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5.3 Custom NAT-based network for libvirt

As mentioned in the preceding section (see Routed network for libvirt), libvirt allows virtual networks to be defined via XML files and managed by the virsh command. The details of the creation and removal of virtual network switches are handled by libvirt, so the user does not have to deal with them.

However, libvirt’s handling of virtual network switches can sometimes clash with more complex networking setups. In particular, the iptables rules inserted by libvirt for switches operating in the NAT mode can clash with existing iptables/nftables rules, leading to insecure or broken packet filtering.

In such cases, the only solution is to manually set up a virtual network switch. This section will provide instructions on how to do so using Guix System services.

5.3.1 Creating the virtual network bridge

The static-networking-service-type can be used to create a virtual network bridge and assign an IP address to it:

(service static-networking-service-type
         (list (static-networking
                ;; The default provision is 'networking; if you're using any
                ;; other service with this provision, such as
                ;; `network-manager-service-type`, then you need to change the
                ;; default.
                (provision '(static-networking))
                 (list (network-link
                        (name "virbr0")
                        (type 'bridge)
                        (arguments '()))))
                 (list (network-address
                        (device "virbr0")
                        (value "")))))))

5.3.2 Running dnsmasq for the virtual network bridge

The dnsmasq-service-type can be used to provide DNS and DHCP for guests connected to this virtual network switch:

(service dnsmasq-service-type
          ;; You can have multiple instances of `dnsmasq-service-type` as long
          ;; as each one has a different provision.
          (provision '(dnsmasq-virbr0))
          (extra-options (list
                          ;; Only bind to the virtual bridge. This
                          ;; avoids conflicts with other running
                          ;; dnsmasq instances.
                          ;; IPv4 addresses to offer to VMs. This
                          ;; should match the chosen subnet.

5.3.3 Configuring NAT for the virtual network switch

If you intend to use the virtual network switch in NAT mode, you will need to use nftables (or iptables) rules to set up IP masquerading. The following example shows how to use nftables-service-type to do this:

(service nftables-service-type
           (plain-file "nftables.conf"
table inet filter {

  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
    # Add your existing packet filtering rules here...
    iifname virbr0 udp dport 67 counter accept comment \"allow dhcp on virbr0\"
    iifname virbr0 meta l4proto {tcp, udp} th dport 53 accept \\
        comment \"allow dns on virbr0\"

  chain forward {
    type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
    # Add your existing forwarding rules here...
    iifname virbr0 accept comment \"allow outbound traffic from virbr0\"
    oifname virbr0 ct state {established, related } accept \\
        comment \"allow established traffic to virbr0\"


table inet nat {
  chain postrouting {
    type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
    # Add your existing nat rules here...
    iifname virbr0 ip daddr {, } return \\
        comment \"don't masquerade to reserved address blocks\"
    iifname virbr0 oifname != virbr0 masquerade \\
        comment \"masquerade all outgoing traffic from VMs\"

Ensure that you have IPv4 forwarding enabled (you can use sysctl-service-type for this).

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