Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 1)

The results from the Guix User and Contributor Survey (2024) are in! This is the first time the Guix community has run this type of survey, and we're excited to share the results. The goal of the survey was to collect the views of both users and contributors, understanding how people adopt Guix, what they love and they're experiences contributing to the project.

There were 943 full responses to the survey, of this 53% were users and 32% were contributors. The table of survey participants is as follows:

Table 1: Participant breakdown
Previous user929.76
Previous contributor586.15

First, thank-you to everyone who made the effort to fill out the survey. For a volunteer community project it's fantastic to see over 900 people took part. It's notable that 150 people took the survey who were previous users or contributors — it's really great that people are willing to make this effort to share their experiences — thanks so much!

With this many participants we can see the range of view points and experience across our whole community, many of the comments were enlightening and are worth reading. There are links in many of the questions so anyone that's interested can go through them.

As the results are extensive I've split them into three separate posts, in this post we'll focus on the first 10 questions of the survey which focused on how users learnt about Guix and their experiences adopting it.

User backgrounds and experience

The survey started by asking participants, How knowledgeable a Linux are you? (Q1).

Table 2: Participant's Linux knowledge
Beginner (e.g. just getting started)182%
Explorer (e.g. comfortable installing it and using graphical apps)182%
Intermediate (e.g. comfortable with the command-line and configuring many aspects)44547%
Advanced (e.g. you correct the Arch Linux Wiki!)24826%
Expert (e.g. able to contribute to large Free Software projects!)21222%
No answer20.21%

Note that all the percentages in this table, and throughout the posts are rounded to make them easier to refer to.

Figure 1 shows this graphically:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU/Linux knowledge graph
Figure 1: Survey participants GNU/Linux knowledge

The next question (Q2) was, How long have you been using Guix?

Table 3: Guix experience
Less than 1 year24526%
Between 1 and 2 years21823%
Between 2 and 4 years23425%
More than 4 years16017%
I've stopped using Guix839%
No answer30.3%

Figure 2 shows these results as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix experience graph
Figure 2: Survey participants GNU Guix experience

These two questions already tell us some interesting things about Guix users:

Adopting Guix

The next few questions explored how participants adopted Guix. It's important that new users have a great adoption experience so they'll keep using Guix. Conversely, if the initial experience is too difficult, they may simply move onto something else without seeing it's benefits!

The first question asked, (Q4) Why were you initially interested in Guix?

This question tells us what users had heard about Guix, and what they discovered during their initial investigation. The answers could impact how the project talks about Guix's strengths and capabilities.

For this question users could select more than one answer and many did so. The most selected choice was "Declarative configuration" where 82% of participants were interested in Guix because it had this quality. The option "Scheme, Guile, and Lisp are cool" was second, where 72% of the survey's participants were intrigued by Guix because of this aspect. The "Reproducibility" choice came third with 70% interested in this capability. The detailed results were:

Table 4: Reason for adopting Guix
Reliability and transactions53757%
Declarative configuration77282%
Reproducible scientific workflows19921%
Fresh packages with latest versions20722%
Scheme, Guile and Lisp are cool67772%
Friendly community25627%
FSF certified project (100% Free Software)40443%
Alternative architectures (e.g. ARM)9010%
GNU Hurd12213%
Package management on another Linux distribution31934%
As a tool for packaging my own software26728%

There were 110 choices of 'Other' where participants could add their own comments, they're all available to read. Looking through them some themes came through:

The next question the survey asked was, Which aspect of Guix did you initially adopt? (Q5). This is users initial entry point into using Guix.

The detailed results were:

Table 5: Initial aspect of Guix adopted
Package manager on top of another Linux distro (guix package)33636%
Dotfiles and home environment management on another Linux distro (guix home)414%
Isolated development and runtime environments on another Linux distro (guix shell)586%
GNU/Linux distro as a graphical desktop (guix system)43446%
GNU/Linux distro as a server (guix system)475%
As a software build and deployment tool (guix image, guix package or guix deploy)162%

Figure 3 shows this as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix adoption bar chart
Figure 3: Guix initial adoption aspect

The summary is that almost 50% of users initially experienced Guix as a GNU/Linux distro: 44% in a graphical desktop configuration and a further 5% in a server configuration. Just over a third of users (36%) initial experience Guix as a package manager on top of another Linux distro. I found this surprising as I'd expected most users to use Guix as a hosted package manager first, what an interesting result! We can also see there's lots of room to develop Guix Home as an adoption path.

