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5.3.2 Autorización de servidores de sustituciones

To allow Guix to download substitutes from, or a mirror, you must add the relevant public key to the access control list (ACL) of archive imports, using the guix archive command (see Invocación de guix archive). Doing so implies that you trust the substitute server to not be compromised and to serve genuine substitutes.

Nota: If you are using Guix System, you can skip this section: Guix System authorizes substitutes from and by default.

The public keys for each of the project maintained substitute servers are installed along with Guix, in prefix/share/guix/, where prefix is the installation prefix of Guix. If you installed Guix from source, make sure you checked the GPG signature of guix-678b3dd.tar.gz, which contains this public key file. Then, you can run something like this:

# guix archive --authorize < prefix/share/guix/
# guix archive --authorize < prefix/share/guix/

Una vez esté autorizada, la salida de una orden como guix build debería cambiar de algo como:

$ guix build emacs --dry-run
Se construirían las siguientes derivaciones:

a algo así:

$ guix build emacs --dry-run
Se descargarían 112.3 MB:

The text changed from “The following derivations would be built” to “112.3 MB would be downloaded”. This indicates that substitutes from the configured substitute servers are usable and will be downloaded, when possible, for future builds.

El mecanismo de sustituciones puede ser desactivado globalmente ejecutando guix-daemon con --no-subsitutes (see Invocación de guix-daemon). También puede ser desactivado temporalmente pasando la opción --no-substitutes a guix package, guix build y otras herramientas de línea de órdenes.

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