GNU Guix is a package manager for GNU/Linux systems. It is designed to give users more control over their general-purpose and specialized computing environments, and make these easier to reproduce over time and deploy to one or many devices.
Kullanıcılara Kontrol Verin
Aynı makinedeki kullanıcılar, süper kullanıcı ayrıcalıklarına sahip olmadan, birbirlerinden bağımsız olarak kendi paketlerini yönetebilirler.
DAHA FAZLA BİLGİ EDİNÜretilebilir Çıktılar
Guix provides thousands of packages which include desktop environments, applications, system tools, programming languages and their data and other digital artifacts which work as the building blocks for creating reproducible shell environments, containers and systems for different computing needs.
One Language for Everything
Use Guile Scheme APIs, including high-level embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs) to define packages and whole-system configurations.
CHECK THE API WHAT'S GUILEAll of It, Free Software
Guix is a GNU Project—which respects the freedom of computer users. You are free to use, study, modify, and share Guix and all the packages it provides.
Get Guix
You can use Guix on top of any GNU/Linux distribution of your preference. It won't clash with your distro's package manager.
İNDİREğitim videoları
Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 3)
Ocak 28, 2025
Today we're looking at the results from the Contributor section of the Guix User and Contributor Survey (2024). The goal was to understand how people contribute to Guix…
Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 2)
Ocak 24, 2025
The results from the Guix User and Contributor Survey (2024) are in and we're digging into them in a series of posts! Check out the first post…
Meet Guix at FOSDEM
Ocak 21, 2025
Next week will be FOSDEM time for Guix! As in previous years , a sizable delegation of Guix community members will be in Brussels. Right before…
IRC Kanalı
Toplulukla GNU Guix hakkında sohbet etmek veya gerçek zamanlı yardım almak için Libera Chat IRC ağındaki #guix kanalına katılın. …
Bilgilendirme Posta Listesi
Proje yöneticileri tarafından gönderilen önemli duyuruları (İngilizce) almak için info-guix düşük trafikli posta listesine abone olun. …
Yardım Posta Listesi
GNU Guix topluluğundan e-posta yoluyla destek almak için Yardım posta listesine abone olun. İngilizce öncelikli olmak üzere diğer dillerde de mesaj gönderebilirsiniz. …