Adoption challenges

Adopting any new technology is difficult and time-consuming, so discovering what elements users find difficult is important. Q7 delved into this by asking, What were the biggest challenges getting started with Guix?

The results were:

Table 6: Adoption challenges
Installing Guix as a package manager on a GNU/Linux distribution808%
Installing Guix System as a full Linux distribution23625%
Level of Linux knowledge needed to use Guix10211%
Difficulties with the reference material (i.e. the manual)23625%
Shortage of how-to tutorials and videos29732%
Shortage of examples (e.g. examples of usage)43146%
Inexperience with Lisp syntax and/or Guile Scheme37440%
Differences between Guix's approach and other Linux distros32134%
It was so long ago I can't possibly remember!445%

Figure 4 shows this as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix adoption challenges bar chart
Figure 4: Guix adoption challenges

As we can see the biggest challenge is a Shortage of examples (e.g examples of usage). And, if we consider shortage of how-to tutorials (32%) to be similar then overall we can see there's a clear need for focused goal-orientated documentation with examples. Inexperience with Lisp syntax and or Guile Scheme and Differences between Guix's approach and other Linux distros both speak to the unique nature of Guix and the approach it takes: perhaps there are implications for how Guix's tooling can make initial adoption as easy as possible.

There were 218 comments, which are worth reading through. I've summarised them into broad themes:

Adoption satisfaction score

The survey asked (Q6), How satisfied were you with your experience adopting Guix?

This question explores the users overall satisfaction with the initial steps of researching, installing and initially using Guix. The question asked the participant to score their satisfaction on one of 5 levels.

Table 7: Guix adoption satisfaction
Very Dissatisfied222%
Very Satisfied22624%
Can't remember202%

See Figure 5 for a visual representation:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix initial adoption satisfaction score
Figure 5: Guix initial adoption satisfaction bar chart

This is probably the most important question in the entire survey when it comes to growing the number of Guix users. Overall, it's positive with Very Satisfied (24%) and Satisfied (43%) meaning that the majority of users are happy with their initial experience. The comments above show there's lots of room to find small ways to move users initial experience from Satisfied to being overjoyed! Unfortunately, on the other end of the scale 14% of users who were unhappy and the 16% neutral show some of the bigger challenges!

Which GNU/Linux distribution do you use Guix on?

As we saw earlier just over a third of users (36%) initial adopt Guix as a package manager on top of another GNU/Linux distribution. Question 8 asked, Which GNU/Linux distribution did you use Guix on top of?

The results:

Table 8: Hosting Linux distributions
Alpine Linux90.95%
Arch Linux818.59%
Fedora Linux333.50%
Gentoo Linux192.01%

I errored when creating this question and somehow missed out Debian! Over 117 answers in the 'Other' category said Debian so it's the most popular distribution to use Guix on, Ubuntu is second (111) and then Arch Linux was third (81). There were also plenty of mentions of OpenSUSE, RHEL/CentOS and Void Linux.

Why did you stop using Guix?

Question 9 was targeted at those that had previously used Guix but had stopped. It asked, You previously used Guix but stopped, why?

This was a comment question and we got some fantastic answers. There were 147 comments from participants, which lines up well with the 150 people who took the survey and classed themselves as a 'Previous user' or 'Previous contributor'.

This was a free form text answer, the full comment are well worth a read through . As before I've clustered the comments into themes:

As we can see there are a wide variety of reasons why users stopped using Guix, many of them are similar to the challenges that many users find, but they're even more powerfully felt by these users. It's really useful to have these themes and comments captured, as contributors may be able to pick up some of these issues and work to resolve them!

How important is Guix?

Focusing back on all users, the next question was, (Q10) How important is Guix in your computing environment?

There was a good range of answers:

Table 9: Adoption challenges
Not using9710%
Slightly important14716%
Moderately important19421%

A visual representation:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix's importance in users computing environments bar chart
Figure 6: Guix's importance in users computing environments

This is an interesting mixture which is probably reflective of many new users, and how Guix is used as a package manager on top of another distribution. Over a third of users consider it to be essential/important where it would be difficult to replace, while the bottom third are tinkering or exploring it.

Some thoughts

We've looked at the first 10 questions of the survey which covered the composition of the Guix community, initial adoption and satisfaction, and challenges that led to users moving away from Guix. The first thing to say is how fantastic the response has been to the survey, it's amazing to have over 900 participants!

Some big take-aways:

The next post will cover more of the survey — which parts of Guix are most used, what sorts of deployments are being used, architectures and drivers details, and how users view contributing to the project financially.

Похожие темы:

Community User Survey

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