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11.10.27 Integración continua

Cuirass is a continuous integration tool for Guix. It can be used both for development and for providing substitutes to others (see Sustituciones).

El módulo (gnu services cuirass) proporciona el siguiente servicio.

Procedimiento: cuirass-service-type

El tipo del servicio Cuirass. Su valor debe ser un objeto cuirass-configuration, como se describe a continuación.

To add build jobs, you have to set the specifications field of the configuration. For instance, the following example will build all the packages provided by the my-channel channel.

(define %cuirass-specs
  #~(list (specification
           (name 'my-channel)
           (build '(channels my-channel))
            (cons (channel
                   (name 'my-channel)
                   (url "https://my-channel.git"))

(service cuirass-service-type
          (specifications %especificacion-de-cuirass)))

To build the linux-libre package defined by the default Guix channel, one can use the following configuration.

(define %cuirass-specs
  #~(list (specification
           (name 'my-linux)
           (build '(packages "linux-libre")))))

(service cuirass-service-type
          (specifications %especificacion-de-cuirass)))

The other configuration possibilities, as well as the specification record itself are described in the Cuirass manual (see Specifications in Cuirass).

Mientras que la información de los trabajos de construcción se encuentra directamente en las especificaciones, la configuración global del proceso cuirass está accesible en otros campos de cuirass-configuration.

Tipo de datos: cuirass-configuration

Tipo de datos que representa la configuración de Cuirass.

cuirass (predeterminado: cuirass)

El paquete Cuirass usado.

log-file (predeterminado: "/var/log/cuirass.log")

Localización del archivo de registro.

web-log-file (predeterminado: "/var/log/cuirass-web.log")

Localización del archivo de registro usado por la interfaz web.

cache-directory (predeterminado: "/var/cache/cuirass")

Localización de la caché del repositorio.

user (predeterminado: "cuirass")

Propietaria del proceso cuirass.

group (predeterminado: "cuirass")

Grupo propietario del proceso cuirass.

interval (predeterminado: 60)

Número de segundos entre las consulta de repositorios seguida de los trabajos de Cuirass.

ttl (default: 2592000)

Duration to keep build results’ GC roots alive, in seconds.

threads (default: #f)

Number of kernel threads to use for Cuirass. The default value should be appropriate for most cases.

parameters (default: #f)

Read parameters from the given parameters file. The supported parameters are described here (see Parameters in Cuirass).

remote-server (default: #f)

A cuirass-remote-server-configuration record to use the build remote mechanism or #f to use the default build mechanism.

database (default: "dbname=cuirass host=/var/run/postgresql")

Use database as the database containing the jobs and the past build results. Since Cuirass uses PostgreSQL as a database engine, database must be a string such as "dbname=cuirass host=localhost".

port (predeterminado: 8081)

Número de puerto usado por el servidor HTTP.

host (predeterminado: "localhost")

Escucha en la interfaz de red de la dirección host. El comportamiento predeterminado es aceptar conexiones desde la red local.

specifications (predeterminada: #~'())

A gexp (see Expresiones-G) that evaluates to a list of specifications records. The specification record is described in the Cuirass manual (see Specifications in Cuirass).

one-shot? (predeterminado: #f)

Evalúa las especificaciones y construye las derivaciones solo una vez.

fallback? (predeterminado: #f)

Cuando la sustitución de un binario preconstruido falle, se intentará la construcción local de los paquetes.

extra-options (predeterminadas: '())

Extra options to pass when running the cuirass register process.

web-extra-options (default: '())

Extra options to pass when running the cuirass web process.

Cuirass remote building

Cuirass supports two mechanisms to build derivations.

To enable this build mode a cuirass-remote-server-configuration record must be passed as remote-server argument of the cuirass-configuration record. The cuirass-remote-server-configuration record is described below.

This build mode scales way better than the default build mode. This is the build mode that is used on the GNU Guix build farm at It should be preferred when using Cuirass to build large amount of packages.

Data Type: cuirass-remote-server-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-server.

backend-port (default: 5555)

The TCP port for communicating with remote-worker processes using ZMQ. It defaults to 5555.

log-port (default: 5556)

The TCP port of the log server. It defaults to 5556.

publish-port (default: 5557)

The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to 5557.

log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass-remote-server.log")

Localización del archivo de registro.

cache (default: "/var/cache/cuirass/remote")

Use cache directory to cache build log files.

log-expiry (default: 6 months)

The duration in seconds after which build logs collected by cuirass remote-worker may be deleted.

trigger-url (default: #f)

Once a substitute is successfully fetched, trigger substitute baking at trigger-url.

publish? (predeterminado: #t)

If set to false, do not start a publish server and ignore the publish-port argument. This can be useful if there is already a standalone publish server standing next to the remote server.


Usa los archivos específicos como el par de claves pública y privada usadas para firmar los elementos del almacén publicados.

At least one remote worker must also be started on any machine of the local network to actually perform the builds and report their status.

Data Type: cuirass-remote-worker-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-worker.

cuirass (predeterminado: cuirass)

El paquete Cuirass usado.

workers (default: 1)

Start workers parallel workers.

server (predeterminada: #f)

Do not use Avahi discovery and connect to the given server IP address instead.

systems (default: (list (%current-system)))

Only request builds for the given systems.

log-file (default: "/var/log/cuirass-remote-worker.log")

Localización del archivo de registro.

publish-port (default: 5558)

The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to 5558.

substitute-urls (predeterminado: %default-substitute-urls)

La lista de URLs donde se buscarán sustituciones por defecto.


Usa los archivos específicos como el par de claves pública y privada usadas para firmar los elementos del almacén publicados.


Laminar is a lightweight and modular Continuous Integration service. It doesn’t have a configuration web UI instead uses version-controllable configuration files and scripts.

Laminar encourages the use of existing tools such as bash and cron instead of reinventing them.

Variable: laminar-service-type

The type of the Laminar service. Its value must be a laminar-configuration object, as described below.

All configuration values have defaults, a minimal configuration to get Laminar running is shown below. By default, the web interface is available on port 8080.

Data Type: laminar-configuration

Data type representing the configuration of Laminar.

laminar (default: laminar)

The Laminar package to use.

home-directory (default: "/var/lib/laminar")

The directory for job configurations and run directories.

supplementary-groups (default: ())

Supplementary groups for the Laminar user account.

bind-http (default: "*:8080")

The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming connections to the web frontend.

bind-rpc (default: "unix-abstract:laminar")

The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming commands such as build triggers.

title (default: "Laminar")

The page title to show in the web frontend.

keep-rundirs (default: 0)

Set to an integer defining how many rundirs to keep per job. The lowest-numbered ones will be deleted. The default is 0, meaning all run dirs will be immediately deleted.

archive-url (default: #f)

The web frontend served by laminard will use this URL to form links to artefacts archived jobs.

base-url (default: #f)

Base URL to use for links to laminar itself.

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