

active-workspace (optional sway-border-color)

Color scheme for active workspaces.

inactive-workspace (optional sway-border-color)

Color scheme for inactive workspaces.

urgent-workspace (optional sway-border-color)

Color scheme for workspaces containing “urgent windows”.

binding-mode (optional sway-border-color)

Color scheme for the binding mode indicator.

Tipo de dados: sway-bar

Describes the Sway bar (see sway-bar(5)).

identifier (default: 'bar0)

Identifier of the bar. The value must be a symbol.

position (optional)

Specify the position of the bar. Accepted values are 'top or 'bottom.

hidden-state (optional)

Specify the appearance of the bar when it is hidden. Accepted values are 'hide or 'show.

binding-mode-indicator (optional)

Boolean enabling or disabling the binding mode indicator.

colors (optional)

An optional sway-color configuration record.

status-command (optional)

This field accept strings, G-expressions and executable file-like values. The default value is a command (string) that prints the date and time every second.

Each line printed on stdout by this command (or script) will be displayed on the status area of the bar.

Below are a few examples using:

  • a string: "while date +'%Y-%m-%d %X'; do sleep 1; done",
  • a G-exp:
    #~(string-append "while "
                     #$coreutils "/bin/date"
                     " +'%Y-%m-%d %X'; do sleep 1; done")
  • an executable file:
         (use-modules (ice-9 format)
                      (srfi srfi-19))
         (let loop ()
           (let* ((date (date->string
                         "~d/~m/~Y (~a) • ~H:~M:~S")))
             (format #t "~a~%~!" date)
             (sleep 1)
mouse-bindings (default: '())

This field accepts an associative list. Keys are integers describing mouse events. Values can either be strings or G-expressions.

The module (gnu home services sway) exports constants %ev-code-mouse-left, %ev-code-mouse-right and %ev-code-mouse-scroll-click whose values are integers corresponding to left, right and scroll click respectively. For example, with (mouse-bindings `((,%ev-code-mouse-left . "exec $term"))), left clicks in the status bar open the terminal (assuming that the variable $term is bound to a terminal).

Tipo de dados: sway-mode

Describes a Sway mode (see sway(5)). For example, the following snippet defines the resize mode of the default Sway configuration:

 (mode-name "resize")
  '(($left  . "resize shrink width 10px")
    ($right . "resize grow width 10px")
    ($down  . "resize grow height 10px")
    ($up    . "resize shrink height 10px")
    (Left   . "resize shrink width 10px")
    (Right  . "resize grow width 10px")
    (Down   . "resize grow height 10px")
    (Up     . "resize shrink height 10px")
    (Return . "mode \"default\"")
    (Escape . "mode \"default\""))))
mode-name (default: "default")

Name of the mode. This field accepts strings.

keybindings (default: '())

This field describes keybindings. The value is an association list: keys are symbols and values are either strings or G-expressions, as above.

mouse-bindings (default: '())

Ditto, but keys are mouse events (integers). Constants %ev-code-mouse-* described above can be used as helpers to define mouse bindings.

13.3.16 Networking Home Services

This section lists services somewhat networking-related that you may use with Guix Home.

The (gnu home services syncthing) module provides a service to set up the continuous file backup service.

Variável: home-syncthing-service-type

This is the service type for the syncthing daemon; it is the Home counterpart of the syncthing-service-type system service (veja syncthing-service-type). The value for this service type is a syncthing-configuration.

Here is how you would set it up with the default configuration:

(service home-syncthing-service-type)

For a custom configuration, wrap you syncthing-configuration in for-home, as in this example:

(service home-syncthing-service-type
          (syncthing-configuration (logflags 5))))

For details about syncthing-configuration, check out the documentation of the system service (veja syncthing-service-type).

13.3.17 Miscellaneous Home Services

This section lists Home services that lack a better place.

Beets Service

The (gnu home services music) module provides the following service:

Variável: home-beets-service-type

Beets is a music file and metadata manager that can be used via its command-line interface, beet. Beets requires a YAML configuration file and this Guix Home service is to create such file.

The service can be used as follows:

(service home-beets-service-type
         (home-beets-configuration (directory "/home/alice/music")))

Additional options can be specified via the service wild-card field extra-options:

(service home-beets-service-type
          (directory "/home/alice/music")
          (extra-options '("
  move: yes"))))

Dictionary Service

The (gnu home services dict) module provides the following service:

Variável: home-dicod-service-type

This is the type of the service that runs the dicod daemon, an implementation of DICT server (veja Dicod em GNU Dico Manual).

You can add open localhost to your ~/.dico file to make localhost the default server for dico client (veja Initialization File em GNU Dico Manual).

This service is a direct mapping of the dicod-service-type system service (veja Dictionary Service). You can use it like this:

(service home-dicod-service-type)

You may specify a custom configuration by providing a dicod-configuration record, exactly like for dicod-service-type, but wrapping it in for-home:

(service home-dicod-service-type
          (dicod-configuration )))

13.4 Invoking guix home

Once you have written a home environment declaration (veja Declarando o ambiente pessoal, it can be instantiated using the guix home command. The synopsis is:

guix home optionsaction file

file must be the name of a file containing a home-environment declaration. action specifies how the home environment is instantiated, but there are few auxiliary actions which don’t instantiate it. Currently the following values are supported:


Display available home service type definitions that match the given regular expressions, sorted by relevance:

$ guix home search shell
name: home-shell-profile
location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:100:2
extends: home-files
description: Create `~/.profile', which is used for environment initialization of POSIX compliant login shells.
+ This service type can be extended with a list of file-like objects.
relevance: 6

name: home-fish
location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:640:2
extends: home-files home-profile
description: Install and configure Fish, the friendly interactive shell.
relevance: 3

name: home-zsh
location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:290:2
extends: home-files home-profile
description: Install and configure Zsh.
relevance: 1

name: home-bash
location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:508:2
extends: home-files home-profile
description: Install and configure GNU Bash.
relevance: 1


As for guix search, the result is written in recutils format, which makes it easy to filter the output (veja GNU recutils databases em GNU recutils manual).


Spawn a shell in an isolated environment—a container—containing your home as specified by file.

For example, this is how you would start an interactive shell in a container with your home:

guix home container config.scm

This is a throw-away container where you can lightheartedly fiddle with files; any changes made within the container, any process started—all this disappears as soon as you exit that shell.

As with guix shell, several options control that container:


Enable networking within the container (it is disabled by default).


As with guix shell, make directory source of the host system available as target inside the container—read-only if you pass --expose, and writable if you pass --share (veja --expose and --share).

Additionally, you can run a command in that container, instead of spawning an interactive shell. For instance, here is how you would check which Shepherd services are started in a throw-away home container:

guix home container config.scm -- herd status

The command to run in the container must come after -- (double hyphen).


Edit or view the definition of the given Home service types.

For example, the command below opens your editor, as specified by the EDITOR environment variable, on the definition of the home-mcron service type:

guix home edit home-mcron

Build the home environment described in file, and switch to it. Switching means that the activation script will be evaluated and (in basic scenario) symlinks to configuration files generated from home-environment declaration will be created in ~. If the file with the same path already exists in home folder it will be moved to ~/timestamp-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup, where timestamp is a current UNIX epoch time.

Nota: It is highly recommended to run guix pull once before you run guix home reconfigure for the first time (veja Invocando guix pull).

This effects all the configuration specified in file. The command starts Shepherd services specified in file that are not currently running; if a service is currently running, this command will arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g. by herd stop service or herd restart service).

This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the current generation (as reported by guix home list-generations). If that generation already exists, it will be overwritten. This behavior mirrors that of guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

Upon completion, the new home is deployed under ~/.guix-home. This directory contains provenance meta-data: the list of channels in use (veja Canais) and file itself, when available. You can view the provenance information by running:

guix home describe

This information is useful should you later want to inspect how this particular generation was built. In fact, assuming file is self-contained, you can later rebuild generation n of your home environment with:

guix time-machine \
  -C /var/guix/profiles/per-user/USER/guix-home-n-link/channels.scm -- \
  home reconfigure \

You can think of it as some sort of built-in version control! Your home is not just a binary artifact: it carries its own source.

Nota: If you’re using Guix System, guix-home-service-type, on how to embed your home configuration in your system configuration such that guix system reconfigure deploys both your system and your home.


Switch to an existing home generation. This action atomically switches the home profile to the specified home generation.

The target generation can be specified explicitly by its generation number. For example, the following invocation would switch to home generation 7:

guix home switch-generation 7

The target generation can also be specified relative to the current generation with the form +N or -N, where +3 means “3 generations ahead of the current generation,” and -1 means “1 generation prior to the current generation.” When specifying a negative value such as -1, you must precede it with -- to prevent it from being parsed as an option. For example:

guix home switch-generation -- -1

This action will fail if the specified generation does not exist.


Switch to the preceding home generation. This is the inverse of reconfigure, and it is exactly the same as invoking switch-generation with an argument of -1.


Delete home generations, making them candidates for garbage collection (veja Invocando guix gc, for information on how to run the “garbage collector”).

This works in the same way as ‘guix package --delete-generations’ (veja --delete-generations). With no arguments, all home generations but the current one are deleted:

guix home delete-generations

You can also select the generations you want to delete. The example below deletes all the home generations that are more than two months old:

guix home delete-generations 2m

Build the derivation of the home environment, which includes all the configuration files and programs needed. This action does not actually install anything.


Describe the current home generation: its file name, as well as provenance information when available.

To show installed packages in the current home generation’s profile, the --list-installed flag is provided, with the same syntax that is used in guix package --list-installed (veja Invocando guix package). For instance, the following command shows a table of all the packages with “emacs” in their name that are installed in the current home generation’s profile:

guix home describe --list-installed=emacs

List a summary of each generation of the home environment available on disk, in a human-readable way. This is similar to the --list-generations option of guix package (veja Invocando guix package).

Optionally, one can specify a pattern, with the same syntax that is used in guix package --list-generations, to restrict the list of generations displayed. For instance, the following command displays generations that are up to 10 days old:

guix home list-generations 10d

The --list-installed flag may also be specified, with the same syntax that is used in guix home describe. This may be helpful if trying to determine when a package was added to the home profile.


Generate a home environment from the packages in the default profile and configuration files found in the user’s home directory. The configuration files will be copied to the specified directory, and a home-configuration.scm will be populated with the home environment. Note that not every home service that exists is supported (veja Serviços pessoais).

$ guix home import ~/guix-config
guix home: '/home/alice/guix-config' populated with all the Home configuration files

And there’s more! guix home also provides the following sub-commands to visualize how the services of your home environment relate to one another:


Emit to standard output the service extension graph of the home environment defined in file (veja Composição de serviço, for more information on service extensions). By default the output is in Dot/Graphviz format, but you can choose a different format with --graph-backend, as with guix graph (veja --backend):

O comando:

guix home extension-graph file | xdot -

shows the extension relations among services.


Emit to standard output the dependency graph of shepherd services of the home environment defined in file. Veja Serviços de Shepherd, for more information and for an example graph.

Again, the default output format is Dot/Graphviz, but you can pass --graph-backend to select a different one.

options can contain any of the common build options (veja Opções de compilação comuns). In addition, options can contain one of the following:

-e expr

Consider the home-environment expr evaluates to. This is an alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to a home environment.


Instruct guix home reconfigure to allow system downgrades.

Just like guix system, guix home reconfigure, by default, prevents you from downgrading your home to older or unrelated revisions compared to the channel revisions that were used to deploy it—those shown by guix home describe. Using --allow-downgrades allows you to bypass that check, at the risk of downgrading your home—be careful!

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14 Documentação

In most cases packages installed with Guix come with documentation. There are two main documentation formats: “Info”, a browsable hypertext format used for GNU software, and “manual pages” (or “man pages”), the linear documentation format traditionally found on Unix. Info manuals are accessed with the info command or with Emacs, and man pages are accessed using man.

You can look for documentation of software installed on your system by keyword. For example, the following command searches for information about “TLS” in Info manuals:

$ info -k TLS
"(emacs)Network Security" -- STARTTLS
"(emacs)Network Security" -- TLS
"(gnutls)Core TLS API" -- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_flags
"(gnutls)Core TLS API" -- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function

The command below searches for the same keyword in man pages39:

$ man -k TLS
SSL (7)              - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
certtool (1)         - GnuTLS certificate tool

These searches are purely local to your computer so you have the guarantee that documentation you find corresponds to what you have actually installed, you can access it off-line, and your privacy is respected.

Once you have these results, you can view the relevant documentation by running, say:

$ info "(gnutls)Core TLS API"


$ man certtool

Info manuals contain sections and indices as well as hyperlinks like those found in Web pages. The info reader (veja Info reader em Stand-alone GNU Info) and its Emacs counterpart (veja Misc Help em The GNU Emacs Manual) provide intuitive key bindings to navigate manuals. Veja Getting Started em Info: An Introduction, for an introduction to Info navigation.

15 Plataformas

The packages and systems built by Guix are intended, like most computer programs, to run on a CPU with a specific instruction set, and under a specific operating system. Those programs are often also targeting a specific kernel and system library. Those constraints are captured by Guix in platform records.

15.1 platform Reference

The platform data type describes a platform: an ISA (instruction set architecture), combined with an operating system and possibly additional system-wide settings such as the ABI (application binary interface).

Tipo de dados: platform

This is the data type representing a platform.


This field specifies the platform’s GNU triplet as a string (veja GNU configuration triplets em Autoconf).


This string is the system type as it is known to Guix and passed, for instance, to the --system option of most commands.

It usually has the form "cpu-kernel", where cpu is the target CPU and kernel the target operating system kernel.

It can be for instance "aarch64-linux" or "armhf-linux". You will encounter system types when you perform native builds (veja Construções nativas).

linux-architecture (default: #false)

This optional string field is only relevant if the kernel is Linux. In that case, it corresponds to the ARCH variable used when building Linux, "mips" for instance.

rust-target (default: #false)

This optional string field is used to determine which rust target is best supported by this platform. For example, the base level system targeted by armhf-linux system is closest to armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.


This field is the name of the GNU C Library dynamic linker for the corresponding system, as a string. It can be "/lib/".

15.2 Supported Platforms

The (guix platforms …) modules export the following variables, each of which is bound to a platform record.

Variável: armv7-linux

Platform targeting ARM v7 CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: aarch64-linux

Platform targeting ARM v8 CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: loongarch64-linux

Platform targeting loongarch 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: mips64-linux

Platform targeting MIPS little-endian 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: powerpc-linux

Platform targeting PowerPC big-endian 32-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: powerpc64le-linux

Platform targeting PowerPC little-endian 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: riscv64-linux

Platform targeting RISC-V 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: i686-linux

Platform targeting x86 CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: x86_64-linux

Platform targeting x86 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux.

Variável: x86_64-linux-x32

Platform targeting x86 64-bit CPU running GNU/Linux with the run-time using the X32 ABI.

Variável: i686-mingw

Platform targeting x86 CPU running Windows, with run-time support from MinGW.

Variável: x86_64-mingw

Platform targeting x86 64-bit CPU running Windows, with run-time support from MinGW.

Variável: i586-gnu

Platform targeting x86 CPU running GNU/Hurd (also referred to as “GNU”).

Variável: avr

Platform targeting AVR CPUs without an operating system, with run-time support from AVR Libc.

Variável: or1k-elf

Platform targeting OpenRISC 1000 CPU without an operating system and without a C standard library.

Variável: xtensa-ath9k-elf

Platform targeting Xtensa CPU used in the Qualcomm Atheros AR7010 and AR9271 USB 802.11n NICs (Network Interface Controllers).

16 Criando imagens do sistema

When it comes to installing Guix System for the first time on a new machine, you can basically proceed in three different ways. The first one is to use an existing operating system on the machine to run the guix system init command (veja Invoking guix system). The second one, is to produce an installation image (veja Compilando a imagem de instalação). This is a bootable system which role is to eventually run guix system init. Finally, the third option would be to produce an image that is a direct instantiation of the system you wish to run. That image can then be copied on a bootable device such as an USB drive or a memory card. The target machine would then directly boot from it, without any kind of installation procedure.

The guix system image command is able to turn an operating system definition into a bootable image. This command supports different image types, such as mbr-hybrid-raw, iso9660 and docker. Any modern x86_64 machine will probably be able to boot from an iso9660 image. However, there are a few machines out there that require specific image types. Those machines, in general using ARM processors, may expect specific partitions at specific offsets.

This chapter explains how to define customized system images and how to turn them into actual bootable images.

16.1 image Reference

The image record, described right after, allows you to define a customized bootable system image.

Tipo de dados: image

This is the data type representing a system image.

name (default: #false)

The image name as a symbol, 'my-iso9660 for instance. The name is optional and it defaults to #false.


The image format as a symbol. The following formats are supported:

  • disk-image, a raw disk image composed of one or multiple partitions.
  • compressed-qcow2, a compressed qcow2 image composed of one or multiple partitions.
  • docker, a Docker image.
  • iso9660, an ISO-9660 image.
  • tarball, a tar.gz image archive.
  • wsl2, a WSL2 image.
platform (default: #false)

The platform record the image is targeting (veja Plataformas), aarch64-linux for instance. By default, this field is set to #false and the image will target the host platform.

size (default: 'guess)

The image size in bytes or 'guess. The 'guess symbol, which is the default, means that the image size will be inferred based on the image content.


The image’s operating-system record that is instantiated.

partition-table-type (default: 'mbr)

The image partition table type as a symbol. Possible values are 'mbr and 'gpt. It default to 'mbr.

partitions (default: '())

The image partitions as a list of partition records (veja Referência do partition).

compression? (default: #true)

Whether the image content should be compressed, as a boolean. It defaults to #true and only applies to 'iso9660 image formats.

volatile-root? (default: #true)

Whether the image root partition should be made volatile, as a boolean.

This is achieved by using a RAM backed file system (overlayfs) that is mounted on top of the root partition by the initrd. It defaults to #true. When set to #false, the image root partition is mounted as read-write partition by the initrd.

shared-store? (default: #false)

Whether the image’s store should be shared with the host system, as a boolean. This can be useful when creating images dedicated to virtual machines. When set to #false, which is the default, the image’s operating-system closure is copied to the image. Otherwise, when set to #true, it is assumed that the host store will be made available at boot, using a 9p mount for instance.

shared-network? (default: #false)

Se deve usar as interfaces de rede do host dentro da imagem, como um booleano. Isso é usado apenas para o formato de imagem 'docker. O padrão é #false.

substitutable? (default: #true)

Whether the image derivation should be substitutable, as a boolean. It defaults to true.

16.1.1 Referência do partition

In image record may contain some partitions.

Tipo de dados: partition

This is the data type representing an image partition.

size (default: 'guess)

The partition size in bytes or 'guess. The 'guess symbol, which is the default, means that the partition size will be inferred based on the partition content.

offset (default: 0)

The partition’s start offset in bytes, relative to the image start or the previous partition end. It defaults to 0 which means that there is no offset applied.

file-system (default: "ext4")

The partition file system as a string, defaulting to "ext4".

The supported values are "vfat", "fat16", "fat32", "btrfs", and "ext4".

"vfat", "fat16", and "fat32" partitions without the 'esp flag are by default LBA compatible.

file-system-options (default: '())

As opções de criação do sistema de arquivos de partição que devem ser passadas para a ferramenta de criação de partição, como uma lista de strings. Isso só é suportado ao criar partições "vfat", "fat16", "fat32" ou "ext4".

See the "extended-options" man page section of the "mke2fs" tool for a more complete reference.


The partition label as a mandatory string, "my-root" for instance.

uuid (default: #false)

The partition UUID as an uuid record (veja Sistemas de arquivos). By default it is #false, which means that the partition creation tool will attribute a random UUID to the partition.

flags (default: '())

The partition flags as a list of symbols. Possible values are 'boot and 'esp. The 'boot flags should be set if you want to boot from this partition. Exactly one partition should have this flag set, usually the root one. The 'esp flag identifies a UEFI System Partition.

initializer (default: #false)

The partition initializer procedure as a gexp. This procedure is called to populate a partition. If no initializer is passed, the initialize-root-partition procedure from the (gnu build image) module is used.

16.2 Instanciar uma imagem

Let’s say you would like to create an MBR image with three distinct partitions:

  • The ESP (EFI System Partition), a partition of 40 MiB at offset 1024 KiB with a vfat file system.
  • an ext4 partition of 50 MiB data file, and labeled “data”.
  • an ext4 bootable partition containing the %simple-os operating-system.

You would then write the following image definition in a my-image.scm file for instance.

(use-modules (gnu)
             (gnu image)
             (gnu tests)
             (gnu system image)
             (guix gexp))

(define MiB (expt 2 20))

 (format 'disk-image)
 (operating-system %simple-os)
    (size (* 40 MiB))
    (offset (* 1024 1024))
    (label "GNU-ESP")
    (file-system "vfat")
    (flags '(esp))
    (initializer (gexp initialize-efi-partition)))
    (size (* 50 MiB))
    (label "DATA")
    (file-system "ext4")
    (initializer #~(lambda* (root . rest)
                     (mkdir root)
                         (string-append root "/data")
                       (lambda (port)
                         (format port "my-data"))))))
    (size 'guess)
    (label root-label)
    (file-system "ext4")
    (flags '(boot))
    (initializer (gexp initialize-root-partition))))))

Note que a primeira e a terceira partições usam procedimentos de inicializadores genéricos, initialize-efi-partition e initialize-root-partition, respectivamente. O initialize-efi-partition instala um carregador EFI GRUB que está carregando o carregador de inicialização GRUB localizado na partição raiz. O initialize-root-partition instancia um sistema completo conforme definido pelo sistema operacional %simple-os.

Agora você pode executar:

guix system image my-image.scm

para instanciar a definição image. Isso produz uma imagem de disco que tem a estrutura esperada:

$ parted $(guix system image my-image.scm) print
Model:  (file)
Disk /gnu/store/yhylv1bp5b2ypb97pd3bbhz6jk5nbhxw-disk-image: 1714MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
 1      1049kB  43.0MB  41.9MB  primary  fat16        esp
 2      43.0MB  95.4MB  52.4MB  primary  ext4
 3      95.4MB  1714MB  1619MB  primary  ext4         boot

The size of the boot partition has been inferred to 1619MB so that it is large enough to host the %simple-os operating-system.

You can also use existing image record definitions and inherit from them to simplify the image definition. The (gnu system image) module provides the following image definition variables.

Variável: mbr-disk-image

An MBR disk-image composed of a single ROOT partition. The ROOT partition starts at a 1 MiB offset so that the bootloader can install itself in the post-MBR gap.

Variável: mbr-hybrid-disk-image

An MBR disk-image composed of two partitions: a 64 bits ESP partition and a ROOT boot partition. The ESP partition starts at a 1 MiB offset so that a BIOS compatible bootloader can install itself in the post-MBR gap. The image can be used by x86_64 and i686 machines supporting only legacy BIOS booting. The ESP partition ensures that it can also be used by newer machines relying on UEFI booting, hence the hybrid denomination.

Variável: efi-disk-image

A GPT disk-image composed of two partitions: a 64 bits ESP partition and a ROOT boot partition. This image can be used on most x86_64 and i686 machines, supporting BIOS or UEFI booting.

Variável: efi32-disk-image

Same as efi-disk-image but with a 32 bits EFI partition.

Variável: iso9660-image

An ISO-9660 image composed of a single bootable partition. This image can also be used on most x86_64 and i686 machines.

Variável: docker-image

Uma imagem do Docker que pode ser usada para gerar um contêiner do Docker.

Using the efi-disk-image we can simplify our previous image declaration this way:

(use-modules (gnu)
             (gnu image)
             (gnu tests)
             (gnu system image)
             (guix gexp)
             (ice-9 match))

(define MiB (expt 2 20))

(define data
   (size (* 50 MiB))
   (label "DATA")
   (file-system "ext4")
   (initializer #~(lambda* (root . rest)
                    (mkdir root)
                        (string-append root "/data")
                      (lambda (port)
                        (format port "my-data")))))))

 (inherit efi-disk-image)
 (operating-system %simple-os)
  (match (image-partitions efi-disk-image)
    ((esp root)
     (list esp data root)))))

This will give the exact same image instantiation but the image declaration is simpler.

16.3 image-type Reference

The guix system image command can, as we saw above, take a file containing an image declaration as argument and produce an actual disk image from it. The same command can also handle a file containing an operating-system declaration as argument. In that case, how is the operating-system turned into an image?

That’s where the image-type record intervenes. This record defines how to transform an operating-system record into an image record.

Tipo de dados: image-type

This is the data type representing an image-type.


The image-type name as a mandatory symbol, 'efi32-raw for instance.


The image-type constructor, as a mandatory procedure that takes an operating-system record as argument and returns an image record.

There are several image-type records provided by the (gnu system image) and the (gnu system images …) modules.

Variável: mbr-raw-image-type

Crie uma imagem baseada na imagem mbr-disk-image.

Variável: mbr-hybrid-raw-image-type

Build an image based on the mbr-hybrid-disk-image image.

Variável: efi-raw-image-type

Build an image based on the efi-disk-image image.

Variável: efi32-raw-image-type

Build an image based on the efi32-disk-image image.

Variável: qcow2-image-type

Build an image based on the mbr-disk-image image but with the compressed-qcow2 image format.

Variável: iso-image-type

Build a compressed image based on the iso9660-image image.

Variável: uncompressed-iso-image-type

Build an image based on the iso9660-image image but with the compression? field set to #false.

Variável: docker-image-type

Build an image based on the docker-image image.

Variável: raw-with-offset-image-type

Crie uma imagem MBR com uma única partição começando em um deslocamento 1024KiB. Isso é útil para deixar algum espaço para instalar um bootloader na lacuna pós-MBR.

Variável: pinebook-pro-image-type

Build an image that is targeting the Pinebook Pro machine. The MBR image contains a single partition starting at a 9MiB offset. The u-boot-pinebook-pro-rk3399-bootloader bootloader will be installed in this gap.

Variável: rock64-image-type

Build an image that is targeting the Rock64 machine. The MBR image contains a single partition starting at a 16MiB offset. The u-boot-rock64-rk3328-bootloader bootloader will be installed in this gap.

Variável: novena-image-type

Build an image that is targeting the Novena machine. It has the same characteristics as raw-with-offset-image-type.

Variável: pine64-image-type

Build an image that is targeting the Pine64 machine. It has the same characteristics as raw-with-offset-image-type.

Variável: hurd-image-type

Build an image that is targeting a i386 machine running the Hurd kernel. The MBR image contains a single ext2 partitions with specific file-system-options flags.

Variável: hurd-qcow2-image-type

Build an image similar to the one built by the hurd-image-type but with the format set to 'compressed-qcow2.

Variável: wsl2-image-type

Build an image for the WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2). It can be imported by running:

wsl --import Guix ./guix ./wsl2-image.tar.gz
wsl -d Guix

Então, se voltarmos ao comando guix system image tomando uma declaração operating-system como argumento. Por padrão, o mbr-raw-image-type é usado para transformar o operating-system fornecido em uma imagem inicializável real.

Para usar um image-type diferente, a opção --image-type pode ser usada. A opção --list-image-types listará todos os tipos de imagem suportados. Acontece que é uma listagem textual de todas as variáveis image-types descritas logo acima (veja Invoking guix system).

16.4 Módulos de imagem

Vamos pegar o exemplo do Pine64, uma máquina baseada em ARM. Para poder produzir uma imagem direcionada a essa placa, precisamos dos seguintes elementos:

  • Um registro operating-system contendo pelo menos um kernel apropriado (linux-libre-arm64-generic) e bootloader u-boot-pine64-lts-bootloader) para o Pine64.
  • Possibly, an image-type record providing a way to turn an operating-system record to an image record suitable for the Pine64.
  • An actual image that can be instantiated with the guix system image command.

The (gnu system images pine64) module provides all those elements: pine64-barebones-os, pine64-image-type and pine64-barebones-raw-image respectively.

The module returns the pine64-barebones-raw-image in order for users to be able to run:

guix system image gnu/system/images/pine64.scm

Now, thanks to the pine64-image-type record declaring the 'pine64-raw image-type, one could also prepare a my-pine.scm file with the following content:

(use-modules (gnu system images pine64))
  (inherit pine64-barebones-os)
  (timezone "Europe/Athens"))

to customize the pine64-barebones-os, and run:

$ guix system image --image-type=pine64-raw my-pine.scm

Note that there are other modules in the gnu/system/images directory targeting Novena, Pine64, PinebookPro and Rock64 machines.

17 Instalando arquivos de depuração

Program binaries, as produced by the GCC compilers for instance, are typically written in the ELF format, with a section containing debugging information. Debugging information is what allows the debugger, GDB, to map binary code to source code; it is required to debug a compiled program in good conditions.

This chapter explains how to use separate debug info when packages provide it, and how to rebuild packages with debug info when it’s missing.

17.1 Informações de depuração separadas

O problema com informações de depuração é que elas ocupam uma quantidade considerável de espaço em disco. Por exemplo, informações de depuração para a GNU C Library pesam mais de 60 MiB. Assim, como usuário, manter todas as informações de depuração de todos os programas instalados geralmente não é uma opção. No entanto, a economia de espaço não deve vir ao custo de um impedimento à depuração — especialmente no sistema GNU, o que deve tornar mais fácil para os usuários exercerem sua liberdade de computação (veja Distribuição GNU).

Thankfully, the GNU Binary Utilities (Binutils) and GDB provide a mechanism that allows users to get the best of both worlds: debugging information can be stripped from the binaries and stored in separate files. GDB is then able to load debugging information from those files, when they are available (veja Separate Debug Files em Debugging with GDB).

The GNU distribution takes advantage of this by storing debugging information in the lib/debug sub-directory of a separate package output unimaginatively called debug (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas). Users can choose to install the debug output of a package when they need it. For instance, the following command installs the debugging information for the GNU C Library and for GNU Guile:

guix install glibc:debug guile:debug

GDB must then be told to look for debug files in the user’s profile, by setting the debug-file-directory variable (consider setting it from the ~/.gdbinit file, veja Startup em Debugging with GDB):

(gdb) set debug-file-directory ~/.guix-profile/lib/debug

From there on, GDB will pick up debugging information from the .debug files under ~/.guix-profile/lib/debug.

Below is an alternative GDB script which is useful when working with other profiles. It takes advantage of the optional Guile integration in GDB. This snippet is included by default on Guix System in the ~/.gdbinit file.

(use-modules (gdb))
(execute (string-append "set debug-file-directory "
                        (or (getenv "GDB_DEBUG_FILE_DIRECTORY")

In addition, you will most likely want GDB to be able to show the source code being debugged. To do that, you will have to unpack the source code of the package of interest (obtained with guix build --source, veja Invocando guix build), and to point GDB to that source directory using the directory command (veja directory em Debugging with GDB).

The debug output mechanism in Guix is implemented by the gnu-build-system (veja Sistemas de compilação). Currently, it is opt-in—debugging information is available only for the packages with definitions explicitly declaring a debug output. To check whether a package has a debug output, use guix package --list-available (veja Invocando guix package).

Read on for how to deal with packages lacking a debug output.

17.2 Reconstruindo informações de depuração

Como vimos acima, alguns pacotres, mas não todos, provêem informação de depuração numa saída debug. O que podemos fazer quando informação de depuração está faltando? A opção --with-debug-info provê uma solução para isso: ela te permite reconstruir os pacotes para os quais a informação está faltando — e nomente estes — e exertá-los no aplicativo que você está deupurando. Portanto, enquanto isso não é tão rápido quanto a instalação de uma saída do debug, isso é relativamente menos custoso.

Let’s illustrate that. Suppose you’re experiencing a bug in Inkscape and would like to see what’s going on in GLib, a library that’s deep down in its dependency graph. As it turns out, GLib does not have a debug output and the backtrace GDB shows is all sadness:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff5f92190 in g_getenv ()
   from /gnu/store/…-glib-2.62.6/lib/
#1  0x00007ffff608a7d6 in gobject_init_ctor ()
   from /gnu/store/…-glib-2.62.6/lib/
#2  0x00007ffff7fe275a in call_init (l=<optimized out>, argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffcfd8,
    env=env@entry=0x7fffffffcfe8) at dl-init.c:72
#3  0x00007ffff7fe2866 in call_init (env=0x7fffffffcfe8, argv=0x7fffffffcfd8, argc=1, l=<optimized out>)
    at dl-init.c:118

To address that, you install Inkscape linked against a variant GLib that contains debug info:

guix install inkscape --with-debug-info=glib

This time, debugging will be a whole lot nicer:

$ gdb --args sh -c 'exec inkscape'
(gdb) b g_getenv
Function "g_getenv" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (g_getenv) pending.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /gnu/store/…-profile/bin/sh -c exec\ inkscape
(gdb) bt
#0  g_getenv (variable=variable@entry=0x7ffff60c7a2e "GOBJECT_DEBUG") at ../glib-2.62.6/glib/genviron.c:252
#1  0x00007ffff608a7d6 in gobject_init () at ../glib-2.62.6/gobject/gtype.c:4380
#2  gobject_init_ctor () at ../glib-2.62.6/gobject/gtype.c:4493
#3  0x00007ffff7fe275a in call_init (l=<optimized out>, argc=argc@entry=3, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffd088,
    env=env@entry=0x7fffffffd0a8) at dl-init.c:72

Much better!

Note that there can be packages for which --with-debug-info will not have the desired effect. Veja --with-debug-info, for more information.

18 Usando TeX e LaTeX

Guix provê pacotes para os TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LuaTeX e sistemas de tipografia afins, retirados da distribuição TeX Live. Por conta da TeX Live ser tão grande e encontrar um método neste labirinto é complicado, essa seção providenciará um guia de como implantar os pacotes relevantes para compilar documentos TeX e LaTeX.

TeX Live atualmente vem em dois sabores mutualmente excluisvos no Guix:

To insist, these two flavors cannot be combined40. If in the modular setting your document does not compile, the solution is not to add the monolithic texlive package, but to add the set of missing packages from the modular distribution.

Building a coherent system that provides all the essential tools and, at the same time, satisfies all of its internal dependencies can be a difficult task. It is therefore recommended to start with sets of packages, called collections, and schemes, the name for collections of collections. The following command lists available schemes and collections (veja Invoking guix package):

guix search texlive-\(scheme\|collection\) | recsel -p name,description

Se necessário, você pode completar seu sistema com pacotes individuais, principalmente quando eles pertencem a uma coleção grande na qual você não tem interesse.

Por exemplo. o seguinte manifesto e algo razoável, e ainda um ponto de partidal frugal para um usuário francês de LaTeX:



   ;; From "latexextra" collection.
   ;; From "binextra" collection.

If you come across a document that does not compile in such a basic setting, the main difficulty is finding the missing packages. In this case, pdflatex and similar commands tend to fail with obscure error messages along the lines of:

doc.tex: File `tikz.sty' not found.
doc.tex:7: Emergency stop.

or, for a missing font:

kpathsea: Running mktexmf phvr7t
! I can't find file `phvr7t'.

Como determinar qual é o pacote que falta? No primeiro caso, encontrará a resposta executando:

$ guix search texlive tikz
name: texlive-pgf
version: 59745

No segundo caso, guix search não fornece nada. Ao invés disso, você pode buscar na base de dados de pacotes do TeX Live usando o comando tlmgr:

$ tlmgr info phvr7t
tlmgr: cannot find package phvr7t, searching for other matches:

Packages containing `phvr7t' in their title/description:

Packages containing files matching `phvr7t':

O arquivo está disponível no pacote TeX Live helvetic, que é conhecido no Guix como texlive-helvetic. Uma viagem e tanto, mas você encontrou!

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

19 Atualizações de segurança

Ocasionalmente, vulnerabilidades de segurança importantes são descobertas em pacotes de software e devem ser corrigidas. Os desenvolvedores do Guix se esforçam para manter o controle das vulnerabilidades conhecidas e aplicar correções o mais rápido possível no branch master do Guix (ainda não fornecemos um branch “stable” contendo apenas atualizações de segurança). A ferramenta guix lint ajuda os desenvolvedores a descobrirem sobre versões vulneráveis de pacotes de software na distribuição:

$ guix lint -c cve
gnu/packages/base.scm:652:2: glibc@2.21: probably vulnerable to CVE-2015-1781, CVE-2015-7547
gnu/packages/gcc.scm:334:2: gcc@4.9.3: probably vulnerable to CVE-2015-5276
gnu/packages/image.scm:312:2: openjpeg@2.1.0: probably vulnerable to CVE-2016-1923, CVE-2016-1924

Veja Invocando guix lint, para mais informações.

