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13.3.6 Secure Shell

The OpenSSH package includes a client, the ssh command, that allows you to connect to remote machines using the SSH (secure shell) protocol. With the (gnu home services ssh) module, you can set up OpenSSH so that it works in a predictable fashion, almost independently of state on the local machine. To do that, you instantiate home-openssh-service-type in your Home configuration, as explained below.

Variable: home-openssh-service-type

This is the type of the service to set up the OpenSSH client. It takes care of several things:

  • providing a ~/.ssh/config file based on your configuration so that ssh knows about hosts you regularly connect to and their associated parameters;
  • providing a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, which lists public keys that the local SSH server, sshd, may accept to connect to this user account;
  • optionally providing a ~/.ssh/known_hosts file so that ssh can authenticate hosts you connect to.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-openssh-service-type
           (list (openssh-host (name "")
                               (user "charlie"))
                 (openssh-host (name "chbouib")
                               (host-name "")
                               (user "supercharlie")
                               (port 10022))))
          (authorized-keys (list (local-file "")))))

The example above lists two hosts and their parameters. For instance, running ssh chbouib will automatically connect to on port 10022, logging in as user ‘supercharlie’. Further, it marks the public key in as authorized for incoming connections.

The value associated with a home-openssh-service-type instance must be a home-openssh-configuration record, as describe below.

Data Type: home-openssh-configuration

This is the datatype representing the OpenSSH client and server configuration in one’s home environment. It contains the following fields:

hosts (default: '())

A list of openssh-host records specifying host names and associated connection parameters (see below). This host list goes into ~/.ssh/config, which ssh reads at startup.

known-hosts (default: *unspecified*)

This must be either:

  • *unspecified*, in which case home-openssh-service-type leaves it up to ssh and to the user to maintain the list of known hosts at ~/.ssh/known_hosts, or
  • a list of file-like objects, in which case those are concatenated and emitted as ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

The ~/.ssh/known_hosts contains a list of host name/host key pairs that allow ssh to authenticate hosts you connect to and to detect possible impersonation attacks. By default, ssh updates it in a TOFU, trust-on-first-use fashion, meaning that it records the host’s key in that file the first time you connect to it. This behavior is preserved when known-hosts is set to *unspecified*.

If you instead provide a list of host keys upfront in the known-hosts field, your configuration becomes self-contained and stateless: it can be replicated elsewhere or at another point in time. Preparing this list can be relatively tedious though, which is why *unspecified* is kept as a default.

authorized-keys (default: #false)

The default #false value means: Leave any ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file alone. Otherwise, this must be a list of file-like objects, each of which containing an SSH public key that should be authorized to connect to this machine.

Concretely, these files are concatenated and made available as ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. If an OpenSSH server, sshd, is running on this machine, then it may take this file into account: this is what sshd does by default, but be aware that it can also be configured to ignore it.

add-keys-to-agent (default: no)

This string specifies whether keys should be automatically added to a running ssh-agent. If this option is set to yes and a key is loaded from a file, the key and its passphrase are added to the agent with the default lifetime, as if by ssh-add. If this option is set to ask, ssh will require confirmation. If this option is set to confirm, each use of the key must be confirmed. If this option is set to no, no keys are added to the agent. Alternately, this option may be specified as a time interval to specify the key’s lifetime in ssh-agent, after which it will automatically be removed. The argument must be no, yes, confirm (optionally followed by a time interval), ask or a time interval.

Data Type: openssh-host

Available openssh-host fields are:

name (type: string)

Name of this host declaration. A openssh-host must define only name or match-criteria. Use host-name \"*\" for top-level options.

host-name (type: maybe-string)

Host name—e.g., "" or "".

match-criteria (type: maybe-match-criteria)

When specified, this string denotes the set of hosts to which the entry applies, superseding the host-name field. Its first element must be all or one of ssh-match-keywords. The rest of the elements are arguments for the keyword, or other criteria. A openssh-host must define only name or match-criteria. Other host configuration options will apply to all hosts matching match-criteria.

address-family (type: maybe-address-family)

