Guix Days 2024 and FOSDEM recap

Guix contributors and users got together in Brussels to explore Guix's status, chat about new ideas and spend some time together enjoying Belgian beer! Here's a recap of what was discussed.

Day 1

The first day kicked off with an update on the project's health, given by Efraim Flashner representing the project's Maintainer collective. Efraim relayed that the project is doing well, with lots of exciting new features coming into the archive and new users taking part. It was really cool listening to all the new capabilities - thank-you to all our volunteer contributors who are making Guix better! Efraim noted that the introduction of Teams has improved collaboration - equally, that there's plenty of areas we can improve. For example, concern remains over the "bus factor" in key areas like infrastructure. There's also a desire to release more often as this provides an updated installer and lets us talk about new capabilities.

Christopher Baines gave a general talk about the QA infrastructure and the ongoing work to develop automated builds. Chris showed a diagram of the way the services interact which shows how complex it is. Increasing automation is very valuable for users and contributors, as it removes tedious and unpleasant drudgery!

Then, Julien Lepiller, representing the Guix Foundation, told us about the work it does. Julien also brought some great stickers! The Guix Foundation is a non-profit association that can receive donations, host activities and support the Guix project. Did you know that it's simple and easy to join? Anyone can do so by simply filling in the form and paying the 10 Euro membership fee. Contact the Guix Foundation if you'd like to know more.

The rest of the day was taken up with small groups discussing topics:

Day 2

The second day's sessions:

FOSDEM 2024 videos

Guix Days 2024 took place just before FOSDEM 2024. FOSDEM was a fantastic two days of interesting talks and conversations. If you'd like to watch the GUIX-related talks the videos are being put online:

Join Us

There's lots happening in Guix and many ways to get involved. We're a small and friendly project that values user freedom and a welcoming community. If this recap has inspired your interest, take a look at the raw notes and join us!

Argomenti correlati:

Community FOSDEM Guix Days Talks

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