Guix segue uma disciplina de gerenciamento de pacotes funcional (veja Introdução), o que implica que, quando um pacote é alterado, todo pacote que depende dele deve ser reconstruído. Isso pode desacelerar significativamente a implantação de correções em pacotes principais, como libc ou Bash, já que basicamente toda a distribuição precisaria ser reconstruída. Usar binários pré-construídos ajuda (veja Substitutos), mas a implantação ainda pode levar mais tempo do que o desejado.

To address this, Guix implements grafts, a mechanism that allows for fast deployment of critical updates without the costs associated with a whole-distribution rebuild. The idea is to rebuild only the package that needs to be patched, and then to “graft” it onto packages explicitly installed by the user and that were previously referring to the original package. The cost of grafting is typically very low, and order of magnitudes lower than a full rebuild of the dependency chain.

For instance, suppose a security update needs to be applied to Bash. Guix developers will provide a package definition for the “fixed” Bash, say bash-fixed, in the usual way (veja Definindo pacotes). Then, the original package definition is augmented with a replacement field pointing to the package containing the bug fix:

(define bash
    (name "bash")
    ;; …
    (replacement bash-fixed)))

From there on, any package depending directly or indirectly on Bash—as reported by guix gc --requisites (veja Invocando guix gc)—that is installed is automatically “rewritten” to refer to bash-fixed instead of bash. This grafting process takes time proportional to the size of the package, usually less than a minute for an “average” package on a recent machine. Grafting is recursive: when an indirect dependency requires grafting, then grafting “propagates” up to the package that the user is installing.

Currently, the length of the name and version of the graft and that of the package it replaces (bash-fixed and bash in the example above) must be equal. This restriction mostly comes from the fact that grafting works by patching files, including binary files, directly. Other restrictions may apply: for instance, when adding a graft to a package providing a shared library, the original shared library and its replacement must have the same SONAME and be binary-compatible.

The --no-grafts command-line option allows you to forcefully avoid grafting (veja --no-grafts). Thus, the command:

guix build bash --no-grafts

returns the store file name of the original Bash, whereas:

guix build bash

returns the store file name of the “fixed”, replacement Bash. This allows you to distinguish between the two variants of Bash.

To verify which Bash your whole profile refers to, you can run (veja Invocando guix gc):

guix gc -R $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | grep bash

… e compare os nomes dos arquivos de armazém que você obtém com os acima. Da mesma forma para uma geração completa do sistema Guix:

guix gc -R $(guix system build my-config.scm) | grep bash

Por fim, para verificar quais processos Bash estão em execução, você pode usar o comando lsof:

lsof | grep /gnu/store/.*bash

20 Inicializando

Bootstrapping em nosso contexto se refere a como a distribuição é construída “do nada”. Lembre-se de que o ambiente de construção de uma derivação não contém nada além de suas entradas declaradas (veja Introdução). Então há um problema óbvio de galinha e ovo: como o primeiro pacote é construído? Como o primeiro compilador é compilado?

É tentador pensar nessa questão como algo com que apenas hackers obstinados podem se importar. No entanto, embora a resposta a essa questão seja de natureza técnica, suas implicações são abrangentes. Como a distribuição é bootstrapped define até que ponto nós, como indivíduos e como um coletivo de usuários e hackers, podemos confiar no software que executamos. É uma preocupação central do ponto de vista da segurança e do ponto de vista da liberdade do usuário.

O sistema GNU é feito principalmente de código C, com libc em seu núcleo. O próprio sistema de construção GNU assume a disponibilidade de um Bourne shell e ferramentas de linha de comando fornecidas pelo GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, ‘sed’ e ‘grep’. Além disso, programas de construção — programas que executam ./configure, make, etc. — são escritos em Guile Scheme (veja Derivações). Consequentemente, para ser capaz de construir qualquer coisa, do zero, Guix depende de binários pré-construídos de Guile, GCC, Binutils, libc e os outros pacotes mencionados acima — os binários bootstrap.

Esses binários bootstrap são “considerados garantidos”, embora também possamos recriá-los se necessário (veja Preparando para usar os binários do Bootstrap).

20.1 O Bootstrap de código fonte completo

Guix—como outras distribuições GNU/Linux—é tradicionalmente bootstrapado a partir de um conjunto de binários bootstrap: Bourne shell, ferramentas de linha de comando fornecidas pelo GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, “sed’ e ‘grep’ e Guile, GCC, Binutils e a GNU C Library (veja Inicializando). Normalmente, esses binários bootstrap são “considerados garantidos.”

Tomar os binários bootstrap como garantidos significa que os consideramos uma “semente” correta e confiável para construir o sistema completo. Aí está um problema: o tamanho combinado desses binários bootstrap é de cerca de 250 MB (veja Bootstrappable Builds em GNU Mes). Auditar ou mesmo inspecionar isso é quase impossível.

Para i686-linux e x86_64-linux, o Guix agora apresenta um full-source bootstrap. Este bootstrap está enraizado em hex0-seed do pacote Stage0. O programa hex0 é um assembler minimalista: ele lê dígitos hexadecimais separados por espaços (nibbles) de um arquivo, possivelmente incluindo comentários, e emite na saída padrão os bytes correspondentes a esses números hexadecimais. O código-fonte deste programa hex0 inicial é um arquivo chamado hex0_x86.hex0 e é escrito na linguagem hex0.

O Hex0 é auto-hospedado, o que significa que ele pode se construir:

./hex0-seed hex0_x86.hex0 hex0

Hex0 é o equivalente ASCII do programa binário e pode ser produzido fazendo algo muito parecido com:

sed 's/[;#].*$//g' hex0_x86.hex0 | xxd -r -p > hex0
chmod +x hex0

É por causa dessa equivalência ASCII-binário que podemos abençoar esse binário inicial de 357 bytes como fonte e, portanto, ‘bootstrap de fonte completa”.

O bootstrap então continua: hex0 constrói hex1 e então para M0, hex2, M1, mescc-tools e finalmente M2-Planet. Então, usando mescc-tools, M2-Planet nós construímos Mes (veja GNU Mes Reference Manual em GNU Mes, um interpretador Scheme e compilador C em Scheme). A partir daqui começa o bootstrap mais tradicional baseado em C do Sistema GNU.

Outro passo que o Guix tomou foi substituir o shell e todos os seus utilitários por implementações no Guile Scheme, o Scheme-only bootstrap. O Gash (veja Gash em The Gash manual) é um shell compatível com POSIX que substitui o Bash, e vem com o Gash Utils, que tem substituições minimalistas para o Awk, o GNU Core Utilities, Grep, Gzip, Sed e Tar.

Atualmente, construir o Sistema GNU a partir do código-fonte só é possível adicionando alguns pacotes históricos do GNU como etapas intermediárias41. Conforme o Gash e o Gash Utils amadurecem, e os pacotes GNU se tornam mais inicializáveis novamente (por exemplo, novos lançamentos do GNU Sed também serão enviados como tarballs compactados novamente, como alternativa à compressão xz difícil de inicializar), esse conjunto de pacotes adicionados pode ser reduzido novamente.

O grafo abaixo mostra o grafo de dependência resultante para gcc-core-mesboot0, o compilador bootstrap usado para o bootstrap tradicional do restante do Sistema Guix.

Dependency graph of

O trabalho está em andamento para levar esses bootstraps às arquiteturas arm-linux e aarch64-linux e ao Hurd.

Se você estiver interessado, junte-se a nós em ‘#bootstrappable’ na rede IRC Libera.Chat ou discuta em ou

20.2 Preparando para usar os binários do Bootstrap

Grafo de dependência das primeiras
derivações do bootstrap

A figura acima mostra o início do grafo de dependência da distribuição, correspondendo às definições de pacote do módulo (gnu packages bootstrap). Uma figura similar pode ser gerada com guix graph (veja Invocando guix graph), ao longo das linhas de:

guix graph -t derivation \
  -e '(@@ (gnu packages bootstrap) %bootstrap-gcc)' \
  | dot -Tps >

ou, para o bootstrap de semente binária reduzida

guix graph -t derivation  \
-e '(@@ (pacotes gnu bootstrap) %bootstrap-mes)' \
| ponto -Tps >

Neste nível de detalhe, as coisas são um pouco complexas. Primeiro, o próprio Guile consiste em um executável ELF, junto com muitas fontes e arquivos de Scheme compilados que são carregados dinamicamente quando ele é executado. Isso é armazenado no tarball guile-2.0.7.tar.xz mostrado neste grafo. Este tarball é parte da distribuição de “fontes” do Guix e é inserido no armazém com add-to-store (veja O armazém).

Mas como escrevemos uma derivação que descompacta esse tarball e o adiciona ao armazém? Para resolver esse problema, a derivação guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv — a primeira que é construída — usa bash como seu construtor, que executa, que por sua vez chama tar para descompactar o tarball. Assim, bash, tar, xz e mkdir são binários estaticamente vinculados, também parte da distribuição de fontes do Guix, cujo único propósito é permitir que o tarball do Guile seja descompactado.

Uma vez que guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv é construído, temos um Guile funcional que pode ser usado para executar programas de construção subsequentes. Sua primeira tarefa é baixar tarballs contendo os outros binários pré-construídos — é isso que as derivações .tar.xz.drv fazem. Módulos Guix como ftp-client.scm são usados para esse propósito. As derivações module-import.drv importam esses módulos em um diretório no armazém, usando o layout original. As derivações module-import-compiled.drv compilam esses módulos e os escrevem em um diretório de saída com o layout correto. Isso corresponde ao argumento #:modules de build-expression->derivation (veja Derivações).

Por fim, os vários tarballs são descompactados pelas derivações gcc-bootstrap-0.drv, glibc-bootstrap-0.drv ou bootstrap-mes-0.drv e bootstrap-mescc-tools-0.drv, ponto em que temos uma cadeia de ferramentas C funcional.

Construindo as ferramentas de construção

O bootstrapping está completo quando temos uma cadeia de ferramentas completa que não depende das ferramentas bootstrap pré-construídas discutidas acima. Esse requisito de não dependência é verificado verificando se os arquivos da cadeia de ferramentas final contêm referências aos diretórios /gnu/store das entradas bootstrap. O processo que leva a essa cadeia de ferramentas “final” é descrito pelas definições de pacote encontradas no módulo (gnu packages commencement).

O comando guix graph nos permite “diminuir o zoom” em comparação ao grafo acima, observando o nível de objetos do pacote em vez de derivações individuais — lembre-se de que um pacote pode ser traduzido para várias derivações, normalmente uma derivação para baixar sua fonte, uma para construir os módulos Guile de que ele precisa e uma para realmente construir o pacote a partir da fonte. O comando:

guix graph -t bag \
  -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement)
          glibc-final-with-bootstrap-bash)' | xdot -

exibe o grafo de dependência que leva à biblioteca C “final”42, descrita abaixo.

Grafo de dependência dos primeiros

A primeira ferramenta que é construída com os binários bootstrap é o GNU Make—observado make-boot0 acima—que é um pré-requisito para todos os pacotes seguintes. A partir daí, Findutils e Diffutils são construídos.

Então vêm os Binutils e GCC de primeiro estágio, construídos como pseudo cross tools—i.e., com --target igual a --host. Eles são usados para construir a libc. Graças a esse truque de cross-build, essa libc tem a garantia de não manter nenhuma referência à cadeia de ferramentas inicial.

A partir daí, os Binutils finais e o GCC (não mostrados acima) são construídos. O GCC usa ld dos Binutils finais e vincula programas à libc recém-construída. Essa cadeia de ferramentas é usada para construir os outros pacotes usados pelo Guix e pelo GNU Build System: Guile, Bash, Coreutils, etc.

E voilà! Neste ponto, temos o conjunto completo de ferramentas de construção que o GNU Build System espera. Elas estão na variável %final-inputs do módulo (gnu packages commencement) e são implicitamente usadas por qualquer pacote que use gnu-build-system (veja gnu-build-system).

Construindo os binários Bootstrap

Because the final tool chain does not depend on the bootstrap binaries, those rarely need to be updated. Nevertheless, it is useful to have an automated way to produce them, should an update occur, and this is what the (gnu packages make-bootstrap) module provides.

The following command builds the tarballs containing the bootstrap binaries (Binutils, GCC, glibc, for the traditional bootstrap and linux-libre-headers, bootstrap-mescc-tools, bootstrap-mes for the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap, and Guile, and a tarball containing a mixture of Coreutils and other basic command-line tools):

guix build bootstrap-tarballs

The generated tarballs are those that should be referred to in the (gnu packages bootstrap) module mentioned at the beginning of this section.

Still here? Then perhaps by now you’ve started to wonder: when do we reach a fixed point? That is an interesting question! The answer is unknown, but if you would like to investigate further (and have significant computational and storage resources to do so), then let us know.

Reducing the Set of Bootstrap Binaries

Our traditional bootstrap includes GCC, GNU Libc, Guile, etc. That’s a lot of binary code! Why is that a problem? It’s a problem because these big chunks of binary code are practically non-auditable, which makes it hard to establish what source code produced them. Every unauditable binary also leaves us vulnerable to compiler backdoors as described by Ken Thompson in the 1984 paper Reflections on Trusting Trust.

This is mitigated by the fact that our bootstrap binaries were generated from an earlier Guix revision. Nevertheless it lacks the level of transparency that we get in the rest of the package dependency graph, where Guix always gives us a source-to-binary mapping. Thus, our goal is to reduce the set of bootstrap binaries to the bare minimum.

The web site lists on-going projects to do that. One of these is about replacing the bootstrap GCC with a sequence of assemblers, interpreters, and compilers of increasing complexity, which could be built from source starting from a simple and auditable assembler.

Our first major achievement is the replacement of GCC, the GNU C Library and Binutils by MesCC-Tools (a simple hex linker and macro assembler) and Mes (veja GNU Mes Reference Manual em GNU Mes, a Scheme interpreter and C compiler in Scheme). Neither MesCC-Tools nor Mes can be fully bootstrapped yet and thus we inject them as binary seeds. We call this the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap, as it has halved the size of our bootstrap binaries! Also, it has eliminated the C compiler binary; i686-linux and x86_64-linux Guix packages are now bootstrapped without any binary C compiler.

Work is ongoing to make MesCC-Tools and Mes fully bootstrappable and we are also looking at any other bootstrap binaries. Your help is welcome!

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

21 Portando para uma nova plataforma

As discussed above, the GNU distribution is self-contained, and self-containment is achieved by relying on pre-built “bootstrap binaries” (veja Inicializando). These binaries are specific to an operating system kernel, CPU architecture, and application binary interface (ABI). Thus, to port the distribution to a platform that is not yet supported, one must build those bootstrap binaries, and update the (gnu packages bootstrap) module to use them on that platform.

Fortunately, Guix can cross compile those bootstrap binaries. When everything goes well, and assuming the GNU tool chain supports the target platform, this can be as simple as running a command like this one:

guix build --target=armv5tel-linux-gnueabi bootstrap-tarballs

For this to work, it is first required to register a new platform as defined in the (guix platform) module. A platform is making the connection between a GNU triplet (veja GNU configuration triplets em Autoconf), the equivalent system in Nix notation, the name of the glibc-dynamic-linker, and the corresponding Linux architecture name if applicable (veja Plataformas).

Once the bootstrap tarball are built, the (gnu packages bootstrap) module needs to be updated to refer to these binaries on the target platform. That is, the hashes and URLs of the bootstrap tarballs for the new platform must be added alongside those of the currently supported platforms. The bootstrap Guile tarball is treated specially: it is expected to be available locally, and gnu/ has rules to download it for the supported architectures; a rule for the new platform must be added as well.

In practice, there may be some complications. First, it may be that the extended GNU triplet that specifies an ABI (like the eabi suffix above) is not recognized by all the GNU tools. Typically, glibc recognizes some of these, whereas GCC uses an extra --with-abi configure flag (see gcc.scm for examples of how to handle this). Second, some of the required packages could fail to build for that platform. Lastly, the generated binaries could be broken for some reason.

22 Contribuindo

Este projeto é um esforço cooperativo e precisamos da sua ajuda para fazê-lo crescer! Por favor, entre em contato conosco por meio de e #guix na rede IRC do Libera Chat. Ideias, relatórios de bugs, patches e qualquer coisa que possa ser útil para o projeto são sempre bem-vindos. Nós particularmente agradecemos a ajuda no empacotamento das (veja Diretrizes de empacotamento).

Queremos oferecer um ambiente acolhedor, amigável e sem assédio, para que todos possam contribuir com o melhor de suas habilidades. Para este fim, nosso projeto usa um “Acordo de contribuição“, que foi adaptado de Você pode encontrar uma versão local no arquivo CODE-OF-CONDUCT na árvore de fontes.

Os contribuidores não são obrigados a usar seu nome legal em patches e comunicação on-line; eles podem usar qualquer nome ou pseudônimo de sua escolha.

22.1 Requisitos

Você pode facilmente hackear o próprio Guix usando Guix e Git, que usamos para controle de versão (veja Compilando do git).

Mas ao empacotar o Guix para distribuições estrangeiras ou ao inicializar em sistemas sem Guix, e se você decidir não confiar e instalar nosso binário prontamente criado (veja Instalação de binários), você pode baixar uma versão de lançamento do nosso tarball de código-fonte reproduzível e continuar lendo.

Esta seção lista os requisitos ao compilar o Guix a partir do fonte. O procedimento de compilação do Guix é o mesmo que para outros softwares GNU, e não é coberto aqui. Por favor, veja os arquivos README e INSTALL na árvore fonte do Guix para detalhes adicionais.

O GNU Guix está disponível para download em seu site em

GNU Guix depende dos seguintes pacotes:

As seguintes dependências são opcionais:

A menos que --disable-daemon tenha sido passado para configure, os seguintes pacotes também são necessários:

22.2 Compilando do git

Se você quiser hackear o próprio Guix, é recomendado usar a versão mais recente do repositório Git:

git clone

Como você garante que obteve uma cópia genuína do repositório? Para fazer isso, execute guix git authenticate, passando a ele o commit e a impressão digital OpenPGP do introdução ao canal (veja Invocando guix git authenticate):

git fetch origin keyring:keyring
guix git authenticate 9edb3f66fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea34bad \
  "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA"

Este comando é concluído com um código de saída zero em caso de sucesso; caso contrário, ele imprime uma mensagem de erro e sai com um código diferente de zero.

Como você pode ver, há um problema de ovo e galinha: primeiro você precisa ter o Guix instalado. Normalmente você instalaria o Guix System (veja Instalação do sistema) ou o Guix em cima de outra distro (veja Instalação de binários); em ambos os casos, você verificaria a assinatura OpenPGP na mídia de instalação. Isso “bootstraps” a cadeia de confiança.

A maneira mais fácil de configurar um ambiente de desenvolvimento para Guix é, claro, usando Guix! O comando a seguir inicia um novo shell onde todas as dependências e variáveis de ambiente apropriadas são configuradas para hackear em Guix:

guix shell -D guix -CPW

ou mesmo, de dentro de uma árvore de trabalho Git para Guix:

guix shell -CPW

Se -C (abreviação de --container) não for compatível com seu sistema, tente --pure em vez de -CPW. Veja Invocando guix shell, para obter mais informações sobre esse comando.

Se você não conseguir usar o Guix ao criar o Guix a partir de um checkout, a seguir estão os pacotes necessários, além daqueles mencionados nas instruções de instalação (veja Requisitos).

No Guix, dependências extras podem ser adicionadas executando guix shell:

guix shell -D guix help2man git strace --pure

A partir daí você pode gerar a infraestrutura do sistema de construção usando Autoconf e Automake:


Se você receber um erro como este: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CHECK_MODULES

provavelmente significa que o Autoconf não conseguiu encontrar o pkg.m4, que é fornecido pelo pkg-config. Certifique-se de que pkg.m4 esteja disponível. O mesmo vale para o conjunto de macros guile.m4 fornecido pelo Guile. Por exemplo, se você instalou o Automake em /usr/local, ele não procuraria arquivos .m4 em /usr/share. Nesse caso, você tem que invocar o seguinte comando:

export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal

Veja Macro Search Path em The GNU Automake Manual, para mais informações.

Então, execute:


Opcionalmente, --localstatedir e --sysconfdir podem também ser providenciados como argumentos. Por padrão, localstatedir é /var (veja O armazém, para obter informações sobre isso) e /etc é o valor normal de sysconfdir. Observe que você provavelmente não executará make install no final (não é necessário), mas ainda é importante passar os valores localstatedir e sysconfdir corretos, que são registrados no módulo (guix config) do Guile.

Finalmente, você pode construir o Guix e, se desejar, executar os testes (veja Executando o conjunto de testes):

make check

Se alguma coisa falhar, dê uma olhada nas instruções de instalação (veja Instalação) ou envie uma mensagem para a a lista de discussão.

A partir daí, você pode autenticar todos os commits incluídos no seu checkout executando:

guix git authenticate \
  9edb3f66fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea34bad \
  "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA"

A primeira execução leva alguns minutos, mas as execuções subsequentes são mais rápidas. Em execuções subsequentes, você pode executar o comando sem argumentos, já que o introduction (o ID de confirmação e as impressões digitais do OpenPGP acima) terão sido registrados44:

guix git authenticate

Quando sua configuração para seu repositório Git local não corresponde ao padrão, você pode fornecer a referência para o branch keyring via a opção -k. O exemplo a seguir pressupõe que você tenha um Git remoto chamado ‘myremote’ apontando para o repositório oficial:

guix git authenticate \
  -k myremote/keyring \
  9edb3f66fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea34bad \
  "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA"

Veja Invocando guix git authenticate, para mais informações sobre este comando.

Nota: Por padrão, os hooks são instalados de forma que guix git authenticate seja invocado sempre que você executar git pull ou git push.

Após atualizar o repositório, make pode falhar com um erro semelhante ao exemplo a seguir:

error: failed to load 'gnu/packages/linux.scm':
ice-9/eval.scm:293:34: In procedure abi-check: #<record-type <origin>>: record ABI mismatch; recompilation needed

Isso significa que um dos tipos de registro que o Guix define (neste exemplo, o registro origin) foi alterado e todo o guix precisa ser recompilado para levar essa mudança em consideração. Para fazer isso, execute make clean-go seguido de make.

Caso make falhe com uma mensagem de erro do Automake após a atualização, você precisará repetir as etapas descritas nesta seção, começando com ./bootstrap.

22.3 Executando o conjunto de testes

Depois que um configure e make bem-sucedido forem executados, é uma boa ideia executar o conjunto de testes. Ele pode ajudar a detectar problemas com a configuração ou o ambiente, ou com bugs no próprio Guix – e realmente, relatar falhas de teste é uma boa maneira de ajudar a melhorar o software. Para executar o conjunto de testes, digite:

make check

Os casos de teste podem ser executados em paralelo: você pode usar a opção -j do GNU make para acelerar as coisas. A primeira execução pode levar alguns minutos em uma máquina recente; as execuções subsequentes serão mais rápidas porque o armazém criado para fins de teste já terá vários itens no cache.

Também é possível executar um subconjunto dos testes definindo a variável makefile TESTS como neste exemplo:

make check TESTS="tests/store.scm tests/cpio.scm"

Por padrão, os resultados dos testes são exibidos em um nível de arquivo. Para ver os detalhes de cada caso de teste individual, é possível definir a variável makefile SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS como neste exemplo:

make check TESTS="tests/base64.scm" SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS="--brief=no"

O driver de teste Automake personalizado SRFI 64 subjacente usado para o conjunto de testes ’check’ (localizado em build-aux/test-driver.scm) também permite selecionar quais casos de teste executar em um nível mais fino, por meio de suas opções --select e --exclude. Aqui está um exemplo, para executar todos os casos de teste do arquivo de teste tests/packages.scm cujos nomes começam com “transaction-upgrade-entry”:

export SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS="--select=^transaction-upgrade-entry"
make check TESTS="tests/packages.scm"

Aqueles que desejam inspecionar os resultados de testes com falha diretamente da linha de comando podem adicionar a opção --errors-only=yes à variável makefile SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS e definir a variável makefile do Automake VERBOSE, como em:

make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS="--brief=no --errors-only=yes" VERBOSE=1

A opção --show-duration=yes pode ser usada para imprimir a duração dos casos de teste individuais, quando usada em combinação com --brief=no:

make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS="--brief=no --show-duration=yes"

Veja Parallel Test Harness em GNU Automake para mais informações sobre o Automake Parallel Test Harness.

Em caso de falha, envie um e-mail para e anexe o arquivo test-suite.log. Por favor, especifique a versão do Guix que está sendo usada, bem como os números de versão das dependências (veja Requisitos) em sua mensagem.

O Guix também vem com um conjunto de testes de sistema completo que testa instâncias completas do Guix System. Ele só pode ser executado em sistemas nos quais o Guix já está instalado, usando:

make check-system

ou, novamente, definindo TESTS para selecionar um subconjunto de testes a serem executados:

make check-system TESTS="basic mcron"

Esses testes de sistema são definidos nos módulos (gnu tests …). Eles trabalham executando os sistemas operacionais em teste com instrumentação leve em uma máquina virtual (VM). Eles podem ser computacionalmente intensivos ou bastante baratos, dependendo se os substitutos estão disponíveis para suas dependências (veja Substitutos). Alguns deles exigem muito espaço de armazenamento para armazenar imagens de VM.

Se você encontrar um erro como:

Compilando módulos do Scheme...
ice-9/eval.scm:142:16: No procedimento compile-top-call:
erro: all-system-tests: variável não vinculada
dica: Você esqueceu `(use-modules (gnu tests))'?

pode haver inconsistências na árvore de trabalho de compilações anteriores. Para resolver isso, tente executar make clean-go seguido por make.

Novamente, em caso de falhas nos testes, por favor envie todos os detalhes.

22.4 Executando guix antes dele ser instalado

Para manter um ambiente de trabalho saudável, você achará útil testar as alterações feitas na árvore local de fontes sem realmente instalá-las. Para que você possa distinguir entre o seu chapéude ”usuário final” e sua fantasia ”misturada”.

Para esse fim, todas as ferramentas de linha de comando podem ser usadas mesmo se você não tiver executado make install. Para fazer isso, primeiro você precisa ter um ambiente com todas as dependências disponíveis (veja Compilando do git) e, em seguida, simplesmente prefixar cada comando com ./pre-inst-env (o pre-inst-env fica na árvore de construção superior do Guix; veja Compilando do git para gerá-lo). Como exemplo, aqui está como você construiria o pacote hello conforme definido em sua árvore de trabalho (isso pressupõe que guix-daemon já esteja em execução em seu sistema; não há problema se for uma versão diferente):

$ ./pre-inst-env guix build hello

Da mesma forma, um exemplo para uma sessão do Guile usando os módulos Guix:

$ ./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (guix utils)) (pk (%current-system))'

;;; ("x86_64-linux")

… e para um REPL (veja Usando Guix interativamente):

$ ./pre-inst-env guile
scheme@(guile-user)> ,use(guix)
scheme@(guile-user)> ,use(gnu)
scheme@(guile-user)> (define snakes
                         (lambda (package lst)
                           (if (string-prefix? "python"
                                               (package-name package))
                               (cons package lst)
scheme@(guile-user)> (length snakes)
$1 = 361

Se você estiver hackeando o daemon e seu código de suporte ou se guix-daemon ainda não estiver em execução no seu sistema, você pode iniciá-lo diretamente da build tree45:

$ sudo -E ./pre-inst-env guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild

O script pre-inst-env configura todas as variáveis de ambiente necessárias para prover suporte a isso, incluindo PATH e GUILE_LOAD_PATH.

Observe que ./pre-inst-env guix pull não atualiza a área de fontes local; ele simplesmente atualiza a ligação simbólica ~/.config/guix/current (veja Invocando guix pull). Execute git pull em vez disso, se você quiser atualizar sua árvore de fontes local.

Às vezes, especialmente se você atualizou seu repositório recentemente, executar ./pre-inst-env imprimirá uma mensagem semelhante ao exemplo a seguir:

;;; note: source file /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.scm
;;;       newer than compiled /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.go

Esta é apenas uma nota e você pode ignorá-la com segurança. Você pode se livrar da mensagem executando make -j4. Até que você faça isso, o Guile será executado um pouco mais devagar porque interpretará o código em vez de usar arquivos de objeto Guile preparados (.go).

Você pode executar make automaticamente enquanto trabalha usando watchexec do pacote watchexec. Por exemplo, para compilar novamente cada vez que você atualizar um arquivo de pacote, execute ‘watchexec -w gnu/packages -- make -j4’.

22.5 A configuração perfeita

A configuração perfeita para hackear no Guix é basicamente a configuração perfeita usada para hackear o Guile (veja Using Guile in Emacs em Manual de referência do GNU Guile). Primeiro, você precisa de mais do que um editor, você precisa de Emacs, capacitado pelo maravilhoso Geiser. Para configurar isso, execute:

guix install emacs guile emacs-geiser emacs-geiser-guile

O Geiser permite desenvolvimento interativo e incremental de dentro do Emacs: compilação e avaliação de código de dentro de buffers, acesso à documentação on-line (docstrings), conclusão sensível ao contexto, M-. para pular para uma definição de objeto, um REPL para testar seu código e muito mais (veja Introduction em Manual do Usuário do Geiser). Se você permitir que o Emacs carregue o arquivo .dir-locals.el na raiz do checkout do projeto, isso fará com que o Geiser adicione automaticamente as fontes locais do Guix ao caminho de carregamento do Guile.

Para realmente editar o código, o Emacs já possui um modo Scheme bacana. Mas além disso, você não deve perder Paredit. Ele fornece recursos para operar diretamente na árvore sintática, como aumentar ou agrupar uma expressão simbólica (S-expression), engolir ou rejeitar a expressão simbólica seguinte, etc.

Também fornecemos modelos para mensagens comuns de commit do git e definições de pacotes no diretório etc/snippets. Esses modelos podem ser usados para expandir sequências curtas de gatilho para trechos de texto interativos. Se você usar YASnippet, você pode querer adicionar o diretório de snippets etc/snippets/yas ao yas-snippet-dirs variável. Se você usar Tempel, você pode querer adicionar o caminho etc/snippets/tempel/* à variável tempel-path no Emacs.

;; Assuming the Guix checkout is in ~/src/guix.
;; Yasnippet configuration
(with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
  (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/src/guix/etc/snippets/yas"))
;; Tempel configuration
(with-eval-after-load 'tempel
   ;; Certifique-se de que tempel-path seja uma lista — também pode ser uma string.
   (unless (listp 'tempel-path)
     (setq tempel-path (list tempel-path)))
   (add-to-list 'tempel-path "~/src/guix/etc/snippets/tempel/*"))

Os trechos de mensagens de commit dependem de Magit para exibir arquivos "staged". Ao editar uma mensagem de commit, digite add seguido por TAB para inserir um modelo de mensagem de commit para adicionar um pacote; digite update seguido por TAB para inserir um modelo para atualizar um pacote; digite https seguido por TAB para inserir um modelo para alterar a URI da página inicial de um pacote para HTTPS.

O trecho principal para scheme-mode é acionado digitando package ... seguido de TAB. Esse trecho também insere a string de acionamento origin..., que pode ser expandida ainda mais. O trecho origin, por sua vez, pode inserir outras strings acionadoras que terminam em ..., que também podem ser expandidas.

Além disso, fornecemos inserção e atualização automática de direitos autorais em etc/copyright.el. Você pode definir seu nome completo, e-mail e carregar um arquivo.

(setq user-full-name "Alice Doe")
(setq user-mail-address "")
;; Supondo que o checkout do Guix esteja em ~/src/guix.
(load-file "~/src/guix/etc/copyright.el")

Para inserir um copyright na linha atual, invoque M-x guix-copyright.

Para atualizar um copyright você precisa especificar um copyright-names-regexp.

(setq copyright-names-regexp
      (format "%s <%s>" user-full-name user-mail-address))

Você pode verificar se seus direitos autorais estão atualizados avaliando M-x copyright-update. Se você quiser fazer isso automaticamente após cada salvamento de buffer, adicione (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'copyright-update) no Emacs.

22.5.1 Visualizando Bugs no Emacs

O Emacs tem um modo secundário interessante chamado bug-reference, que, quando combinado com ‘emacs-debbugs’ (o pacote Emacs), pode ser usado para abrir links como ‘<https://bugs>’ ou ‘<>’ como buffers de relatório de bugs. A partir daí você pode facilmente consultar o tópico do email através da interface do Gnus, responder ou modificar o status do bug, tudo sem sair do conforto do Emacs! Abaixo está um exemplo de configuração para adicionar ao seu arquivo de configuração ~/.emacs:

;;; Bug references.
(require 'bug-reference)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'bug-reference-prog-mode)
(add-hook 'gnus-mode-hook #'bug-reference-mode)
(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook #'bug-reference-mode)
(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook #'bug-reference-mode)
(add-hook 'gnus-article-mode-hook #'bug-reference-mode)

;;; Isso estende a expressão padrão (a primeira expressão mais alta
;;; fornecida para 'or') para também corresponder a URLs como
;;; <> ou <>.
;;; Também é estendido para detectar trailers git "Fixes: #NNNNN".
(setq bug-reference-bug-regexp
      (rx (group (or (seq word-boundary
                          (or (seq (char "Bb") "ug"
                                   (zero-or-one " ")
                                   (zero-or-one "#"))
                              (seq (char "Pp") "atch"
                                   (zero-or-one " ")
                              (seq (char "Ff") "ixes"
                                   (zero-or-one ":")
                                   (zero-or-one " ") "#")
                              (seq "RFE"
                                   (zero-or-one " ") "#")
                              (seq "PR "
                                   (one-or-more (char "a-z+-")) "/"))
                          (group (one-or-more (char "0-9"))
                                  (seq "#" (one-or-more
                                            (char "0-9"))))))
                     (seq (? "<") ""
                          (group-n 2 (one-or-more (char "0-9")))
                          (? ">"))
                     (seq (? "<") ""
                          (? "issue/")
                          (group-n 2 (one-or-more (char "0-9")))
                          (? ">"))))))
(setq bug-reference-url-format "")

(require 'debbugs)
(require 'debbugs-browse)
(add-hook 'bug-reference-mode-hook #'debbugs-browse-mode)
(add-hook 'bug-reference-prog-mode-hook #'debbugs-browse-mode)

;; O seguinte permite que o usuário do Emacs Debbugs abra o problema diretamente dentro
(setq debbugs-browse-url-regexp
      (rx line-start
          "http" (zero-or-one "s") "://"
          (or "debbugs" "issues.guix" "bugs")
          "" (one-or-more "/")
          (group (zero-or-one "cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug="))
          (group-n 3 (one-or-more digit))

;; Altera o padrão quando executado como 'M-x debbugs-gnu'.
(setq debbugs-gnu-default-packages '("guix" "guix-patches"))

;; Mostrar solicitações de recursos.
(setq debbugs-gnu-default-severities
 '("serious" "important" "normal" "minor" "wishlist"))

Para obter mais informações, consulte Bug Reference em The GNU Emacs Manual e Minor Mode em The Debbugs User Guide.

22.6 Configurações alternativas

Configurações alternativas ao Emacs podem permitir que você trabalhe no Guix com uma experiência de desenvolvimento semelhante e podem funcionar melhor com as ferramentas que você usa atualmente ou ajudá-lo a fazer a transição para o Emacs.

As opções listadas abaixo fornecem apenas alternativas à configuração baseada em Emacs, que é a mais utilizada na comunidade Guix. Se você quiser realmente entender como a configuração perfeita para o desenvolvimento do Guix deve funcionar, nós o encorajamos a ler a seção anterior, independentemente do editor que você escolher usar.

22.6.1 Guile Estúdio

Guile Studio é um Emacs pré-configurado com praticamente tudo que você precisa para começar a hackear no Guile. Se você não estiver familiarizado com o Emacs, a transição será mais fácil para você.

guix install guile-studio

Guile Studio vem com Geiser pré-instalado e preparado para ação.

22.6.2 Vim e NeoVim

O Vim (e o NeoVim) também são empacotados no Guix, caso você decida seguir o caminho do mal.

guix install vim

Se você deseja desfrutar de uma experiência de desenvolvimento semelhante à configuração perfeita, você deve instalar vários plugins para configurar o editor. O Vim (e o NeoVim) têm o equivalente ao Paredit, paredit.vim, que irá ajudá-lo com a estrutura edição de arquivos Scheme (embora o suporte para arquivos muito grandes não seja ótimo).

guix install vim-paredit

Também recomendamos que você execute :set autoindent para que seu código seja recuado automaticamente conforme você digita.

