Acima: image Reference   [Conteúdo][Índice]

16.1.1 partition Reference

In image record may contain some partitions.

Data Type: partition

This is the data type representing an image partition.

size (default: 'guess)

The partition size in bytes or 'guess. The 'guess symbol, which is the default, means that the partition size will be inferred based on the partition content.

offset (default: 0)

The partition’s start offset in bytes, relative to the image start or the previous partition end. It defaults to 0 which means that there is no offset applied.

file-system (default: "ext4")

The partition file system as a string, defaulting to "ext4".

The supported values are "vfat", "fat16", "fat32", "btrfs", and "ext4".

"vfat", "fat16", and "fat32" partitions without the 'esp flag are by default LBA compatible.

file-system-options (default: '())

The partition file system creation options that should be passed to the partition creation tool, as a list of strings. This is only supported when creating "vfat", "fat16", "fat32" or "ext4" partitions.

See the "extended-options" man page section of the "mke2fs" tool for a more complete reference.


The partition label as a mandatory string, "my-root" for instance.

uuid (default: #false)

The partition UUID as an uuid record (veja Sistemas de arquivos). By default it is #false, which means that the partition creation tool will attribute a random UUID to the partition.

flags (default: '())

The partition flags as a list of symbols. Possible values are 'boot and 'esp. The 'boot flags should be set if you want to boot from this partition. Exactly one partition should have this flag set, usually the root one. The 'esp flag identifies a UEFI System Partition.

initializer (default: #false)

The partition initializer procedure as a gexp. This procedure is called to populate a partition. If no initializer is passed, the initialize-root-partition procedure from the (gnu build image) module is used.

Acima: image Reference   [Conteúdo][Índice]