Blog (第 6 頁,共 7 頁)
Back from DConf 2016
The DConf 2016 concluded. There is no video recording this time, but you can download the slides from Pjoter Prins' lightning talk, "GNU…
GNU Guix welcomes four students for GSoC
We are glad to announce that four students will join GNU Guix for the 2016 Google Summer of Code (GSoC): Efraim will hack a …
GNU Guix & GuixSD 0.10.0 released
We are pleased to announce the new beta release of GNU Guix and GuixSD, version 0.10.0! The release comes with USB installation images to install the…
It’s a feature that many users were waiting for: proper GNOME support in GuixSD. Good news: the forthcoming Guix and GuixSD release will give you…
Guix at LibrePlanet 2016
GNU hackers Christopher Allan Webber (whom you may know from the GNU MediaGoblin project ) and David Thompson will be co-presenting "Solving the Deployment Crisis with…
Join GNU Guix for GSoC
This year again the GNU Project is a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and Guix is participating under…
Timely delivery of security updates
Yesterday, a new version of OpenSSL was released , addressing several serious vulnerabilities, some of which are nicknamed "DROWN" . Like all free software distributions,…
Meet Guix at FOSDEM!
One week to FOSDEM ! This year, there will be no less than six Guix-related talks. This and the fact that we are addressing different…
GNU Guix talk in Boston, MA (USA) on January 20th
David Thompson will be giving a talk about Guix on January 20th at the BLU gathering at MIT in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). …
Guix starts fundraising campaign with support from the FSF
The GNU Guix project is glad to announce its first fundraising campaign, supported by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). As the FSF announced today , the campaign’s…
Service composition in GuixSD
GuixSD provides a declarative, stateless approach to operating system configuration management. In this context, the mechanism offered to select and compose system services is a crucial one.…
Reproducible builds: a means to an end
What we stand for GNU Guix is committed to improving the freedom and autonomy of computer users. This obviously manifests in the fact that GuixSD is…
GNU Guix 0.9.0 released
We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.9.0. The release comes with USB installation images to install the standalone…
GNU Guix talk in Rennes, France, November 9th
Ludovic Courtès will be giving a talk about GNU Guix and GuixSD in Rennes, France, on November 9th . The event is organized by the three…
Container provisioning with Guix
The upcoming release of GNU Guix will feature an implementation of Linux containers named, following Scheme conventions, call-with-container . Containers are a lightweight virtualization technique used…
Guix-Tox talk at PyConFR, October 17th
Bonjour ! Cyril Roelandt of Red Hat who works on OpenStack will be giving a talk about Guix-Tox at PyConFR in Pau, France, on October 17th.…
Chris Webber talks about Guix in Chicago, September 30th
Chris Webber of MediaGoblin fame will be giving two talks for the Chicago GNU/Linux User Group meeting on September 30th. The…
Porting Guix and GuixSD
Quite a lot has happened lately when it comes to porting Guix and GuixSD to other systems. A few weeks ago, Manolis Ragkousis announced…
GNU Guix 0.8.3 released
We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.8.3. The release comes with USB installation images to install the standalone…
GSoC update
This year Guix was lucky to have 3 GSoC projects , and they have made rather good progress so far: Manolis successfully completed…
Reproducible and User-Controlled Software Environments in HPC with Guix
Our paper entitled Reproducible and User-Controlled Software Environments in HPC with Guix was accepted for RepPar , a workshop on reproducibility in parallel computing: …
GNU Guix 0.8.2 released
We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.8.2. The release comes both with tarballs, which allow you to install…
GNU Guix talk at OpenTechSummit, Berlin, May 14th
Ricardo Wurmus will be giving a talk about GNU Guix and GuixSD at the OpenTechSummit in Berlin, Germany, on May 14th. The talk…
GNU Guix welcomes three students for GSoC
GNU Guix got 3 slots for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), as part of GNU, which participates as an organization. So we are pleased to welcome…
GNU Guix recruits for GSoC
This year again Guix participates in the Google Summer of Code under the umbrella of the GNU Project . If you are…
GNU Guix 0.8.1 released
We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.8.1. The release comes both with a source tarball, which allows you…
Guix will be present at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium, with a talk entitled "The Emacs of Distros" this Saturday, at 3PM, in room H.1302. The…
GNU Guix ported to ARM and other niceties of the new year
A new port of GNU Guix to ARM using the "hard float" ABI has just landed , thanks to the hard work of Mark H Weaver and…
GNU Guix 0.8 released
We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.8. The release comes both with a source tarball, which allows you…
Guix at the 2014 GNU Hackers Meeting
The Guix talk of this summer's GNU Hackers Meeting is now available (get the slides ). DOWNLOAD VIDEO (WebM, 60 minutes) …