Para a interação com Git, fugitive.vim é o plugin mais comumente usado:

guix install vim-fugitive

E claro, se você quiser interagir com o Guix diretamente de dentro do vim, usando o emulador de terminal integrado, temos nosso próprio pacote guix.vim!

guix install vim-guix-vim

No NeoVim você pode até fazer uma configuração semelhante ao Geiser usando Conjure que permite conectar-se a um processo Guile em execução e injetar seu código ao vivo (infelizmente ainda não está empacotado no Guix) .

22.7 Estrutura da árvore de origem

Se você estiver disposto a contribuir com o Guix além dos pacotes, ou se quiser aprender como tudo se encaixa, esta seção fornece um tour guiado na base de código que pode ser útil.

No geral, a árvore de origem do Guix contém quase exclusivamente Guile módulos, cada um dos quais pode ser visto como uma biblioteca independente (veja Modules em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile).

A tabela a seguir fornece uma visão geral dos principais diretórios e o que eles contêm. Lembre-se de que no Guile, cada nome de módulo é derivado de seu nome de arquivo—por exemplo, o módulo no arquivo guix/packages.scm é chamado (guix packages).


Esta é a localização dos mecanismos principais do Guix. Para ilustrar o que significa “core”, aqui estão alguns exemplos, começando com ferramentas de baixo nível e indo em direção a ferramentas de nível mais alto:

(guix store)

Conectando e interagindo com o daemon de compilação (veja O armazém).

(guix derivations)

Criando derivações (veja Derivações).

(guix gexps)

Escrevendo expressões-G (veja Expressões-G).

(guix packages)

Definindo pacotes e origens (veja Referência do package).

(guix download)
(guix git-download)

Os métodos de download de origem url-fetch e git-fetch (veja Referência do origin).

(guix swh)

Obtendo código-fonte do arquivo Software Heritage.

(guix search-paths)

Implementando caminhos de pesquisa (veja Caminhos de pesquisa).

(guix build-system)

A interface do sistema de compilação (veja Sistemas de compilação).

(guix profiles)

Implementando perfis.


Este diretório contém implementações específicas do sistema de compilação (veja Sistemas de compilação), como:

(guix build-system gnu)

the GNU build system;

(guix build-system cmake)

the CMake build system;

(guix build-system pyproject)

The Python “pyproject” build system.


Isto contém código geralmente usado no “lado da construção” (veja strata of code). Isto inclui código usado para construir pacotes ou outros componentes do sistema operacional, assim como utilitários:

(guix build utils)

Utilitários para definições de pacotes e muito mais (veja Construir utilitários).

(guix build gnu-build-system)
(guix build cmake-build-system)
(guix build pyproject-build-system)

Implementação de sistemas de construção e, em particular, definição de suas fases de construção (veja Fases de construção).

(guix build syscalls)

Interface para a biblioteca C e para chamadas de sistema Linux.


Isto contém módulos correspondentes aos subcomandos guix. Por exemplo, o módulo (guix scripts shell) exporta o procedimento guix-shell, que corresponde diretamente ao comando guix shell (veja Invocando guix shell).


Isto contém código de suporte para os importadores e atualizadores (veja Invoking guix import e veja Invocando guix refresh). Por exemplo, (guix import pypi) define a interface para PyPI, que é usada pelo comando guix import pypi.

Todos os diretórios que vimos até agora estão em guix/. O outro lugar importante é o diretório gnu/, que contém principalmente definições de pacotes, bem como bibliotecas e ferramentas para Guix System (veja Configuração do sistema) e Guix Home (veja Home Configuration), todos os quais se baseiam na funcionalidade fornecida pelos módulos (guix …)46.


Este é de longe o diretório mais lotado da árvore de fontes: ele contém package modules que exportam definições de pacotes (veja Módulos de pacote). Alguns exemplos:

(gnu packages base)

Módulo que fornece pacotes “base”: glibc, coreutils, grep, etc.

(gnu packages guile)

Guile e pacotes principais do Guile.

(gnu packages linux)

O kernel Linux-libre e pacotes relacionados.

(gnu packages python)

Python e pacotes principais do Python.

(gnu packages python-xyz)

Pacotes Python diversos (não fomos muito criativos).

Em qualquer caso, você pode pular para uma definição de pacote usando guix edit (veja Invocando guix edit) e visualizar sua localização com guix show (veja Invocando guix package).


Este diretório contém patches aplicados aos pacotes e obtidos usando o procedimento search-patches.


Isto contém definições de serviço, principalmente para Guix System (veja Serviços), mas algumas delas são adaptadas e reutilizadas para Guix Home, como veremos abaixo. Exemplos:

(gnu services)

A estrutura do serviço em si, que define os tipos de dados do serviço e do tipo de serviço (veja Composição de serviço).

(gnu services base)

Serviços “básicos” (veja Serviços básicos).

(gnu services desktop)

Serviços “desktop” (veja Serviços de desktop).

(gnu services shepherd)

Apoio aos serviços Shepherd (veja Serviços de Shepherd).

Você pode pular para uma definição de serviço usando guix system edit e visualizar sua localização com guix system search (veja Invoking guix system).


Estes são os principais módulos do sistema Guix, como:

(gnu system)

Define operating-system (veja operating-system Reference).

(gnu system file-systems)

Define file-system (veja Sistemas de arquivos).

(gnu system mapped-devices)

Define mapped-device (veja Dispositivos mapeados).


Esses são módulos que são usados no “lado da compilação” ao criar sistemas operacionais ou pacotes, ou em tempo de execução pelos sistemas operacionais.

(gnu build accounts)

Criando /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, etc. (veja Contas de usuário).

(gnu build activation)

Ativar um sistema operacional no momento da inicialização ou da reconfiguração.

(gnu build file-systems)

Pesquisar, verificar e montar sistemas de arquivos.

(gnu build linux-boot)
(gnu build hurd-boot)

Inicializando sistemas operacionais GNU/Linux e GNU/Hurd.

(gnu build linux-initrd)

Criando um disco RAM inicial do Linux (veja Disco de RAM inicial).


Isso contém todas as coisas do Guix Home (veja Home Configuration); exemplos:

(gnu home services)

Serviços principais como home-files-service-type.

(gnu home services ssh)

Serviços relacionados a SSH (veja Secure Shell).


Isso contém o instalador do sistema gráfico em modo texto (veja Instalação gráfica guiada).


Estas são as abstrações de máquina usadas por guix deploy (veja Invoking guix deploy).


Isso contém testes de sistema — testes que geram máquinas virtuais para verificar se os serviços do sistema funcionam conforme o esperado (veja Executando o conjunto de testes).

Por fim, há também alguns diretórios que contêm arquivos que não são módulos Guile:


Esta é a implementação C++ do guix-daemon, herdada do Nix (veja Invocando guix-daemon).


Esses são testes unitários, cada arquivo correspondendo mais ou menos a um módulo, em particular os módulos (guix …) (veja Executando o conjunto de testes).


Esta é a documentação na forma de arquivos Texinfo: este manual e o Livro de receitas. Veja Writing a Texinfo File em GNU Texinfo, para informações sobre a linguagem de marcação Texinfo.


Este é o local das traduções do próprio Guix, das sinopses e descrições dos pacotes, do manual e do livro de receitas. Note que os arquivos .po que vivem aqui são retirados diretamente do Weblate (veja Traduzindo o Guix).


Arquivos diversos: conclusões de shell, suporte para systemd e outros sistemas init, ganchos do Git, etc.

Com tudo isso, uma boa parte do seu sistema operacional está na ponta dos seus dedos! Além de grep e git grep, veja A configuração perfeita sobre como navegar no código do seu editor e veja Usando Guix interativamente para obter informações sobre como usar módulos Scheme interativamente. Aproveite!

22.8 Diretrizes de empacotamento

A distribuição do GNU é incipiente e pode muito bem não ter alguns dos seus pacotes favoritos. Esta seção descreve como você pode ajudar a fazer a distribuição crescer.

Pacotes de software livre geralmente são distribuídos na forma de tarballs de código-fonte – geralmente arquivos tar.gz que contêm todos os arquivos fonte. Adicionar um pacote à distribuição significa essencialmente duas coisas: adicionar uma receita que descreve como criar o pacote, incluindo uma lista de outros pacotes necessários para compilá-lo e adicionar metadados de pacote junto com essa receita, como uma descrição e informações de licenciamento.

No Guix, todas essas informações estão incorporadas em configurações de pacote. As definições de pacote fornecem uma visão de alto nível do pacote. Elas são escritas usando a sintaxe da linguagem de programação Scheme; de fato, para cada pacote, definimos uma variável vinculada à definição do pacote e exportamos essa variável de um módulo (veja Módulos de pacote). No entanto, o conhecimento profundo de Scheme não é um pré-requisito para a criação de pacotes. Para mais informações sobre definições de pacotes, veja Definindo pacotes.

Quando uma definição de pacote está em vigor, armazenada em um arquivo na árvore de fontes do Guix, ela pode ser testada usando o comando guix build (veja Invocando guix build). Por exemplo, supondo que o novo pacote seja chamado gnew, você pode executar este comando na árvore de construção do Guix (veja Executando guix antes dele ser instalado):

./pre-inst-env guix build gnew --keep-failed

O uso de --keep-failed facilita a depuração de falhas de compilação, pois fornece acesso à árvore de compilação com falha. Outra opção útil da linha de comando ao depurar é --log-file, para acessar o log de compilação.

Se o pacote for desconhecido para o comando guix, pode ser que o arquivo fonte contenha um erro de sintaxe ou não tenha uma cláusula define-public para exportar a variável do pacote. Para descobrir isso, você pode carregar o módulo do Guile para obter mais informações sobre o erro real:

./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (gnu packages gnew))'

Assim que seu pacote for compilado corretamente, envie-nos um patch (veja Enviando patches). Bem, se precisar de ajuda, ficaremos felizes em ajudá-lo também. Depois que o patch é confirmado no repositório Guix, o novo pacote é compilado automaticamente nas plataformas suportadas por nosso sistema de integração contínua.

Os usuários podem obter a nova definição de pacote simplesmente executando guix pull (veja Invocando guix pull). Quando termina de construir o pacote, a instalação do pacote baixa automaticamente os binários de lá (veja Substitutos). O único lugar onde a intervenção humana é necessária é para revisar e aplicar o patch.

22.8.1 Liberdade de software

O sistema operacional GNU foi desenvolvido para que os usuários possam ter liberdade em sua computação. GNU é software livre, o que significa que os usuários têm a quatro liberdades essenciais: executar o programa, estudar e alterar o programa em forma de código-fonte, para redistribuir cópias exatas e para distribuir versões modificadas. Os pacotes encontrados na distribuição GNU fornecem apenas softwares que transmitem essas quatro liberdades.

Além disso, a distribuição GNU segue o diretrizes de distribuição de software livre. Entre outras coisas, estas diretrizes rejeitam firmware não-livre, recomendações de software não-livre e discutem formas de lidar com marcas registradas e patentes.

Algumas fontes de pacotes upstream livres de outra forma contêm um subconjunto pequeno e opcional que viola as diretrizes acima, por exemplo, porque esse subconjunto é ele próprio um código não livre. Quando isso acontece, os itens incorretos são removidos com patches ou trechos de código apropriados no formato origin do pacote (veja Definindo pacotes). Dessa forma, o guix build --source retorna a fonte “lançada” em vez da fonte upstream não modificada.

22.8.2 Nomeando um pacote

Um pacote na verdade tem dois nomes associados a ele. Primeiro, há o nome da variável Scheme, a que segue define-public. Por esse nome, o pacote pode ser tornado conhecido no código Scheme, por exemplo, como entrada para outro pacote. Segundo, há a string no campo name de uma definição de pacote. Esse nome é usado por comandos de gerenciamento de pacotes, como guix package e guix build.

Ambos são geralmente iguais e correspondem à conversão em minúscula do nome do projeto escolhido a montante, com os sublinhados substituídos por hífenes. Por exemplo, o GNUnet está disponível como gnunet e SDL_net como sdl-net.

Uma exceção digna de nota a esta regra é quando o nome do projeto é apenas um único caractere, ou se já existe um projeto mantido mais antigo com o mesmo nome - independentemente de já ter sido empacotado para Guix. Use o bom senso para tornar esses nomes inequívocos e significativos. Por exemplo, o pacote do Guix para o shell chamado “s” upstream é s-shell e não s. Sinta-se à vontade para pedir inspiração a seus colegas hackers.

Não adicionamos prefixos lib para pacotes de bibliotecas, a menos que eles já façam parte do nome oficial do projeto. Mas veja Módulos Python e Módulos Perl para regras especiais relativas a módulos para as linguagens Python e Perl.

Nomes de pacote de fontes são lidados de forma diferente. Veja Fontes.

22.8.3 Números de versão

Geralmente, empacotamos apenas a versão mais recente de um determinado projeto de software livre. Mas, às vezes, por exemplo, para versões incompatíveis de bibliotecas, são necessárias duas (ou mais) versões do mesmo pacote. Isso requer nomes de variáveis Scheme diferentes. Usamos o nome como definido em Nomeando um pacote para a versão mais recente; as versões anteriores usam o mesmo nome, com o sufixo - e o menor prefixo do número da versão que pode distinguir as duas versões.

O nome dentro da definição do pacote é o mesmo para todas as versões de um pacote e não contém nenhum número de versão.

Por exemplo, as versões 2.24.20 e 3.9.12 do GTK podem ser empacotados da seguinte forma:

(define-public gtk+
    (name "gtk+")
    (version "3.9.12")
(define-public gtk+-2
    (name "gtk+")
    (version "2.24.20")

Se também quiséssemos GTK 3.8.2, este seria empacotado como

(define-public gtk+-3.8
    (name "gtk+")
    (version "3.8.2")

Ocasionalmente, empacotamos snapshots do sistema de controle de versão (VCS) do upstream em vez de lançamentos formais. Isso deve permanecer excepcional, porque cabe aos desenvolvedores upstream esclarecer qual é a versão estável. No entanto, às vezes é necessário. Então, o que devemos colocar no campo version?

Claramente, precisamos tornar o identificador de commit do snapshot VCS visível na string de versão, mas também precisamos garantir que a string de versão esteja aumentando monotonicamente para que o guix package --upgrade possa determinar qual versão é mais recente. Como os identificadores de commit, principalmente com o Git, não estão aumentando monotonicamente, adicionamos um número de revisão que aumentamos cada vez que atualizamos para um snapshot mais recente. A sequência da versão resultante é assim:

  ^    ^    ^
  |    |    `-- ID do commit do upstream
  |    |
  |    `--- revisão do pacote do Guix
versão mais recente do upstream

É uma boa ideia reduzir os identificadores de commit no campo version para, digamos, 7 dígitos. Isso evita um incômodo estético (assumindo que a estética tenha um papel a desempenhar aqui), bem como problemas relacionados aos limites do sistema operacional, como o comprimento máximo do shebang (127 bytes para o kernel Linux). Existem funções auxiliares para fazer isso para pacotes usando git-fetch ou hg-fetch (veja abaixo). Porém, é melhor usar os identificadores de commit completos em origins para evitar ambiguidades. Uma definição típica de pacote pode ser assim:

(define meu-pacote
  (let ((commit "c3f29bc928d5900971f65965feaae59e1272a3f7")
        (revision "1"))          ;revisão do pacote do Guix
      (version (git-version "0.9" revision commit))
      (source (origin
                (method git-fetch)
                (uri (git-reference
                      (url "git://")
                      (commit commit)))
                (sha256 (base32 "1mbikn…"))
                (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
      ;; …
Procedimento: git-version VERSION REVISION COMMIT

Retorne a string de versão para pacotes usando git-fetch.

(git-version "0.2.3" "0" "93818c936ee7e2f1ba1b315578bde363a7d43d05")
Procedimento: hg-version VERSION REVISION CHANGESET

Retorne a string de versão para pacotes usando hg-fetch. Funciona da mesma forma que git-version.

22.8.4 Sinopses e descrições

Como vimos anteriormente, cada pacote no GNU Guix inclui uma sinopse e uma descrição (veja Definindo pacotes). Sinopses e descrições são importantes: são o que o guix package --search pesquisa e uma informação crucial para ajudar os usuários a determinar se um determinado pacote atende às suas necessidades. Consequentemente, os empacotadores devem prestar atenção ao que entra neles.

As sinopses devem começar com uma letra maiúscula e não devem terminar com um ponto. Elas não devem começar com “a” ou “the”, que geralmente não traz nada; por exemplo, prefira “Tool-frobbing tool” em vez de “A tool that frobs files”. A sinopse deve dizer o que é o pacote – por exemplo, “Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)” – ou para que é usado – por exemplo, a sinopse do GNU grep é “Print lines matching a pattern”.

Lembre-se de que a sinopse deve ser significativa para um público muito amplo. Por exemplo, “Manipulate alignments in the SAM format” pode fazer sentido para um pesquisador experiente em bioinformática, mas pode ser bastante inútil ou até enganoso para um público não especializado. É uma boa ideia apresentar uma sinopse que dê uma ideia do domínio do aplicativo do pacote. Neste exemplo, isso pode fornecer algo como “Manipulate nucleotide sequence alignments”, o que, esperançosamente, dá ao usuário uma melhor ideia de se é isso que eles estão procurando.

Descrições devem levar entre cinco e dez linhas. Use sentenças completas e evite usar acrônimos sem primeiro apresentá-los. Por favor, evite frases de marketing como “inovação mundial”, “força industrial” e “próxima geração”, e evite superlativos como “a mais avançada” – eles não ajudam o usuário procurando por um pacote e podem atém parece suspeito. Em vez idsso, tente se ater aos fatos, mencionando casos de uso e recursos.

As descrições podem incluir marcação Texinfo, que é útil para introduzir ornamentos como @code ou @dfn, listas de marcadores ou hiperlinks (veja Overview em GNU Texinfo). No entanto, você deve ter cuidado ao usar alguns caracteres, por exemplo ‘@’ e chaves, que são os caracteres especiais básicos em Texinfo (veja Special Characters em GNU Texinfo). Interfaces de usuário como guix show cuidam de renderizá-lo apropriadamente.

Sinopses e descrições são traduzidas por voluntários no Weblate para que o maior número possível de usuários possam lê-las em seu idioma nativo. As interfaces de usuário os pesquisam e os exibem no idioma especificado pelo código do idioma atual.

Para permitir que xgettext extrai-as com strings traduzíveis, as sinopses e descrições devem ser strings literais. Isso significa que você não pode usar string-append ou format para construir essas strings:

  ;; …
  (synopsis "Isso é traduzível")
  (description (string-append "Isso " "*não*" " é traduzível.")))

Tradução é muito trabalhoso, então, como empacotador, por favor, tenha ainda mais atenção às suas sinopses e descrições, pois cada alteração pode implicar em trabalho adicional para tradutores. Para ajudá-loas, é possível tornar recomendações ou instruções visíveis inserindo comentários especiais como esse (veja xgettext Invocation em GNU Gettext):

;; TRANSLATORS: "X11 resize-and-rotate" should not be translated.
(description "ARandR is designed to provide a simple visual front end
for the X11 resize-and-rotate (RandR) extension. …")

22.8.5 Snippets versus Phases

A fronteira entre usar um snippet de origem e uma fase de construção para modificar as fontes de um pacote pode ser ilusória. Os snippets de origem são normalmente usados para remover arquivos indesejados, como bibliotecas agrupadas, fontes não livres ou para aplicar substituições simples. A fonte derivada de uma origem deve produzir uma fonte que possa ser usada para construir o pacote em qualquer sistema que o pacote suporte (ou seja, atuar como a fonte correspondente). Em particular, os snippets de origem não devem incorporar itens do armazém nas fontes; tal correção deve ser feita usando fases de construção. Consulte a documentação do registro origin para obter mais informações (veja Referência do origin).

22.8.6 Dependências do módulo cíclico

Embora não possa haver dependências circulares entre pacotes, o mecanismo frouxo de carregamento de módulos do Guile permite dependências circulares entre módulos do Guile, o que não causa problemas, desde que as seguintes condições sejam seguidas para dois módulos que fazem parte de um ciclo de dependência:

  1. As macros não devem ser compartilhadas entre os módulos co-dependentes
  2. Variáveis de nível superior são referenciadas apenas em campos de pacote atrasados (thunked): arguments, native-inputs, inputs, propagated-inputs ou replacement
  3. Procedimentos que fazem referência a variáveis de nível superior de outro módulo não são chamados no nível superior de um módulo.

Afastar-se das regras acima pode funcionar enquanto não houver ciclos de dependência entre os módulos, mas como tais ciclos são confusos e difíceis de solucionar, é melhor seguir as regras para evitar a introdução de problemas no futuro.

Aqui está uma armadilha comum a ser evitada:

(define-public avr-binutils
    (inherit (cross-binutils "avr"))
    (name "avr-binutils")))

No exemplo acima, o pacote avr-binutils foi definido no módulo (gnu packages avr), e o procedimento cross-binutils em (gnu packages cross-base). Como o campo inherit não é atrasado (thunked), ele é avaliado no nível superior no momento do carregamento, o que é problemático na presença de ciclos de dependência do módulo. Isso pode ser resolvido transformando o pacote em um procedimento, como:

(define (make-avr-binutils)
    (inherit (cross-binutils "avr"))
    (name "avr-binutils")))

Seria necessário tomar cuidado para garantir que o procedimento acima só seja usado em campos atrasados de pacote ou dentro de outro procedimento também não chamado no nível superior.

22.8.7 Pacotes Emacs

Os pacotes Emacs devem preferencialmente usar o sistema de compilação Emacs (veja emacs-build-system), para uniformidade e os benefícios proporcionados por suas fases de compilação, como a geração automática do arquivo autoloads e a compilação de bytes das fontes. Como não existe uma maneira padronizada de executar um conjunto de testes para pacotes Emacs, os testes são desabilitados por padrão. Quando um conjunto de testes estiver disponível, ele deverá ser habilitado definindo o argumento #:tests? como #true. Por padrão, o comando para executar o teste é make check, mas qualquer comando pode ser especificado através do argumento #:test-command. O argumento #:test-command espera que uma lista contendo um comando e seus argumentos seja invocada durante a fase check.

As dependências Elisp dos pacotes Emacs são normalmente fornecidas como propagated-inputs quando necessário em tempo de execução. Quanto a outros pacotes, as dependências de construção ou teste devem ser especificadas como native-inputs.

Pacotes Emacs às vezes dependem de diretórios de recursos que devem ser instalados junto com os arquivos Elisp. O argumento #:include pode ser usado para esse propósito, especificando uma lista de regexps para corresponder. A melhor prática ao usar o argumento #:include é estender em vez de substituir seu valor padrão (acessível por meio da variável %default-include). Como exemplo, um pacote de extensão yasnippet normalmente inclui um diretório snippets, que pode ser copiado para o diretório de instalação usando:

#:include (cons "^snippets/" %default-include)

Ao encontrar problemas, é aconselhável verificar a presença do cabeçalho de extensão Package-Requires no arquivo de origem principal do pacote e se quaisquer dependências e suas versões listadas nele foram atendidas.

22.8.8 Módulos Python

Atualmente empacotamos Python 2 e Python 3, sob os nomes de variável Scheme python-2 e python conforme explicado em Números de versão. Para evitar confusão e conflitos de nomes com outras linguagens de programação, parece desejável que o nome de um pacote para um módulo Python contenha a palavra python.

Alguns módulos são compatíveis com apenas uma versão do Python, outros com ambas. Se o pacote Foo for compilado com Python 3, nós o nomeamos python-foo. Se ele for compilado com Python 2, nós o nomeamos python2-foo. Pacotes Python 2 estão sendo removidos da distribuição; por favor, não envie nenhum pacote Python 2 novo.

Se um projeto já contém a palavra python, nós a descartamos; por exemplo, o módulo python-dateutil é empacotado sob os nomes python-dateutil e python2-dateutil. Se o nome do projeto começa com py (p.ex., pytz), nós o mantemos e o prefixamos conforme descrito acima.

Nota: Atualmente, há dois sistemas de construção diferentes para pacotes Python no Guix: python-build-system e pyproject-build-system. Por muito tempo, os pacotes Python foram construídos a partir de um arquivo especificado informalmente. Isso funcionou incrivelmente bem, considerando o sucesso do Python, mas era difícil construir ferramentas em torno dele. Como resultado, uma série de sistemas de construção alternativos surgiram e a comunidade eventualmente decidiu por um padrão formal para especificar os requisitos de construção. pyproject-build-system é a implementação do Guix desse padrão. Ele é considerado “experimental”, pois ainda não suporta todos os vários backends de construção PEP-517, mas você é encorajado a experimentá-lo para novos pacotes Python e relatar quaisquer problemas. Ele eventualmente será descontinuado e mesclado ao python-build-system. Especificando dependências

Informações de dependências para pacotes Python estão geralmente disponíveis na árvore de fonte do pacote, com variados graus de precisão nos arquivos:, requirements.txt ou tox.ini (este último principalmente para testes de dependência).

Sua missão, ao escrever uma receita para um pacote Python, é mapear essas dependências para o tipo apropriado de “entrada” (veja inputs). Apesar do importador do pypi normalmente fazer um bom trabalho (veja Invoking guix import), você pode se interessar em verificar a lista de verificação a seguir para determinar qual dependência vai onde.

  • Atualmente empacotamos Python com setuptools e pip instalados por padrão. Isto está prestes a mudar, e os usuários são encorajados a usar o python-toolchain se quiserem um ambiente de construção para Python.

    guix lint avisará se setuptools ou pip forem adicionados como entradas nativas porque geralmente não são necessários.

  • Dependências de Python necessárias em tempo de execução vão em propagated-inputs. Elas geralmente são definidas com a palavra-chave install_requires em ou no arquivo requirements.txt.
  • Pacotes Python necessários apenas em tempo de compilação — e.g., aqueles listados sob build-system.requires no pyproject.toml ou com a palavra-chave setup_requires no — ou dependencias apenas para teste — e.g., aqueles no tests_require ou no tox.ini — vão no native-inputs. A razão é que (1) eles não precisam ser propagados porque não são necessários em tempo de execução e (2) em um contexto de compilação cruzada, é a entrada “nativa” que nós queríamo.

    Exemplos são os frameworks de teste pytest, mock e nose. É claro, se qualquer um desses pacotes também for necessário em tempo de compilação, ele precisa ir para propagated-inputs.

  • Qualquer coisa que não encaixar nas categorias anteriores vai para inputs. Por exemplo, programas ou bibliotecas C necessárias para compilar pacotes Python contendo extensões C.
  • Se um pacote Python tem dependências opcionais (extras_require), fica a seu critério adicioná-las ou não, com base na sua proporção de utilidade/sobrecarga (veja guix size).

22.8.9 Módulos Perl

Os programas Perl próprios são nomeados como qualquer outro pacote, usando o nome upstream em letras minúsculas. Para pacotes Perl que contêm uma única classe, usamos o nome da classe em letras minúsculas, substituímos todas as ocorrências de :: por traços e precede o prefixo perl-. Portanto, a classe XML::Parser se torna perl-xml-parser. Módulos contendo várias classes mantêm seu nome upstream em minúsculas e também são precedidos por perl-. Esses módulos tendem a ter a palavra perl em algum lugar do nome, que é descartada em favor do prefixo. Por exemplo, libwww-perl se torna perl-libwww.

22.8.10 Pacotes Java

Os programas Java próprios são nomeados como qualquer outro pacote, usando o nome do upstream em letras minúsculas.

Para evitar confusão e conflitos de nomes com outras linguagens de programação, é desejável que o nome de um pacote para um pacote Java seja prefixado com java-. Se um projeto já contém a palavra java, descartamos isso; por exemplo, o pacote ngsjava é empacotado com o nome java-ngs.

Para pacotes Java que contêm uma única classe ou uma pequena hierarquia de classes, usamos o nome da classe em letras minúsculas, substitua todas as ocorrências de . por traços e acrescente o prefixo java-. Assim, a classe apache.commons.cli se torna o pacote java-apache-commons-cli.

22.8.11 Rust Crates

Os programas Rust que se autodenominam são nomeados como qualquer outro pacote, usando o nome original em letras minúsculas.

Para evitar colisões de namespace, prefixamos todos os outros pacotes Rust com o prefixo rust-. O nome deve ser alterado para minúsculas conforme apropriado e os traços devem permanecer no lugar.

No ecossistema rust é comum que várias versões incompatíveis de um pacote sejam usadas a qualquer momento, então todas as definições de pacote devem ter um sufixo versionado. O sufixo versionado é o dígito diferente de zero mais à esquerda (e quaisquer zeros à esquerda, é claro). Isso segue o esquema de versão “caret” pretendido pelo Cargo. Exemplos rust-clap-2, rust-rand-0.6.

Devido à dificuldade em reutilizar pacotes rust como entradas pré-compiladas para outros pacotes, o sistema de construção Cargo (veja cargo-build-system) apresenta as palavras-chave #:cargo-inputs e cargo-development-inputs como argumentos do sistema de construção. Seria útil pensar nelas como semelhantes a propagated-inputs e native-inputs. Rust dependencies e build-dependencies devem ir em #:cargo-inputs, e dev-dependencies deve ir em #:cargo-development-inputs. Se um pacote Rust vincular a outras bibliotecas, o posicionamento padrão em inputs e semelhantes deve ser usado.

Deve-se tomar cuidado para garantir que a versão correta das dependências seja usada; para esse fim, tentamos evitar pular os testes ou usar #:skip-build? quando possível. Claro que isso nem sempre é possível, pois o pacote pode ser desenvolvido para um sistema operacional diferente, depender de recursos do compilador Nightly Rust ou o conjunto de testes pode ter se atrofiado desde que foi lançado.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Diretrizes de empacotamento   [Conteúdo][Índice]

22.8.12 Pacotes Elm

Os aplicativos Elm podem ser nomeados como outros softwares: seus nomes não precisam mencionar Elm.

Pacotes no sentido Elm (veja elm-build-system em Sistemas de compilação) devem usar nomes no formato author/project, onde tanto author quanto project podem conter hifens internamente, e author às vezes contém letras maiúsculas.

Para formar o nome do pacote Guix a partir do nome upstream, seguimos uma convenção semelhante aos pacotes Python (veja Módulos Python), adicionando um prefixo elm-, a menos que o nome já comece com elm-.

Em muitos casos, podemos reconstruir o nome upstream de um pacote Elm heuristicamente, mas, como a conversão para um nome no estilo Guix envolve perda de informações, isso nem sempre é possível. Deve-se tomar cuidado para adicionar a propriedade 'upstream-name quando necessário para que ‘guix import elm’ funcione corretamente (veja Invoking guix import). Os cenários mais notáveis quando especificar explicitamente o nome upstream é necessário são:

  1. Quando author é elm e project contém um ou mais hifens, como em elm/virtual-dom; e
  2. Quando author contém hifens ou letras maiúsculas, como em Elm-Canvas/raster-shapes—a menos que author seja elm-explorations, que é tratado como um caso especial, então pacotes como elm-explorations/markdown não precisam usar a propriedade 'upstream-name.

O módulo (guix build-system elm) fornece os seguintes utilitários para trabalhar com nomes e convenções relacionadas:

Procedimento: elm-package-origin nome-elm versão hash Retorna uma origem Git usando o regime de nomenclatura e marcação

de repositório necessário para um pacote Elm publicado com o nome upstream nome-elm na versão versão com soma de verificação sha256 hash.

Por exemplo:

  (name "elm-html")
  (version "1.0.0")
    (base32 "15k1679ja57vvlpinpv06znmrxy09lbhzfkzdc89i01qa8c4gb4a")))
Procedimento: elm->package-name nome-elm

Retorna o nome do pacote no estilo Guix para um pacote Elm com nome upstream nome-elm.

Observe que há mais de um nome-elm possível para o qual elm->package-name produzirá um determinado resultado.

Procedimento: guix-package->elm-name pacote

Dado um Elm pacote, retorna o nome upstream possivelmente inferido, ou #f o nome upstream não é especificado por meio da propriedade 'upstream-name e não pode ser inferido por infer-elm-package-name.

Procedimento: infer-elm-package-name guix-name

Dado o guix-name de um pacote Elm, retorna o nome upstream inferido, ou #f se o nome upstream não puder ser inferido. Se o resultado não for #f, fornecê-lo a elm->package-name produziria guix-name.

22.8.13 Fontes

Para fontes que geralmente não são instaladas por um usuário para fins de digitação ou que são distribuídas como parte de um pacote de software maior, contamos com as regras gerais de empacotamento de software; por exemplo, isso se aplica às fontes entregues como parte do sistema X.Org ou às fontes que fazem parte do TeX Live.

Para facilitar a busca de fontes por um usuário, os nomes de outros pacotes contendo apenas fontes são compilados da seguinte maneira, independentemente do nome do pacote upstream.

O nome de um pacote que contém apenas uma família de fontes começa com font-; é seguido pelo nome da fundição e um traço - se a fundição for conhecida e o nome da família da fonte, em que os espaços são substituídos por hífenes (e, como sempre, todas as letras maiúsculas são transformadas em minúsculas). Por exemplo, a família de fontes Gentium da SIL é empacotada com o nome font-sil-gentium.

Para um pacote que contém várias famílias de fontes, o nome da coleção é usado no lugar do nome da família de fontes. Por exemplo, as fontes Liberation consistem em três famílias, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif e Liberation Mono. Eles podem ser empacotados separadamente com os nomes font-liberation-sans e assim por diante; mas como eles são distribuídos juntos com um nome comum, preferimos agrupá-los como font-liberation.

No caso de vários formatos da mesma família ou coleção de fontes serem empacotados separadamente, um formato abreviado do formato, precedido por um traço, é adicionado ao nome do pacote. Usamos -ttf para fontes TrueType, -otf para fontes OpenType e -type1 para fontes PostScript Type 1.

22.9 Estilo de código

Em geral, nosso código segue os Padrões de Codificação GNU (veja GNU Coding Standards). No entanto, eles não dizem muito sobre Scheme, então aqui estão algumas regras adicionais.

Próximo: , Acima: Estilo de código   [Conteúdo][Índice]

22.9.1 Paradigma de programação

O código Scheme no Guix é escrito em um estilo puramente funcional. Uma exceção é o código que envolve entrada/saída e procedimentos que implementam conceitos de baixo nível, como o procedimento memoize.

22.9.2 Módulos

Os módulos do Guile que devem ser usados no lado do compilador devem residir no espaço de nomes (guix build …). Eles não devem fazer referência a outros módulos Guix ou GNU. No entanto, é aceitável que um módulo no lado do “hospedeiro” use um módulo na banda do compilador. Como um exemplo, o módulo (guix search-paths) não deveria ser importado e usado por um pacote desde que o mesmo não é feito para ser usado como módulo da “banda de compilação”. Isso também acoplaria o módulo ao grafo de pacotes de dependência, o que não é desejado.

Módulos que lidam com o sistema GNU mais amplo devem estar no espaço de nome (gnu …) em vez de (guix …).

22.9.3 Tipos de dados e correspondência de padrão

A tendência no Lisp clássico é usar listas para representar tudo e, em seguida, pesquisá-las “à mão” usando car, cdr, cadr e co. Existem vários problemas com esse estilo, notadamente o fato de que é difícil de ler, propenso a erros e um obstáculo para os relatórios de erros de tipos adequados.

O código Guix deve definir tipos de dados apropriados (por exemplo, usando define-record-type*) em vez de listas de abuso. Além disso, ele deve usar correspondência de padrões, por meio do módulo (ice-9 match) do Guile, especialmente ao corresponder listas (veja Pattern Matching em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile); a correspondência de padrões para registros é melhor feita usando match-record do (guix records), que, diferentemente do match, verifica nomes de campos no momento da macroexpansão.

Ao definir um novo tipo de registro, mantenha o record type descriptor (RTD) privado (veja Records em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile, para mais informações sobre registros e RTDs). Como exemplo, o módulo (guix packages) define <package> como o RTD para registros de pacote, mas não o exporta; em vez disso, ele exporta um predicado de tipo, um construtor e acessadores de campo. Exportar RTDs tornaria mais difícil alterar a interface binária do aplicativo (porque o código em outros módulos pode estar correspondendo campos por posição) e tornaria trivial para os usuários falsificar registros desse tipo, ignorando quaisquer verificações que possamos ter no construtor oficial (como “sanitizadores de campo”).

22.9.4 Formatação de código

Ao escrever código Scheme, seguimos a sabedoria comum entre os programadores Scheme. Em geral, seguimos o Riastradh’s Lisp Style Rules. Este documento descreve as convenções mais usadas no código de Guile também. Ele é muito bem pensado e bem escrito, então, por favor, leia.

Alguns formulários especiais introduzidos no Guix, como a macro substitute*, possuem regras especiais de recuo. Estes são definidos no arquivo .dir-locals.el, que o Emacs usa automaticamente. Observe também que o Emacs-Guix fornece o modo guix-devel-mode que recua e destaca o código Guix corretamente (veja Development em O manual de referência do Emacs-Guix).

