If you’d like to install Guix System in a virtual machine (VM) or on a virtual private server (VPS) rather than on your beloved machine, this section is for you.
To boot a QEMU VM for installing Guix System in a disk image, follow these steps:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 guix-system.img 50G
The resulting file will be much smaller than 50 GB (typically less than 1 MB), but it will grow as the virtualized storage device is filled up.
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 -enable-kvm \ -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci -boot menu=on,order=d \ -drive file=guix-system.img \ -drive media=cdrom,readonly=on,file=guix-system-install-7239eb8.system.iso
is optional, but significantly improves performance,
see Running Guix in a Virtual Machine.
Once installation is complete, you can boot the system that’s on your guix-system.img image. See Running Guix in a Virtual Machine, for how to do that.