Celebrating 10 years of Guix in Paris, 16–18 September

It’s been ten years of GNU Guix! To celebrate, and to share knowledge and enthusiasm, a birthday event will take place on September 16–18th, 2022, in Paris, France. The program is being finalized, but you can already register!

Update (2022-07-12): Preliminary program published!

10 year anniversary artwork

This is a community event with several twists to it:

Check out the web site and consider registering as soon as possible so we can better estimate the size of the birthday cake!

If you’re interested in presenting a topic, in facilitating a session, or in organizing a hackathon, please get in touch with the organizers at guix-birthday-event@gnu.org and we’ll be happy to make room for you. We’re also looking for people to help with logistics, in particular during the event; please let us know if you can give a hand.

Whether you’re a scientist, an enthusiast, or a power user, we’d love to see you in September. Stay tuned for updates!

About GNU Guix

GNU Guix is a transactional package manager and an advanced distribution of the GNU system that respects user freedom. Guix can be used on top of any system running the Hurd or the Linux kernel, or it can be used as a standalone operating system distribution for i686, x86_64, ARMv7, AArch64 and POWER9 machines.

In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management, per-user profiles, and garbage collection. When used as a standalone GNU/Linux distribution, Guix offers a declarative, stateless approach to operating system configuration management. Guix is highly customizable and hackable through Guile programming interfaces and extensions to the Scheme language.

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