Se você não usa o Emacs, por favor, certifique-se que o seu editor conhece estas regras. Para recuar automaticamente uma definição de pacote, você também pode executar:

./pre-inst-env guix style package

Veja Invoking guix style, para mais informações.

Nós exigimos que todos os procedimentos de nível superior carreguem uma docstring. Porém, este requisito pode ser relaxado para procedimentos privados simples no espaço de nomes (guix build …).

Os procedimentos não devem ter mais de quatro parâmetros posicionais. Use os parâmetros de palavra-chave para procedimentos que levam mais de quatro parâmetros.

22.10 Enviando patches

O desenvolvimento é feito usando o sistema de controle de versão distribuído Git. Assim, o acesso ao repositório não é estritamente necessário. Aceitamos contribuições na forma de patches produzidos por git format-patch enviados para a lista de discussão (veja Submitting patches to a project em Manual do usuário do Git). Os colaboradores são encorajados a reservar um momento para definir algumas opções do repositório Git (veja Configurando o Git) primeiro, o que pode melhorar a legibilidade dos patches. Desenvolvedores Guix experientes também podem querer dar uma olhada na seção sobre acesso de commit (veja Confirmar acesso).

Esta lista de discussão é apoiada por uma instância do Debbugs, o que nos permite acompanhar os envios (veja Rastreando Bugs e Mudanças). Cada mensagem enviada para essa lista de discussão recebe um novo número de rastreamento atribuído; as pessoas podem então acompanhar o envio enviando um e-mail para NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ, onde NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃO é o número de rastreamento (veja Enviando uma série de patches).

Por favor, escreva os logs de commit no formato de ChangeLog (veja Change Logs em GNU Coding Standards); você pode verificar o histórico de commit para exemplos.

Você pode ajudar a tornar o processo de revisão mais eficiente e aumentar a chance de que seu patch seja revisado rapidamente, descrevendo o contexto do seu patch e o impacto que você espera que ele tenha. Por exemplo, se seu patch estiver corrigindo algo que está quebrado, descreva o problema e como seu patch o corrige. Conte-nos como você testou seu patch. Os usuários do código alterado pelo seu patch terão que ajustar seu fluxo de trabalho? Se sim, conte-nos como. Em geral, tente imaginar quais perguntas um revisor fará e responda a essas perguntas com antecedência.

Antes de enviar um patch que adicione ou modifique uma definição de pacote, execute esta lista de verificação:

  1. Se os autores do software empacotado fornecerem uma assinatura criptográfica para o tarball de lançamento, faça um esforço para verificar a autenticidade do arquivo. Para um arquivo de assinatura GPG separado, isso seria feito com o comando gpg --verify.
  2. Reserve algum tempo para fornecer uma sinopse e descrição adequadas para o pacote. Veja Sinopses e descrições, para algumas diretrizes.
  3. Execute guix lint pacote, sendo pacote o nome do pacote novo ou modificado e corrija quaisquer erros que forem relatados (veja Invocando guix lint).
  4. Run guix style package to format the new package definition according to the project’s conventions (veja Invoking guix style).
  5. Make sure the package builds on your platform, using guix build package. Also build at least its direct dependents with guix build --dependents=1 package (veja guix build).
  6. Recomendamos que você também tente compilar o pacote em outras plataformas suportadas. Como você pode não ter acesso às plataformas de hardware reais, recomendamos o uso do qemu-binfmt-service-type para emulá-las. Para habilitar isso, adicione o módulo de serviço virtualization e o sequinte serviço à lista de serviços da sua configuração do operating-system:
    (service qemu-binfmt-service-type
       (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms "arm" "aarch64"))))

    Então, reconfigure seu sistema.

    Você pode criar pacotes para plataformas diferentes especificando a opção --system. Por exemplo, para compilar o pacote "hello" para as arquiteturas armhf ou aarch64, você executaria os seguintes comandos, respectivamente:

    guix build --system=armhf-linux --rounds=2 hello
    guix build --system=aarch64-linux --rounds=2 hello
  7. Verifique se o pacote não usa cópias de software já disponíveis como pacotes separados.

    Às vezes, os pacotes incluem cópias do código-fonte de suas dependências como uma conveniência para os usuários. No entanto, como uma distribuição, queremos garantir que esses pacotes acabem usando a cópia que já temos na distribuição, se houver. Isso melhora o uso de recursos (a dependência é criada e armazenada apenas uma vez) e permite que a distribuição faça alterações transversais, como aplicar atualizações de segurança para um determinado pacote de software em um único local e fazê-las afetar todo o sistema – algo que cópias incluídas impedem.

  8. Dê uma olhada no perfil relatado por guix size (veja Invocando guix size). Isso permitirá que você perceba referências a outros pacotes retidos involuntariamente. Também pode ajudar a determinar se deve dividir o pacote (veja Pacotes com múltiplas saídas) e quais dependências opcionais devem ser usadas. Em particular, evite adicionar texlive como uma dependência: devido ao seu tamanho extremo, use o procedimento texlive-updmap.cfg.
  9. Verifique-se os pacotes dependentes (se aplicável) não são afetados pela alteração; guix refresh --list-dependent pacote ajudará você a fazer isso (veja Invocando guix refresh).
  10. Verifique se o processo de compilação do pacote é determinístico. Isso normalmente significa verificar se uma compilação independente do pacote produz o mesmo resultado que você obteve, bit por bit.

    Uma maneira simples de fazer isso é compilar o mesmo pacote várias vezes seguidas em sua máquina (veja Invocando guix build):

    guix build --rounds=2 meu-pacote

    Isso é suficiente para capturar uma classe de problemas comuns de não-determinismo, como registros de data e hora ou saída gerada aleatoriamente no resultado da compilação.

    Outra opção é usar guix challenge (veja Invocando guix challenge). Você pode executá-lo uma vez que o pacote se tenha sido feito o commit e compilação por SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1 para verificar se obtém o mesmo resultado que você fez. Melhor ainda: encontre outra máquina que possa compilá-lo e executar guix publish. Como a máquina de compilação remota provavelmente é diferente da sua, isso pode capturar problemas de não determinismo relacionados ao hardware - por exemplo, uso de extensões de conjunto de instruções diferentes – ou ao kernel do sistema operacional – por exemplo, confiança em uname ou arquivos de /proc.

  11. Ao escrever documentação, por favor, use palavras de gênero neutras ao se referir a pessoas, como singular “they”, “their” , “them”, e assim por diante.
  12. Verifique se o seu patch contém apenas um conjunto de alterações relacionadas. Agrupar mudanças não relacionadas juntas torna a revisão mais difícil e lenta.

    Exemplos de alterações não relacionadas incluem a adição de vários pacotes ou uma atualização de pacote juntamente com correções para esse pacote.

  13. Siga nossas regras de formatação de código, possivelmente executando o script guix style para fazer isso automaticamente para você (veja Formatação de código).
  14. Quando possível, use espelhos no URL fonte (veja Invocando guix download). Use URLs confiáveis, não os gerados. Por exemplo, os arquivos do GitHub não são necessariamente idênticos de uma geração para a seguinte, portanto, nesse caso, geralmente é melhor clonar o repositório. Não use o campo name no URL: não é muito útil e se o nome mudar, o URL provavelmente estará errado.
  15. Verifique se o Guix compila (veja Compilando do git) e resolva os avisos, especialmente aqueles sobre o uso de símbolos indefinidos.
  16. Certifique-se de que suas alterações não quebrem o Guix e simule um guix pull com:
    guix pull --url=/path/to/your/checkout --profile=/tmp/guix.master

Ao postar um patch na lista de discussão, use ‘[PATCH] …’ como assunto. Se seu patch for aplicado em uma ramificação diferente de master, digamos core-updates, especifique-o no assunto como ‘[PATCH core-updates] …’.

Você pode usar seu cliente de e-mail, o comando git send-email (veja Enviando uma série de patches) ou o comando mumi send-email (veja Debbugs User Interfaces). Preferimos obter patches em mensagens de texto simples, seja em linha ou como anexos MIME. É aconselhável que você preste atenção se seu cliente de e-mail alterar algo como quebras de linha ou recuo, o que pode potencialmente quebrar os patches.

Espere algum atraso quando você enviar seu primeiro patch para Você tem que esperar até receber uma confirmação com o número de rastreamento atribuído. Confirmações futuras não devem ser atrasadas.

Quando um erro for resolvido, feche o tópico enviando um e-mail para NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ

22.10.1 Configurando o Git

Se você ainda não fez isso, você pode querer definir um nome e e-mail que serão associados aos seus commits (veja Telling Git your name em Git User Manual). Se você quiser usar um nome ou e-mail diferente apenas para commits neste repositório, você pode usar git config --local, ou editar .git/config no repositório em vez de ~/.gitconfig.

Outras configurações importantes do Git serão configuradas automaticamente ao construir o projeto (veja Compilando do git). Um hook .git/hooks/commit-msg será instalado, incorporando ‘Change-Id’ Git trailers em suas mensagens de commit para fins de rastreabilidade. É importante preservá-los ao editar suas mensagens de commit, principalmente se uma primeira versão de suas alterações propostas já foi enviada para revisão. Se você tiver um hook commit-msg próprio que gostaria de usar com o Guix, pode colocá-lo no diretório .git/hooks/commit-msg.d/.

22.10.2 Enviando uma série de patches

Single Patches

O comando git send-email é a melhor maneira de enviar patches únicos e séries de patches (veja Vários Patches) para a lista de discussão do Guix. Enviar patches como anexos de e-mail pode dificultar sua revisão em alguns clientes de e-mail, e git diff não armazena metadados de commit.

Nota: O comando git send-email é fornecido pela saída send-email do pacote git, ou seja, git:send-email.

O comando a seguir criará um e-mail de patch a partir do último commit, abrirá no seu EDITOR ou VISUAL para edição e o enviará para a lista de discussão do Guix para ser revisado e mesclado. Supondo que você já tenha configurado o Git de acordo com Veja Configurando o Git, você pode simplesmente usar:

$ git send-email --annotate -1

Tip: Para adicionar um prefixo ao assunto do seu patch, você pode usar a opção --subject-prefix. O projeto Guix usa isso para especificar que o patch é destinado a um branch ou repositório diferente do branch master do

git send-email --annotate --subject-prefix='PATCH core-updates' -1

O e-mail do patch contém uma linha separadora de três traços após a mensagem de commit. Você pode “anotar” o patch com texto explicativo adicionando-o abaixo desta linha. Se não quiser anotar o e-mail, você pode remover a opção --annotate.

Se você precisar enviar um patch revisado, não o reenvie dessa forma ou envie um patch “fix” para ser aplicado sobre o último; em vez disso, use git commit --amend ou git rebase para modificar o commit e use o endereço NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ e o sinalizador -v com git send-email.

$ git commit --amend
$ git send-email --annotate -vREVISÃO \
      --to=NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ -1

Nota: Devido a um bug aparente em git send-email, -v REVISÃO (com o espaço) não funcionará; você deve usar -vREVISÃO.

Você pode descobrir NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃO pesquisando na interface do mumi em pelo nome do seu patch ou lendo o e-mail de confirmação enviado automaticamente pelo Debbugs em resposta a bugs e patches recebidos, que contém o número do bug.

Notificando equipes

Se o seu git checkout tiver sido configurado corretamente (veja Configurando o Git), o comando git send-email notificará automaticamente os membros apropriados da equipe, com base no escopo das suas alterações. Isso depende do script etc/teams.scm, que também pode ser invocado manualmente se você não usar o comando git send-email preferencial para enviar patches. Para listar as ações disponíveis do script, você pode invocá-lo por meio do comando etc/teams.scm help. Para obter mais informações sobre equipes, veja Equipes.

Nota: Em distros estrangeiras, talvez seja necessário usar ./pre-inst-env git send-email para que etc/teams.scm funcione.

Vários Patches

Embora git send-email sozinho seja suficiente para um único patch, uma falha infeliz no Debbugs significa que você precisa ter mais cuidado ao enviar vários patches: se você enviá-los todos para o endereço, um novo problema será criado para cada patch!

Ao enviar uma série de patches, é melhor enviar uma “carta de apresentação” do Git primeiro, para dar aos revisores uma visão geral da série de patches. Podemos criar um diretório chamado outgoing contendo nossa série de patches e uma carta de apresentação chamada 0000-cover-letter.patch com git format-patch.

$ git format-patch -NUMBER_COMMITS -o outgoing \

Nota: git format-patch accepts a wide range of revision range specifiers. For example, if you are working in a branch, you could select all commits in your branch starting at master.

$ git format-patch master..MY_BRANCH -o outgoing \

Agora podemos enviar apenas a carta de apresentação para o endereço, o que criará um problema para o qual podemos enviar o restante dos patches.

$ git send-email outgoing/0000-cover-letter.patch --annotate
$ rm outgoing/0000-cover-letter.patch # we don't want to resend it!

Certifique-se de editar o e-mail para adicionar uma linha de assunto e um resumo apropriados antes de enviá-lo. Observe o shortlog e o diffstat gerados automaticamente abaixo do resumo.

Depois que o remetente do Debbugs responder ao seu e-mail de carta de apresentação, você poderá enviar os patches reais para o endereço do problema recém-criado.

$ git send-email outgoing/*.patch --to=NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ
$ rm -rf outgoing # we don't need these anymore

Felizmente, essa dança git format-patch não é necessária para enviar uma série de patches corrigida, pois já existe um problema para o conjunto de patches.

$ git send-email -NÚMERO_COMMITS -vREVISÃO \

Se necessário, você pode usar --cover-letter --annotate para enviar outra carta de apresentação, por exemplo, para explicar o que mudou desde a última revisão e se essas mudanças são necessárias.

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Contribuindo   [Conteúdo][Índice]

22.11 Rastreando Bugs e Mudanças

Esta seção descreve como o projeto Guix rastreia seus relatórios de bugs, envios de patches e ramificações de tópicos.

22.11.1 O rastreador de problemas

Relatórios de bugs e envios de patches são atualmente rastreados usando a instância Debbugs em Relatórios de bugs são arquivados no “pacote” guix (no jargão do Debbugs), enviando um e-mail para, enquanto envios de patches são arquivados no pacote guix-patches enviando um e-mail para (veja Enviando patches).

22.11.2 Gerenciando Patches e Branches

As alterações devem ser postadas em Esta lista de discussão preenche o banco de dados de rastreamento de patches (veja O rastreador de problemas). Ela também permite que patches sejam coletados e testados pela ferramenta de garantia de qualidade; o resultado desse teste eventualmente aparece no painel em ‘ÚMERO_DE_ISSÃO’, onde NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃO é o número atribuído pelo rastreador de problemas. Reserve um tempo para uma revisão, sem comprometer nada.

Como exceção, algumas mudanças consideradas “triviais” ou “óbvias” podem ser enviadas diretamente para o branch master. Isso inclui mudanças para corrigir erros de digitação e reverter commits que causaram problemas imediatos. Isso está sujeito a ajustes, permitindo que indivíduos se comprometam diretamente com mudanças não controversas em partes com as quais estão familiarizados.

Alterações que afetam mais de 300 pacotes dependentes (veja Invocando guix refresh) devem primeiro ser enviadas para um branch de tópico diferente de master; o conjunto de alterações deve ser consistente, por exemplo, “GNOME update”, “NumPy update”, etc. Isso permite testes: o branch aparecerá automaticamente em ‘’, com uma indicação de seu status de compilação em várias plataformas.

Para ajudar a coordenar a fusão de branches, você deve criar um novo problema guix-patches sempre que criar um branch (veja O rastreador de problemas). O título do problema que solicita a fusão de um branch deve ter o seguinte formato:

Solicitação de mesclagem do branch "name"

O infraestrutura de QA reconhece tais problemas e lista as solicitações de mesclagem em sua página principal. Os seguintes pontos se aplicam ao gerenciamento dessas ramificações:

  1. Os commits no branch devem ser uma combinação dos patches relevantes para o branch. Patches não relacionados ao tópico do branch devem ir para outro lugar.
  2. Quaisquer alterações que possam ser feitas no branch master, devem ser feitas no branch master. Se um commit puder ser dividido para aplicar parte das alterações no master, isso é bom de se fazer.
  3. Deve ser possível recriar a ramificação iniciando pelo master e aplicando os patches relevantes.
  4. Evite mesclar o master no branch. Prefira rebasear ou recriar o branch em cima de uma revisão master atualizada.
  5. Minimize as alterações no master que estão faltando no branch antes de mesclar o branch no master. Isso significa que o estado do branch reflete melhor o estado do master caso o branch seja mesclado.
  6. Se você não tiver acesso de commit, crie o issue “Request for merging” e solicite que alguém crie o branch. Inclua uma lista de issues/patches para incluir no branch.

Normalmente, os branches serão mesclados de uma maneira “primeiro a chegar, primeiro a ser mesclado”, rastreados por meio dos problemas guix-patches. Se você concordar com uma ordem diferente com os envolvidos, você pode rastrear isso atualizando which issues block47 which other issues. Portanto, para saber qual branch está na frente da fila, procure o issue mais antigo, ou o issue que não está bloqueado por nenhuma outra branch merges. Uma lista ordenada de branches com os issues abertos está disponível em

Uma vez que um branch esteja na frente da fila, espere até que tenha passado tempo suficiente para que as farms de build tenham processado as mudanças, e para que os testes necessários tenham acontecido. Por exemplo, você pode verificar ‘’ para ver informações sobre alguns builds e disponibilidade de substitutos.

Depois que a ramificação for mesclada, o problema deverá ser fechado e a ramificação excluída.

Sometimes, a branch may be a work in progress, for example for larger efforts such as updating the GNOME desktop. In these cases, the branch name should reflect this by having the ‘wip-’ prefix. The QA infrastructure will avoid building work-in-progress branches, so that the available resources can be better focused on building the branches that are ready to be merged. When the branch is no longer a work in progress, it should be renamed, with the ‘wip-’ prefix removed, and only then should the merge requests be created, as documented earlier.

22.11.3 Debbugs User Interfaces Web interface

Uma interface web (na verdade duas interfaces web!) está disponível para navegar pelos problemas:

Para visualizar discussões relacionadas ao problema número n, acesse ‘’ ou ‘’. Command-Line Interface

O Mumi também vem com uma interface de linha de comando que pode ser usada para pesquisar problemas existentes, abrir novos problemas, compor respostas, aplicar e enviar patches. Você não precisa usar o Emacs para usar o cliente de linha de comando mumi. Você interage com ele apenas na linha de comando.

Para usar a interface de linha de comando mumi, navegue até um clone local do repositório git Guix e entre em um shell com mumi, git e git:send-email instalados.

$ cd guix
~/guix$ guix shell mumi git git:send-email

Para procurar problemas, diga todos os problemas abertos sobre "zig", execute

~/guix [env]$ mumi search zig is:open

#60889 Add zig-build-system
opened on 17 Jan 17:37 Z by Ekaitz Zarraga
#61036 [PATCH 0/3] Update zig to 0.10.1
opened on 24 Jan 09:42 Z by Efraim Flashner
#39136 [PATCH] gnu: services: Add endlessh.
opened on 14 Jan 2020 21:21 by Nicol? Balzarotti
#60424 [PATCH] gnu: Add python-online-judge-tools
opened on 30 Dec 2022 07:03 by gemmaro
#45601 [PATCH 0/6] vlang 0.2 update
opened on  1 Jan 2021 19:23 by Ryan Prior

Escolha uma questão e torne-a a questão "atual".

~/guix [env]$ mumi current 61036

#61036 [PATCH 0/3] Update zig to 0.10.1
opened on 24 Jan 09:42 Z by Efraim Flashner

Quando um problema é o problema atual, você pode abri-lo em um navegador da web, redigir respostas, aplicar patches, enviar patches, etc. com comandos curtos e sucintos.

Abra o problema no seu navegador da web usando

~/guix [env]$ mumi www

Redija uma resposta usando

~/guix [env]$ mumi compose

Redija uma resposta e feche o problema usando

~/guix [env]$ mumi compose --close

mumi compose abre seu cliente de e-mail passando URIs ‘mailto:’ para xdg-open. Então, você precisa ter xdg-open configurado para abrir seu cliente de e-mail corretamente.

Aplique o patchset mais recente do problema usando

~/guix [env]$ mumi am

Você também pode aplicar um patchset de uma versão específica (digamos, v3) usando

~/guix [env]$ mumi am v3

Ou você pode aplicar um patch de uma mensagem de e-mail específica. Por exemplo, para aplicar o patch da 4ª mensagem (o índice da mensagem começa em 0), execute

~/guix [env]$ mumi am @4

mumi am é um wrapper em torno de git am. Você pode passar argumentos git am para ele depois de um ‘--’. Por exemplo, para adicionar um trailer Signed-off-by, execute

~/guix [env]$ mumi am -- -s

Crie e envie patches para o problema usando

~/guix [env]$ git format-patch origin/master
~/guix [env]$ mumi send-email foo.patch bar.patch

Observe que você não precisa passar os argumentos ‘--to’ ou ‘--cc’ para git format-patch. mumi send-email os inserirá corretamente ao enviar os patches.

Para abrir um novo problema, execute

~/guix [env]$ mumi new

e enviar um e-mail (usando mumi compose) ou patches (usando mumi send-email).

mumi send-email é realmente um wrapper em torno de git send-email que automatiza todos os detalhes do envio de patches. Ele usa o estado atual do problema para descobrir automaticamente o endereço ‘To’ correto para enviar, outros participantes para ‘Cc’, cabeçalhos para adicionar, etc.

Observe também que, diferentemente de git send-email, mumi send-email funciona perfeitamente bem com patches únicos e múltiplos. Ele automatiza a dança dos debbugs de enviar o primeiro patch, esperar por uma resposta dos debbugs e enviar os patches restantes. Ele faz isso enviando o primeiro patch, sondando o servidor para uma resposta e, em seguida, enviando os patches restantes. Infelizmente, essa sondagem pode levar alguns minutos. Então, seja paciente. Emacs Interface

Se você usa o Emacs, pode achar mais conveniente interagir com problemas usando debbugs.el, que pode ser instalado com:

guix install emacs-debbugs

Por exemplo, para listar todos os problemas abertos em guix-patches, clique em:

C-u M-x debbugs-gnu RET RET guix-patches RET n y

Para uma maneira mais conveniente (mais curta) de acessar os envios de bugs e patches, você pode configurar as variáveis debbugs-gnu-default-packages e debbugs-gnu-default-severities do Emacs (veja Visualizando Bugs no Emacs).

Para procurar bugs, ‘M-x debbugs-gnu-guix-search’ pode ser usado.

Veja Guia do usuário do Debbugs, para mais informações sobre esta ferramenta bacana!

22.11.4 Debbugs Marcadores de usuário

O Debbugs fornece um recurso chamado usertags que permite que qualquer usuário marque qualquer bug com um rótulo arbitrário. Os bugs podem ser pesquisados por usertag, então esta é uma maneira útil de organizar bugs49. Se você usa o Emacs Debbugs, o ponto de entrada para consultar usertags existentes é o procedimento ‘C-u M-x debbugs-gnu-usertags’. Para definir um usertag, pressione ‘C’ enquanto consulta um bug dentro do buffer *Guix-Patches* aberto com o buffer ‘C-u M-x debbugs-gnu-bugs’, então selecione usertag e siga as instruções.

Por exemplo, para visualizar todos os relatórios de bugs (ou patches, no caso de guix-patches) marcados com a usertag powerpc64le-linux para o usuário guix, abra uma URL como a seguinte em um navegador da web:;users=guix.

Para mais informações sobre como usar usertags, consulte a documentação do Debbugs ou a documentação de qualquer ferramenta que você use para interagir com o Debbugs.

No Guix, estamos experimentando usertags para manter o controle de problemas específicos da arquitetura, bem como os revisados. Para facilitar a colaboração, todos os nossos usertags estão associados ao usuário único guix. Os seguintes usertags existem atualmente para esse usuário:


O propósito desta usertag é facilitar a localização dos problemas mais importantes para o tipo de sistema powerpc64le-linux. Atribua esta usertag a bugs ou patches que afetam o powerpc64le-linux, mas não outros tipos de sistema. Além disso, você pode usá-la para identificar problemas que, por algum motivo, são particularmente importantes para o tipo de sistema powerpc64le-linux, mesmo que o problema afete outros tipos de sistema também.


Para problemas relacionados à reprodutibilidade. Por exemplo, seria apropriado atribuir esta usertag a um relatório de bug para um pacote que falha em construir de forma reprodutível.


Você analisou a série e ela parece boa para você (LGTM).

Se você for um committer e quiser adicionar uma usertag, basta começar a usá-la com o usuário guix. Se a usertag for útil para você, considere atualizar esta seção do manual para que outros saibam o que sua usertag significa.

22.11.5 Notificações de construção de Cuirass

O Cuirass inclui feeds RSS (Really Simple Syndication) como um de seus recursos (veja (cuirass)Notifications). Como Berlin executa uma instância do Cuirass, esse recurso pode ser usado para manter o controle de pacotes recentemente quebrados ou corrigidos causados por alterações enviadas ao repositório git do Guix. Qualquer cliente RSS pode ser usado. Um bom, incluído no Emacs, é Veja (gnus)Gnus. Para registrar o feed, copie sua URL e, a partir do buffer principal do Gnus, ‘*Group*’, faça o seguinte:

Guix CI - master RET Build events for specification master. RET

Então, de volta ao buffer ‘*Group*’, pressione s para salvar o grupo RSS recém-adicionado. Assim como para qualquer outro grupo Gnus, você pode atualizar seu conteúdo pressionando a tecla g. Agora você deve receber notificações que dizem algo como:

 . [ ?: Cuirass ] Build tree-sitter-meson.aarch64-linux on master is fixed.
 . [ ?: Cuirass ] Build rust-pbkdf2.aarch64-linux on master is fixed.
 . [ ?: Cuirass ] Build rust-pbkdf2.x86_64-linux on master is fixed.

onde cada entrada RSS contém um link para a página de detalhes da compilação do Cuirass associada.

22.12 Equipes

Para organizar o trabalho no Guix, incluindo, mas não apenas, os esforços de desenvolvimento, o projeto tem um conjunto de equipes. Cada equipe tem seu próprio foco e interesses e é o principal ponto de contato para perguntas e contribuições nessas áreas. A principal missão de uma equipe é coordenar e revisar o trabalho de indivíduos em seu escopo (veja Revendo o trabalho de outros); ela pode tomar decisões dentro de seu escopo, em acordo com outras equipes sempre que houver sobreposição ou uma conexão próxima, e de acordo com outras regras do projeto, como buscar consenso (veja Tomando decisões).

Como exemplo, a equipe Python é responsável por questões de empacotamento do núcleo Python; ela pode decidir atualizar os pacotes principais do Python em uma ramificação dedicada python-team, em colaboração com qualquer equipe cujo escopo seja diretamente dependente do Python — por exemplo, a equipe Science — e seguindo regras de ramificação (veja Gerenciando Patches e Branches). A equipe Documentation ajuda a revisar as alterações na documentação e pode iniciar alterações abrangentes na documentação. A equipe Translations organiza a tradução do Guix e seu manual e coordena os esforços nessa área. A equipe Core é responsável pelo desenvolvimento da funcionalidade principal e das interfaces do Guix; devido à sua natureza central, parte de seu trabalho pode exigir a solicitação de contribuições da comunidade em geral e a busca de consenso antes de promulgar decisões que afetariam toda a comunidade.

As equipes são definidas no arquivo etc/teams.scm no repositório Guix. O escopo de cada equipe é definido, quando aplicável, como um conjunto de arquivos ou como uma expressão regular que corresponde a nomes de arquivos.

Qualquer pessoa interessada no domínio de uma equipe e disposta a contribuir com seu trabalho pode se candidatar para se tornar um membro entrando em contato com os membros atuais por e-mail; acesso de commit não é uma pré-condição. A filiação é formalizada adicionando o nome e endereço de e-mail da pessoa em etc/teams.scm. Membros que não participam do trabalho da equipe por um ano ou mais podem ser removidos; eles são livres para se candidatar novamente para filiação mais tarde.

Uma ou mais pessoas podem propor a criação de uma nova equipe entrando em contato com a comunidade por e-mail em, esclarecendo o escopo e o propósito pretendidos. Quando o consenso é alcançado sobre a criação desta equipe, alguém com acesso de commit formaliza sua criação adicionando-a e seus membros iniciais a etc/teams.scm.

Para listar as equipes existentes, execute o seguinte comando em um checkout do Guix:

$ ./etc/teams.scm list-teams
id: mentors
name: Mentors
description: A group of mentors who chaperone contributions by newcomers.
+ Charlie Smith <>

You can run the following command to have the Mentors team put in CC of a patch series:

$ git send-email --to=NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ \
  --header-cmd='etc/teams.scm cc-mentors-header-cmd' *.patch

A equipe ou equipes apropriadas também podem ser inferidas a partir dos arquivos modificados. Por exemplo, se você quiser enviar os dois últimos commits do repositório Git atual para revisão, você pode executar:

$ guix shell -D guix
[env]$ git send-email --to=NÚMERO_DE_ISSÃ -2

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: Contribuindo   [Conteúdo][Índice]

22.13 Tomando decisões

Espera-se de todos os contribuidores, e ainda mais dos committers, que ajudem a construir consenso e tomar decisões com base no consenso. Ao usar o consenso, estamos comprometidos em encontrar soluções com as quais todos possam conviver. Isso implica que nenhuma decisão é tomada contra preocupações significativas e essas preocupações são ativamente resolvidas com propostas que funcionam para todos.

Um colaborador (que pode ou não ter acesso de commit) que deseja bloquear uma proposta tem uma responsabilidade especial de encontrar alternativas, propor ideias/código ou explicar a lógica do status quo para resolver o impasse. Para aprender o que significa tomada de decisão por consenso e entender seus detalhes mais sutis, você é encorajado a ler

22.14 Confirmar acesso

Todos podem contribuir para o Guix sem ter acesso de commit (veja Enviando patches). No entanto, para contribuidores frequentes, ter acesso de gravação ao repositório pode ser conveniente. Como regra geral, um contribuidor deve ter acumulado cinquenta (50) commits revisados para ser considerado um committer e ter mantido sua atividade no projeto por pelo menos 6 meses. Isso garante interações suficientes com o contribuidor, o que é essencial para a orientação e avaliação se ele está pronto para se tornar um committer. O acesso de commit não deve ser pensado como um “emblema de honra”, mas sim como uma responsabilidade que um contribuidor está disposto a assumir para ajudar o projeto.

Os committers estão em uma posição onde eles promulgam decisões técnicas. Tais decisões devem ser tomadas por construindo ativamente o consenso entre as partes interessadas e stakeholders. Veja Tomando decisões, para mais sobre isso.

As seções a seguir explicam como obter acesso de commit, como estar pronto para enviar commits e as políticas e expectativas da comunidade para commits enviados upstream.

22.14.1 Solicitando acesso de confirmação

Quando você julgar necessário, considere solicitar acesso de confirmação seguindo estas etapas:

  1. Encontre três committers que atestariam por você. Você pode ver a lista de committers em Cada um deles deve enviar uma declaração por e-mail para (um alias privado para o coletivo de mantenedores), assinado com sua chave OpenPGP.

    Espera-se que os committers tenham tido algumas interações com você como colaborador e sejam capazes de julgar se você está suficientemente familiarizado com as práticas do projeto. Não é um julgamento sobre o valor do seu trabalho, então uma recusa deve ser interpretada como "vamos tentar novamente mais tarde”.

  2. Envie para uma mensagem informando sua intenção, listando os três committers que dão suporte ao seu aplicativo, assinados com a chave OpenPGP que você usará para assinar commits e fornecendo sua impressão digital (veja abaixo). Veja, para uma introdução à criptografia de chave pública com GnuPG.

    Configure o GnuPG de forma que ele nunca use o algoritmo de hash SHA1 para assinaturas digitais, que é conhecido por ser inseguro desde 2019, por exemplo, adicionando a seguinte linha em ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf (veja GPG Esoteric Options em The GNU Privacy Guard Manual):

    digest-algo sha512
  3. Os mantenedores decidem, em última instância, se lhe concedem acesso de confirmação, geralmente seguindo a recomendação das suas referências.
  4. Se e uma vez que você tenha recebido acesso, envie uma mensagem para para dizer isso, novamente assinada com a chave OpenPGP que você usará para assinar os commits (faça isso antes de enviar seu primeiro commit). Dessa forma, todos podem notar e garantir que você controle essa chave OpenPGP.

    Importante: Antes de poder fazer push pela primeira vez, os mantenedores devem:

    1. adicione sua chave OpenPGP à ramificação keyring;
    2. adicione sua impressão digital OpenPGP ao arquivo .guix-authorizations da(s) ramificação(ões) para as quais você fará o commit.
  5. Não deixe de ler o restante desta seção e... lucre!

Nota: Os mantenedores ficarão felizes em dar acesso de comprometimento a pessoas que contribuem há algum tempo e têm um histórico. Não seja tímido e não subestime seu trabalho!

No entanto, observe que o projeto está trabalhando em direção a um sistema de revisão e mesclagem de patches mais automatizado, o que, como consequência, pode nos levar a ter menos pessoas com acesso de commit ao repositório principal. Fique ligado!

Todos os commits que são enviados para o repositório central no Savannah devem ser assinados com uma chave OpenPGP, e a chave pública deve ser carregada para sua conta de usuário no Savannah e para servidores de chave pública, como Para configurar o Git para assinar commits automaticamente, execute:

git config commit.gpgsign true

# Substitua a impressão digital da sua chave PGP pública.
git config user.signingkey CABBA6EA1DC0FF33

Para verificar se os commits estão assinados com a chave correta, use:

guix git authenticate

Veja Compilando do git para executar a primeira autenticação de um checkout do Guix.

Para evitar enviar acidentalmente commits não assinados ou assinados com a chave errada para o Savannah, certifique-se de configurar o Git de acordo com Veja Configurando o Git.

22.14.2 Política de Comprometimento

Se você obtiver acesso de confirmação, certifique-se de seguir a política abaixo (as discussões sobre a política podem ocorrer em

Certifique-se de estar ciente de como as alterações devem ser tratadas (veja Gerenciando Patches e Branches) antes de serem enviadas ao repositório, especialmente para a ramificação master.

Se você estiver fazendo commit e enviando suas próprias alterações, tente esperar pelo menos uma semana (duas semanas para alterações mais significativas, até um mês para alterações como remover um pacote—veja Remoção de Pacotes) depois de enviá-las para revisão. Depois disso, se ninguém mais estiver disponível para revisá-las e se você estiver confiante sobre as alterações, está tudo bem fazer commit.

Ao enviar um commit em nome de outra pessoa, adicione uma linha Signed-off-by no final da mensagem de log do commit—por exemplo, com git am --signoff. Isso melhora o rastreamento de quem fez o quê.

Ao adicionar entradas de notícias do canal (veja Escrevendo Notícias do Canal), certifique-se de que elas estejam bem formadas executando o seguinte comando antes de enviar:

make check-channel-news

22.14.3 Abordando questões

A revisão por pares (veja Enviando patches) e ferramentas como guix lint (veja Invocando guix lint) e o conjunto de testes (veja Executando o conjunto de testes) devem detectar problemas antes que eles sejam enviados. No entanto, confirmações que “quebram” a funcionalidade podem ocasionalmente passar. Quando isso acontece, há duas prioridades: mitigar o impacto e entender o que aconteceu para reduzir a chance de incidentes semelhantes no futuro. A responsabilidade por ambas as coisas recai principalmente sobre os envolvidos, mas, como tudo, este é um esforço de grupo.

Alguns problemas podem afetar diretamente todos os usuários, por exemplo, porque fazem com que guix pull falhe ou interrompa a funcionalidade principal, porque interrompem pacotes importantes (em tempo de compilação ou execução) ou porque introduzem vulnerabilidades de segurança conhecidas.

As pessoas envolvidas na criação, revisão e envio de tais confirmações devem estar na vanguarda para mitigar seu impacto em tempo hábil: enviando uma confirmação de acompanhamento para corrigi-lo (se possível) ou revertendo-o para dar tempo de encontrar uma correção adequada e comunicando-se com outros desenvolvedores sobre o problema.

Se essas pessoas não estiverem disponíveis para resolver o problema a tempo, outros responsáveis pelo commit têm o direito de reverter o(s) commit(s), explicando no log de commits e na lista de discussão qual era o problema, com o objetivo de dar tempo ao responsável pelo commit original, revisor(es) e autor(es) para propor um caminho a seguir.