Address family to use when connecting to this host: one of AF_INET (for IPv4 only), AF_INET6 (for IPv6 only). Additionally, the field can be left unset to allow any address family.

identity-file (type: maybe-string)

The identity file to use—e.g., "/home/charlie/.ssh/id_ed25519".

port (type: maybe-natural-number)

TCP port number to connect to.

user (type: maybe-string)

User name on the remote host.

forward-x11? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to forward remote client connections to the local X11 graphical display.

forward-x11-trusted? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether remote X11 clients have full access to the original X11 graphical display.

forward-agent? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether the authentication agent (if any) is forwarded to the remote machine.

compression? (type: maybe-boolean)

Whether to compress data in transit.

proxy (type: maybe-proxy-command-or-jump-list)

The command to use to connect to the server or a list of SSH hosts to jump through before connecting to the server. The field may be set to either a proxy-command or a list of proxy-jump records.

As an example, a proxy-command to connect via an HTTP proxy at would be constructed with: (proxy-command "nc -X connect -x %h %p").

Data Type: proxy-jump

Available proxy-jump fields are:

user (type: maybe-string)

User name on the remote host.

host-name (type: string)

Host name—e.g., or

port (type: maybe-natural-number)

TCP port number to connect to.

host-key-algorithms (type: maybe-string-list)

The list of accepted host key algorithms—e.g., '("ssh-ed25519").

accepted-key-types (type: maybe-string-list)

The list of accepted user public key types.

extra-content (default: "") (type: raw-configuration-string)

Extra content appended as-is to this Host block in ~/.ssh/config.

The parcimonie service runs a daemon that slowly refreshes a GnuPG public key from a keyserver. It refreshes one key at a time; between every key update parcimonie sleeps a random amount of time, long enough for the previously used Tor circuit to expire. This process is meant to make it hard for an attacker to correlate the multiple key update.

As an example, here is how you would configure parcimonie to refresh the keys in your GnuPG keyring, as well as those keyrings created by Guix, such as when running guix import:

(service home-parcimonie-service-type
           (refresh-guix-keyrings? #t)))

This assumes that the Tor anonymous routing daemon is already running on your system. On Guix System, this can be achieved by setting up tor-service-type (see tor-service-type).

The service reference is given below.

Variable: parcimonie-service-type

This is the service type for parcimonie (Parcimonie’s web site). Its value must be a home-parcimonie-configuration, as shown below.

Data Table: home-parcimonie-configuration

Available home-parcimonie-configuration fields are:

parcimonie (default: parcimonie) (type: file-like)

The parcimonie package to use.

verbose? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether to have more verbose logging from the service.

gnupg-already-torified? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Whether GnuPG is already configured to pass all traffic through Tor.

refresh-guix-keyrings? (default: #f) (type: boolean)

Guix creates a few keyrings in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, such as when running guix import (see Invocación de guix import). Setting this to #t will also refresh any keyrings which Guix has created.

extra-content (default: #f) (type: raw-configuration-string)

Raw content to add to the parcimonie command.

The OpenSSH package includes a daemon, the ssh-agent command, that manages keys to connect to remote machines using the SSH (secure shell) protocol. With the (gnu home services ssh) service, you can configure the OpenSSH ssh-agent to run upon login. See home-gpg-agent-service-type, for an alternative to OpenSSH’s ssh-agent.

Here is an example of a service and its configuration that you could add to the services field of your home-environment:

(service home-ssh-agent-service-type
          (extra-options '("-t" "1h30m"))))
Variable: home-ssh-agent-service-type

This is the type of the ssh-agent home service, whose value is a home-ssh-agent-configuration object.

Data Type: home-ssh-agent-configuration

Available home-ssh-agent-configuration fields are:

openssh (default: openssh) (type: file-like)

The OpenSSH package to use.

socket-directory (default: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent") (type: gexp)

The directory to write the ssh-agent’s socket file.

extra-options (predeterminadas: '())

Extra options will be passed to ssh-agent, please run man ssh-agent for more information.

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