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While the Guix manual explains auto-login one user to all TTYs
(see auto-login to TTY in GNU Guix Reference Manual), some might
prefer a situation, in which one user is logged into one TTY with the other
TTYs either configured to login different users or no one at all. Note that
one can auto-login one user to any TTY, but it is usually advisable to avoid
, which, by default, is used to log warnings and errors.
Here is how one might set up auto login for one user to one tty:
(define (auto-login-to-tty config tty user) (if (string=? tty (mingetty-configuration-tty config)) (mingetty-configuration (inherit config) (auto-login user)) config)) (define %my-services (modify-services %base-services ;; … (mingetty-service-type config => (auto-login-to-tty config "tty3" "alice")))) (operating-system ;; … (services %my-services))
One could also compose
(see Higher-Order Functions in The
Guile Reference Manual) auto-login-to-tty
to login multiple users to
multiple ttys.
Finally, here is a note of caution. Setting up auto login to a TTY, means that anyone can turn on your computer and run commands as your regular user. However, if you have an encrypted root partition, and thus already need to enter a passphrase when the system boots, auto-login might be a convenient option.