Uma vez que o problema tenha sido resolvido, é responsabilidade dos envolvidos garantir que a situação seja compreendida. Se você estiver trabalhando para entender o que aconteceu, concentre-se em reunir informações e evite atribuir qualquer culpa. Peça aos envolvidos para descrever o que aconteceu, não peça para eles explicarem a situação — isso os culparia implicitamente, o que não ajuda. A responsabilização vem de um consenso sobre o problema, aprendendo com ele e melhorando os processos para que seja menos provável que ele ocorra novamente. Reverting commits

Like normal commits, the commit message should state why the changes are being made, which in this case would be why the commits are being reverted.

If the changes are being reverted because they led to excessive number of packages being affected, then a decision should be made whether to allow the build farms to build the changes, or whether to avoid this. For the bordeaux build farm, commits can be ignored by adding them to the ignore-commits list in the build-from-guix-data-service record, found in the bayfront machine configuration.

22.14.4 Commit Revocation

Para reduzir a possibilidade de erros, os responsáveis pelo commit terão suas contas Savannah removidas do projeto Guix Savannah e suas chaves removidas de .guix-authorizations após 12 meses de inatividade; eles podem solicitar o acesso de commit novamente enviando um e-mail aos mantenedores, sem passar pelo processo de garantia.

Mantenedores50 também pode revogar os direitos de commit de um indivíduo, como último recurso, se a cooperação com o resto da comunidade tiver causado muito atrito — mesmo dentro dos limites do código de conduta do projeto (veja Contribuindo). Eles só fariam isso após discussão pública ou privada com o indivíduo e um aviso claro. Exemplos de comportamento que dificulta a cooperação e pode levar a tal decisão incluem:

  • violação repetida da política de compromisso declarada acima;
  • falha repetida em levar em consideração as críticas dos colegas;
  • quebrando a confiança através de uma série de incidentes graves.

Quando os mantenedores recorrem a tal decisão, eles notificam os desenvolvedores em; consultas podem ser enviadas para Dependendo da situação, o indivíduo ainda pode ser bem-vindo para contribuir.

22.14.5 Ajudando

Uma última coisa: o projeto continua avançando porque os committers não apenas empurram suas próprias mudanças incríveis, mas também oferecem parte do seu tempo revisando e empurrando as mudanças de outras pessoas. Como committer, você é bem-vindo para usar sua expertise e direitos de commit para ajudar outros contribuidores também!

22.15 Revendo o trabalho de outros

Perhaps the biggest action you can do to help GNU Guix grow as a project is to review the work contributed by others. You do not need to be a committer to do so; applying, reading the source, building, linting and running other people’s series and sharing your comments about your experience will give some confidence to committers. You must ensure the check list found in the Enviando patches section has been correctly followed. A reviewed patch series should give the best chances for the proposed change to be merged faster, so if a change you would like to see merged hasn’t yet been reviewed, this is the most appropriate thing to do! If you would like to review changes in a specific area and to receive notifications for incoming patches relevant to that domain, consider joining the relevant team(s) (veja Equipes).

Comentários de revisão devem ser inequívocos; seja o mais claro e explícito possível sobre o que você acha que deve ser alterado, garantindo que o autor possa tomar medidas sobre isso. Tente manter as seguintes diretrizes em mente durante a revisão:

  1. Seja claro e explícito sobre as mudanças que você está sugerindo, garantindo que o autor possa agir sobre isso. Em particular, é uma boa ideia pedir explicitamente por novas revisões quando você quiser.
  2. Mantenha o foco: não altere o escopo do trabalho que está sendo revisado. Por exemplo, se a contribuição aborda um código que segue um padrão considerado difícil de manejar, seria injusto pedir ao remetente para corrigir todas as ocorrências desse padrão no código; para simplificar, se um problema não relacionado ao patch em questão já estava lá, não peça ao remetente para corrigi-lo.
  3. Garantir o progresso. Conforme respondem à revisão, os remetentes podem enviar novas revisões de suas alterações; evite solicitar alterações que você não solicitou na rodada anterior de comentários. No geral, o remetente deve ter uma noção clara do progresso; o número de itens abertos para discussão deve diminuir claramente ao longo do tempo.
  4. Aim for finalization. Revisar código consome tempo. Seu objetivo como revisor é colocar o processo em um caminho claro em direção à integração, possivelmente com mudanças acordadas, ou rejeição, com um raciocínio claro e mutuamente compreendido. Evite deixar o processo de revisão em um estado persistente sem uma saída clara.
  5. Review is a discussion. The submitter’s and reviewer’s views on how to achieve a particular change may not always be aligned. To lead the discussion, remain focused, ensure progress and aim for finalization, spending time proportional to the stakes51. As a reviewer, try hard to explain the rationale for suggestions you make, and to understand and take into account the submitter’s motivation for doing things in a certain way. In other words, build consensus with everyone involved (veja Tomando decisões).

Quando você considera a alteração proposta adequada e pronta para inclusão no Guix, a seguinte linha bem compreendida/codificada ‘Reviewed-by: Your Name <>52 deve ser usada para assinar como revisor, o que significa que você revisou a alteração e que ela parece boa para você:

  • Se a série toda (contendo vários commits) parecer boa para você, responda com ‘Reviewed-by: Your Name <>’ para a página de capa, se houver uma, ou para o último patch da série, caso contrário, adicionando outro comentário ‘(para toda a série)’ na linha abaixo para explicitar esse fato.
  • Se você quiser marcar um único commit como revisado (mas não a série inteira), basta responder com ‘Reviewed-by: Your Name <>’ para essa mensagem de commit.

Se você não for um colaborador, pode ajudar outras pessoas a encontrar uma série que você revisou mais facilmente adicionando uma usertag reviewed-looks-good para o usuário guix (veja Debbugs Marcadores de usuário).

22.16 Atualizando o pacote Guix

Às vezes, é desejável atualizar o pacote guix em si (o pacote definido em (gnu packages package-management)), por exemplo, para tornar novos recursos de daemon disponíveis para uso pelo tipo de serviço guix-service-type. Para simplificar essa tarefa, o seguinte comando pode ser usado:

make update-guix-package

O destino de criação do update-guix-package usará o último commit conhecido correspondente ao HEAD no seu checkout do Guix, calculará o hash das fontes do Guix correspondentes a esse commit e atualizará o commit, revision e o hash da definição do pacote guix.

Para validar se os hashes do pacote guix atualizados estão corretos e se ele pode ser construído com sucesso, o seguinte comando pode ser executado no diretório do seu checkout Guix:

./pre-inst-env guix build guix

Para evitar a atualização acidental do pacote guix para um commit ao qual outros não podem se referir, é feita uma verificação de que o commit usado já foi enviado para o repositório git Guix hospedado em Savannah.

Esta verificação pode ser desabilitada, por sua conta e risco, definindo a variável de ambiente GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT. Quando esta variável é definida, a fonte do pacote atualizado também é adicionada ao armazém. Isto é usado como parte do processo de lançamento do Guix.

22.17 Política de depreciação

Como qualquer projeto animado com um escopo amplo, o Guix muda o tempo todo e em todos os níveis. Como é extensível e programável pelo usuário, mudanças incompatíveis podem impactar diretamente os usuários e dificultar suas vidas. Portanto, é importante reduzir as mudanças incompatíveis visíveis ao usuário ao mínimo e, quando tais mudanças forem consideradas necessárias, comunicá-las claramente por meio de um período de depreciação para que todos possam se adaptar com o mínimo de problemas. Esta seção define os compromissos do projeto para uma depreciação suave e descreve procedimentos e mecanismos para honrá-los.

Há várias maneiras de usar Guix; como lidar com a descontinuação dependerá de cada caso de uso. Elas podem ser categorizadas aproximadamente assim:

  • gerenciamento de pacotes exclusivamente através da linha de comando;
  • gerenciamento avançado de pacotes usando as interfaces de manifesto e pacote;
  • Gerenciamento de sistema e home, usando as interfaces operating-system e/ou home-environment juntamente com as interfaces de serviço;
  • desenvolvimento ou utilização de ferramentas externas que utilizam interfaces de programação como os módulos (guix ...).

Esses casos de uso formam um espectro com vários graus de acoplamento — de “distante” a fortemente acoplado. Com base nesse insight, definimos as seguintes políticas de depreciação que consideramos adequadas para cada um desses níveis.

Command-line tools

Os subcomandos Guix devem ser pensados como permanecendo disponíveis “para sempre”. Uma vez que um subcomando Guix deve ser removido, ele deve ser descontinuado primeiro, e então permanecer disponível por pelo menos um ano após o primeiro lançamento que o descontinuou.

A descontinuação deve ser anunciada primeiro no manual e como uma entrada em etc/news.scm; comunicações adicionais, como uma postagem de blog explicando a justificativa, são bem-vindas. Meses antes da data de remoção programada, o comando deve imprimir um aviso explicando como migrar. Um exemplo disso é a substituição de guix environment por guix shell, iniciada em outubro de 202153.

Devido ao amplo impacto de tal mudança, recomendamos realizar uma pesquisa com usuários antes de implementar um plano.

Package name changes

Quando um nome de pacote muda, ele deve permanecer disponível sob seu nome antigo por pelo menos um ano. Por exemplo, go-ipfs foi renomeado para kubo após uma decisão tomada upstream; para comunicar a mudança de nome aos usuários, o módulo do pacote forneceu esta definição:

(define-public go-ipfs
  (deprecated-package "go-ipfs" kubo))

Dessa forma, alguém executando guix install go-ipfs ou similar verá um aviso de descontinuação mencionando o novo nome.

Package removal

Pacotes cujos desenvolvedores originais declararam que atingiram o “fim da vida útil” ou não são mantidos podem ser removidos; da mesma forma, pacotes que estão falhando na compilação por dois meses ou mais podem ser removidos.

Não há um mecanismo formal de descontinuação para este caso, a menos que exista uma substituição, caso em que o procedimento deprecated-package mencionado acima pode ser usado.

Se o pacote que está sendo removido for um “leaf” (nenhum outro pacote depende dele), ele poderá ser removido após um período de revisão de um mês do patch que o removeu (isso se aplica mesmo quando a remoção tem motivações adicionais, como problemas de segurança que afetam o pacote).

Se tiver muitos pacotes dependentes — como é o caso, por exemplo, com a versão Python 2 — a equipe relevante deve propor uma agenda de remoção de descontinuação e buscar consenso com outros empacotadores por pelo menos um mês. Também pode convidar feedback da comunidade de usuários mais ampla, por exemplo, por meio de uma pesquisa. A remoção de todos os pacotes impactados pode ser gradual, abrangendo vários meses, para acomodar todos os casos de uso.

Quando o pacote que está sendo removido é considerado popular, seja ou não uma folha, sua descontinuação deve ser anunciada como uma entrada em etc/news.scm.

Package upgrade

No caso de pacotes com muitos dependentes e/ou muitos usuários, uma atualização pode ser tratada como a remoção da versão anterior.

Exemplos incluem grandes atualizações de versões de implementações de linguagens de programação, como vimos acima com Python, e grandes atualizações de bibliotecas “grandes” como Qt ou GTK.


Mudanças nos serviços para Guix Home e Guix System têm um impacto direto na configuração do usuário. Para um usuário, ajustar-se a mudanças de interface raramente é recompensador, e é por isso que qualquer mudança desse tipo deve ser claramente comunicada com antecedência por meio de avisos de descontinuação e documentação.

A renomeação de variáveis relacionadas a configuração de serviço, home ou sistema deve ser comunicada por pelo menos seis meses antes da remoção usando os mecanismos (guix deprecation). Por exemplo, a renomeação de murmur-configuration para mumble-server-configuration foi comunicada por meio de uma série de definições como esta:


Os procedimentos previstos para remoção podem ser definidos assim:

(define-deprecated (elogind-service #:key (config (elogind-configuration)))
  (service elogind-service-type config))

Campos de registro, notavelmente campos de registros de configuração de serviço, devem seguir um período de depreciação similar. Isso geralmente é obtido por meio de ad hoc. Por exemplo, o campo hosts-file de operating-system foi depreciado pela adição de uma propriedade sanitized que emitiria um aviso:

(define-record-type* <operating-system>
  ;; …
  (hosts-file %operating-system-hosts-file         ;deprecated
              (default #f)
              (sanitize warn-hosts-file-field-deprecation)))

(define-deprecated (operating-system-hosts-file os)
  (%operating-system-hosts-file os))

Ao descontinuar interfaces em operating-system, home-environment, (gnu services) ou qualquer serviço popular, a descontinuação deve vir com uma entrada em etc/news.scm.

Core interfaces

Interfaces de programação principais, em particular os módulos (guix ...), podem ser confiáveis por uma variedade de ferramentas e canais externos. Qualquer alteração incompatível deve ser formalmente descontinuada com define-deprecated, como mostrado acima, por pelo menos um ano antes da remoção. O manual deve documentar claramente a nova interface e, exceto em casos óbvios, explicar como migrar da antiga.

Como exemplo, o procedimento build-expression->derivation foi substituído por gexp->derivation e permaneceu disponível como um símbolo obsoleto:

(define-deprecated (build-expression->derivation store name exp
                                                 #:key )

Às vezes, bindings são movidos de um módulo para outro. Nesses casos, bindings devem ser reexportados do módulo original por pelo menos um ano.

Esta seção não cobre todas as situações possíveis, mas espera-se que permita que os usuários saibam o que esperar e que os desenvolvedores se mantenham fiéis ao seu espírito. Por favor, envie um e-mail para para quaisquer perguntas.

22.18 Escrevendo documentação

Guix é documentado usando o sistema Texinfo. Se você ainda não está familiarizado com ele, aceitamos contribuições para documentação na maioria dos formatos. Isso inclui texto simples, Markdown, Org, etc.

Contribuições de documentação podem ser enviadas para Adicione ‘[DOCUMENTATION]’ ao assunto.

Quando você precisar fazer mais do que uma simples adição à documentação, preferimos que você envie um patch adequado em vez de enviar um e-mail como descrito acima. Veja Enviando patches para obter mais informações sobre como enviar seus patches.

Para modificar a documentação, você precisa editar doc/guix.texi e doc/contributing.texi (que contém esta seção de documentação), ou doc/guix-cookbook.texi para o livro de receitas. Se você compilou o repositório Guix antes, você terá muito mais arquivos .texi que são traduções desses documentos. Não os modifique, a tradução é gerenciada através de Weblate. Veja Traduzindo o Guix para mais informações.

Para renderizar a documentação, você deve primeiro certificar-se de que executou ./configure na sua árvore de origem (veja Executando guix antes dele ser instalado). Depois disso, você pode executar um dos seguintes comandos:

  • make doc/’ para compilar o manual de informações. Você pode verificar com info doc/
  • make doc/guix.html’ para compilar a versão HTML. Você pode apontar seu navegador para o arquivo relevante no diretório doc/guix.html.
  • make doc/’ para o manual de informações do livro de receitas.
  • make doc/guix-cookbook.html’ para a versão HTML do livro de receitas.

22.19 Traduzindo o Guix

Escrever código e pacotes não é a única maneira de fornecer uma contribuição significativa para o Guix. Traduzir para um idioma que você fala é outro exemplo de uma contribuição valiosa que você pode fazer. Esta seção foi criada para descrever o processo de tradução. Ela dá conselhos sobre como você pode se envolver, o que pode ser traduzido, quais erros você deve evitar e o que podemos fazer para ajudar você!

Guix é um grande projeto que tem vários componentes que podem ser traduzidos. Nós coordenamos o esforço de tradução em uma instância Weblate hospedada por nossos amigos no Fedora. Você precisará de uma conta para enviar traduções.

Alguns dos softwares empacotados no Guix também contêm traduções. Não hospedamos uma plataforma de tradução para eles. Se você quiser traduzir um pacote fornecido pelo Guix, entre em contato com os desenvolvedores ou encontre as informações no site deles. Como exemplo, você pode encontrar a homepage do pacote hello digitando guix show hello. Na linha "homepage”, você verá como a homepage.

Muitos pacotes GNU e não-GNU podem ser traduzidos no Translation Project. Alguns projetos com múltiplos componentes têm sua própria plataforma. Por exemplo, o GNOME tem sua própria plataforma, Damned Lies.

O Guix tem cinco componentes hospedados no Weblate.

  • guix contém todas as strings do software Guix (o instalador de sistema guiado, gerenciador de pacotes, etc.), excluindo pacotes.
  • packages contém a sinopse (descrição de uma única frase de um pacote) e descrição (descrição mais longa) de pacotes no Guix.
  • website contém o site oficial do Guix, exceto para postagens de blog e conteúdo multimídia.
  • documentation-manual corresponde a este manual.
  • documentation-cookbook é o componente do livro de receitas.

General Directions

Depois de obter uma conta, você deve conseguir selecionar um componente do o projeto guix e selecionar um idioma. Se seu idioma não aparecer na lista, vá até o final e clique no botão "niciar nova tradução”. Selecione o idioma para o qual deseja traduzir na lista para iniciar sua nova tradução.

Como muitos outros pacotes de software livre, o Guix usa GNU Gettext para suas traduções, com as quais sequências traduzíveis são extraídas do código-fonte para os chamados arquivos PO.

Embora os arquivos PO sejam arquivos de texto, as alterações não devem ser feitas com um editor de texto, mas com um software de edição PO. O Weblate integra a funcionalidade de edição PO. Como alternativa, os tradutores podem usar qualquer uma das várias ferramentas de software livre para preencher traduções, das quais Poedit é um exemplo, e (após efetuar login) upload o arquivo alterado. Há também um modo de edição PO especial para usuários do GNU Emacs. Com o tempo, os tradutores descobrem com qual software estão satisfeitos e quais recursos precisam.

No Weblate, você encontrará vários links para o editor, que mostrarão vários subconjuntos (ou todos) das strings. Dê uma olhada ao redor e na documentation para se familiarizar com a plataforma.

Componentes de tradução

Nesta seção, fornecemos orientações mais detalhadas sobre o processo de tradução, bem como detalhes sobre o que você deve ou não fazer. Em caso de dúvida, entre em contato conosco, ficaremos felizes em ajudar!


Guix é escrito na linguagem de programação Guile, e algumas strings contêm formatação especial que é interpretada pelo Guile. Essas formatações especiais devem ser destacadas pelo Weblate. Elas começam com ~ seguido por um ou mais caracteres.

Ao imprimir a string, Guile substitui os símbolos especiais de formatação por valores reais. Por exemplo, a string ‘ambiguous package specification `~a'’ seria substituída para conter a dita especificação de pacote em vez de ~a. Para traduzir corretamente essa string, você deve manter o código de formatação em sua tradução, embora você possa colocá-lo onde fizer sentido em seu idioma. Por exemplo, a tradução francesa diz ‘spécification du paquet « ~a » ambiguë’ porque o adjetivo precisa ser colocado no final da frase.

Se houver vários símbolos de formatação, certifique-se de respeitar a ordem. O Guile não sabe em qual ordem você pretendia que a string fosse lida, então ele substituirá os símbolos na mesma ordem da frase em inglês.

Por exemplo, você não pode traduzir ‘package '~a' has been superseded by '~a'’ como ‘'~a' supersedes package '~a'’, porque o significado seria invertido. Se foo for substituído por bar, a tradução seria ‘'foo' supersedes package 'bar'’. Para contornar esse problema, é possível usar uma formatação mais avançada para selecionar um dado pedaço de dados, em vez de seguir a ordem padrão em inglês. Veja Formatted Output em GNU Guile Reference Manual, para mais informações sobre formatação no Guile.


As descrições de pacotes ocasionalmente contêm marcação Texinfo (veja Sinopses e descrições). A marcação Texinfo se parece com ‘@code{rm -rf}’, ‘@emph{important}’, etc. Ao traduzir, deixe a marcação como está.

Os caracteres após “@” formam o nome da marcação, e o texto entre “{” e “}” é seu conteúdo. Em geral, você não deve traduzir o conteúdo de uma marcação como @code, pois ela contém código literal que não muda com o idioma. Você pode traduzir o conteúdo de uma marcação de formatação como @emph, @i, @itemize, @item. No entanto, não traduza o nome da marcação, ou ela não será reconhecida. Não traduza a palavra após @end, é o nome da marcação que é fechado nesta posição (por exemplo, @itemize ... @end itemize).

documentation-manual e documentation-cookbook

O primeiro passo para garantir uma tradução bem-sucedida do manual é encontrar e traduzir as seguintes strings primeiro:

  • version.texi: Traduza esta string como version-xx.texi, onde xx é o código do seu idioma (aquele mostrado na URL no weblate).
  • contributing.texi: Traduzir esta string como contributing.xx.texi, onde xx é o mesmo código de idioma.
  • Top: Não traduza esta string, ela é importante para o Texinfo. Se você traduzi-lo, o documento estará vazio (faltando um nó Top). Por favor, procure por ele e registre Top como sua tradução.

Traduzir essas strings primeiro garante que podemos incluir sua tradução no repositório guix sem interromper o processo de criação ou a máquina guix pull.

O manual e o livro de receitas usam Texinfo. Quanto a packages, mantenha a marcação Texinfo como está. Há mais tipos de marcação possíveis no manual do que nas descrições de pacotes. Em geral, não traduza o conteúdo de @code, @file, @var, @value, etc. Você deve traduzir o conteúdo da marcação de formatação, como @emph, @i, etc.

O manual contém seções que podem ser referenciadas pelo nome por @ref, @xref e @pxref. Temos um mecanismo em vigor para que você não tenha que traduzir o conteúdo delas. Se você mantiver o título em inglês, nós o substituiremos automaticamente pela sua tradução desse título. Isso garante que o Texinfo sempre será capaz de encontrar o nó. Se você decidir alterar a tradução do título, as referências serão atualizadas automaticamente e você não terá que atualizá-las todas sozinho.

Ao traduzir referências do livro de receitas para o manual, você precisa substituir o nome do manual e o nome da seção. Por exemplo, para traduzir @pxref{Defining Packages,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, você substituiria Defining Packages pelo título daquela seção no manual traduzido somente se aquele título estiver traduzido. Se o título ainda não estiver traduzido para o seu idioma, não o traduza aqui, ou o link será quebrado. Substitua guix por guix.xx onde xx é o código do seu idioma. GNU Guix Reference Manual é o texto do link. Você pode traduzi-lo como quiser.


As páginas do site são escritas usando SXML, uma versão s-expression do HTML, a linguagem básica da web. Temos um processo para extrair strings traduzíveis da fonte e substituir s-expressions complexas por uma marcação XML mais familiar, onde cada marcação é numerada. Os tradutores podem alterar arbitrariamente a ordem, como no exemplo a seguir.

#. TRANSLATORS: Defining Packages is a section name
#. in the English (en) manual.
#: apps/base/templates/about.scm:64
msgid "Packages are <1>defined<1.1>en</1.1><1.2>Defining-Packages.html</1.2></1> as native <2>Guile</2> modules."
msgstr "Pakete werden als reine <2>Guile</2>-Module <1>definiert<1.1>de</1.1><1.2>Pakete-definieren.html</1.2></1>."

Note que você precisa incluir as mesmas marcações. Você não pode pular nenhuma.

Caso você cometa um erro, o componente pode falhar ao construir corretamente com seu idioma, ou até mesmo fazer o guix pull falhar. Para evitar isso, temos um processo em vigor para verificar o conteúdo dos arquivos antes de enviar para nosso repositório. Não poderemos atualizar a tradução para seu idioma no Guix, então iremos notificá-lo (por meio do weblate e/ou por e-mail) para que você tenha a chance de corrigir o problema.

Fora do Weblate

Atualmente, algumas partes do Guix não podem ser traduzidas no Weblate. Precisamos de ajuda!

  • guix pull news pode ser traduzido em news.scm, mas não é disponível no Weblate. Se você quiser fornecer uma tradução, pode preparar um patch conforme descrito acima, ou simplesmente nos enviar sua tradução com o nome da entrada de notícias que você traduziu e seu idioma. Veja Escrevendo notícias do canal, para mais informações sobre notícias do canal.
  • As postagens do blog Guix não podem ser traduzidas no momento.
  • O script do instalador (para distribuições estrangeiras) é inteiramente em inglês.
  • Algumas das bibliotecas que o Guix usa não podem ser traduzidas ou são traduzidas fora do projeto Guix. O Guile em si não é internacionalizado.
  • Outros manuais vinculados a este manual ou ao livro de receitas podem não estar disponíveis traduzido.

Condições de inclusão

Não há condições para adicionar novas traduções dos componentes guix e guix-packages, além de que eles precisam de pelo menos uma string traduzida. Novos idiomas serão adicionados ao Guix o mais rápido possível. Os arquivos podem ser removidos se ficarem fora de sincronia e não tiverem mais strings traduzidas.

Dado que o site é dedicado a novos usuários, queremos que sua tradução esteja o mais completa possível antes de incluí-la no menu de idiomas. Para que um novo idioma seja incluído, ele precisa atingir pelo menos 80% de conclusão. Quando um idioma é incluído, ele pode ser removido no futuro se ficar fora de sincronia e ficar abaixo de 60% de conclusão.

O manual e o livro de receitas são adicionados automaticamente no destino de compilação padrão. Toda vez que sincronizamos traduções, os desenvolvedores precisam recompilar todos os manuais e livros de receitas traduzidos. Isso é inútil para o que é essencialmente o manual ou livro de receitas em inglês. Portanto, só incluiremos um novo idioma quando ele atingir 10% de conclusão no componente. Quando um idioma é incluído, ele pode ser removido no futuro se ficar fora de sincronia e cair abaixo de 5% de conclusão.

Infraestrutura de tradução

O Weblate é apoiado por um repositório git do qual ele descobre novas strings para traduzir e envia traduções novas e atualizadas. Normalmente, seria suficiente dar a ele acesso de commit para nossos repositórios. No entanto, decidimos usar um repositório separado por dois motivos. Primeiro, teríamos que dar ao Weblate acesso de commit e autorizar sua chave de assinatura, mas não confiamos nele da mesma forma que confiamos nos desenvolvedores do guix, especialmente porque não gerenciamos a instância nós mesmos. Segundo, se os tradutores bagunçarem alguma coisa, isso pode quebrar a geração do site e/ou o guix pull para todos os nossos usuários, independentemente do idioma deles.

Por esses motivos, usamos um repositório dedicado para hospedar as traduções e o sincronizamos com nossos repositórios guix e artworks após verificar se nenhum problema foi introduzido na tradução.

Os desenvolvedores podem baixar os arquivos PO mais recentes do weblate no repositório Guix executando o comando make download-po. Ele baixará automaticamente os arquivos mais recentes do weblate, os reformatará para um formato canônico e verificará se eles não contêm problemas. O manual precisa ser construído novamente para verificar se há problemas adicionais que podem travar o Texinfo.

Antes de enviar novos arquivos de tradução, os desenvolvedores devem adicioná-los à maquinaria de make para que as traduções estejam realmente disponíveis. O processo difere para os vários componentes.

  • Novos arquivos po para os componentes guix e packages devem ser registrado adicionando o novo idioma em po/guix/LINGUAS ou po/packages/LINGUAS.
  • Novos arquivos po para o componente documentation-manual devem ser registrado adicionando o nome do arquivo em DOC_PO_FILES em po/doc/, o manual gerado em %D%/guix.xx.texi em info_TEXINFOS em doc/ e o gerado em %D%/guix.xx.texi e %D%/contributing.xx.texi em TRANSLATED_INFO também em doc/
  • Novos arquivos po para o componente documentation-cookbook devem ser registrado adicionando o nome do arquivo em DOC_COOKBOOK_PO_FILES em po/doc/, o manual gerado em %D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi em info_TEXINFOS em doc/ e o gerado em %D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi em TRANSLATED_INFO também em doc/
  • Novos arquivos po para o componente website devem ser adicionados ao Repositório guix-artwork, em website/po/. website/po/LINGUAS e website/po/ietf-tags.scm devem ser atualizados adequadamente (veja website/i18n-howto.txt para mais informações sobre o processo).

22.20 Contributing to Guix’s Infrastructure

Since its inception, the Guix project has always valued its autonomy, and that reflects in its infrastructure: our servers run Guix System and exclusively free software, and are administered by volunteers.

Of course this comes at a cost and this is why we need contributions. Our hope is to make infrastructure-related activity more legible so that maybe you can picture yourself helping in one of these areas.

22.20.1 Coding

The project runs many Guix-specific services; this is all lovely Scheme code but it tends to receive less attention than Guix itself:

There is no time constraint on this coding activity: any improvement is welcome, whenever it comes. Most of these code bases are relatively small, which should make it easier to get started.

Pré-requisitos: familiaridade com o Guile, HTTP, e banco de dados.

Se você deseja iniciar, dê uma olhada no README do projeto de sua escolha e entre em contato com o guix-devel e os desenvolvedores principais da ferramenta conforme git shortlog -s | sort -k1 -n.

22.20.2 System Administration

A configuração do Sistema Guix para todos os nossos sistemas é mantida neste repositório:

The two front-ends are berlin.scm (the machine behind and bayfront.scm (the machine behind,,,, and more). Both connect to a number of build machines and helpers.

Caso não tenha inclusive acesso SSH à máquina, voucê pode ajudar postando patches para melhorar a configuração (pode testar isso com guix system vm). Alguns caminhos para você poder ajudar:

  • Improve infra monitoring: set up a dashboard to monitor all the infrastructure, and an out-of-band channel to communicate about downtime.
  • Implement web site redundancy: should be backed by several machines on different sites. Get in touch with us and/or send a patch!
  • Implement substitute redundancy: likewise, and should be backed by several head nodes.
  • Improve backup: there’s currently ad-hoc backup of selected pieces over rsync between the two head nodes; we can improve on that, for example with a dedicated backup site and proper testing of recoverability.
  • Support mirroring: We’d like to make it easy for others to mirror substitutes from ci.guix and bordeaux.guix, perhaps by offering public rsync access.
  • Optimize our web services: Monitor the performance of our services and tweak nginx config or whatever it takes to improve it.

    There is no time constraint on this activity: any improvement is welcome, whenever you can work on it.

    Prerequisite: Familiarity with Guix System administration and ideally with the infrastructure handbook:


22.20.3 Day-to-Day System Administration

We’re also looking for people who’d be willing to have SSH access to some of the infrastructure to help with day-to-day maintenance: restarting a build, restarting the occasional service that has gone wild (that can happen), reconfiguring/upgrading a machine, rebooting, etc.

This day-to-day activity requires you to be available some of the time (during office hours or not, during the week-end or not), whenever is convenient for you, so you can react to issues reported on IRC, on the mailing list, or elsewhere, and synchronize with other sysadmins.

Prerequisite: Being a “known” member of the community, familiarity with Guix System administration, with some of the services/web sites being run, and with the infrastructure handbook:


22.20.4 On-Site Intervention

The first front-end is currently generously hosted by the Max Delbrück Center (MDC), a research institute in Berlin, Germany. Only authorized personnel can physically access it.

The second one,, is hosted in Bordeaux, France, in a professional data center shared with non-profit ISP Aquilenet. If you live in the region of Bordeaux and would like to help out when we need to go on-site, please make yourself known by emailing

On-site interventions are rare, but they’re usually in response to an emergency.

22.20.5 Hosting

We’re looking for people who can host machines and help out whenever physical access is needed. More specifically:

  • We need hosting of “small” machines such as single-board computers (AArch64, RISC-V) for use as build machines.
  • We need hosting for front-ends and x86_64 build machines in a data center where they can be racked and where, ideally, several local Guix sysadmins can physically access them.

The machines should be accessible over Wireguard VPN most of the time, so longer power or network interruptions should be the exception.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with installing and remotely administering Guix System.

22.20.6 Administrative Tasks

The infra remains up and running thanks to crucial administrative tasks, which includes:

  • Selecting and purchasing hardware, for example build machines.
  • Renewing domain names.
  • Securing funding, in particular via the Guix Foundation: Guix Foundation

Prerequisites: Familiarity with hardware, and/or DNS registrars, and/or sponsorship, and/or crowdfunding.

23 Agradecimentos

Guix é baseado no gerenciador de pacotes Nix, que foi projetado e implementado por Eelco Dolstra, com contribuições de outras pessoas (veja o arquivo nix/AUTHORS no Guix.) O Nix foi pioneiro no gerenciamento funcional de pacotes e promoveu recursos sem precedentes, como atualizações e reversões de pacotes transacionais, perfis por usuário e processos de construção referencialmente transparentes. Sem esse trabalho, o Guix não existiria.

As distribuições de software baseadas em Nix, Nixpkgs e NixOS, também foram uma inspiração para o Guix.

O GNU Guix em si é um trabalho coletivo com contribuições de várias pessoas. Veja o arquivo AUTHORS no Guix para obter mais informações sobre essas pessoas legais. O arquivo THANKS lista as pessoas que ajudaram a relatar erros, cuidar da infraestrutura, fornecer ilustrações e temas, fazer sugestões e muito mais – obrigado!

Próximo: , Anterior: , Acima: GNU Guix   [Conteúdo][Índice]

Apêndice A Licença de Documentação Livre GNU

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    The “publisher” means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

Índice de conceitos

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Entrada de Índice  Seção

.local, host name lookup: Name Service Switch

/bin/sh: Serviços básicos
/etc/hosts default entries: Serviços básicos
/usr/bin/env: Serviços básicos

AArch64, bootloaders: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
accounts: Contas de usuário
acesso de confirmação, para desenvolvedores: Confirmar acesso
acesso remoto ao daemon: Invocando guix-daemon
acesso remoto ao daemon: O armazém
ACL (lista de controle de acesso), para substitutos: Autorização de servidor substituto
acordo de contribuição: Contribuindo
actions, of Shepherd services: Serviços de Shepherd
agate: Serviços web
aliases, for email addresses: Serviços de correio
aliases, para guix package: Invocando guix package
ALSA: Serviços de som
ambiente de compilação: Configuração do ambiente de compilação
ambiente de compilação: Invocando guix-daemon
ambiente persistente: Invocando guix shell
ambiente persistente: Invocando guix environment
ambiente, ambiente de construção de pacotes: Invocando guix shell
ambientes de construção reproduzíveis: Invocando guix shell
ambientes de desenvolvimento: Invocando guix shell
Android distribution: Sistemas de compilação
Android NDK build system: Sistemas de compilação
aninhamento de contêineres, para guix shell: Invocando guix shell
AppImage, create an AppImage file with guix pack: Invocando guix pack
AppImage, create an AppImage file with guix pack: Invocando guix pack
archival of source code, Software Heritage: Invocando guix lint
argumento de camadas máximas, para imagens docker: Invocando guix pack
argumentos de ponto de entrada, para imagens docker: Invocando guix pack
ARM, bootloaders: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
arquiteturas estrangeiras: Compilação cruzada
arquivamento: Invocando guix archive
arquivamento normalizado (nar): Invocando guix archive
arquivo de bloqueio: Replicando Guix
arquivo de configuração para canais: Invocando guix pull
arquivo de configuração para canais: Canais
aspirar o banco de dados do armazém: Invocando guix gc
assinatura, arquivos: Invocando guix archive
assinaturas digitais: Autenticação de substituto
ataques de downgrade, proteção contra: Invocando guix pull
atualizando Guix: Invocando guix pull
atualizando Guix: Invocando guix pull
atualizando Guix para o usuário root, em uma distribuição estrangeira: Atualizando o Guix
atualizando o daemon Guix, em uma distribuição estrangeira: Atualizando o Guix
Atualizando o Guix, em uma distribuição estrangeira: Atualizando o Guix
atualização de pacotes: Invocando guix package
atualizações de segurança: Atualizações de segurança
Audit: Serviços diversos
autenticação, de código de canal: Invocando guix pull
autenticação, de código de canal: Autenticação de canal
autenticação, de um checkout Guix: Compilando do git
autenticidade, do código obtido com guix pull: Invocando guix pull
authentication, of Git checkouts: Invocando guix git authenticate
authorized keys, SSH: Serviços de Rede
autorizando, arquivamentos: Invocando guix archive
autorizações de canal: Especificando autorizações de canal
AutoSSH: Serviços de Rede
availability of substitutes: Invocando guix weather

Backup: Serviços diversos
backup service, Syncthing: Serviços de Rede
backup service, Syncthing: Networking Home Services
bag (low-level package representation): Sistemas de compilação
bash: Shells Home Services
bash: Invocando guix home
Beets service, for Home: Miscellaneous Home Services
binfmt_misc: Serviços de virtualização
binários bootstrap: Inicializando
binários bootstrap: Preparando para usar os binários do Bootstrap
binários pré-construídos: Substitutos
binários realocáveis: Invocando guix pack
binários relocáveis, com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
Bioconductor: Invocando guix import
BIOS boot, on Intel machines: Usando o sistema de configuração
BIOS, bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
black list, of kernel modules: Disco de RAM inicial
boot loader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
boot menu: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
build code quoting: Expressões-G
build daemon: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
build failures, debugging: Depurando falhas de compilação
build logs, access: Opções de compilação adicional
build logs, publication: Invocando guix publish
build logs, verbosity: Opções de compilação comuns
build phases, customizing: Fases de construção
build phases, for packages: Fases de construção
build phases, modifying: Construir utilitários
build VMs: Serviços de virtualização
build-time dependencies: Derivações
building the dependents of a package: Opções de compilação adicional
busca de consenso: Tomando decisões

cache de font: Configuração de aplicativo
cache invalidation, nscd: Serviços básicos
cache, de perfis: Invocando guix shell
cachefilesd: Serviços Linux
caching, em guix shell: Invocando guix shell
cadeia de ferramentas, escolhendo a cadeia de ferramentas de um pacote: Referência do package
cadeia de ferramentas, para desenvolvimento em C: A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC
cadeia de ferramentas, para desenvolvimento Fortran: A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC
CalDAV: Serviços de correio
caminho de pesquisa dos módulos de pacote: Módulos de pacote
caminhos de pesquisa: Invocando guix package
caminhos de pesquisa: Invocando guix package
canais, para o Guix padrão: Customizing the System-Wide Guix
canais, para pacotes pessoais: Criando um canal
canal de notícias: Invocando guix pull
capabilities, POSIX: Privileged Programs
CardDAV: Serviços de correio
Cargo (Rust build system): Sistemas de compilação
carta de apresentação: Enviando uma série de patches
cat-avatar-generator: Serviços web
CD image format: Invocando guix system
certificados: Invocando guix environment
Certificados X.509: Certificados X.509
Cgit service: Serviços de controlando versão
challenge: Invocando guix challenge
channels: Canais
channels.scm, arquivo de configuração: Invocando guix pull
channels.scm, arquivo de configuração: Canais
childhurd: Serviços de virtualização
childhurd, offloading: Serviços de virtualização
chroot: Configuração do ambiente de compilação
chroot: Invocando guix-daemon
chroot, guix system: Dicas para solução de problemas do sistema
chrooting, guix system: Dicas para solução de problemas do sistema
Clojure (programming language): Sistemas de compilação
clusters, configuração do daemon: Invocando guix-daemon
clusters, configuração do daemon: O armazém
code staging: Fases de construção
code staging: Expressões-G
coletor de lixo: Invocando guix gc
coletor de lixo raiz, para ambientes: Invocando guix shell
coletor de lixo raiz, para ambientes: Invocando guix environment
colisões de perfil: Invocando guix package
colisões, em um perfil: Invocando guix package
compilação cruzada: Invocando guix pack
compilação cruzada: Definindo pacotes
compilação cruzada: Expressões-G
compilação cruzada: Opções de compilação adicional
compilação cruzada, dependências de pacotes: Referência do package
compilações reproduzíveis: Invocando guix-daemon
compilações reproduzíveis: Recursos
compilações reproduzíveis: Autenticação de substituto
compilações reproduzíveis: Invocando guix challenge
compilações reproduzíveis, verificação: Enviando patches
complex configurations: Complex Configurations
Composer: Invocando guix import
composição das revisões do Guix: Inferiores
Compressed RAM-based block devices: Serviços Linux
compressed swap: Serviços Linux
confiança, de binários pré-construídos: Confiança em binários
configuration file, of a shepherd service: Serviços
configuration file, of Shepherd services: Serviços de Shepherd
configuration file, of the system: Começando com o Sistema
configuration, action for shepherd services: Serviços
configuração de guix pull: Canais
Configuração do git: Configurando o Git
configuração do sistema: Configuração do sistema
Configuração pessoal: Home Configuration
configure flags, changing them: Opções de transformação de pacote
Connman: Networking Setup
consertando o armazém: Invocando guix gc
construir fazenda: Official Substitute Servers
container: Invocando guix shell
container: Invocando guix environment
container: Invocando guix environment
container: Invocando guix container
container management, podman: Serviços diversos
container, for guix home: Declarando o ambiente pessoal
container, for guix home: Invocando guix home
containerd, container runtime: Serviços diversos
containers, subordinate IDs: Contas de usuário
ContentDB: Invocando guix import
continuous integration, statistics: Invocando guix weather
controle de acesso obrigatório, SELinux: Suporte a SELinux
contêiner, ambiente de compilação: Invocando guix-daemon
contêineres aninhados, para guix shell: Invocando guix shell
copy, of store items, over SSH: Invocando guix copy
corrupção, recuperando-se de: Invocando guix gc
corrupção, recuperando-se de: Opções de compilação adicional
CPAN: Invocando guix import
CPU frequency scaling with thermald: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
CRAN: Invocando guix import
crase (quasiquote): Definindo pacotes
crate: Invocando guix import
Creating system images in various formats: Invocando guix system
creating virtual machine images: Invocando guix system
criar notificações de eventos, feed RSS: Notificações de construção de Cuirass
cron: Execução de trabalho agendado
cron: Mcron Home Service
CTAN: Invocando guix import
customization, of services: Usando o sistema de configuração
CVE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures: Invocando guix lint
código de conduta, de contribuidores: Contribuindo

daemon: Configurando o daemon
daemon, acesso remoto: Invocando guix-daemon
daemon, acesso remoto: O armazém
daemon, configuração de cluster: Invocando guix-daemon
daemon, configuração de cluster: O armazém
daemons: Composição de serviço
DAG: Invocando guix graph
darkstat: Serviços de monitoramento
database: Serviços de bancos de dados
Debbugs, Mumi Web interface: Serviços web
Debbugs, sistema de rastreamento de problemas: O rastreador de problemas
Debian, construa um pacote .deb com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
Debuga as tags do usuário: Debbugs Marcadores de usuário
debugging files: Instalando arquivos de depuração
debugging info, rebuilding: Opções de transformação de pacote
debugging info, rebuilding: Reconstruindo informações de depuração
declaração de perfil: Invocando guix package
deduplicação: Invocando guix-daemon
deduplicação: Invocando guix gc
deleting home generations: Invocando guix home
deleting system generations: Invocando guix system
dependencies, build-time: Derivações
dependencies, run-time: Derivações
dependency graph, of Shepherd services: Usando o sistema de configuração
dependents of a package, building them: Opções de compilação adicional
dependências de pacotes: Invocando guix gc
dependências de pacotes: Invocando guix graph
dependências, canais: Declarando dependências de canal
deprecation of programming interfaces: Política de depreciação
derivation: Invocando guix gc
derivation: Interface de programação
derivation path: Derivações
derivations: Derivações
derivações de saída fixa, para download: Referência do origin
descarregamento: Configuração de descarregamento de daemon
descarregamento: Invocando guix-daemon
descrição do pacote: Sinopses e descrições
desenvolvimento de software: Desenvolvimento
desfazendo transações: Invocando guix package
desfazendo transações: Invocando guix pull
determinismo, de processos de compilação: Enviando patches
determinismo, verificação: Opções de compilação adicional
development inputs, of a package: Referência do package
device mapping: Dispositivos mapeados
DHCP: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
DHCP, networking service: Networking Setup
DHCPCD, networking service: Networking Setup
dhtproxy, for use with jami: Serviços de Rede
dicionário: Serviços diversos
dictionary service, for Home: Miscellaneous Home Services
diretório de configuração do sistema: Compilando do git
diretório de estado: Compilando do git
diretórios relacionados à distro alheia: Instalação
disco criptografado: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
disco criptografado: Usando o sistema de configuração
disk encryption: Dispositivos mapeados
display manager, lightdm: X Window
disposição do teclado: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
disposição do teclado: Disposição do teclado
disposição do teclado, configuração: Disposição do teclado
disposição do teclado, definição: Disposição do teclado
disposição do teclado, para o carregador de inicialização: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
disposição do teclado, para Xorg: X Window
distro alheia: Instalação
distro alheia: Configuração de aplicativo
DLNA/UPnP: Serviços diversos
DNS (domain name system): Serviços DNS
Docker: Serviços diversos
Docker, construa uma imagem com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
docker-image, creating docker images: Invocando guix system
documentation: Pacotes com múltiplas saídas
documentation: Política de depreciação
documentation, searching for: Documentação
domain name system (DNS): Serviços DNS
dot files in Guix Home: Serviços essenciais pessoais
downloading package sources: Invocando guix download
dual boot: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
DVD image format: Invocando guix system
Dynamic IP, with Wireguard: Serviços VPN
dyndns, usage with Wireguard: Serviços VPN

e-mail: Serviços de correio
e-mail: Serviços de correio
early out of memory daemon: Serviços Linux
earlyoom: Serviços Linux
editing, service type definition: Invocando guix system
editing, service type definition: Invocando guix home
EFI boot: Usando o sistema de configuração
EFI, bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
EFI, instalação: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
egg: Invocando guix import
elisp, empacotando: Pacotes Emacs
elm: Invocando guix import
Elm: Pacotes Elm
elpa: Invocando guix import
emacs: Configuração de aplicativo
emacs, empacotando: Pacotes Emacs
email aliases: Serviços de correio
embalagem: Invocando guix pack
embalagem de aplicativos: Invocando guix pack
embalagem de software: Invocando guix pack
embalagem nar, formato de arquivamento: Invocando guix archive
emulation: Serviços de virtualização
emulation: Serviços de virtualização
entradas propagadas: Invocando guix package
entradas, de pacotes: Referência do package
entradas, para pacotes Python: Módulos Python
env, in /usr/bin: Serviços básicos
envios de patches, rastreamento: O rastreador de problemas
environment variables: Serviços essenciais pessoais
envoltório do vinculador: A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC
equipes: Enviando uma série de patches
equipes: Equipes
error strategy: Invocando guix system
ESP, partição do sistema EFI: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
espaço em disco: Invocando guix gc
essential services: Referência do operating-system
estendendo a coleção de pacotes (canais): Especificando canais adicionais
estilo de codificação: Formatação de código
estratégia de agendamento de recompilação: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
estratégia de ramificação: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
estrutura da árvore de origem: Estrutura da árvore de origem
exportando arquivos do armazém: Invocando guix archive
exportando itens do armazém: Invocando guix archive
extensibilidade da distribuição: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
extension graph, of services: Usando o sistema de configuração
extensions, for gexps: Expressões-G

Fail2Ban: Serviços diversos
fases de construção: Sistemas de compilação
fases de construção: Sistemas de compilação
fases de construção: Construir utilitários
fastcgi: Serviços web
fc-cache: Configuração de aplicativo
fcgiwrap: Serviços web
fechamento: Invocando guix gc
fechamento: Invocando guix size
fechamento: Invocando guix size
ferramentas de linha de comando, como módulos Guile: Estrutura da árvore de origem
FHS (padrão de hierarquia do sistema de arquivos): Invocando guix shell
file search: Invocando guix locate
file search: File Search Services
file, searching: Construir utilitários
file, searching in packages: Invocando guix locate
file-like objects: Expressões-G
fingerprint: Serviços diversos
firmware: Referência do operating-system
fixação, canais: Invocando guix time-machine
fixação, canais: Replicando Guix
fixação, revisões de canal de um perfil: Invocando guix package
fixed-output derivations: Derivações
fontes: Configuração de aplicativo
fontes: Fontes
format conventions: Invocando guix style
format, code style: Invocando guix style
formatação de código: Formatação de código
formatação, de código: Formatação de código
fscache, file system caching (Linux): Serviços Linux
fstrim service: Serviços Linux

G-expression: Expressões-G
gancho commit-msg: Configurando o Git
ganeti: Serviços de virtualização
garbage collector roots, adding: Opções de compilação adicional
GC roots, adding: Opções de compilação adicional
GCC: A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC
GDM: X Window
gem: Invocando guix import
gerações: Invocando guix package
gerações: Invocando guix package
gerações: Invocando guix pull
gerações: Invocando guix system
gerenciadores de janelas: X Window
gerenciamento de pacotes funcional: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
Git checkout authentication: Invocando guix git authenticate
git format-patch: Configurando o Git
git format-patch: Enviando uma série de patches
git send-email: Configurando o Git
git send-email: Enviando uma série de patches
Git, forge: Serviços de controlando versão
Git, hosting: Serviços de controlando versão
Git, using the latest commit: Opções de transformação de pacote
Git, web interface: Serviços de controlando versão
Gitolite service: Serviços de controlando versão
global security system: Sistema de arquivos de rede
gmnisrv: Serviços web
GNOME, login manager: X Window
GNU Mailutils IMAP4 Daemon: Serviços de correio
GNU Privacy Guard, Home service: GNU Privacy Guard
Gnus, configuração para ler feeds RSS do CI: Notificações de construção de Cuirass
go: Invocando guix import
GPG, Home service: GNU Privacy Guard
gpg-agent, Home service: GNU Privacy Guard
gpm: Serviços básicos
grafts: Atualizações de segurança
groups: Contas de usuário
groups: Contas de usuário
GSS: Sistema de arquivos de rede
GSSD: Sistema de arquivos de rede
guix archive: Invocando guix archive
guix build: Invocando guix build
guix challenge: Invocando guix challenge
guix container: Invocando guix container
guix copy: Invocando guix copy
guix deploy: Invocando guix deploy
guix describe: Invocando guix describe
guix download: Invocando guix download
guix edit: Invocando guix edit
guix environment: Invocando guix shell
guix environment: Invocando guix environment
guix gc: Invocando guix gc
guix git authenticate: Invocando guix git authenticate
guix graph: Invocando guix graph
guix hash: Invocando guix hash
guix home: Invocando guix home
guix lint: Invocando guix lint
guix pack: Invocando guix pack
guix package: Invocando guix package
guix processes: Invocando guix processes
guix publish: Invocando guix publish
guix pull: Invocando guix pull
guix pull para o usuário root, em uma distribuição estrangeira: Atualizando o Guix
guix pull, arquivo de configuração: Canais
guix refresh: Invocando guix refresh
guix repl: Invocando guix repl
guix shell: Invocando guix shell
guix size: Invocando guix size
guix style: Invocando guix style
guix system: Invocando guix system
Guix System Distribution, agora Guix System: Introdução
guix system troubleshooting: Complex Configurations
Guix System, instalação: Instalação do sistema
guix time-machine: Invocando guix time-machine
guix weather: Invocando guix weather
guix-daemon: Invocando guix-daemon
guix-emacs-autoload-packages, atualizando pacotes Emacs: Configuração de aplicativo
GuixSD, agora Guix System: Introdução

hackage: Invocando guix import
HDPI: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
HDPI: Invocando guix system
herdar, para definições de pacotes: Definindo variantes de pacote
hexpm: Invocando guix import
hibernation: Espaço de troca (swap)
HiDPI: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
HiDPI: Invocando guix system
home generations: Invocando guix home
hook de compilação: Configuração de descarregamento de daemon
hostapd service, for Wi-Fi access points: Serviços de Rede
hpcguix-web: Serviços web
HTTP: Serviços web
HTTP proxy, for guix-daemon: Serviços básicos
HTTP, HTTPS: Serviços de certificado
HTTPS, certificates: Certificados X.509
hurd: Referência do operating-system
hurd: Serviços de virtualização
Hurd, offloading: Serviços de virtualização

i18n: Escrevendo documentação
idmapd: Sistema de arquivos de rede
image, creating disk images: Invocando guix system
imagem de instalação: Compilando a imagem de instalação
imagens de sistema: Imagens do sistema
IMAP: Serviços de correio
implicit inputs, of a package: Referência do package
importando arquivos para o armazém: Invocando guix archive
imported modules, for gexps: Expressões-G
importing packages: Invocando guix import
incompatibility, of locale data: Localidades
incorporando: Enviando patches
inetd: Serviços de Rede
inferiores: Inferiores
inferiores: Invocando guix repl
Info, documentation format: Documentação
infrastructure: Traduzindo o Guix
inicialização: Inicializando
init system: Serviços de Shepherd
initial RAM disk: Referência do operating-system
initial RAM disk: Disco de RAM inicial
initial RAM disk: Disco de RAM inicial
initrd: Referência do operating-system
initrd: Disco de RAM inicial
initrd: Disco de RAM inicial
inputattach: Serviços diversos
inputrc: Shells Home Services
inserir ou atualizar direitos autorais: A configuração perfeita
inspecting system services: Usando o sistema de configuração
instalando Guix: Instalação
instalando Guix de binários: Instalação de binários
instalando o Guix System: Instalação do sistema
instalando pacotes: Invocando guix package
instalando via SSH: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
instalação de pacote: Invocando guix package
integração contínua: Opções de transformação de pacote
integração contínua: Integração Contínua
integridade do armazém: Invocando guix gc
interactive shell: Shells Home Services
interactive use: Usando Guix interativamente
interfaces de usuário: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
introdução do canal: Especificando autorizações de canal
introdução, para autenticação Git: Invocando guix git authenticate
invalid store items: O armazém
Invoking guix import: Invocando guix import
invoking programs, from Scheme: Construir utilitários
IPFS: Serviços de Rede
iptables: Serviços de Rede
IRC (Internet Relay Chat): Serviços de mensageria
IRC (Internet Relay Chat): Serviços de mensageria
IRC gateway: Serviços de mensageria
ISO-9660 format: Invocando guix system
isolação: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
itens do armazém: O armazém

jabber: Serviços de mensageria
jackd: Serviços básicos
java: Pacotes Java
joycond: Serviços de jogos
JSON: Invocando guix describe
JSON, import: Invocando guix import

keepalived: Serviços de Rede
Kerberos: Serviços Kerberos
kernel module loader: Serviços Linux
kexec, for fast reboots: Invocando guix system
keymap: Disposição do teclado
keymap, for Xorg: X Window
kodi: Media Home Services

l10n: Escrevendo documentação
latest commit, building: Opções de transformação de pacote
ld-wrapper: A cadeia de ferramentas do GCC
LDAP: Serviços LDAP
LDAP, server: Serviços LDAP
legacy boot, on Intel machines: Usando o sistema de configuração
Let’s Encrypt: Serviços de certificado
LGTM, parece bom para mim: Revendo o trabalho de outros
licença, de pacotes: Referência do package
licença, Licença de Documentação Livre GNU: Licença de Documentação Livre GNU
ligações simbólicas, guix shell: Invocando guix shell
lightdm, graphical login manager: X Window
Linguagem de programação Scheme, primeiros passos: Definindo pacotes
lint, code style: Invocando guix style
LIRC: Serviços diversos
lista de controle de acesso (ACL), para substitutos: Autorização de servidor substituto
lista de materiais (manifestos): Escrevendo manifestos
literais, inibição de avaliação: Definindo pacotes
locale definition: Localidades
locale name: Localidades
locales, quando não está no Guix System: Configuração de aplicativo
localidade: Localidades
localstatedir: Compilando do git
log rotation: Rotação de log
log rotation, for user services: Shepherd Home Service
logging: Rotação de log
logging, anonymization: Rotação de log
logging, syslog: Serviços básicos
login manager: X Window
login manager: X Window
login shell: Shells Home Services
loopback device: Networking Setup
lowering, of high-level objects in gexps: Expressões-G
lowering, of high-level objects in gexps: Expressões-G
LUKS: Dispositivos mapeados
LVM, logical volume manager: Dispositivos mapeados

M-x copyright-update: A configuração perfeita
M-x guix-copyright: A configuração perfeita
mail: Serviços de correio
mail transfer agent (MTA): Serviços de correio
man pages: Documentação
manifesto: Escrevendo manifestos
manifesto de perfil: Invocando guix package
manifesto, exportando: Invocando guix package
manifesto, exportando: Invocando guix shell
manual pages: Documentação
mapped devices: Dispositivos mapeados
Marcação Texinfo, em descrições de pacote: Sinopses e descrições
mcron: Execução de trabalho agendado
mcron: Mcron Home Service
membros da equipe: Equipes
mentoria: Equipes
message of the day: Serviços básicos
messaging: Serviços de mensageria
metadados, canais: Declarando dependências de canal
minetest: Invocando guix import
modelos: A configuração perfeita
ModemManager: Networking Setup
Modeswitching: Networking Setup
modprobe: Serviços Linux
module closure: Expressões-G
module, black-listing: Disco de RAM inicial
monad: A mônada do armazém
monadic functions: A mônada do armazém
monadic values: A mônada do armazém
mouse: Serviços básicos
mpd: Serviços de áudio
MPD, web interface: Serviços de áudio
msmtp: Mail Home Services
MTA (mail transfer agent): Serviços de correio
multiple-output packages: Pacotes com múltiplas saídas
Mumble: Serviços de telefonia
mumi am: Debbugs User Interfaces
mumi command-line interface: Debbugs User Interfaces
mumi compose: Debbugs User Interfaces
mumi send-email: Debbugs User Interfaces
mumi www: Debbugs User Interfaces
Mumi, Debbugs Web interface: Serviços web
mumi, web interface for issues: Debbugs User Interfaces
Murmur: Serviços de telefonia
myMPD service: Serviços de áudio
máquina virtual, instalação do Guix System: Instalando Guix em uma VM
módulos da banda de compilação: Módulos
módulos de comando: Estrutura da árvore de origem
módulos de pacote: Estrutura da árvore de origem
módulos do lado do host: Módulos
módulos importadores: Estrutura da árvore de origem

name mapper: Sistema de arquivos de rede
name service switch: Name Service Switch
nar, formato de arquivamento: Invocando guix archive
network interface controller (NIC): Networking Setup
networking, with QEMU: Networking Setup
NetworkManager: Networking Setup
NFS: Sistema de arquivos de rede
NFS, server: Sistema de arquivos de rede
nftables: Serviços de Rede
NIC, networking interface controller: Networking Setup
nintendo controllers: Serviços de jogos
NIS (Serviço de informação de rede): Configuração de aplicativo
Nix: Serviços diversos
Node.js: Invocando guix import
nofile: Serviços básicos
nome de pacote: Nomeando um pacote
non-determinism, in package builds: Invocando guix challenge
normalized codeset in locale names: Localidades
notifications, build events: Notificações de construção de Cuirass
notícias, para canais: Escrevendo notícias do canal
npm: Invocando guix import
nscd (name service cache daemon): Configuração de aplicativo
nscd (name service cache daemon): Serviços básicos
nscd, cache invalidation: Serviços básicos
nslcd, LDAP service: Serviços LDAP
nsncd, replacement for nscd: Configuração de aplicativo
NSS: Name Service Switch
NSS (troca de serviço de nomes), glibc: Configuração de aplicativo
nss-certs: Configuração de aplicativo
nss-certs: Certificados X.509
nss-mdns: Name Service Switch
nsswitch.conf: Configuração de aplicativo
NTP (Network Time Protocol), service: Serviços de Rede
ntpd, service for the Network Time Protocol daemon: Serviços de Rede
número de versão, para snapshots de VCS: Números de versão

OCaml: Invocando guix import
OCI-backed, Shepherd services: Serviços diversos
offload status: Configuração de descarregamento de daemon
offload test: Configuração de descarregamento de daemon
on-error: Invocando guix system
on-error strategy: Invocando guix system
one-shot services, for the Shepherd: Serviços de Shepherd
onion service, tor: Serviços de Rede
onion services, for Tor: Serviços de Rede
oom: Serviços Linux
OPAM: Invocando guix import
open file descriptors: Serviços básicos
opendht, distributed hash table network service: Serviços de Rede
OpenNTPD: Serviços de Rede
OpenPGP, confirmações assinadas: Confirmar acesso
optimization, of package code: Opções de transformação de pacote
out of memory killer: Serviços Linux

pack: Invocando guix pack
package building: Invocando guix build
package conversion: Invocando guix import
package definition, editing: Invocando guix edit
package deprecation: Política de depreciação
package import: Invocando guix import
package multi-versioning: Opções de transformação de pacote
package removal policy: Política de depreciação
package size: Invocando guix size
package, checking for errors: Invocando guix lint
pacotes: Gerenciamento de pacote
pacotes colidindo em perfis: Invocando guix package
pacotes inferiores: Inferiores
pacotes inferiores: Inferiores
pacotes LaTeX: Usando TeX e LaTeX
pacotes pessoais (canais): Criando um canal
pacotes TeX: Usando TeX e LaTeX
pacotes variantes (canais): Especificando canais adicionais
pacotes, criação: Diretrizes de empacotamento
padrão de hierarquia do sistema de arquivos (FHS): Invocando guix shell
PAM: Referência do operating-system
pam volume mounting: Serviço de montagem PAM
pam-krb5: Serviços Kerberos
pam-mount: Serviço de montagem PAM
Parcimonie, Home service: Secure Shell
partial target version, guix refresh: Invocando guix refresh
password, for user accounts: Contas de usuário
Patchwork: Serviços web
pattern matching: Tipos de dados e correspondência de padrão
pcscd: Serviços diversos
perfil: Começando
perfil: Invocando guix package
perfil: Invocando guix package
performance, tuning code: Opções de transformação de pacote
perl: Módulos Perl
personalizando pacotes: Definindo variantes de pacote
personalização, de pacotes: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
personalização, de pacotes: Módulos de pacote
PHP: Invocando guix import
php-fpm: Serviços web
PID 1: Serviços de Shepherd
pipefs: Sistema de arquivos de rede
PipeWire, serviço pessoal: Sound Home Services
Platform Reliability, Availability and Serviceability daemon: Serviços Linux
pluggable authentication modules: Referência do operating-system
pluggable transports, tor: Serviços de Rede
podman, rootless: Serviços diversos
política de depreciação: Política de depreciação
ponto de entrada para imagens Docker e Singularity: Invocando guix pack
POP: Serviços de correio
postgis: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql extension-packages: Serviços de bancos de dados
power consumption tuning with PowerTOP: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
power management: Power Management Home Services
power management with TLP: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
power-profiles-daemon: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
PowerTOP: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
printer support with CUPS: Serviços de impressão
priority: Serviços básicos
privileged programs: Privileged Programs
procurando por pacotes: Invocando guix package
procurando por pacotes: Invocando guix locate
procurando por pacotes, por nome de arquivo: Invocando guix locate
profile, choosing: Invocando guix package
program invocation, from Scheme: Construir utilitários
program wrappers: Construir utilitários
prometheus-node-exporter: Serviços de monitoramento
propósito: Introdução
provenance tracking, of the operating system: Invocando guix system
provenance tracking, of the operating system: Invocando guix system
provenance tracking, of the operating system: Referência de Service
provenance, of the system: Começando com o Sistema
proxy, durante a instalação do sistema: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
proxy, for guix-daemon HTTP access: Serviços básicos
PulseAudio, serviço pessoal: Sound Home Services
PulseAudio, sound support: Serviços de som
puxar: Invocando guix pull
pypi: Invocando guix import
python: Módulos Python

QEMU: Executando Guix em uma VM
QEMU, networking: Networking Setup
quote: Definindo pacotes

raiz do coletor de lixo, para embalagens: Invocando guix pack
ramos de recursos, coordenação: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
rasdaemon: Serviços Linux
rastreamento de problemas: O rastreador de problemas
rastreamento de proveniência, de artefatos de software: Recursos
rastreamento de proveniência, do ambiente pessoal: Invocando guix home
raízes de coletor de lixo: Invocando guix-daemon
raízes de coletor de lixo: Invocando guix gc
raízes de GC: Invocando guix-daemon
raízes de GC: Invocando guix gc
read-eval-print loop: Executando guix antes dele ser instalado
readline: Shells Home Services
real time clock: Serviços de Rede
realm, kerberos: Serviços Kerberos
realtime: Serviços básicos
rebooting via Linux kexec: Invocando guix system
reconfiguring the system: Começando com o Sistema
reconfiguring the system: Usando o sistema de configuração
recuo, de código: Formatação de código
reduzindo boilerplate: A configuração perfeita
reescrita de entrada: Definindo variantes de pacote
reescrita de grafo de dependência: Definindo variantes de pacote
references: Derivações
regras para lidar com dependências de módulos circulares: Dependências do módulo cíclico
relative file name, in local-file: Expressões-G
relatórios de bugs, rastreamento: O rastreador de problemas
remendos: Definindo pacotes
remote build: Integração Contínua
removendo pacotes: Invocando guix package
remoção de pacote: Invocando guix package
repairing GRUB, via chroot: Dicas para solução de problemas do sistema
repairing store items: Opções de compilação adicional
REPL: Executando guix antes dele ser instalado
REPL service, for shepherd: Serviços de Shepherd
REPL, read-eval-print loop: Usando Guix interativamente
REPL, read-eval-print loop, script: Invocando guix repl
replacements of packages, for grafts: Atualizações de segurança
replicando Guix: Invocando guix time-machine
replicando Guix: Invocando guix describe
replicando Guix: Replicando Guix
replicação, de ambientes de software: Recursos
reprodutibilidade: Recursos
reprodutibilidade: Invocando guix describe
reprodutibilidade, de Guix: Invocando guix time-machine
reprodutibilidade, de Guix: Replicando Guix
reprodutibilidade, verificação: Opções de compilação adicional
resize-file-system: Serviços diversos
resolution: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
resolution: Invocando guix system
revertendo: Invocando guix package
revertendo: Invocando guix pull
revertendo: Invocando guix system
revertendo: Invocando guix home
revertendo commits: Confirmar acesso
reviewing, guidelines: Revendo o trabalho de outros
Revisado por, git trailer: Revendo o trabalho de outros
roll back, for the system: Começando com o Sistema
Rootless Podman: Serviços diversos
rootless podman, container management tool: Serviços diversos
rottlog: Rotação de log
rpcbind: Sistema de arquivos de rede
rpc_pipefs: Sistema de arquivos de rede
RPM, construa um arquivo RPM com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
rshiny: Serviços diversos
RSS feeds, Gnus configuration: Notificações de construção de Cuirass
RTP, for PulseAudio: Sound Home Services
run-time dependencies: Derivações
RUNPATH, validation: Sistemas de compilação
RUNPATH, validation: Fases de construção
rust: Rust Crates
Rust programming language: Sistemas de compilação
RYF, respeita sua liberdade: Considerações de Hardware

Samba: Samba Services
saving space: Invocando guix system
saving space: Invocando guix home
saídas: Pacotes com múltiplas saídas
saídas de pacote: Pacotes com múltiplas saídas
scanner access: Serviços de desktop
scheduling jobs: Execução de trabalho agendado
scheduling jobs: Mcron Home Service
script de instalação: Instalação de binários
search path: Caminhos de pesquisa
searching for a file: File Search Services
searching for documentation: Documentação
secrets, Knot service: Serviços DNS
secure shell client, configuration: Secure Shell
security vulnerabilities: Invocando guix lint
security vulnerabilities: Atualizações de segurança
segurança: Autorização de servidor substituto
segurança, guix pull: Invocando guix pull
segurança, guix-daemon: Suporte a SELinux
SELinux, instalação de política: Suporte a SELinux
SELinux, limitações: Suporte a SELinux
SELinux, política de daemons: Suporte a SELinux
sem fio: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
service deprecation: Política de depreciação
service extension graph, of a home environment: Invocando guix home
service extensions: Composição de serviço
service type definition, editing: Invocando guix system
service type definition, editing: Invocando guix home
service types: Composição de serviço
services: Usando o sistema de configuração
services: Composição de serviço
servidor virtual privado (VPS): Instalando Guix em uma VM
servidores substitutos, adicionando mais: Obtendo substitutos de outros servidores
Serviço de informação de rede (NIS): Configuração de aplicativo
Serviço Gitile: Serviços de controlando versão
serviços de sistema: Serviços
serviços pessoais: Serviços pessoais
session limits: Serviços básicos
session types: X Window
setcap: Privileged Programs
setgid programs: Privileged Programs
setuid programs: Privileged Programs
sh, in /bin: Serviços básicos
sharing store items across machines: Invocando guix copy
shebang, para guix shell: Invocando guix shell
shell: Shells Home Services
shell: Invocando guix home
shell-profile: Invocando guix home
Shepherd dependency graph, for a home environment: Invocando guix home
shepherd services: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd services, for users: Shepherd Home Service
shortest path, between packages: Invocando guix graph
SIMD support: Opções de transformação de pacote
simple Clojure build system: Sistemas de compilação
Singularity, construa uma imagem com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
Singularity, container service: Serviços diversos
sinopse do pacote: Sinopses e descrições
sistema de compilação: Sistemas de compilação
Sistema de construção GNU: Definindo pacotes
sistema de construção, estrutura de diretório: Estrutura da árvore de origem
Sistema Guix: Introdução
Sistema Guix: Distribuição GNU
Sistema Guix: Instalação
site oficial: Requisitos
size: Invocando guix size
SMB: Samba Services
SMTP: Serviços de correio
snippets, quando usar: Snippets versus Phases
socket activation, for guix publish: Invocando guix publish
socket activation, for guix-daemon: Invocando guix-daemon
Software Heritage, source code archive: Invocando guix lint
software livre: Liberdade de software
solicitações de mesclagem, modelo: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
solid state drives, periodic trim: Serviços Linux
solid state drives, trim: Serviços Linux
sound support: Serviços de som
source, verification: Opções de compilação adicional
spam: Serviços de correio
SPICE: Serviços diversos
SQL: Serviços de bancos de dados
SquashFS, construa uma imagem com guix pack: Invocando guix pack
SSH: Serviços de Rede
SSH: Serviços de Rede
SSH: Executando Guix em uma VM
SSH access to build daemons: O armazém
SSH agent, with gpg-agent: GNU Privacy Guard
SSH authorized keys: Serviços de Rede
SSH client, configuration: Secure Shell
SSH server: Serviços de Rede
SSH server: Serviços de Rede
SSH server: Executando Guix em uma VM
SSH, copy of store items: Invocando guix copy
ssh-agent: Secure Shell
stackage: Invocando guix import
staging, of code: Fases de construção
staging, of code: Expressões-G
state monad: A mônada do armazém
statistics, for substitutes: Invocando guix weather
store: Gerenciando software do jeito do Guix
store: O armazém
store paths: O armazém
Stow-like dot file management: Serviços essenciais pessoais
strata of code: Expressões-G
styling rules: Invocando guix style
subdiretório, canais: Módulos de pacote em um subdiretório
subid, subordinate user and group IDs: Serviços diversos
subordinate user and group IDs: Serviços diversos
substituidor: Diretrizes de empacotamento
substitute availability: Invocando guix weather
substitutos: Invocando guix-daemon
substitutos: Recursos
substitutos: Substitutos
substitutos, autenticação dela: Instalação de binários
substitutos, autenticação dela: Autorização de servidor substituto
substitutos, autenticação dela: Serviços básicos
substitutos, como desabilitar: Autorização de servidor substituto
sudo vs. guix pull: Começando com o Sistema
sudoers file: Referência do operating-system
suporte a hardware no Guix System: Considerações de Hardware
suporte a idioma nativo: Escrevendo documentação
suspend to disk: Espaço de troca (swap)
suíte/conjunto de testes: Executando o conjunto de testes
swap devices: Referência do operating-system
swap encryption: Dispositivos mapeados
swap space: Espaço de troca (swap)
sway, configuration: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway, Home Service: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
syncthing: Serviços de Rede
Syncthing, file synchronization service: Serviços de Rede
Syncthing, file synchronization service: Networking Home Services
sysconfdir: Compilando do git
sysctl: Serviços diversos
syslog, with external syslogd: Serviços básicos
syslogd, Shepherd system log service: Serviços de Shepherd
system configuration file: Começando com o Sistema
System images, creation in various formats: Invocando guix system
system instantiation: Começando com o Sistema
system instantiation: Usando o sistema de configuração
system log service, from Shepherd: Serviços de Shepherd
system service: Composição de serviço
system services, inspecting: Usando o sistema de configuração
system services, upgrading: Começando com o Sistema
system-wide Guix, customization: Customizing the System-Wide Guix
série de patches: Enviando uma série de patches

tablet input, for Xorg: Serviços diversos
tags de revisão: Revendo o trabalho de outros
target version, guix refresh: Invocando guix refresh
team creation: Equipes
telefonia, serviços: Serviços de telefonia
test suite, skipping: Opções de transformação de pacote
TeX Live: Invocando guix import
the Hurd: Serviços de virtualização
thermald: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
time traps: Serviços de virtualização
timer service, Shepherd: Serviços de Shepherd
tipo de serviço: Referência de Service
tlp: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
TLS: Certificados X.509
TLS certificates: Serviços de certificado
tomando uma decisão: Tomando decisões
tool chain, changing the build tool chain of a package: Opções de transformação de pacote
Tor: Serviços de Rede
touchscreen input, for Xorg: Serviços diversos
tradução: Escrevendo documentação
transações: Recursos
transações: Invocando guix package
transações, desfazendo: Invocando guix package
transações, desfazendo: Invocando guix pull
transferring store items across machines: Invocando guix copy
transformações de pacotes: Definindo variantes de pacote
transformações de pacotes, atualizações: Invocando guix package
transient service, Shepherd: Serviços de Shepherd
trechos de código: A configuração perfeita
troca de serviço de nome, glibc: Configuração de aplicativo
troubleshooting, for system services: Usando o sistema de configuração
troubleshooting, Guix System: Complex Configurations
tunable packages: Opções de transformação de pacote
tuning, of package code: Opções de transformação de pacote

UEFI boot: Usando o sistema de configuração
UEFI, bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
UEFI, instalação: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
ulimit: Serviços básicos
unattended upgrades: Atualizações sem supervisão
uninstallation, of Guix: Instalação de binários
uninstalling Guix: Instalação de binários
update-guix-package, atualizando o pacote guix: Atualizando o pacote Guix
updater-extra-inputs, package property: Invocando guix refresh
updater-ignored-inputs, package property: Invocando guix refresh
upgrade, of the system: Começando com o Sistema
upgrades, unattended: Atualizações sem supervisão
upgrading system services: Começando com o Sistema
upstream, latest version: Opções de transformação de pacote
URL principal, canais: URL principal
USB_ModeSwitch: Networking Setup
user accounts: Contas de usuário
user-processes Shepherd service: Serviços de Shepherd
usertags, para debbugs: Debbugs Marcadores de usuário
usuários: Contas de usuário
usuários de compilação: Configuração do ambiente de compilação

variantes de pacotes: Opções de transformação de pacote
variantes, de pacotes: Definindo variantes de pacote
Varnish: Serviços web
verbosity, of the command-line tools: Opções de compilação comuns
verifiable builds: Invocando guix challenge
verificação de integridade: Invocando guix gc
versão de pacote: Números de versão
virtual build machines: Serviços de virtualização
virtual machine: Invocando guix system
virtual machine: Executando Guix em uma VM
virtual private network (VPN): Serviços VPN
VM: Invocando guix system
VMs, for offloading: Serviços de virtualização
VNC (virtual network computing): VNC Services
vnstat: Serviços de monitoramento
VoIP server: Serviços de telefonia
VPN (virtual private network): Serviços VPN
VPS (servidor virtual privado): Instalando Guix em uma VM
vírgula (unquote): Definindo pacotes

weather, substitute availability: Invocando guix weather
web: Serviços web
Web: Serviços de certificado
WebSSH: Serviços de Rede
wesnothd: Serviços de jogos
Whoogle Search: Serviços web
Wi-Fi access points, hostapd service: Serviços de Rede
Wi-Fi, suporte de hardware: Considerações de Hardware
WiFi: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
wip branches: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
work-in-progress branches, wip: Gerenciando Patches e Branches
WPA Supplicant: Networking Setup
wrapping programs: Construir utilitários
wsdd, Web service discovery daemon: Samba Services
www: Serviços web

X Window System: X Window
X Window, for Guix Home services: Desktop Home Services
X11: X Window
X11 login: X Window
X11, in Guix Home: Desktop Home Services
XDMCP (x display manager control protocol): VNC Services
Xen: Serviços de virtualização
Xen guest agent: Serviços de virtualização
XKB, disposições do teclado: Disposição do teclado
xlsfonts: Configuração de aplicativo
XMPP: Serviços de mensageria
Xorg, configuration: X Window
xterm: Configuração de aplicativo

zabbix zabbix-agent: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix zabbix-front-end: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix zabbix-server: Serviços de monitoramento
znc: Messaging Home Services
zram: Serviços Linux
zsh: Shells Home Services
zsh: Invocando guix home

Pular para:   .   /  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Z  

Índice de programação

Pular para:   #   $   %   '   (   ,   >   `  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
Entrada de Índice  Seção

#~exp: Expressões-G

$SGML_CATALOG_FILES: Caminhos de pesquisa
$SSL_CERT_DIR: Caminhos de pesquisa
$SSL_CERT_FILE: Caminhos de pesquisa
$XML_CATALOG_FILES: Caminhos de pesquisa

%base-file-systems: Sistemas de arquivos
%base-groups: Contas de usuário
%base-home-services: Declarando o ambiente pessoal
%base-initrd-modules: Disco de RAM inicial
%base-packages: Usando o sistema de configuração
%base-services: Usando o sistema de configuração
%base-services: Serviços básicos
%base-user-accounts: Contas de usuário
%binary-format-file-system: Sistemas de arquivos
%default-authorized-guix-keys: Serviços básicos
%default-channels: Especificando canais adicionais
%default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs: Serviços de virtualização
%default-debootstrap-hooks: Serviços de virtualização
%default-debootstrap-variants: Serviços de virtualização
%default-guix-variants: Serviços de virtualização
%default-httpd-modules: Serviços web
%default-locale-definitions: Localidades
%default-log-rotation-options: Rotação de log
%default-nss: Name Service Switch
%default-rotations: Rotação de log
%default-sysctl-settings: Serviços diversos
%default-theme: X Window
%default-theme-name: X Window
%desktop-services: Serviços de desktop
%dicod-database:gcide: Serviços diversos
%dicod-databases:freedict: Serviços diversos
%fuse-control-file-system: Sistemas de arquivos
%immutable-store: Sistemas de arquivos
%loopback-static-networking: Networking Setup
%mdns-host-lookup-nss: Name Service Switch
%nscd-default-caches: Serviços básicos
%ntp-servers: Serviços de Rede
%openntpd-servers: Serviços de Rede
%pseudo-terminal-file-system: Sistemas de arquivos
%pulseaudio-rtp-multicast-address: Sound Home Services
%qemu-static-networking: Networking Setup
%random-seed-file: Serviços básicos
%rotated-files: Rotação de log
%shared-memory-file-system: Sistemas de arquivos
%shepherd-root-service: Serviços de Shepherd
%standard-geoclue-applications: Serviços de desktop
%standard-phases: Fases de construção
%state-monad: A mônada do armazém
%store-directory: Construir utilitários
%store-monad: A mônada do armazém

': Definindo pacotes

(gexp: Expressões-G

,: Definindo pacotes

>>=: A mônada do armazém

`: Definindo pacotes

aarch64-linux: Supported Platforms
about-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
about-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
access-controls: Serviços de impressão
access-controls: Serviços de impressão
access-controls: Serviços de impressão
access-drivers: Serviços de virtualização
access-log: Serviços de impressão
access-log-level: Serviços de impressão
accountsservice-service-type: Serviços de desktop
add-text-to-store: O armazém
address: Serviços de correio
admin-keepalive-count: Serviços de virtualização
admin-keepalive-interval: Serviços de virtualização
admin-max-client-requests: Serviços de virtualização
admin-max-clients: Serviços de virtualização
admin-max-queued-clients: Serviços de virtualização
admin-max-workers: Serviços de virtualização
admin-min-workers: Serviços de virtualização
admins: Serviços de mensageria
agate-configuration: Serviços web
agate-service-type: Serviços web
agda-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
agefile: Serviços de controlando versão
agetty-configuration: Serviços básicos
agetty-service-type: Serviços básicos
ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
ahci-runtime-pm-timeout: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
allow-registration?: Serviços de mensageria
alsa-configuration: Serviços de som
alsa-service-type: Serviços de som
alt-speed-down: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-time-begin: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-time-day: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-time-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-time-end: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
alt-speed-up: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
android-ndk-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
anonip-configuration: Rotação de log
ant-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
apcupsd-configuration: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
apcupsd-event-handlers: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
apcupsd-service-type: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
ar-file?: Construir utilitários
args: Serviços de correio
args: Serviços de correio
armv7-linux: Supported Platforms
asdf-build-system/ecl: Sistemas de compilação
asdf-build-system/sbcl: Sistemas de compilação
asdf-build-system/source: Sistemas de compilação
assume-source-relative-file-name: Expressões-G
assume-valid-file-name: Expressões-G
audit-level: Serviços de virtualização
audit-logging: Serviços de virtualização
auditd-configuration: Serviços diversos
auditd-service-type: Serviços diversos
auth-anonymous-username: Serviços de correio
auth-cache-negative-ttl: Serviços de correio
auth-cache-size: Serviços de correio
auth-cache-ttl: Serviços de correio
auth-debug-passwords?: Serviços de correio
auth-debug?: Serviços de correio
auth-default-realm: Serviços de correio
auth-failure-delay: Serviços de correio
auth-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
auth-gssapi-hostname: Serviços de correio
auth-krb5-keytab: Serviços de correio
auth-master-user-separator: Serviços de correio
auth-mechanisms: Serviços de correio
auth-realms: Serviços de correio
auth-socket-path: Serviços de correio
auth-socket-path: Serviços de correio
auth-ssl-require-client-cert?: Serviços de correio
auth-ssl-username-from-cert?: Serviços de correio
auth-tcp: Serviços de virtualização
auth-tls: Serviços de virtualização
auth-unix-ro: Serviços de virtualização
auth-unix-rw: Serviços de virtualização
auth-use-winbind?: Serviços de correio
auth-username-chars: Serviços de correio
auth-username-format: Serviços de correio
auth-username-translation: Serviços de correio
auth-verbose-passwords: Serviços de correio
auth-verbose?: Serviços de correio
auth-winbind-helper-path: Serviços de correio
auth-worker-max-count: Serviços de correio
authentication: Serviços de mensageria
auto: Serviços de correio
auto-purge-jobs?: Serviços de impressão
autossh-configuration: Serviços de Rede
autossh-service-type: Serviços de Rede
avahi-configuration: Serviços de Rede
avahi-service-type: Serviços de Rede
avr: Supported Platforms

backend-userroot-configuration: Serviços LDAP
base: Serviços LDAP
base-dir: Serviços de correio
base-initrd: Disco de RAM inicial
bay-device: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
bay-poweroff-on-bat?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
bffe-configuration: Serviços Guix
bffe-service-type: Serviços Guix
binary-file: A mônada do armazém
bind-address-ipv4: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
bind-address-ipv6: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
bind-timelimit: Serviços LDAP
binddn: Serviços LDAP
bindpw: Serviços LDAP
bitlbee-configuration: Serviços de mensageria
bitlbee-service-type: Serviços de mensageria
bitmask-service-type: Serviços VPN
block-facebook-hosts-service-type: Serviços de Rede
blocklist-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
blocklist-url: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
bluetooth-configuration: Serviços de desktop
bluetooth-service-type: Serviços de desktop
boot-service-type: Referência de Service
bootloader-configuration: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
branch-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
branch-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
browse-dns-sd-sub-types: Serviços de impressão
browse-local-protocols: Serviços de impressão
browse-web-if?: Serviços de impressão
browsing?: Serviços de impressão
build: Usando Guix interativamente
build-derivations: O armazém
build-expression->derivation: Derivações
build-machine: Configuração de descarregamento de daemon
bzr-fetch: Referência do origin
bzr-reference: Referência do origin

c2s-require-encryption?: Serviços de mensageria
ca-certs: Serviços de correio
ca-file: Serviços de virtualização
cache-about-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-dir: Serviços de impressão
cache-dynamic-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-repo-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-root: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-root-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-scanrc-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-size: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-size-mb: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
cache-snapshot-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cache-static-ttl: Serviços de controlando versão
cachefilesd-configuration: Serviços Linux
cachefilesd-service-type: Serviços Linux
cafile: Serviços de mensageria
capath: Serviços de mensageria
cargo-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
case-sensitive-sort?: Serviços de controlando versão
cat-avatar-generator-service: Serviços web
cert-file: Serviços de virtualização
certbot-configuration: Serviços de certificado
certbot-service-type: Serviços de certificado
certfile: Serviços de correio
certificate: Serviços de mensageria
certificate-configuration: Serviços de certificado
certificates: Serviços de mensageria
cgit: Serviços de controlando versão
channel-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
chicken-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
ciphers: Serviços de mensageria
client-limit: Serviços de correio
clojure-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
clone-prefix: Serviços de controlando versão
clone-url: Serviços de controlando versão
clone-url: Serviços de controlando versão
close-connection: O armazém
cmake-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
colord-service-type: Serviços de desktop
commit-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
commit-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
commit-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
commit-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
component-interface: Serviços de mensageria
component-ports: Serviços de mensageria
component-secret: Serviços de mensageria
composer-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
computed-file: Expressões-G
concatenate-manifests: Escrevendo manifestos
config-file-perm: Serviços de impressão
configuration->documentation: Complex Configurations
configure-flags: Usando Guix interativamente
connman-configuration: Networking Setup
connman-general-configuration: Networking Setup
connman-service-type: Networking Setup
console-font-service-type: Serviços básicos
containerd-configuration: Serviços diversos
containerd-service-type: Serviços diversos
content-hash: Referência do origin
copy-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
copy-recursively: Construir utilitários
cpu-boost-on-ac?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-boost-on-bat?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-energy-perf-policy-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-energy-perf-policy-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-max-perf-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-max-perf-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-min-perf-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-min-perf-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
crl-file: Serviços de virtualização
css: Serviços de controlando versão
cuirass-configuration: Integração Contínua
cuirass-remote-server-configuration: Integração Contínua
cuirass-remote-worker-configuration: Integração Contínua
cuirass-service-type: Integração Contínua
cups: Serviços de impressão
cups: Serviços de impressão
cups-files.conf: Serviços de impressão
cups-service-type: Serviços de impressão
cupsd.conf: Serviços de impressão
current-build-output-port: O armazém
current-state: A mônada do armazém
curve: Serviços de mensageria
cvs-fetch: Referência do origin
cvs-reference: Referência do origin

darkstat-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
darkstat-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
data-path: Serviços de mensageria
dbus-configuration: Serviços de desktop
dbus-root-service-type: Serviços de desktop
debootstrap-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
debootstrap-os: Serviços de virtualização
debootstrap-variant: Serviços de virtualização
debug-log-path: Serviços de correio
default-auth-type: Serviços de impressão
default-client-limit: Serviços de correio
default-encryption: Serviços de impressão
default-internal-user: Serviços de correio
default-language: Serviços de impressão
default-login-user: Serviços de correio
default-paper-size: Serviços de impressão
default-policy: Serviços de impressão
default-process-limit: Serviços de correio
default-shared?: Serviços de impressão
default-vsz-limit: Serviços de correio
defbranch: Serviços de controlando versão
define-configuration: Complex Configurations
define-deprecated: Política de depreciação
define-deprecated/public-alias: Política de depreciação
define-maybe: Complex Configurations
define-record-type*: Tipos de dados e correspondência de padrão
delete: Serviços de correio
delete-after: Serviços de correio
delete-bigger-than: Serviços de correio
delete-file-recursively: Construir utilitários
deliver-log-format: Serviços de correio
delivered-to: Serviços de correio
deprecated-package: Política de depreciação
depth: Serviços de mensageria
deref: Serviços LDAP
derivation: Derivações
desc: Serviços de controlando versão
destination: Serviços de correio
dhcp-client-configuration: Networking Setup
dhcp-client-service-type: Networking Setup
dhcpcd-configuration: Networking Setup
dhcpcd-service-type: Networking Setup
dhcpd-configuration: Serviços de Rede
dhcpd-service-type: Serviços de Rede
dhparam: Serviços de mensageria
dht-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
dicod-configuration: Serviços diversos
dicod-database: Serviços diversos
dicod-freedict-database: Serviços diversos
dicod-handler: Serviços diversos
dicod-service-type: Serviços diversos
dict: Serviços de correio
digital-ocean-configuration: Invocando guix deploy
director-mail-servers: Serviços de correio
director-servers: Serviços de correio
director-user-expire: Serviços de correio
director-username-hash: Serviços de correio
directory: Serviços de correio
directory-exists?: Construir utilitários
directory-server-instance-configuration: Serviços LDAP
directory-union: Expressões-G
dirty-clean-interval: Serviços de impressão
disable-plaintext-auth?: Serviços de correio
disable-sasl-mechanisms: Serviços de mensageria
disk-apm-level-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-apm-level-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-idle-secs-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-idle-secs-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-iosched: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
disks-devices: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
dnsmasq-configuration: Serviços DNS
dnsmasq-service-type: Serviços DNS
docker-configuration: Serviços diversos
docker-image: Instanciar uma imagem
docker-image-type: image-type Reference
docker-service-type: Serviços diversos
domain: Serviços de mensageria
dotlock-use-excl?: Serviços de correio
doveadm-socket-path: Serviços de correio
doveadm-worker-count: Serviços de correio
dovecot: Serviços de correio
dovecot: Serviços de correio
dovecot-service-type: Serviços de correio
download-dir: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
download-queue-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
download-queue-size: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
driver: Serviços de correio
driver: Serviços de correio
dropbear-configuration: Serviços de Rede
dropbear-service-type: Serviços de Rede
dub-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
dune-build-system: Sistemas de compilação

earlyoom-configuration: Serviços Linux
earlyoom-service-type: Serviços Linux
efi-disk-image: Instanciar uma imagem
efi-raw-image-type: image-type Reference
efi32-disk-image: Instanciar uma imagem
efi32-raw-image-type: image-type Reference
elf-file?: Construir utilitários
elm->package-name: Pacotes Elm
elm-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
elm-package-origin: Pacotes Elm
elogind-configuration: Serviços de desktop
elogind-service-type: Serviços de desktop
emacs-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
email-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
email-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
embedded?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-commit-graph?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-commit-graph?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-filter-overrides?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-follow-links?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-git-config?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-html-serving?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-html-serving?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-http-clone?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-index-links?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-index-owner?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-log-filecount?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-log-filecount?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-log-linecount?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-log-linecount?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-remote-branches?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-remote-branches?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-subject-links?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-subject-links?: Serviços de controlando versão
enable-tree-linenumbers?: Serviços de controlando versão
encryption: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
energy-perf-policy-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
energy-perf-policy-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
enlightenment-desktop-service-configuration: Serviços de desktop
enlightenment-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
enter-store-monad: Usando Guix interativamente
entries: Serviços de correio
environment-variables: Serviços de impressão
environment-variables: Serviços de correio
error-log: Serviços de impressão
error-policy: Serviços de impressão
etc-service-type: Referência de Service
evaluate-search-paths: Caminhos de pesquisa
executable-file?: Construir utilitários
exim-configuration: Serviços de correio
exim-service-type: Serviços de correio
expression->initrd: Disco de RAM inicial
ext-components: Serviços de mensageria
extensions: Serviços de impressão
extensions: Serviços de correio
extra-options: Serviços de controlando versão
extra-options: Serviços de controlando versão
extra-parameters: Serviços de correio
extra-parameters: Serviços de correio
extra-parameters: Serviços de correio
extra-special-file: Serviços básicos

fail2ban-configuration: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-jail-action-configuration: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-jail-configuration: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-jail-service: Serviços diversos
fail2ban-service-type: Serviços diversos
fatal-errors: Serviços de impressão
favicon: Serviços de controlando versão
fcgiwrap-configuration: Serviços web
fcgiwrap-service-type: Serviços web
file->udev-hardware: Serviços básicos
file->udev-rule: Serviços básicos
file-append: Expressões-G
file-database-configuration: File Search Services
file-database-service-type: File Search Services
file-device?: Serviços de impressão
file-name-predicate: Construir utilitários
file-system: Sistemas de arquivos
file-system-label: Sistemas de arquivos
file-system-label: Sistemas de arquivos
file-union: Expressões-G
files-configuration: Serviços de impressão
filter-limit: Serviços de impressão
filter-nice: Serviços de impressão
filters: Serviços LDAP
find-files: Construir utilitários
first-valid-gid: Serviços de correio
first-valid-uid: Serviços de correio
fold-services: Referência de Service
font-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
footer: Serviços de controlando versão
fprintd-service-type: Serviços diversos
fstrim-configuration: Serviços Linux
fstrim-service-type: Serviços Linux

ganeti-cleaner-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-cleaner-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-confd-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-confd-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-kvmd-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-kvmd-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-luxid-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-luxid-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-metad-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-metad-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-mond-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-mond-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-noded-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-noded-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-os: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-os-variant: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-rapi-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-rapi-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-watcher-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-watcher-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-wconfd-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
ganeti-wconfd-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
gdm-configuration: X Window
gdm-service-type: X Window
generate-documentation: Complex Configurations
geoclue-application: Serviços de desktop
geoclue-service-type: Serviços de desktop
getmail-service-type: Serviços de correio
gexp->approximate-sexp: Expressões-G
gexp->derivation: Expressões-G
gexp->file: Expressões-G
gexp->script: Expressões-G
gexp-input: Expressões-G
gexp?: Expressões-G
gid: Serviços LDAP
git-daemon-configuration: Serviços de controlando versão
git-daemon-service-type: Serviços de controlando versão
git-fetch: Referência do origin
git-fetch: Invocando guix hash
git-fetch/lfs: Referência do origin
git-http-configuration: Serviços de controlando versão
git-http-nginx-location-configuration: Serviços de controlando versão
git-reference: Referência do origin
git-version: Números de versão
gitile-configuration: Serviços de controlando versão
gitolite-configuration: Serviços de controlando versão
gitolite-rc-file: Serviços de controlando versão
glib-or-gtk-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
gmnisrv-configuration: Serviços web
gmnisrv-service-type: Serviços web
gnome-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
gnome-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
gnome-keyring-configuration: Serviços de desktop
gnome-keyring-service-type: Serviços de desktop
gnu-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
go-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
gpm-configuration: Serviços básicos
gpm-service-type: Serviços básicos
greetd-agreety-session: Serviços básicos
greetd-configuration: Serviços básicos
greetd-gtkgreet-sway-session: Serviços básicos
greetd-service-type: Serviços básicos
greetd-terminal-configuration: Serviços básicos
greetd-user-session: Serviços básicos
greetd-wlgreet-configuration: Serviços básicos
greetd-wlgreet-sway-session: Serviços básicos
group: Serviços de impressão
group: Serviços de correio
group: Serviços de correio
group: Serviços de correio
groups-file: Serviços de mensageria
grub-bootloader: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
grub-bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-efi-bootloader: Disposição de teclado e rede e particionamento
grub-efi-bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-efi-netboot-bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-efi-netboot-removable-bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-efi-removable-bootloader: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-theme: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
grub-theme: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
gss-configuration: Sistema de arquivos de rede
gss-service-type: Sistema de arquivos de rede
guile-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth-with-file: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-auth: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-file-auth: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-agent-service-type: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-configuration: Serviços Guix
guix-build-coordinator-service-type: Serviços Guix
guix-configuration: Serviços básicos
guix-data-service-configuration: Serviços Guix
guix-data-service-type: Serviços Guix
guix-extension: Serviços básicos
guix-for-channels: Customizing the System-Wide Guix
guix-home-service-type: Serviços Guix
guix-os: Serviços de virtualização
guix-package->elm-name: Pacotes Elm
guix-publish-configuration: Serviços básicos
guix-publish-service-type: Serviços básicos
guix-service-type: Serviços básicos
guix-variant: Serviços de virtualização
GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS: Opções de compilação comuns
GUIX_ENVIRONMENT: Invocando guix shell
GUIX_ENVIRONMENT: Invocando guix environment
GUIX_EXECUTION_ENGINE: Invocando guix pack
GUIX_HETZNER_API_TOKEN: Invocando guix deploy
GUIX_LOCPATH: Configuração de aplicativo
GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH: Módulos de pacote
GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH: Definindo pacotes
gvfs-configuration: Serviços de desktop
gvfs-service-type: Serviços de desktop
gzip-file?: Construir utilitários

haskell-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
head-include: Serviços de controlando versão
header: Serviços de controlando versão
hetzner-configuration: Invocando guix deploy
hg-fetch: Referência do origin
hg-reference: Referência do origin
hg-version: Números de versão
hidden?: Serviços de correio
hide?: Serviços de controlando versão
home-activation-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-bash-configuration: Shells Home Services
home-bash-extension: Shells Home Services
home-batsignal-configuration: Power Management Home Services
home-batsignal-service-type: Power Management Home Services
home-beets-service-type: Miscellaneous Home Services
home-channels-service-type: Guix Home Services
home-dbus-configuration: Desktop Home Services
home-dbus-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-dicod-service-type: Miscellaneous Home Services
home-dotfiles-configuration: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-dotfiles-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-environment: Declarando o ambiente pessoal
home-environment-variables-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-files-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-fontconfig-service-type: Fonts Home Services
home-gpg-agent-configuration: GNU Privacy Guard
home-gpg-agent-service-type: GNU Privacy Guard
home-inputrc-configuration: Shells Home Services
home-inputrc-service-type: Shells Home Services
home-kodi-configuration: Media Home Services
home-kodi-service-type: Media Home Services
home-log-rotation-service-type: Shepherd Home Service
home-mcron-configuration: Mcron Home Service
home-mcron-service-type: Mcron Home Service
home-msmtp-configuration: Mail Home Services
home-msmtp-service-type: Mail Home Services
home-openssh-configuration: Secure Shell
home-openssh-service-type: Secure Shell
home-parcimonie-configuration: Secure Shell
home-pipewire-configuration: Sound Home Services
home-pipewire-service-type: Sound Home Services
home-profile-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-pulseaudio-rtp-sink-service-type: Sound Home Services
home-pulseaudio-rtp-source-service-type: Sound Home Services
home-redshift-configuration: Desktop Home Services
home-redshift-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-run-on-first-login-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-shell-profile-configuration: Shells Home Services
home-shepherd-configuration: Shepherd Home Service
home-shepherd-service-type: Shepherd Home Service
home-shepherd-timer-service-type: Shepherd Home Service
home-shepherd-transient-service-type: Shepherd Home Service
home-ssh-agent-configuration: Secure Shell
home-ssh-agent-service-type: Secure Shell
home-startx-command-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-sway-service-type: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
home-symlink-manager-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-syncthing-service-type: Networking Home Services
home-unclutter-configuration: Desktop Home Services
home-unclutter-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-x11-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type: Serviços essenciais pessoais
home-xmodmap-configuration: Desktop Home Services
home-xmodmap-service-type: Desktop Home Services
home-znc-configuration: Messaging Home Services
home-znc-service-type: Messaging Home Services
home-zsh-configuration: Shells Home Services
homepage: Serviços de controlando versão
host: Serviços básicos
host-name-lookups: Serviços de impressão
host-name-service-type: Serviços básicos
host-uuid: Serviços de virtualização
host-uuid-source: Serviços de virtualização
hostapd-configuration: Serviços de Rede
hostapd-service-type: Serviços de Rede
hostname: Serviços de correio
hostname: Serviços de mensageria
hostname: Serviços de mensageria
hosts-service-type: Serviços básicos
hpcguix-web-configuration: Serviços web
hpcguix-web-service-type: Serviços web
http-external-url: Serviços de mensageria
http-max-content-size: Serviços de mensageria
httpd-config-file: Serviços web
httpd-configuration: Serviços web
httpd-module: Serviços web
httpd-service-type: Serviços web
httpd-virtualhost: Serviços web
https_proxy: Configuração do ambiente de compilação
https_proxy: Configurações de proxy
http_proxy: Configuração do ambiente de compilação
http_proxy: Configurações de proxy
hurd-console-configuration: Serviços Hurd
hurd-console-service-type: Serviços Hurd
hurd-getty-configuration: Serviços Hurd
hurd-getty-service-type: Serviços Hurd
hurd-image-type: image-type Reference
hurd-qcow2-image-type: image-type Reference
hurd-vm-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
hurd-vm-service-type: Serviços de virtualização

i586-gnu: Supported Platforms
i686-linux: Supported Platforms
i686-mingw: Supported Platforms
idle: Serviços de correio
idle-seeding-limit: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
idle-seeding-limit-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
idle-timelimit: Serviços LDAP
idmap-configuration: Sistema de arquivos de rede
idmap-service-type: Sistema de arquivos de rede
ignore?: Serviços de controlando versão
ignorecase: Serviços LDAP
image: image Reference
image-type: image-type Reference
imap-capability: Serviços de correio
imap-client-workarounds: Serviços de correio
imap-id-log: Serviços de correio
imap-id-send: Serviços de correio
imap-idle-notify-interval: Serviços de correio
imap-logout-format: Serviços de correio
imap-max-line-length: Serviços de correio
imap-metadata?: Serviços de correio
imap-urlauth-host: Serviços de correio
imap4d-configuration: Serviços de correio
imap4d-service-type: Serviços de correio
import-environment: Serviços de correio
inbox?: Serviços de correio
include: Serviços de controlando versão
incomplete-dir: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
incomplete-dir-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
index-header: Serviços de controlando versão
index-info: Serviços de controlando versão
inetd-configuration: Serviços de Rede
inetd-entry: Serviços de Rede
inetd-service-type: Serviços de Rede
infer-elm-package-name: Pacotes Elm
inferior-for-channels: Inferiores
inferior-package-description: Inferiores
inferior-package-home-page: Inferiores
inferior-package-inputs: Inferiores
inferior-package-location: Inferiores
inferior-package-name: Inferiores
inferior-package-native-inputs: Inferiores
inferior-package-native-search-paths: Inferiores
inferior-package-propagated-inputs: Inferiores
inferior-package-search-paths: Inferiores
inferior-package-synopsis: Inferiores
inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths: Inferiores
inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs: Inferiores
inferior-package-version: Inferiores
inferior-package?: Inferiores
inferior-packages: Inferiores
info-log-path: Serviços de correio
inputattach-configuration: Serviços diversos
inputattach-service-type: Serviços diversos
insecure-sasl-mechanisms: Serviços de mensageria
install-file: Construir utilitários
int-components: Serviços de mensageria
interned-file: A mônada do armazém
invoke: Construir utilitários
invoke-error-arguments: Construir utilitários
invoke-error-exit-status: Construir utilitários
invoke-error-program: Construir utilitários
invoke-error-stop-signal: Construir utilitários
invoke-error-term-signal: Construir utilitários
invoke-error?: Construir utilitários
invoke/quiet: Construir utilitários
ipfs-configuration: Serviços de Rede
ipfs-service-type: Serviços de Rede
iptables-configuration: Serviços de Rede
iptables-service-type: Serviços de Rede
iso-image-type: image-type Reference
iso9660-image: Instanciar uma imagem

jami-account: Serviços de telefonia
jami-configuration: Serviços de telefonia
jami-service-type: Serviços de telefonia
job-kill-delay: Serviços de impressão
job-private-access: Serviços de impressão
job-private-values: Serviços de impressão
job-retry-interval: Serviços de impressão
job-retry-limit: Serviços de impressão
joycond-configuration: Serviços de jogos
joycond-service-type: Serviços de jogos
julia-build-system: Sistemas de compilação

keep-alive?: Serviços de impressão
keepalive-count: Serviços de virtualização
keepalive-interval: Serviços de virtualização
keepalived-service-type: Serviços de Rede
kernel-module-loader-service-type: Serviços Linux
key: Serviços de mensageria
key-file: Serviços de virtualização
keyboard-layout: Disposição do teclado
keyfile: Serviços de correio
kind: Serviços de correio
kmscon-configuration: Serviços básicos
kmscon-service-type: Serviços básicos
knot-acl-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-key-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-keystore-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-policy-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-remote-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-resolver-configuration: Serviços DNS
knot-resolver-service-type: Serviços DNS
knot-service-type: Serviços DNS
knot-zone-configuration: Serviços DNS
krb5-ccname: Serviços LDAP
krb5-configuration: Serviços Kerberos
krb5-realm: Serviços Kerberos
krb5-service-type: Serviços Kerberos

ladspa-service-type: Serviços de som
laminar-configuration: Integração Contínua
laminar-service-type: Integração Contínua
last-valid-gid: Serviços de correio
last-valid-uid: Serviços de correio
lda-mailbox-autocreate?: Serviços de correio
lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?: Serviços de correio
lda-original-recipient-header: Serviços de correio
ldap-version: Serviços LDAP
let-system: Expressões-G
let-system: Expressões-G
libvirt: Serviços de virtualização
libvirt: Serviços de virtualização
libvirt-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
lightdm-configuration: X Window
lightdm-gtk-greeter-configuration: X Window
lightdm-seat-configuration: X Window
lightdm-service-type: X Window
limit-request-body: Serviços de impressão
linux-loadable-module-service-type: Referência de Service
linux-module-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
lirc-configuration: Serviços diversos
lirc-service-type: Serviços diversos
list?: Serviços de correio
listen: Serviços de impressão
listen: Serviços de correio
listen-addr: Serviços de virtualização
listen-tcp?: Serviços de virtualização
listen-tls?: Serviços de virtualização
listeners: Serviços de correio
literal-string: Serviços essenciais pessoais
local-file: Expressões-G
local-time?: Serviços de controlando versão
locale-definition: Localidades
location: Serviços de correio
location-access-controls: Serviços de impressão
lock-method: Serviços de correio
LOCPATH: Configuração de aplicativo
LOCPATH: Localidades
log: Serviços de mensageria
log: Serviços LDAP
log-cleanup-configuration: Rotação de log
log-cleanup-service-type: Rotação de log
log-debug-history: Serviços de impressão
log-file-group: Serviços de impressão
log-file-perm: Serviços de impressão
log-filters: Serviços de virtualização
log-filters: Serviços de virtualização
log-level: Serviços de impressão
log-level: Serviços de virtualização
log-level: Serviços de virtualização
log-outputs: Serviços de virtualização
log-outputs: Serviços de virtualização
log-path: Serviços de correio
log-rotation: Rotação de log
log-rotation-configuration: Rotação de log
log-rotation-service-type: Rotação de log
log-time-format: Serviços de impressão
log-timestamp: Serviços de correio
login-access-sockets: Serviços de correio
login-configuration: Serviços básicos
login-greeting: Serviços de correio
login-log-format: Serviços de correio
login-log-format-elements: Serviços de correio
login-service-type: Serviços básicos
login-trusted-networks: Serviços de correio
logo: Serviços de controlando versão
logo: Serviços de controlando versão
logo-link: Serviços de controlando versão
logo-link: Serviços de controlando versão
lookup-inferior-packages: Inferiores
lookup-package-direct-input: Referência do package
lookup-package-input: Referência do package
lookup-package-native-input: Referência do package
lookup-package-propagated-input: Referência do package
lookup-qemu-platforms: Serviços de virtualização
loongarch64-linux: Supported Platforms
lower: Usando Guix interativamente
lower-object: Expressões-G
lpd-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
lsh-configuration: Serviços de Rede
lsh-service-type: Serviços de Rede
luks-device-mapping: Dispositivos mapeados
luks-device-mapping-with-options: Dispositivos mapeados
lvm-device-mapping: Dispositivos mapeados
lxqt-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
lxqt-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop

machine: Invocando guix deploy
machine-ssh-configuration: Invocando guix deploy
mail-access-groups: Serviços de correio
mail-aliases-service-type: Serviços de correio
mail-attachment-dir: Serviços de correio
mail-attachment-fs: Serviços de correio
mail-attachment-hash: Serviços de correio
mail-attachment-min-size: Serviços de correio
mail-attribute-dict: Serviços de correio
mail-cache-min-mail-count: Serviços de correio
mail-chroot: Serviços de correio
mail-debug?: Serviços de correio
mail-fsync: Serviços de correio
mail-full-filesystem-access?: Serviços de correio
mail-gid: Serviços de correio
mail-location: Serviços de correio
mail-log-prefix: Serviços de correio
mail-max-keyword-length: Serviços de correio
mail-max-userip-connections: Serviços de correio
mail-nfs-index?: Serviços de correio
mail-nfs-storage?: Serviços de correio
mail-plugin-dir: Serviços de correio
mail-plugins: Serviços de correio
mail-plugins: Serviços de correio
mail-privileged-group: Serviços de correio
mail-save-crlf?: Serviços de correio
mail-temp-dir: Serviços de correio
mail-uid: Serviços de correio
mailbox-idle-check-interval: Serviços de correio
mailboxes: Serviços de correio
maildir-copy-with-hardlinks?: Serviços de correio
maildir-stat-dirs?: Serviços de correio
maildir-very-dirty-syncs?: Serviços de correio
make-file-writable: Construir utilitários
make-flags: Usando Guix interativamente
managesieve-notify-capabilities: Serviços de correio
managesieve-sieve-capability: Serviços de correio
manifest: Escrevendo manifestos
manifest-entry: Escrevendo manifestos
mapped-device: Dispositivos mapeados
maps: Serviços LDAP
match-record: Tipos de dados e correspondência de padrão
mate-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
mate-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
maven-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
max-anonymous-clients: Serviços de virtualização
max-atom-items: Serviços de controlando versão
max-backups: Serviços de virtualização
max-blob-size: Serviços de controlando versão
max-bytes-per-session: Serviços de correio
max-client-requests: Serviços de virtualização
max-clients: Serviços de impressão
max-clients: Serviços de virtualização
max-clients: Serviços de virtualização
max-clients-per-host: Serviços de impressão
max-commit-count: Serviços de controlando versão
max-copies: Serviços de impressão
max-history-messages: Serviços de mensageria
max-hold-time: Serviços de impressão
max-job-time: Serviços de impressão
max-jobs: Serviços de impressão
max-jobs-per-printer: Serviços de impressão
max-jobs-per-user: Serviços de impressão
max-log-size: Serviços de impressão
max-lost-work-secs-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
max-lost-work-secs-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
max-message-length: Serviços de controlando versão
max-message-size: Serviços de correio
max-queued-clients: Serviços de virtualização
max-repo-count: Serviços de controlando versão
max-repodesc-length: Serviços de controlando versão
max-requests: Serviços de virtualização
max-size: Serviços de virtualização
max-stats: Serviços de controlando versão
max-stats: Serviços de controlando versão
max-subscriptions: Serviços de impressão
max-subscriptions-per-job: Serviços de impressão
max-subscriptions-per-printer: Serviços de impressão
max-subscriptions-per-user: Serviços de impressão
max-workers: Serviços de virtualização
maybe-value-set?: Complex Configurations
mbegin: A mônada do armazém
mbox-dirty-syncs?: Serviços de correio
mbox-dotlock-change-timeout: Serviços de correio
mbox-lazy-writes?: Serviços de correio
mbox-lock-timeout: Serviços de correio
mbox-min-index-size: Serviços de correio
mbox-read-locks: Serviços de correio
mbox-very-dirty-syncs?: Serviços de correio
mbox-write-locks: Serviços de correio
mbr-disk-image: Instanciar uma imagem
mbr-hybrid-disk-image: Instanciar uma imagem
mbr-hybrid-raw-image-type: image-type Reference
mbr-raw-image-type: image-type Reference
mcron-configuration: Execução de trabalho agendado
mcron-service-type: Execução de trabalho agendado
mdbox-preallocate-space?: Serviços de correio
mdbox-rotate-interval: Serviços de correio
mdbox-rotate-size: Serviços de correio
mdns-adv?: Serviços de virtualização
mdns-name: Serviços de virtualização
memcached-configuration: Serviços de bancos de dados
memcached-service-type: Serviços de bancos de dados
menu-entry: Configuração do carregador de inicialização
meson-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
message-level: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
message-log: Serviços de correio
message-log-syslog: Serviços de correio
message-log-verbose: Serviços de correio
method-access-controls: Serviços de impressão
methods: Serviços de impressão
mimetype: Serviços de controlando versão
mimetype-file: Serviços de controlando versão
min-workers: Serviços de virtualização
minetest-mod-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
mingetty-configuration: Serviços básicos
mingetty-service-type: Serviços básicos
minify-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
mips64-linux: Supported Platforms
mixed-text-file: Expressões-G
mkdir-p: Construir utilitários
mlet: A mônada do armazém
mlet*: A mônada do armazém
mmap-disable?: Serviços de correio
mod-muc: Serviços de mensageria
mode: Serviços de correio
mode: Serviços de correio
modem-manager-configuration: Networking Setup
modem-manager-service-type: Networking Setup
modify-inputs: Definindo variantes de pacote
modify-phases: Construir utilitários
modify-services: Usando o sistema de configuração
modify-services: Referência de Service
module-link: Serviços de controlando versão
module-link: Serviços de controlando versão
module-link-path: Serviços de controlando versão
modules-disabled: Serviços de mensageria
modules-enabled: Serviços de mensageria
mozilla-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
mpd-configuration: Serviços de áudio
mpd-output: Serviços de áudio
mpd-partition: Serviços de áudio
mpd-plugin: Serviços de áudio
mpd-service-type: Serviços de áudio
msmtp-account: Mail Home Services
msmtp-configuration: Mail Home Services
multiple-operation-timeout: Serviços de impressão
mumble-server-configuration: Serviços de telefonia
mumble-server-public-registration-configuration: Serviços de telefonia
mumble-server-service-type: Serviços de telefonia
mumi-configuration: Serviços web
mumi-service-type: Serviços web
munless: A mônada do armazém
mwhen: A mônada do armazém
mympd-configuration: Serviços de áudio
mympd-ip-acl: Serviços de áudio
mympd-service-type: Serviços de áudio
mysql-configuration: Serviços de bancos de dados
mysql-service-type: Serviços de bancos de dados

name: Serviços de impressão
name: Serviços de correio
name: Serviços de correio
name: Serviços de correio
name: Serviços de correio
name: Serviços de mensageria
name: Serviços de controlando versão
name-service: Name Service Switch
name-service-switch: Name Service Switch
namespaces: Serviços de correio
nar-herder-cached-compression-configuration: Serviços Guix
nar-herder-configuration: Serviços Guix
nar-herder-type: Serviços Guix
network-address: Networking Setup
network-link: Networking Setup
network-manager-configuration: Networking Setup
network-manager-service-type: Networking Setup
network-route: Networking Setup
nfs-configuration: Sistema de arquivos de rede
nfs-service-type: Sistema de arquivos de rede
nftables-configuration: Serviços de Rede
nftables-service-type: Serviços de Rede
nginx: Serviços de controlando versão
nginx-configuration: Serviços web
nginx-location-configuration: Serviços web
nginx-log-format-configuration: Serviços web
nginx-named-location-configuration: Serviços web
nginx-php-location: Serviços web
nginx-server-configuration: Serviços web
nginx-service-type: Serviços web
nginx-upstream-configuration: Serviços web
nix-configuration: Serviços diversos
nix-service-type: Serviços diversos
nmi-watchdog?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
nocache?: Serviços de controlando versão
node-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
noheader?: Serviços de controlando versão
noplainemail?: Serviços de controlando versão
novena-image-type: image-type Reference
nscd-cache: Serviços básicos
nscd-configuration: Serviços básicos
nscd-service-type: Serviços básicos
nss-disable-enumeration: Serviços LDAP
nss-getgrent-skipmembers: Serviços LDAP
nss-gid-offset: Serviços LDAP
nss-initgroups-ignoreusers: Serviços LDAP
nss-min-uid: Serviços LDAP
nss-nested-groups: Serviços LDAP
nss-pam-ldapd: Serviços LDAP
nss-uid-offset: Serviços LDAP
ntp-configuration: Serviços de Rede
ntp-server: Serviços de Rede
ntp-service-type: Serviços de Rede

ocaml-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
oci-container-configuration: Serviços diversos
oci-container-service-type: Serviços diversos
oci-image: Serviços diversos
open-connection: O armazém
open-inferior: Inferiores
opendht-configuration: Serviços de Rede
opendht-service-type: Serviços de Rede
openntpd-configuration: Serviços de Rede
openntpd-service-type: Serviços de Rede
opensmtpd-configuration: Serviços de correio
opensmtpd-service-type: Serviços de correio
openssh-configuration: Serviços de Rede
openssh-host: Secure Shell
openssh-service-type: Serviços de Rede
openvpn-client-configuration: Serviços VPN
openvpn-client-service-type: Serviços VPN
openvpn-remote-configuration: Serviços VPN
openvpn-server-configuration: Serviços VPN
openvpn-server-service-type: Serviços VPN
openvswitch-configuration: Serviços de Rede
openvswitch-service-type: Serviços de Rede
operating-system: Referência do operating-system
operating-system: Usando o sistema de configuração
operating-system-derivation: Usando o sistema de configuração
options: Serviços de correio
options: Serviços de mensageria
options->transformation: Definindo variantes de pacote
or1k-elf: Supported Platforms
origin: Referência do origin
override-fields: Serviços de correio
ovs-timeout: Serviços de virtualização
owner: Serviços de controlando versão
owner-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
owner-filter: Serviços de controlando versão

package: Referência do package
package: Serviços de correio
package: Serviços de controlando versão
package->cross-derivation: A mônada do armazém
package->derivation: A mônada do armazém
package->development-manifest: Escrevendo manifestos
package->manifest-entry: Escrevendo manifestos
package-cross-derivation: Definindo pacotes
package-database-configuration: File Search Services
package-database-service-type: File Search Services
package-derivation: Definindo pacotes
package-development-inputs: Referência do package
package-file: A mônada do armazém
package-input-rewriting: Definindo variantes de pacote
package-input-rewriting/spec: Definindo variantes de pacote
package-mapping: Definindo variantes de pacote
package-name->name+version: Construir utilitários
package-with-c-toolchain: Referência do package
packages->manifest: Invocando guix package
packages->manifest: Escrevendo manifestos
page-log: Serviços de impressão
pagekite-configuration: Serviços de Rede
pagekite-service-type: Serviços de Rede
pagesize: Serviços LDAP
pam-authc-ppolicy: Serviços LDAP
pam-authc-search: Serviços LDAP
pam-authz-search: Serviços LDAP
pam-krb5-configuration: Serviços Kerberos
pam-krb5-service-type: Serviços Kerberos
pam-limits-service-type: Serviços básicos
pam-mount-configuration: Serviço de montagem PAM
pam-mount-service-type: Serviço de montagem PAM
pam-mount-volume-service-type: Serviço de montagem PAM
pam-password-prohibit-message: Serviços LDAP
pam-services: Serviços LDAP
parcimonie-service-type: Secure Shell
partition: Referência do partition
passdbs: Serviços de correio
password: Serviços de correio
password: Serviços de mensageria
password-command: Serviços de correio
patchwork-configuration: Serviços web
patchwork-database-configuration: Serviços web
patchwork-service-type: Serviços web
patchwork-settings-module: Serviços web
path: Serviços de impressão
path: Serviços de correio
path: Serviços de correio
path: Serviços de correio
path: Serviços de controlando versão
pcie-aspm-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
pcie-aspm-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
pcscd-configuration: Serviços diversos
pcscd-service-type: Serviços diversos
peer-congestion-algorithm: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-id-ttl-hours: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-limit-global: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-limit-per-torrent: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-port: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-port-random-high: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-port-random-low: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-port-random-on-start?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
peer-socket-tos: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
perl-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
pex-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
phases: Usando Guix interativamente
phc-controls: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
php-fpm-configuration: Serviços web
php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration: Serviços web
php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration: Serviços web
php-fpm-service-type: Serviços web
php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration: Serviços web
pidfile: Serviços de mensageria
pine64-image-type: image-type Reference
pinebook-pro-image-type: image-type Reference
pipefs-configuration: Sistema de arquivos de rede
pipefs-service-type: Sistema de arquivos de rede
plain-file: Expressões-G
plasma-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
plasma-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
platform: Referência do platform
plugin: Serviços de mensageria
plugin-configuration: Serviços de correio
plugin-paths: Serviços de mensageria
policies: Serviços de impressão
polkit-service-type: Serviços de desktop
polkit-wheel-service: Serviços de desktop
port: Serviços de correio
port: Serviços de correio
port-forwarding-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
postgresql-config-file: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql-configuration: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql-role: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql-role-configuration: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql-role-service-type: Serviços de bancos de dados
postgresql-service-type: Serviços de bancos de dados
postmaster-address: Serviços de correio
power-profiles-daemon-configuration: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
power-profiles-daemon-service-type: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
powerpc-linux: Supported Platforms
powerpc64le-linux: Supported Platforms
powertop: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
powertop-service-type: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
preallocation: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
prefetch-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
prefix: Serviços de correio
preserve-job-files: Serviços de impressão
preserve-job-history: Serviços de impressão
prio-workers: Serviços de virtualização
privileged-program: Privileged Programs
privileged-program-service-type: Referência de Service
process-limit: Serviços de correio
process-min-avail: Serviços de correio
profile-service-type: Referência de Service
program-file: Expressões-G
project-list: Serviços de controlando versão
prometheus-node-exporter-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
prometheus-node-exporter-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
prosody: Serviços de mensageria
prosody: Serviços de mensageria
prosody-service-type: Serviços de mensageria
prosody.cfg.lua: Serviços de mensageria
protocol: Serviços de correio
protocol: Serviços de mensageria
protocols: Serviços de correio
provenance-service-type: Referência de Service
proxy-jump: Secure Shell
pulseaudio-configuration: Serviços de som
pulseaudio-service-type: Serviços de som
pyproject-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
python-build-system: Sistemas de compilação

qcow2-image-type: image-type Reference
qemu-binfmt-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
qemu-binfmt-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
qemu-guest-agent-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
qemu-guest-agent-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
qemu-platform-name: Serviços de virtualização
qemu-platform?: Serviços de virtualização
qt-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
quasiquote: Definindo pacotes
quassel-configuration: Serviços de mensageria
quassel-service-type: Serviços de mensageria
queue-stalled-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
queue-stalled-minutes: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
quota-full-tempfail?: Serviços de correio
quote: Definindo pacotes

r-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radeon-dpm-state-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radeon-dpm-state-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radeon-power-profile-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radeon-power-profile-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
radicale-auth-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-encoding-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-logging-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-rights-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-server-configuration: Serviços de correio
radicale-service-type: Serviços de correio
radicale-storage-configuration: Serviços de correio
raid-device-mapping: Dispositivos mapeados
rakudo-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
rasdaemon-configuration: Serviços Linux
rasdaemon-service-type: Serviços Linux
ratio-limit: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
ratio-limit-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
raw-content: Serviços de mensageria
raw-initrd: Disco de RAM inicial
raw-with-offset-image-type: image-type Reference
rcfile: Serviços de correio
read-all: Serviços de correio
readme: Serviços de controlando versão
readme: Serviços de controlando versão
ready-paper-sizes: Serviços de impressão
readymedia-configuration: Serviços diversos
readymedia-media-directory: Serviços diversos
rebar-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
received: Serviços de correio
recipient-delimiter: Serviços de correio
reconnect-retrytime: Serviços LDAP
reconnect-sleeptime: Serviços LDAP
redis-configuration: Serviços de bancos de dados
redis-service-type: Serviços de bancos de dados
referrals: Serviços LDAP
rejection-reason: Serviços de correio
rejection-subject: Serviços de correio
reload-timeout: Serviços de impressão
remote-root: Serviços de impressão
remove-suffix?: Serviços de controlando versão
rename-partial-files?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
renamelimit: Serviços de controlando versão
renpy-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
report-invoke-error: Construir utilitários
repositories: Serviços de controlando versão
repository-directory: Serviços de controlando versão
repository-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
request-root: Serviços de impressão
reset-gzip-timestamp: Construir utilitários
restic-backup-configuration: Serviços diversos
restic-backup-job: Serviços diversos
restore-device-state-on-startup?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
restrict-room-creation: Serviços de mensageria
retriever: Serviços de correio
return: A mônada do armazém
reverse?: Serviços de impressão
riscv64-linux: Supported Platforms
rngd-configuration: Serviços básicos
rngd-service-type: Serviços básicos
robots: Serviços de controlando versão
rock64-image-type: image-type Reference
root-desc: Serviços de controlando versão
root-readme: Serviços de controlando versão
root-title: Serviços de controlando versão
rootless-podman-configuration: Serviços diversos
rootless-podman-service-type: Serviços diversos
rootpwmoddn: Serviços LDAP
rootpwmodpw: Serviços LDAP
rottlog-configuration: Rotação de log
rottlog-service-type: Rotação de log
rpc-authentication-required?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-bind-address: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-host-whitelist: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-password: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-port: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-url: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-username: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-whitelist: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpc-whitelist-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
rpcbind-configuration: Sistema de arquivos de rede
rpcbind-service-type: Sistema de arquivos de rede
rshiny-configuration: Serviços diversos
rshiny-service-type: Serviços diversos
rspamd-configuration: Serviços de correio
rspamd-service-type: Serviços de correio
rsync-configuration: Serviços de Rede
rsync-module: Serviços de Rede
rsync-service-type: Serviços de Rede
ruby-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
run-in-store: Usando Guix interativamente
run-with-state: A mônada do armazém
run-with-store: A mônada do armazém
runtime-pm-all?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
runtime-pm-blacklist: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
runtime-pm-driver-blacklist: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
runtime-pm-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
runtime-pm-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia

s2s-insecure-domains: Serviços de mensageria
s2s-require-encryption?: Serviços de mensageria
s2s-secure-auth?: Serviços de mensageria
s2s-secure-domains: Serviços de mensageria
samba-service-configuration: Samba Services
samba-service-type: Samba Services
sandboxing: Serviços de impressão
sane-backends: Serviços de desktop
sane-backends-minimal: Serviços de desktop
sane-service-type: Serviços de desktop
sasl-allowed-usernames: Serviços de virtualização
sasl-authcid: Serviços LDAP
sasl-authzid: Serviços LDAP
sasl-canonicalize?: Serviços LDAP
sasl-mech: Serviços LDAP
sasl-realm: Serviços LDAP
sata-linkpwr-blacklist: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
sata-linkpwr-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
sata-linkpwr-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
scan-hidden-path: Serviços de controlando versão
sched-powersave-on-ac?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
sched-powersave-on-bat?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
Scheme Variable: Privileged Programs
scheme-file: Expressões-G
scons-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
scope: Serviços LDAP
scrape-paused-torrents-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
screen-locker-configuration: X Window
screen-locker-service-type: X Window
script-torrent-done-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
script-torrent-done-filename: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
sddm-configuration: X Window
sddm-service-type: X Window
search-input-directory: Construir utilitários
search-input-file: Construir utilitários
search-patches: Estrutura da árvore de origem
search-path-specification: Caminhos de pesquisa
seatd-configuration: Serviços de desktop
seatd-service-type: Serviços de desktop
section: Serviços de controlando versão
section: Serviços de controlando versão
section-from-path: Serviços de controlando versão
section-sort: Serviços de controlando versão
seed-queue-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
seed-queue-size: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
sendmail-path: Serviços de correio
separator: Serviços de correio
serialize-configuration: Complex Configurations
server: Serviços de correio
server-admin: Serviços de impressão
server-alias: Serviços de impressão
server-keychain: Serviços de impressão
server-name: Serviços de impressão
server-root: Serviços de impressão
server-tokens: Serviços de impressão
service: Referência de Service
service-count: Serviços de correio
service-extension: Referência de Service
service-extension?: Referência de Service
service-kind: Referência de Service
service-type: Referência de Service
service-value: Referência de Service
service?: Referência de Service
services: Serviços de correio
set-current-state: A mônada do armazém
set-env: Serviços de impressão
set-xorg-configuration: Disposição do teclado
set-xorg-configuration: X Window
shepherd-action: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-configuration: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-configuration-action: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-root-service-type: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-service: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-system-log-service-type: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-timer-service-type: Serviços de Shepherd
shepherd-transient-service-type: Serviços de Shepherd
shutdown-clients?: Serviços de correio
side-by-side-diffs?: Serviços de controlando versão
simple-service: Referência de Service
simulated-wifi-service-type: Serviços de Rede
singularity-service-type: Serviços diversos
slapd-configuration: Serviços LDAP
slim-configuration: X Window
slim-service-type: X Window
snapshots: Serviços de controlando versão
snapshots: Serviços de controlando versão
sound-power-save-controller?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
sound-power-save-on-ac: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
sound-power-save-on-bat: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
source-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
source-filter: Serviços de controlando versão
source-module-closure: Expressões-G
speakersafetyd-configuration: Serviços de som
speakersafetyd-service-type: Serviços de som
special-files-service-type: Serviços básicos
special-use: Serviços de correio
specification->package: Usando o sistema de configuração
specifications->manifest: Escrevendo manifestos
specifications->packages: Usando o sistema de configuração
speed-limit-down: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
speed-limit-down-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
speed-limit-up: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
speed-limit-up-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
spice-vdagent-configuration: Serviços diversos
spice-vdagent-service-type: Serviços diversos
ssl: Serviços de mensageria
ssl: Serviços LDAP
ssl-ca: Serviços de correio
ssl-cert: Serviços de correio
ssl-cert-username-field: Serviços de correio
ssl-cipher-list: Serviços de correio
ssl-crypto-device: Serviços de correio
ssl-key: Serviços de correio
ssl-key-password: Serviços de correio
ssl-listen: Serviços de impressão
ssl-min-protocol: Serviços de correio
ssl-options: Serviços de impressão
ssl-require-crl?: Serviços de correio
ssl-verify-client-cert?: Serviços de correio
ssl?: Serviços de correio
ssl?: Serviços de correio
start-added-torrents?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
start-charge-thresh-bat0: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
start-charge-thresh-bat1: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
startx-command-service-type: X Window
state-pop: A mônada do armazém
state-push: A mônada do armazém
static-networking: Networking Setup
static-networking-service-type: Networking Setup
stop-charge-thresh-bat0: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
stop-charge-thresh-bat1: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
stop-wait-period: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
store-file-name?: Construir utilitários
strict-conformance?: Serviços de impressão
strict-export: Serviços de controlando versão
string: Serviços de correio
string: Serviços de controlando versão
strip-store-file-name: Construir utilitários
strongswan-configuration: Serviços VPN
strongswan-service-type: Serviços VPN
subid-range: Serviços diversos
subids-configuration: Serviços diversos
subids-extension: Serviços diversos
submission-host: Serviços de correio
subscription-private-access: Serviços de impressão
subscription-private-values: Serviços de impressão
subscriptions?: Serviços de correio
substitute*: Construir utilitários
sugar-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
sugar-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
summary-branches: Serviços de controlando versão
summary-log: Serviços de controlando versão
summary-tags: Serviços de controlando versão
svn-fetch: Referência do origin
svn-reference: Referência do origin
swap-space: Espaço de troca (swap)
sway-bar: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-border-color: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-color: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-configuration: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-configuration->file: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-input: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-mode: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
sway-output: Gerenciador de janelas Sway
symbolic-link?: Construir utilitários
sync-on-close?: Serviços de impressão
syncthing-config-file: Serviços de Rede
syncthing-configuration: Serviços de Rede
syncthing-device: Serviços de Rede
syncthing-folder: Serviços de Rede
syncthing-folder-device: Serviços de Rede
syncthing-service-type: Serviços de Rede
sysctl-configuration: Serviços diversos
sysctl-service-type: Serviços diversos
syslog-configuration: Serviços básicos
syslog-facility: Serviços de correio
syslog-service-type: Serviços básicos
system-group: Serviços de impressão
system-log-configuration: Serviços de Shepherd
system-service-type: Referência de Service

tailon-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
tailon-configuration-file: Serviços de monitoramento
tcp-port: Serviços de virtualização
temp-dir: Serviços de impressão
texlive-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
text-file: A mônada do armazém
text-file*: Expressões-G
thermald-configuration: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
thermald-service-type: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
this-operating-system: Referência do operating-system
this-package: Referência do package
threads: Serviços LDAP
timelimit: Serviços LDAP
timeout: Serviços de impressão
tlp: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
tlp-default-mode: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
tlp-enable?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
tlp-service-type: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
tls-allowed-dn-list: Serviços de virtualização
tls-cacertdir: Serviços LDAP
tls-cacertfile: Serviços LDAP
tls-cert: Serviços LDAP
tls-ciphers: Serviços LDAP
tls-key: Serviços LDAP
tls-no-sanity-cert: Serviços de virtualização
tls-no-verify-cert: Serviços de virtualização
tls-port: Serviços de virtualização
tls-priority: Serviços de virtualização
tls-randfile: Serviços LDAP
tls-reqcert: Serviços LDAP
tor-configuration: Serviços de Rede
tor-onion-service-configuration: Serviços de Rede
tor-service-type: Serviços de Rede
tor-transport-plugin: Serviços de Rede
transmission: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
transmission-daemon-configuration: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
transmission-daemon-service-type: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
transmission-password-hash: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
transmission-random-salt: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
trash-original-torrent-files?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
tree-sitter-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
trivial-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
type: Serviços de correio
type: Serviços de correio
type: Serviços de correio

udev-configuration: Serviços básicos
udev-hardware: Serviços básicos
udev-hardware-service: Serviços básicos
udev-rule: Serviços básicos
udev-rules-service: Serviços básicos
udev-service-type: Serviços básicos
udisks-configuration: Serviços de desktop
udisks-service-type: Serviços de desktop
uid: Serviços LDAP
umask: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
unattended-upgrade-configuration: Atualizações sem supervisão
unattended-upgrade-service-type: Atualizações sem supervisão
unbound-configuration: Serviços DNS
unbound-remote: Serviços DNS
unbound-server: Serviços DNS
unbound-service-type: Serviços DNS
unbound-zone: Serviços DNS
uncompressed-iso-image-type: image-type Reference
unix-sock-admin-perms: Serviços de virtualização
unix-sock-dir: Serviços de virtualização
unix-sock-group: Serviços de virtualização
unix-sock-ro-perms: Serviços de virtualização
unix-sock-rw-perms: Serviços de virtualização
unquote: Definindo pacotes
upload-slots-per-torrent: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
upower-configuration: Serviços de desktop
upower-service-type: Serviços de desktop
urandom-seed-service-type: Serviços básicos
uri: Serviços LDAP
url: Serviços de controlando versão
url-fetch: Referência do origin
usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
usb-autosuspend?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
usb-blacklist: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
usb-blacklist-wwan?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
usb-modeswitch-configuration: Networking Setup
usb-modeswitch-service-type: Networking Setup
usb-whitelist: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
use-libevent?: Serviços de mensageria
user: Serviços de impressão
user: Serviços de correio
user: Serviços de correio
user: Serviços de correio
user-account: Contas de usuário
user-group: Contas de usuário
userdbs: Serviços de correio
username: Serviços de correio
utp-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
uuid: Sistemas de arquivos
uuid: Sistemas de arquivos

valid-chroot-dirs: Serviços de correio
valid-path?: O armazém
validnames: Serviços LDAP
varnish-configuration: Serviços web
varnish-service-type: Serviços web
verbose: Serviços de correio
verbose-proctitle?: Serviços de correio
verbose-ssl?: Serviços de correio
verbosity: Usando Guix interativamente
verify: Serviços de mensageria
verifyext: Serviços de mensageria
vim-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
virtlog-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
virtual-build-machine: Serviços de virtualização
virtual-build-machine-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
virtual-root: Serviços de controlando versão
virtualhosts: Serviços de mensageria
vnstat-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
vnstat-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
vsz-limit: Serviços de correio

waf-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
watch-dir: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
watch-dir-enabled?: Serviços de compartilhamento de arquivos
web-interface?: Serviços de impressão
webssh-configuration: Serviços de Rede
webssh-service-type: Serviços de Rede
wesnothd-configuration: Serviços de jogos
wesnothd-service-type: Serviços de jogos
which: Construir utilitários
whoogle-configuration: Serviços web
whoogle-service-type: Serviços web
wifi-pwr-on-ac?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
wifi-pwr-on-bat?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
wireguard-configuration: Serviços VPN
wireguard-peer: Serviços VPN
wireguard-service-type: Serviços VPN
with-directory-excursion: Construir utilitários
with-extensions: Expressões-G
with-extensions: Expressões-G
with-imported-modules: Expressões-G
with-imported-modules: Expressões-G
with-monad: A mônada do armazém
with-parameters: Expressões-G
wol-disable?: Serviços de gerenciamento de energia
wpa-supplicant-configuration: Networking Setup
wpa-supplicant-service-type: Networking Setup
wrap-program: Construir utilitários
wrap-script: Construir utilitários
wsdd-configuration: Samba Services
wsdd-service-type: Samba Services
wsl2-image-type: image-type Reference

x86_64-linux: Supported Platforms
x86_64-linux-x32: Supported Platforms
x86_64-mingw: Supported Platforms
xe-guest-utilities-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
xe-guest-utilities-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
xen-guest-agent-configuration: Serviços de virtualização
xen-guest-agent-service-type: Serviços de virtualização
xfce-desktop-configuration: Serviços de desktop
xfce-desktop-service-type: Serviços de desktop
xorg-configuration: X Window
xorg-start-command: X Window
xorg-start-command-xinit: X Window
xtensa-ath9k-elf: Supported Platforms
xvnc-configuration: VNC Services
xvnc-service-type: VNC Services

yggdrasil-configuration: Serviços de Rede
yggdrasil-service-type: Serviços de Rede

zabbix-agent-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix-agent-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix-front-end-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix-front-end-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix-server-configuration: Serviços de monitoramento
zabbix-server-service-type: Serviços de monitoramento
zig-build-system: Sistemas de compilação
zone-entry: Serviços DNS
zone-file: Serviços DNS
zram-device-configuration: Serviços Linux
zram-device-service-type: Serviços Linux

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Notas de Rodapé


“Guix” é pronunciado como “geeks”, ou “ɡiːks” usando o alfabeto fonético internacional (IPA).


Costumávamos nos referir ao Guix System como “Guix System Distribution” ou “GuixSD”. Agora consideramos que faz mais sentido agrupar tudo sob o banner “Guix”, pois, afinal, o Guix System está prontamente disponível através do comando guix system, mesmo se você estiver usando uma distribuição diferente por baixo!


O termo “free” em “free software“ se refere à liberdade fornecida aos usuários desse software. A ambiguidade no termo em inglês não ocorre na tradução para português “livre“.


O suporte ao Hurd é atualmente limitado.



If your machine uses the systemd init system, copying the prefix/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service file to /etc/systemd/system will ensure that guix-daemon is automatically started. Similarly, if your machine uses the Upstart init system, copy the prefix/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf file to /etc/init.


“Principalmente” porque enquanto o conjunto de arquivos que aparece no /dev do chroot é corrigido, a maioria desses arquivos só pode ser criada se o hospedeiro os possuir.


Este recurso está disponível somente quando Guile-SSH está presente.


O tamanho do pacote glibc-locales é reduzido para cerca de 213 MiB com desduplicação de armazém e ainda mais para cerca de 67 MiB ao usar um sistema de arquivos Btrfs compactado em zstd.


Atualmente, o Guix System suporta apenas sistemas de arquivos ext4, btrfs, JFS, F2FS e XFS. Em particular, o código que lê UUIDs e rótulos do sistema de arquivos funciona apenas para esses tipos de sistema de arquivos.


Este exemplo funcionará para muitos tipos de sistemas de arquivos (por exemplo, ext4). No entanto, para sistemas de arquivos copy-on-write (por exemplo, btrfs), as etapas necessárias podem ser diferentes. Para detalhes, veja as páginas do manual para mkswap e swapon.


Se você não sabe o que é um DeLorean, considere viajar de volta para a década de 1980. (De Volta para o Futuro (1985))


Os commits do Git formam um gráfico acíclico direcionado (DAG). Cada commit pode ter zero ou mais pais; os commits “regulares” têm um pai e os commits de mesclagem têm dois commits pais. Leia Git para cientistas da computação para uma ótima visão geral.


Certifique-se de usar a opção --check na primeira vez que usar guix shell interativamente para garantir que o shell não desfaça o efeito de --pure.


Por exemplo, o pacote fontconfig inspeciona ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts por fontes adicionais.


Às vezes, os usuários aumentam incorretamente as variáveis de ambiente, como PATH em seu arquivo ~/.bashrc. Como consequência, quando guix environment o inicia, o Bash pode ler ~/.bashrc, introduzindo assim “impurezas” nessas variáveis de ambiente. É um erro definir essas variáveis de ambiente em .bashrc; em vez disso, elas devem ser definidas em .bash_profile, que é originado apenas por shells de login. Veja Bash Startup Files em Manual de referência do GNU Bash, para detalhes sobre os arquivos de inicialização do Bash.


Por exemplo, o pacote fontconfig inspeciona ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts por fontes adicionais.


Aqui vai um truque para memorizá-la: -RR, que adiciona suporte a PRoot, pode ser pensado como a abreviação de “Really Relocatable”. Legal, não é?


Observe que os pacotes sob o namespace do módulo (gnu packages …) não são necessariamente “pacotes GNU”. Este esquema de nomenclatura de módulos segue a convenção usual de nomenclatura de módulos Guile: gnu significa que esses módulos são distribuídos como parte do sistema GNU, e packages identifica módulos que definem pacotes.


Observe que o nome do arquivo e o nome do módulo devem corresponder. Por exemplo, o módulo (my-packages emacs) deve ser armazenado em um arquivo my-packages/emacs.scm relativo ao caminho de carregamento especificado com --load-path ou GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH. Veja Modules and the File System em Manual de Referência do GNU Guile, para detalhes.


We present a simplified view of those build phases, but do take a look at (guix build gnu-build-system) to see all the details!


Alternatively known as SGML catalog.


This operation is commonly referred to as “bind”, but that name denotes an unrelated procedure in Guile. Thus we use this somewhat cryptic symbol inherited from the Haskell language.


The term stratum in this context was coined by Manuel Serrano et al. in the context of their work on Hop. Oleg Kiselyov, who has written insightful essays and code on this topic, refers to this kind of code generation as staging.


More precisely, guix size looks for the ungrafted variant of the given package(s), as returned by guix build package --no-grafts. Veja Atualizações de segurança, for information on grafts.


This command is available only when Guile-SSH was found. Veja Requisitos, for details.


Remote sessions, when guix-daemon is started with --listen specifying a TCP endpoint, are not listed.


Currently only the Linux-libre kernel is fully supported. Using GNU mach with the GNU Hurd is experimental and only available when building a virtual machine disk image.


Note that, while it is tempting to use /dev/disk/by-uuid and similar device names to achieve the same result, this is not recommended: These special device nodes are created by the udev daemon and may be unavailable at the time the device is mounted.


The uuid form expects 16-byte UUIDs as defined in RFC 4122. This is the form of UUID used by the ext2 family of file systems and others, but it is different from “UUIDs” found in FAT file systems, for instance.


Note that the GNU Hurd makes no difference between the concept of a “mapped device” and that of a file system: both boil down to translating input/output operations made on a file to operations on its backing store. Thus, the Hurd implements mapped devices, like file systems, using the generic translator mechanism (veja Translators em The GNU Hurd Reference Manual).


Versions 2.23 and later of GNU libc will simply skip the incompatible locale data, which is already an improvement.


See the agetty(8) man page for more information.


D-Bus is an inter-process communication facility. Its system bus is used to allow system services to communicate and to be notified of system-wide events.


The most widespread example of time traps is test suites that involve checking the expiration date of a certificate. Such tests exists in TLS implementations such as OpenSSL and GnuTLS, but also in high-level software such as Python.


By creating the magic file git-daemon-export-ok in the repository directory.


Run man git-daemon for more information.


This action (and the related actions switch-generation and roll-back) are usable only on systems already running Guix System.


The database searched by man -k is only created in profiles that contain the man-db package.


No rule without exception! As the monolithic TeX Live does not contain the biber executable, it is okay to combine it with texlive-biber, which does.


Pacotes como gcc-2.95.3, binutils-2.14, glibc-2.2.5, gzip-1.2.4, tar-1.22 e alguns outros. Para detalhes, veja gnu/packages/commencement.scm.


Você pode notar o rótulo glibc-intermediate, sugerindo que ela não é completamente final, mas como uma boa aproximação, a consideraremos final.


As ligações do Guile para GnuTLS foram distribuídas como parte do GnuTLS até a versão 3.7.8 incluída.


Isso requer uma versão recente do Guix, de maio de 2024 ou mais recente.


O sinalizador -E para sudo garante que GUILE_LOAD_PATH esteja configurado corretamente para que guix-daemon e as ferramentas que ele usa possam encontrar os módulos Guile necessários.


Por esse motivo, os módulos (guix …) geralmente não devem depender dos módulos (gnu …), com exceções notáveis: os módulos (guix build-system …) podem procurar pacotes em tempo de execução — por exemplo, (guix build-system cmake) precisa acessar a variável cmake em tempo de execução —, (guix scripts …) geralmente dependem dos módulos (gnu …), e o mesmo vale para alguns dos módulos (guix import …) módulos.


Você pode marcar um issue como bloqueado por outro enviando um e-mail para com a seguinte linha no corpo do e-mail: block XXXXX by YYYYY. Onde XXXXX é o número do issue bloqueado, e YYYYY é o número do issue que o está bloqueando.


Mumi é um bom software escrito em Guile, e você pode ajudar! Veja


A lista de usertags é uma informação pública, e qualquer um pode modificar a lista de usertags de qualquer usuário, então tenha isso em mente se você escolher usar este recurso.


Veja para a lista atual de mantenedores. Você pode enviar um e-mail privado para eles em


The tendency to discuss minute details at length is often referred to as “bikeshedding”, where much time is spent discussing each one’s preference for the color of the shed at the expense of progress made on the project to keep bikes dry.


O trailer do Git ‘Reviewed-by’ é usado por outros projetos, como o Linux, e é compreendido por ferramentas de terceiros, como o subcomando ‘b4 am’, que é capaz de recuperar o tópico completo do e-mail de envio de uma instância de caixa de entrada pública e adicionar os trailers do Git encontrados nas respostas aos patches de confirmação.


Para mais detalhes sobre a transição do guix shell, consulte